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Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 16:40:49 -0800 (PST)

From: Marty S <captgravity@yahoo.ca>

Subject: "What are friends for" (TV,M,MM,TVF, TVMFM) Tg story submission

Disclaimer: The following story is the sole property of me and is intended

for mature reders only. Anyone offended by transgendered or same sex themes

should not read on. This story is fiction and does not represent any



It began with a relatively innocent prank. It was as innocent as pranks

between old friends go. Matt and Dave were lousy drinkers and just could

not manage to keep up with me some times. I had come from an Irish family

and had been drinking since I was 10 or 11 years old. A few tours in the

army added to my tolerance to heavy drinking. Matt and Dave always did

their worst to keep up whenever we had a boy's night out. The problem was

that I had no mercy on them when they got so drunk that they passed out. On

many occasions I used the opportunity to embarrass them in the most

creative ways possible. These pranks would include anything from painting

moustaches on their face with felt tip markers, to getting them in

compromising photos with strippers or what have you. I knew that they had

both plotted revenge many times but they were never able to get me to pass

out drunk before they did themselves. I always kept my eyes open around

them, as good as friends as we all were, they could not be trusted.

On this occasion, my girlfriend, Roxy and I were newly engaged and the boys

decided to make a celebration of it. They promised a night out of town to

go to on the piss, drinking at every strip joint and pub we came across. We

drove 125 miles to the city and booked into a cheep motel room on the strip

near one of the strip joints. The party began with some in room drinks then

we made our way out by taxi and hit as many bars as we could find. As

usual, Matt and Dave tried their best to get me drunk again but it was a

normal pattern. I wasn't too worried yet. Finally at midnight or so we

ended up at the strip joint across from the motel. Now if I have a weakness

in my armour, it is for dancers. I love everything about them. To me they

personify womanhood. They are the sexiest creatures on the planet whose

sole purpose is to seduce men. They are perfect women to me. Their bodies,

their scent, their moves, all have a profound impact on me. I truly zone

out when a hot dancer is working on me.

The boys were generously buying me private dances and I wasn't refusing.

One dancer had me completely under her spell and I was in another world. My

friends brought me drinks from the bar while I enjoyed the company of

Buffy. After taking a hard swig of one drink after a song ended I started

feeling very light headed and dizzy. The colours were blending together and

balance became a problem, suddenly I felt like I was in a hole and

everything went dark. I was out.

When I awoke with a massive hangover to an alarm clock that read 11:30 I

tried to get my bearings. My head was thumping and it quickly dawned on me

that the boys had slipped me something in my drink to do me in. I shut off

the horrible alarm and picked up my naked body from the floor. I realized

soon enough that I was in the motel room but I was naked. I looked around

for some cloths but couldn't find any. My two friends were nowhere in

sight, and neither were my things. I looked out the window and the parking

lot was empty. Were they coming back? I decided that this was the revenge

prank I had always been dreading and went into the bathroom to inspect the

damage. To my surprise I was not covered in writing or marker and had no

obvious tattoos or body modifications. I didn't look too bad, even at

29years of age. I have always been very fit, not muscular but slim from

swimming. I still had my shaving kit, either they forgot to nab it or left

it on purpose. Either way I could clean up. I hopped into the shower and

turned it on cold.

During my wake up shower it dawned on me that check out time was noon. Had

the room been paid for or did the guys stick me with it. If my wallet were

gone what would I do? I shut the water off and jumped out in a panic. I

searched frantically for my wallet but to no avail. Checking the time I

realized I had ten minutes to do something. I looked around the room for

something to wear. Since it wasn't the Grande Hotel, there were very few

things and no bathrobes. What would I wear? The curtains, bed sheets,

towels were not comforting alternatives. I had to get out of there fast and

needed to move quickly. I chose a towel. I peeked out to look around. I saw

the maid cart a few rooms down and the maid entering a room. At the end of

the corridor was a utility closet with the door left open that the maid was

probably using to store the cart but left open while doing her rounds.

Leaving the door wedged open, I sprinted down to the closet in my towel and

looked inside for anything to use. It was pretty sparse, towels mostly but

I did spot a maid uniform neatly pressed on a shelf. Running out of time

and options I grabbed it and sprinted back to my room. When inside, I

quickly threw on the grey dress. For a moment I felt kind of funny, kind of

sexy wearing a dress with nothing on underneath. The maid was done with the

room she was in and was now going into the room next to mine. I had to move

now. I grabbed my shaving kit and made a run for it.

Outside in my bare feet wearing a cheap motel maid uniform I made a run for

it getting clear of the motel as quickly as possible. I ran across the

street to the parking lot behind the strip joint. I don't know how many

people in passing cars saw me but was only concerned that nobody from the

motel spotted me. Checking that the coast was clear, I sized up my options.

I was 125 miles from home, with no money, no ID, no shoes and wearing a

maid uniform, which was beginning to feel kind of nice. As I sat lurched

behind some garbage cans I noticed the front part of my dress tenting up

with an erection. I wrote it off to an adrenaline rush and gave it no more

thought. I figured if I could find a pay phone, I could phone one of my

bonehead friends collect and demand them to come and get me. I definitely

didn't want anyone else to see me like this. In order to get to a pay phone

I would have to go looking dressed like I was. It wasn't as if I could pass

for a woman and inconspicuously stroll through public looking for one. I

have very short hair, a goatee and my legs were hairy. It would never

work. I thought if I could find some male cloths to steal and change that

would be better but looking around did not see how I could work that.

As I sat there going over my options while fighting a hangover I gazed

around the parking lot. One car was present. I had no idea what to

do. Suddenly, I was alarmed by the sound of a door opening at the back of

the strip joint. I hid quietly as I watched a grubby, dirty looking man

taking out the garbage. He filled the dumpster with some trash bags and

then went back inside. This was obviously the janitor doing his morning

after clean up. It gave me an idea but I would have to wait until he came

out again. I snuck around the garbage bins to the other side of the back

door. And hid behind some boxes. Soon enough, the door opened again as the

burly man brought out some more trash bags. I quickly and quietly slipped

inside the unlocked door without being noticed. Once inside I had to find a

hiding place since the janitor would soon return. I ran into the back and

up some stairs and found myself in a change room with a bathroom and a

window facing the back. I jumped in the shower stall and pulled the curtain

closed. I waited quietly and listed as the janitor went about his rounds

down stairs. After twenty minutes or so I heard the door again and looked

outside the window as the man got into his car and drove off. It appeared

that I was alone for a while. I had no idea what time anyone would be

returning as the place was closed on Sunday until 8:00 pm.

