-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to capsule.adrianhesketh.com:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini; charset=utf-8



Single table pattern DynamoDB with Go - Part 3

This is part 3 of a 3 part series:

Part 1 - Database design

Part 2 - Record design

Part 3 - Store design

Full example: [0]



In part 2 [1], I put together types used to store records, set up a local development environment, and then started to write some integration tests.


In this post, I complete the design using some of DynamoDB's other features: `QueryPages`, `BatchWriteItem`, DynamoDB transactions and `UpdateItem` operations.

GetDetails with QueryPages

At this point, the `Get` function on the store only returns basic details, it doesn't include the organisations and invitations belonging to the user, so I'll add a `GetDetails` that does a `Query` operation to return all of the data.

This code uses the `QueryPages` method of DynamoDB. Queries are limited to how much data they will return a single HTTP request to DynamoDB, meaning that multiple calls may be made. In this case, the number of organisations and invites that a user belongs to won't get to a high amount, so it's a low risk to read all of the pages, however, it would be reasonable to place a limit on the number of pages read from DynamoDB to prevent accidentally wasting database calls. To do this, counting the number of pages inside the `page` anonymous function, then returning `false` instead of `true` would be one option.

The general layout of the function is to:

- Build up a key expression to query with.

- Set up the `QueryInput` with all of the values.

- Read all of the pages and store the results.

- Convert the `items` into a `UserDetails` type.

I've used the dynamodb expression library here, for simplicity.

func (store UserStore) GetDetails(id string) (user UserDetails, err error) {
	q := expression.Key("id").Equal(expression.Value(newUserRecordHashKey(id)))
	expr, err := expression.NewBuilder().
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("userStore.GetDetails: failed to build query: %v", err)

	qi := &dynamodb.QueryInput{
		TableName:                 store.TableName,
		KeyConditionExpression:    expr.KeyCondition(),
		ExpressionAttributeValues: expr.Values(),
		FilterExpression:          expr.Filter(),
		ExpressionAttributeNames:  expr.Names(),
		ConsistentRead:            aws.Bool(true),

	var items []map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue
	page := func(page *dynamodb.QueryOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
		items = append(items, page.Items...)
		return true
	err = store.Client.QueryPages(qi, page)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("userStore.GetDetails: failed to query pages: %v", err)

	user, err = newUserDetailsFromRecords(items)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("userStore.GetDetails: failed to create UserDetails: %w", err)

The `newUserDetailsFromRecords` function takes in a list of DynamoDB records. DynamoDB records are stored in an unweildy slice of maps (`[]map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue`).

Here is why keeping the name of the record as an attribute in the DynamoDB table is essential - I can now use this information to convert the `map[string]*DynamoDBAttributeValue` into a record type by looking at the value of the `typ` attribute to determine what the record type is - i.e. once I know the record type, a case statement can be used to process the data appropriately.

This code constructs the `UserDetails` entity - building out the one (user) to many (organisations) in the relationship.

func newUserDetailsFromRecords(items []map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue) (user UserDetails, err error) {
	for _, item := range items {
		recordType, ok := item["typ"]
		if !ok || recordType.S == nil {
		switch *recordType.S {
		case userRecordName:
			err = dynamodbattribute.ConvertFromMap(item, &user)
			if err != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("newUserDetailsFromRecords: failed to convert userRecord: %w", err)
			user.ID = *item["email"].S
		case userOrgnisationRecordName:
			var uor userOrganisationRecord
			err = dynamodbattribute.ConvertFromMap(item, &uor)
			if err != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("newUserDetailsFromRecords: failed to convert userOrganisationRecord: %w", err)
			if uor.AcceptedAt == nil {
				user.Invitations = append(user.Invitations, newInvitationFromRecord(uor))
			user.Organisations = append(user.Organisations, newOrganisation(uor.OrganisationID, uor.OrganisationName))

It's not possible to test this yet, because there's no code to invite or add a user to an Organisation. The original spec came up with 3 required functions in this area:

- PutUserInvite (by email, organisation id) - to invite a user to be part of an organisation.

- AcceptUserInvite (by email, organisation id) - to accept a user invite.

- DeclineUserInvite (by email, organisation id) - to decline a user invite to join an organisation (perhaps not really required for an MVP, but I've done it anyway).

So, I need to add those.

