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4/19/2022 - tired and bored

Mood: Uncomfortable. Depressed. Tired.

I got a few more episodes into Our Flag Means Death and decided I might just drop it. Not for me, y'all. I know I'm maybe like an hour or two from finishing it but I simply do not care enough. All the plot beats feel like your typical romance with traumatized good boy and traumatized guy who thinks hes a monster. I love a self-described "monster" as much as the next guy, but I think this show is a little too soft for my tastes.

Looking for something else to watch now. Some people have been talking about Severance, but it sounds a little too close to Succession just in name and I didn't really care about that show much either. Both of them seem to be business/office shows too focusing around white people shit. Someone described it as similar to House of Cards though, and I liked that a lot before it went to shit, so... we'll see. I'm also considering catching up on Atlanta, but Earn's relationship with Van kinda pisses me off and I'm tired of seeing them together. Might even check out Bel-Air since I've heard good things about it. We'll get to it when I get to it.

Today I'm feeling kinda isolated. There were a few outbursts from roommates the other night that drained me and I was caught in the center of it, as usual. And even more usual, they're all acting chipper like nothing even happened yesterday even though I heard extra shittalk behind their backs. Normally I would take a side, but I'm just straight up not in the mood for either of them right now. They're both getting on my nerves. Planning to take a walk today and then just hide out in my area and hope they don't bother me.

I'm also finding I don't enjoy stuff lately. Don't feel like gaming or writing or watching anything really. I'd like to spend some time with friends, but they've been busy with work and shit lately so that's not a viable out. Might need to start working out again, 'cause I'm sure that's probably part of what's tanking my mood.

I'd say more but I'm really tired and can't think much. Sorry for the kinda negative post today. Hopefully I'll have some fun news next time. Looking forward to when my girlfriend's free and we can have another movie night.


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