I ventured out and looked around. It was quiet so I was sure I was alone. I

soon found a bottle of aspirin and took a couple for my headache along with

some whisky. I could find nothing in the way of men's clothing to change

into just a dressing room full of stripper's costumes. I looked at myself

in one of the large full-length mirrors in my shabby maid uniform. It

seemed so un-sexy compared to all the hot outfits in the change room. I

pulled some outfits off of the rack and held them up to myself in the

mirror and began getting very excited. I thought of how sexy I would look

in some of those cloths. That gave me an idea. I took my shaving kit and

hit the shower. I took off the maid uniform and slipped into the hot

shower. I took my razor and shaved my legs, armpits and the sparse chest

hair I had. Then I gave my entire face a good close shave. I tidied up some

more, brushing my teeth, and such and put on a silky black robe. There was

a shelf full of wigs most of which were outrageous and I selected a subtler

redhead wig that was long and curly. I sat at a mirror and went through the

makeup items. I began experimenting with everything, including false

eyelashes, eyeliner, lipstick, everything. I even trimmed and tweezed my

eyebrows. I was fair-haired to start, so I didn't have too much to pluck. I

lost track of time as I made myself up. It was incredible to watch myself

transform from plain old me into a hot looking babe. I even painted my

toenails. Eventually I could not recognize the pretty woman looking back at

me in the mirror. She was magnificent. I was so turned on my hard-on was

straining. I leaned back and began stroking it and in record short time I

exploded all over myself in a gusher I had never witnessed before. As I sat

there still staring at the sexy creature looking back at me I scooped up

some of my come with my fingers and like a practiced porn star began to

seductively lick it all up off my fingers. It's as if it wasn't me, it was

the sexy redhead in the mirror. I had never done that before. I loved it

and made me even hornier.

I tried to wipe it out of my mind after realizing how much time had passed.

I fixed my lipstick and started picking out an outfit. Most of the cloths

were very skimpy and very few could be worn in public by anyone. I found a

black leather mini skirt that I recognized from one of the dancers the

night before. I then found a sexy purple bustier with black lace trim at

the bust and a short sleeve black silk jacket. Searching around I found

some padding for the bust, black silk panties, and some black fishnet

stockings with seems. I put on a garter belt and hooked up the stockings.

Shoes were tough as they were all pretty small and all outrageously high. I

finally found a pair of black open toe platform stilettos that I could just

squeeze into. I looked at myself again in the mirror. The effect was

amazing. I looked as hot as any sexy stripper I had ever seen. I didn't

think it was possible, but I looked like the fantasy girl I had always

dreamed of being with. I definitely looked slutty given the wardrobe I had

to choose from, my stocking tops showed below the hem of the leather mini

but I did look like a woman enough to go into public. I found a little bag

and loaded it with lipstick, mascara, compact, eyeliner and perfume. The

perfume I wore added to the effect of femininity and I was so turned on I

had to stroke myself off again. I couldn't go out in public with that tent

in my skirt. I came quickly again and I again hungrily licked it up while

watching myself in the mirror. I was convinced I was as hot as any porn

star I had ever watched. One final touch up and I was ready to split. I

searched around the bar for some cash to no avail. I took another drink for

courage and left.

I tried to get clear of the strip joint and that motel as quickly as

possible by walking back toward the city. Walking in high heels was no easy

chore however and my feet were soon killing me. I had no idea how far the

closest store or gas station would be with a pay phone. Just after five

minutes of awkward walking an SUV pulled over just ahead of me. It was

black with tinted windows. As I got closer the window came down, and there

was a man inside waiting to talk to me. He looked about 40, with a

businessman's haircut and golf cloths on. He lowered his sunglasses and

asked me if I wanted a ride. I hesitated, thinking it might be a bad idea,

but the pain in my feet decided for me and I got in. He introduced himself

as John and in as breathy a voice I could muster I replied, "Mary" not

being able to think of anything quicker. He tried making small talk. He

said stuff like, "I've never seen you around here before, and I would

remember a girl like you." He pasted me with compliments about my legs, my

cloths, my hair, etc. I just kept smiling and blushing at his flirtatious

remarks so I wouldn't get kicked out and loose my ride. In a way, I did get

a satisfying feeling at the compliments and it made me feel more confident

about looking like a woman. It wasn't as if he was a loser. This guy was

good looking I guess and obviously successful. I occasionally would glance

over and bat my big eyelashes. Flirting was kind of fun from the female


We drove into the city and I noticed a gas station with a pay phone. I

softly said, "Here please." He looked a bit disappointed and casually

slowed down and drove a bit passed the station and into a nearby ally. At

first I figured he couldn't stop in time and was going to turn around and

go back but he stopped and put the vehicle in park. I waited for a minute

to see if he was going to put it in reverse and back out. After that I

nervously looked over and saw that he had unzipped his fly and pulled out

his cock. He was pulling out some bills from his wallet and slapped $50.00

down on the console. I gasped in shock. My eyes were glued to his very big

dick rising from his pants. I was like a deer in the headlights, not

knowing whether to open the door and run or punch this guy, or do as he

wanted. What was I thinking? I would never do that. I wouldn't but would

Mary? So why haven't I moved yet? I could not take my eyes of it; it was so

big. I was hypnotized by it.

"Okay, twenty dollars more, but that's all I got on me," he spoke out as he

dropped a twenty on the pile of cash. I don't know how it happened because

it was something that I never would have considered doing but I wasn't

myself at that moment. I suddenly found my lips wrapped around his big cock

head with my tongue licking it all over. As if on autopilot, my mouth and

tongue began working his meat like I was an accomplished porn star. I

wanted to suck him like a pro. I wanted to give him the best head of his

life. I started jacking the base of his dick as I licked it up and down. I

spotted a drop of pre-cum forming on the tip and licked it off. It tasted

like mine but I savoured it like a guilty pleasure. I was really getting

into it, licking and sucking his balls, kissing the shaft, and trying to

take it deep into my throat. It was during a very deep plunge when he

suddenly grasped the back of my head and began shooting hot jets of cum

down my throat. It was about to blow out nose when I figured I should

swallow. He held my head in place as he dumped his load in my mouth. I

swallowed down every last drop. It was so hot! I was licking his shaft

clean trying to get every last drop when he suggested that I should split.

I really didn't want to leave his cock but I suddenly remembered that I was

trying to get home and scooped my money and left. I made my way down the

alley as the SUV pulled away. It suddenly dawned on me that I had just

sucked a man's cock. Was I turning gay or what? I was getting myself

confused. I had to straighten my head out and think about getting home. At

least I had $70.00 toward the cause.

I stopped and pulled out my compact to fix my makeup, I still had a drop of

cum on my chin. I wiped it off with my finger and gave it a good suck

clean. It was so good. I then repaired my makeup and reapplied my lipstick.

