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Start with Why: how Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action - Simon Sinek


An insipid book. The message is nice, but is spread over 250 pages by recycling his few examples over and over again.

Deals with three questions: what? how? why? His claim is that most companies tackle these questions in that order. The exceptional companies tackle them in the reverse order: why? how? what?

Apple is one of his 3 examples. Apple starts with why? He says: "because they want to be different". This answer leads to how? And the last question: what? The answer is the products that they sell.

Talks about how brand loyalty stems from the "why?" question. His other 2 examples are Martin Luther King and Southwest Airlines.

There are two types of thinking: intuitive and rational. Reminds me of "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman (recommended). Loyalty is intuitive while rational considerations deal with the "what?" and "how?".

To summarize, nice message, not sure how practical it is but the book itself is not recommended 👎

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