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Single table pattern DynamoDB with Go - Part 1

This is part 1 of a 3 part series:

Part 1 - Database design

Part 2 - Record design

Part 3 - Store design

Full example: [0]



The first time I took at look at DynamoDB, I could not understand why anyone would want to use it. I'd spent years using SQL Server, MySQL and MongoDB - databases with rich query capabilities. DynamoDB seemed grossly limited, difficult to understand, and oddly priced. In particular, the limitations on queries and the costs of reading every record in the database (scan operations) meant that I was concerned that I'd be unable to answer questions about data when I needed to by writing a reporting query.

However, since the introduction of automatic encryption at rest, pay-per-request pricing, DynamoDB streams and AWS Athena, it's now become my preferred database for new solutions.

- Encryption at rest removed the complexity of encrypting before writing to DynamoDB and decrypting after reading.

- Pay-per-request pricing reduced both the complexity of calculating DynamoDB throughput ahead of time, and the risk of being "throttled" due to exceeding throughput limits. For many use cases, it's also cheaper than DynamoDB autoscaling.

- DynamoDB Streams allows for new data access patterns, and to get data automatically pushed to reporting platforms in realtime (or just dumped into S3).

- AWS Athena allows for arbitrary reporting on structured data using SQL for a low cost.

It's still difficult to get started though. Introducing teams to DynamoDB can be a fraught experience. The familiarity of the "table" concept means that a lot of people start using it like they would in a relational database. This usually means having one table per entity, for example, a books table, and a categories table. However, this presents problems when trying to read the data back.

It doesn't help that the various SDKs like the Java lead you down this path by using annotations on classes to mark which table the class represents and which properties are the hash and range key. The AWS AppSync system behaves in a similar way, each GraphQL resolver results in a new DynamoDB table.

Best practice use of DynamoDB typically uses a single table. It is explained in this article [1] (although I disagree with the section that argues that DynamoDB can't be used effectively as a GraphQL backend, but that's probably more about how flexible we each think a GraphQL endpoint should be).


Not only do new engineers have to work out how to build efficient designs for DynamoDB, but then they have to work out a good code structure for it. I thought I'd cover how I structure my code to make it easier to adopt the pattern.

As an example, I'll model a permissions model based around Organisations. A User can register and create an Organisation. They can then invite other people to join the Organisation, and optionally assign them to be a member of a group within the Organisation. Inside each Organisation, admins can create Services and assign users to Groups.

This set of posts will provide a full example of a DynamoDB database layer written in Go that demonstrates how to:

- Structure your DynamoDB code

- Insert, upsert, delete and update data

- Execute DynamoDB batch operations

- Use DynamoDB transactions

- Store and retrieve one-to-many and one-to-many-to-many relationships


Rather than starting with the data model, and relying on being able to write a complex query to retrieve the data, I start by thinking about the database actions I want to execute and plan the database structure around that.

- PutUser - I need to store some details about authenticated users. Their email, phone number etc.

- GetUser (by email) - I need to be able to get the details back.

- PutUserInvite (by email, organisation id) - to invite a user to be part of an organisation.

- AcceptUserInvite (by email, organisation id) - to accept a user invite.

- DeclineUserInvite (by email, organisation id) - to decline a user invite to join an organisation (not required for an MVP).

- CreateOrganisation - create a new organisation where the current user becomes the owner.

- GetOrganisation (organisation id) - get an organisation by its ID.

- PutOrganisation - update an existing organisation's metadata, it's name etc.

- PutOrganisationGroup (organisation id, user id (email), group id) - assign a user to a group.

- DeleteOrganisationGroup (organisation id, user id (email), group id) - remove a user from a group at the organisation level.

- PutOrganisationService (by organisation id, service id) - create or update a service within an organisation.

- PutOrganisationServiceGroup (organisation id, service id, user id (email), group id) - add a user to a group at the service level.

These will likely change a little by the end of the project, but that's OK. It's more about having a good starting point.


From looking at the list of actions, I can see that the two top-level entities are the User entity, and the Organisation entity. My next step is to think about what data I'd like to store and retrieve using those actions and to define some types in my programming language to reflect those.

I've created a small `User` struct containing just the basic essentials, and a larger `UserDetails` struct that contains related data.

type User struct {
	// ID is the user's email address.
	ID         string
	FirstName  string
	LastName   string
	Phone      string
	CreatedAt  time.Time

type UserDetails struct {
	Organisations []Organisation
	Invitations   []Invitation

type Invitation struct {
	Organisation Organisation
	InvitedAt    time.Time
	AcceptedAt   *time.Time

Then, I take the same approach for `Organisation` and `OrganisationDetails`. `OrganisationDetails` has a list of `Group` entities that can be used to map from group names into `User` entities, and a list of `Service` entities. `Service` entities also have a list of `Group` entities. This allows permissions to be set at both the `Organisation` level (e.g. owner / member), and at the `Service` level.

type Organisation struct {
	ID   string
	Name string

type OrganisationDetails struct {
	Groups   []Group
	Services []Service

type Service struct {
	ID     string
	Name   string
	Groups []Group

type Group struct {
	Name  string
	Users []User


The underlying data storage will be handled using several types of database "Records". There won't be several tables, we'll just use one DynamoDB table with several different types of record in it.

The "Entities" above don't map exactly to how the data is stored in the database, because while they're well structured to be returned as part of an API, they don't necessarily match the underlying storage structure for the data. I don't want to expose the internals of the database structure to my API users so I'll create some private record types.

