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IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, April 20, 2022

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beginning of new day, April 20

00:00 activelow; it is the _technical_ qualities of this

00:00 SomeH4x0r; most people from UplinkIRC who bother to install proper IRC client usually don't stay for long, so idk

00:00 matey; the thing is, you cant do some languages without it

00:00 activelow; besides the political nuance

00:00 matey; i mean you could if you forket it

00:00 matey; but like, if you want to do arabic. or hindi.

00:00 matey; good luck without harfbuzz

00:00 matey; and i fucking hate it

00:00 activelow; to keep X11 with a terminal emulator, i chose an rxvt fork, which even got CJK, and greek if desired

00:00 SomeH4x0r; a few days most of the time

00:00 matey; its github. its anti-rms (like gnupg)

00:01 matey; obviously in the vt harfbuzz serves no purpose

00:01 SomeH4x0r; what did GnuPG do against rms?

00:01 matey; as far as i know... this means the vt cannot do arabic or hindi. which is quite interesting imo

00:01 activelow; now, please, explain to me, why arab/farsi/hindi require harfbuzz/c++ and sabotated GTK2/3 with it

00:01 matey; <SomeH4x0r> what did GnuPG do against rms? <- nothing, just koch did

00:01 matey; first, he stabbed stallman in the back

00:01 matey; then, he stabbed gnu in the back

00:02 activelow; appropos GPG, i kept v1.4 of it, and blacklisted gpg-2

00:02 matey; does that work? security wise?

00:02 SomeH4x0r; is Koch the leader of the project or someone else?

00:02 matey; is Koch the leader of the project <- very much so!

00:02 activelow; yes matey, and integration with the software i chose is perfect

00:03 matey; but the point is, i still have gnupg in my fork of the fsd (under protest)

00:03 matey; because we actually need it

00:03 matey; similarly, if you want to write in hindi

00:03 matey; you need harfbuzz

00:03 matey; which i fucking hate

00:04 matey; but i can find no way around it. maybe some clever person can, godspeed

00:04 activelow; to write hindi, it must be implemented without any c++ dependency graph

00:04 activelow; which greek and cjk could too

00:04 matey; to write hindi, it must be implemented without any c++ dependency graph <- only for you, you know

00:04 matey; i mean, i appreciate what youre doing wrt c++

00:04 matey; but i havent personally blacklisted it yet, you know

00:04 activelow; c++ is only one acceptance criteria, besides the chaos inside GTK2/3

00:04 matey; like the real problem here is gcc AND llvm

00:05 *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)

00:05 *psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)

00:05 activelow; and for the hindi/farsi whatnot support, GTK2/3 was sabotaged

00:05 matey; besides the chaos inside GTK2/3 <- well, wrt gtk 2/3

00:05 matey; i wont do gtk4 except for 3 applications.

00:05 matey; thats it

00:05 matey; the rest are dead

00:05 matey; i dont like gtk3, id rather use gtk2.

00:05 matey; and id rather not use gtk2, but a fork of it might be ok if it ever moves the fuck off github

00:05 activelow; reminder, GTK devs did implement gobject to _avoid_ c++; and then one maniac screwed harfbuzz into, and with it two decades of man power are void

00:06 matey; reminder, GTK devs did implement gobject to _avoid_ c++ <- i mean, gnome is fuckity fucking fuck, to put it nicely

00:06 activelow; not GNOME, GTK

00:06 matey; gtk shouldnt be gnome, wasnt gnome, it is now

00:06 matey; listen, theyre the same thing now

00:07 activelow; i mean, QT4/5 were gone already, and i hoped for GTK2/3 could remain

00:07 matey; no gtk without gnome (anymore) unless its mate

00:07 matey; i mean, QT4/5 were gone already, and i hoped for GTK2/3 could remain <- i hear you

00:07 activelow; and i still think it is possible to fix this issue, yet it is too many to cope with

00:07 matey; its a fucking disaster

00:07 matey; and i still think it is possible to fix this issue <- SO DO I, fuck knows how, but somehow, yes

00:07 activelow; i had wanted to hack TinyCC many weeks ago already... see the shit i have to cope with instead

00:07 matey; yes, i hear you

00:07 matey; even those who criticise you on the details must know

00:08 matey; the overall picture is about as ridiculous as you say

00:08 matey; maybe not exactly the same, but

00:08 matey; if any of my associates ask me, ill tell them

00:08 matey; the overall picture is more or less like you say

00:08 matey; with some caveats

00:08 matey; i mean if you can nitpick i can nitpick

00:08 matey; but its a disaster, just as you say

00:09 TR News; My 3 weeks with the SlimeVR open source full-body tracker gemini://gemini.clehaxze.tw/gemlog/2022/04-20-my-three-weeks-with-slimevr.gmi

↺ gemini://gemini.clehaxze.tw/gemlog/2022/04-20-my-three-weeks-with-slimevr.gmi

00:09 matey; and i think people are coming to realise this. not fast enough-- its nothing to be hopeful about yet

00:09 matey; but its not like its JUST YOU saying this

00:09 matey; or only you that thinks this (overall)

00:09 matey; we can disagree on details

00:09 matey; "its a bad scene"

00:10 matey; everyones looking for a way for things to be "fine"

00:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

00:10 matey; use bsd and its fine. well, almost. sort of.

00:10 matey; not quite "fine" but some move in that direction

00:10 matey; with a lot of work, of course

00:11 activelow; bsd -> llvm, no thanks

00:11 matey; i know, llvm is shit

00:11 matey; i had no idea how bad it was

00:11 matey; its pretty bleak, the fuck were they thinking?

00:11 activelow; i don't say it is, i am not against c++, i am against it being _enforced_ where it does not belong, such as into kernel

00:11 matey; bad enough it was github, but ffs

00:11 matey; i am not against c++, i am against it being _enforced_ where it does not belong <- i know

00:11 activelow; if kernel can be compiled with a c++ compiler only, that's unacceptable

00:12 matey; its the lack of options that makes the whole thing a farce

00:12 matey; you have freedom 3 in theory, and in practice you can shove llvm up your arse, wheeeeeee

00:12 matey; its gotchas over here, over there, its a gotcha block party

00:12 activelow; anyway, i'll remove gtk, and live with it

00:12 activelow; i'll not bother with this anymore

00:12 matey; anyway, i'll remove gtk, and live with it \o/

00:13 activelow; i'll not at least bother with anything outside the base system

00:13 DaemonFC; https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/19/radiator-flush-fail-dexcool-sludge-plugs-up-my-heater-core-after-flush/

↺ https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/19/radiator-flush-fail-dexcool-sludge-plugs-up-my-heater-core-after-flush/

00:13 TR Bot; Radiator Flush FAIL. DexCool Sludge plugs up my heater core after flush. BaronHK's Rants

00:13 DaemonFC; schestowitz-TR, ^

00:13 activelow; X11 isn't as important, nonetheless, it is nice to have it, with a terminal emulator supporting CJK and greek

00:13 matey; flush, flush

00:13 matey; hurry hurry baby, run to me

00:13 matey; ooh. what ya do to me

00:14 activelow; i'll give Knuth TeX a try, although it is not compatible with GPL, at least chances are i can keep it

00:14 matey; although it is not compatible with GPL <- im sceptical, how is it incompatible?

00:14 activelow; ^ Knuth license

00:14 matey; hmmmmmm

00:14 activelow; it isn't any problem for me

00:15 DaemonFC; This will be the third flush in a week.

00:15 activelow; i'll comply with his license terms

00:15 DaemonFC; Actually, more than that.

00:15 schestowitz-TR; Knuth license??

00:15 matey; Unlimited copying and redistribution of this package and/or its individual files are permitted as long as there are no modifications. Modifications, and redistribution of modifications, are also permitted, but only if the resulting package and/or files are renamed

00:15 DaemonFC; Car-X charged me like $99 for the first one, then I lost coolant with the tensioner job at Chevy, then Chevy flushed it again today for free and got the heater working for a few minutes.

00:15 activelow; and, given Knuth promises his software and books do not contain errors, chances are no chances are necessary

00:15 matey; https://www.ctan.org/license/knuth

↺ https://www.ctan.org/license/knuth

00:15 TR Bot; CTAN: Knuth License

00:16 DaemonFC; Then tomorrow Chevy does the Blue Devil flush and I'm hoping that eats up all the yummy yummy DexCool mud.

00:16 activelow; schestowitz-TR: Knuth license is permissive, yet re-distribution with _changes_ is only permitted if renamed

00:16 activelow; meaning, you must not label it Knuth TeX if anything was altered

00:16 DaemonFC; I guess the upside here is that all of the larger crap is out because anything that came out with the regular flush is already gone.

00:16 DaemonFC; So all the Blue Devil has to eat is what's left that's plugging the system.

00:17 matey; thats a non-free license thats almost free in spirit (but it doesnt fit the fsd as far as i can tell)

00:17 activelow; i think Knuth is concerned with introduction of bugs, which aren't a feature

00:18 schestowitz-TR; weird licence

00:18 DaemonFC; I can see why they were calling this stuff DeathCool.

00:18 DaemonFC; Glad I have the enhanced engine gaskets so a plugged up heater core is the worst of it. :P

00:18 matey; there are SIMILAR clauses in (gpl compatible) cc by-sa (4.0 only) but youre only required to NOTE changes, not name files based on them

00:18 matey; and that makes a world of difference

00:19 matey; at least in terms of whether its fsd-compatible or not

00:19 activelow; i'll know soon enough, given Knuth TeX was introduced 1976, 45years ago, if it is functional still

00:19 schestowitz-TR; it's just another redundant licence

00:19 schestowitz-TR; maybe for DOnald's ego

00:19 matey; http://tug.ctan.org/info/impatient/book.pdf TEX for the Impatient is intended to serve scientists, mathematicians, and technical typists for whom TEX is a useful tool rather than a primary interest, as well as computer people who have a strong interest in TEX for its own sake. We also intend it to serve both newcomers to TEX and those who are already familiar with TEX.

↺ http://tug.ctan.org/info/impatient/book.pdf

00:19 schestowitz-TR; a lot of licences already cover the branding aspects

00:19 matey; <schestowitz-TR> maybe for DOnald's ego <- no

00:19 matey; it was for reliability

00:19 schestowitz-TR; it I alter firefox a little I cannot call it firefox either

00:19 matey; but misguided imo

00:20 activelow; and i do not know yet, if/how postscript output can be generated without any c++ dependency (gnuplot,ghostscript)

00:20 matey; it achieves his goal but

00:20 schestowitz-TR; and I don't need an old stanford professor to make another licence for that

00:20 matey; that doesnt mean its not overkill

00:20 matey; and I don't need an old stanford professor <- knuth is up there with stallman in importance

00:20 schestowitz-TR; yes, I know

00:20 matey; that doesnt mean i think this was a good idea, but give the man his due

00:20 schestowitz-TR; but we don't have the RMS licence

00:21 matey; oh youre making too much of a name

00:21 activelow; problem isn't the Knuth license, problem is his TeX isn't maintained inside the gentoo tree here

00:21 schestowitz-TR; imagine if each project had it own licence -- or worse -- each developer

00:21 matey; look, science names things after people all the time

00:21 schestowitz-TR; it would be disarray for code reusew

00:21 matey; only this movement finds it garish

00:21 matey; i get it, i agree mostly

00:21 matey; but that doesnt make knuth an egotist, just a scientist.

00:21 matey; different culture.

00:21 matey; its not about his ego

00:21 matey; its about cultural norms

00:21 schestowitz-TR; rms and knuth both like their word

00:21 schestowitz-TR; *work

00:21 schestowitz-TR; nothing wrong with that

00:22 schestowitz-TR; and they protect their image to the best of their abilities

00:22 schestowitz-TR; the licence, however, leads to practical problems

00:22 matey; of course

00:22 schestowitz-TR; like having to keep track of which licence is what

00:22 matey; its an unfortunate license at best

00:22 matey; well, to be fair

00:22 schestowitz-TR; perens spoke about it

00:22 schestowitz-TR; wanting to narrow it down to 3 licences

00:22 matey; im guessing this predates osi

00:22 matey; and anyone giving a shit what perens thinks

00:22 matey; maybe im wrong about the timing

00:23 matey; when computer science was younger, we didnt have best practices like gpl compatibility. it didnt exist yet

00:23 matey; its like expecting multics to be posix compliant

00:23 matey; or dtss

00:23 matey; posix didnt exist yet

00:24 matey; so things that were revolutionary for their time, seem conservative or misguided now

00:24 matey; thats progress

00:24 matey; but you have to keep them in some context when judging the people who made these decisions

00:24 schestowitz-TR; latex I've not used in years

00:24 schestowitz-TR; but that's mostly because I don't write letters or papers

00:25 matey; tex is still highly relevant, there are gny projects associated with it

00:25 schestowitz-TR; latex will not age gracefully outside academia

00:25 schestowitz-TR; because of all this clown and web hype

00:25 matey; my guess is that tex is so important, that whats more important than knuths license or its implementation-- is compatible software

00:25 schestowitz-TR; they teach people to not have files, either

00:25 schestowitz-TR; just open "account"

00:25 matey; <schestowitz-TR> latex will not age gracefully outside academia <- i dont know what makes you think that

00:25 schestowitz-TR; knuth did a lot of literature on algorithms

00:26 schestowitz-TR; latex may not be his most important contribution

00:26 activelow; LaTeX/xetex/jadetex/... texlive -> c++

00:26 matey; yes, einstein did a lot of literature on physics

00:26 schestowitz-TR; and leslie sold out to the criminals from microsoft about 15 years ago

00:26 matey; <schestowitz-TR> knuth did a lot of literature on algorithms <- for a german thats a very british level of understatement

00:26 matey; <schestowitz-TR> and leslie sold out <- leslie who

00:26 schestowitz-TR; the latex guy

00:27 matey; oh yeah

00:27 schestowitz-TR; speaking of germany, lyx is german

00:27 *YourButtKicker (~5cf65485@kjvq8jm9s83qu.irc) has joined #techrights

00:27 matey; latex != tex

00:27 YourButtKicker; https://forum.f-droid.org/t/suggestion-to-add-all-apps-which-connect-to-cloudflare-by-default/18114

↺ https://forum.f-droid.org/t/suggestion-to-add-all-apps-which-connect-to-cloudflare-by-default/18114

00:27 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: f-droid.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://forum.f-droid.org/t/suggestion-to-add-all-apps-which-connect-to-cloudflare-by-default/18114 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://forum.f-droid.org/t/suggestion-to-add-all-apps-which-connect-to-cloudflare-by-default/18114

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://forum.f-droid.org/t/suggestion-to-add-all-apps-which-connect-to-cloudflare-by-default/18114

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://forum.f-droid.org/t/suggestion-to-add-all-apps-which-connect-to-cloudflare-by-default/18114

00:27 schestowitz-TR; made by the person who later made kde

00:27 TR Bot; Suggestion to add all Apps which connect to CloudFlare by default - client - F-Droid Forum

00:27 matey; speaking of germany, lyx is german <- made by the person who later made kde <- mmhmm

00:27 matey; i think i discovered this the other day

00:27 *YourButtKicker has quit (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)

↺ https://mibbit.com

00:27 matey; i try to pay attention to lyx/latex/tex

00:27 matey; a lot for someone who never used any of these

00:27 *schestowitz-TR just got his arse kicked

00:28 schestowitz-TR; I did not spend much time studying kile

00:28 schestowitz-TR; the latax toolset seems to not be evolving anymore

00:28 schestowitz-TR; maybe it's considered feature-complete

00:28 matey; im not sure it ought to

00:28 matey; what the industry deems "evolution" looks a lot like inbreeding to me

00:28 schestowitz-TR; except when they will nee EMOJIS inside equations

00:29 matey; <schestowitz-TR> maybe it's considered feature-complete <- when things are actually planned top to bottom, thats a reasonable conclusion

00:29 matey; theres an aspect of computer science that is actually scientific

00:29 matey; and then the rest of course, is industry bullshit. by and large.

00:30 matey; science evolves, but not via fashion.

00:30 matey; fashion "evolves" more quickly, because a lot of it is arbitrary

00:31 matey; industry is where the tension between the two is most pronounced

00:32 matey; when industry talks about evolution, you should just put your hand over its mouth-- or at least over your ears

00:32 TR News; AlmaLinux 9 Beta--Now Available Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163920

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163920

00:32 TR Bot; AlmaLinux 9 Beta--Now Available | Tux Machines

00:32 matey; like when a politician is speaking, check your waller

00:32 matey; wallet

00:32 activelow; at least x11-libs/motif compiled

00:33 matey; motif has a certain charm

00:33 DaemonFC; schestowitz-TR, I'm probably just going to flush out the coolant system every year if they can get it unjammed tomorrow.

00:33 DaemonFC; Don't want this happening again.

00:34 matey; situation nowhere

00:34 matey; flush for a change of atmosphere

00:34 DaemonFC; They put those "dealer stickers" on your windshield saying 5,000 mile oil change, but the computer is actually pretty advanced.

00:34 TR News; W3C, you are a JOKE! This isn't open Web! It's a proprietary mess! This is what vendor-captured orgs look like... and what they do. Like ISO with OOXML. Take some proprietary junk and pretend it can be passed off as 'standards' https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9509

↺ https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9509

00:34 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: w3.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9509 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9509

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9509

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9509

00:34 TR Bot; WebAssembly 2.0 First Public Working Drafts | W3C News

00:34 DaemonFC; It can make a fairly reasonable guess as to how often you really need an oil change.

00:35 DaemonFC; You need to check the level occasionally, but other than that, listening to a modern oil service life monitor isn't unreasonable.

00:35 DaemonFC; In many cases, the sticker will say every 5,000 miles, but the car will be able to come up with a figure higher than that, like 7,000 or more.

00:35 DaemonFC; It's important because oil changes do cost money.

00:36 DaemonFC; If you can get 7,000 instead of 5,000, that might get you all through the year.

00:36 TR News; Proprietary software! "520 vulnerabilities across multiple products" !!!!!!! 520!!!! https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity/2022/04/19/oracle-releases-april-2022-critical-patch-update "A remote attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system." Oracle came from CIA. True story.

↺ https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity/2022/04/19/oracle-releases-april-2022-critical-patch-update

00:36 TR Bot; Oracle Releases April 2022 Critical Patch Update | CISA

00:36 matey; old buick = linux | new impala = systemd | hot rod = bsd

00:36 DaemonFC; You need a good full synthetic and decent filter, but annual or 7,500 miles is not a bad idea.

00:37 DaemonFC; matey, They stopped making the Impala in 2020.

00:37 DaemonFC; The salesman wanted to sell me one.

00:37 matey; s/new/newer/

00:37 schestowitz-TR; old buick = systemd (impalama) with mac OS X-like GTK theme on top

00:37 DaemonFC; They started at almost $60,000.

00:37 matey; old buick = systemd (impalama) with mac OS X-like GTK theme on top <- you just want ryan to feel stupid for doing something (relatively) reasonable

00:38 matey; i can appreciate what hes trying to do. not that i want a buick per se

00:38 DaemonFC; That's pretty crazy considering it's an Impala and this was well before Bidenflation and what GM has become.

00:38 schestowitz-TR; we don't know yet how much this car will cost

00:38 schestowitz-TR; it's work in progress

00:38 matey; we don't know yet how much this car will cost <- no, so you make the best decision out of the options available

00:38 matey; somehow thats not good enough for you

00:38 DaemonFC; Oh it gets fun with buying a car on finance, Roy.

00:39 DaemonFC; With useless warranties that they marked up by triple.

00:39 schestowitz-TR; the old impala was cheaper to repair

00:39 DaemonFC; GAP insurance that's triple what your insurance would cost for newer car coverage.

00:39 matey; not as i understand it

00:39 DaemonFC; Interest.

00:39 matey; it falls apart and constantly wants more

00:39 DaemonFC; $1,400 "destination fee".

00:39 DaemonFC; $600 to "document that we sold it to you".

00:39 DaemonFC; $495 for "VIN etching, and everything on the lot is etched so we can't remove it.".

00:40 DaemonFC; Did I mention the $2,995 paint protection plan?

00:40 DaemonFC; <matey> it falls apart and constantly wants more

00:40 DaemonFC; That's basically a car in a nutshell, yeah.

00:40 matey; i mean the impala

00:40 DaemonFC; Especially that car.

00:40 matey; right

00:40 TR News; Radiator Flush FAIL. DexCool Sludge plugs up my heater core after flush. - BaronHKs Rants https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/19/radiator-flush-fail-dexcool-sludge-plugs-up-my-heater-core-after-flush/ Source: baronhk

↺ https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/19/radiator-flush-fail-dexcool-sludge-plugs-up-my-heater-core-after-flush/

00:40 TR Bot; Radiator Flush FAIL. DexCool Sludge plugs up my heater core after flush. BaronHK's Rants

00:40 DaemonFC; I think the Buick just needs a couple more things and it's working fine other than that.

00:40 matey; so the buick, hopefully, does that less

00:41 matey; <DaemonFC> I think the Buick just needs a couple more things and it's working fine other than that. <- hurry, before roy starts saying its a pinto.

00:41 DaemonFC; If the heater had to get plugged up, it's nice that it did it in late April.

00:41 DaemonFC; Gives me plenty of time to work through this mess.

00:41 DaemonFC; We're pretty sure that the Blue Devil flush will nail this one down.

00:42 DaemonFC; GM says it normally works.

00:42 MinceR; don't they also say that about their cars?

00:42 matey; heh

00:42 DaemonFC; It says "Often the heater starts working again within minutes, but it is important to let it circulate for 4 hours.".

00:42 activelow; problem isn't if any of the recent "innovations" are wrecked, problem is if long-term stable software is unmaintained, is rotting, and disappears

00:43 DaemonFC; LTS releases are crusty by design.

00:43 DaemonFC; The banks don't even support ESR releases of Firefox.

00:43 DaemonFC; They yell at you to use the latest one.

00:43 DaemonFC; Even though the ESR is supported and nothing about the site's code has changed recently.

00:43 matey; i think lts was invented because ubuntu was based on testing in the first palce

00:43 activelow; firefox never was LTS/ESR etc.

00:43 matey; debian already had stable

00:44 matey; then ubuntu was like "testing is stable enough"

00:44 matey; "no wait, wait, heres lts"

00:44 activelow; the last firefox i had given a chanced was 3.6.28

00:44 matey; maybe that not how it went. thats how it looked.

00:44 matey; firefux

00:44 activelow; and now, given the situation with GTK, netsurf is gone too

00:45 matey; and now, given the situation with GTK, netsurf is gone tooand now, given the situation with GTK, netsurf is gone too <- is there unicode for the worlds tiniest fiddle?

00:45 activelow; although chances are, maybe, to fiddle motif around netsurf...

00:45 matey; jinx

00:45 matey; wget -O- http://techrights.org/irc/ | grep fiddle


00:45 activelow; otherwise, i can live with links to navigate the web, or gemini

00:46 matey; i can live with links to navigate the web, or gemini \o/

00:46 MinceR; (cat) (audio:important) https://i.imgur.com/iclzdMK.mp4

↺ https://i.imgur.com/iclzdMK.mp4

00:46 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: imgur.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://i.imgur.com/iclzdMK.mp4 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://i.imgur.com/iclzdMK.mp4

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://i.imgur.com/iclzdMK.mp4

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://i.imgur.com/iclzdMK.mp4

00:47 activelow; netsurf was rather pleasent, with wikipedia, and it could have been appealing, to non-hackers, to show kids, see there, you got wikipedia to read

00:48 activelow; links browser source didn't seem clean and stable

00:48 matey; schestowitz-TR xterm is not just ugly, MinceR there are many purely practical limitations in it <- some of those are tradeoffs

00:48 matey; xterm doesnt resize well :)

00:49 matey; it also doesnt render unicode fully

00:49 MinceR; i suspect neither will activelow's system :>

00:49 matey; which means it doesnt need harfbuzz and its also fucking fast as fuck

00:49 matey; no hes already cut out harfbuzz

00:50 matey; but show me a system that renders unicode properly and ill show you the pope with a cucumber in his arse

00:50 MinceR; nice

00:50 schestowitz-TR; lol

00:50 schestowitz-TR; MinceR: the pope?

00:50 MinceR; do you have the unicode for the pope with a cucumber in his arse?

00:51 matey; yes its 0xB16B00B5

00:51 matey; but it will never render

00:51 MinceR; :>

00:51 matey; it just looks like a rectangle

00:51 matey; but faith manages

00:51 TR News; Links 19/04/2022: WordPress 6.0 Beta 2 and AlmaLinux 9 Beta | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/04/19/almalinux-9-beta/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/04/19/almalinux-9-beta/



00:51 TR Bot; Links 19/04/2022: WordPress 6.0 Beta 2 and AlmaLinux 9 Beta | Techrights

00:53 matey; to be fair, most (if not all) of the limitations apply to the vt as well

00:53 activelow; too much confusion, i mean, fontconfig/freetype are available, yet there is more: cairo, pango, harfbuzz... no idea why

00:54 matey; so if youre happy not running x, you should be happy with xterm (of course you should also have options)

00:54 activelow; then for X11, there is libxft, which is optional, to choose and render fonts

00:54 matey; cairo, pango, harfbuzz... no idea why <- we keep explaining why harfbuzz, at least

00:54 matey; i dont even want to

00:55 activelow; i do not need X11, yet X11 is available, including unicode fonts, which doesn't require any of this: cairo, pango, harfbuzz

00:55 matey; but its there, and pretending it serves no purpose wont make it so

00:55 matey; the vt does not give a better experience than x without harfbuzz, so if youre happy with xterm as your standard of displaying unicode (it displays some) then harfbuzz isnt necessary

00:56 MinceR; allegedly harfbuzz is necessary for the correct rendering of text for scripts such as arabic and indic

00:56 matey; this is phrased as "if" with good reason

00:56 activelow; xterm would be possible too, yet i do not trust the Unix98 pty implementation of linux kernel (security), so i am using BSD pty offered by kernel

00:56 activelow; and xterm dropped support for those...