Adding multiple items with a single operation

Although I thought I'd need to create `PutUserInvite`, I decided to put it on the `User` store as `Invite`.

The database structure requires two records to be added. One to add the `User` to the `Organisation` and one to add the `Organisation` to the `User`. This means that an `organisationMemberRecord` and a `userOrganisationRecord` have to be inserted.

I could use a transaction here to make sure that both put operations succeed, or neither succeeds. I'd need to do this if the application broke in some way due to the lack of data, but I'll make it so that it doesn't matter so that I can reduce the cost of the solution (transactions cost twice as many read/write units at the time of writing).

The most cost-efficient way to do this is to use the `BatchWriteItem` method, which executes multiple database requests in a single HTTP request, retrying on failure.

func (store UserStore) Invite(u User, org Organisation, toGroup string) error {
	now := store.Now()
	organisationMemberRecord := newOrganisationGroupMemberRecord(org, toGroup, u, now)
	organisationMemberItem, err := dynamodbattribute.ConvertToMap(organisationMemberRecord)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("userStore.Invite: failed to convert organisationMemberRecord: %w", err)
	userOrganisationRecord := newUserOrganisationRecord(u, org, now, nil)
	userOrganisationItem, err := dynamodbattribute.ConvertToMap(userOrganisationRecord)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("userStore.Invite: failed to convert userOrganisationRecord: %w", err)
	_, err = store.Client.BatchWriteItem(&dynamodb.BatchWriteItemInput{
		RequestItems: map[string][]*dynamodb.WriteRequest{
			*store.TableName: {
					PutRequest: &dynamodb.PutRequest{
						Item: organisationMemberItem,
					PutRequest: &dynamodb.PutRequest{
						Item: userOrganisationItem,
	return err

To accept an invite, I can update the record to set the `acceptedAt` key to the current date using the `UpdateItem` API call. I'm making use of the `newUserOrganisationRecordHashKey` and `newUserOrganisationRecordRangeKey` functions to construct the keys in the right way.

func (store UserStore) AcceptInvite(u User, org Organisation) error {
	update := expression.Set(expression.Name("acceptedAt"), expression.Value(store.Now()))

	expr, err := expression.NewBuilder().
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("userStore.AcceptInvite: failed to build query: %v", err)

	_, err = store.Client.UpdateItem(&dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
		TableName:                 store.TableName,
		Key:                       idAndRng(newUserOrganisationRecordHashKey(u.ID), newUserOrganisationRecordRangeKey(org.ID)),
		UpdateExpression:          expr.Update(),
		ExpressionAttributeValues: expr.Values(),
		ExpressionAttributeNames:  expr.Names(),
	return err

To reject an invite, I'm going to delete the relationship at both sides with another `BatchWriteItem` API call.

func (store UserStore) RejectInvite(u User, org Organisation) error {
	organisationMemberKey := idAndRng(newOrganisationGroupMemberRecordHashKey(org.ID),
	userOrganisationRecordKey := idAndRng(newUserOrganisationRecordHashKey(u.ID),
	_, err := store.Client.BatchWriteItem(&dynamodb.BatchWriteItemInput{
		RequestItems: map[string][]*dynamodb.WriteRequest{
			*store.TableName: {
					DeleteRequest: &dynamodb.DeleteRequest{
						Key: organisationMemberKey,
					DeleteRequest: &dynamodb.DeleteRequest{
						Key: userOrganisationRecordKey,
	return err

End-to-end integration test

OK, so time to test that it has the desired effect. Invite a user to 3 organisations, ignore one, accept another and reject the third. Finally, get the `User` details and check that the user only has the accepted organisation listed, and has only one outstanding invitation.

func TestUserInviteIntegration(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping integration test")
	name := createLocalTable(t)
	defer deleteLocalTable(t, name)
	s, err := NewUserStore(region, name)
	s.Client.Endpoint = "http://localhost:8000"
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to create store: %v", err)
	u := User{
		ID:        "test@example.com",
		FirstName: "Sarah",
		LastName:  "Connor",
		CreatedAt: time.Date(2020, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		Phone:     "4476123456789",
	err = s.Put(u)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to create user: %v", err)