First, I plan out what the records will be. The main requirement for a record in a DynamoDB table is that it must define a partition key, and a sort key. I like to think of the partition key as being used to select the server cluster used to store a block of data, and the sort key as something that gets used to find data within that block. A more thorough description is in this blog post [2]


One-to-many relationships

In DynamoDB, relationships such as one-to-many relationships are created by using the same partition key for the related data. Data is grouped under a partition key, then can be filtered and sorted by using the sort keys. To differentiate the multiple records within a single table, the partition and sort keys can include information about the type of record they are, but I also like to add an attribute to the record for this purpose.

To add a user to an organisation, we can just `Put` a `userOrganisationRecord` into the database without even checking if the user exists. It's possible to do that check using DynamoDB transactions, but in this case, it's not required.

To get, delete or update a single record, we need both its partition key and its sort key.

To retrieve a `User`, we can execute a DynamoDB `Get` operation to find a `User` with email `test@example.com` with the partition key `user/test@example.com` and the sort key `user`, but this won't include the other records that would be needed to fully populate `UserDetails` - only the basic `User` information would be retrieved.

This is because `UserDetails` is represented by multiple records - a single `userRecord`, and multiple `userOrganisationRecord`s that define the related organisations, so to bring back all of the data required to populate `UserDetails`, a DynamoDB `Query` operation must be used to bring back both the `userRecord` and the `userOrganisationRecord`s in a single database operation. To query data, we need the partition key and can then either retrieve all of the data under the partition key, or can apply filtering to reduce the amount of data returned. It's important to be aware of the DynamoDB limits on how much data is returned in a single operation [3] and to use the `QueryPages` function if more than one page of data is required.


User record structure


stores basic details

- partition key: user/[emailAddress]

- sort key: user

- emailAddress

- firstName

- lastName

- phone

- createdAt


stores the relationship between a user and an organisation, i.e. that they accepted (or didn't accept) an invitation.

- partition key: user/[emailAddress]

- sort key: userOrganisation/[organisationId]

- organisationId

- organisationName

- invitedAt

- acceptedAt

Denormalisation as normal

In the UI, once we have the `UserDetails`, we can display a list of the Organisations to the user for them to select one to view / edit.

Rather than just storing the ID of the `Organisation`, the organisation name is included in the attribute list. This prevents having to make another round-trip to the database to retrieve organisation details. However, it also means that if the `organisationName` changes on the `organisationRecord`, then the `userOrganisationRecord` will be out of date.

There are several approaches here, one is to proactively change the `userOrganisationRecord` in your code (maybe even within a transaction) to keep everything 100% in sync (most expensive), the other is to wait until the user views the Organisation in the future and update the names if they've changed (cheapest, in terms of cost and operations), or to use DynamoDB Streams to trigger when records change and apply them asynchronously (might be easiest to code, because you only have to think about data synchronisation in one place). The correct decision will depend on how complex the data model is going to get, and how important it is for data changes to be immediately reflected.

Partition key selection

Given that all of the data for each organisation should be kept separate from others, it's a good choice for being the partition key, using the sort key to organise data below it.

In a relational database, you might use a WHERE clause with some joins to limit the data returned by a query to what's relevant for the user. However, in this design, we'll get the record from the database, then check whether the user has access or not before displaying it to the user.

While a transaction could be used to check that a user has permission to access a record within DynamoDB, it would cost more to do this than simply checking the permissions once the data has been retrieved, because transactions use twice as many read units as consistent reads. It doesn't make sense to optmimise for the least common case.

Users that have Organisation level membership are stored in `organisationMemberRecord`s under the organisation's partition key, just like the `userOrganisationRecord` above. To add a user to an organisation group requires inserting two records - a `userOrganisationRecord` and an `organisationMemberRecord`. These can be done in a single database API call using the `BatchPutItem` API call. If it's really important that both writes succeed, then it's also possible to use a DynamoDB transaction to make sure that either both records get inserted successfully, or none of the records are inserted if any of the operations fail.

Organisation record structure


stores basic details

- partition key: organisation/[organisationId] - typically a random string, such as a non time-based UUID

- sort key: organisation

- organisationId

- organisationName


stores the details about the members of groups within an organisation

- partition key: organisation/[organisationId]

- sort key: organisationMember/[emailAddress]

- groupNames - A set of organisation and service group names

- emailAddress

- firstName

- lastName

- phone

- createdAt

The `organisationMemberRecord` includes a cache of user details. If the `user` record changes, then the data stored within the `organisationMemberRecord` will be stale.

For the use case I have in mind for this database, I don't expect users to change their details very frequently at all - so I'm only going to update the cached data when the system needs to contact a `User` by sending them an email. This risks someone seeing stale data, but for the use case I have in mind, low cost is important. If it becomes a problem, I'll deal with it later.

Each `Organisation` has multiple `Services`. This is achieved by a similar design to the `User` - the group membership record uses the same partition key as the group that it belongs to, with each record differentiated by having a sort key prefix that represents the type of data being stored. In this case, it's just storing the name of the service. Assigment to a group within the service is done at the `organisationMemberRecord`.

- organisationServiceRecord - stores multiple services within an organisation

- partition key: organisation/[organisationId]

- sort key: organisationService/[serviceId]

- attributes:

- serviceName


Next, I'll start turning these designs into code.

Part 2 - Record design



Using Nix to set up my new Mac


Single table pattern DynamoDB with Go - Part 2



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