Looking extremely hot again, I headed for the gas station where I saw the

phone. On the way, I got several wolf whistles and "hey baby!" from passing

cars. That made me want to work it even more and I really swung my hips as

I walked. I even got one "Filthy whore!" from a female voice passing by. I

ignored her and kept walking. I got to the phone and my feet were aching

again. I leaned on the wall of the phone booth and took off a shoe to

massage my foot. It was swelling a little so I quickly put my shoe back on

before it got too fat to fit back in. I dared not attempt the other one. I

tried calling my `so called friends' collect but there was no answer at

either place. They may not have made it home yet, they might be taking

their time, they might be somewhere spying on me for laughs, they were

probably ignoring me. It then began to cross my mind on how I would ever

get them back for this one. Another thought crossed my mind. What if I

called Roxy to come get me? How would I ever explain this one? I decided

that anything would be better than that. I tried calling a cab company but

the phone wanted money for that so I went into the store to get some.

The store clerk wouldn't give me change for a twenty. I said in

the airiest voice I could do, "I need it for the payphone." He pointed to

the prepaid phone cards on the counter. The cheapest ones were $10.00 so I

bought one along with some gum and aspirins. I went back out to the phone

and called a cab company and asked how much for a trip back to my town.

They said that it would cost $75.00, which put me about $25.00 short. I

hung the phone up and thought it out. If I just made $70.00 giving a

blowjob, I could make enough money by doing it one more time.

I had dropped my phone card on the ground and was bending over to pick it

up. My skirt must have been riding way up my ass. Before standing back up I

heard a car squeal its brakes. I looked over and saw a big silver Cadillac

behind me on the road. It turned into the parking lot and came up beside

me. The tinted window came down and I saw two black men in gangster cloths

staring out at me. They were both big guys. "Damn! Look at your fine ass!"

the driver stated.

"Hey Baby, want to go for a ride?" the passenger asked smoothly. It was my

chance but had to play it real cool. I just flashed up three fingers to

them. The passenger leaned over and confabbed with the driver for a

second. He looked back and whispered, "One-fifty".

I flashed two fingers back and he nodded. He then opened his door and got

out. He was even bigger than I thought. He stood about 6' 2" and was very

muscular like a football linebacker. He had a mild growth of chin hair and

a shaved head. He opened the back door and ushered me in. The man then

climbed in with me and shut the door. The car was off in a shot. I didn't

even notice what direction we were going. The guy sitting with me

introduced himself as Ricky and his friend driving as Antoine. I did my

best girly voice to say, "Mary" once again.

Ricky quickly rolled out four fifty-dollar bills from a huge roll in his

pocket and handed them to me, which I stuffed into my bra. He dispensed

with formalities at that point and began feeling me up starting with my

leg. I couldn't let him get too close so I put grabbed his hand. As I

turned to him, his mouth was pressed on mine and his tongue forced deep

inside. I was still trying to psyc myself into sucking another dick but had

not anticipated a kiss. It was strangely erotic and exciting to be kissed

so forcefully. He could really kiss too. Ricky's tongue worked the inside

of my mouth and played with my tongue and his full lips moved all over

mine. It felt very sexy and I found myself sighing as I melted into his

arms. His hand worked its way up to my ass. I had my legs squeezed together

to prevent finding my secret. Still, I had to make a move so I pulled away

reluctantly from his kiss and grabbed hold of his crotch. I could feel the

outline of his cock threw his loose pants. I could tell it was huge.

I unzipped Ricky's pants and he helped to pull them down to his knees. I

was caught like a deer in the headlights again staring at his cock. It was

dark brown and easily 10" or bigger and massively thick. My mind was

telling me that there was no way I could take that thing into my mouth but

like before my body just moved toward it and I was soon worshipping it with

soft kisses and long licks. I was in total shock at the size of it. I

really wanted to suck it badly and made sure to get it nice and wet with my

tongue. I got it nice and shiny and then went down to suck on his large

balls. They were each too big to fit into my mouth, like a baked potato. I

took in the musky smell of his groin and found myself getting aroused. I

started working on the cock head giving it a good lick and suck. I could

sense Ricky's frustration and attempted to take his shaft into my throat.

It was too big for me and was making me gag as it lodged in my throat. I

backed off and concentrated on sucking the head and began stroking the base

with my hand. He liked this and I kept giving him the best head that I

could. Antoine was asking Ricky if I was a good cocksucker. Ricky would

moan his answer.

I was sitting on the floor of the back seat so no one could

touch my crotch and discover my ever-growing secret. I tried to get Ricky

off as fast as I could and was taking more and more of his shaft down my

throat with each plunge. My red lips were now going more than halfway down

his pole, which I now estimated at closer to a foot in length. Antoine was

also growing impatient. He had been driving the whole time and was wanting

in on the action. His whining was continuous and I eventually heard Ricky

tell him, "Pull over there. Go in there, down to the end." I had no clue of

where we were.

"Now I'm getting' me some head," Antoine claimed. Ricky hadn't come yet so

I figured he could wait while I made love orally to Ricky's meat.

Ricky had other plans however and pulled his unit from my lips. I reached

for it like a baby missing its pacifier. "Ya, I want me some booty anyway.

I'm gonna tap this fine ass," Ricky claimed as he removed his pants

completely and took me hand pulling me out of the car. His massive dick

bounced and bobbed as he dragged me to a picnic table. I looked around and

figured that we must be in a roadside park off a highway. It was starting

to get dark out and I wondered where the time had gone. The park was

deserted and unlit. I was glad because my makeup must have been getting

messy and I needed the extra darkness. Antoine sat himself up on top of the

table and Ricky guided me in front of him. I was getting scared because I

was getting hard and it was becoming tougher to hide it. I was also scared

because Ricky wanted to fuck me with his monster cock. He already had my

skirt hiked up over my hips and was pressing his big dick against my ass. I

didn't want him fumbling around down there with his hands so I took hold of

his cock and slipped my panties to the side with my other hand. I guided

the head to the entrance to my asshole. I was feeling very sexy at this

time with two black men both wanting to plunge their dicks into me. Ricky's

dick didn't feel like it was going to make it into my tight virgin hole. I

actually really wanted it inside me. I put my fingers into my mouth and wet

them with gobs of saliva and pre-cum. I plunged them into my ass as deep as

they would go and tried to stretch the opening. I took Rick's dick again

and started guiding it in. He pressed gently in and it hurt like I couldn't

believe. I worked through the pain however; until he was lodged securely

inside my rectum. I could not get over how fat it felt as it stretched me

open. It must have been tight to Ricky too as he asked me if I was an anal

virgin. I just nodded yes to his delight.