	// Invite user to three groups (A, B and C). Ignore A, Accept B, and Reject C.
	orgA := newOrganisation("orgA", "A")
	orgB := newOrganisation("orgB", "B")
	orgC := newOrganisation("orgC", "C")
	err = s.Invite(u, orgA, "testGroup")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to invite user to group A: %v", err)
	err = s.Invite(u, orgB, "testGroup")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to invite user to group B: %v", err)
	err = s.Invite(u, orgC, "testGroup")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to invite user to group C: %v", err)

	err = s.AcceptInvite(u, orgB)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to accept invite to orgB: %v", err)
	err = s.RejectInvite(u, orgC)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to reject invite to orgC: %v", err)

	// Get the details and ensure that this is reflected.
	userDetails, err := s.GetDetails("test@example.com")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("failed to get user details: %v", err)

	if diff := cmp.Diff(u, userDetails.User); diff != "" {
		t.Errorf("failed to match user:\n%v", diff)
	if len(userDetails.Organisations) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("expected 1 organisation, got %d", len(userDetails.Organisations))
	if userDetails.Organisations[0].ID != "orgB" {
		t.Errorf("accepted orgB, but it's showing as %q", userDetails.Organisations[0].ID)
	if diff := cmp.Diff(orgB, userDetails.Organisations[0]); diff != "" {
		t.Errorf("organisation fields not correct:\n%v", diff)
	if len(userDetails.Invitations) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("expected 1 invitation, got %d", len(userDetails.Invitations))
	if userDetails.Invitations[0].Organisation.ID != "orgA" {
		t.Errorf("the invite from orgA has not been accepted or rejected, but got %q", userDetails.Invitations[0].Organisation.ID)
	if diff := cmp.Diff(orgA, userDetails.Invitations[0].Organisation); diff != "" {
		t.Errorf("invitation organisation fields not correct:\n%v", diff)

It's a big test, here, but I split it up into 3 separate tests in the git repo [1]


Organisation store

Now, it's time to implement the `Organisation` store, following the same pattern laid out for users.

- CreateOrganisation - create a new organisation where the current user becomes the owner.

- GetOrganisation (organisation id) - get an organisation by its ID.

- PutOrganisation - update an existing organisation's metadata, it's name etc.

- PutOrganisationGroup (organisation id, user id (email), group id) - assign a user to a group.

- DeleteOrganisationGroup (organisation id, user id (email), group id) - remove a user from a group at the organisation level.

- PutOrganisationService (by organisation id, service id) - create or update a service within an organisation.

- PutOrganisationServiceGroup (organisation id, service id, user id (email), group id) - add a user to a group at the service level.

With a little copy / paste, and some find / replace, the basics of a `Put` and `Get` operation can be put in place.

Create (insert, ensuring no overwrite)

Moving on to the `Create` method, while it's very unlikely that a UUID will already be present in the database, it is possible, so I'll use a transaction combined with a condition expression to make sure that I'm not overwriting something or assigning someone ownership to another person's organisation, and to ensure that everything is rolled back if the condition expression fails.

func (store OrganisationStore) Create(owner User, name string) error {
	// Create the Organisation.
	id := uuid.New().String()
	now := store.Now()
	org := newOrganisation(id, name)
	or := newOrganisationRecord(org)
	orItem, err := dynamodbattribute.MarshalMap(or)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	notOverwrite := expression.And(expression.AttributeNotExists(expression.Name("id")),
	notOverwriteExpr, err := expression.NewBuilder().WithCondition(notOverwrite).Build()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	putNewOrganisation := &dynamodb.Put{
		TableName:           store.TableName,
		Item:                orItem,
		ConditionExpression: notOverwriteExpr.KeyCondition(),

	// Assign ownership.
	ogmr := newOrganisationGroupMemberRecord(org, []string{GroupOwner}, owner, now)
	ogmrItem, err := dynamodbattribute.MarshalMap(ogmr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	putOrganisationGroupMember := &dynamodb.Put{
		TableName: store.TableName,
		Item:      ogmrItem,

	// Include the user side of the ownership relationship.
	userOrganisationRecord := newUserOrganisationRecord(owner, org, now, &now)
	userOrganisationItem, err := dynamodbattribute.ConvertToMap(userOrganisationRecord)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("userStore.Invite: failed to convert userOrganisationRecord: %w", err)
	putUserOrganisation := &dynamodb.Put{
		TableName: store.TableName,
		Item:      userOrganisationItem,

	_, err = store.Client.TransactWriteItems(&dynamodb.TransactWriteItemsInput{
		TransactItems: []*dynamodb.TransactWriteItem{
			&dynamodb.TransactWriteItem{Put: putNewOrganisation},
			&dynamodb.TransactWriteItem{Put: putOrganisationGroupMember},
			&dynamodb.TransactWriteItem{Put: putUserOrganisation},
	return err

PutOrganisationGroup and DeleteOrganisationGroup

Adding a user to a group requires adding a value to a set on the `organisationMember`. This design has one record per user, with multiple multiple organisation and service groups stored in a single string set. Users can then be removed from the organisation in one `DeleteItem` operation.