00:56 matey; <MinceR> allegedly harfbuzz is necessary for the correct rendering of text for scripts such as arabic and indic <- i mean i made a virtual keyboard and saw it for myself.

00:56 matey; i hate harfbuzz, id LOVE to say why its useless

00:56 matey; i approach this scientifically. i dont always like the results.

00:56 MinceR; say it, then

00:57 matey; i dont like the author, i dont like the software

00:57 matey; let me know if you can display hindi or arabic properly without it

00:57 matey; i think youll find you have problems doing so

00:57 matey; but fuck would i love to be wrong

00:57 TR News; Programming Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163921

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163921

00:57 TR Bot; Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines

00:57 matey; "then well have a big party!"-- borat

00:57 TR News; Todays Leftovers and howtos Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163922

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163922

00:57 TR Bot; today's leftovers and howtos | Tux Machines

00:58 matey; the good news is that its possible to speak hindi without using its own alphabet

00:58 matey; using just qzawsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp

00:58 matey; but if you want devanagari...

00:58 matey; the vt wont do it properly

00:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 27.93 k/sec., IPFS upstream 75.80 average k/sec., average swarm size 275.25

00:59 activelow; matey: i would be curious myself, yet the question of hindi/farsi/arab etc. are agnostic towards unicode

00:59 matey; neither will my favourite toolkit for x, which is tk (which is hindi for "alright")

00:59 matey; tk theek hai

00:59 activelow; if i got a unicode-capable terminal, with a font, then it will render this

00:59 matey; because tk doesnt use harfbuzz

00:59 matey; but gtk (and gnome and kde and firefux and even emacs) does

00:59 activelow; with rxvt, fontconfig/freetype/unicode are possible... so what's missing except for a font?

1 AM, April 20

01:00 matey; so what's missing except for a font? <- the ability to combine glyphs.

01:01 activelow; some problem could be the orientation right->left, yet, that's none of my concerns

01:01 matey; that's none of my concerns <- im pretty sure xterm can do left to right

01:01 matey; just not in the same way :)

01:01 activelow; if hindi/farsi/arab/hebrew want it, they can implement it themselves, without sabotaging GTK

01:01 matey; /me can write a program easily enough in his own language that does right to left

01:02 activelow; because, for them to read their hyroglyphs, they did it, sabotage GTK

01:02 matey; s/left to right/right to left/

01:02 matey; for them to read their hyroglyphs, they did it, sabotage GTK <- not hieroglyphs

01:02 matey; id be perfectly happy using a fork of harfbuzz

01:02 activelow; hieroglyphs

01:03 matey; its only unfortunate because microsoft controls it and some arsehole wrote it

01:03 activelow; it is ok, and necessary, to support it, it is _not_ ok to sabotage free software with it

01:03 matey; other than that, its not actually useless. I WISH IT WAS

01:03 matey; it is _not_ ok to sabotage free software with it <- i mean, you can use tk and be rid of it

01:03 matey; you can use the vt and be rid of it

01:03 matey; even with emacs

01:03 matey; just dont compile for x

01:04 activelow; X11 isn't the problem; it is GTK

01:04 MinceR; arabic does not only write from right to left, but also renders letters differently at the start, middle and end of word

01:04 MinceR; maybe also differently when they stand alone

01:04 activelow; they sabotaged GTK

01:04 activelow; (besides QT4/5 which are long gone before)

01:04 MinceR; iirc devanagari likes to combine glyphs

01:04 matey; sabotaged = supported more languages

01:04 matey; <MinceR> iirc devanagari likes to combine glyphs <- this is what i found when i combined them, yes

01:04 activelow; with sabotaged i mean sabotaged

01:04 activelow; they can support as many languages as they want, without sabotage

01:05 activelow; yet, they chose to sabotage

01:05 activelow; with the excuse, it was necessary, for their higher intellect of language

01:05 matey; <activelow> with sabotaged i mean sabotaged https://yewtu.be/watch?v=3MWpHQQ-wQg

↺ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=3MWpHQQ-wQg

01:05 TR Bot; A Bit of Fry & Laurie Concerning Language - Invidious

01:05 matey; "i thought you might"

01:06 matey; harfbuzz can also render this conversation: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1LopIroSjsU

↺ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1LopIroSjsU

01:06 TR Bot; A Bit of Fry and Laurie - Your name, sir? (Complete) - Invidious

01:06 MinceR; "i knew you'd say that"

01:06 DaemonFC; matey, The hood struts from China arrived today.

01:06 DaemonFC; The Chevy guy said he'd just put them on and not charge me to do it.

01:07 matey; he must appreciate what youre doing

01:07 matey; or find it funny, or both

01:07 DaemonFC; Because my car is a "hazard" to the shop employees and it's a quick job.

01:07 matey; heh

01:07 DaemonFC; Well, hey, they wanted to charge me $100 to do it a few days ago.

01:07 DaemonFC; Glad I held out.

01:07 matey; thats great

01:07 DaemonFC; I told him I already had some coming in from China.

01:07 matey; Because my car is a "hazard" <- think they mean youre trouble

01:07 DaemonFC; So they'll just take care of that tomorrow.

01:08 MinceR; duke of hazard

01:08 matey; maybe they saw the picture i put up behind the counter

01:08 matey; "just be nice to him and dont try to rip him off"

01:09 DaemonFC; I bought some more waterless car wash spray.

01:09 DaemonFC; If I get it on Walmart it's 15% off because of my credit card and Mandy's discount.

01:10 matey; whats in it

01:10 DaemonFC; There's about enough in each spray bottle to do a full cleaning of the car about 6 times. It costs me $7.09 a bottle after discount.

01:10 matey; so just over a dollar a wash

01:10 DaemonFC; So about $1.18 or so per wash vs paying the car wash $10.

01:10 matey; right

01:11 DaemonFC; I brought in the pile of microfiber cloths after going over the cars really good and put them in a bucket with Persil and took a toilet plunger and bounced them around in the hot water a couple times.

01:11 DaemonFC; Then dumped it all in the bushes out back.

01:11 DaemonFC; We're not fancy.

01:12 DaemonFC; Then I hooked up my portable washing machine once I got all the really nasty stuff out of them, and washed them all in hot water with 4 rinse cycles, then spun dry.

01:12 DaemonFC; Landlord pays for the water.

01:12 DaemonFC; So it's $1.18 plus electric to run the washer. Maybe $1.20 per wash. :)

01:13 DaemonFC; That's pretty cheap.

01:13 DaemonFC; I can wash the car about 7 or 8 months out of the year.

01:13 DaemonFC; If I was going through the wash every week paying $10 each, that's about 35 washes at the car wash rounded up a little.

01:14 DaemonFC; Or $350.

01:14 DaemonFC; I can do them myself for $42.

01:14 matey; math isnt my strong suit, but i think if you didnt get the discount it would still be less than $1.50

01:14 matey; maybe a dime less

01:14 DaemonFC; Then the last 4 months when it's cold and they spray salt and shit everywhere, I can subscribe to the car wash and go through it every day.

01:14 matey; per wash

01:14 DaemonFC; If I need to.

01:15 matey; there you go

01:15 matey; youre like tully in ghostbusters

01:15 matey; you would have made a killer accountant

01:15 DaemonFC; That takes me from $450 in car washing expenses per year to something more like $162.

01:16 matey; he was always finding ways to do more and have it cost less

01:16 DaemonFC; Saving $288, assuming that they don't raise the price at the car wash again.

01:16 DaemonFC; Things are crazy.

01:16 DaemonFC; I can stock up on car wash spray now.

01:16 matey; good stuff

01:17 DaemonFC; Mom's one of those old "Change the oil every 3,000 miles" people who doesn't do anything else to the car. Takes it to Walmart.

01:17 matey; youre sure this wash is good enough to prevent things like rust?

01:17 DaemonFC; Walmart charges her $48, which is only $11 less than paying the Chevy dealer to do it properly with the correct parts.

01:18 DaemonFC; She spends about $200 a year on oil changes when about $90 (1.5 changes per year on average) would suffice, and be done right, at the dealer.

01:19 DaemonFC; <matey> youre sure this wash is good enough to prevent things like rust?

01:19 DaemonFC; In the summer there's really not much on the road that risks severe corrosion.

01:19 DaemonFC; That's what the car wash subscription in the winter months will be for.

01:19 matey; in winter you take it to the car-- right

01:19 DaemonFC; Yeah, you get the cheapest subscription that includes undercarriage wash.

01:20 DaemonFC; And you go through every day letting it high pressure flush all of the salt out.

01:20 matey; there you go. you run your car costs like i run my computer.

01:20 matey; always looking for savings

01:20 DaemonFC; I did not anticipate needing 2 coolant flushes and a super flush in a week!

01:20 DaemonFC; That's never happened....

01:20 matey; does flushing too often cause problems? it must. note im not implying you do it too often

01:20 matey; im sure you wouldnt

01:21 DaemonFC; It doesn't.

01:21 matey; okay

01:21 DaemonFC; The lady left it in there probably 14 years.

01:21 DaemonFC; Long enough to separate and sludge.

01:21 matey; yeah

01:21 DaemonFC; When I flushed it, it plugged the heater core.

01:21 matey; heh

01:21 DaemonFC; With DexCool, they say 5 years, but I'd say if you want your car to last, do it every 2.

01:21 DaemonFC; Or else you might need the super flush every 3-4 years to get the heater to go again.

01:22 DaemonFC; On one of their newer ones that seem to sludge after 4 years.

01:22 DaemonFC; You don't want the $249 super flush every 4 years and pray they don't have to swap out the heater core for $1,200 anyway.

01:23 DaemonFC; :)

01:23 DaemonFC; You want the $99 coolant flush special every 2 years.

01:23 matey; you know ive never had a car

01:23 matey; so i follow this on and off

01:23 DaemonFC; I've never had one with DexCrap in it.

01:23 matey; ive also never hiked the appalachian trail, but i enjoyed "walk in the woods" by bill bryson enough

01:23 DaemonFC; I'm strongly considering having them use green if they have it in stock after this sludge mess is purged.

01:23 DaemonFC; Or at least yellow.

01:23 DaemonFC; Maybe yellow.

01:24 DaemonFC; Yeah, yellow wouldn't cause a disaster if there's a little DexCrap left in there.

01:24 matey; /me thinks of soylent

01:24 matey; whats the difference between yellow and green?

01:24 DaemonFC; I wonder if they'd let me bring a couple of jugs of Prestone yellow or maybe some Asian Car red.

01:25 DaemonFC; I think HOAT would be okay, but yellow for sure would work.

01:25 DaemonFC; Asian car red is HOAT.

01:25 matey; ok

01:25 DaemonFC; It has certain aspects of both OAT and Green.

01:26 DaemonFC; That way it better avoids the excessive coolant system wear of Green and the sludging of OAT.

01:26 DaemonFC; Those Japanese people are smart.

01:26 matey; yes they do a lot of school

01:27 DaemonFC; You really can't go too wrong with Yellow though.

01:27 DaemonFC; https://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/causes-dex-cool-sludge/

↺ https://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/causes-dex-cool-sludge/

01:27 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/causes-dex-cool-sludge/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/causes-dex-cool-sludge/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/causes-dex-cool-sludge/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://ricksfreeautorepairadvice.com/causes-dex-cool-sludge/

01:27 TR Bot; What causes Dex-Cool sludge Ricks Free Auto Repair Advice Ricks Free Auto Repair Advice | Automotive Repair Tips and How-To

01:27 DaemonFC; DexCool is the orange stuff in GM cars.

01:28 matey; so these are coolants?

01:28 DaemonFC; "Dex-Cool sludge is caused by neglect and not following directions. If a shop or owner fails to maintain the system, adds an incompatible coolant to top it off, or runs the vehicle too long without changing the coolant or runs the cooling system when low."

01:28 matey; after the flush, you put these in?

01:28 DaemonFC; Yeah, there's a lot of types.

01:28 matey; got it

01:28 DaemonFC; Well, you CAN convert a car over to use one it wasn't meant for.

01:28 matey; but why

01:28 DaemonFC; The Impala came with DexCool, got thoroughly flushed, and now uses Green.

01:30 DaemonFC; <matey> but why

01:30 DaemonFC; Different engineers think there are different ways to solve the problem, plus patents.

01:30 DaemonFC; Lovely, glorious patents!

01:31 DaemonFC; Any coolant causes problems when you neglect it.

01:31 DaemonFC; DexCool Sludge is better than what happens years later with Green.

01:32 DaemonFC; You skip that, never do it, 10 years later all the gaskets in the engine are ruined, the heater core is ruined, the radiator is ruined and leaking, the hoses are bursting, and the water pump explodes.

01:32 DaemonFC; I had a Taurus like that. Interestingly enough.

01:32 matey; i really had no idea coolant made that much of a difference

01:32 matey; ah, the taurus <3

01:32 matey; i didnt love the car, i loved the owner

01:33 DaemonFC; About the only thing you can salvage from the system with neglected green coolant is the overflow tank which is about $20 on RockAuto.

01:33 DaemonFC; :)

01:33 DaemonFC; Which is why GM stopped using it.

01:33 DaemonFC; They wanted to advertise to the stupid baby boomers that the problem was solved and the car was hassle-free.

01:33 matey; which one fares the best if you do neglect it, dexcool?

01:34 DaemonFC; No, HOAT.

01:34 matey; okay

01:34 DaemonFC; The Asian stuff.

01:34 matey; right

01:34 DaemonFC; But HOAT is also weird, right?

01:34 matey; okay

01:34 DaemonFC; It's 5 years or 150,000 miles, but you need an additive package for it every 25,000 miles.

01:34 DaemonFC; Or it stops protecting the system.

01:34 matey; interesting

01:34 DaemonFC; So you can really do extended drain intervals, but you have to have additives or the system goes to shit like the rest.

01:35 DaemonFC; But nothing is as disastrous as old green coolant.

01:35 matey; how do you know which one the car has in it, if you dont know the car already?

01:35 matey; or is it literally green

01:35 DaemonFC; The owner's manual should say which one to use. GM manual will say "Dex-Cool(R) ONLY" and warn not to mix them.

01:36 DaemonFC; And it's orange.

01:36 DaemonFC; Yeah, the old stuff is green.

01:36 DaemonFC; You have two types of green. The standard 2 year or 36,000 mile green.

01:36 DaemonFC; Or the 5 year 60,000 mile extended green.

01:36 matey; and it doesnt matter because youll flush it anyway

01:36 DaemonFC; In my cars that used green I just filled them with 5 year green.

01:37 DaemonFC; Yeah, I will, but I'd rather do it after 5 years and not have it destroy anything.

01:37 matey; sure

01:37 DaemonFC; Because the coolant is a little more, but the shop labor for the job is the same, and 90% of the bill!

01:37 matey; sure

01:37 DaemonFC; So if you have a shop use standard green instead of extended green, you have to pay them about $250 over 5 years instead of $100.

01:38 matey; this should be useful if i ever get involved with another car owner

01:38 matey; my wife of course, had one

01:38 DaemonFC; Which adds $30 a year to your car costs.

01:38 DaemonFC; Not much, but meh.

01:38 matey; why not do it less often and save

01:38 DaemonFC; And you only run the risk of some idiot leaving air in the system once every 5 years.

01:38 matey; what happens if they leave air in

01:39 DaemonFC; Pockets of air can overheat parts of the engine.

01:39 matey; how bad?

01:39 matey; like $5000 bad or $500 bad

01:39 DaemonFC; In a cast iron engine with aluminum valve covers and intakes, the gaskets are at risk.

01:39 matey; and those run?

01:39 DaemonFC; But in a modern engine, the entire engine is at risk.

01:39 DaemonFC; Aluminum and plastic.

01:39 matey; ahh

01:39 matey; bad

01:40 DaemonFC; Very bad.

01:40 matey; howd you learn all this about cars? trial and error?

01:40 DaemonFC; Yeah, gasket jobs aren't cheap, but if you have a good engine that's worth it.

01:40 DaemonFC; Knock yourself out.

01:40 DaemonFC; The 3800 Series II and III are good engines and so is the Ford Modular V8 and the Vulcan V6.

01:41 DaemonFC; The first being GM, and it was on the top 10 engines of the 20th century (and the Series III is an improved version of the one on that list from the 2000s).

01:41 DaemonFC; They're fairly trouble-free in most cases.

01:41 DaemonFC; There's some problem spots.,

01:42 DaemonFC; <matey> howd you learn all this about cars? trial and error?

01:42 DaemonFC; Yeah, the Taurus was a shit car, but the engine was nice.

01:42 DaemonFC; It wasn't even a FFV, but I ran it with the engine light on with E85 back when it was $1.85 a gallon in Indiana and gas was over $4.

01:42 matey; so you picked it up from talking to mechanics?

01:42 DaemonFC; Back in 2007/2008.

01:42 matey; which i stopped using windows.

01:42 matey; s/which/when

01:43 DaemonFC; No, I researched the problem a bit.

01:43 matey; probably a safer bet

01:43 DaemonFC; I bought a Kia Soul + with the Theta II engine before it became known that there were metal shavings in there that could blow it up.

01:43 DaemonFC; But John has that piece of shit now.

01:43 matey; ew

01:43 DaemonFC; I hope it kills him.

01:43 DaemonFC; e

01:43 DaemonFC; I hope he's on fire burning alive.

01:43 matey; hes the pedo, yes?

01:43 DaemonFC; Yeah.

01:43 matey; lovely

01:44 DaemonFC; Worked at the TSA.

01:44 matey; yeah i know, lol

01:44 DaemonFC; Came home and bragged about feeling up 14 year olds.

01:44 matey; wtf

01:44 matey; thats a special level of fucked up

01:44 matey; i used to read the logs here a lot

01:44 matey; so i know about john

01:44 DaemonFC; He's awful. He won't live long though.

01:44 matey; cancer?

01:45 DaemonFC; He has terrible blood pressure. I told him what to do about it but he stopped taking his pills.

01:45 DaemonFC; And he's Hispanic, so 50% higher risk of kidney failure.

01:45 matey; self-solving problem i guess

01:45 DaemonFC; And high bp causes that.

01:45 matey; what did you tell him to do about it

01:45 matey; other than take his pills

01:46 DaemonFC; Take his lisinopril and see the doctor twice a year.

01:46 matey; simple enough

01:46 DaemonFC; It gave him erection issues he said.

01:46 DaemonFC; So he'd rather die in his 40s I suppose.

01:46 matey; i suppose he can be erect when he has rigor mortis

01:46 DaemonFC; If he doesn't get killed by something else first.

01:52 *matey has quit (connection closed)

01:53 *matey (~matey@zj7ff6e5edb5q.irc) has joined #techrights

01:55 DaemonFC; I got a new doctor this year.

01:55 DaemonFC; The old one was in Chicago and she was making mistakes and then I ended up getting so mad I threw her office into the bankruptcy.

01:55 DaemonFC; Because I didn't feel like paying $2,000 for incompetence leading to an unnecessary procedure.

01:56 DaemonFC; When my insurance found out it was an unnecessary procedure and a lab error, they refused to pay for it, so I had the doctor and the lab after me for the entire amount.

01:57 matey; good lord

01:58 DaemonFC; I don't pay a damned dime for incompetence, or if I do and I find out about it, it's the first and last time.

01:58 DaemonFC; That stupid fuck at the battery store found that out.

01:58 matey; indeed

01:58 DaemonFC; I'm done with chain mechanics.

01:59 DaemonFC; I'm taking this thing to the Chevy dealer from now on.

01:59 matey; theyre notorious as far as i know

01:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 26.08 k/sec., IPFS upstream 48.51 average k/sec., average swarm size 413.78

01:59 matey; the chains

01:59 matey; its like going to mcdonalds for your car

01:59 DaemonFC; Yeah, they're slammed with work, they have people in there that are on the lower end of the mechanic pay scale.

01:59 DaemonFC; Many of them are just kind of pissed to be alive and guessing with your car.

01:59 matey; im sure i could get hired by one if it was a goal

01:59 matey; and i know fuck-all about cars

2 AM, April 20

02:00 DaemonFC; I know someone that worked at Jiffy Lube for one day.

02:00 matey; he was done in a jiffy

02:00 DaemonFC; He got fired for refusing to super glue a brake light assembly back together and bill the customer for a new brake light assembly.

02:00 matey; good man

02:00 DaemonFC; That's the price you pay for having a conscience.

02:00 DaemonFC; No job!

02:00 matey; of course

02:00 matey; says a lot about industry

02:01 DaemonFC; I know someone who worked at a fast food restaurant who got in trouble for questioning their boss when told to pick day old sandwich buns out of the trash can and serve them to customers.

02:02 DaemonFC; They knew the day the health inspector would come and that would be the only day there wasn't mold in the ice hopper at the soft drink machine.

02:02 matey; mmmmmmmmmmmmm

02:02 DaemonFC; He told me you can get a fountain drink but don't use the ice.

02:02 DaemonFC; I knew another person who was a waiter at Bandidos in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

02:03 matey; just the name is classic

02:03 DaemonFC; He told me when customers were done eating, the kitchen staff was to take their unfinished salsa.

02:03 matey; oh no

02:03 DaemonFC; And pour it back into the gallon jug that they filled customer salsa out of.

02:03 matey; ay de mi

02:03 DaemonFC; Their food is really shitty too.

02:04 matey; places like that get a reputation and then people avoid them like... plague

02:04 DaemonFC; The only reason I ate there was because I was having sex with the guy and he'd sneak me free food all the time.

02:04 matey; heh

02:04 matey; ole

02:04 DaemonFC; <matey> places like that get a reputation and then people avoid them like... plague

02:04 DaemonFC; I called it Blandidos.

02:06 matey; y usted eugene, whys your face turning green? dont you like pinto bean?

02:12 DaemonFC; Seems KIA dealers get bad reviews all over the place.

02:12 DaemonFC; I heard one lady complaining at Grossinger KIA, now KIA of Lincolnwood, that they told her she needed a $750 car battery.

02:12 DaemonFC; Then they put it in, and her car still wasn't working.

02:15 matey; i guess if im the market for a car

02:15 matey; i will get NOKIA

02:16 DaemonFC; When Hyundai first came to the US I was laughing.

02:17 DaemonFC; Their cars were underpowered, unreliable, and not sold at enough of a discount to a Honda to be worth considering. And 23 years later, through hard work and perseverance, all of that is still true, _and_ they explode.

02:17 matey; hopefully the explosion is also underpowered

02:18 matey; you could save and get a lada

02:18 DaemonFC; YOu done bought yourself a car from the wrong Asians!

02:18 matey; austin powers missed a marketing opportunity there

02:18 matey; they could have teamed up and offered a "lada fachina"

02:18 activelow; the lada niva is a capable off-road vehicle

02:19 DaemonFC; No, hot engine oil mixed with thermite is surprisingly explosive coming from a 1.6 or 2 liter engine, oddly enough.

02:19 matey; No, hot engine oil mixed wit <- i wont even ask

02:20 MinceR; the lada niva is very capable of breaking down

02:20 MinceR; but i'm not sure if renault will make any more ladas

02:20 MinceR; in light of russian terrorism and war crimes

02:21 DaemonFC; https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fycUcBoCXfZHxnPWIVnyrTbl

↺ https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fycUcBoCXfZHxnPWIVnyrTbl

02:21 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: matrix.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fycUcBoCXfZHxnPWIVnyrTbl https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fycUcBoCXfZHxnPWIVnyrTbl

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fycUcBoCXfZHxnPWIVnyrTbl

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fycUcBoCXfZHxnPWIVnyrTbl

02:21 DaemonFC; 71 people have seen my negative review of Batteries Plus in the last 4 days.

02:22 DaemonFC; Yeah, this is going to cost him a lot more than giving me my $70 programming fee back.

02:22 DaemonFC; Plus, he still has to fend off my credit card dispute, or let it go through.

02:22 DaemonFC; Either way they make him pay the dispute process fee of roughly $100.

02:23 matey; "just be nice to him and dont fuck him over"

02:23 *bnchs__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

02:23 MinceR; that's not how we generally do things on this planet

02:24 MinceR; it would be nice if it was, though

02:24 matey; its good advice to anyone doing business with dfc

02:24 DaemonFC; matey, Never underestimate a good grudge.

02:25 MinceR; of course, a car breaking down is even more of a pain in the ass if it happens off road

02:26 DaemonFC; Which is what generally happens after your Impala loses another wheel bearing at the wrong moment.

02:27 DaemonFC; matey, I figure if someone costs me money, they're going to regret it.

02:27 DaemonFC; If you cost me $70, my mission becomes costing you $7,000.

02:28 MinceR; they say if you want to go to the outback, take a Land Rover, but if you also want to get back, take a Land Cruiser

02:28 MinceR; the lada niva is more like the former

02:30 matey; the reason i ended up with debian was some power management bug that was destroying hardware

02:30 matey; this was more than 10 years ago

02:30 matey; ubuntu wouldnt fix it, though the workaround was a one line script

02:30 matey; okay, they had their reasons.

02:30 matey; trisquel wouldnt bother because ubuntu wouldnt.

02:31 matey; whatever.

02:31 matey; debian had just removed the non-free shit from their kernel-- and to top it off

02:31 matey; they fixed it, so it would save a lot of drives.

02:31 matey; i didnt use trisquel much after that

02:32 matey; i figured if they dont give a shit, i dont either.

02:32 DaemonFC; https://www.yelp.com/biz/fastlane-lube-masters-gurnee

↺ https://www.yelp.com/biz/fastlane-lube-masters-gurnee

02:32 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: yelp.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.yelp.com/biz/fastlane-lube-masters-gurnee https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.yelp.com/biz/fastlane-lube-masters-gurnee

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.yelp.com/biz/fastlane-lube-masters-gurnee

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.yelp.com/biz/fastlane-lube-masters-gurnee

02:32 TR Bot; LUBE MASTERS - 14 Reviews - Auto Repair - 6280 Grand Ave, Gurnee, IL - Phone Number - Yelp

02:33 DaemonFC; "Before I went in I marked my oil filter to see if they change them because I've heard rumors that they do oil changes and don't replace the filter. Service was friendly price was steep and it was average wait time. When I got home I inspected under my car and what do you know. The SAME filter. I called in the same hour and talked to the manager and told me they always change filters and would not reimburse me. WArNING stay away."