Meanwhile Antoine had his big black dick out and was pushing it against my

lips. I figured it would help take my mind off of the pain and opened wide

to suck it. I was soon sucking Antoine like a vacuum cleaner. Ricky was at

first slow and gentle but eventually he began really fucking me hard. His

strokes were long and full. I could feel his nuts slapping against my panty

covered pair. Antoine was in heaven. "Man, this bitch can suck a lollipop!"

"Rides like a philly too," Ricky added. I loved it too. I could really work

Antoine's cock, which was a bit smaller than Ricky's but only a bit. I

could deep throat most of it and pumped the base fast with my hand. Getting

drilled from both ends was having its effect on me too and my own erection

was finding its way past the waistband of my panties. Luckily for me, both

of Ricky's hands were firmly on my hips as he ripped in and out of me. I

was a human fuck doll. Antoine was begging Ricky to let him have a go at

my ass too. Ricky said that he was almost done. He was really jackhammering

into my asshole and as I began to feel his burning seed flooding my rectum

he grabbed hold of my panties and tore them clean off. In the post-orgasmic

haze Ricky reached under me and his hand touched my hard cock. He was so

busy coming it took a moment to figure it out. I was frozen and could not

move. Suddenly, it became clear to him and his wet cock slid out from my

bum. As cum dripped out my ass, Antoine jumped up to take Ricky's place.

Ricky backed away a step and I looked at the horror in his eyes. Fear

rushed over me. "Looks like our philly is a gelding," Ricky frowned.

In frustration, Antoine grabbed my hips and in one motion fully inserted

his cock in my over worked asshole. "Whatever it is, I am getting my nut!"

Antoine stated. He mercilessly fucked my ass with pounding strokes. Ricky

shook his head to clear his haze and stepped closer pushing his receding

tool in my face.

"Suck it clean faggot!" he demanded. I didn't want them to beat the shit

out of me so I did what he asked and licked and sucked all of the cum off

of his funky unit. Antoine finally was ready too and shot a blistering load

into my already full bum. He filled me to overflowing and then did as Ricky

did and made me suck him clean. I was now afraid for my life as I didn't

know if these guys were going to shoot or stab me and leave me here or

worse cut off my dick or beat me to a bloody pulp. I tried to cover myself

from an attack but Ricky came up to me with an angry look on his face. He

pulled the money from my bra, which included the money from my first

blowjob and put it into his pocket. He then punched me in the gut, which

made me drop to the ground in a heap. "Your lucky you was a good fuck

faggot, or you would be dead for tricking us like that," Ricky said

"Maybe we'll see you in the joint sometime princess," Antoine added. I was

reeling on the ground. The bustier that I had on absorbed some of the blow,

but it was still harsh. I guess I should feel lucky as the car pulled away

that it wasn't worse. I found my makeup bag that had been tossed out on the

ground. I got my compact and checked my makeup. My lipstick was smeared,

and my eyeliner was running. I did a quick fix up as best that I could and

picked up my torn panties. I tied a bow in the torn waistband to keep them

up. Through all that I noticed that I still had an erection. I couldn't

believe how slutty I had become since putting on women's cloths. I began

stroking myself as I closed my eyes and remembered the feeling of having

Ricky's massive dick pounding my asshole while I was sucking on

Antoine's. In only a few seconds I sent a gusher threw the air. I caught

some of my own sperm and began licking it from my fingers again.

Just then a pair of headlights came rushing up the road in my direction.

"Oh my god! I thought they were back and going to kill me," I imagined. I

tucked myself away and thought about running for it. But I realized that in

spike heels and a miniskirt it is damn near impossible to run for it. The

car stopped and there was another set of lights, flashing red ones on the

top of the car. Cops! I was relieved in one sense but realized that I now

had a new set of problems. A cop came out of one side of the car pointing a

flashlight in my face. Soon both police officers were out of the car and in

my face.

"Are you okay?", "Are you hurt?", "What are you doing out here?", "Are you

alone?" The questions came flying at me. I realize that I would have to

blow my cover here and bite the bullet. I started speaking and they both

looked at one another with knowing glances. "So you're a transvestite, what

are you doing out hear alone in this park?" one of them inquired. It dawned

on me that they assumed I was a prostitute, and I couldn't blame them

considering my outfit, and I was in trouble. I tried explaining that I was

lost and just trying to get home. I told them I didn't have a ride and that

I was just dropped off here. They made me get in their cruiser and began

running the questions again, this time asking me how many tricks I had seen

and how much money I had made. I denied all these claims and they searched

me for money and anything else. They made me give my real name that they

checked for a criminal record. Once they found out that I was clean and had

no money on me to convict me of anything they were ready to get rid of

me. They began reading me the riot act; "If we ever see you around here

again we will put you in the pen with the low life scum of the city."

I was more then happy to oblige them for not taking me to jail. Then they

asked how I would get home. I told them that I didn't know and had no money

for transportation. They confabbed with each other for a minute then the

older cop turned to me and said, " There is a bus stop on route five where

the bus to your town can pick you up. It will be there in an hour. We can

do you a favour and drop you there and give you the bus fare." I was so

pleased I smiled and thanked them for their generosity.

That's when the other cop looked at me and said, "We do you a favour and

you do us a favour, right?" I was a bit confused but understood that I was

not welcome back there in the future. So I answered, "You'll never see me

back here again ever, promise."

"That's a given princess, we mean do us a favour," he reiterated while

lifting an eyebrow then looking down at his crotch. Then it became clearer.

"Oh, sure, whatever you want. I am grateful for your generosity," I mumbled

back. The first trooper, the younger one hopped in the back seat with me

and got comfortable. I slowly undid his pants and pulled out his semi-erect

penis, which was uncut. He grabbed my head and held it down at his groin. I

got to work licking it like a lollipop, like I had to the three cocks I had

sucked earlier. It started to grow as I wrapped my sweet red lips around

it. I pulled the foreskin down and I got the full musky taste of his cock

head on my tongue. I sucked it hard and long. The trooper held onto my head

as his hips thrust up at me, fucking my face. His actions got harder and

faster and he began panting and calling me "whore" and "suck slut" under

his breath.

Thankfully the younger trooper didn't last to long. My rapidly developing

cock sucking skills were getting him ready and he soon blew his load down

my throat into my hungry belly. He held my head in place as his balls were

pressed firmly against my chin while I continued to swallow every last drop

of his sperm. His orgasm soon subsided and he returned to the front seat as

the older of the two cops joined me in the back. He was a bit grey on top

but he looked in good shape for his age. I started to slowly unzip him. "If

you take too long and miss your bus you'll have to wait for the 7:00 am

one," he coaxed. I got busy and in one gulp deep throated his hard 7" cock.

