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Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 01:18:22 PDT

From: Kristina Ward <kristigirl4@hotmail.com>

Subject: Terri

This story does contain sexual situations. However, it's more about two

teens helping each other out of the closet. Read and enjoy. Kristina


"Come on Terry! You know you want to do it."

Jenny was really excited. She was sitting on the edge of her bed waiting

for me to make a decision.

"I can't Jenny" I said

"Why not" she said "It's the perfect opportunity for us. My mom won't be

back until Sunday afternoon."

What had started as a fun day was rapidly turning disastrous. My best

friend in the world wanted me to have sex with her. Jenny and I have

known each other since we were four years old and we've been going to

school together since pre-school. This year we entered high school for

our freshman year and our friendship has gotten even stronger. We spend

most of our time together helping each other deal with the pressures of

high school. We have done pretty good so far but now I was facing

something I did not know how to deal with.

"Jenny please, I just can't ok"

"Terry your my best friend" she said "I want you to be my first boy. All

of the other boys are such jerks and I really don't want them to touch


She stood up from the bed and she took her shirt off. She had on a

really pretty blue bra that made her breasts lift high on her chest. She

smiled at me as she reached behind and unhooked it. Her breasts weren't

very big but her nipples were pretty large and they covered the front of

her breasts. She slid her shorts and panties down her legs and she was

now totaly naked laying on the bed. I saw her pussy for the first time

since we used to take baths together when were little. The feeling

started to come back as I looked at Jenny's naked body. It was a feeling

that I had been having since I was about ten years old. A feeling that

absolutely terrified me. You see the reason that I can't have sex with

Jennifer is because I don't like girls. I've never told anyone this

because I'm so afraid of what will happen to me if someone finds out. We

live in a small town in Idaho and the people there are very

conservative. I imagine if it got out that I'm gay I'd probably get

beaten up or killed. I had done very good hiding my queerness so far but

it looked like the charade was about to end.

"Terry please fuck me" she said "You've got to"

Her tone was changing a little and she was starting to sound desperate.

The smile and excitement was going away and she was starting to tear up

a little.

"Jenny" I said "why does it have to be me? I'm your friend. I don't want

to be your lover."

"Terry you don't understand. Your are my very best friend in the world

and I need you to help me."

"Help you" I said "Help you how?"

Tears were now flowing freely from her eyes and I went to the bed and

put my arms around her. I held her as she wept and we didn't say

anything for a few minutes. As we hugged her breasts pushed up against

my chest and for a moment it felt like they were mine. It was the most

wonderful feeling I had ever had. I wanted breasts so badly and feeling

Jenny's just made me want my own even more. I put the thoughts of

breasts out of my head now because my friend needed me very badly

"What's wrong Jenny" I said as I held her close to me.

"Oh God Terry" she cried " I can't tell you. Please don't ask, just fuck

me please. Why can't you just fuck me."

"Jenny please don't ask me to do this. I can't do it."

"Why not? What are you, gay or something?"

Well the moment of truth had come. I felt this huge knot grow in my

stomach and my heart move up into my throat. I moved her head off of my

chest and kissed her forehead. I looked into her tear filled eyes and


"Yes Jenny I can't fuck you because I'm gay."

"Are you serious?" she said "Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yes it's the truth. I've known it for about three years now. I'm so

sorry for not telling you before but I was to scared too."

"Terry you are almost my brother what made you scared to tell me?" she


"I don't know" I said "I wanted to very badly but I couldn't make myself

do it."

"Sweetheart don't ever be afraid to tell me anything. I don't care what

your sex life is. I love you no matter what." she said

She pulled me to her and hugged me tightly. I was so happy I started to

cry. She held me close as I wept on her breasts. I started to get

fascinated with them again and I took one in my hand and started to look

at it and squeeze it.

"Wow" she said "That feels good. Are you sure you're gay? You sure seem

to like my breast."

"Yeah I'm sure. As a matter of fact there's something I want you to see.

So turn around." I said

When she had turned around on the bed I stood and took off my shirt and

pants to reveal a matching lavender bra and pantie set that I was

wearing. I took my hair out of my ponytail and shook it loose so that it

rested on my shoulders.I looked at myself in her full length mirror and

I liked what I saw. A cute fifteen year old girl in her bra and panties.

"Ok" I said "Turn around"

When she turned around she had this look of total amazement on her face

that soon became a huge smile.

"My God Terry your beautiful."

She jumped off of the bed and hugged me very tightly and said.

"I'm so proud of you for sharing this with me. It makes me feel very

special. Like we're sisters kind of."

"Oh Jenny" I said "I've always wanted us to be sisters. Even when we

were little before I realized I liked boys I wanted to be a girl. When

you would get all dressed up in your pretty dresses I wanted to get

dressed up with you so bad that I would cry myself to sleep at night."

"Oh Terry I'm so sorry. I wish I had known. I could've helped."

She hugged me tightly again and then we sat down on the bed. Jenny was

still naked and for the first time I looked at her vagina. It was really

cute. The hair was neatly cut in a v-shape and she had either waxed or

cut the hair away from her lips.

"Jenny your vagina is so cute" I said "I wish I had one so bad."

"Yeah,well it kinda got me in trouble last night." she said

"Oh oh I'm not sure I want to hear this."

"Honey please don't get mad at me" she said as more tears welled up in

her eyes.

"I could never get mad at you were sisters, remember."

"Yes we are and I love my new sister Terri."

"Ok so lets have a girl to girl talk about what's bothering you." I


"This is so cool Terri" she said "I feel like I'm sitting here talking

with another girl."

"You are Jenny" I said "For the first time in my life I feel like I'm a

girl and I love it and I don't ever want it to stop."

"Your so pretty and feminine. You're just as much a girl as I am." she


She reached over and adjusted my bra so the straps fit better.

"You know what you need girl? Breasts." she said "Stay here I'll be

right back."

She got up and went to her closet. After rummaging through some boxes

for a few minutes she announced triumphantly that she had found what she

was looking for.

"Now close your eyes Terri." she said "No peeking,ok."

I closed my etes and waited for her surprise. I felt her inserting

something into my bra. Whatever it was made my chest feel heavier.

"Now stand up but keep your eyes closed." she said excitedly "Don't open

them yet."

