-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

Capsule relocation

Today I have relocated my Gemini capsule from gemini.circumlunar.space to zaibatsu.circumlunar.space, the micropubnix server I admin and also where my Gopherhole has been hosted for many years. The Zaibatsu only just recently started to offer Gemini hosting alongside Gopher hosting (more on that in a future post!), and I want to take advantage of the opportunity to have all my smolnet content in the one place.

The Gemini protocol supports redirects precisely so people can do things like this and not have existing links or bookmarks break as they move their capsules around or reorganise their internal structure, and in fact this is probably exactly how you have ended up reading this very post served from the Zaibatsu. For now I am using temporary redirects (status code 30) while I make sure they are set up correctly and no links are getting broken in translation, but soon enough they will become permanent redirects (code 31). In theory, once that happens, your client will automatically update your bookmarks and your feed reader will automatically update your subscription and the big public aggregators like CAPCOM and Antenna and Cosmos and friends will all automatically start sending you to the new address. In practice, I reckon that will almost never happen and stuff will have to be fixed manually. I cannot complain about this one jot as AV-98 and CAPCOM are both amongst the guilty parties, and I'm *not* complaining. But, if you'll forgive a little vaguelogging, there might be *other* permanent redirects turning up in Geminispace later this year which are a little more consequential than a handful of Zaibatsu sundogs shifting their capsules around. So this is a good opportunity to practice on low-value targets. If you're so inclined, keep an eye on your Gemini software's behaviour in the coming days and if you notice it blindly following the same permanent redirects over and over again, consider politely drawing it to the developer's attention. I'll be getting my own projects in order sometime in the course of March (it's hardly a month's work, but I'm working on a lot of things at once at the moment - and on that note, if you run Molly Brown, keep an eye out for the first actual, formal, semver-numbered release this month, too!).

Finally, if you have links to any old posts of mine in old posts of yours, *and* if you are of the persuasion that minimising network traffic is is a good thing, consider updating them to reflect the change. But I know that's a big ask, so don't sweat it. Everything'll still work if you don't.

-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Sun Jun 2 15:48:25 2024