After the two black guys I sucked off earlier these guys' dicks were no

problem. They were as big or bigger than my own but my throat had adapted

to accommodate extra large meat. I got his unit nice and wet with my tongue

and began pumping his shaft with my hand. He moaned with ecstasy and told

me what a good cocksucker I was. He had much more stamina that the younger

guy and I had to slobber on his dick for a good twenty minutes before his

balls tightened up and he unleashed his salvo of cum into my awaiting

mouth. I again swallowed it all and licked his shaft clean. I don't know if

it was because I had not eaten in twenty-four hours but I was really

savouring every last dollop of cum I could drink. When he was finished he

straitened himself up and returned to the driver's seat. I got out my

compact and once again fixed up my lipstick. True to their word they

dropped me at the bus stop with a fresh twenty dollar bill and watched as I

boarded the waiting coach.

I was happy that I could finally go home. The bus was pretty empty with the

exception of a few diverse people. I opted for a secluded part of the bus

so I could be alone and get a nap on the trip back. I settled into a seat

and looked at my reflection in the window. I still could not recognize the

woman looking back at me. I noticed the police car drive away with two very

satisfied cops. I got comfortable and began to drift off. Before I could

actually doze off, a guy sat down in the seat across from me. He was

younger but looked like he had been around. He had long brown hair and a

goatee. He wore baggy jeans, a baseball hat, sneakers, a tee shirt and a

worn leather jacket. I caught him staring at me. He smiled. I gave a sweet

smile back, not trying to be flirtatious. He opened his jacket and pulled

out a mickey bottle of whisky. He took a pull from it then looked over to

me, offering it to me. At first I thought I should decline but I really did

want a drink and he looked kind of innocent so I took it from him and had a

very unladylike swig. As I passed it back to him, the man across from me

tried to introduce himself. I didn't want to yack back and forth across the

isle so I moved over to the window seat and patted the empty seat next to

me as an invitation to come over. He handed the bottle back to me as he sat

down and I took another hit. "Jesse," he politely introduced.

"Mary," I whispered after swallowing the cheap booze. We didn't say much to

each other but there was an air of electricity between us as we passed the

bottle back and forth. After my third pull on the bottle, Jesse leaned over

and pointed to a drop on my face and gently licked it off. I looked at him

deep into his brown eyes and suddenly found myself pressing my lips against

his. He kissed me softly and passionately. I don't know what had come over

me but I found myself making out with this stranger like it was prom night.

He was a sweet kisser too with a gentle but firm tongue. We shared our

whiskey kiss for the next twenty miles without letting up. Somehow my hand

had landed on Jesse's lap and discovered a very large bulge in his jeans. I

was completely out of control now and soon had his pants undone and was

stroking his nice, thick ten inch cock. Almost instinctively by now I made

my way to his velvet love pole and my mouth instantly sank down around his

shaft. It felt so nice in my mouth. I made slow oral love to Jesse's

cock. He moaned lowly as I gave him head. The drone of the bus masked his

grunts and my wet slurping sounds. I deep-throated him until my throat was

sore then took a break to suck on his juicy balls. His eyes were rolled

back in ecstasy. I liked back up to the top of his cock and began sucking

him again. After what must have been half an hour Jesse finally tensed up

and his burning hot cum filled my mouth. I greedily swallowed every jet of

white sauce that he launched.

I made sure to lick Jesse's sweet cock clean. He lifted my chin up to him

and softly kissed my lips. I can't tell you how hot that was. He then

offered me a drink, which I took and then he took one himself. I still had

his cock in my hand and was stroking it slowly. It didn't go soft at all

and soon I could tell that he wanted more. "Look who is ready for seconds,"

I commented.

"I could do you this time," Jesse offered. Before I could let that idea go

any further I told him I was out of commission at the moment. I was

thinking of going down on him again but my jaw was starting to ache. My bum

was getting twitchy and anxious for another fuck. The two big black cocks I

had inside earlier left me hungry for more. I whispered to Jesse to hold

still. I then hiked my miniskirt up to my hips. I slid over and straddled

Jesse's lap. While I was up I looked around the bus to see if anyone was

the wiser. The four or five other people on the bus were either wrapped

tightly in their own worlds or were fast asleep. I quickly lined Jesse's

cock head up with my bum crack. I slipped the panty to the side and sat

myself down thus impaling myself on his dick. I placed my hands over

Jesse's so that he could not touch me and create a repeat of my earlier

discovery. I sank deep down until my cheeks touched his lap. He was buried

completely in my ass. I didn't feel as much pain as I did earlier. I had

been stretched pretty well. His cock felt perfect inside me and I

cautiously and slowly began moving up and down on my new lover's shaft. I

purred and cooed with each stroke. Jesse was in la-la land. He nuzzled

against my neck and whispered how he had never fucked a girl in the ass


I was in heaven too and again had a hard-on straining to get out of my

panties. We fucked like this for miles and miles. I had lost track of time

and before I realized it we were approaching the bus station. Just then,

Jesse thrust himself to the hilt inside my rectum and emptied his balls

inside me. The bus pulled to a stop and I lifted myself up and adjusted my

panties and skirt. Jesse asked for my phone number. I was caught a bit off

guard by this. Truthfully, I wanted to give it to him. I made a face as to

tell him sorry but it would have to be `no'. I decided to just leave as

quickly as possible and gave Jesse a peck on the cheek. As I fumbled with

the others to get off the bus Jesse handed me a slip of paper from behind.

It was his name and number. I smiled at him and put it in my bra. It was as

I was leaving when I swore I saw him mouth the words, "I know".

I left and began my six block walk to my building. The walk home was

uneventful other than the torture to my poor feet and ankles. It's true

when women say, "until you have walked a mile in my shoes." I would respect

them for this from now on. I knew I had an extra key on a magnet behind my

mailbox so I could let myself in. Despite how electric it felt being

dressed as a hot woman, I was so looking forward to getting undressed and

having a good night sleep. I opened the door and let myself in without

anyone seeing me. It was pretty late.

"Well hello sweetie! This is going to be a good one," giggled a female

voice from the shadows of my living room. Terror was setting in. Roxy

appeared from the dark and approached me with a stern, somewhat angry look

but was also ready to burst out laughing.

"Okay honey, what did you do to my fiancee?" she got out before collapsing

in laughter. She obviously knew it was me and began teasing me

relentlessly. I was too exhausted to fight it and just sat my satin covered

ass down on the couch and kicked off my high heel shoes. "Well? I'm

waiting," she pursued as she sat next to me. I began explaining that my `so

called friends' had drugged me and stole my cloths and wallet while we were

out of town. I told her that I had to steal cloths to get home and that I

got them from the motel we had stayed at. I left out some of the details of

my eventful day like sucking off strangers for money or getting double

fucked by two well-hung black guys. I did mention that the police put me on

the bus but left out why they were so nice to me. Roxy was trying not to

laugh throughout my explanation which she seemed to have a lot of

difficulty doing.