To do this, I created a custom type called `groupSet` that carefully controls how it is serialized to DynamoDB to convert the Go map types into the DynamoDB stringset value while allowing organisation and service groups to be stored in a single map.

// A groupSet maps both Organisation level and Service-level groups into a single DynamoDB set.
type groupSet struct {
	m                  sync.Mutex
	organisationGroups map[string]struct{}
	serviceIDToGroups  map[string]map[string]struct{}

A common pattern in Go is to use an empty struct `struct{}` to note that you don't care about the value held within the map, but it looks odd, so I've put in some helper functions to abstract the underlying data structures so that users of the type don't have to wonder what it's all about.

func newGroupSet(organisationGroups []string, serviceIDToGroups map[string][]string) *groupSet {
	gs := &groupSet{}
	if serviceIDToGroups != nil {
		for serviceID := range serviceIDToGroups {
			gs.AddToServiceGroups(serviceID, serviceIDToGroups[serviceID]...)
	return gs

// AddToGroups assigns membership of the Organisation groups.
func (gs *groupSet) AddToGroups(groups ...string) {
	if len(groups) == 0 {
	defer gs.m.Unlock()
	if gs.organisationGroups == nil {
		gs.organisationGroups = make(map[string]struct{}, len(groups))
	for i := 0; i < len(groups); i++ {
		gs.organisationGroups[groups[i]] = struct{}{}

// AddToServiceGroups assigns membership of the Service groups.
func (gs *groupSet) AddToServiceGroups(serviceID string, groups ...string) {
	if len(groups) == 0 {
	defer gs.m.Unlock()
	if gs.serviceIDToGroups == nil {
		gs.serviceIDToGroups = make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
	sgs := gs.serviceIDToGroups[serviceID]
	if sgs == nil {
		sgs = make(map[string]struct{})
	for i := 0; i < len(groups); i++ {
		sgs[groups[i]] = struct{}{}
	gs.serviceIDToGroups[serviceID] = sgs

With the add helper functions in place, the Unmarshaler interface [2] and the Marshaler interface [3] are implemented to control the conversion to and from DynamoDB.



The result is that groups are stored in the following format. The `wrapperName`, `values` and `type` elements are all added by DynamoDB, they're not unique to the `groupSet` type or the Go programming language. It's an internal structure of DynamoDB that is exposed to end users.

  "groups": {
    "wrapperName": "Set",
    "values": [
    "type": "String"

func (gs *groupSet) UnmarshalDynamoDBAttributeValue(av *dynamodb.AttributeValue) error {
	gs.organisationGroups = make(map[string]struct{})
	gs.serviceIDToGroups = make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
	if av.NULL != nil && *av.NULL == true {
		return nil
	for i := 0; i < len(av.SS); i++ {
		g := av.SS[i]
		if g == nil {
		parts := strings.SplitN(*g, "/", 3)
		if len(parts) < 2 {
			return fmt.Errorf("groupSet: cannot unmarshal string value %q into a group", *g)
		switch parts[0] {
		case "organisationGroup":
		case "serviceGroup":
			gs.AddToServiceGroups(parts[1], parts[2])
	return nil

func (gs *groupSet) MarshalDynamoDBAttributeValue(av *dynamodb.AttributeValue) error {
	var ss []string
	if gs.organisationGroups != nil {
		for g := range gs.organisationGroups {
			ss = append(ss, "organisationGroup/"+g)
	if gs.serviceIDToGroups != nil {
		for serviceID, groupNames := range gs.serviceIDToGroups {
			for g := range groupNames {
				ss = append(ss, "serviceGroup/"+serviceID+"/"+g)
	return nil

Finally, I add some extra methods to get the data out in a pleasant way.