02:33 matey; there you go

02:34 DaemonFC; "RIP OFF!!! I needed an oil change fast and Midas was already booked up for the day. I decided to bring my car to this place and was SHOCKED at the price they charged. They did the most expensive oil change on my car....I'm assuming because I'm a woman. The guy in front of was also a first time customer and his oil change was $10 cheaper. My car has 105K miles on it....do you really think I want a high end oil change? I should have just

02:34 DaemonFC; wanted and taken my car to Midas or the dealership. STAY AWAY....TOTAL RIP OFF AND SCAM."

02:34 matey; their motto could be "yes, we fuck our customers over. but at least we use lube."

02:35 DaemonFC; I'm a woman and do you really think I want my 105,000 mile car to last another 105,000 miles because they put HIGH MILEAGE oil in it? The nerve of some people! They charged that other guy ten dollars less! That's almost enough to go to Wendys!"

02:36 matey; when i go to wendys i just ask for a wrapper

02:36 matey; it costs a lot less and tastes almost as good as the food

02:37 DaemonFC; https://www.yelp.com/biz/super-lube-grayslake?page_src=related_bizes

↺ https://www.yelp.com/biz/super-lube-grayslake?page_src=related_bizes

02:37 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: yelp.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.yelp.com/biz/super-lube-grayslake?page_src=related_bizes https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.yelp.com/biz/super-lube-grayslake?page_src=related_bizes

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.yelp.com/biz/super-lube-grayslake?page_src=related_bizes

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.yelp.com/biz/super-lube-grayslake?page_src=related_bizes

02:37 TR Bot; LUBE - 25 Reviews - Auto Repair - 2010 E Belvidere Rd, Grayslake, IL - Phone Number - Yelp

02:37 matey; if you want to know what a potato would taste like after 500 years in a stasis field, go to wendys

02:37 DaemonFC; "Mark then informed me for the first time in 7 yrs. of ownership of this vehicle that I needed synthetic oil. Hmmm I said " Mark this is a Chevy Sonic not a corvette!"

02:37 *koo5_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

02:37 DaemonFC; Yes, GM requires full synthetic meeting their dexos standard in a 2012 Chevy Sonic.

02:37 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-190422.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-190422.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-190422.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-190422.txt





02:37 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 19, 2022

02:37 DaemonFC; If you don't use it, you will have engine sludge.

02:38 TR News; Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-190422.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-190422.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-190422.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-190422.txt





02:38 TR Bot; IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 19, 2022

02:38 DaemonFC; Engine sludge was within the tolerances of some of the older engines, which is why they could run on conventional oil, but the newer ones with tighter tolerances can't handle any sludge or else an oil passage can become clogged up, and the engine will start running dry and you'll get about another mile and no more engine.

02:39 DaemonFC; Enjoy your $10 less oil change.

02:39 TR News; Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-190422.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-190422.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-190422.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-190422.txt





02:39 TR Bot; IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 19, 2022

02:40 *isak has quit (connection closed)

02:40 *isak (~isak@dzzss3vg4xwbw.irc) has joined #techrights

02:40 DaemonFC; Those modern engines are built to such tight tolerances that even the oil viscosity now is ridiculous.

02:40 DaemonFC; Many of them absolutely require 0w16 even.

02:40 TR News; Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-190422.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-190422.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-190422.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-190422.txt





02:40 TR Bot; IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 19, 2022

02:40 DaemonFC; And that only comes in full synthetic.

02:40 matey; and the buick?

02:41 DaemonFC; The Buick has the 3800 Buick V6.

02:41 DaemonFC; It will run on 0w30 full synthetic, or 5w30 or 10w30 even, in conventional, semi-synthetic, or full synthetic.

02:41 DaemonFC; But I use 0w30.

02:42 TR News; Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2022-04-19.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2022-04-19.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now)



02:42 *swaggboi has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)

02:43 DaemonFC; Due to the overhead valve and timing chain design that GM uses, you should not attempt to use 0w20, 5w20, or 0w16 oils.

02:43 DaemonFC; You'll do serious damage.

02:43 DaemonFC; If you try to use 0w40, 5w40, or 10w40 you'll eventually blow out the oil pump.

02:44 DaemonFC; 10w30 should only be used in cases where you live in a very warm climate.

02:44 DaemonFC; Such as the summer months in the midwest or like, eh, Florida.

02:44 DaemonFC; But I wouldn't even use it there.

02:44 *swaggboi (~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi) has joined #techrights

02:45 DaemonFC; I'd probably use 5w30 full synthetic if I lived in a state with nice weather all year.

02:45 DaemonFC; 0w30 is to get the oil flowing to the top of the engine faster on a cold day.

02:45 matey; cool

02:45 DaemonFC; And we get many of those here, and while we have a few really hot months, it's not worth changing the oil viscosity over those months because it'll just be cold again before I need another oil change.

02:46 DaemonFC; And this way I only have to remember to change the oil once a year.

02:46 DaemonFC; We're still getting snow this week.

02:46 DaemonFC; But it'll be 80 F on Saturday.

02:46 matey; crazy

02:47 DaemonFC; The weather here is too crazy to try to plan your oil viscosity around it, especially now with full synthetic oils and extended drain intervals.

02:47 DaemonFC; Back when I used conventional oil in an engine, I would switch between 10w30 for the summer months and 5w30 for the winter months.

02:47 *koo5_ (~quassel@ has joined #techrights

02:48 DaemonFC; But you have to change that out at least every 6 months anyway.

02:48 DaemonFC; At least that's what the oil companies say on the bottle.

02:48 DaemonFC; Amsoil's advice will void out your warranty if you have one.

02:49 DaemonFC; They say they'll pay to fix your engine if you use their oil and there's a breakdown caused by extended drain interval that goes well beyond what any manufacturer says to do.

02:49 DaemonFC; Amsoil claims that you can do 25,000 mile oil changes.

02:49 DaemonFC; You can, but it's a really bad idea, with any oil or filter.

02:50 DaemonFC; If you're going to go that route and buy into the 25,000 mile or one year crap, then you should get yourself an extended drain filter.

02:50 DaemonFC; Basically they just have more filtration media. Usually about 50% more.

02:50 DaemonFC; That way it won't be likely to plug up the filter with sludge and then use the bypass valve and start circulating unfiltered oil about 10,000-12,000 miles in.

02:52 DaemonFC; https://www.royalpurple.com/consumer/extended-life-oil-filters/

↺ https://www.royalpurple.com/consumer/extended-life-oil-filters/

02:52 TR Bot; Extended Life Oil Filters | Royal Purple

02:53 DaemonFC; Royal Purple makes some that have twice as much filtration media in them.

02:53 DaemonFC; But in some cases you won't be able to get one to fit in a modern engine bay.

02:53 DaemonFC; Because everything is cramped and they only specced it to have enough room for an OE-size filter.

02:54 DaemonFC; But if you don't want to think about oil drain intervals so much, you can use something like Pennzoil Platinum for Euro cars and an extended drain filter.

02:54 DaemonFC; You theoretically could go 15,000 miles between oil changes in the Buick.

02:55 DaemonFC; Though, why would you? The engine will consume _some_ oil so you'll not just be paying for Euro oil and a $50 oil filter.

02:55 DaemonFC; But you have to plan on top ups.

02:55 DaemonFC; Extended drain intervals of that type create other problems too.

02:55 DaemonFC; It's good to get a set of eyes on your car every now and then at the mechanic's shop.

02:56 DaemonFC; Remembering "I need an oil change" every so often means you'll be in there more and they have more chances to notice anything going wrong with your car.

02:56 matey; yeah

02:56 DaemonFC; If you go to a quick lube place, not only do they screw you on the oil change price and maybe not even do the job, but they are not mechanics.

02:57 DaemonFC; So you have no early warning of things like brakes that are starting to deteriorate.

02:58 DaemonFC; People are slobs.

02:58 DaemonFC; If I'm going to pay $60 for a synthetic oil change anywhere I go, it's going to be at the dealer.

02:58 DaemonFC; They do a standard inspection on your car whenever you're there and give you a status report.

02:58 DaemonFC; You can go fix it anywhere you want at that point.

02:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 24.18 k/sec., IPFS upstream 42.01 average k/sec., average swarm size 388.63

02:59 DaemonFC; Usually those chain shops don't screw up as much if you can bring in a report from the dealer and say "I need a new ball joint on the front passenger side.".

3 AM, April 20

03:00 DaemonFC; It first occurred to me that Car-X might be slipping when they missed the clunking noises I was bringing it in for until I had to come back and say "These ball joints are bond dry. Listen to this shit!".

03:00 matey; if they dont have mechanics, who do they put on such a task?

03:00 DaemonFC; And I bounced the car up and down and it squeaked.

03:01 DaemonFC; <matey> if they dont have mechanics, who do they put on such a task?

03:01 DaemonFC; So glad you asked.

03:01 DaemonFC; A guy they hired off the street and trained to do oil, tires, and air filters very quickly, making minimum wage.

03:02 DaemonFC; Jiffy Lube only starts out at $15 an hour here in Illinois.

03:02 DaemonFC; Minimum wage is $15 an hour.

03:03 DaemonFC; I managed to cut our internet bill completely out.

03:03 DaemonFC; We met the income requirements for the free high speed internet thing from the FCC by like, a few bucks.

03:04 DaemonFC; So we have free internet access for at least the next year.

03:04 DaemonFC; So that's $600 back in my pocket.

03:04 matey; nice

03:04 IPFS; Gemini requests since start of month: 224317 total Total number of pages in capsule: 40235 Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-02-07 16:50:38 GMT; 2 months 10 days ago

03:05 IPFS; IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated. TotalIn: 6.9 GB TotalOut: 1.5 GB

03:06 IPFS; New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.

03:07 DaemonFC; I have driven a Prius through Chicago. I didn't care much for it.

03:07 IPFS; QmNYJoJ9Ugk6bzW4kiqNd1XX3pDsY94QQQpPX6zvttdDqD

03:07 DaemonFC; I found the cluster to be a big distraction honestly.

03:07 IPFS; New daily bulletin has just been added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with the CID above.

03:08 DaemonFC; It has light flashing when you brake that show an icon of electricity moving back into an icon of a battery.

03:08 DaemonFC; It's so ridiculous.

03:08 DaemonFC; It's like your car that runs on power is wasting power to show you an icon about what it's doing at the moment with the power.

03:11 DaemonFC; https://www.vehiclescene.com/bird-poop-on-cars/

↺ https://www.vehiclescene.com/bird-poop-on-cars/

03:11 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: vehiclescene.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.vehiclescene.com/bird-poop-on-cars/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.vehiclescene.com/bird-poop-on-cars/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.vehiclescene.com/bird-poop-on-cars/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.vehiclescene.com/bird-poop-on-cars/

03:11 TR Bot; Bird Poop On Cars: Why It Happens & How To Get It Off (6 Methods)

03:11 DaemonFC; Bird poop is no joke.

03:11 DaemonFC; I left some on the Taurus because it was such an awful car I didn't even care.

03:11 DaemonFC; But when I finally did clean it like 8 months later, the car had rusted through underneath it.

03:13 DaemonFC; Scotty Kilmer said he has some waterless car wash spray to deal with bird shit as soon as he sees it.

03:14 matey; i just piped 0.25 gb of text into my text editor, no problem

03:14 matey; it wouldnt save it to a file for some reason...

03:15 DaemonFC; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F9269Y3/

↺ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F9269Y3/

03:15 TR Bot; Rain-X 620100-3PK Waterless Car Wash & Rain Repellent, 23 oz. (Pack of 3) : Automotive

03:15 DaemonFC; Hmm, a pack of 3 at Amazon works out to the same price as Walmart with the employee discount.

03:15 DaemonFC; Per bottle, that is.

03:17 matey; im guessing sams club either isnt worth the free or isnt available in your area

03:17 matey; ditto costco, bjs (i didnt name them)

03:18 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrights

03:20 DaemonFC; Sam's Club isn't worth any amount of money.

03:20 DaemonFC; I don't even know who shops there. I think MARISOL grabs carts full of water and gargantuan packs of toilet paper there.

03:21 matey; im not sure ive been there this century

03:21 DaemonFC; Saving a nickel a roll really makes up for the $1,200 wheel hub bearings at BMW.

03:21 DaemonFC; Wit hteh gourmet coffee in the waiting room.

03:26 matey; so it wont save a 250mb file for whatever reason-- when i wrote (if i wrote) the save routine, i didnt intend that sort of load on it in the first place

03:27 matey; but if you remove half of it, it saves 124 mb.

03:27 matey; its still 1.8 million lines of text, which i think is pretty good

03:27 matey; but right now i would be happier if it did more

03:28 matey; since that would make my life easier

03:28 matey; granted im still trying to do something fairly silly

03:36 DaemonFC; GNOME 42 looks a lot more like Android than it did before.

03:36 DaemonFC; They're copying Material Design now.

03:37 matey; they really are a fucking mystery

03:38 matey; thats one goofy culture

03:38 matey; first of all, what the fuck do gnome developers develop on? it cant be anything old, for sure

03:39 matey; i dont understand the motivation to go to all that trouble over something THAT ridiculous

03:39 matey; and then of course when theyre done

03:39 matey; theyll do it again in a few years

03:39 matey; its really bizarre

03:40 matey; free software: "mozilla is the biggest application we need, ten times over-- its bigger than the rest of everything else put together"

03:40 matey; gnome: "hold my beer"

03:41 DaemonFC; GNOME actually incorporates all of Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine.

03:41 DaemonFC; A lot of the Shell is JavaScript and runs in that.

03:41 matey; /me buys a cross and glues it to the monitor

03:42 DaemonFC; The logical thing to do if you're going to have WebKitGTK around anyway is move the JavaScript in the Shell over and run it on FTL.

03:42 DaemonFC; That gets your attack surface and resource footprint down.

03:42 DaemonFC; Because WebKitGTK is there anyway.

03:43 matey; Because WebKitGTK <- theyre moving to github

03:48 matey; not from, of course

03:48 matey; thats rare

03:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 28.73 k/sec., IPFS upstream 28.50 average k/sec., average swarm size 292.26

03:59 *activelow won't miss WebKitGTK

4 AM, April 20

04:00 activelow; fiddled with an older version of it, the latest from 1 year ago or so, had some issues, not sure what it was

04:00 activelow; didn't want WASM, remove opengl and some things, which wasn possible with an even older version only

04:01 activelow; gnome chose epiphany with webkit

04:02 activelow; as far as i was concerned, that's not much better than an iexplorer.bin

04:02 activelow; yet, i can afford the luxury, to remove it; gnome/gnu/fsf can't without loosing almost their entire user base

04:03 activelow; wouldn't want to take seat in the fsf, and being forced to endorse such software, webkit, gnome, etc.

04:06 activelow; webkit-gtk-2.24.4 was the last one, i compiled, three of four years old

04:07 activelow; the epiphany frontend was poisoned, with dbus, and not easily removed, so i ended up with badwolf/webkit, which had no benefit over netsurf anymore

04:07 activelow; and today, i decided to kick out GTK2/3... with it netsurf being gone, if i cannot repair the fbcon or motif widgets for linux

04:15 *Skywave has quit (Quit)

04:21 *Skywave (~SkywaveC3@twznfmttc5sse.irc) has joined #techrights

04:25 matey; <activelow> wouldn't want to take seat in the fsf, and being forced to endorse such software, webkit, gnome, etc. <- indeed

04:25 matey; whats wrong with the motif widgets? c++?

04:47 *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

04:50 activelow; matey: so far there isn't a problem with motif widgets, except i couldn't verify yet if netsurf can swap gtk with motif

04:51 activelow; should be possible, netsurf is modular, ... takes time

04:51 activelow; currently, i'm trying to bring back mupdf, so i can view PDF files... had to patch some stuff, again, related to harfbuzz (c++), and some issue with openjpeg

04:53 activelow; anyway, problem is GTK, harfbuzz and their poison creeping into almost everything

04:55 activelow; mupdf is a good example for this again, an older version, didn't require harfbuzz, and openjpeg requires cmake

04:55 activelow; at least, mupdf compiled... ready for testing

04:55 activelow; next one, netsurf and replacing gtk with fbcon or motif

04:57 activelow; what i can't comprehend, is, the quality minimum acceptance testing at facebook/google/red-hat/ibm; if there had been any harfbuzz implemented in c++ couldn't have passed

04:57 activelow; i mean, harfbuzz broke the entire design rationale of GTK, which the developers invested considerable effort into, to implement GLib/GObject, to prevent exaclty this one problem: c++

04:58 activelow; they even pushed Vala... and then, some idiot crushed decades of man power invested into it, GTK

04:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 31.11 k/sec., IPFS upstream 63.76 average k/sec., average swarm size 293.96

5 AM, April 20

05:08 AltLink_c52c; New Issue | Encrypted message | https://framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/issues/35

↺ https://framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/issues/35

05:08 TR Bot; Encrypted message (#35) Issues Crimeflare / deCloudflare GitLab

05:25 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

05:28 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrights

05:30 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

05:43 matey; an older version, didn't require harfbuzz, and openjpeg requires cmake <- this is the thing i try to get roy to understand

05:43 matey; proximity to github leads to mor proximity to github

05:44 matey; both harfbuzz and openjpeg are github, cmake is microsoft too

05:44 matey; theyre moving free software away from freedom, towards control

05:44 activelow; i don't know who funds cmake and whose interests are served; cmake conflicts with acceptance criteria here

05:44 matey; just saying theres a pattern

05:45 *CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Leaving)

05:47 activelow; repaired the ebuild of fluidsynth a moment ago, occasionally some configure.ac is shipped with older packages

05:47 activelow; otherwise migrating cmake->autotools isn't easily possible with some scripts (autotools->cmake got some support)

05:48 activelow; mupdf is back (hacked openjpeg calls, replaced with some dummy for now until openjpeg can be replaced)

05:48 activelow; next one is ghostscript-gpl...

05:51 activelow; attacks against build systems isn't new, reminds my of python waf, which is difficult to track, even with gentoo portage

05:56 *activelow sighs

05:56 activelow; ghostscript is back too

05:56 activelow; it was some fonts package only which build a dependency against cmake, totally weird

05:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 15.58 k/sec., IPFS upstream 24.96 average k/sec., average swarm size 229.36

6 AM, April 20

06:15 *gde33 (~gde33@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) has joined #techrights

06:32 TR News; #Techrights Bulletin for Tuesday, April 19, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext



06:32 TR Bot; Bulletin Archives

06:32 TR News; #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing



06:32 TR Bot; Techrights Full IPFS Index

06:32 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

06:34 TR News; "You can follow this tutorial with just a breadboard, a TMS9918 VDP (video display processor)" https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/19/experiment-with-80s-graphics-using-this-breadboard-setup/ | Source: Arduino

↺ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/19/experiment-with-80s-graphics-using-this-breadboard-setup/

06:34 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: arduino.cc | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/19/experiment-with-80s-graphics-using-this-breadboard-setup/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/19/experiment-with-80s-graphics-using-this-breadboard-setup/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/19/experiment-with-80s-graphics-using-this-breadboard-setup/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/19/experiment-with-80s-graphics-using-this-breadboard-setup/

06:34 TR Bot; Experiment with '80s graphics using this breadboard setup | Arduino Blog

06:35 TR News; "Im always looking for ways to make my work more efficient" https://www.techrepublic.com/article/run-a-single-command-on-multiple-linux-machines/ | Source: TechRepublic

↺ https://www.techrepublic.com/article/run-a-single-command-on-multiple-linux-machines/

06:35 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: techrepublic.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/run-a-single-command-on-multiple-linux-machines/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/run-a-single-command-on-multiple-linux-machines/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/run-a-single-command-on-multiple-linux-machines/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/run-a-single-command-on-multiple-linux-machines/

06:35 TR Bot; to run a single command on multiple Linux machines at once | TechRepublic

06:35 TR News; "I have been using serverless computing and storage for nearly five years and I'm finally tired of it." https://dev.to/brentmitchell/after-5-years-im-out-of-the-serverless-compute-cult-3f6d | Source: DEV Community

↺ https://dev.to/brentmitchell/after-5-years-im-out-of-the-serverless-compute-cult-3f6d

06:35 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: dev.to | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://dev.to/brentmitchell/after-5-years-im-out-of-the-serverless-compute-cult-3f6d https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://dev.to/brentmitchell/after-5-years-im-out-of-the-serverless-compute-cult-3f6d

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://dev.to/brentmitchell/after-5-years-im-out-of-the-serverless-compute-cult-3f6d

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://dev.to/brentmitchell/after-5-years-im-out-of-the-serverless-compute-cult-3f6d

06:35 TR Bot; After 5 years, I'm out of the serverless computecult - DEV Community

06:35 TR News; "While I was enjoying the last sip of my tea, I thought about ways to take advantage of the arbitrary file upload vulnerability" https://fh4ntke.medium.com/hacking-the-university-in-a-few-steps-84e43e3c01a8 |

↺ https://fh4ntke.medium.com/hacking-the-university-in-a-few-steps-84e43e3c01a8

06:35 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: medium.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://fh4ntke.medium.com/hacking-the-university-in-a-few-steps-84e43e3c01a8 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://fh4ntke.medium.com/hacking-the-university-in-a-few-steps-84e43e3c01a8

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://fh4ntke.medium.com/hacking-the-university-in-a-few-steps-84e43e3c01a8

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://fh4ntke.medium.com/hacking-the-university-in-a-few-steps-84e43e3c01a8

06:35 TR Bot; Hacking the University in a Few Steps | by FHantke | Apr, 2022 | Medium

06:37 TR News; "While I'm an OpenBSD contributor, I also enjoy using Linux especially the NixOS distribution" https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2022-04-18-openbsd-vs-nixos.html | Source: Data Swamp

↺ https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2022-04-18-openbsd-vs-nixos.html

06:37 TR Bot; Solene'% : Operating systems battle: OpenBSD vs NixOS

06:38 TR News; "Much like Linux, modern versions of OpenBSD are theoretically able to talk to a suitable local IPMI" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI | Source: uni Toronto

↺ https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI

06:38 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: utoronto.ca | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI

06:38 TR Bot; Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/OpenBSDLocalIPMI

06:38 TR News; "I wanted to get in on the OpenBSD/riscv64 bandwagon, but I don't have the money to spend on fancy new hardware." https://briancallahan.net/blog/20220418.html | Source: Brian Callahan

↺ https://briancallahan.net/blog/20220418.html

06:38 TR Bot; Brian Robert Callahan

06:39 TR News; Better for the planet https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/global-smartphone-shipments-fell-by-11-in-1q2022-claim.html | Source: IT Wire

↺ https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/global-smartphone-shipments-fell-by-11-in-1q2022-claim.html

06:39 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: itwire.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/global-smartphone-shipments-fell-by-11-in-1q2022-claim.html https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/global-smartphone-shipments-fell-by-11-in-1q2022-claim.html

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/global-smartphone-shipments-fell-by-11-in-1q2022-claim.html

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/global-smartphone-shipments-fell-by-11-in-1q2022-claim.html

06:39 TR Bot; - Global smartphone shipments fell by 11% in 1Q2022: claim

06:41 TR News; "Due to its open-source nature, this isn't the first app that lets you tap into its network" https://www.androidpolice.com/mastodon-officially-comes-to-the-play-store/ | Source: Android Police

↺ https://www.androidpolice.com/mastodon-officially-comes-to-the-play-store/

06:41 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: androidpolice.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.androidpolice.com/mastodon-officially-comes-to-the-play-store/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.androidpolice.com/mastodon-officially-comes-to-the-play-store/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.androidpolice.com/mastodon-officially-comes-to-the-play-store/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.androidpolice.com/mastodon-officially-comes-to-the-play-store/

06:41 TR Bot; Mastodon officially comes to the Play Store

06:41 TR News; "Did you know its actually possible to build a rich UI that runs completely in the terminal?" https://earthly.dev/blog/tui-app-with-go/ | Source: Earthly

↺ https://earthly.dev/blog/tui-app-with-go/

06:41 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: earthly.dev | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://earthly.dev/blog/tui-app-with-go/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://earthly.dev/blog/tui-app-with-go/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://earthly.dev/blog/tui-app-with-go/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://earthly.dev/blog/tui-app-with-go/

06:41 TR Bot; Building A Terminal User Interface With Golang - Earthly Blog

06:42 TR News; "Im using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus" https://www.economist.com/business/2022/04/16/how-to-sign-off-an-email | Source: The Economist

↺ https://www.economist.com/business/2022/04/16/how-to-sign-off-an-email

06:42 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: economist.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.economist.com/business/2022/04/16/how-to-sign-off-an-email https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.economist.com/business/2022/04/16/how-to-sign-off-an-email

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.economist.com/business/2022/04/16/how-to-sign-off-an-email

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.economist.com/business/2022/04/16/how-to-sign-off-an-email

06:42 TR Bot; to sign off an email | The Economist

06:43 TR News; "intrepid Jesse Blum and I analyzed metadata from over 6,500 job descriptions for data roles" https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/text-analysis-of-job-descriptions-for-data-scientists-data-engineers-machine-learning-engineers-and-data-analysts/ | Source: Rlang

↺ https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/text-analysis-of-job-descriptions-for-data-scientists-data-engineers-machine-learning-engineers-and-data-analysts/

06:43 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: r-bloggers.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/text-analysis-of-job-descriptions-for-data-scientists-data-engineers-machine-learning-engineers-and-data-analysts/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/text-analysis-of-job-descriptions-for-data-scientists-data-engineers-machine-learning-engineers-and-data-analysts/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/text-analysis-of-job-descriptions-for-data-scientists-data-engineers-machine-learning-engineers-and-data-analysts/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/text-analysis-of-job-descriptions-for-data-scientists-data-engineers-machine-learning-engineers-and-data-analysts/