"I was worried about you," Roxy began. "...and I saw Dave earlier, he told

me that you left them during the evening with a stripper and they lost

you. They thought you might have come home, so they returned here looking

for you."

That story could actually have been half true and with the memory loss I

was suffering from prevented me from fully denying it. "What a crock of

bullshit!" I defended. "Those guys were out to get revenge on me from the

beginning and planned this whole thing."

"You do believe me don't you honey," I pleaded. She paused and drew a

breath. She was mulling it over and our future together was on the line.

After another sigh Roxy moved closer to me and planted a loving kiss on my

mouth. For a second I got the image of two hot babes kissing each other,

which is what Roxy and I would have looked like, and it made me seriously

turned on. Roxy is five foot five and in great shape with brown shoulder

length hair and green eyes. Kissing me would for Roxy seem like a lesbian

kiss. She pulled back briefly, smiling and cooing. Her lips were smeared

with my lipstick and it turned me on even more. It was a fantasy of mine

for ages to watch Roxy with another girl and now I was experiencing it

first hand as the `other girl'.

"Baby! I never knew kissing another girl was so hot," Roxy exclaimed. She

kissed me again firmly and stuck her tongue into my mouth. She was purring

and for once I was kissing her back like a girl would, softly and tenderly.

She was really getting into it saying stuff like, "what a pretty girl you

are, you're making me so wet!" and "I have never had lesbian sex before but

I really want to try it with you," and " I'll bet your soft girl mouth will

feel so good on my pussy."

It was obvious that she could tell how turned on I was and was playing

right along. I wasn't about to argue and went with the flow. After some

heavy making out and some nice fooling around, Roxy removed her jeans and

sweater and was on the couch in her black bra and panties saying, "come on

girlfriend, I want you to eat me, I bet you can do it better than my

boyfriend. Boys don't know how to really please a woman like another woman

does." Her words were inspiring me and I kissed my way down her full round

breasts, lovingly licking them like I thought a girl would do it. I removed

her bra and suckled her nipples, which were already hard as bullets. She

was urging me further down and I kissed my way to her love box and kissed

her threw her panties. I pulled them down slowly and kissed my way up her

thighs back to her pussy. She really was wet. Her lips were in full bloom

and pink as a rose. I licked them softly and kissed her sweet clit. I had

eaten Roxy out many times before but this was different. I was going at her

like I pictured my ideal lesbian love scene. I was trying to give her

ultimate loving pleasure as apposed to preparing her for a fuck.

Roxy held onto my long red mane of hair and grinded her pussy into my

face. I licked and sucked her with all my power and she cooed and purred.

"Oh girlfriend! You eat my pussy so good! I am never doing this with

boyfriend again, from now on I want you to be my lesbian girlfriend," Roxy

moaned. It seemed a bit over-the-top but I really didn't mind. I took the

compliment and enjoyed my girl-girl experience. She began seriously humping

my face and her pending orgasm soon loomed. I thought at first she might be

faking because she never came that quickly from me eating her pussy but

when her body tensed up I felt a huge flood of her love juices filling my

mouth. I continued my rapid tongue movement as her orgasm stretched out for

several minutes. The whole time she gushed waves of her love all over my

face. Finally she began breathing again and relaxed her grip on my

head. She calmed down slightly and pulled my smeared face up to hers and

began licking it clean. I was again shocked because that had never happened

before. She would never kiss me after I had gone down on her. Roxy was

kissing me like it was our first kiss ever and it was passionate.

"Common lover, put on that strap-on dildo and fuck me with it," Roxy went

on. My cock was already peering out from the panties and I just easily

slipped into Roxy's soaked snatch. I would have dropped my load in one

stroke if I had not already come a few times earlier. We had a sweet,

beautiful two-girl fuck and after we both climaxed together we held each

other close and I began to drift off.

I was shook awake a little later as Roxy got up and was getting dressed.

"Come on, we got to go back to my place."

"Can't I just sleep?" I begged.

"No, hurry up, we have to go now," she continued as she shook me. I got up

realizing that I was still dressed as a girl.

"Just let me get cleaned up and changed first okay?" I tried to compromise.

"No time, you can do that at my place," Roxy persisted.

Realizing that I couldn't win I obliged and slipped my slutty high heel

shoes back on and we set out. I don't know how late it was but it was still

dark. I kept falling asleep in the car on the way back to Roxy's apartment.

"What's the big hurry?" I asked as I awoke.

"Do you want to get back at your friends?" Roxy asked with a raised

eyebrow. She had devised a plan but wasn't letting me in on it yet. I went

along with it glad that she was fully on my side. Once inside she hurried

me to the bathroom and had me strip down. "Shower and shave quickly but be

careful. You are starting to get five-o'clock-shadow," she ordered.

The hot shower was soothing and heavenly and cleaning off the previous day

from my body felt nice. I shaved closely as instructed. I guess Roxy did

not want me to grow my beard back. I could live with that. Once I had dried

off Roxy called me out. She had several items of clothing placed out for

me. None of them were my male cloths.

"First we have to do your make-up again sweetie," Roxy asserted. I had no

idea that her plan would involve me dressing as a girl again. I tried to

fight it, but realized that I didn't have any male cloths at her

apartment. "Come on honey, we don't have much time," Roxy urged.

"Time? Time for what?" I went on.

"To get ready. Hurry up, you have to be dressed in thirty minutes." Roxy

coaxed me into her chair at her make-up table. Her steady hands expertly

applied the make-up much better than I had done the day before. Years of

skill made me look even more convincingly feminine than I thought were

possible. She brushed out my red wig and squirted me with her finest

perfume. I was soon looking back at the prettiest redheaded fox I had ever

laid eyes on.

Roxy dragged me over to her bed and began dressing me up. We started with

white thong panties and a lacy white bra, which Roxy stuffed with silicone

pads. She gave me her white garter belt next and a pair of white stockings

with lace trims on the tops. I then put on her grey cashmere sweater that

fit me very snugly. Next, I slipped into her black and white plaid

miniskirt with pleats that made me look almost like a schoolgirl. Roxy's

shoes were too small for me so I put my stripper `come-fuck-me-pumps' back

on. I looked at myself in the mirror, and again was totally infatuated by

the incredibly beautiful reflection looking back at me.

Roxy had changed her cloths while I was in the shower. She was wearing a

black print mini dress. It had red flowers on it in an oriental style. She

complimented the dress with black stay up stockings, black panties and a

black push-up bra. The dress was unbuttoned enough to expose some

cleavage. She had fixed her own make-up with her eyes brightened and her

lips glistening red. I don't remember her ever looking so good.

"Oh, I almost forgot, what the hell is your girl name?" Roxy asked.

