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● 07.10.19

●● More People Are Coming Out: Microsoft Tried to Get Them Fired for Standing in Microsoft’s Way (the ‘One Microsoft Way’)

Posted in Deception, Microsoft at 5:20 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Summary: Microsoft’s bullying tactics aren’t “old news”; the same tactics carry on to this date and they’re the moral or corporate equivalent of doxing

Examples continue to surface which show a distinct pattern (that continues to this date); Microsoft does not appease critics but instead it tries to render them unemployed. We’re starting to see more and more examples (people ‘coming out’, so to speak) of people whose job/livelihood Microsoft attempted to destroy because they had not been friendly to Microsoft’s financial interests. Some of them send us messages. Others write about it publicly in response to our articles. Few were reluctant to tell us their story but only said, in general terms, that it had happened to them too. Microsoft apparently does this a lot. About a decade and a half ago it got caught making ‘dossiers’ on people — a form of intimidation. Wired wrote about it.

Here’s a new example of a user with a karma of 3,771 and almost 7 years in the site Hacker News. This person wrote earlier today: “Years ago, a Microsoft sales associate called my CEO to try to get a member of my team (and probably me) fired because we told Microsoft we were taking a pass on upgrading our company to Vista; too many problems. Similar things have happened to other people in my network. Not saying this is MS policy or anything, but it happens.”

↺ user with a karma of 3,771 and almost 7 years in the site Hacker News

“Microsoft may well bribe people at the Linux Foundation and the media, but it cannot fool the entire world all the time.”An article of ours gained momentum in several places in Reddit and Hacker News (even the front page), e.g. [1, 2, 3], all this despite the relatively old age of the article. Sadly, it’s also a very short article that does not name our 4 recent examples, including my own [1, 2, 3]. It focuses on only one; there are also examples of retributions (see our Wiki page on “Microsoft Retribution against individuals and organisations”) which we’ve been gathering for a dozen years. Some of these examples are very recent, yet Microsoft apologists (e.g. in today’s comments) pretend it’s “old news” or “old Microsoft”. Microsoft is still a very malicious company. oiaohm brought up the report “Microsoft hijacks Android’s share menu w/ ads for its apps” earlier today in IRC (the report is days old), adding that “Microsoft is still finding new underhanded ways.” Yesterday we showed how it was screwing its very own "partners". Nothing has really changed. Months ago Microsoft sued a company for refusing to pay patent royalties (tax, extortion money)... for Android. Microsoft may well bribe people at the Linux Foundation and the media, but it cannot fool the entire world all the time. █

↺ 1

↺ 2

↺ 3




↺ “Microsoft Retribution against individuals and organisations”

↺ the report

showed how it was screwing its very own "partners"

sued a company for refusing to pay patent royalties (tax, extortion money)... for Android

↺ Linux Foundation

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