She pulled me up from the bed and turned me around. I couldn't wait to

see what she had done. I started to open my eyes but she reprimanded me

and told me to keep them closed. She told me to put my arms up and I

felt her pull a shirt over my arms and head and then she told me to lift

each leg up and she slid a pair of shorts on me. After reminding me to

not open my eyes she starting brushing my hair. When she was done I

heard her say.

"Oh my God."

"What" I cried "What's wrong?"

"Wrong, nothing's wrong, see for yourself."

I opened my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. I was gorgeous. She

had put a top on me that came to just above my navel. It was her pink

one with the white heart on the chest. The heart was puffed out because

I had breasts. The shorts were white with pink lace trim around the legs

and they fit perfectly. My hair was brushed out and it fell so

beautifullu over my shoulders As I looked at myself I started to weep.

"Oh Jenny" I said through my tears "I'm finaly a girl."

"Yes you are sweetie" she said "A fucking knock out too. Are you happy?"

I gave a girlish giggle and shook my head emphaticaly yes.I hugged her

like I had never hugged her before. We sat back down on the bed and she

held my hand and said.

"Terri you look so happy." she said "I am so glad you told me about


"Jenny you've made me the happiest girl in the world." I said and I

hugged her again.

Just then the telephone rang and Jenny reached across the bed and

answered it.

"Hello " she said

"Oh hi, I'm so glad you called."

"Yes I've thought about it." she said "and I'd love to go out with you."

"Tonight? Ok I'll see you then>" she said "Oh yea, my friend Terri will

be here too."

"No I don't think that will be a problem." she said as she smiled at me.

"He just told me he's gay. Why don't you bring David with you."

"Jenny " I shrieked as she hung up the phone. "What have you done?"

" Terri relax. It's going to be ok. Trust me."

"Trust you! Are you crazy? I'm not ready for people to know about this."

I said as I pointed to myself. "and Who's David?"

"David Mason, you know, the football player."

I looked at her in disbelief. My life was ruined and ruined by someone I

thought was my best friend. I couldn't believe this. Now everyone at

school was going to kbow,

"Why did you do this to me, Jenny?" I sobbed "Just because I couldn't

fuck you."

"Terri stop it" she said "Wait till you hear me out."

"Oh shit I might as well." I said "Go ahead."

"David Mason, Mr Football and all of that other stuff, is gay." she


"Yeah right." I said "Don't lie to me Jenny."

"No lie Terri." she said "He's 100% queer."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"His sister Katie told me." she answered.

"Why would she tell you something like that."

"Because she is a lesbian and she's very interested in a lesbian friend

of yours." She said.

"A lesbian friend of mine?" I asked very confused "I don't have any

lesbian friends do I?

"Yes, you do."


She looked at me and smiled and then very calmly said "Me."

So ends part one of Terri and Jenny's story. Part two will follow soon.

If you liked it let me know at kristigirl4@hotmail.com



The story continues. This chapter contains explicit gay sex acts between

teenage boys ang girls. If you are offended by this then now is a good

time for you to leave. For those who decide to stay. Enjoy!


chapter 2

"What do you mean you're a lesbian?" I said to her.

"Yeah, I am." she said "Are you surprised?"

Surprised wasn't the word for it. Total shock was more like it. I had no

clue whatsoever that Jenny was gay. She had always been Miss priss. You

know, the ultra feminine type, cheerleader homecoming court etc. She was

everything I wanted to be. Still shocked I started to think more about

it. Neither of us had talked much about dating. It always seemed that we

were to much into other things. We danced at a local dance studio and we

were both into gymnastics and figure skating. I had specialized in

ballet and Jenny in modern dance. All of our time had been taken up by

practices and recitals so there wasn't much time left for dating. I

thought that when we got to high school she would end up with the

captain of the football team and I would be left behind. Now it looked

like I was going to end up with the football player and she was going to

be with the captain of the girl's basketball team.

"I'll say I'm surprised." i said "Actually I'm shocked."

"Shocked, why?" she asked

Well I seem to remember just a little while ago you were begging me to

have sex with you." I said

"Terri I've been having a hard time dealing with this.I wasn't ready to

admit to myself that I was a lesbian until you told me you were gay."

she said "I thought that if I had sex with a boy my desire to have sex

with Katie would go away. I guess it's kind of funny that the boy that I

wanted to have sex with turns out to be a beautiful girl,"

"Thank you" I said blushing "So tell me how Katie and you starting


"Well I was sitting in the bleachers in the gym after cheerleading

practice one day last month and the girl's basketball team was

practicing. I started watching her practice and the more I watched the

more I realized I was turned on by her. It scared me really bad so I got

up and left. That night all I could think about was Katie and for the

first time in my life I masturbated. I started staying after practice

every day just so I could watch her. Well I guess I wasn't very discreet

about it because she started looking my way a lot. At first I would look

the other way real fast but we made eye contact a couple of times. She

would smile and I started smiling back. On Friday I found a note from

her in my locker it said 'Jenny meet me at my car after practice,


Jenny got up from the bed and went to her closet. She started taking

clothes out and laying them on the bed. There were a couple of skirts

and a dress.

"Pick what you want to wear." she said. "It's so cool that we're the

same size."

I took a navy blue mini skirt and a pastel pink sweater and held them up

before me.

"Yeah" she said "You'll look great in that."

She wnt to her dresser and pulled out some navy blue panty hose and

handed them to me. She also handed me a pink bra and pantie set and told

me take off my clothes. I stood up and unhooked the shorts she had given

me and let them drop to the floor. I pulled the top over my head and

stood there in just my bra and panties. The breast forms she had given

me pushed up in the bra and made it look like I had real boobs. I cupped

one in my hand and gave it a squeeze it kind of felt real but I knew it


"Wish they were real don't you" she said

"Yes I wish they were" I said sadly "Ever since yours started growing

I've wanted my own."

She walked over and gave me little peck on the cheek and said "Don't

worry girl. You will someday."

"I hope so." I said as I was removing my bra and panties.

I stepped out of the panties I was wearing and started to pull on the

pair she had giveen me. As I was bringing them up to my waist she said

to wait a minute.

"How do you hide your dick and balls." she asked.

"Well, my dick never grew," I said "It's been this tiny for as long as I

can remember," I said as I showed her my tiny penis. "I just push my

balls back inside me and push my penis back and I'm flat down there."

"That is so cool. Let me see." she said.