"Mary," I gave back. She nodded and then told me my last name would be

Callahan. When I asked why, she said she had a roommate in college with

that name. I still didn't know what her plan was but before I could inquire

again there was a knock on her door. The sudden impulse to panic was coming

back to me again.

Roxy gave me a sharp look and demanded, "Stay calm, try not to talk too

much, and stay cool. Follow my lead and do everything I say. You look great

honey don't worry, you'll be great."

The rap on the door continued. Roxy opened it up and in walked Dave and

Matt. I had to keep telling myself not to panic over and over. Dave said,

"Hey we came as soon as you called."

"Did you bring the pictures?" Roxy asked. He nodded and pulled an envelope

of pictures from his pocket. She quickly opened it and scanned through

them. She was shielding them from me and I was clueless as to what was on

them. She tucked them away and put them in her purse. Matt and Dave were

both staring at me trying to figure out who I was. I was glad that the

lights were dim. Roxy came back and introduced me, "Guys this is my best

girlfriend Mary Callahan. Mary this is Dave and Matt." I quietly greeted

them both and it became clear that in the dimmed lights they did not

recognize me.

Roxy continued, "When we talked earlier this afternoon, I was so upset that

I called Mary to come over." Upset? This was getting worse. Roxy came

closer to me and snuggled up close to me on the couch. "Mary and I were

extra close back in college, in fact we were lovers." I looked at Roxy and

smiled continuing to go on with her plot. She gave me a light little girly

kiss. "I was so pissed at that snake-in-the-grass, soon to be

ex-fiancee, that I knew the only one for me was Mary," she went on. "I'm

sorry Dave. I know that you love me like you told me earlier but I am not

going to go back with another man," Roxy confessed. It was getting

thicker. I realized that Dave had been harbouring feelings for Roxy for

some time and was now trying to sabotage my relationship to get her. Nice

friend! Matt was on his side I guessed since he had helped out with the

plan. Matt was terribly unsuccessful with women. He was nice enough and

certainly not ugly just had a lot of bad luck. Maybe he was jealous of me


Roxy brought my face to hers and we shared a delicate girl-girl kiss.

"You're a lesbian?" Dave puzzled.

"Not lesbians silly, just two girls in love. We both like men, in fact in

college Mary was probably the school's most notorious slut." I started

blushing and knew that I couldn't argue back. Little did Roxy know how much

truth there was in that statement.

"I don't care what you call yourselves, that kiss was fucking hot! Please

don't stop on our account," Matt provoked. I knew that these guys were just

as turned on watching two girls as I was.

"You guys want to see more?" Roxy asked. The two guys nodded like a couple

bobble head dolls. Roxy again took my face and really began making out with

me. It was as sexy as our private kiss earlier. Thank heaven she put smear

proof lipstick on me. I had never seen Roxy so aggressive and the entire

situation was turning me on. We French kissed passionately. We were really

putting on a good show. Roxy's mouth was feminine yet aggressive while mine

was receptive and equally as feminine. I was lost in the kiss. It was the

most romantic kiss I could remember. I almost forgot about our audience and

was ready to climb aboard my fiancee and fuck her senseless but still

remained ladylike.

Roxy again took control and began making me kiss my way down her neck to

her heaving bosom. I kissed and licked her breasts, which looked very sexy

in her lacy black bra. She pulled the bottom of her dress up exposing her

stocking tops and panties. She pushed my head down between her thighs and

locked her legs around my back. I licked her sopping wet panties with the

tip of my tongue and she gyrated her hips into my face while letting out a

little moan. I could hear another moan from Matt and Dave who were

obviously enjoying what they were seeing. It gave me a rush knowing that I

was putting on one of the hottest looking lesbian shows ever.

Roxy slid her panties right off and threw them across the room at the guys

and her bare snatch again was before me to lick. I began eating her out

like I did earlier with long licks and gentle clit sucking. She was so wet,

I thought her juices might wash all my make-up off. Roxy loved it. She held

my head in place with one hand and rocked her hips in time with my licking.

She also panted sweet things to me like, "Oh Mary! God damn girlfriend, you

know how to eat pussy!" I gave it my all including licking her anus and

using my fingers to fuck her pussy while I had her clit in my lips.

I was licking and loving her pussy with all my passion and lost track of

other things going on. I soon became aware of these things. I looked up

while sucking on Roxy's sweet clit and noticed that Dave was standing

beside her with his crotch at her face level and she had already taken his

big cock out of his pants and was stroking its nine inch length. She looked

down at me and saw me looking back. She smiled and opened her mouth taking

Dave's cock all the way in. I felt a prang of jealousy but was helpless to

do anything about it. Roxy kept my head in place with her thighs and her

hand. I watched intently as she put on a real cock sucking show for me. I

had to admit that it was a turn on. Dave had a big, thick cock and Roxy was

working it with her tongue and her lips, making it wet and sloppy. She made

loud sucking noises to add to the effect. Next I felt a hand caressing my

ass and was about to panic. Matt was starting to feel me up.

"Wait Matt!" Roxy interjected. "Mary is riding the cotton pony, if you know

what I mean," she continued as she stroked Dave's swollen member with her

hand. Matt removed his hand from my ass. Roxy signalled him to her with her

finger and he walked around to the other side of her opposite Dave. I could

see the tent in Matt's pants showing that he was hard as a rock and ready

to go. Roxy unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. Matt wasn't as big as

Dave but he was still large and thick. Roxy wrapped her lips around his

bulbous head and sucked him hard. She began alternating between Matt and

Dave, taking about two minutes a time with their big cocks in her throat.

They were each feeling up her tits that by now were completely exposed. I

continued to tongue fuck her pussy as best that I could.

After watching Roxy blow my friends for twenty minutes, she stopped. She

unhooked her legs from behind my back. I continued to lap at her box and

awaited her next move. "Boys, Mary is getting jealous," she started. "I'm

hogging all the cocks, we have to give her some," she added as she pulled

my head up to hers. We sat with our stocking legs entwined facing each

other as she held Dave's cock to my face and smiled. She wanted me to suck

it. The evil grin on her face told me that she wanted to humiliate me but

the twinkle in her green eyes told me that she was excited to watch me. I

really didn't have a choice and took Dave's massive cock between my lips

and slid it all the way to the back of my throat. Roxy's eyes lit up and

she looked shockingly pleased. I sucked his cock with the practiced skill I

had and Roxy cooed with pleasure.

"Mary! Wow, I forgot what a great cock sucker you are!" Roxy grinned.