06:43 TR Bot; Analysis of Job Descriptions for Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers and Data Analysts | R-bloggers

06:45 TR News; "Intel initially manufactured dynamic random-access memory (DRAM). It was an inflection point in computing" https://matt-rickard.com/only-the-paranoid-survive/ | Source: Matt Rickard

↺ https://matt-rickard.com/only-the-paranoid-survive/

06:45 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: matt-rickard.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://matt-rickard.com/only-the-paranoid-survive/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://matt-rickard.com/only-the-paranoid-survive/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://matt-rickard.com/only-the-paranoid-survive/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://matt-rickard.com/only-the-paranoid-survive/

06:45 TR Bot; Only the Paranoid Survive

06:47 TR News; "The company said it had issued updates for the stable branch of Chrome for the Windows, Mac and Linux ports." https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/google-exposed-as-it-bids-to-show-up-microsoft-over-security.html | Source: IT Wire

↺ https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/google-exposed-as-it-bids-to-show-up-microsoft-over-security.html

06:47 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: itwire.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/google-exposed-as-it-bids-to-show-up-microsoft-over-security.html https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/google-exposed-as-it-bids-to-show-up-microsoft-over-security.html

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/google-exposed-as-it-bids-to-show-up-microsoft-over-security.html

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/google-exposed-as-it-bids-to-show-up-microsoft-over-security.html

06:47 TR Bot; - Google exposed as it bids to show up Microsoft over security

06:47 TR News; "Windows is an entirely different beast" https://www.androidpolice.com/windows-11-android-apps-review/ | Source: Android Police

↺ https://www.androidpolice.com/windows-11-android-apps-review/

06:47 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: androidpolice.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.androidpolice.com/windows-11-android-apps-review/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.androidpolice.com/windows-11-android-apps-review/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.androidpolice.com/windows-11-android-apps-review/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.androidpolice.com/windows-11-android-apps-review/

06:47 TR Bot; Android apps on Windows 11 review

06:48 TR News; "two running Windows 10 and two running Windows Server 2019" https://www.securityweek.com/analysis-shows-how-fast-various-ransomware-strains-encrypt-100000-files | Source: Security Week

↺ https://www.securityweek.com/analysis-shows-how-fast-various-ransomware-strains-encrypt-100000-files

06:48 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: securityweek.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.securityweek.com/analysis-shows-how-fast-various-ransomware-strains-encrypt-100000-files https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.securityweek.com/analysis-shows-how-fast-various-ransomware-strains-encrypt-100000-files

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.securityweek.com/analysis-shows-how-fast-various-ransomware-strains-encrypt-100000-files

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.securityweek.com/analysis-shows-how-fast-various-ransomware-strains-encrypt-100000-files

06:48 TR Bot; Shows How Fast Various Ransomware Strains Encrypt 100,000 Files | SecurityWeek.Com

06:49 TR News; "Out of six issues reported, only one is resolved. The main issue received a partial fix, two more got fixes that didnt quite address the issue. Two (admittedly minor) issues havent been addressed at all within 90 days from what I can tell." https://palant.info/2022/04/19/adobe-acrobat-hollowing-out-same-origin-policy/ | Source: Wladimir Palant

↺ https://palant.info/2022/04/19/adobe-acrobat-hollowing-out-same-origin-policy/

06:49 TR Bot; Adobe Acrobat hollowing out same-origin policy | Almost Secure

06:49 TR News; "But Metas plan immediately drew blowback from developers" https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebook-parent-meta-set-to-take-nearly-50-cut-from-virtual-sales-within-its-metaverse-11649885375 | Source: Market Watch

↺ https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebook-parent-meta-set-to-take-nearly-50-cut-from-virtual-sales-within-its-metaverse-11649885375

06:49 TR Bot; parent Meta set to take nearly 50% cut from virtual sales -- and Apple is calling it out - MarketWatch

06:50 TR News; "DataSkop is a collaborative project involving AlgorithmWatch" https://algorithmwatch.org/en/dataskop-simulator-plattformdynamiken/ |

↺ https://algorithmwatch.org/en/dataskop-simulator-plattformdynamiken/

06:50 TR Bot; DataSkop: simulating the dynamics of recommender systems - AlgorithmWatch

06:50 TR News; "Semenets has posted updates of the AirPods journey on his Instagram page, even if he is unlikely to retrieve them." https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8b2b7a28-bf0d-11ec-8413-422ef6319ad0 | Source: The Sunday Times UK

↺ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8b2b7a28-bf0d-11ec-8413-422ef6319ad0

06:50 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: thetimes.co.uk | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8b2b7a28-bf0d-11ec-8413-422ef6319ad0 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8b2b7a28-bf0d-11ec-8413-422ef6319ad0

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8b2b7a28-bf0d-11ec-8413-422ef6319ad0

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8b2b7a28-bf0d-11ec-8413-422ef6319ad0

06:50 TR Bot; Stolen AirPods give away Russian retreat positions | News | The Times

06:50 TR News; "Clearview AI describes itself as The world's largest facial network." https://edri.org/our-work/we-need-to-talk-about-clearview-ai/ | Source: EDRI

↺ https://edri.org/our-work/we-need-to-talk-about-clearview-ai/

06:50 TR Bot; About ClearviewAI's mockery of human rights, those fighting it, and the need for EU to intervene - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

06:51 TR News; "In the midst of the atrocious war currently being waged by Russia on Ukraine" https://edri.org/our-work/the-clearview-ukraine-partnership-how-surveillance-companies-exploit-war/ | Source: EDRI

↺ https://edri.org/our-work/the-clearview-ukraine-partnership-how-surveillance-companies-exploit-war/

06:51 TR Bot; The Clearview/Ukraine partnership - How surveillance companies exploit war - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

06:51 TR News; "in 2020 and 2021 we observed and notified the government of the United Kingdom" https://citizenlab.ca/2022/04/uk-government-officials-targeted-pegasus/ | Source: Citizen Lab

↺ https://citizenlab.ca/2022/04/uk-government-officials-targeted-pegasus/

06:51 TR Bot; UK Government Officials Infected with Pegasus - The Citizen Lab

06:53 TR News; "David Smith of the Secret Service told CNBC that his office has been tracking the flow of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies" https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/3273240-secret-service-has-seized-more-than-100-million-in-crypto-report/ | Source: The Hill

↺ https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/3273240-secret-service-has-seized-more-than-100-million-in-crypto-report/

06:53 TR Bot; Secret Service has seized more than $100 million in crypto: report | The Hill

06:53 TR News; "The U.S. Secret Service is cracking down on illicit digital currency transactions" https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/19/secret-service-seizes-more-than-102-million-in-crypto-assets.html | Source: CNBC

↺ https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/19/secret-service-seizes-more-than-102-million-in-crypto-assets.html

06:53 TR Bot; Secret Service seizes more than $102 million in crypto assets

06:53 TR News; "paying households" https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/19/23032643/netflix-password-sharing-subscribers-100-million | Source: The Verge

↺ https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/19/23032643/netflix-password-sharing-subscribers-100-million

06:53 TR Bot; Netflix blames 100 million password sharers for stalled subscriber growth - The Verge

06:54 TR News; Swinging back to losses soon? https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/19/23032399/netflix-lost-subscribers-q1-2022-earnings | Source: The Verge

↺ https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/19/23032399/netflix-lost-subscribers-q1-2022-earnings

06:54 TR Bot; Netflix just lost subscribers for the first time in over a decade - The Verge

06:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 32.25 k/sec., IPFS upstream 54.95 average k/sec., average swarm size 298.18

7 AM, April 20

07:09 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@qdrezudez6jmq.irc) has joined #techrights

07:21 *koo5_ has quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)

↺ http://quassel-irc.org

07:22 *koo5_ (~quassel@ has joined #techrights

07:27 *darwin has quit (Quit: Leaving)

07:52 TR News; "Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers in Q1 and expects to lose another 2 million in the current second quarter" https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/netflix-loses-subscribers-q1-earnings-1235234858/ | Source: Variety

↺ https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/netflix-loses-subscribers-q1-earnings-1235234858/

07:52 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: variety.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/netflix-loses-subscribers-q1-earnings-1235234858/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/netflix-loses-subscribers-q1-earnings-1235234858/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/netflix-loses-subscribers-q1-earnings-1235234858/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/netflix-loses-subscribers-q1-earnings-1235234858/

07:52 TR Bot; Loses 200,000 Subscribers in Q1 - Variety

07:52 TR News; "The company reported a quarterly subscriber loss Tuesday, ending Q1 of 2022 with 221.64 million subscribers, down from 221.84" https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-coming-1235132170/ | Source: Hollywood Reporter

↺ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-coming-1235132170/

07:52 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: hollywoodreporter.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-coming-1235132170/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-coming-1235132170/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-coming-1235132170/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-coming-1235132170/

07:52 TR Bot; Netflix Preps Bigger Password-Sharing Crackdown The Hollywood Reporter

07:53 TR News; "The streaming giant reported a drop of 200,000 subscribers during the first quarter of 2022." https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3273435-netflix-reports-first-subscriber-loss-in-10-years/ | Source: The Hill

↺ https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3273435-netflix-reports-first-subscriber-loss-in-10-years/

07:53 TR Bot; Netflix reports first subscriber loss in 10 years | The Hill

07:56 TR News; Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS - New Features and Release Details Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163923

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163923

07:56 TR Bot; Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS - New Features and Release Details | Tux Machines

07:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 25.68 k/sec., IPFS upstream 62.88 average k/sec., average swarm size 413.35

8 AM, April 20

08:00 TR News; "ISPs, looking to undermine, FCC authority managed to frame the whole net neutrality debate as partisan as to sow dissent, prevent consensus" https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/gab-ceo-ironically-pines-for-net-neutrality/ | Source: Techdirt

↺ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/gab-ceo-ironically-pines-for-net-neutrality/

08:00 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/gab-ceo-ironically-pines-for-net-neutrality/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/gab-ceo-ironically-pines-for-net-neutrality/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/gab-ceo-ironically-pines-for-net-neutrality/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/gab-ceo-ironically-pines-for-net-neutrality/

08:00 TR Bot; CEO Ironically Pines For Net Neutrality | Techdirt

08:00 TR News; Improving Smartphone Privacy https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/improving-smartphone-privacy:5 Source: AlphaNerd

↺ https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/improving-smartphone-privacy:5

08:00 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: odysee.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/improving-smartphone-privacy:5 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/improving-smartphone-privacy:5

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/improving-smartphone-privacy:5

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/improving-smartphone-privacy:5

08:00 TR Bot; Improving Smartphone Privacy

08:01 TR News; On trademarks: PROPERLY engage with the 3D printing community! https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/here's-how-to-properly-engage-with-the:2 Source: rossmanngroup

↺ https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/here's-how-to-properly-engage-with-the:2

08:01 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: odysee.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/here's-how-to-properly-engage-with-the:2 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/here's-how-to-properly-engage-with-the:2

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/here's-how-to-properly-engage-with-the:2

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/here's-how-to-properly-engage-with-the:2

08:01 TR Bot; Here's how to PROPERLY engage with the 3D printing community!

08:06 activelow; to summarize, "GNOME foundation", a "non-profit", located in California, close nearby RAND corp., president being an Iranian spy, then GNOME/GTK pushing for dbus/systemd, since the president president promised to spy to iranian intelligence

08:07 matey; close nearby RAND corp. <- i mean...

08:07 matey; silicon valley is going to be close to silicon valley

08:08 matey; president being an Iranian spy <- according to whom?

08:08 activelow; according to wikipedia

08:08 matey; ok

08:08 matey; then GNOME/GTK pushing for dbus/systemd <- this is true enough

08:08 matey; at wonder how dbus became "necessary" for gnome (or gtk)

08:08 matey; i wonder ^

08:08 activelow; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behdad_Esfahbod

↺ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behdad_Esfahbod

08:08 TR Bot; Behdad Esfahbod - Wikipedia


08:09 activelow; was, at gnome foundation, then some type of senior lead developer at facebook, then google, redhat

08:10 matey; fuck

08:10 matey; and you realise hes also the harfbuzz author, yes?

08:10 schestowitz-TR; Iranian spy << citation needed

08:10 activelow; ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behdad_Esfahbod

↺ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behdad_Esfahbod

08:12 schestowitz-TR; it's the opposite of what you claimed

08:12 schestowitz-TR; he was DETAINED in Iran

08:12 schestowitz-TR; he seems like the victim of them

08:12 schestowitz-TR; not a courier of them

08:12 activelow; permitted to travel freely, back to USA

08:13 matey; lol@everyone who gets detained and freed is a spy

08:13 activelow; and whoever implemented it, harfbuzz (necessary to process farsi/arab/hindi/hebrew etc), dbus, systemd

08:13 matey; and whoever implemented it <- why dont you look at the article to see who implemented it

08:14 matey; the one you just linked to

08:14 activelow; i wouldn't say GNOME is spyware

08:15 matey; i would

08:15 matey; geoclue is shit

08:15 activelow; of cause not, it is

08:15 activelow; of cause not, it is "free software", says RMS

08:15 activelow; or, what's the position of RMS towards GNOME?

08:15 matey; he also thinks systemd is free software

08:15 TR News; "Within 48 hours we had 70% of the store signed up for union cards." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/stunning-clean-sweep-starbucks-workers-win-5-straight-union-votes-virginia | Source: Common Dreams

↺ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/stunning-clean-sweep-starbucks-workers-win-5-straight-union-votes-virginia

08:15 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: commondreams.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/stunning-clean-sweep-starbucks-workers-win-5-straight-union-votes-virginia https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/stunning-clean-sweep-starbucks-workers-win-5-straight-union-votes-virginia

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/stunning-clean-sweep-starbucks-workers-win-5-straight-union-votes-virginia

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/stunning-clean-sweep-starbucks-workers-win-5-straight-union-votes-virginia

08:15 TR Bot; 'Stunning Clean Sweep' as Starbucks Workers Win 5 Straight Union Votes in Virginia

08:16 activelow; last known good GTK is version 1.x; just saying

08:16 matey; github toolkit

08:16 activelow; maybe there is some GTK 2.x somewhere hiding in the archives, i back-tracked until 2013 and then stopped

08:17 activelow; GTK 2.x isn't affected by dbus/systemd as GTK 3.x is, yet harfbuzz poison already attached to it, GTK 1.x seems clean

08:18 activelow; however, neither motif nor gtk-1.x are used, it's almost gtk-2.x at least, i'll backtrack further to see if there is any clean version hiding somewhere

08:18 TR News; "A few weeks ago, Rene Ebersole drew the curtain back on law enforcement forensic training" https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/instructor-who-teaches-cops-to-dowse-for-dead-bodies-issues-hearty-defense-of-corpse-witching/ | Source: Techdirt

↺ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/instructor-who-teaches-cops-to-dowse-for-dead-bodies-issues-hearty-defense-of-corpse-witching/

08:18 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/instructor-who-teaches-cops-to-dowse-for-dead-bodies-issues-hearty-defense-of-corpse-witching/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/instructor-who-teaches-cops-to-dowse-for-dead-bodies-issues-hearty-defense-of-corpse-witching/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/instructor-who-teaches-cops-to-dowse-for-dead-bodies-issues-hearty-defense-of-corpse-witching/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/instructor-who-teaches-cops-to-dowse-for-dead-bodies-issues-hearty-defense-of-corpse-witching/

08:18 TR Bot; Who Teaches Cops To Dowse For Dead Bodies Issues Hearty Defense Of Corpse Witching | Techdirt

08:20 matey; last known good GTK is version 1.x; just saying <- i dont know when gnome took over gtk

08:20 matey; what i do know is that it wasnt gnome originally

08:20 matey; gtk3 is gnome, i dont know about the status of gtk2

08:20 schestowitz-TR; icbm emploloyes key gtk devs

08:20 schestowitz-TR; they are affiliated with gnome

08:20 matey; icbm emploloyes key gtk dev <- at any rate there are only 3 things ill use gtk4 for

08:21 matey; preferably less

08:21 matey; i wont use gtk4 apps

08:21 matey; 3 exceptions

08:21 matey; browser, image editor

08:21 matey; and ?

08:22 matey; gtk4 just means "fuck you, fuck users"

08:22 matey; so does gtk3, but ive worked pretty hard to get away from that

08:22 matey; if you use gtk4 to make an app, i guess you dont want me to use it

08:23 activelow; maybe there is a chance with gtk2, certainly not gtk3 anymore

08:23 matey; id be content with mate if it moved off github

08:24 activelow; well, even with gtk2 versions in 2013 already weren't ok anymore

08:24 matey; i mean i wouldnt use it, but id probably recommend it (not if its on github)

08:25 matey; even with gtk2 versions in 2013 already weren't ok anymore <- your definition of "not ok" includes "written in c++"

08:25 matey; which is alright for your profile, but in general

08:25 matey; then again id like to know how intrinsic the boost libraries are to c++ applications

08:26 matey; in general

08:26 matey; because at that point your anti-c++ crusade dovetails with my own

08:26 TR News; "So much of the debate about Section 230 is based on an incorrect understanding of its procedural benefits" https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/techdirt-podcast-episode-318-the-real-beneficiaries-of-section-230/ | Source: Techdirt

↺ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/techdirt-podcast-episode-318-the-real-beneficiaries-of-section-230/

08:26 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/techdirt-podcast-episode-318-the-real-beneficiaries-of-section-230/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/techdirt-podcast-episode-318-the-real-beneficiaries-of-section-230/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/techdirt-podcast-episode-318-the-real-beneficiaries-of-section-230/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/techdirt-podcast-episode-318-the-real-beneficiaries-of-section-230/

08:26 TR Bot; Podcast Episode 318: The Real Beneficiaries Of Section 230 | Techdirt

08:26 matey; but only if the boost libraries are in most (common) c++ applications

08:27 matey; and you dont keep track of that sort of thing (or perhaps you noticed anyway)

08:27 activelow; and the problem is related to pango, seems gtk2 from the beginning used it, pango, and i am not aware of a pango version yet without harfbuzz

08:28 activelow; apropos boost, noticed a moment ago, mpd music server requires this monstrosity; removed

08:28 TR News; DuckDuckGo is a Microsoft SCAM. Stop using that SCAM. https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-restores-pirate-sites-and-points-to-bing-220419/ see http://techrights.org/wiki/DuckDuckGo

↺ https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-restores-pirate-sites-and-points-to-bing-220419/


08:28 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: torrentfreak.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-restores-pirate-sites-and-points-to-bing-220419/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-restores-pirate-sites-and-points-to-bing-220419/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-restores-pirate-sites-and-points-to-bing-220419/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-restores-pirate-sites-and-points-to-bing-220419/

08:28 TR Bot; 'Restores' Pirate Sites and Points to Bing as Culprit * TorrentFreak

08:28 TR Bot; DuckDuckGo - Techrights

08:29 TR News; "VLC, for example, is a content-agnostic tool that can play most media, regardless of the source" https://torrentfreak.com/85-pirate-iptv-apps-reported-as-illegal-but-most-if-any-carry-no-content-220419/ | Source: Torrent Freak

↺ https://torrentfreak.com/85-pirate-iptv-apps-reported-as-illegal-but-most-if-any-carry-no-content-220419/

08:29 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: torrentfreak.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://torrentfreak.com/85-pirate-iptv-apps-reported-as-illegal-but-most-if-any-carry-no-content-220419/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://torrentfreak.com/85-pirate-iptv-apps-reported-as-illegal-but-most-if-any-carry-no-content-220419/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://torrentfreak.com/85-pirate-iptv-apps-reported-as-illegal-but-most-if-any-carry-no-content-220419/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://torrentfreak.com/85-pirate-iptv-apps-reported-as-illegal-but-most-if-any-carry-no-content-220419/

08:29 TR Bot; 'Pirate' IPTV Apps Reported as Illegal But Most (If Any) Carry No Content * TorrentFreak

08:30 TR News; "Creative Commons Open Culture Remix Art Contest #CCSharesCulture is open until 30 April 2022" https://creativecommons.org/2022/04/19/meet-the-judges-ccsharesculture-tyler-green/ | Source: Creative Commons

↺ https://creativecommons.org/2022/04/19/meet-the-judges-ccsharesculture-tyler-green/

08:30 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: creativecommons.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://creativecommons.org/2022/04/19/meet-the-judges-ccsharesculture-tyler-green/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://creativecommons.org/2022/04/19/meet-the-judges-ccsharesculture-tyler-green/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://creativecommons.org/2022/04/19/meet-the-judges-ccsharesculture-tyler-green/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://creativecommons.org/2022/04/19/meet-the-judges-ccsharesculture-tyler-green/

08:30 TR Bot; Meet the Judges #CCSharesCulture: Tyler Green - Creative Commons

08:33 TR News; Microsoft criminals are fighting against the Internet, EFF won't even name Microsoft! https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/04/scraping-public-websites-still-isnt-crime-court-appeals-declares | Source: EFF

↺ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/04/scraping-public-websites-still-isnt-crime-court-appeals-declares

08:33 TR Bot; Scraping Public Websites (Still) Isnt a Crime, Court of Appeals Declares | Electronic Frontier Foundation

08:34 TR News; "There is a growing recognition that forced arbitration agreements impede the defense of fundamental rights." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/04/stop-forced-arbitration-data-privacy-legislation | Source: EFF

↺ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/04/stop-forced-arbitration-data-privacy-legislation

08:34 TR Bot; Stop Forced Arbitration in Data Privacy Legislation | Electronic Frontier Foundation

08:35 Techrights-sec; I would hope that the EFF can somehow be slavaged

08:35 Techrights-sec; ^salvaged

08:36 TR News; "As far as input devices go, the potentiometer is pretty straightforward" https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/oled-display-kicks-knob-up-several-accurate-notches/ | Source: Hackaday

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/oled-display-kicks-knob-up-several-accurate-notches/

08:36 TR Bot; Display Kicks Knob Up Several Accurate Notches | Hackaday

08:36 TR News; <li>

08:36 TR News; "When it comes to sci-fi, its hard to go pastStar Wars, and many submissions to our contest land in that exact universe." https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/2022-sci-fi-contest-the-animatronic-baby-yoda-youve-always-wanted/ | Source: Hackaday

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/2022-sci-fi-contest-the-animatronic-baby-yoda-youve-always-wanted/

08:36 TR Bot; Sci-Fi Contest: The Animatronic Baby Yoda Youve Always Wanted | Hackaday

08:38 TR News; "We just got done noting how the telecom industry has been pushing misleading editorials in Arizona to derail the nomination" https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/telecom-lobby-targets-senators-manchin-kelly-and-cortez-masto-in-bid-to-scuttle-sohn-fcc-nomination/ | Source: Techdirt

↺ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/telecom-lobby-targets-senators-manchin-kelly-and-cortez-masto-in-bid-to-scuttle-sohn-fcc-nomination/

08:38 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: techdirt.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/telecom-lobby-targets-senators-manchin-kelly-and-cortez-masto-in-bid-to-scuttle-sohn-fcc-nomination/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/telecom-lobby-targets-senators-manchin-kelly-and-cortez-masto-in-bid-to-scuttle-sohn-fcc-nomination/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/telecom-lobby-targets-senators-manchin-kelly-and-cortez-masto-in-bid-to-scuttle-sohn-fcc-nomination/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techdirt.com/2022/04/19/telecom-lobby-targets-senators-manchin-kelly-and-cortez-masto-in-bid-to-scuttle-sohn-fcc-nomination/

08:38 TR Bot; Lobby Targets Senators Manchin, Kelly, And Cortez Masto In Bid To Scuttle Sohn FCC Nomination | Techdirt

08:42 Techrights-sec; However they have become part of the problem for a while

08:43 TR News; "In reviewing the arguments for Section 230 repeal, Coy left out what I considered the most important, the downsizing of Facebook and Twitter" https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/repealing-section-230-to-downsize-facebook-and-twitter/ | Source: Counter Punch

↺ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/repealing-section-230-to-downsize-facebook-and-twitter/

08:43 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: counterpunch.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/repealing-section-230-to-downsize-facebook-and-twitter/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/repealing-section-230-to-downsize-facebook-and-twitter/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/repealing-section-230-to-downsize-facebook-and-twitter/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/repealing-section-230-to-downsize-facebook-and-twitter/

08:43 TR Bot; Section 230 to Downsize Facebook and Twitter - CounterPunch.org

08:45 TR News; "That conclusion emerges from the recent World Happiness Report-2022, published by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network" https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/military-and-economic-power-once-again-fail-to-produce-happiness/ | Source: Counter Punch

↺ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/military-and-economic-power-once-again-fail-to-produce-happiness/

08:45 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: counterpunch.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/military-and-economic-power-once-again-fail-to-produce-happiness/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/military-and-economic-power-once-again-fail-to-produce-happiness/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/military-and-economic-power-once-again-fail-to-produce-happiness/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/19/military-and-economic-power-once-again-fail-to-produce-happiness/

08:45 TR Bot; and Economic Power Once Again Fail to Produce Happiness - CounterPunch.org

08:47 TR News; SweatshopZone https://truthout.org/articles/poll-finds-75-percent-of-americans-support-amazon-workers-union-efforts/ | Source: TruthOut

↺ https://truthout.org/articles/poll-finds-75-percent-of-americans-support-amazon-workers-union-efforts/

08:47 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: truthout.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://truthout.org/articles/poll-finds-75-percent-of-americans-support-amazon-workers-union-efforts/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://truthout.org/articles/poll-finds-75-percent-of-americans-support-amazon-workers-union-efforts/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://truthout.org/articles/poll-finds-75-percent-of-americans-support-amazon-workers-union-efforts/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://truthout.org/articles/poll-finds-75-percent-of-americans-support-amazon-workers-union-efforts/

08:47 TR Bot; Poll Finds 75 Percent of Americans Support Amazon Workers Union Efforts

08:50 TR News; "Yet another Day of the Chocolate Bunnies" https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/edible-electronics-let-us-hear-the-lamentations-of-the-chocolate-bunnies/ | Source: Hackaday

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/edible-electronics-let-us-hear-the-lamentations-of-the-chocolate-bunnies/