I sat on the bed and spread my legs so she could see my pantie clad

crotch. It was as smooth as her's and you couldn't even see what I was


"Oh Terri" she said "you are a girl aren't you. Look at you . You don't

look anything like a boy. I can't wait to see you all dressed up and

with makeup. Shit you'll be prettier than me. David is going to go crazy

when he sees you."

"Do you think so?" I asked

"Girl" she said "that boy will be all over you before this night is


I was both excited and nervous as I started getting dressed. I pulled on

the pantyhose and they fit perfectly over my girlish hips. The mini

skirt was really cute and it made my legs look long and sexy. After

putting my breast forms in the bra cups I pulled the sweater over my

head and looked at myself in the mirror. Finaly, I thought, I'm a girl.

All of the pent up emotions came out at once and I started to cry.

Jenny, who by now was dressed came over and sat next to me on the bed

and held my hand. I leaned over and put my head on her shoulder and

wept. I felt like I was finaly what I was meant to be. I knew that I

could never go back to being Terry because I wasn't a boy I was a girl.

I thought about that and the problems it was going to cause. My dad

already suspected that I was gay and he wasn't happy about it. I had

overheard an argument that my parents had had one night last week about

me. My Dad was complaining about me taking dancw and ballet lssons.

"Why doesn't he play sports like the other boys?" he had said. "is he a

fag or what?"

"Don't say that Charley." mom said "He just doesn't seem interested in

sports. He loves dancing and he's very good at it. Why can't you just be

proud of him for once."

"Come on Elaine" he said "he acts like a girl."

"So what Charley" mom said "what difference does that make. He's your

son and he deserves your love no matter what. Suppose he is gay, does

that mean that you don't love him?"

"Do you think he's queer?" he asked

"I don't knoew and I really don't care if he is" she said "he's only

fifteen years old and I'm sure that he doesn't know himself. Do I think

that he may be homosexual? I think it's a pretty strong possibility but

I don't let it bother me."

"Well it bothers me" he said "I don't want a son who's a faggot."

With that he had gotten up and left. Mom sat there and cried for a bit

before she got up and went to her room. A while later I heard her knock

on my door.

"Terry are you awake?" she asked

"Yes mam I am." I answered

"Can I come in for a moment?"

"Sure mom" I said "just let me get dressed."

I got out of bed and put on a pair of shorts and a shirt to hide the bra

and panties I was wearing and i said it was ok for her to come in. I

could tell that she had been crying again when she sat next to me on my

bed. She put her arms around me and gave me a hug and she started to cry


"What's wrong mom? I asked.

"Terry I just want you to know that I love you very much." she said

"Wow mom! I love you too." I said "Your the best."

"Terry has your dad ever talked to you about sex or girls or anything

like that?" she asked

"You mean the BIG TALK?"

"Yes I guess that's what I mean." she said

"Well kind of I guess." I said "He gave me a book about how men and

women do it and some magazines with pictures of naked women."

"Did you read the book? she asked

"I looked at it." I said

"Do you have any questions that I could answer for you."

"No not really. I guess I understood it ok." I said

"Terry do you know what a homosexual is?" she asked

"Yes, That's when a boy likes another boy. Right? I answered.

"That's right. Did you know that your uncle Terry is a homosexual? Your

named after him by the way." she said

"Is he really? I didn't know that. That's so cool, I like him a lot.

He's my favorite uncle."

"You know you're a lot like him." she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"When he was your age he liked dancing and music and things that most

boys don't find interesting. Many of the same things that you like. He

was always more friendly with the girls than the boys and when he was

fifteen he told me this huge secret that I have never told anyone. It's

pretty common knowledge now that he's gay but I still won't tell anyone

his secret. Just like I would never tell anyone a secret that you would

tell me."

With that she leaned over and kissed me goodnight. She got up and walked

to the door and turned and said

"Terry I love you no matter what."

She closed the door and I was left there sitting on the bed. She knows,

I thought. How did she know?I've never said anything to anyone about me

liking boys. I was both excited and scared about it. My mother knows I'm

a homosexual and she doesn't mind I thought. Well at least I think she

knows. She sure seemed pretty convinced that I'm gay. The next day when

I got home from school there was a package on my bed with a note

attached to it. It read:


This book should answer any questions you have about yourself. When your

ready to talk just let me know. I'll be there for you. Remember that I

love you no matter what. Obviously You should not talk to your father

about this.

Love always


I tore open the package and found a book. The title was "Questions and

Answers for Gay Teens". I opened the book and started reading. There

were stories and information about both guys and girls that were gay but

what caught my interest the most was a story about a boy that was what

they called transgendered. He had started wearing girl's clothes at the

age of twelve and had started living as a girl when he was sixteen. I

was amazed to read about him beccause I thought I was the only person

like that in the world. It waswonderful to know that there was someone

out there just like me. So I'm transgendered I thought to myself. The

book said I was a girl trapped inside a man's body. Well that sounded

right to me. By now Jenny had started to put my makeup on and I told her

that I wanted to do it myself. She started doing her makeup and I

watched and just did what she did. When I was done I looked at myself in

the mirror and I was shocked. The makeup made me look much older than

fifteen. I looked like a model. A beautiful model at that. As she

started brushing my hair Jenny continued her story.

"So I went to the senior parking lot after practice and Katie was

waiting by her car. I was really nervous as i got closer. What am I

doing I thought to myself. This was another girl and I was attracted to

her. Am I a lesbian? I asked myself. I must be I thought. Every time I

see her my heart starts beating faster and I get goosebumps all over. We

talked for a while about school and basketball and cheerleading and

stuff and she was really cool. She asked me if I wanted a ride home but

I told her my mom was coming to get me. She asked me for my number and I

gave it to her and she said she would call me. We've talked almost every

night since."

Jenny was done with my hair and It looked great. She had shaped my bangs

so that they framd my face beautifully and I had to admit to myself that

I was pretty. She started on my nails as she continued her story.

"So after her game last night she asked me if I wanted to go for some

pizza with her. We went to the pizza place over on Franconia road near

school. We had pizza and we stayed there until about ten thirty. Well on

the way home she asked if it was ok if we stopped and talked some more.