"Boys, Mary taught me everything I know about giving head." That gave me

incentive and I took Dave deep in my throat until his balls touched my

chin. Roxy went back to blowing Matt. Our faces were just inches apart

while we sucked cocks. It was seriously hot watching her so close up with

her mouth stuffed with meat. Dave continued to give my tonsils a good work


Roxy again changed the action, "Here honey try this one for a while," she

said as she passed Matt's cock to me and grabbed Dave away. I went at

Matt's tool without even batting an eyelash. He moaned as he fucked my soft

mouth. Roxy took Dave and pulled him on top of her. Her legs were spread

wide as Dave plunged his dick into her waiting snatch. She screamed a

little as he bottomed out. Now I was beginning to feel more jealousy, which

was made worse when Roxy told Dave, "Baby, your cock is the biggest I have

ever felt."

I watched as Dave's skinny ass humped up and down between my girlfriend's

thighs. Meanwhile Matt was thrusting in and out of my mouth. I had no

problem taking his full length and would lick his balls with my tongue when

he was all the way in. I was upset as Roxy moaned and clawed at Dave's back

in passion. She writhed in orgasm while he pounded her love nest. He soon

was tensing up and exclaimed that he was ready to come. Roxy locked her

feet around his ass to hold him in deep as he unloaded his pent up sperm

inside her womb. It was a major blow to my ego watching them kiss in post

orgasmic bliss. I could sense that Matt was growing impatient as he humped

at my face. "I really need to fuck too, how about it Roxy?" he asked.

Roxy rolled off the couch, sweaty and exhausted. "I'm a bit worn out honey,

I don't think my pussy can take any more," Roxy told him to his

disappointment. "How do you feel about anal sex?" she added. I couldn't

believe my ears! In all our time together Roxy had never given up her

bottom. Was she about to let Matt be her first? I was being naive of

course. Roxy came over to me and positioned me so that I was on my knees.

She lifted my skirt to my waist and began shifting the panties from the

crack of my ass. I felt her tongue on my crack and she began licking my

smooth bottom hole. This was a first for her but she licked my asshole

without any hesitation. She was also careful not to let my equipment be

seen by just holding the panties a little to the side. Her sweet little

tongue felt so nice. She got it good and wet with spit. It soon ended

however, as she took Matt's cock into her mouth and coated it with her

saliva. She then pulled it out and held it against my bum hole. She

regulated the force by which he entered me. It slipped into me easily. It

felt good and I had to fight back the urge to yell out, "Fuck my sweet ass,


Roxy was really enjoying this. I think she loved watching me enjoy it as

much as she loved putting me into the position in the first place. Her hand

casually touched my pantied covered cock and could tell how hard I was,

which greatly excited her. Matt had grabbed hold of my hips and began

driving his fat cock in and out of my tight backdoor. He was really getting

into fucking his first asshole.

While Matt savagely fucked me in the ass, Roxy excused herself to go to the

bathroom, leaving me alone with both guys. Dave slid over and presented his

still erect cock to my face. It was shiny with the juices of Roxy and

himself. I started licking up the shaft getting a taste of both of their

cum. The mixed flavour was delicious. Dave slipped the head between my lips

and shoved it to the back of my throat. He was still horny as hell and

began face fucking me hard. I was getting it hard from both ends. They were

both moaning things to me like "take it bitch!" and calling me a `slut',

`cock-sucker', and `horny cunt'. It just egged me on to give them the best

fuck they ever had.

Roxy returned after fifteen minutes wearing her stockings and a black silk

bathrobe. She had cleaned up a bit but still had that "just fucked

look". She smiled at the scene before her. Dave and Matt were pounding away

at my mouth and asshole like pistons. Roxy opened her robe and began

rubbing herself. She played with her clit and urged the guys with, "Fuck

her boys! She loves your cocks."

Matt was soon ready and grabbed my hips tightly burying himself in my hole

up to his balls. His warm seed soon flooded my bowels. Dave was there too

and launched his load into my stomach. I drained both sets of balls. Roxy

was excited at watching me take their cum and screamed, "Yes, fill your

best friend with cum!"

I was shocked. Did she slip? Did she forget her plan? Was she caught up in

the moment? I thought it might go unnoticed as both guys were in a post

orgasmic daze. Roxy came over to us and put her hand on my panties. What

she did next almost gave me a heart attack. She grabbed the waistband and

ripped them right off of me. My raging hard-on flopped out for all to

see. Dave and Matt both jumped back. Roxy began laughing in hysterics. "You

guys are so dumb. You didn't even know you were fucking a guy, your own

best friend!" she blurted as she rolled over laughing.

Dave and Matt quickly grabbed their cloths and started getting dressed.

Matt said something like, "I'm going to throw up." They threw on their

cloths and made a beeline for the door. Roxy was still laughing. I was

mortified. What the fuck had she done? She calmed herself down and came

over to the couch. I was sitting there panting and exhausted, wearing a

wig, women's cloths and had jism running down my chin and from my bum. She

straddled my waist and sat down on my hard cock. It slipped right up inside

her moist box.

"Now don't cum! Not until I say so," Roxy instructed. She squeezed my

erection tight with her vaginal muscles. She pulled some photographs from

her pocket and showed them to me. They were pictures of me from the night

before with my face buried in a stripper's cleavage, kissing a stripper and

with my face buried in a stripper's naked lap. I gulped. They must have

taken them after drugging me and tipped the girl very well. Dave had a plan

to show them to Roxy in order to get her pissed off with me then run crying

into his arms. He had succeeded in getting her pissed off all right but

underestimated her a little. I explained what had happened at the club to

Roxy. She told me that she believed me but was still very hurt. She was

wise to Dave's plan and wasn't about to fall for it but wanted to punish us

all for our behaviour.

"I admit it hurt hearing about you then seeing these pictures. You needed a

lesson in humility. As for your `so called friends', they have been a bad

influence and your relationship was destructive," Roxy lectured. "We needed

this to break you ties with them. I don't think we'll hear from them any

time soon," she went on. It was becoming difficult not to cum as she rode

me in a slow rocking motion. "Uh-ah! Don't cum until I say," she


"Now our old relationship is over. No more engagement. I am willing to

start over but with some changes," Roxy continued. I nodded as her pussy

gave my erection a squeeze. "First, you will be my girlfriend Mary from now

on, dressed up all the time. Second, you give up your apartment and all

your guy stuff. Third, you quit your job and I'll get you a job at my

father's company as a secretary," she stated and paused waiting for an

answer. My brains were somewhere in my cock at the moment but I was sure

that it sounded right. I was so turned on at the idea. I nodded my

approval. She smiled and began humping me a bit more. She went on,

"finally, since I can see how much you like cocks, we can both occasionally

fuck men, so long as we are together as a team. I loved watching you in

action tonight honey." Jesse came to mind for a brief moment. I nodded

again and she breathed, "Okay, you can cum." At that point I unleashed a

monster torrent up into Roxy's warm love nest. She pulled me close and we

kissed as only lovers can.

Mary (formerly Marty)

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