08:50 TR Bot; Electronics Let Us Hear The Lamentations Of The Chocolate Bunnies | Hackaday

08:50 TR News; "Last time, I told you how to get started with the Black Pill STM32F411 board using the Mbed OS." https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/arm-pumps-up-the-volume-with-mbed-and-a-potentiometer/ | Source: Hackaday

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/arm-pumps-up-the-volume-with-mbed-and-a-potentiometer/

08:50 TR Bot; Pumps Up The Volume With Mbed And A Potentiometer | Hackaday

08:50 *tpmd (~tpm@nbnsvpfizihkw.irc) has joined #techrights

08:52 TR News; "President Joe Biden nominated media activist Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communications Commission in October" https://fair.org/home/action-alert-big-media-want-gigi-sohn-kept-off-fcc-board/ | Source: FAIR

↺ https://fair.org/home/action-alert-big-media-want-gigi-sohn-kept-off-fcc-board/

08:52 TR Bot; ACTION ALERT: Big Media Want Gigi Sohn Kept Off FCC Board - FAIR

08:53 *ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

08:57 TR News; "A line follower is a common project for anyone wishing to make a start in robotics" https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/a-line-follower-with-no-brains/ | Source: Hackaday

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/a-line-follower-with-no-brains/

08:57 TR Bot; Line Follower With No Brains | Hackaday

08:57 TR News; Windows has become a laughing stock https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/mobile-focused-windows-11-leaves-taskbar-stuck-along-the-bottom/ | Source: Hackaday

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/19/mobile-focused-windows-11-leaves-taskbar-stuck-along-the-bottom/

08:57 TR Bot; Windows 11 Leaves Taskbar Stuck Along The Bottom | Hackaday

08:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 47.48 k/sec., IPFS upstream 59.68 average k/sec., average swarm size 293.15

9 AM, April 20

09:00 TR News; Broken system https://truthout.org/articles/top-us-ceos-made-254-times-more-than-median-workers-in-2021-study-shows/ | Source: TruthOut

↺ https://truthout.org/articles/top-us-ceos-made-254-times-more-than-median-workers-in-2021-study-shows/

09:00 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: truthout.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://truthout.org/articles/top-us-ceos-made-254-times-more-than-median-workers-in-2021-study-shows/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://truthout.org/articles/top-us-ceos-made-254-times-more-than-median-workers-in-2021-study-shows/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://truthout.org/articles/top-us-ceos-made-254-times-more-than-median-workers-in-2021-study-shows/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://truthout.org/articles/top-us-ceos-made-254-times-more-than-median-workers-in-2021-study-shows/

09:00 TR Bot; Top US CEOs Made 254 Times More Than Median Workers in 2021, Study Shows

09:01 TR News; Well, Unionizing is good https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/75-americans-support-unionizing-amazon-workers-poll | Source: Common Dreams

↺ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/75-americans-support-unionizing-amazon-workers-poll

09:01 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: commondreams.org | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/75-americans-support-unionizing-amazon-workers-poll https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/75-americans-support-unionizing-amazon-workers-poll

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/75-americans-support-unionizing-amazon-workers-poll

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/19/75-americans-support-unionizing-amazon-workers-poll

09:01 TR Bot; 75% of Americans Support Unionizing Amazon Workers: Poll

09:01 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@b3g8b57uk9y4e.irc) has joined #techrights

09:06 TR News; BSD: Coverage of OpenBSD Issues Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163924

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163924

09:06 TR Bot; BSD: Coverage of OpenBSD Issues | Tux Machines

09:07 matey; and i am not aware of a pango version yet without harfbuzz <- probably because it renders text

09:08 matey; <Techrights-sec> I would hope that the EFF can somehow be slavaged <- i mean, they could jump off the roof

09:09 matey; theyre traitors and frauds

09:09 TR News; Proprietary Sofwtare Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163925

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163925

09:09 TR Bot; Proprietary Sofwtare Leftovers | Tux Machines

09:09 matey; they should be shut down

09:09 matey; stop taking peoples money

09:10 matey; i dont know why people are so tolerant of such scams

09:10 TR News; IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/04/20/irc-log-190422/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/04/20/irc-log-190422/



09:11 TR Bot; IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 | Techrights

09:11 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163926

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163926

09:11 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

09:11 TR News; Debian GNU/Linux has about 1,000 developers and volunteers, but thats not going to be enough when Linux-hostile hardware companies are slinging proprietary firmware; Debian recognises that this puts off some potential new users http://techrights.org/2022/04/19/proprietary-firmware-debian/


09:11 TR Bot; Debian GNU/Linux Means Free as in Freedom, But the Firmware Question Remains Relevant | Techrights

09:11 TR News; Tidelift seems to be concern-trolling the Free/Open Source community; looking at whos actually behind Tidelift, this is hardly surprising http://techrights.org/2022/04/19/tidelift-concern-troll/


09:11 TR Bot; Tidelift is Connected to Microsoft and It Does Not Spread a Positive Message for the Free/Open Source Community | Techrights

09:13 TR News; 19th April 2022 - Easter Break gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/stug/phlog/20220419.txt

09:14 TR News; Hypertext in Emacs: find-file-at-point gemini://bjornwestergard.com/log/2022-04-19-hypertext-emacs.gmi

↺ gemini://bjornwestergard.com/log/2022-04-19-hypertext-emacs.gmi

09:20 *isak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

09:20 *isak (~isak@dzzss3vg4xwbw.irc) has joined #techrights

09:32 activelow; matey: gtk1, motif, and various x11-libs do not require pango to render text,fonts,widgets

09:34 activelow; the dependency is gtk2/3->pango->harfbuzz, and gtk2/3->harfbuzz (according to the ebuilds); removal of pango and harfbuzz are not possible (with or without farsi/arab/hebrew requirement)

09:35 activelow; furthermore, there is freetype, fontconfig and some libxft (and even those are not required by X11 if truetype/unicode related is not required)

09:36 activelow; it is chaotic; and i could verify already unicode rendered correctly without pango/harfbuzz/freetype/fontconfig/xft inside urxvt... need to test this again, exactly what is required and what isn't

09:37 activelow; pango/harfbuzz certainly are _not_ necessary for unicode/greek/cjk with some terminal emulator i tested with

09:37 matey; and i could verify already unicode rendered correctly without pango/harfbuzz/freetype/fontconfig/xft inside urxvt <- depends what you mean by "correctly"

09:37 activelow; utf-8, umlaute, etc, ncurses styles etc.

09:39 matey; if someone gives you a string and you cant display it without missing parts of it, would you say (as an engineer) that it rendered correctly?

09:39 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrights

09:40 activelow; matey: depends, if i haven't got hebrew/arab/farsi fonts (nor would i want those for sure)

09:40 activelow; i am not entirely sure yet about libxft/freetype/fontconfig/truetype-fonts; besides the chosen font and libs probably affect the speed of xterm/rxvt etc.; and maybe this is another reason why i had no performance issues with xterm/rxvt

09:40 activelow; because it didn't render gibberish pipelined into some complicated opengl stack

09:41 matey; by "gibberish" of course you mean four widely spoken languages

09:41 activelow; i'll verify greek at least, because for this i got some test-case

09:41 matey; i think wikipedia can get you sorted

09:42 activelow; yet, greek scipt could be nice to have for maths at least; not sure what arab/farsi/hindi/hebrew would be useful for

09:42 activelow; *script

09:43 activelow; if this is the user-base of GNOME, that's fine of cause

09:43 matey; not sure what arab/farsi/hindi/hebrew would be useful for <- maybe talking with scientists like the indian guy that crunched all the math for that sun shield that went up on that big orbital telescope in 2016...

09:43 matey; but im sure thats nothing compared to telco engineering

09:44 activelow; as said, i have absolute no problem with them using their GNOME, it isn't mine

09:44 *ziraffep has quit (connection closed)

09:44 activelow; *absolutely

09:45 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

09:45 activelow; i'll stick to the original TeX

09:45 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@f2uucmx8wdxxw.irc) has joined #techrights

09:46 activelow; the only wish i had for them, is to take the pride for their spyware themselves

09:47 *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #techrights

09:50 psydruid; > not sure what arab/farsi/hindi/hebrew would be useful for <- maybe talking with scientists like the indian guy that crunched all the math for that sun shield that went up on that big orbital telescope in 2016...

09:50 psydruid; > but im sure thats nothing compared to telco engineering

09:50 psydruid; Those are absolutely rubbish languages spoken by rubbish people. I am telling you they should be abolished in favour of Old Norse and Old Low German.

09:55 activelow; psydruid: they may do whatever they want with GNOME/GTK2,3/Pango/Harfbuzz, i'll not be using this type of software, they may, and take the pride for it

09:55 activelow; i rather disconnect from the internet and hack with the gigatron or z80 stuff, than ever again wasting my time with any gnome-related

09:56 activelow; besides, space shuttle was equipped with i8086, and this is what NASA couldn't source spare parts for anymore, they may go shopping elsewhere

09:56 activelow; since the east-german semi-conductors are, defunct, in favor of what is ruling "free software" nowadays

10 AM, April 20

10:14 TR News; BillBC is a lying machine with a private financial agenda. Now it leverages the LACK of data due to Easter to falsely claim that numbers are decreasing. Yes, well... number of tests have decreased. Lowest since 2020. We're meant to hide the problem?

10:15 TR News; VirtualBox 6.1.34 Released with Initial Support for Linux Kernel 5.17 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163927

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163927

10:15 TR Bot; VirtualBox 6.1.34 Released with Initial Support for Linux Kernel 5.17 | Tux Machines

10:20 TR News; Early bird discount expires 30th April for The Perl and Raku Conf 2022 http://blogs.perl.org/users/dean/2022/04/early-bird-discount-expires-30th-april-for-the-perl-and-raku-conf-2022.html

↺ http://blogs.perl.org/users/dean/2022/04/early-bird-discount-expires-30th-april-for-the-perl-and-raku-conf-2022.html

10:20 TR Bot; bird discount expires 30th April for The Perl and Raku Conf 2022 | dean [blogs.perl.org]

10:20 TR News; QEMU 7.0 Released with KVM Support for RISC-V, ARM and OpenRISC Improvements Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163928

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163928

10:20 TR Bot; QEMU 7.0 Released with KVM Support for RISC-V, ARM and OpenRISC Improvements | Tux Machines

10:22 TR News; BillBC is turning the British public into careless COVIDiots so that rich sociopaths who don't mingle with the 'hoi polloi' can get richer

10:45 TR News; With About 20,000 COVID-19 Patients in Hospital (Worse in More Than a Year!) BillBC/BBC Lies to the Public Again http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/bbc-lies/

↺ http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/bbc-lies/

10:45 TR Bot; Blog Archive With About 20,000 COVID-19 Patients in Hospital (Worse in More Than a Year!) BillBC/BBC Lies to the Public Again

10:47 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@idx2hgwaipuwq.irc) has joined #techrights

10:49 *gooseheaded has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

10:51 *matey has quit (connection closed)

10:55 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

11 AM, April 20

11:19 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrights

11:22 *bnchs (~bnchs_@cxs6qsbkeb8ds.irc) has joined #techrights

11:32 TR News; Ansible vs Jenkins: DevOps tools comparison https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ansible-vs-jenkins/

↺ https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ansible-vs-jenkins/

11:32 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: techrepublic.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ansible-vs-jenkins/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ansible-vs-jenkins/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ansible-vs-jenkins/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ansible-vs-jenkins/

11:32 TR Bot; vs Jenkins | DevOps Tools Comparison | TechRepublic

11:38 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@idx2hgwaipuwq.irc) has joined #techrights

11:42 *ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

11:43 TR News; Links 20/04/2022: VirtualBox 6.1.3, QEMU 7.0, and Netflix Imploding | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/04/20/qemu-7-0/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/04/20/qemu-7-0/



11:43 TR Bot; Links 20/04/2022: VirtualBox 6.1.3, QEMU 7.0, and Netflix Imploding | Techrights

11:43 TR News; Programming Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163929

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163929

11:43 TR Bot; Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines

11:43 *bnchs has quit (Quit: Quit)

11:47 TR News; Planting Undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06974

↺ https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06974

11:47 TR Bot; [2204.06974] Planting Undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models

11:49 TR News; Clown computing and security are mutually incompatible notions, but NSA/CISA want your data at arm's reach https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/04/19/cisa-releases-secure-cloud-business-applications-scuba-guidance

↺ https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/04/19/cisa-releases-secure-cloud-business-applications-scuba-guidance

11:49 TR Bot; CISA Releases Secure Cloud Business Applications (SCuBA) Guidance Documents for Public Comment | CISA

11:51 TR News; Predatory and Unacceptable: e.ON or E.ON Next Energy Limited Outsourcing the Work to the Customers While Raising the Prices Considerably http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/eon-next-energy-limited-predatory-tactics/ 6 msgs included for full context

↺ http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/eon-next-energy-limited-predatory-tactics/

11:51 TR Bot; Blog Archive Predatory and Unacceptable: e.ON or E.ON Next Energy Limited Outsourcing the Work to the Customers While Raising the Prices Considerably

11:53 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@tqrtt4p8kcxpw.irc) has joined #techrights

11:57 activelow; patched several dozens of ebuilds; there's far more remaining without GTK/c++/cmake than expected

11:58 activelow; including postscript/pdf/transformations etc.; Knuth TeX is still todo, and lots of testing

11:59 activelow; and, if all of this compiles with TinyCC (it does already with gcc47 c-only), this would be awesome

noon, April 20

12:00 activelow; furthermore i feel brave enough, to consider GTK-1 and related

12:09 schestowitz-TR; knuth tex lol

12:10 schestowitz-TR; branding

12:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

12:10 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 41.96 k/sec., IPFS upstream 59.28 average k/sec., average swarm size 288.11

12:13 TR News; NVIDIA submits NVDLA AI accelerator driver to mainline Linux Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163930

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163930

12:13 TR Bot; NVIDIA submits NVDLA AI accelerator driver to mainline Linux | Tux Machines

12:17 TR News; I hope it is WELL established by now that Team Mono does NOT use GNU/Linux. They don't care about GNU/Linux either. They're Microsoft pushers.

12:18 TR News; Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Screenshot Tour Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163931

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163931

12:18 TR Bot; Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Screenshot Tour | Tux Machines

12:24 *GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

12:24 *GNUmoon2 has quit (connection closed)

12:27 psydruid; Team Mono/GNOME?

12:27 TR News; daedalOS - desktop environment in the web browser Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163932

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163932

12:27 TR Bot; daedalOS - desktop environment in the web browser | Tux Machines

12:28 TR News; 6 Linux distributions to revive an old laptop or PC Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163933

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163933

12:28 TR Bot; 6 Linux distributions to revive an old laptop or PC | Tux Machines

12:32 *gooseheaded has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

12:33 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

12:37 activelow; schestowitz-TR: branding ?

12:59 TR News; Comparing Nearly One Decade of UK Mortalities (Before and After COVID-19 Breakout) http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/covid-perspective/

↺ http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/covid-perspective/

12:59 TR Bot; Blog Archive Comparing Nearly One Decade of UK Mortalities (Before and After COVID-19 Breakout)

12:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 21.88 k/sec., IPFS upstream 25.88 average k/sec., average swarm size 308.61

1 PM, April 20

13:00 TR News; SUSE Announces Adaptable Linux Platform for SUSE Linux Enterprise Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163934

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163934

13:00 TR Bot; SUSE Announces Adaptable Linux Platform for SUSE Linux Enterprise | Tux Machines

13:00 TR News; Google #Android Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163935

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163935

13:00 TR Bot; Android Leftovers | Tux Machines

13:00 TR News; Stable Kernels: 5.17.4, 5.15.35, 5.10.112, 5.4.190, 4.19.239, 4.14.276, and 4.9.311 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163936

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163936

13:00 TR Bot; Stable Kernels: 5.17.4, 5.15.35, 5.10.112, 5.4.190, 4.19.239, 4.14.276, and 4.9.311 | Tux Machines

13:00 TR News; The easiest way to learn Linux for students Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163937

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163937

13:00 TR Bot; The easiest way to learn Linux for students | Tux Machines

13:09 activelow; cool, someone wrapped netsurf browser into motif widgets... git-clone from the evilness ... diff patch ... done :)

13:10 AltLink_c52c; New Issue | Encrypted message | https://framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/issues/36

↺ https://framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/issues/36

13:10 TR Bot; Encrypted message (#36) Issues Crimeflare / deCloudflare GitLab

13:15 SomeH4x0r; did it really move to framagit from disroot?

13:17 SomeH4x0r; sad!

13:18 TR News; Just Before the British Government Announced/Disclosed ~3,000 'Missing' (Unaccounted for) COVID-19 Casualties This Tally Stopped Being Updated, Indicating Almost 200,000 Deaths With COVID-19 and No Sign of Slowing Down (It's Only Getting Worse) http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/no-sign-of-covid-slowing-down/

↺ http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/no-sign-of-covid-slowing-down/

13:18 TR Bot; Blog Archive Just Before the British Government Announced/Disclosed ~3,000 Missing (Unaccounted for) COVID-19 Casualties This Tally Stopped Being Updated, Indicating Almost 200,000 Deaths With COVID-19 and No Sign of Slowing Down (Its Only Getting Worse)

13:20 *wybpip[m] (~wybpipmat@2001:470:69fc:105::1:f452) has joined #techrights

13:21 *wybpip[m] (~wybpipmat@2001:470:69fc:105::1:f452) has left #techrights

13:22 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

13:31 TR News; Upgrade Ubuntu Server 20.04 to 22.04 - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-8_cQa6AjSw Source: Video | Invidious | Multimedia

↺ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-8_cQa6AjSw

13:31 TR Bot; Upgrade Ubuntu Server 20.04 to 22.04 - Invidious

13:34 TR News; Volla Phone 22 runs Ubuntu Touch or a Google-free Android OS (Crowdfunding) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163909#comment-33395

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163909#comment-33395

13:34 TR Bot; Volla Phone 22 runs Ubuntu Touch or a privacy-focused Android fork... or both (crowdfunding) | Tux Machines

13:35 *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

13:42 *gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

13:46 XRevan86; https://r.nf/the2b9 oh, there's a translation

↺ https://r.nf/the2b9

13:46 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: r.nf | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://r.nf/the2b9 https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://r.nf/the2b9

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://r.nf/the2b9

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://r.nf/the2b9

13:46 TR Bot; people we have a hole in the floor.. - r/collapse

13:47 *ziraffep has quit (Quit)

13:47 TR News; Ditch Office 365: 3 free Microsoft office alternatives for Windows, Linux and macOS Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163938

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163938

13:47 TR Bot; Ditch Office 365: 3 free Microsoft office alternatives for Windows, Linux and macOS | Tux Machines

13:47 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163939

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163939

13:47 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

13:49 schestowitz-TR; XRevan86: in flakon it shows only comments

13:49 schestowitz-TR; not original or video or image

13:49 schestowitz-TR; the web is a piece of shit

13:50 XRevan86; schestowitz: https://i.redd.it/j00g70tq97o81.png

↺ https://i.redd.it/j00g70tq97o81.png

13:50 XRevan86; r.nf is libreddit

13:51 TR News; Re: The Mechanical Keyboard Addiction gemini://ew.srht.site/en/2022/20220420-re-keyboards.gmi "They were heavy and sturdy."

↺ gemini://ew.srht.site/en/2022/20220420-re-keyboards.gmi

13:52 schestowitz; thanks

13:52 schestowitz; direc link to images is always good

13:52 schestowitz; no programs running in the background

13:53 *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@fici29dumxqp6.irc) has joined #techrights

13:53 *GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrights

13:54 TR News; No! If you use this piece of crap, a TOY called WSL, you are HELPING MICROSOFT in its ATTACK on GNU/Linux. Install proper distros. https://linuxstoney.com/do-i-install-linux-or-use-the-windows-subsystem-discover-it/

↺ https://linuxstoney.com/do-i-install-linux-or-use-the-windows-subsystem-discover-it/

13:54 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: linuxstoney.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxstoney.com/do-i-install-linux-or-use-the-windows-subsystem-discover-it/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxstoney.com/do-i-install-linux-or-use-the-windows-subsystem-discover-it/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxstoney.com/do-i-install-linux-or-use-the-windows-subsystem-discover-it/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxstoney.com/do-i-install-linux-or-use-the-windows-subsystem-discover-it/

13:54 TR Bot; I install Linux or use the Windows Subsystem? discover it - LinuxStoney

13:54 TR News; IBM vendor locked for the back end https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/04/20/deploy-keycloak-single-sign-ansible

↺ https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/04/20/deploy-keycloak-single-sign-ansible

13:54 TR Bot; Deploy Keycloak single sign-on with Ansible | Red Hat Developer

13:56 AltLink_c52c; [:R] schestowitz-TR: the web is a piece of shit <- Correction, the surfaceweb is. Take the red pill to dive into the darkweb. It is more fun than surfaceweb

13:56 AltLink_c52c; [:R] There is generic anon forum if you want to waste|spend|enjoy your time.

13:56 TR News; "The speedup for ordinary C++ code is dramatic I regularly see a 7x performance improvement. For example, on this machine, startup on gdb itself drops from 2.2 seconds to 0.3 seconds." https://tromey.com/blog/?p=1084

↺ https://tromey.com/blog/?p=1084

13:56 TR Bot; Faster GDB Startup The Cliffs of Inanity

13:56 schestowitz-TR; AltLink_c52c: there is no "dark" web

13:57 schestowitz-TR; it's just a damon/demonisation term

13:57 schestowitz-TR; some script kiddie who try to sound edgy

13:57 schestowitz-TR; adopted the term

13:57 XRevan86; The original: https://t.me/morozovaeva000/7

↺ https://t.me/morozovaeva000/7

13:57 TR Bot; Telegram: Contact @morozovaeva000

13:57 schestowitz-TR; and some idiots like "web3" use that to sell their scams and (pyramid) schemes

13:58 schestowitz-TR; AltLink_c52c: case of point,

13:58 schestowitz-TR; XRevan86 just posted one photo

13:58 schestowitz-TR; it's a simple drawing

13:58 schestowitz-TR; static

13:58 schestowitz-TR; I had to press OK on about 30 dialogues just for it to open

13:59 schestowitz-TR; because I use a "bad" browser

13:59 schestowitz-TR; we don't need to fix this

13:59 schestowitz-TR; we cannot

13:59 schestowitz-TR; we should throw it away

13:59 schestowitz-TR; like a use Kleenex

13:59 schestowitz-TR; and try to create something better

13:59 XRevan86; schestowitz: To open t.me or r.nf?

2 PM, April 20

14:00 schestowitz; (cheeta) gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D565.jpg

↺ gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D565.jpg

14:00 schestowitz-TR; that's how to share photos

14:00 schestowitz-TR; *cheetah

14:00 schestowitz-TR; for MinceR

14:00 schestowitz-TR; XRevan86: to click on that and see an image with Russian language

14:00 schestowitz-TR; in rekonq

14:01 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@qiahibkh2iwka.irc) has joined #techrights

14:01 TR News; "Set mostly in Zambia, "The Old Drift" follows the intertwined lives of three families from the early 1900s to the near future. The vast scope is grounded by detailed descriptions of specific events in the characters' lives." gemini://calcuode.com/gemlog/2021-04-22_the-old-drift.gmi

↺ gemini://calcuode.com/gemlog/2021-04-22_the-old-drift.gmi

14:02 XRevan86; schestowitz: Ah, Telegram doesn't give the image that easily. There is a direct link at least, but it cannot be taken from the page. But I only shared that as reference, that this strip is created by Eva Morozova.

14:02 TR News; Mindless buzzword-dropping by clueless IBM https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/4/artificial-intelligence-ai-4-priorities-cios

↺ https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/4/artificial-intelligence-ai-4-priorities-cios

14:02 TR Bot; Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy: 4 priorities for CIOs | The Enterprisers Project

14:04 TR News; ICBM is promoting disinformation and fake news, blaming the victims of a failing economy, using nonsensical myths like "Great Resignation" https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/4/it-leadership-3-best-practices ICBM deserves a boycott, I think. Like Microsoft criminals, it's a force of occupation...

↺ https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/4/it-leadership-3-best-practices

14:04 TR Bot; IT leadership: 3 best practices to strengthen today's teams | The Enterprisers Project

14:08 schestowitz-TR; as a sanity check (a word ICM says it's a bad term that should be avoided)

14:08 schestowitz-TR; am I off my rocker here or it is widely accepted that this ICBM myth, which

14:08 schestowitz-TR; it spreads every week, is basically blame-shifting to the victim?

14:08 schestowitz-TR; like microsoft blaming the attackers or the victims for security issues?

14:11 TR News; "So I've been working on improving LO text layout performance, as specified by the TDF tender. As it says, text layout in LO can be rather slow, because of problems like repeated text layout calls for the same text." http://llunak.blogspot.com/2022/04/improving-text-layout-performance.html

↺ http://llunak.blogspot.com/2022/04/improving-text-layout-performance.html

14:11 TR Bot; llunak: Improving text layout performance

14:11 TR News; IBM/Red Hat Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163940

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163940

14:11 TR Bot; IBM/Red Hat Leftovers | Tux Machines

14:11 TR News; A Linux in 10 megabytes? This is Tiny Core Linux Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163941

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163941

14:11 TR Bot; A Linux in 10 megabytes? This is Tiny Core Linux | Tux Machines

14:12 TR News; Petter Reinholdtsen (Debian): "Recently I wanted to upgrade the firmware of my thinkpad, and located the firmware download page from Lenovo (which annoyingly do not allow access via Tor, forcing me to hand them more personal information that I would like)."

