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The Choir Trip

Fictional story By Deanna Neigh

Please feel free to write me E-mail and let me know what you think

of the story. Any correspondence is appreciated. All characters are

purely fictional any resemblance to a real person, living or dead is

entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1


My name is Chris Gibson, and I just finished my first year of

college at State University. I was a average college guy. I liked

to look at the girls, and party with the guys. I was 19 years old

at the time. I had a steady, more than average,

share of homework and class projects. Of all the classes at State,

I liked my choir class the best. I loved to sing. I had a wide

vocal range of almost six octaves. In my Choir class there are

four different sections classified by voice: From highest pitch to

lowest pitch, they are: Soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.

Soprano and alto are almost exclusively for the girls in the class,

while Tenor and bass are the groups for the boys. Every day we

would practice our songs. Each of the four groups had four people

inside that group. I was the lead Tenor for the guys, and

was part of the most powerful of the four groups. One day, Cindy,

the lead Soprano had this big argument with the Director,

Mr. Brown, and she decided to quit the group right before our spring

concert. The other three sopranos were totally lost without Cindy.

Out of desperation, Mr. Brown asked me if I could sing along with

the girls on the soprano part. Because of my versatility, I had no

problem doing it. This gave our group that balance that is so

important in a good choir. At the concert, I stood in my regular

spot with the guys, and just sung a different part. No big deal, I

was glad to come to Mr. Brown's rescue. I was even more glad to

get the chance to work with Jessica Martin, the second chair soprano.

We became close friends, and I even was considering asking her to

go steady with me. That was before the All State Fair Choir event.

The All State Fair Choir is a annual event held in Springfield,

a large town on the other side of the state. Two members of each

College level choir are selected each year to participate in the

month-long festival. All together there are about 100 young men

and women picked to be performers. They all stay in dorm-like

rooms located just off the fairgrounds. Then, every day of that

month, they put on fancy choir shows for people at the state fair.

Membership is accepted on a application only basis. Jessica was

really interested in going, so she filled out a application. While

she was at it, she filled out a application for me, too, and sent

it in. I couldn't believe it when I found out that Jessica and I

were the two to be chosen from our class! We were accepted!

It was going to be great fun!

And it was also a big honor to be selected to sing with some

of the best vocalists in the state.

Jessica is a beautiful blonde, although I think her natural

color is a light brown. She was about my height, but a bit smaller

boned. I personally thought it would be great to spend more time

with her.

"Wow, Chris!", Jessica said, "We made it!" She vigorously

shaked the papers she pulled from the envelope. She started


Congratulations to both of the fine vocalists

selected from your school. Information packets

will be sent to both of their homes in the next few

days. Room assignments and dress code information

will be enclosed.

"This is going to be the best!", Jessica said, with a hint of


Chapter 2


The information packet arrived the next day in my home mailbox.

I could not believe my eyes. The letter was addressed to

MISS CHRISTINA Gibson. I almost died laughing! Jessica had


entered me as a girl! I went on to read that I had been assigned

a dorm room with Jessica. And the dress code.

" You will be required to bring the following from your wardrobe

at home:

A formal evening gown and accessories (for weekend shows)

A blue jean skirt and country style blouse. Also a cowboy

hat. Cowboy boots or black pumps.(for country music show).

A black skirt, white blouse, and black pumps.

Your choice of casual wear for between shows, and don't

forget PJs! Laundry facilities will be available.

I decided to call the director and settle this. After two phone

calls and 15 minutes of being on hold, the director said that

they were no openings left in the boys choir and if I wanted to

leave my name and number, they would call me if someone dropped

out. I quickly hung up the phone. It looked like I wasn't

going to go. Nobody EVER cancels out of something this fun.

When I called Jessica, she was disappointed, and apologized for

the mistake. That night we got together, and went out to eat.

"I'll take the same", I said to the waitress. She took our

menus and waled back to the kitchen.

"You know," Jessica said, " I was really looking forward to both

of us going to State Choir."

"Yeah, me too."

"The director said there were no openings at all for guys?"

"Yep. Then I got pissed off and hung up. I even forgot to give

him my name and number."

"I've got an idea.....", Jessica said with that same hint of

mystery that I noticed a few days ago.

Later that evening, we were at Jessica's....

"Here, sit down", She said with a gesture to her bed.

I sat down on the bed and looked up into her beautiful hazel

eyes. She opened her closet door. "What if I can make you into

Christina?", She said holding up a dress to me.

"No way!", I said as I started laughing. But she looked at me very


"It would work. You aren't too tall or too big. And your face is

so soft...", she said as she rubbed her fingers across my cheeks.

"I don't...", I started.

"Let me try... You gotta go to this with me! Please! Please!"

I couldn't pass up her pleas. She would see that there was no way

that I could ever look like a girl, anyway. " If you think it will

work, I'll give it a try." As I said this, I felt a small tingle of


Without a care for her pile of homework Jessica grabbed my shoulder,

and led me out the door.

"Lets go shopping, Christina!"

"Don't call me Christina!" I protested.

"What will we call you then?", she ask.

I rolled my eyes and followed her to her car.

The first place we went was WAL-MART. Jessica quickly led the way

to the ladies sportswear department.

"I think you are probably a few sizes larger than me, so let me buy

a few things that will fit you better.

She found a short black skirt, and tried to hold it up to me.

"Not here, Jes! Please!" I whispered to her.

She seemed to understand and put the skirt into out shopping cart.

A trip past the lingerie department gained us 2 pairs or silk white

panties, 2 bras and three pairs of pantyhose.(black,white, and tan.)

Jessica put the bill on her Visa card, and we were on our way to

a shoe store.

This is where I refused to get out of the car.

"Comon...you won't have to try them on! We'll just pick out a size

10 and buy it.", she said.

"Yeah, but what is they guess it was for me?"

She was frustrated, and went in without me.

She came back minutes later with three pairs of shoes. One pair of

size 8 black heels, 2 size 10's, black flats, and black heels.

(The 8's were for her)

"You REALLY are spending too much money on this...you know, for

something that won't work, anyway", I said.

"It WILL work, Christine, honey! And the clothes and stuff are on

me. That's what girlfriends are for."

We went back to Jessica's.

I stepped into the steaming hot bath water, and slowly lowered

myself in. I wasn't really looking forward to shaving off all of

my leg hair, my under arm hair, and what little I had on my chest.

But after about 45 minutes it was all gone. I drained the water

and filled it again to get rid of the hair. I turned off the

faucet and leaned back.

If the mirror facing me wasn't steamed over, I would have seen

a nude Jessica ready to slip into the tub behind me.

I felt her warm body slide between my back and the wall of the

tub. She wrapped her beautiful legs around my body. Her toes,

with bright red nails, slowly massaged my penis, until it was hard

as a rock. Then she reached her hands over and with matching

fingernails stroked me until I was to the ultimate point of

arousal. She licked the back of my neck with her wet tongue.

I could feel the tips of hear nipples gently pressing against

my back. It tickled a bit and sent shivers down my spine.

I rolled around in the tub to kiss her, and that's when I felt

something that didn't seem to belong. Jessica was a man.

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