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Album #161: Green River

By Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969).

Green River on 1001albumsgenerator

Even after enjoying Cosmo's Factory (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) (really? Oh well, there's no going and changing scores here), another CCR album so soon after the first one filled me with dread. I guess I'm not over my believe that Creedence Clearwater Revival aren't for me. Deep breath. Play.

Previous CCR album #150: Cosmo's Factory

Every band I remember going to see is the usual setup: pay for a ticket in advance, turn up on the day, watch the band. It's not every show, but it's hard to remember times where I've actually turned up somewhere with a band on and been pulled in. Maybe that hardcore band I saw at SXSW? And yet for a lot of classic rock bands, I feel like they would be incredible to stumble upon as a background band and just discover how good they are afresh. I wouldn't enjoy this standing in the middle of a large venue with the crowd I'm sure they were drawing at this point. Small bar with no expectations? It would be incredible.

As it stands, this album is fine. It has some good songs. It has that song you've heard a million times. It doesn't have any terrible songs, although it does tail off towards the end. Seeing in the summary that this is 1 of 3 albums they released this year makes me think they could have release one amazing album instead of three fine ones. That could just be a reaction to this coming so quickly after Cosmo's Factory in my randomly generated listing. Surely there can't be so much CCR on this list that I get one every 10 albums? Or did they release 84 albums over a 28 year career and this is what I get for the next 841 days?




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