14:13 TR News; More Gulag surveillance inside your home. '1984' is here already. https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/googles-arduino-powered-device-provide-soothing-signals/

↺ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/googles-arduino-powered-device-provide-soothing-signals/

14:13 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: arduino.cc | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/googles-arduino-powered-device-provide-soothing-signals/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/googles-arduino-powered-device-provide-soothing-signals/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/googles-arduino-powered-device-provide-soothing-signals/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/googles-arduino-powered-device-provide-soothing-signals/

14:13 TR Bot; Google's Arduino-powered devices provide soothing signals | Arduino Blog

14:16 XRevan86; https://novayagazeta.eu/themes/english finally

↺ https://novayagazeta.eu/themes/english

14:16 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: novayagazeta.eu | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://novayagazeta.eu/themes/english https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://novayagazeta.eu/themes/english

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://novayagazeta.eu/themes/english

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://novayagazeta.eu/themes/english

14:16 TR Bot; . - novayagazeta.eu

14:18 TR News; "The evaluation kit adopts the 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F MCU which has a maximum frequency of 120MHz. Other relevant features include a Floating Point Unit (FPU), a Memory Protection Unit (MPU), 256KB SRAM and a 32-channel Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC)." https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/

↺ https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/

14:18 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: linuxgizmos.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/

14:18 TR Bot; ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/ )

↺ https://linuxgizmos.com/microchip-evaluation-kit-for-mid-range-touchscreen-applications/

14:18 TR News; Linux Computing on an Android Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163942

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163942

14:18 TR Bot; Linux Computing on an Android | Tux Machines

14:19 schestowitz-TR; XRevan86: it had me connect to about 7 domains

14:19 schestowitz-TR; and then spewed out a blank page at me

14:20 TR News; PS4 Release: Nobara OS (Linux Distro) + Max Payne 3 and GTA 4 Full Screen Gameplay https://wololo.net/2022/04/20/ps4-release-nobara-os-linux-distro-max-payne-3-and-gta-4-full-screen-gameplay/

↺ https://wololo.net/2022/04/20/ps4-release-nobara-os-linux-distro-max-payne-3-and-gta-4-full-screen-gameplay/

14:20 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: wololo.net | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://wololo.net/2022/04/20/ps4-release-nobara-os-linux-distro-max-payne-3-and-gta-4-full-screen-gameplay/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://wololo.net/2022/04/20/ps4-release-nobara-os-linux-distro-max-payne-3-and-gta-4-full-screen-gameplay/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://wololo.net/2022/04/20/ps4-release-nobara-os-linux-distro-max-payne-3-and-gta-4-full-screen-gameplay/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://wololo.net/2022/04/20/ps4-release-nobara-os-linux-distro-max-payne-3-and-gta-4-full-screen-gameplay/

14:20 TR Bot; Release: Nobara OS (Linux Distro) + Max Payne 3 and GTA 4 Full Screen Gameplay - Wololo.net

14:21 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

14:22 MinceR; https://ircz.de/p/2204162

↺ https://ircz.de/p/2204162

14:23 TR Bot; IRCZ makes your life worth living https://i.redd.it/6218cao2sfr81.jpg created on 2022-04-16 00:17:05.467330

↺ https://i.redd.it/6218cao2sfr81.jpg

14:23 XRevan86; schestowitz: Uh, JS is disabled then?

14:24 *gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:24 *SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

14:28 XRevan86; Well, someone made a JS-heavy website it seems %).

14:30 schestowitz-TR; so it's not even a web page anymore

14:31 schestowitz-TR; it's like Adobe Flash

14:33 TR News; Laura Tucker has just issued attention-shifting propaganda for Netflix. Gross.

14:34 XRevan86; No Atom/RSS feed either, bummer.

14:36 TR News; OSI has just changed its Web site

14:38 TR News; OSI now calls its blog "Voices of Open Source". But some of these voices are MICROSOFT employees pushing PROPRIETARY GitHub!! Appalling.

14:38 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@idx2hgwaipuwq.irc) has joined #techrights

14:38 schestowitz-TR; XRevan86: obsolete then

14:38 schestowitz-TR; not to mention technical debt

14:38 schestowitz-TR; this URL will be dead in the next 5 years

14:39 *gooseheaded has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

14:48 TR News; Peter 'CzP' Czanik should know better than to issue this post, helping Microsoft ATTACK GNU/Linux. WSL is a weapon against us, it should be thrown in the bin. https://peter.czanik.hu/posts/windows-subystem-for-linux/

↺ https://peter.czanik.hu/posts/windows-subystem-for-linux/

14:48 TR Bot; Windows made easy: Windows Subystem for Linux | Random thoughts of Peter 'CzP' Czanik

14:48 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163943

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163943

14:48 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

14:49 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@idx2hgwaipuwq.irc) has joined #techrights

14:54 TR News; geteltorito make CD firmware upgrades a breeze https://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/geteltorito_make_CD_firmware_upgrades_a_breeze.html

↺ https://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/geteltorito_make_CD_firmware_upgrades_a_breeze.html

14:54 TR Bot; Petter Reinholdtsen: geteltorito make CD firmware upgrades a breeze

3 PM, April 20

15:03 TR News; [PATCH printk v3 00/15] printk/for-next - John Ogness https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220419234637.357112-1-john.ogness@linutronix.de/ Source: linutronix

↺ https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220419234637.357112-1-john.ogness@linutronix.de/

15:03 TR Bot; [PATCH printk v3 00/15] printk/for-next - John Ogness

15:03 *psymin (~psymin@me3biw7mdts84.irc) has joined #techrights

15:04 *psymin (~psymin@user/psymin) has joined #techrights

15:04 TR News; Announcing HPVM 2.0 Release - LLVM Project - LLVM Discussion Forums https://discourse.llvm.org/t/announcing-hpvm-2-0-release/61888 Source: discourse

↺ https://discourse.llvm.org/t/announcing-hpvm-2-0-release/61888

15:04 TR Bot; Announcing HPVM 2.0 Release - LLVM Project - LLVM Discussion Forums

15:05 TR News; "The first thing to install was f-droid [2] as the app repository. F-droid has a repository of thousands of free software Android apps as well as some apps that are slightly less free which are tagged appropriately." https://etbe.coker.com.au/2022/04/20/android-without-play/

↺ https://etbe.coker.com.au/2022/04/20/android-without-play/

15:05 TR Bot; Android Without Play etbe - Russell Coker

15:06 TR News; AlmaLinux 9.0 Beta Released for Community Testing Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163944

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163944

15:06 TR Bot; AlmaLinux 9.0 Beta Released for Community Testing | Tux Machines

15:08 *ziraffep has quit (connection closed)

15:10 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@vqjjbheck86he.irc) has joined #techrights

15:12 TR News; "Linux" does not have folders. It has directories. https://linuxstoney.com/save-space-by-compressing-files-and-folders-in-linux/

↺ https://linuxstoney.com/save-space-by-compressing-files-and-folders-in-linux/

15:12 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: linuxstoney.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxstoney.com/save-space-by-compressing-files-and-folders-in-linux/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxstoney.com/save-space-by-compressing-files-and-folders-in-linux/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxstoney.com/save-space-by-compressing-files-and-folders-in-linux/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxstoney.com/save-space-by-compressing-files-and-folders-in-linux/

15:12 TR Bot; space by compressing files and folders in Linux - LinuxStoney

15:15 TR News; Those are NOT "Linux commands". Linux is a kernel. https://www.networkworld.com/article/3657592/using-whereis-whatis-and-which-to-find-out-about-commands-on-linux.html

↺ https://www.networkworld.com/article/3657592/using-whereis-whatis-and-which-to-find-out-about-commands-on-linux.html

15:15 TR Bot; Using whereis, whatis, and which to find out about commands on Linux | Network World

15:17 TR News; No, it's proprietary software and it is controlled by criminals who put back doors in everything, so it should be avoided, abandoned. https://linuxstoney.com/will-we-ever-see-a-free-version-of-office-on-linux/

↺ https://linuxstoney.com/will-we-ever-see-a-free-version-of-office-on-linux/

15:17 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: linuxstoney.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxstoney.com/will-we-ever-see-a-free-version-of-office-on-linux/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxstoney.com/will-we-ever-see-a-free-version-of-office-on-linux/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxstoney.com/will-we-ever-see-a-free-version-of-office-on-linux/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxstoney.com/will-we-ever-see-a-free-version-of-office-on-linux/

15:17 TR Bot; we ever see a free version of Office on Linux? - LinuxStoney

15:19 TR News; The PocketReform is a made-in-Berlin Linux handheld Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163945

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163945

15:19 TR Bot; The PocketReform is a made-in-Berlin Linux handheld | Tux Machines

15:20 TR News; st/mesa: Replace glsl_to_tgsi() with glsl_to_nir() and nir_to_tgsi(). (!8044) Merge requests Mesa / mesa GitLab https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/8044 Mesa: Microsoft's ANTI-LINUX OK, old code bye-bye

↺ https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/8044

15:20 TR Bot; st/mesa: Replace glsl_to_tgsi() with glsl_to_nir() and nir_to_tgsi(). (!8044) Merge requests Mesa / mesa GitLab

15:22 TR News; Security Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163946

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163946

15:22 TR Bot; Security Leftovers | Tux Machines

15:23 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163947

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163947

15:23 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

15:23 *gooseheaded_ (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

15:24 *gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

15:24 TR News; Ubuntu/Canonical clownwashing https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-next-gen-open-source-financial-services-cloud they used to have more technical people. This is marketing BS.

↺ https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-next-gen-open-source-financial-services-cloud

15:24 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: ubuntu.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-next-gen-open-source-financial-services-cloud https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-next-gen-open-source-financial-services-cloud

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-next-gen-open-source-financial-services-cloud

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://ubuntu.com//blog/the-next-gen-open-source-financial-services-cloud

15:24 TR Bot; next-gen open source financial services cloud | Ubuntu

15:25 TR News; Buzzwords from ICBM too https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/mainframe-edge-red-hat-enterprise-linux-ibm-z16-next-generation-ibm-zsystems

↺ https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/mainframe-edge-red-hat-enterprise-linux-ibm-z16-next-generation-ibm-zsystems

15:25 TR Bot; From the mainframe to the edge: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z16 the next generation of IBM zSystems

15:26 TR News; md-toc version 8.1.3 (beta) released on 20 April 2022 https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Md-toc

↺ https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Md-toc

15:26 TR Bot; Md-toc - Free Software Directory

15:27 TR News; FOSSlife Team now shilling the 'diploma mill' of its umbrella, LPI. It's not even about Linux!! https://www.fosslife.org/lpi-adds-web-development-essentials-program

↺ https://www.fosslife.org/lpi-adds-web-development-essentials-program

15:27 TR Bot; LPI Adds Web Development Essentials Program

15:28 TR News; Online session: The future of Router Freedom in Austria - FSFE https://fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220420-01.en.html Source: gulag deutschland

↺ https://fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220420-01.en.html

15:28 TR Bot; Online session: The future of Router Freedom in Austria - FSFE

15:29 *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@8mcrbcstydsi2.irc) has joined #techrights

15:29 TR News; "The Taguette app is a free and open source qualitative research tool. It is also a web-based self-hosted solution that anyone can install on his local machine or web server." https://medevel.com/taguette-research/

↺ https://medevel.com/taguette-research/

15:29 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: medevel.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/taguette-research/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/taguette-research/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/taguette-research/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/taguette-research/

15:29 TR Bot; Taguette is an open-source collaborative qualitative analysis tool

15:30 XRevan86; "this URL will be dead in the next 5 years" <- No way of knowing.

15:30 TR News; "Manuskript is a free, open-source feature-rich writing tools for carrier writers. It is customized for novel writers who write fiction." https://medevel.com/manuskript-writing/

↺ https://medevel.com/manuskript-writing/

15:30 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: medevel.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/manuskript-writing/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/manuskript-writing/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/manuskript-writing/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/manuskript-writing/

15:30 TR Bot; Manuskript an open-source novel writing assistant app for Windows, Linux, and macOS

15:30 MinceR; "This tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds"

15:31 schestowitz-TR; one can guess

15:31 schestowitz-TR; based on the CMS

15:31 schestowitz-TR; and the complexity and volatility of it

15:32 TR News; https://medevel.com/duckdb/

↺ https://medevel.com/duckdb/

15:32 TR Bot; DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP database management system

15:32 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: medevel.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/duckdb/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/duckdb/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/duckdb/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/duckdb/

15:32 TR News; DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP database management system https://medevel.com/duckdb/

↺ https://medevel.com/duckdb/

15:32 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: medevel.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/duckdb/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/duckdb/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://medevel.com/duckdb/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://medevel.com/duckdb/

15:34 TR News; Try Kubernetes 1.24 release candidate with MicroK8s | Ubuntu https://ubuntu.com//blog/try-kubernetes-1-24-release-candidate-with-microk8s Source: ubuntu

↺ https://ubuntu.com//blog/try-kubernetes-1-24-release-candidate-with-microk8s

15:34 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: ubuntu.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/try-kubernetes-1-24-release-candidate-with-microk8s https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://ubuntu.com//blog/try-kubernetes-1-24-release-candidate-with-microk8s

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://ubuntu.com//blog/try-kubernetes-1-24-release-candidate-with-microk8s

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://ubuntu.com//blog/try-kubernetes-1-24-release-candidate-with-microk8s

15:34 TR Bot; Kubernetes 1.24 release candidate with MicroK8s | Ubuntu

15:35 TR News; The Stream of Time (180358) The Public Domain Review https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/stream-of-time/ Source: publicdomainreview

↺ https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/stream-of-time/

15:35 TR Bot; The Stream of Time (180358) The Public Domain Review

15:35 TR News; xkcd: Entwives https://xkcd.com/2609/ Source: xkcd

↺ https://xkcd.com/2609/

15:35 TR Bot; Entwives

15:35 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: xkcd.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://xkcd.com/2609/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://xkcd.com/2609/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://xkcd.com/2609/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://xkcd.com/2609/

15:36 TR News; Added 3 minutes ago: Distributing freedom: How package managers empower software users (slides) https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/distributing-freedom-how-package-managers-empower-software-users-slides/

↺ https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/distributing-freedom-how-package-managers-empower-software-users-slides/

15:36 TR Bot; Distributing freedom: How package managers empower software users (slides) GNU MediaGoblin

15:36 TR News; The Arduino IDE 2.0 now speaks your language Arduino Blog https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/the-arduino-ide-2-0-now-speaks-your-language/ Source: Arduino | Hardware | OpenHardware | Hacking

↺ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/the-arduino-ide-2-0-now-speaks-your-language/

15:36 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: arduino.cc | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/the-arduino-ide-2-0-now-speaks-your-language/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/the-arduino-ide-2-0-now-speaks-your-language/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/the-arduino-ide-2-0-now-speaks-your-language/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/20/the-arduino-ide-2-0-now-speaks-your-language/

15:37 TR Bot; The Arduino IDE 2.0 now speaks your language Arduino Blog

15:37 TR News; Cooler Master Pi Case 40 V2 launched together with 3D printable assets - CNX Software https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/20/cooler-master-pi-case-40-v2-3d-printable-assets/ Source: Linux | GNU | Hardware | cnxsoftware

↺ https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/20/cooler-master-pi-case-40-v2-3d-printable-assets/

15:37 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: cnx-software.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/20/cooler-master-pi-case-40-v2-3d-printable-assets/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/20/cooler-master-pi-case-40-v2-3d-printable-assets/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/20/cooler-master-pi-case-40-v2-3d-printable-assets/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/04/20/cooler-master-pi-case-40-v2-3d-printable-assets/

15:37 TR Bot; Cooler Master Pi Case 40 V2 launched together with 3D printable assets - CNX Software

15:40 TR News; Social control media = waste of time. "Ever think about how most of the debates we have on social media seem to fade in and die out after a day or so?" https://tedium.co/2022/04/20/great-stirrup-controversy-history/

↺ https://tedium.co/2022/04/20/great-stirrup-controversy-history/

15:40 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: tedium.co | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://tedium.co/2022/04/20/great-stirrup-controversy-history/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://tedium.co/2022/04/20/great-stirrup-controversy-history/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://tedium.co/2022/04/20/great-stirrup-controversy-history/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://tedium.co/2022/04/20/great-stirrup-controversy-history/

15:40 TR Bot; The Great Stirrup Controversy: Lynn White, Jr.s Spicy Medieval Take

15:42 TR News; "It is insane to me that cryptocurrencies are still a thing." https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/clever-cryptocurrency-theft.html

↺ https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/clever-cryptocurrency-theft.html

15:42 TR Bot; Cryptocurrency Theft - Schneier on Security

15:47 *gooseheaded_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

15:48 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

4 PM, April 20

16:01 MinceR; https://ircz.de/p/2204161

↺ https://ircz.de/p/2204161

16:01 TR Bot; IRCZ makes your life worth living https://i.redd.it/0ivcsqdbb4t81.jpg created on 2022-04-16 00:10:21.429735

↺ https://i.redd.it/0ivcsqdbb4t81.jpg

16:04 TR News; Best Linux distro for beginners (2022) Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163948

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163948

16:04 TR Bot; Best Linux distro for beginners (2022) | Tux Machines

16:06 TR News; "North American business development manager for IIoT and Linux." https://www.ebmag.com/wago-names-tyrone-visser-business-development-manager-for-iiot-and-linux/

↺ https://www.ebmag.com/wago-names-tyrone-visser-business-development-manager-for-iiot-and-linux/

16:06 TR Bot; Wago names Tyrone Visser business development manager for IIoT and Linux - Electrical Business

16:07 TR News; "Sockets allow networked software to communicate. They were first implemented in the 4.2BSD Unix operating system, which was created at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1983." https://www.howtogeek.com/787892/how-to-read-data-from-a-socket-in-bash-on-linux/

↺ https://www.howtogeek.com/787892/how-to-read-data-from-a-socket-in-bash-on-linux/

16:07 TR Bot; How to Read Data From a Socket in Bash on Linux

16:08 TR News; "Rocky Linux aims to be "100% bug-for-bug compatible" with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and is one of several potential distributions you can migrate to from CentOS as we used to know it. In this video, we'll take a look at the installation process." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30uePMhtcGc

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30uePMhtcGc

16:08 TR Bot; https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=30uePMhtcGc

↺ https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=30uePMhtcGc

16:08 TR Bot; invidious.flokinet.to | Rocky Linux: Full Installation Walkthrough - Invidious

16:10 *techrights-ipfs-bot (~techrights-ipfs-bot@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #techrights

16:10 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 19.78 k/sec., IPFS upstream 58.55 average k/sec., average swarm size 298.35

16:17 *gooseheaded has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

16:22 *ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

16:24 *SomeH4x0r has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

16:24 *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@rng3iw83btw4g.irc) has joined #techrights

16:25 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@arj6igvfskupa.irc) has joined #techrights

16:26 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

16:37 TR News; Added 55 minutes ago: The Net beyond the Web (slides) https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/the-net-beyond-the-web-slides/

↺ https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/the-net-beyond-the-web-slides/

16:37 TR Bot; The Net beyond the Web (slides) GNU MediaGoblin

16:38 TR News; Kodachi 8.17 is released. https://www.digi77.com/linux-kodachi/

↺ https://www.digi77.com/linux-kodachi/

16:38 TR Bot; Linux Kodachi 8.17 The Secure OS | Eagle Eye | Nonprofit Organization

16:39 TR News; "This wont be some kind of very thorough review, because I have no idea how to finish a shootem up without cheating or training for hundred hours to get good enough, but take it as it is: my impression of Hyper-5, a new shootem up released a few weeks back." https://boilingsteam.com/hyper-5-a-new-shootem-up-that-works-great-on-linux-proton/

↺ https://boilingsteam.com/hyper-5-a-new-shootem-up-that-works-great-on-linux-proton/

16:39 TR Bot; Hyper-5, A New Shoot'em Up That Works Great on Linux (Proton) - Boiling Steam

16:40 TR News; No, it is not released. Fake news by lousy sites. https://itsubuntu.com/ubuntu-22-04-lts-released/

↺ https://itsubuntu.com/ubuntu-22-04-lts-released/

16:40 TR Bot; 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish Released : Download ISO And Upgrade | Itsubuntu.com

16:41 TR News; "AlmaLinux OS is a Linux distribution that aims to be a drop-in replacement for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and is one of several potential distributions you can migrate to from CentOS as we used to know it. In this video, we'll take a look at the installation process." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgyIzAkz1Ts

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgyIzAkz1Ts

16:41 TR Bot; https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=MgyIzAkz1Ts

↺ https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=MgyIzAkz1Ts

16:41 TR Bot; invidious.snopyta.org | AlmaLinux OS: Full Installation Walkthrough - Invidious

16:41 TR News; "In this video, I am going to show how to install Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agc1nTG_SF0

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agc1nTG_SF0

16:41 TR Bot; https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=agc1nTG_SF0

↺ https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=agc1nTG_SF0

16:42 TR Bot; invidio.xamh.de | How to install Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS - Invidious

16:46 TR News; Some Lenovo laptops may be carrying a serious security flaw Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163949 http://techrights.org/2021/10/02/secure-boot-and-vmd/

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163949


16:46 TR Bot; Some Lenovo laptops may be carrying a serious security flaw | Tux Machines

16:46 TR Bot; Microsoft Secure Boot and Intel VMD Pointless on GNU/Linux and Lenovos Documentation Recommends That You Turn Them Off | Techrights

16:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 17.85 k/sec., IPFS upstream 72.41 average k/sec., average swarm size 260.16

5 PM, April 20

17:00 TR News; Links 20/04/2022: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Nearly Ready | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/04/20/ubuntu-22-04-lts/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/04/20/ubuntu-22-04-lts/



17:00 TR Bot; Links 20/04/2022: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Nearly Ready | Techrights

17:01 TR News; Programming Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163950

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163950

17:01 TR Bot; Programming Leftovers | Tux Machines

17:01 TR News; Free, Libre Software Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163951

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163951

17:01 TR Bot; Free, Libre Software Leftovers | Tux Machines

17:02 TR News; Linux in Devices and Arduino Projects Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163952

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163952

17:02 TR Bot; Linux in Devices and Arduino Projects | Tux Machines

17:02 TR News; Games: Nobara OS and Hyper-5 Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163953

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163953

17:02 TR News; Videos: Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS and RHEL Clones (Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux) Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163954

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163954

17:02 TR News; Videos: Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS and RHEL Clones (Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux) Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163954

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163954

17:02 TR Bot; Games: Nobara OS and Hyper-5 | Tux Machines

17:02 TR Bot; Videos: Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS and RHEL Clones (Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux) | Tux Machines

17:02 TR News; Videos: Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 LTS and RHEL Clones (Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux) Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163954

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163954

17:03 TR News; Servers: Ubuntu, Red Hat, dna SUSE Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163955

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163955

17:03 TR Bot; Servers: Ubuntu, Red Hat, dna SUSE | Tux Machines

17:04 *tpmd (~tpm@nbnsvpfizihkw.irc) has left #techrights

17:05 TR News; IBM will weaponise its vendor lockin to push subscriptions, upgrades etc. https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/updates-using-ansible-rhel-86-and-90

↺ https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/updates-using-ansible-rhel-86-and-90

17:05 TR Bot; Updates to using Ansible in RHEL 8.6 and 9.0

17:06 TR News; "Cheat sheets help you work smarter. Here is my compilation of four cheat sheets that I find useful." https://opensource.com/article/22/4/favorite-cheat-sheets

↺ https://opensource.com/article/22/4/favorite-cheat-sheets

17:06 TR Bot; cheat sheets I can't live without | Opensource.com

17:12 *ziraffep has quit (connection closed)

17:15 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@2kk6i2ed9nk9s.irc) has joined #techrights

17:23 MinceR; https://neilmadden.blog/2022/04/19/psychic-signatures-in-java/

↺ https://neilmadden.blog/2022/04/19/psychic-signatures-in-java/

17:23 TR Bot; CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java Neil Madden

17:27 TR News; Number of COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals Highest in a Week, Over 500 More Deaths Added Today (But Tests Down to Lowest Level Since 2020!) http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/after-easter/

↺ http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/04/20/after-easter/

17:27 TR Bot; Blog Archive Number of COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals Highest in a Week, Over 500 More Deaths Added Today (But Tests Down to Lowest Level Since 2020!)