I said ok so we went to the park on Telegraph Road. She had a blanket in

her car so we got out and sat on the soccer field. It was kind of cold

so we sat pretty close together. I could tell she was pretty nervous

because she was real quiet. Finally she said,'Jennifer I guess you've

pretty much figuered out by now that I'm a lesbian. Please don't be

offended but I wanted to tell you that you're really pretty and I like

you a lot. Actually Jennifer what I was hoping is that you would be my

girlfriend.' "

"Jenny are you sure you're gay?" I asked

"Yes Terri I really think I am. I am very attracted to Katie. When I

talk to her or when I'm with her I feel so good. She makes me smile all

of the time and I think she's incredibly sexy and I've never felt that

way about any boy."

"Girl it sounds like you're in love." I said

"I think I am." she said "No, I know now that I really am in love with

her. She was so cute when she asked me to be her girlfriend. She held my

hand for a few minutes and then she asked me if she could kiss me. I

told her that I would like it if she did."

"She kissed you?" I said excitedly

"Oh yeah she sure did." she said "and it was aabsolutely heaven. She is

a great kisser and she had me so turned on I thought I was going to go

crazy. I wanted to masturbate right there but I waited till I got home."

"Well did you tell her that you loved her?" I asked.

"No I didn't get a chance to. After she kissed me we got into this

discussion about you." she said

"About me!" I said "What did you say about me?"

"She told me about her twin brother David being gay also and she said

that he has this huge crush on you. She wanted to know if you might be


"What did you tell her?" I asked

"I told her I didn't know for sure but that I would try to find out."

"Well now you know." I said as I stood up and looked at myself in the

mirror. I was beautiful,I thought, and the best looking guy in the

school has a crush on me and tonight I was going to be in his arms I

hope. I was so happy. I wanted to tell the world how happy I was to be

fifteen years old, gay, and to look as pretty as I do right now. I told

Jenny about my conversation with my mom and the book about gay kids that

she left me.

"Sounds to me like there's no doubt in her mind that you're gay." she


"Yeah she's pretty smart I guess." I said "What about your mom?"

"There are a lot of gay people in my family and she is really cool and

accepting of them. She always says that she loves them no matter what."

she said

"Who's gay in your family?" I asked

"Well my Aunt Sarah is and so is my Uncle Tony." she said "Aunt Sarah's

roommate Emily is her lover."

"My Uncle Terry is gay too." I said

"Does he have a boyfriend?" she asked

"I don't know but he does hang around with Mr. Wellborn the math teacher

a lot." I said

"You mean Coach Wellborn, the baseball coach? I wonder if he's gay.

Wouldn't that be funny." she said

"Yeah wouldn't that be something. If they got married what would I call

him? Uncle Coach? " I laughed

"Or maybe Aunt Coach. Look at you, you never know right." she said while


When she stopped laughing a serious look came over her face. She looked

like something was bothering her all of a suuden. She looked at me with

a concened look on her face and said.

"Terri are we weird?" she asked me.

"What do you mean Jenny?" I said

"Are we fags? You know, Queers?" she said.

"Yes we're queers but my book says that's not a bad thing. It says that

it's normal for some people to be attracted to someone of the same sex.

It explains the whole history of homosexuality and when I read it I felt

really good about myself. I felt like I finally knew what I was." I said

"I need to read that book." she said "When I was kissing Katie it felt

so natural and good. I knew that I was in love with her but this little

voice kept saying that it was wrong."

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" I asked

"Yes" she answered

"Did it feel the same? I asked

"No It didn't." she said "I hated it."

"So which is wrong? To kiss a boy and hate it or to kiss a girl and

enjoy it?" I said.

"You're right!" She said excitedly "You're absolutely right. I never

thought about it that way. Thank you so much." she said as she hugged


"OK then." I said "Let's make our coming out official. Jenny I'm a

homosexual and I'm proud of it." I proclaimed.

"Terri, I'm a lesbian and i'm proud too." she said

We laughed at our silliness like two fifteen year old girls. We started

gettimg the house ready for our dates. I was so excited about seeing

David. I hoped that he would like me as a girl. I felt so feminine in my

mini skirt and I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirrors. Jenny

had done a wonderful job helping me with my makeup. My eyes were really

cute and my lips were really sexy with the red lipstick. I was ready for

David and I hoped that he was ready for me.

"Jenny do you think I should call my mom?" I said

"Yeah why don't you ask if you can spend the night." she said.

I dialed my number and waited as it rang. I was trying to decide whether

or not to tell her about myself when she answered the phone. I could

tell something was wrong by the way she sounded when she said hello.

"Mom It's Terri, are you ok? What's wrong?" I said.

"Terry where are you?" she asked

"I'm at Jenny's" I answered

"Terry, your father went into your room today and found the book and

some other things of yours. He is extremely angry and he's out looking

for you right now." she said "I don't know what he's going to do when he

finds you but I'm really worried. Is Jenny's mom there?"

"No mam she's not. We'r here by ourselves. Jenny's mom is out of town

until Sunday." I said.

Just then the doorbell sounded and Jenny started for the door.

"Jenny don't" I yelled "it might be my Dad"

She looked out of the window and saw that it was Katie and David and she

opened the door and let them in. Katie immediately put her arms around

Jenny and gave her a kiss. They looked so cute standing in the doorway

kissing. David looked at me and a big smile came over his face.

"Hi Terry" he said "You look beautiful."

"Thank you David." I said in my most girlish voice.

"Terry, who's that?" I heard my mom say over the phone.

"It's David and Katie Mason, Mom." I said.

"What are they doing there?she asked

"They just came over to hang out." I answered

By now David was sitting next to me on the couch. He could tell that I

was upset and he reached out and took my hand and held it. He leaned

over and kissed my cheek and patted my hand with his other hand. I

looked at him and smiled and leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on

the lips. Wow I thought, I just kissed another boy. I turned my

attention back to the phone.

"Mom what should I do?" I asked.

"Terry I think you should get out of there. Your father is sure to show

up there sometime soon." she said.

"Ok Mom" I said "I'll call you later."

"No don't call just get David to get you out of there. Get him to take

you to his and Katie's house." she said "I'll page Jenny on her pager

when I think it's safe for you to call and Terry, remember that I love

you very much. It doesn't matter to me if your my son or my daughter."

"So you knew all along." I said

"Yes honey I did. I know a lot more than you think I do but there's more

time for that later. Give David a kiss for me and tell him I said thank

you for helping."