// OrganisationGroups gets the list of Organisation level group names.
func (gs *groupSet) OrganisationGroups() (groups []string) {
	if gs.organisationGroups == nil {
	for g := range gs.organisationGroups {
		g := g
		groups = append(groups, g)

// ServiceGroups gets a map of ServiceIDs and group names.
func (gs *groupSet) ServiceGroups() (groups map[string][]string) {
	if gs.serviceIDToGroups == nil {
	groups = make(map[string][]string)
	for serviceID, setOfGroups := range gs.serviceIDToGroups {
		for g := range setOfGroups {
			g := g
			groups[serviceID] = append(groups[serviceID], g)
	return groups

With that in place, it's possible to use the `Add` capability of the `SET` operation to add users to groups.

func (store OrganisationStore) AddUserToGroups(organisationID string, user User, groups []string, serviceIDToGroups map[string][]string) error {
	gs := newGroupSet(groups, serviceIDToGroups)
	update := expression.
		Set(expression.Name("typ"), expression.Value(organisationMemberRecordName)).
		Set(expression.Name("v"), expression.Value(0)).
		Set(expression.Name("organisationId"), expression.Value(organisationID)).
		Add(expression.Name("groups"), expression.Value(gs)).
		Set(expression.Name("email"), expression.Value(user.ID)).
		Set(expression.Name("firstName"), expression.Value(user.FirstName)).
		Set(expression.Name("lastName"), expression.Value(user.LastName)).
		Set(expression.Name("phone"), expression.Value(user.Phone)).
		Set(expression.Name("createdAt"), expression.Value(user.CreatedAt))
	expr, err := expression.NewBuilder().
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = store.Client.UpdateItem(&dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
		TableName:                 store.TableName,
		Key:                       idAndRng(newOrganisationMemberRecordHashKey(organisationID), newOrganisationMemberRecordRangeKey(user.ID)),
		ExpressionAttributeNames:  expr.Names(),
		ExpressionAttributeValues: expr.Values(),
		UpdateExpression:          expr.Update(),
	return err

And it's possible to easily remove a user from a group.

func (store OrganisationStore) RemoveUserFromGroups(organisationID, userID string, groups []string, serviceIDToGroups map[string][]string) error {
	gs := newGroupSet(groups, serviceIDToGroups)
	update := expression.Delete(expression.Name("groups"), expression.Value(gs))
	expr, err := expression.NewBuilder().
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = store.Client.UpdateItem(&dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
		TableName:                 store.TableName,
		Key:                       idAndRng(newOrganisationMemberRecordHashKey(organisationID), newOrganisationMemberRecordRangeKey(userID)),
		ExpressionAttributeNames:  expr.Names(),
		ExpressionAttributeValues: expr.Values(),
		UpdateExpression:          expr.Update(),
	return err

Deleting a user from an Organisation is simple too.

func (store OrganisationStore) RemoveUser(organisationID string, userID string) error {
	key := idAndRng(newOrganisationMemberRecordHashKey(organisationID), newOrganisationMemberRecordRangeKey(userID))
	_, err := store.Client.DeleteItem(&dynamodb.DeleteItemInput{
		TableName: store.TableName,
		Key:       key,
	return err

See the repo at [4] for examples of integration tests of these methods, e.g. [5]



The `GetDetails` method of the `Organisation` store is the most complex, because it has to combine `Organisation`, `User`, `Group` and `Service` details.

This is done with the `newOrganisationDetailsFromRecords` method. It's very similar to the `newUserDetailsFromRecords` method, but is a bit more complex due to the structure of the `Organisation` type.


Working with DynamoDB might mean that you need to think differently about how you structure your data, and question some of the constraints that you place on how you work with data, but the result can be a more scalable and cost effective solution.

As an index to help you find what you want to do:

Code structure

- Entities

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/entities.go#L33

- Basic record fields (id, range, version, etc.) and key function

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/records.go

- Record type (struct, newHashKey, newRangeKey etc.)

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/user.go#L213

Database operations

- Insert:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/organisation.go#L37

- Upsert:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/user.go#L36

- Delete:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/organisation.go#L146

- Update:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/organisation.go#L276

- Batch operations:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/user.go#L137

- Transactions:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/organisation.go#L37

- One to Many relationship retrieval:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/user.go#L66

- One to Many to Many relationship:

- https://github.com/a-h/organisation/blob/03437453fa75b538f0e3c2a389ed80829d0ffb4e/db/entities.go#L83



Single table pattern DynamoDB with Go - Part 2


Real terminal bell



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