17:32 TR News; Video: AlmaLinux 9 Beta Overview http://www.montanalinux.org/almalinux9beta-overview-20220420.html

↺ http://www.montanalinux.org/almalinux9beta-overview-20220420.html

17:32 TR Bot; AlmaLinux 9 Beta Overview | www.montanalinux.org

17:33 TR News; Skullgirls 2nd Encore Umbrella update and DLC out now | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/skullgirls-2nd-encore-umbrella-update-and-dlc-out-now/ Source: Gaming On Linux | GNU | Linux | Games

↺ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/skullgirls-2nd-encore-umbrella-update-and-dlc-out-now/

17:33 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/skullgirls-2nd-encore-umbrella-update-and-dlc-out-now/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/skullgirls-2nd-encore-umbrella-update-and-dlc-out-now/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/skullgirls-2nd-encore-umbrella-update-and-dlc-out-now/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/skullgirls-2nd-encore-umbrella-update-and-dlc-out-now/

17:33 TR Bot; 2nd Encore Umbrella update and DLC out now | GamingOnLinux

17:33 TR News; Clickbaity buzzwords https://www.fosslife.org/chaos-engineering-explained

↺ https://www.fosslife.org/chaos-engineering-explained

17:33 SomeH4x0r; fuck DLCs

17:34 TR Bot; Chaos Engineering Explained

17:34 TR News; itsubuntu is becoming a nasty, malicious, fake news site. NO, it's NOT released yet. https://itsubuntu.com/ubuntu-budgie-22-04-lts-released/

↺ https://itsubuntu.com/ubuntu-budgie-22-04-lts-released/

17:34 TR Bot; Budgie 22.04 LTS Released | Itsubuntu.com

17:40 *CParadoxum__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

17:42 *gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

17:43 *ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

17:45 *CParadoxum__ (~quassel@9xkr6pdp2c5xu.irc) has joined #techrights

17:48 *CParadoxum__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

17:48 *CParadoxum__ (~quassel@9xkr6pdp2c5xu.irc) has joined #techrights

17:55 *CrystalMath (~coderain@kwwetqz7wbsp8.irc) has joined #techrights

17:56 MinceR; https://ircz.de/p/22041564

↺ https://ircz.de/p/22041564

17:56 TR Bot; IRCZ makes your life worth living https://i.redd.it/bf1ea4kj4br81.jpg created on 2022-04-15 23:12:08.026080

↺ https://i.redd.it/bf1ea4kj4br81.jpg

17:58 *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

6 PM, April 20

18:00 *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #techrights

18:11 AltLink_c52c; New Issue | Read the latest posts - "US Tax Day 2022. How leaving it to the last day impacts tax sites" | https://framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/issues/37

↺ https://framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/issues/37

18:11 TR Bot; Read the latest posts - "US Tax Day 2022. How leaving it to the last day impacts tax sites" (#37) Issues Crimeflare / deCloudflare GitLab

18:12 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

18:13 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@aznruqq9uvrec.irc) has joined #techrights

18:21 *gooseheaded has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

18:23 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

18:28 *gooseheaded has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

18:28 *SomeH4x0r has quit (connection closed)

18:29 *SomeH4x0r (~someh4xx@agkps5rm7zn9y.irc) has joined #techrights

18:34 *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

18:34 *zleap (~zleap@user/zleap) has joined #techrights

18:36 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

18:37 *bnchs (~bnchs@cxs6qsbkeb8ds.irc) has joined #techrights

18:37 *SkywaveC3 (~SkywaveC3@ccw8v7v4fw36i.irc) has joined #techrights

18:38 *Skywave has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

18:52 TR News; "I just wanted to quickly chime in and say that (for what it's worth) I completely agree with solderpunk's ideas [1-3] for a possible new protocol and assessment of where the current one falls short." gemini://thelambdalab.xyz/phlog/2019-06-17-Too-much-magic.txt

↺ gemini://thelambdalab.xyz/phlog/2019-06-17-Too-much-magic.txt

18:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 18.28 k/sec., IPFS upstream 103.36 average k/sec., average swarm size 288.23

7 PM, April 20

19:00 *ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

19:02 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@it9vwmkcq8y5s.irc) has joined #techrights

19:08 TR News; If they mostly target Microsoft Windows, than Microsoft can be just as culpable as Russia, but CISA/NSA are in bed with Microsoft, so they will never say that https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/04/20/russian-state-sponsored-and-criminal-cyber-threats-critical

↺ https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/04/20/russian-state-sponsored-and-criminal-cyber-threats-critical

19:08 TR Bot; Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure | CISA

19:10 TR News; Funny run and gun game Mighty Goose gets a free upgrade | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/funny-run-and-gun-game-mighty-goose-gets-a-free-upgrade/ Source: Gaming On Linux | GNU | Linux | Games

↺ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/funny-run-and-gun-game-mighty-goose-gets-a-free-upgrade/

19:10 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/funny-run-and-gun-game-mighty-goose-gets-a-free-upgrade/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/funny-run-and-gun-game-mighty-goose-gets-a-free-upgrade/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/funny-run-and-gun-game-mighty-goose-gets-a-free-upgrade/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/funny-run-and-gun-game-mighty-goose-gets-a-free-upgrade/

19:10 TR Bot; run and gun game Mighty Goose gets a free upgrade | GamingOnLinux

19:13 TR News; PostgreSQL: Call for Papers for Postgres Vision 2022 is Still Open! https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/call-for-papers-for-postgres-vision-2022-is-still-open-2441/ Source: postgresql

↺ https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/call-for-papers-for-postgres-vision-2022-is-still-open-2441/

19:13 TR Bot; PostgreSQL: Call for Papers for Postgres Vision 2022 is Still Open!

19:15 MinceR; (cat) (audio:important) https://imgur.com/t/cats/nmEmnCW

↺ https://imgur.com/t/cats/nmEmnCW

19:15 TR Bot; Imgur into cats? - Album on Imgur

19:15 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: imgur.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://imgur.com/t/cats/nmEmnCW https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://imgur.com/t/cats/nmEmnCW

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://imgur.com/t/cats/nmEmnCW

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://imgur.com/t/cats/nmEmnCW

19:16 TR News; itsubuntu seems to have become a deeply rogue site, fabricating news for clicks

19:19 TR News; How Does Linux Help Reduce E-Waste? Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163956

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163956

19:19 TR Bot; How Does Linux Help Reduce E-Waste? | Tux Machines

19:19 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163957

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163957

19:19 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

19:22 TR News; Notepad Next - Notepad++ Re-implementation with Linux Support Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163958

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163958

19:22 TR Bot; Notepad Next - Notepad++ Re-implementation with Linux Support | Tux Machines

19:22 TR News; Ubuntu 20.04 vs 22.04: What Has Changed Between the Two LTS Releases? Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163959

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163959

19:22 TR Bot; Ubuntu 20.04 vs 22.04: What Has Changed Between the Two LTS Releases? | Tux Machines

8 PM, April 20

20:00 *gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

20:06 TR News; ONLYOFFICE + ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors make for a great in-house cloud-based document system Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163960

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163960

20:06 TR Bot; ONLYOFFICE + ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors make for a great in-house cloud-based document system | Tux Machines

20:06 TR News; Stellar Repair for MySQL: Linux Version Review Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163961

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163961

20:06 TR Bot; Stellar Repair for MySQL: Linux Version Review | Tux Machines

20:10 *Erroneous (~b9dc6527@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrights

20:13 TR News; [RFC PATCH 00/11] Kernel FineIBT Support - joao https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220420004241.2093-1-joao@overdrivepizza.com/ Source: overdrivepizza

↺ https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220420004241.2093-1-joao@overdrivepizza.com/

20:13 TR Bot; [RFC PATCH 00/11] Kernel FineIBT Support - joao

20:14 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

20:18 Erroneous; hi peeps

20:21 TR News; Google #Android Leftovers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163962

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163962

20:21 TR Bot; Android Leftovers | Tux Machines

20:24 TR News; Todays #HowTos | #UNIX Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163963

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163963

20:24 TR Bot; today's howtos | Tux Machines

20:24 schestowitz-TR; hi, Erroneous

20:27 TR News; Clownwashing and Linuxwashing or Googlebombing to push some proprietary snakeoil that likely makes systems LESS secure https://securitybrief.co.nz/story/sophos-unveils-cloud-protection-advancements-with-linux-and-offerings

↺ https://securitybrief.co.nz/story/sophos-unveils-cloud-protection-advancements-with-linux-and-offerings

20:27 TR Bot; Sophos unveils cloud protection advancements with Linux and offerings

20:27 AdmFubar; https://hackaday.com/2022/04/20/commodore-c64-the-most-popular-home-computer-ever-turns-40/

↺ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/20/commodore-c64-the-most-popular-home-computer-ever-turns-40/

20:27 TR Bot; C64: The Most Popular Home Computer Ever Turns 40 | Hackaday

20:28 TR News; Vivaldi 5.2 Web Browser Comes with Syncable Reading Lists https://linuxiac.com/vivaldi-5-2-web-browser/ Source: linuxiac

↺ https://linuxiac.com/vivaldi-5-2-web-browser/

20:28 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: linuxiac.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxiac.com/vivaldi-5-2-web-browser/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxiac.com/vivaldi-5-2-web-browser/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://linuxiac.com/vivaldi-5-2-web-browser/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://linuxiac.com/vivaldi-5-2-web-browser/

20:28 TR Bot; Vivaldi 5.2 Web Browser Comes with Syncable Reading Lists

20:29 TR News; No, just quit social control media. Don't try to 'tame' it. You would be wasting time. https://puri.sm/posts/the-future-of-socialmedia/

↺ https://puri.sm/posts/the-future-of-socialmedia/

20:29 TR Bot; The Future of Social Media Depends on You Purism

20:32 Erroneous; The Most Popular Home Computer Ever ?

20:33 Erroneous; define Ever==1984

20:38 MinceR; pretty sure i have several computers in my home that are far more powerful than any C64

20:39 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@yevedmyetc9v6.irc) has joined #techrights

20:40 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: [16:46] <techrights-news> Some Lenovo laptops may be carrying a serious security flaw Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163949 http://techrights.org/2021/10/02/secure-boot-and-vmd/

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163949


20:40 TR Bot; Some Lenovo laptops may be carrying a serious security flaw | Tux Machines

20:40 TR Bot; Microsoft Secure Boot and Intel VMD Pointless on GNU/Linux and Lenovos Documentation Recommends That You Turn Them Off | Techrights

20:44 DaemonFC; schestowitz-TR, Backflushing and acid treatment worked.

20:44 DaemonFC; A ton more "radiator diarrhea" came out.

20:45 DaemonFC; Heater blowing at 147 degrees F.

20:46 MinceR; diarrhea, cha-cha-cha

20:48 TR News; A Pandemic of Webspam and Fake News About GNU/Linux | Techrights http://techrights.org/2022/04/20/fake-news-about-ubuntu/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/04/20/fake-news-about-ubuntu/



20:48 TR Bot; A Pandemic of Webspam and Fake News About GNU/Linux | Techrights

20:48 schestowitz-TR; diarrhea, fart-fart-fart-fart

20:49 *zleap has quit (Quit: Leaving)

20:50 *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

20:50 MinceR; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-YUwNlb-tY

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-YUwNlb-tY

20:50 TR Bot; https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=n-YUwNlb-tY

↺ https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=n-YUwNlb-tY

20:50 TR Bot; vid.puffyan.us | diarrhea cha-cha-cha - Invidious

20:53 *ziraffep has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

20:54 *ziraffep (~ziraffep@7k5ripnrny4z2.irc) has joined #techrights

20:55 schestowitz; O I C

20:55 AdmFubar; https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/apple-store-atlanta-union

↺ https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/apple-store-atlanta-union

20:55 TR Bot; store employees in Atlanta are filing to unionize - Protocol

20:56 schestowitz-TR; let's hope workers will do this in the millions

20:56 schestowitz-TR; starbucks, sweatshopzone, rotten...

20:56 schestowitz-TR; eventually the system can be changed by coordinated refusal to work

20:57 TR News; Grab a big load of the X Universe space games from Humble Bundle | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/grab-a-big-load-of-the-x-universe-space-games-from-humble-bundle/ Source: Gaming On Linux | GNU | Linux | Games

↺ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/grab-a-big-load-of-the-x-universe-space-games-from-humble-bundle/

20:57 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/grab-a-big-load-of-the-x-universe-space-games-from-humble-bundle/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/grab-a-big-load-of-the-x-universe-space-games-from-humble-bundle/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/grab-a-big-load-of-the-x-universe-space-games-from-humble-bundle/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/grab-a-big-load-of-the-x-universe-space-games-from-humble-bundle/

20:57 TR Bot; a big load of the X Universe space games from Humble Bundle | GamingOnLinux

20:59 IPFS; IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 25.61 k/sec., IPFS upstream 69.45 average k/sec., average swarm size 350.36

20:59 TR News; WSL is Windows and an attack on GNU/Linux; the way it's spun for FUD against "Linux" is distasteful https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/QUALYS-INC-11612572/news/Qualys-Implications-of-Windows-Subsystem-for-Linux-for-Adversaries-Defenders-Part-2-40102023/

↺ https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/QUALYS-INC-11612572/news/Qualys-Implications-of-Windows-Subsystem-for-Linux-for-Adversaries-Defenders-Part-2-40102023/

20:59 TR Bot; : Implications of Windows Subsystem for Linux for Adversaries & Defenders (Part 2) | MarketScreener

9 PM, April 20

21:00 TR News; "Remember I left IBM (involuntarily)" https://alien.slackbook.org/blog/interested-in-a-job-in-the-us-at-asml/ the sociopaths and liars at ICBM call that "GREAT RESIGNATION" when they SACK loads of people

↺ https://alien.slackbook.org/blog/interested-in-a-job-in-the-us-at-asml/

21:00 TR Bot; Interested in a job in the US at ASML? | Alien Pastures

21:00 TR News; Today in #Techrights Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163964

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163964

21:00 TR Bot; Today in Techrights | Tux Machines

21:01 Erroneous; can WSL eun android?

21:01 TR News; Combating disinformation or misinformation is very important; sadly, even in the GNU/Linux blogosphere theres no lack of false information, sometimes intentionally put there for SEO purposes http://techrights.org/2022/04/20/fake-news-about-ubuntu/


21:01 schestowitz-TR; iirc, that exists already

21:01 schestowitz-TR; and it sucks, too

21:01 schestowitz-TR; and no reason to use that

21:03 psydruid; what is the advantage?

21:03 *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@7adiimzyx9th6.irc) has joined #techrights

21:03 Erroneous; LSW works better

21:04 psydruid; there are already things like Waydroid and Anbox for running Android apps, but there isn't really a point

21:04 Erroneous; why?

21:05 Erroneous; i could run andoid apps on linux

21:05 psydruid; the only reason why it's important to Microsoft is because they have lost developers writing native software for Windows

21:05 psydruid; sure, you could

21:05 psydruid; but what apps would you run?

21:06 DaemonFC; Okay, I reset the modem. Comcast said if I upgraded to Internet Essentials Plus then it would still be within the price of the ACP subsidy.

21:06 Erroneous; that birfd game

21:07 DaemonFC; Flappy Bird?

21:07 Erroneous; flapybird

21:08 DaemonFC; <Erroneous> can WSL eun android?

21:08 Erroneous; have you played it?

21:08 DaemonFC; It can, kind of.

21:08 DaemonFC; It's not Google Play enabled, without an unofficial hack that violates the Play ToS.

21:08 DaemonFC; Microsoft recommends the Amazon App Store. LOL

21:09 DaemonFC; F-Droid probably works on the Android Runtime in WSL.

21:09 Erroneous; Amazon App Store has floppy birds?

21:10 DaemonFC; Dunno.

21:10 DaemonFC; I don't have Amazon App Store.

21:10 psydruid; floppy birds or flappybird?

21:10 bnchs; lol

21:10 bnchs; android subsystem for windows

21:10 Erroneous; gnome already looks like android so why not

21:10 DaemonFC; It's out there flopping around.

21:10 bnchs; it reminds me of a GNU joke email

21:11 DaemonFC; I think there's something wrong with that bird.

21:11 schestowitz-TR; 1-0 Mahrez!

21:11 DaemonFC; MinceR, ^

21:11 DaemonFC; Maybe it drank some of my diarrhea coolant.

21:11 schestowitz-TR; I opened the door, I can hear the announcer from here

21:11 DaemonFC; That's what happens when a woman owns a car.

21:11 bnchs; https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/microsoft-church.html

↺ https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/microsoft-church.html

21:11 TR Bot; Microsoft and the Church - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

21:11 bnchs; this is still accurate

21:12 DaemonFC; As soon as a woman owns a car you can expect things to fail as they age due to utter neglect.

21:12 *psydruid was finally going to watch the summary of yesterday's Liverpool-Man United to see how bad the latter really were

21:12 MinceR; maybe they should also write about MICROS~1's bid to acquire the FSF

21:12 DaemonFC; The woman will also argue that GM-specced oil meant to avoid engine sludging is a ripoff "because I am a woman".

21:13 bnchs; Gates described MICROSOFT's long-term strategy to develop a scalable religious architecture that will support all religions through emulation. A single core religion will be offered with a choice of interfaces according to the religion desiredOne religion, a couple of different implementations, said Gates.

21:14 Erroneous; Gates of hell

21:15 bnchs; this is a email from 1994

21:15 psydruid; the thing he didn't know is that his failed scalable religious architecture would become a subsystem under other operating systems without having to resort to emulation

21:15 psydruid; cf. Wine

21:16 TR News; Proxies for Web Crawling https://marketresearchtelecast.com/proxies-for-web-crawling/245557/

↺ https://marketresearchtelecast.com/proxies-for-web-crawling/245557/

21:16 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: marketresearchtelecast.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://marketresearchtelecast.com/proxies-for-web-crawling/245557/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://marketresearchtelecast.com/proxies-for-web-crawling/245557/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://marketresearchtelecast.com/proxies-for-web-crawling/245557/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://marketresearchtelecast.com/proxies-for-web-crawling/245557/

21:16 TR Bot; Proxies for Web Crawling - Market Research Telecast

21:17 TR News; SEJ became pro-spam site https://www.searchenginejournal.com/small-business-marketing-101/443526/

↺ https://www.searchenginejournal.com/small-business-marketing-101/443526/

21:17 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: searchenginejournal.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.searchenginejournal.com/small-business-marketing-101/443526/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.searchenginejournal.com/small-business-marketing-101/443526/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.searchenginejournal.com/small-business-marketing-101/443526/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.searchenginejournal.com/small-business-marketing-101/443526/

21:17 TR Bot; Small Business Marketing 101: Getting Started

21:18 Erroneous; " You would need to make a spread shit, structure it, and then proceed to hours upon hours of copy/pasting. By the end of it, the chances are that the prices have changed and your data is useless. "

21:18 Erroneous; a spread shit LOL

21:20 schestowitz-TR; shit engine optimisation

21:21 Erroneous; i need to run my own spiderbot

21:21 Erroneous; and become google like

21:21 schestowitz-TR; spy-dug

21:21 schestowitz-TR; spy-dug

21:21 schestowitz-TR; >> spy-duh

21:22 schestowitz-TR; gulag does not have great algos

21:22 schestowitz-TR; it makes up for it with

21:22 schestowitz-TR; 1) quantity

21:22 schestowitz-TR; 2) spying

21:22 DaemonFC; Car dealers have no interest in educating consumers in what is needed and what isn't.

21:22 schestowitz-TR; good luck running 20,000 servers

21:22 schestowitz-TR; for only a few people to actually use the results you pick

21:22 DaemonFC; If you don't maintain your vehicle, you'll buy another one sooner when you figure yours is not working right anymore.

21:22 schestowitz-TR; 2-0 Foden

21:23 schestowitz-TR; very loud chanting

21:23 DaemonFC; And if you do go get it serviced, some of them actually do try to push unnecessary procedures on you.

21:23 schestowitz-TR; 2) they spy on clicks and stuff

21:23 schestowitz-TR; so the results are based on observing people around the Web

21:23 DaemonFC; Since some actually do this, some people think anything any dealer recommends is a scam.

21:23 Erroneous; i remeber using somer webcrawler search engines

21:23 DaemonFC; Your best bet with a car is to educate yourself a little about what actually needs done, why, and when.

21:23 Erroneous; is that still a thing?

21:24 DaemonFC; Because if you do what my mom does and "rely on others to tell me", either nobody will or they'll start trying to sell you expensive services that may not even be in the owner's manual or related to a repair.

21:25 Erroneous; fuck your mom and your car

21:25 Erroneous; go spam else were

21:25 DaemonFC; Cars have turned into a tech product.

21:26 DaemonFC; This is getting beyond ridiculous.

21:26 DaemonFC; Now with COVID, they have to rip half those features out anyway.

21:26 DaemonFC; It's really interesting when they give you the invoice sticker too.

21:26 Erroneous; why can we quite spambot DaemonFC?

21:26 psydruid; everything is turning into a malicious tech product

21:27 DaemonFC; Because when a vehicle has "cold weather package" (heated seats and side mirrors), they list it as like $800.

21:27 psydruid; even things that aren't supposed to be

21:27 DaemonFC; But when they can't get chips and remove the computer that controls those systems, but not most of the hardware, leaving buttons that don't do anything, and heaters that nothing can operate....

21:27 DaemonFC; They give you a $50 credit. LOL

21:28 psydruid; pity money

21:28 DaemonFC; On less sophisticated cars like the Impala and the Lacrosse that I have, the seat heater is just a toggle switch. It has off, warm, and a second warm setting that's warmer than the first.

21:28 DaemonFC; But these new cars hook it up to the computer and decide how warm the heater in the seat should get based on the outside temperature and how warm you like the heater to be.

21:29 DaemonFC; So, they require their own connection to the BCM and a computer chip just for the stupid seat warmer.

21:29 DaemonFC; Instead of off, I, and II.

21:29 DaemonFC; Never breaks. Too easy!

21:30 DaemonFC; I think now Toyota sells heated seats and then disables them if you don't subscribe to the seats for $10 a month.

21:30 Erroneous; it would be a good idea to fit a transponder on every car

21:30 DaemonFC; Don't pay? Your car gets an update that doesn't allow the seat warmer to be turned on.

21:30 Erroneous; for traffic jam management and things

21:30 DaemonFC; It would be interesting if someone created a bypass for the heated seats.

21:30 DaemonFC; But that might violate the DMCA.

21:31 DaemonFC; In yet another way Congress wasn't thinking about in the 90s.

21:31 Erroneous; Congress wasn't thinking but the companies was

21:32 Erroneous; american cars suck

21:33 Erroneous; im geting a sonos and solar panales to juice my house and car for free

21:33 *psydruid wonders if there are any regulations against such consumer-hostile policies in the EU

21:35 Erroneous; you mean getting a sonos and solar panels to juice my house and car for free?

21:35 Erroneous; im sure they have some regulations hard to bypass

21:38 *gooseheaded_ (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

21:40 *gooseheaded has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

21:40 *gooseheaded_ has quit (Quit: A Book which I am writing, and would love to share: https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

↺ https://executingreality.com/pdfs/TheNOTES/NOTES.pdf)

21:43 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

21:45 Erroneous; https://newatlas.com/military/israel-iron-beam-laser-weapon-counters-multiple-targets-live-fire-tests/

↺ https://newatlas.com/military/israel-iron-beam-laser-weapon-counters-multiple-targets-live-fire-tests/

21:45 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: newatlas.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://newatlas.com/military/israel-iron-beam-laser-weapon-counters-multiple-targets-live-fire-tests/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://newatlas.com/military/israel-iron-beam-laser-weapon-counters-multiple-targets-live-fire-tests/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://newatlas.com/military/israel-iron-beam-laser-weapon-counters-multiple-targets-live-fire-tests/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://newatlas.com/military/israel-iron-beam-laser-weapon-counters-multiple-targets-live-fire-tests/

21:45 TR Bot; "Iron Beam" laser weapon counters multiple targets in live fire tests

21:46 Erroneous; skynet is here to stay

21:46 Erroneous; Iron Beam is an optical fiber laser that can lock onto targets at the speed of light and destroy them within five seconds at a range of up to 7 km (4.3 miles).

21:47 schestowitz-TR; didn't the US test this ages ago?

21:47 schestowitz-TR; they already did a lot of work on that

21:47 Erroneous; this one actually works

21:48 schestowitz-TR; so they claim

21:48 schestowitz-TR; they also said drone strikes would work

21:48 schestowitz-TR; but they're imprecise and messy

21:48 schestowitz-TR; nukes also "work"

21:49 Erroneous; you ill see

21:49 *techrights-ipfs-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

21:50 Erroneous; each laser round costs about a dollar a shot

21:53 Erroneous; https://newatlas.com/energy/breakthrough-tpv-cell-makes-more-power-from-heat-than-a-steam-turbine/

↺ https://newatlas.com/energy/breakthrough-tpv-cell-makes-more-power-from-heat-than-a-steam-turbine/

21:53 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: newatlas.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://newatlas.com/energy/breakthrough-tpv-cell-makes-more-power-from-heat-than-a-steam-turbine/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://newatlas.com/energy/breakthrough-tpv-cell-makes-more-power-from-heat-than-a-steam-turbine/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://newatlas.com/energy/breakthrough-tpv-cell-makes-more-power-from-heat-than-a-steam-turbine/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://newatlas.com/energy/breakthrough-tpv-cell-makes-more-power-from-heat-than-a-steam-turbine/

21:53 TR Bot; Breakthrough TPV cell makes more power from heat than a steam turbine

21:54 DaemonFC; <schestowitz-TR> they also said drone strikes would work

21:54 DaemonFC; They are doing ICBMs with conventional explosives now.

21:54 DaemonFC; "Prompt Global Strike"

21:54 schestowitz-TR; "conventional"

21:54 DaemonFC; The goal is to be able to quickly hit any target on the planet in less than an hour with a launch from the US mainland.

21:55 Erroneous; shoulf work great in solar thermal plants

21:55 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: easier with submarine

21:55 schestowitz-TR; if it's not far away from shore

21:55 schestowitz-TR; US also has tons of bases everywhere

21:56 schestowitz-TR; some of today's so-called drone strikes are not even drones

21:56 schestowitz-TR; the drone just picks the target

21:57 schestowitz-TR; and then a heavy missile or bomb is shot from KMs or tens of KMs away by a manned plane

21:57 DaemonFC; Yeah, paints it with a laser.

21:57 schestowitz-TR; the pilot is "safer" this way

21:57 DaemonFC; Yeah, it renders surface to air missiles useless.

21:57 DaemonFC; Because the plane that launched it is far away from the drone.

21:57 DaemonFC; Which is cheap and unmanned.

21:58 DaemonFC; Even if they can shoot the drone down.

21:58 MinceR; (audio:important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obCNQ0xksZ4

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obCNQ0xksZ4

21:58 TR Bot; https://invidious.weblibre.org/watch?v=obCNQ0xksZ4

↺ https://invidious.weblibre.org/watch?v=obCNQ0xksZ4

21:58 Erroneous; the pilot is already obsolete

21:58 TR Bot; invidious.weblibre.org | Police Interrogations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Invidious

21:58 schestowitz-TR; skynet stuff

10 PM, April 20

22:01 *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

22:02 TR News; Fewer Nice Days gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2022/202204/20220420-fewer-nice-days.gmi "This part of the world is subject to large swings in temperature throughout the year."