After she said that she hung up the phone. I turned to David and told

him what mom had said. He quickly jumped up and pulled me to my feet. I

ended up in his arms looking up into his face. I put my hands behind his

neck and pulled his lips down to mine. We kissed for about thirty

seconds before he said.

"Come on Honey. We need to get you out of here."

Jenny hande me a pair of her shoes and I quickly put them on. They were

the ones that had a three inch suare heel and about an inch wide soles.

I was surprised how well I walked in them as we went out to David's car.

We got in the car and took off down the street. As we went around the

corner I saw my Dad coming the other way in his pick up truck. I turned

my head away so that he couldn't see my face. Fortunately he didn't see

me because he kept going the other way. I looked at David and smiled and

told him thank you again. He reached over and took my hand and said.

"Sweetheart nobody is going to hurt my girlfriend."

I leand over and put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around my

shoulder and held me tight and I felt safe.

Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you find chapter three to

be not only arousing but interesting as well. Love Krissy.


Chapter 3

As David was walking back to the car from the pay phone I could hear the

sound of Katie and Jenny kissing in the back seat. I turned my head to

see what was going on. The two girls were really going at it. Katie had

her hand up Jenny's skirt and I could see that she was fingering Jenny

really hard. Jenny's face had this beautiful smile on it and I could

tell she was off in some other place. I turned my head back as David got

in the car. He looked in the back seat and saw what was going on and


"Hey girls" he said "there's plenty of time for that later. We need to

talk now. It seems that all hell has broken loose at Terri's house."

"What happened? I asked

"It seems that your Dad found all of the stuff in your room. Your mom

told my Dad that he went crazy and started to hit her and saying that he

was going to kill you."

Tears starting coming to my eyes as I thought about my Mom being hurt by

my stupid father I can't say that I really liked him all that much but

now I felt that I hated him. My mom is the sweetest person in the world

and it's not her fault that I'm gay.

"Is she allright?" I asked

"Yes she is Honey." he said as he took me in his arms "My Dad went and

got her while your Dad was out looking for you. She's with him rigt now.

They're gong to meet us in an hour at a motel in Rockville. I suggest

that we get some food and find a safe place to just sit and calm down."

"Does your Dad know about me. You know, us, that we're gay?" I asked


"Well being that you're all I've talked about for the last month, I'm

sure he knows. I told him that I've had this huge crush on you since I

saw you in the school musical last month. My whole family knows about

you." He said

"That's right Terri" Katie said from the back seat where she and Jenny

were sitting with their arms around each other. "You and Jenny have been

the major topic of discussion around our house for quite some time now."

"Your parents know that you guys are both gay?" I said

"Yep They know all about us." David said. "They've known since we were

in junior high."

"How did they find out?" I asked.

"Well with Katie they pretty much always knew. When she was little she

kept telling Mom and Dad that she was going to marry this girl or that

girl, never a boy always girls. They never corrected her or tried to

change her, so being a lesbian was always natural to her. I think for a

long time she thought she was a boy. Isn't that right Katie?" he said.

"Huh? What did you say? Sorry I wasn't listening." she said as she went

back to kissing Jenny. As we passed under the street lights I could see

that Jenny's skirt was all the way up to her waist. Katie had pulled

Jenny's panties down to her knees and was pistoning her fingers in and

out of Jenny's vagina. I turned my head toward David and smiled. He

looked at me and gave a laugh and said.

"Well I guess they've already got something to eat."

I again turned and looked in the back seat and saw Katie's head going up

and down in Jenny's crotch. Jenny's eyes were shut tight and I could

tell that she was in the middle of an orgasm.

"Honey let's stop somewhere and give them some privacy." I said.

David pulled the car into a park and we got out to take a walk. He had

brought a blanket and after we were a ways from the car he put the the

blanket down and we sat holding each other without talking. After a few

minutes I felt myself being lowered to the blanket and David was laying

next to me smiling at me. As his lips met mine I reached behind him and

put my hand on the back of his next. I pulled him closer and kissed him

as hard as I could. I felt his hand moving up my thigh and under the hem

of my skirt. I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to meet mine and I

sucked on it as he moved it in and out of my mouth. His hand was now

caressing my penis through my panties and pantyhose and It was starting

to get very hard.

"Is this ok Terri?" he asked

"Yes David it's fine." I said

"You're so beautiful and I've wanted to kiss you for so long. I

masturbate almost every night thinking about kissing you and toudhing

you like this."

His hand was now under my panties rubbing my now totally erect penis. I

spread my legs some to give him more room to touch me. He started movin

his mouth down my body and pretty soon I felt him kissing my penis

through my panties.

"Lift up." he said.

I lifted my hips off of the ground and he pushed my skirt up around my

waist. Next he slid my panties and pantyhose down my legs past my knees

and he starting sucking my penis. He moved his mouth up and down the

tiny dick very slowly at first and I started breathing very heavily.

Soon he was moving much faster and my hips were bucking upward to meet

his mouth each time he swallowed my penis. I could feel my orgasm

beginning in my balls and move upward. As I was getting close to cumming

I said.

"David I'm going to cum."

He didn't say anything. He just moved his lips faster. I felt the cum

move up my penis and then I was cumming in his mouth. My hips bucked

harder as the orgasm continued and I emptied myself into his mouth.

"Did you like it?" he said.

"Oh David, It was WONDERFUL." I said as my breathing was getting back to

normal. "I've never felt anything like that. I knew that my first time

with a boy was going to be special but I had no idea it would be this

special. Thank you so much."

We were laying on our sides facing each other and he was rubbing my now

soft penis. I leaned over and kissed him and I could taste my juice on

his lips. I reached down to his crotch and felt his hardened dick. It

was huge! I ran my hand down the length of it through his spandex

shorts. It must have been eight inches long and as wide around as my

wrist. I pushed him over so that he was on his back and I put my mouth

on the on the spandex covered penis. I licked it up and down and I could

feel David shudder as I licked the tip.

"Take it out David, please" I said

"Terri you don't have to do this." he said

"I know Sweetheart" I said "but I really want to suck it."

"Are you sure Honey? he asked.

