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RE: Lightweight GUIs, TUIs

I've always admired fast an efficient software. This is probably from my

upbringing. The first computer I got in my own room was running at 996MHz, which

was way slower than any other computer at that time. I was running Windows XP on

it and it was painful slow! So the first thing I did when the computer had

started was to kill explorer.exe. That made things a little better.

I installed linux, Red Hat 5.2 and was happy, until I upgraded to Fedora and my

computer got painful slow again! I had to switch to Ubuntu. After that I started

to experiment. I continued to replace applications with more lightweight ones

that was harder to learn ut easier to use.

Hard to learn and easy to use is a topic in itself, aimed for another blog post.

Anyway, I started to use fluxbox, alsamixer, vim, etc. A few years later I got

into the suckless train with dmenu, dwm, st. However I also have my own

consulting business and of course I need to do book keeping, sending invoices,

log my work, etc.

So I built my own system for that. It's now 10 years old and I use it daily.

It's named dahut and actually have a gemini page as well. It's unfortunatly not

open source, my goal is to have this to pay my bills in the future.

For inspiration I leave you with a asciinema recording:


This is a reply/reflection to:






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