↺ gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2022/202204/20220420-fewer-nice-days.gmi

22:03 TR News; "Today I tuned up my slrn config, and I was browsing the Usenet again. Slrn is great tool, but user must has knowledge of the key concepts. One of them is score file. I had been wondering why the default view isn't date ordered. After that I discovered, that you could change order by `ESC s`." gemini://szczezuja.space/tinylog.gmi

↺ gemini://szczezuja.space/tinylog.gmi

22:05 TR News; "Sitting in the train. Im going to the office for the first time since the beginning of Corona. I dont like it." gemini://alexschroeder.ch/page/2022-04-20%20Time%20management

↺ gemini://alexschroeder.ch/page/2022-04-20%20Time%20management

22:06 TR News; "I've been meaning to learn the language toki pona for more than a decade. It's about time." gemini://warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/2022-04-20-toki-pona-exercises-for-lesson-1.gmi

↺ gemini://warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/2022-04-20-toki-pona-exercises-for-lesson-1.gmi

22:07 TR News; "I do wish people would stop talking about the technical side of Gemini on Gemini; it's finished, there's no need to discuss it. But most of what I read is intensely personal." gemini://carcosa.net/journal/20220420-not-giving-up.gmi

↺ gemini://carcosa.net/journal/20220420-not-giving-up.gmi

22:08 TR News; "The horrible virus has done my tastebuds in. This is *deeply* annoying and frustrating for me. If I try and eat meat or some forms of citrus then it tastes of cigarettes." gemini://bad-gateway.smol.pub/20220420

↺ gemini://bad-gateway.smol.pub/20220420

22:09 TR News; "Honestly it is really getting me down. Given that my Partner and Kid aren't exactly fish fans its forced a bit of a vegetarian lifestyle (okay... pescetarian). I eat Mumble-2021-05-08-16-08-45-aquilegia.ddns.net-Mixdown_data lot* of cheese now. And beer. Beer is lovely. Most wine too. I'm not opposed to this particularly but it is annoying. I miss eating lasagna with the kiddo." gemini://bad-gateway.smol.pub/20220420

↺ gemini://bad-gateway.smol.pub/20220420

22:11 TR News; "Sf politics are absolutely awful. Completely bought and paid for by property developers and big tech. I have basically completely given up on politics." gemini://alex.flounder.online/journal.gmi

↺ gemini://alex.flounder.online/journal.gmi

22:12 TR News; "It is scary to comment anything on any place on the Big Bad Web. Lately, I hardly ever say anything, I am slowly deleting, forsaking or just forgetting my social media accounts." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/891

↺ gemini://midnight.pub/posts/891

22:13 schestowitz-TR; [21:58] <Erroneous> the pilot is already obsolete

22:13 schestowitz-TR; they call operators "pilots" sometimes

22:13 schestowitz-TR; some of them blow the whistleblowers

22:13 schestowitz-TR; I had two online 'friends' who are drone whistleblowers

22:14 TR News; 2013 classic Proteus gets an update for Linux and Steam Deck | GamingOnLinux https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/2013-classic-proteus-gets-an-update-for-linux-and-steam-deck/ Source: Gaming On Linux | GNU | Linux | Games

↺ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/2013-classic-proteus-gets-an-update-for-linux-and-steam-deck/

22:14 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: gamingonlinux.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/2013-classic-proteus-gets-an-update-for-linux-and-steam-deck/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/2013-classic-proteus-gets-an-update-for-linux-and-steam-deck/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/2013-classic-proteus-gets-an-update-for-linux-and-steam-deck/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/2013-classic-proteus-gets-an-update-for-linux-and-steam-deck/

22:14 TR Bot; classic Proteus gets an update for Linux and Steam Deck | GamingOnLinux

22:18 TR News; Gulag and clown computing = inferior experience, a step back http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/?p=1671

↺ http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/?p=1671

22:18 TR Bot; Running Anthos inside Google

22:18 TR News; "Task manager is one of the few parts of Windows that I really like but on Linux you can get all the same sort of data it's just in seperate tools, System Monitoring Center though brings all of that data into one place." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLHeY36szU

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLHeY36szU

22:18 TR Bot; https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=gJLHeY36szU

↺ https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=gJLHeY36szU

22:18 TR Bot; invidio.xamh.de | This Is Windows Task Manager For Linux!! - Invidious

22:18 TR News; Games: Skullgirls, Mighty Goose, and More Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163965

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163965

22:18 TR Bot; Games: Skullgirls, Mighty Goose, and More | Tux Machines

22:24 TR News; Just don't call them "pleasure cards" if you're RMS and there are corporate mobs looking for anything to 'cancel' you https://www.makeuseof.com/create-send-recognition-cards-to-team/

↺ https://www.makeuseof.com/create-send-recognition-cards-to-team/

22:24 TR Bot; How to Create and Send Recognition Cards to Your Team

22:25 TR News; Web: Social Control Media, Proprietary Web Browser (Vivaldi), and Crawlers Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163966

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163966

22:25 TR Bot; Web: Social Control Media, Proprietary Web Browser (Vivaldi), and Crawlers | Tux Machines

22:25 TR News; A look at American terrorism https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202204/1259749.shtml

↺ https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202204/1259749.shtml

22:25 TR Bot; Exclusive: How CIA uses cyber weapon Beehive to monitor, attack global key targets - Global Times

22:25 Erroneous; I CONFESS

22:26 DaemonFC; Yelp keeps removing my review of Batteries Plus in Gurnee, Illinois.

22:26 TR News; Do you really need to count them? Are they merely inventories to us? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/charity-antarctica-post-office-penguins-b2051287.html just stay the hell out of it and stop destroying the planet

↺ https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/charity-antarctica-post-office-penguins-b2051287.html

22:26 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: independent.co.uk | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/charity-antarctica-post-office-penguins-b2051287.html https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/charity-antarctica-post-office-penguins-b2051287.html

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/charity-antarctica-post-office-penguins-b2051287.html

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/charity-antarctica-post-office-penguins-b2051287.html

22:26 TR Bot; British charity on hunt for team to help count penguins in Antarctica | The Independent

22:26 schestowitz-TR; welcome to the clown

22:27 DaemonFC; They say I offended the owner by calling him a nut for calling me at me house, cursing at me, and threatening to call the police over my credit card dispute with the bank.

22:27 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: maybe wordpress.com is next

22:27 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: maybe he wasn't John Smith

22:27 schestowitz-TR; so calling him anything is not OK

22:27 schestowitz-TR; it's "hate crime"

22:28 TR News; False assumption: coding is high-paying https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/

↺ https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/

22:28 TR Bot; ( status 403 @ https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/ )

↺ https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/

22:28 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: impactalpha.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://impactalpha.com/how-pursuit-is-upskilling-low-income-new-yorkers-for-high-paying-coding-jobs/

22:28 DaemonFC; https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/yelp-keeps-removing-my-review-of-batteries-plus-in-gurnee-illinois/

↺ https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/yelp-keeps-removing-my-review-of-batteries-plus-in-gurnee-illinois/

22:28 TR Bot; Yelp keeps removing my review of Batteries Plus in Gurnee, Illinois. BaronHK's Rants

22:29 TR News; The highest-paying jobs are in theft. In crime. They do this in the private and public sector alike and formalise these with terms like "hedge funds".

22:29 *SkywaveC3 has quit (Quit)

22:30 *Skywave (~SkywaveC3@yk58f7khufeyg.irc) has joined #techrights

22:32 TR News; How To Be A GNU/Linux User - Invidious https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cC1CqyCN9Q0 Source: Video | Invidious | Multimedia

↺ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cC1CqyCN9Q0

22:32 TR Bot; How To Be A Linux User - Invidious

22:32 DaemonFC; So much for Yelp saying they don't remove reviews to protect a business's reputation.

22:32 DaemonFC; Obviously the guy is watching his page and reported me for calling him a nut.

22:32 TR News; FLOSS Weekly became Linux Journal. See staff. https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/677

↺ https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/677

22:32 TR Bot; ( status 404 @ https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/677 )

↺ https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/677

22:32 DaemonFC; So I removed the parts that I feel might be construed as offensive and stuck to what happened and re-posted it.

22:33 DaemonFC; The only thing I added was "Bonus points for not being able to figure out how a behind-the-wheel gear shifter works.

22:34 TR News; "Code of Conduct!" https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/yelp-keeps-removing-my-review-of-batteries-plus-in-gurnee-illinois/ 1 report of staff at a sponsor booth ignoring a woman attendee http://techrights.org/2022/04/15/code-of-conduct-in-action/

↺ https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/yelp-keeps-removing-my-review-of-batteries-plus-in-gurnee-illinois/


22:34 TR Bot; The Linux Foundation Does Not Want You to See How a Code of Conduct is Actually Enforced at Its Events | Techrights

22:35 *ziraffep has quit (Quit)

22:37 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: you should have given a "5 star minus 4" review

22:37 schestowitz-TR; to make sure everyone is happy

22:38 schestowitz-TR; and nobody's feelings are "hurt"

22:38 schestowitz-TR; "my experience was not perfect"

22:38 schestowitz-TR; wait, too much negation

22:38 schestowitz-TR; Let me find a way to rephrase it

22:39 schestowitz-TR; "I hope my next experience will be even better!"

22:39 schestowitz-TR; Linus Torvalds: your code smells lovely

22:39 Erroneous; less then 4 stars is just like a dislike button on you tube

22:40 TR News; Audiocasts/Shows/Videos: AlmaLinux 9 Beta Overview, Observable, and More Tux Machines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163967

↺ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163967

22:40 TR Bot; Audiocasts/Shows/Videos: AlmaLinux 9 Beta Overview, Observable, and More | Tux Machines

22:40 schestowitz-TR; DaemonFC: you're Irish now?

22:41 schestowitz-TR; "calling me at me house"?

22:41 schestowitz-TR; "me likes me beer, matey"

22:41 Erroneous; "calling me at mi house"?

22:41 schestowitz; "They say I offended the owner, Bhushan Chouhan, by calling him a nut for calling me at me house, cursing at me, and threatening to call the police over my credit card dispute with the bank."

22:41 Erroneous; "me likes mi beer, matey"

22:43 Erroneous; matey isnt here today

22:43 TR News; It's all in India... https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-best-python-engineer-jobs-to-apply-for-in-april-2022/ notice how much outsourcing is going on, not due to lack of skills but salaries (corporate greed)

↺ https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-best-python-engineer-jobs-to-apply-for-in-april-2022/

22:43 TR Bot; Top 10 Best Python Engineer Jobs to Apply for in April 2022

22:44 Erroneous; are you calling DaemonFC a catholic ~schestowitz

22:44 TR News; "Python Software Foundation: The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that holds the intellectual property rights behind the Python programming language." https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-programming-languages-and-their-funding-genies/ and already hijacked by Pentagon giants

↺ https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-programming-languages-and-their-funding-genies/

22:44 TR Bot; Top 10 Programming Languages and Their Funding Genies

22:45 schestowitz-TR; non of me bizniz

22:46 TR News; No, their real, natural habitat is the oasis to them. Stop turning them into props and exhibitions https://curiocity.com/polk-penguin-conservation-center/

↺ https://curiocity.com/polk-penguin-conservation-center/

22:46 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: curiocity.com | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://curiocity.com/polk-penguin-conservation-center/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://curiocity.com/polk-penguin-conservation-center/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://curiocity.com/polk-penguin-conservation-center/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://curiocity.com/polk-penguin-conservation-center/

22:46 TR Bot; The incredible Polk Penguin Conservation Center is a day trip from Toronto

22:47 TR News; Wayne Rooney is a very talented footballer but a terrible coach https://www.freepressjournal.in/sports/wayne-rooneys-derby-county-relegated-to-3rd-tier-of-english-football

↺ https://www.freepressjournal.in/sports/wayne-rooneys-derby-county-relegated-to-3rd-tier-of-english-football

22:47 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: freepressjournal.in | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.freepressjournal.in/sports/wayne-rooneys-derby-county-relegated-to-3rd-tier-of-english-football https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.freepressjournal.in/sports/wayne-rooneys-derby-county-relegated-to-3rd-tier-of-english-football

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.freepressjournal.in/sports/wayne-rooneys-derby-county-relegated-to-3rd-tier-of-english-football

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://www.freepressjournal.in/sports/wayne-rooneys-derby-county-relegated-to-3rd-tier-of-english-football

22:47 TR Bot; Wayne Rooney's Derby County relegated to 3rd tier of English football

22:48 TR News; Facebook spam! Webspam. META METASOMETHING META META... help us rebrand by spamming, please! https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/entertainment/horizon-worlds-identity-crisis-meta

↺ https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/entertainment/horizon-worlds-identity-crisis-meta

22:48 TR Bot; Meta is looking to the video game industry for metaverse inspiration - Protocol

22:49 DaemonFC; at my house

22:49 DaemonFC; typo

22:50 DaemonFC; fixed

22:50 schestowitz; https://lwn.net/Articles/891273/

↺ https://lwn.net/Articles/891273/

22:50 TR Bot; ( status 403 @ https://lwn.net/Articles/891273/ )

↺ https://lwn.net/Articles/891273/

22:50 schestowitz; "[$] Fedora considers deprecating legacy BIOS"

22:51 DaemonFC; What is the politically correct term for asking if one is due back at the lab to have their bolts tightened?

22:52 TR News; Way to choose a bad venue https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/04/20/curl-up-2022-san-francisco/

↺ https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/04/20/curl-up-2022-san-francisco/

22:52 -AltLink_97e/#techrights- CloudFlare: haxx.se | Alternative: https://web.archive.org/web/https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/04/20/curl-up-2022-san-francisco/ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/04/20/curl-up-2022-san-francisco/

↺ https://web.archive.org/web/https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/04/20/curl-up-2022-san-francisco/

↺ https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/memento/202204/https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/04/20/curl-up-2022-san-francisco/

22:52 TR Bot; up 2022 San Francisco | daniel.haxx.se

22:57 MinceR; https://thecodinglove.com/when-they-ask-for-my-estimate

↺ https://thecodinglove.com/when-they-ask-for-my-estimate

22:57 TR Bot; When they ask for my estimate | The Coding Love - Programmer humor: gifs, memes, jokes

22:59 *alextee (~alextee@37nedm8cyafpe.irc) has joined #techrights

22:59 DaemonFC; https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/radiator-flush-success-a-second-flush-with-blue-devil-at-the-chevy-dealer-restored-my-heat/

↺ https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/radiator-flush-success-a-second-flush-with-blue-devil-at-the-chevy-dealer-restored-my-heat/

22:59 TR Bot; Radiator Flush SUCCESS. A second flush with Blue Devil at the Chevy dealer restored my heat. BaronHK's Rants

11 PM, April 20

23:00 DaemonFC; Mandy doesn't understand things when I explain them to him.

23:00 DaemonFC; He says "Turn the heat on." when the car is off.

23:01 DaemonFC; I explain, "The engine produces heat when it is running, which heats up the coolant, which flows through the heater core, which is transferred into the cabin by the blower. Without the car running, you cannot run the heater.".

23:02 DaemonFC; Then he wonders why it's cold with the car on for a while. I have to explain, "Because the engine has to run long enough to reach operating temperature before the heater fully works. Which is why there is a remote starter on this car that is programmed to run the heater when you use it.".

23:02 DaemonFC; Then he asks the same questions next week when it's cold and the car is either off or not warmed up.

23:05 DaemonFC; schestowitz-TR, I probably will turn in my license before electric cars become mainstream.

23:05 DaemonFC; You think a 14 year old Buick is a money pit because it needs some coolant and a transmission service, wait until you get a load of what a used battery car costs the second owner!

23:07 DaemonFC; Or a used BMW, for that matter.

23:07 Erroneous; deam

23:07 DaemonFC; People buy old BMWs and Mercedes cars because they only cost a couple thousand dollars and they either do one of two things.

23:07 DaemonFC; Try to fix them until they've spent $10,000 fixing it and it's still not working well, or just drive the car while it falls apart around them and not even the windows work anymore.

23:08 Erroneous; windows never worked

23:09 TR News; Did Mozilla pay a PR agency (PKPR) to spam me and others? While sacking engineers they toss money on totally BS lobbying and lies (and email spam)? Irene Dominque, irene@pkpr.com = SPAMMER.

23:10 TR News; Mozilla's CEO Miss Banker [sic] is ruining the company and destroying Firefox so fast that you wonder if Banker is to Gulag what Elop was to Microsoft (inside Nokia)

23:12 *matey (~matey@5c84rj45gkqvi.irc) has joined #techrights

23:12 schestowitz-TR; mi matey came after all

23:12 matey; eh?

23:12 schestowitz-TR; [22:43] <Erroneous> matey isnt here today

23:12 Erroneous; speak of the devil

23:12 matey; >:)

23:13 SomeH4x0r; hi

23:13 matey; hi

23:13 DaemonFC; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soz1R9UqHAI

↺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soz1R9UqHAI

23:13 TR Bot; https://invidious.esmailelbob.xyz/watch?v=Soz1R9UqHAI

↺ https://invidious.esmailelbob.xyz/watch?v=Soz1R9UqHAI

23:13 TR Bot; invidious.esmailelbob.xyz | Dexcool is a horrible coolant - Invidious

23:13 SomeH4x0r; barto was today on TWISTED

23:13 matey; /me nods

23:14 matey; it seems like hes not online when i am

23:14 SomeH4x0r; they were online like two hours ago before you, and left one hour ago

23:14 SomeH4x0r; *came online

23:15 SomeH4x0r; 00:35 <+barto> i'll probably be back in 20 hours

23:15 SomeH4x0r; 00:35 <+barto> or 21

23:15 SomeH4x0r; the time is in UTC+3, so it would be 21:35

23:15 SomeH4x0r; in UTC

23:15 matey; schestowitz-TR "me likes me beer, matey" <- ?????

23:16 matey; MinceR maybe they should also write about MICROS~1's bid to acquire the FSF <- if it wasnt for mincer i would feel really bad for this channel

23:16 matey; /me isnt kidding

23:17 SomeH4x0r; did it happen?

23:17 matey; did what happen

23:17 SomeH4x0r; maybe I have some misunderstanding about the roots of the issue, but I'm still suspicious about FSF due to it being a big organization

23:18 SomeH4x0r; the Microsoft bid

23:18 matey; MinceR diarrhea, cha-cha-cha <- beavis and butthead terrorising poor hipster girl

23:18 matey; <SomeH4x0r> the Microsoft bid <- i think he was being cynical. youre not literally allowed to bid on 501(c)3 orgs. you can only infiltrate the board and bribe them.

23:18 matey; which is SORT OF like owning them

23:18 matey; metaphorically

23:18 Erroneous; fucking hipsters

23:18 SomeH4x0r; maybe I have some misunderstanding about the roots of the issue, but I'm still suspicious about FSF due to it being a big organization

23:19 matey; usually i dislike hipsters

23:19 MinceR; so do i

23:19 Erroneous; thats what DaemonFC is

23:19 matey; I'm still suspicious about FSF <- no reason not to be, theyve abandoned their mission

23:19 matey; <Erroneous> thats what DaemonFC is <- *pictures dfc as a hipster*

23:20 matey; that would be fucking priceless

23:20 Erroneous; i bet DaemonFC sports a beard

23:20 matey; i imagine any situation involving a hipster and dfc would lead to the hipster crying and/or trying to file a lawsuit against him

23:21 matey; and god help him

23:21 matey; the hipster i mean

23:21 Erroneous; why hipsters love old muscle cars too

23:21 matey; MinceR pretty sure i have several computers in my home that are far more powerful than any C64 <- none as COOL though

23:22 MinceR; they could be as cool, if i put them in the fridge

23:22 matey; /me hacks into the m41nfr4me using c64 and unix manuals

23:23 matey; password: GOD

23:23 matey; im in!

23:23 Erroneous; c64 was used for war games

23:23 *gooseheaded has quit (connection closed)

23:23 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

23:24 schestowitz-TR; you cannot use that password

23:24 schestowitz-TR; G**

23:24 schestowitz-TR; yehovah

23:24 schestowitz-TR; you cannot just type "god"

23:24 matey; password: ALLOW

23:24 schestowitz-TR; it's against the CoC

23:24 AdmFubar; how about heysuse?

23:24 schestowitz-TR; you might give some unorthodox man a seizure

23:25 bnchs; schestowitz-TR, they check passwords?

23:25 AdmFubar; has one of the coolest c64's.. a sx-64

23:25 bnchs; for words?

23:25 matey; /me didnt know the coc had gone haredi

23:25 schestowitz; http://techrights.org/2022/04/15/code-of-conduct-in-action/


23:25 TR Bot; The Linux Foundation Does Not Want You to See How a Code of Conduct is Actually Enforced at Its Events | Techrights

23:26 matey; password: OYGEVALT

23:26 matey; oy very, maria

23:27 matey; /me trashes keyboard and gets another

23:27 matey; thats the last punchline you fuck up

23:27 schestowitz-TR; you cannot hand out 'offensive' leaflets

23:27 matey; /me shows old keyboard to new keyboard, so it understands

23:27 schestowitz-TR; like pictures of Prophet Mohammad licking a CoC

23:27 matey; wow

23:27 schestowitz-TR; that would get the booth set ablaze

23:27 schestowitz-TR; then the same in the parking lot

23:28 matey; atheists be like: "i made a painting of jesus. it has some poo on it"

23:28 matey; "i hope people appreciate the artistic message here"

23:28 matey; we all do it of course, it has to be done

23:28 Erroneous; Im atheist so i joined the satanic league

23:29 matey; though im generally nice to (ahem, most) religious people, since i dont actually like pissing them off all the time

23:29 matey; if theyre dicks though, its open season

23:30 matey; "ill get you, and your little god too"

23:32 matey; The Netflix limited series "Unorthodox" follows Esty, a young Hasidic woman desperate to flee the only world she has ever known for an uncertain future halfway around the world.

23:33 matey; For Members of Israel's ultra-Orthodox Gur Sect, Sex Is a Sin.

23:33 Erroneous; you will get a fatwa put out on you

23:34 matey; note that in judaism, you have to be ULTRA ORTHODOX (more than just plain old orthodox) for that to be a thing

23:34 Erroneous; only for them?

23:34 matey; for catholicism, you just have to be catholic

23:34 matey; then EVERYTHING is a sin

23:34 matey; even not sinning (because its immodest and proud)

23:35 Erroneous; if EVERYTHING is a sin you would have to be god not to sin

23:36 matey; im just a gur, id rather not be, cause they wont let me go out at night

23:36 DaemonFC; <Erroneous> i bet DaemonFC sports a beard

23:36 matey; if EVERYTHING is a sin you would have to be god not to sin <- that of course would be blaspheme

23:36 matey; of course you dont have to be religious to be ultra-orthodox anymore. you just have to agree to the coc oath

23:36 matey; <DaemonFC> <Erroneous> i bet DaemonFC sports a beard <- no he has a husband

23:36 DaemonFC; No, I shave in the shower every day. I bath in hand soap because body wash is hand soap for idiots who want to pay $15 for $4 worth of hand soap.

23:37 DaemonFC; And I shave with shampoo that's leftover from my hair to avoid having to buy shaving cream.

23:37 matey; (cause if he had a beard she would just be for show)

23:38 DaemonFC; I was going through about a can every 5-6 weeks and I figured that if it costs $2 a can and there's 52 weeks in a year, then that's a $17.33 a year product I can ditch.

23:38 Erroneous; i bet you are jealous of people with beards

23:38 DaemonFC; Why would you work for an hour to have shave cream when you already have other products for that?

23:38 matey; https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PHzOOQfhPFg

↺ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PHzOOQfhPFg

23:39 TR Bot; No Doubt - Just A Girl - Invidious

23:39 Erroneous; you could use a shavinbg machine

23:39 matey; a smart shaver, with bluetooth

23:39 matey; has a wireless charging platform

23:40 Erroneous; why would you want bluetoth

23:40 matey; if you hold it away from your face it takes a selfie and puts it on social media to show how close your shave is

23:40 MinceR; lol

23:40 matey; why WOULDNT you want bluetooth

23:40 MinceR; why not do that over wifi or cellular though?

23:40 matey; ok boomer

23:40 MinceR; what if your phone isn't near when you're shaving?

23:41 matey; /me has bluetooth in his bluetooth so it can connect to itself

23:41 matey; its always paired

23:41 MinceR; lol

23:41 Erroneous; ima gona make me a hardware mod for smartphone with a shaver ond post it on yakaday

23:42 Erroneous; paired to the smart toothbrush

23:42 matey; a yak is an open source version of a gnu

23:43 *matey has quit (connection closed)

23:43 Erroneous; imagine if you could have your nasdac delivered strait to your toothbrush

23:44 DaemonFC; schestowitz-TR, I was joking about Carvana with the guy at the service department at Chevy this morning.

23:44 *gooseheaded has quit (connection closed)

23:44 DaemonFC; I said, "Well, I could have done a lot worse. Like buying the same car on Carvana for $14,000, running into all these problems, and having no money to fix it.".

23:44 Erroneous; WE HAVE A CONFESSION!

23:46 *gooseheaded (~gooseheaded@9ucczhkmm895g.irc) has joined #techrights

23:47 Erroneous; i bet most of the police inquisitors draw their methods from the Sunday evangelical church preacher

23:48 Erroneous; or something like taht

23:48 Erroneous; and some of them confessions are reall life miricals

23:49 Erroneous; miracles

23:50 DaemonFC; I don't confess to anyone.

23:50 DaemonFC; Not the police. Not the child molester with the funny hat (priest).

23:50 DaemonFC; I admit nothing.

23:51 Erroneous; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-20/amazon-europe-unit-paid-no-taxes-on-55-billion-sales-in-2021

↺ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-20/amazon-europe-unit-paid-no-taxes-on-55-billion-sales-in-2021

23:51 TR Bot; - Are you a robot?

23:51 DaemonFC; My toothbrush has bluetooth and an app.

23:51 DaemonFC; I never use it.

23:51 Erroneous; why to go besos

23:52 Erroneous; DaemonFC i bet you shave like besos

23:54 *matey (~matey@fwvi8i66ywy5a.irc) has joined #techrights

23:54 matey; that was fun

23:55 DaemonFC; I cut my hair.

23:55 DaemonFC; $20 and a tip to Great Clips. I can fuck up my own hair for free.

23:56 Erroneous; i know DaemonFC it sucks to be you

23:57 Erroneous; what was matey?

23:57 matey; /me lets Erroneous learn the hard way

23:57 matey; you have some issue with DFC i guess

23:58 Erroneous; nothing much

23:58 matey; it isnt worth it

23:58 Erroneous; what isnt?

23:58 matey; youll see

23:59 Erroneous; is that a threat?

23:59 matey; not at all

23:59 matey; im not looking out for anyone

23:59 Erroneous; ofcourse not

IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, April 20, 2022

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