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●● Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part XIII — Nihilistic Death Cults With Substance Abuse and Sick Kinks

Posted in Microsoft at 12:08 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Series parts:

1 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part I — Inside a Den of Corruption and Misogynists

2 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part II — The Campaign Against GPL Compliance and War on Copyleft Enforcement

3 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part III — A Story of Plagiarism and Likely Securities Fraud

4 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part IV — Mr. MobileCoin: From Mono to Plagiarism… and to Unprecedented GPL Violations at GitHub (Microsoft)

5 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part V — Why Nat Friedman is Leaving GitHub

6 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VI — The Media Has Mischaracterised Nat Friedman’s Departure (Effective Now)

7 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VII — Nat Friedman, as GitHub CEO, Had a Plan of Defrauding Microsoft Shareholders

8 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VIII — Mr. Graveley’s Long Career Serving Microsoft’s Agenda (Before Hiring by Microsoft to Work on GitHub’s GPL Violations Machine)

9 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part IX — Microsoft’s Chief Architect of GitHub Copilot Sought to be Arrested One Day After Techrights Article About Him

10 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part X — Connections to the Mass Surveillance Industry (and the Surveillance State)

11 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part XI — Violence Against Women

12 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part XII — Life of Disorderly Conduct and Lust

> Image: GitHub: Where everything comes to die

Summary: ‘Mr. Copilot’ Graveley is deserving of attention he wishes not to have; after repeatedly assaulting women we take stock of his past mischiefs and oddest fetishes

A week ago we reflected upon a number of things, without yet introducing much new information (it was Christmas after all). We reminded people that Miguel de Icaza, who is extremely unhappy about this series (he spoke about it), is rather close to Balabhadra (Alex) Graveley — a subject we shall revisit later in the year. Well, de Icaza and his other half have family in Brazil and Mexico; it’s worth noting that Mr. Graveley lived in Brazil. He also “mentioned a Portuguese language film that I was disturbed by Alex’s [Graveley] obsession with,” a source has told us.

↺ Miguel de Icaza

↺ have family in Brazil and Mexico

> Image: GitHub Project Managers

That film is called Talk to Her, a film “about a male nurse raping a woman in a coma, but it’s a romance” [or so we're meant to think] and as Wikipedia puts it: “Talk to Her (Spanish: Hable con ella) is a 2002 Spanish drama written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar, and starring Javier Cámara, Darío Grandinetti, Leonor Watling, Geraldine Chaplin, and Rosario Flores. The film follows two men who form an unlikely friendship as they care for two women who are both in comas.”

↺ film is called Talk to Her

“It’s relevant,” our source has added, because “Alex kept asking me to get blackout drunk to fulfill a kink.”

As someone put it in IRC a few moments ago, “potentially poison yourself with alcohol so he can “fulfill a kink”.”

> “The problem with the media bosses is, they usually believe the rich person or the large corporation, which means that smear campaigns against the accuser/s can be rather effective.”

The source stressed that “Alex is a really bad dude. Nat [Friedman] seems to have been good at maintaining a wholesome persona publicly…”

We’ve already shown that Alex Graveley and Nat Friedman are very close; even Miguel de Icaza confirmed this.

Our source has said that “journalists think it’s a non-issue” and have in fact suppressed this information. We’ll come to that much later in this series. Where was the BBC when Jimmy Savile was abusing unconscious or dead kids (necrophilia)? Why is the BBC still operating like nothing major happened? Remember Microsoft pays many sites for “advertising” and Bill Gates is repeatedly bribing the BBC, so don’t expect to see any coverage there about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein — strong ties that he can no longer publicly deny. But back to our main topic, it is far from normal to do all those things. As we’ll explain later in this series, there’s a problem also with hard drugs and alcohol, which can contribute or accentuate an eccentric persona.

↺ Jimmy Savile

strong ties that he can no longer publicly deny

> “Serial abuse only stops when someone gets exposed and reported/arrested (in spite of attempts to shame the victim or accuse the victim of lying).”

The problem with the media bosses is, they usually believe the rich person or the large corporation, which means that smear campaigns against the accuser(s) can be rather effective. Just read up on what Harvey Weinstein did to media giants and how he suppressed the story about him for many years. Very similar tactics… it ranges from woman-shaming, e.g. by spying on them, to spiking stories etc. by threats and lawsuits. Weinstein has so many victims, but they had to group/confront the publishers in large numbers in order to break the media’s silence. Weinstein hired spies who targeted the victims, as has been documented in the media only after he had been exposed. Our source notes that “there’s lots of women that don’t want to talk about what Alex [Graveley] did to them” and we’ll give some examples in the future. Serial abuse only stops when someone gets exposed and reported/arrested (in spite of attempts to shame the victim or accuse the victim of lying). “I don’t think Dropbox has dirty hands,” our source said. “They just wanted his [Graveley's] patents and fired him for abuse.”

↺ Harvey Weinstein

In future parts we’ll bring up stories about substance abuse and some anecdotes about misogyny from the self-described "Chief Architect of GitHub Copilot". █

the self-described "Chief Architect of GitHub Copilot"

Image: Balabhadra (Alex) Graveley: Affidavit and Application for Arrest page 1

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