"David your girlfriend wants to suck your dick and she wants to suck it

now, ok" I said

He raised up and slid the shorts down past his knees and his dick stood

straight up. I put my hand on it and started rubbing up and down. David

was breathing much faster now and I heard him moan as I put my mouth

around the hege head. I moved my lips as far down as I could and I was

surpried at how much of it I could swallow. I started moving my mouth up

and down the shaft slowly at first and then as fast as I could. Each

time I went down on it David would raise his hips up and drive the penis

farther down my throat. Pretty soon my face was buried in his pubic

hair. I was amazed that I could take that huge dick all the way down my

throat. I must be a natural born cocksucker I thought to myself. Soon

David was bucking harder and faster and I heard him say he was cumming.

Spurt after spurt of sperm emptied into my mouth. There was so much that

it was leaking out of my mouth and down my chin. I gave it one last suck

and it fell out of my mouth and landed on his tummy. I looked down at

him and smiled and said.

"Well how was I?"

"Girl you can really suck a dick." he said. "That was fantastic. Where

did you learn to do that?"

"It just came naturally. Once I had it in my mouth I just knew what to

do. I've never done it before." I said.

"You've never done it before?" he said in disbelief.

"No Honey I haven't. I was waiting for the right boy to come along." I


"Am I the right boy Terri?" he asked as he took my hand and kissed it.

"I love you David. I feel like I've always loved you. You don't know

happy it made me when Jenny told me you're gay and that you liked me."

He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. I could still feel his cum

on my chin and cheeks and I was proud to have it there. As he started to

rub my penis again I heard someone coming toward us.

"David?" I heard Katie say."Terri's mom just paged Jenny. "We better get

going. Jenny needs to stop and use the bathroom and I see that Terri

does too."

I was a little embarassed for her to see me with my skirt up and my

panties down. I reached down and started to pull them up and Katie

grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. She held my skirt up as I

pushed my penis back and then pulled my panties and pantyhose the rest

of the way up. I thanked her for her help and we walked back to the car.

We stopped at a gas station about a mile from the hotel and Jenny and I

got out. I was a little nervous as I walked in and grabbed the men's

room key.

"Miss." the man behind the counter said "You took the men's room key by


I smiled and took the ladies room key from him. I was psyched. He had no

clue that I wasn't a real girl. We went into the ladies room and Jenny


"Terri I am so in love with that girl. I mean real love. She's so

incredible I can't believe what she does to me."

"Well the last time I looked it looked like she was having you for

dinner." I said with a laugh.

"Oh my God it was so intense. i must have orgasmed a hundred times. She

really had me going with her tongue." she said "I thought I was going to

have a heart attack."

"I am so happy for you. She's really nice isn't she?" I said

"Yeah, she really is." she said "Well I see you evidently had some fun.

What's this?"

She took a tissue and wiped what was left of David's cum off of my neck.

I looked in the mirror to make sure it was all gone. my lipstick was

completely gone and my makeup was a mess.

"Did you do a little dick sucking, girl?" she asked

"Boy did I ever. Jenny he's huge and when he came I thought I was going

to drown." I said

"You swallowed it?" she said.

"As much as I could. He came forever and a lot of it leaked out. Did I

get any on your sweater?"

"Just a little." she said "let me wipe it off."

She took another tissue and rubbed some more off of the front of my

sweater. We redid our makeup and returned the key and went out to the

car. Katie and David were standing next to the car talking and when he

saw me he walked over and put his arms around me. We kissed right there

in the in the gas station lot and no one who saw us knew that it was two

boys kissing. As we were finishing our kiss I saw that Jenny and Katie

were kissing also. Just then I heard someone yell.

"Hey look at the lezzies."

Katie turned to the car next to us. There were four boys in the car and

they were yelling obscenities out of the window at her. I heard Jenny

telling Katie to get back in our car but she was already moving towards

their car.

"Yeah that's right we're lesbians you assholes. Why don't you get out of

the car say that shit." she said as she grabbed their door handle.

By then David was standing next to her and the two of them presented a

pretty formidable threat. David is about six feet five and easily weighs

two hundred pounds and Katie is just over six feet tall herself. Seeing

this the boy driving put the car in gear and tore out of the station.

Jenny went over and grabbed Katie's hand and started pulling her towards

the car.

"Come on Honey let's get out of here." she said.

We all got in the car and drove off. Katie was still very angry and

Jenny was trying to calm her down.

"Baby don't worry about those guys." she said "They're stupid."

"I know Jenny but it still pisses me off." she said "I don't want

anybody talking to my girlfriend like that."

"Katie I love you." Jenny said "I love you very much."

soon they were kissing again. I looked at David and smiled and he

reached over and took my hand in his. We drove in silence until we got

to the motel. When we arrived David's Dad was waiting at the entrance

and he waved us into a parking space in front of one of the rooms. I

didn't see my Mom anywhere and I started to get a little worried.

"Are you all ok?" Mr. Mason asked as we were getting out of the car.

"Yeah Dad we"re fine. This is Terri and that's Jenny, Dad." he said.

"Hello girls" he said "Come on let's get you inside."

He led the way and opened the door and held it as we went through. I was

so worried about Mom that I forgot how I was dressed. She was sitting on

the bed and I could see that she had been hit in the face by my father.

Her left eye was very swollen and there were bruises on her neck. She

started to get up and I could see that she was in a lot of pain.

"Mom are you ok?" I cried as I ran to her.

"I'm ok Honey. He didn't hurt me that bad." she said.

"But your eye, It looks pretty bad." I said

"Dr. Mason looked at it and he said it'll be fine. Wow! look at you."

she said as she stepped back and looked me over. "You look gorgeous."

She put her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I started to cry as we

stood there and hugged.

"Mom I'm so sorry." I sobbed

"Honey it's ok. I've known about this for a long time. I wanted to tell

you that I knew but I decided to wait for you to tell me." she said."I

figured that when you were ready you would let me know but I guess your

father changed all of that,"

"What happened Mom?" I asked.

"Lots of things honey. We're going to have a long talk as soon as we get

settled down tonight. You and Jenny are going to stay here with me." she

said. "Jenny, you're mom is on her way back and she'll be here in a

couple of hours."

"Did you call her?" Jenny asked

"Yes and I told her to stay at her conference but she insisted on coming

back. She was going to leave right away." mom said

"Mrs. Anderson can I go back home and get some things for Terri and I.

