-- Leo's gemini proxy

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Friday, March 18th


I didn't write for a few months. I was relatively busy with work, and then the war broke which impacted me even though I'm not from Ukraine. I find it hard to concentrate on things related to work or even day to day tasks are hard because I keep thinking about people during war, their house is bombarded, they become refugees, moving to other countries, families being torn. I don't know how to help or whether I can do anything about that. I'm just trying to take each day as it comes.

I've started learning about the Julia language. I think it's like a faster python. Of course, to get fast python programs, you need to write a fast C++ code, or call Fortran linear algebra libraries etc. But it seems Julia is as easy as python but fast as C++. I'm learning about the tools, stuff like being able to run it in Jupyter, a VSCode plugin, a tool called Pluto and integration with Emacs. I don't have a clear plan of what I'm going to use Julia for. I think a nice goal would be doing the recent advent of code challenge in Julia. I did it in python so we'll see how much faster Julia is going to be.

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