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Album #152: If I Could Only Remember My Name

By David Crosby (1971).

If I Could Only Remember My Name on 1001albumsgenerator

Some days make you wonder how random the picks really are. "A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector" on Christmas Day? Probably intentional. "The Queen Is Dead" after the Queen of England died? Well, the site is British. "If I Could Only Remember My Name" by David Crosby 4 days after he died? Probably a coincidence. Probably just a frequency illusion / "the Baader Meinhof phenomenon".

Anyway. I broke a rule I have of trying not to read up about albums before writing some thoughts down. From this I learned about the wide variety of guests on the album (The Grateful Dead! Most of the rest of CSNY! Santana). Career retrospectives also pick a few of these songs as highlights of his career.

Without that context going in, (except spotting Neil Young early on), it seemed... fine. Great individual moments, without any one song standing out. Some of them feeling slightly half formed. "Cowboy Movie" felt like it could be a great country rock ballad, but the narrative didn't hold it together enough to stand up to something like "Pancho & Lefty".

I'm not familiar with CSNY. Maybe this feels like it belongs on the list if you are. Out of that context it's.... fine.




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