Do you think it'll be safe?" she said "We don't have anything to sleep


Dr. Mason answered for her and said that it probably wasn't a good idea

for her to go home until the police found my father. He said that he and

Katie would go to the Walmart and get us some things for the next few

days. As they were leaving Katie gave Jenny a kiss and told her that she

loved her. Dr Mason told David to keep the door locked and to keep an

eye out to make sure things were safe.

"So that's Katie?" mom said to Jenny

"Oh my God" Jenny said "In all of the confusion I forgot to introduce


"Jenny we don't have to pretend anymore." mom said "I think it's time

for the truth to come out."

I looked at my mother with a look of total confusion on my face. I had

no idea what she was talking about. Jenny walked over to her and gave

her a hug and said,

"Are you sure Mom?"

"Yes dear" she said "I'm ready. It's time. I'm not afraid anymore."

"Terri for obvious reasons we can't go home anymore I won't allow your

father to hurt you in any way but there's another reason also. Before I

met your father I was in love with someone else. It was while I was in

college and a lot of things happened and we couldn't stay together We've

stayed close over the years and about three years ago we realized that

we were still in love. Your father was being really abusive and I turned

to this person and we fell in love all over again."

"Who is it Mom?" I said

"It's Jenny's mother." she said

"Your gay too?" I asked

"Yes dear I am" she said

"God is everybody gay?" I laughed as I said "You, me, Jenny, her mom,

her Aunt Sara, Uncle Terry. Is there anyone else I don't know about."

"My sister Karen." Jenny said.

"Karen too!" I exclaimed "I had no idea."

"Yes, she came out to mom and me about six months ago. She met this girl

at college and fell in love with her." Jenny said. "She's asked Karen to

marry her."

"Wow! That's so cool. Did she say yes" I asked

"Yep they're getting married in April and I'm going to be the Maid of

Honor." Jenny said excitedly

"Mom how did you find out about me?" I asked.

"I always knew, Honey." she said "You've always been kind of feminine

and and I figured it was just a matter of time before you figured it

out. That's why I've always been very protective of you when it came to

dealing with your father."

"Oh yeah, him." I said disgustedly. "When did you know about this?" I

said pointing to my skirt.

"Honey you didn't do very well hiding your girl things." she said. "I've

been checking your room everyday to make sure that your Dad didn't find

them. Today he went in there and found everything. He went absolutely

balistic when he found some of your bras and panties. That's when he did

this to me." she said pointing to her eye.

"Are you ok? I asked putting my hand to her face.

"Honey I'm fine, he couldn't hurt me if he tried."

I turned to Jenny and said "I guess we really are sisters aren't we."

"Yeah isn't it cool. I wanted to tell you but our moms wouldn't let me."

"You knew and you didn't tell me." I said pretending to be angry.

"I'm sorry sis. I wanted to tell you all along but they wouldn't let

me." she said.

"I'm just kidding." I said as I hugged her "I'm not mad. Mom did you

know Jenny was a lesbian too?"

"We've talked about it but she wasn't sure. so I just listened when she

wanted to talk about me and her mother and Then katie came along and I

knew it was just a matter of time." she said smiling. "Are you sure


"Positive." she said "I love Katie very much, Mom."

I looked at David, who was sitting in a chair by the door and smiled. He

smiled back at me as I got up and walked over to him. I sat on his lap

and put my arms around his neck and kissed him and said.

"And this is the boy that I love."

He put his arms around my waist and held me and I felt safe.

I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it.

More to come soon. Love Kristina


This story contains sexual situations between gay teenagers. The

depictions are graphic but I hope I have treated them with love and

romance. Should you find homosexual acts of love offensive then you've

come to the wrong place. SEEYA. Kristina



"Terri I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you." David

said as he held me in his arms.

"I know Honey but it's only for a couple of weeks." I said to him "and

we've got tonight still."

His lips found mine and he kissed me so tenderly, I could hear the waves

hitting the beach behind us and somewhere off in the distance I could

hear music. It was so romantic. As our lips parted I could see his face

in the moonlight and he was smiling at me. I traced the muscles on his

chest with my fingers thinking how gorgeous he was and I pulled his face

back down to mine and kissed him again. I felt his hand on my penis and

he gently massaged it as we kissed there on the beach.

"Promise me you'll keep this." he said as he freed it from my bikini

bottom. "I love to touch it but most of all I love to do this."

He leaned down and took me in his mouth and I could feel his tongue

moving all around as he gently sucked on it. He started to slowly move

his lips up and down it and it very slowly began to respond. Dr. Mason

had said that this would happen because of the hormone treatments. He

said that I would still be able to orgasm but that it would take much

longer because of the hormones. David said that he didn't mind because

he loved sucking me and the longer it took the more he liked it. He

pushed my top up and began to rub my tiny breasts. They were pretty

sensitive and it kind of hurt when he took one of my nipples between his

fingers. Since they had begun to grow he had become infatuated with them

and he loved to touch and suck them. He was really getting me going when

I said.

"David, not here ok. Let's go in the house."

I put my penis back in my bottom and pulled the top back down over my

breasts. We got up and collected our things and walked across the beach

to my house. Mom and Peggy had taken Karen and Penny, who were here

visiting, out to dinner and Katie and Jenny were at the movies so we had

the house to ourselves. When we got to my bedroom I laid down on the bed

and David laid next to me. He reached behind me and unhooked my top and

pulled it off. I raised my hips as he slid the bikini bottom down my

legs and off. He put his leg over mine and I could feel his erect penis

touching mine.

"David I want you to make love to me." I said "I want to feel you inside


"Terri are you sure." he said "I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't worry Honey I don't mind." I said. "Just go very slow at first."

I reached over to my night table and got the tube of lubricant that my

Uncle Terry had given me when we had our "Big Talk". I opened it and

handed it to David. I spread my legs and David knelt between them. He

squeezed some of the lube into his hand and rubbed it on his dick. Next

he put some on his finger and pushed it into my anus very slowly. It

hurt a little but it also felt pretty good. He took a pillow and placed

it under my ass and raised my legs up.

"Terri are you sure?" he asked

"Yes David I am." I said "I want it."

He leaned forward and I could feel the tip start to enter me. A searing

pain shot through my body and I gasped. He started to back away but I

put my hands behind him and pulled him back.

"Just go slow" I said.

