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●● Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part IX — Microsoft’s Chief Architect of GitHub Copilot Sought to be Arrested One Day After Techrights Article About Him

Posted in GPL, Microsoft at 5:55 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Series parts:

1 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part I — Inside a Den of Corruption and Misogynists

2 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part II — The Campaign Against GPL Compliance and War on Copyleft Enforcement

3 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part III — A Story of Plagiarism and Likely Securities Fraud

4 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part IV — Mr. MobileCoin: From Mono to Plagiarism… and to Unprecedented GPL Violations at GitHub (Microsoft)

5 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part V — Why Nat Friedman is Leaving GitHub

6 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VI — The Media Has Mischaracterised Nat Friedman’s Departure (Effective Now)

7 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VII — Nat Friedman, as GitHub CEO, Had a Plan of Defrauding Microsoft Shareholders

8 Microsoft GitHub Exposé — Part VIII — Mr. Graveley’s Long Career Serving Microsoft’s Agenda (Before Hiring by Microsoft to Work on GitHub’s GPL Violations Machine)

Image: Balabhadra (Alex) Graveley arrest

Summary: Balabhadra (Alex) Graveley has warrant for his arrest, albeit only after a lot of harm and damage had already been done (to multiple people) and Microsoft started paying him

IN THE LAST part we recalled “Team Mono” as we looked back at the origins of a high school drop-out-turned-Mono-booster and now GPL violations booster. What we need to deal with now is a lot worse than Mono, and it comes under the GitHub/Microsoft umbrella directly. it’s a war on copyleft, weaponising the userbase Microsoft acquired from GitHub before a lot of staff fled (especially around the time ICE scandals had come to the surface). GitHub is in a bad shape, there are internal scandals, but Microsoft doesn’t the public to find out. GitHub has managed to spike some articles or “kill” some stories earlier this year — a subject we’ll come to later in this series.

In the meantime, the latest news is that less than a month after Microsoft’s ‘Friedman cull’ the person who considers him his "best friend" has been put on the list to be arrested. That person is responsible for Tomboy (Mono infection inside GNU/Linux) and Copilot (an attack on the GPL/copyleft). Stay tuned; lots more to come. █

"best friend"

↺ has been put on the list to be arrested

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