He gave another push and the pain got worse. I could feel tears begin to

roll down my cheeks as he pushed the head inside me. I felt like I was

having a bowel movement like I had never had before. He leaned over and

kissed me and told me he loved me and pushed again and his penis went

all of the way in. I felt like I was being split in two and I began to


"Do you want me to take it out?" he asked

"No, just give me a second." I said.

I reached up and rubbed his chest and he smiled at me. He was so good

looking I thought to myself. His dark skin glistened with sweat in the

moonlight coming through my window. Boy if my Dad could see me now I

thought to myself. Here I was beginning my transition from boy to girl

and I was in bed being fucked by a black boy. He would go absolutely

crazy if he saw this. I laughed to myself and said.

"Ok Honey I'm ready."

He started to move slowly in and out of me and with each thrust the pain

began to go away. Pretty soon I was raising my hips to meet each push. I

could feel his balls slapping my ass each time he buried his penis in me

and I could feel my own penis start to come alive. He was fucking me

like a wild man now and I could tell he was getting close to cumming. We

were both moaning very loudly as I felt my penis squirt on my stomach

and then I felt him cum inside of me. He collapsed in my arms and we

just lay there for a while breathing hard. He rolled off of me and he

laid next to me while his breathing returned to normal. Soon he fell

asleep and I had the chance to just watch him and think. He was so good

looking I thought to myself and I was so in love with him. So much had

changed in these last seven months. Back then I couldn't have imagined

laying here in bed with him after we had just finished making love. As a

matter of fact I guess it came pretty close to me not being here at all.

Eventually my Dad found us at the motel where we were hiding. It was on

the Tuesday after we had gotten there around midnight and I remember it

like it was just five minutes ago. Jenny and I were asleep in one room

and mom and Peggy were asleep in the other. The police had told our

Mom's to stay there until they found my Dad. He had been seen several

places around town looking for mom and I and people said that he was

drunk and angry. The police had searched our house and found that his

gun was missing and they assumed that he had it with him. They had an

all points alert out for him but they hadn't been able to find him. Dr.

Mason had picked up David and Katie, who had spent the day with us and

Jenny and I had gone into the other room that we had taken to get

changed and ready for bed. Since Jenny's mom had gotten there mom seemed

happy. I could tell that Peggy was very much in love with my mom by the

way she held her and kissed her when she saw her that first night.

"My God Elaine, what did he do to you?" she had said.

"Peg, it's not as bad as it looks. Dr. Mason checked it out and said

that it will all clear up." Mom said

Peggy had also made a big fuss over me telling me how beautiful I was

and how happy she was that I finally had the courage to come out of the

closet. She made me feel so good when she told mom and I that we were

going to be a family from then on. She shocked us all when she turned to

Katie and said.

"So this is the girl that my daughter is in love with."

"Mom how did you know?" Jenny asked.

"Well it sure wasn't hard to figure out." she laughed."You've asked

Karen and Elaine about a million questions about being in love with

another woman and I must have seen,"Katie + Jenny" or "Jenny loves

Katie" written on about a thousand pieces of paper around the house."

I felt David stir next to me so I decided to quietly slip out of the bed

so that he could sleep. I leaned over and kissed him softly on his lips

and whispered "I love you" in his ear and then eased out of the bed. I

was all sweaty and gross and I could feel David's sperm leaking out of

my butt so I decided to take a shower. I pulled on my bikini bottoms and

David's t-shirt, which fit me like a dress, and grabbed a bra and

panties and went down the hall to the bathroom. As I passed mom and

Peg's room I could hear the sounds of lesbian lovemaking coming through

the door. Karen and Penny were in the Kitchen eating Ice cream and I

stopped to say hi to them. They were such a cute couple and when they

were together you could see how much they were in love.

"Guess what Terri" Penny said as I walked into the room. "You're going

to be an Aunt."

"So you finally got her pregnant Penny?" I said with a smile. "I knew

you had it in you all along, you big stud. Congratulations."

They both laughed at my joke and I told them I wanted to hear all about

it but that I desperately needed to get in the shower first. As I

started to walk out Penny said.

"Hold it a minute girl. We got you something."

She handed me a box with a ribbon on it. I opened it and inside were

three sports bras and three matching pairs of spandex shorts.

"Your getting pretty close to when your going to start jiggling when you

jog. Gotta take care of those boobs, you know." Karen said

I laughed and thanked them and headed for the shower. When I reached the

bathroom I stripped off my t-shirt and bikini bottom and looked at

myself in the mirror. I was so happy at what I saw. My hair was now

almost down to my hips. It fell beautifully past my shoulders and down

my back. My hips had really changed since I had been taking the

hormones. They had widened some and I actually had a very nice figure.

What I liked the most, though, were my breasts. It seemed to me that

they had started growing almost immediately after David's Dad had given

me my first hormone injection. Some days I could swear that I could feel

them growing. I was a 34 B now and Dr.Mason said that I might get to be

a C cup before they stop growing.

Ok enough about my tits let me get back to what happened. So, we had

all settled down for the night after the Masons had left. We were a

little frightened about my Dad finding us but we were all able to get to

sleep. About midnight I awoke to a big commotion in Mom and Peg's room.

It seems that Dad had found us and he was banging on the door and

yelling. I heard Mom yelling back at him and she was saying that she was

calling the police. Jenny and I went into their room and Mom told us to

get back in our room and stay there. We were really scared. I heard the

door on their room break and I heard my Dad say "Goddammit Elaine, you

too? You're a fag too?"

"No Charley I'm not a fag I'm a lesbian and I was a lesbian long before

I met you." she said.

"Elaine I'm taking the boy with me." he said

"Your not taking him anywhere Charley. Just go away because if you can't

accept this and live with it then we don't want you around."

"You don't want me around, huh? Well I tell you what, how about if I

just end this problem right now. Why don't I just kill you and then I

won't have to accept you at all, will I?" he said.

When we heard this Jenny and I became terrified. We could hear the

police sirens getting closer but I was so afraid that they wouldn't get

there in time. He was totally out of control now. I could hear him

screaming at my Mom and Peggy calling them "dirty dykes" and "fucking

lesbians" and things like that. Jenny and I were hiding on the floor

between the beds when I heard a gunshot.

"Oh my God Jenny, he's killed Mom." I screamed hysterically.

I got up and ran to the door that connected the rooms and pulled it

open. Dad was standing in the middle of the room with the gun still

pointed at Mom. She was lying on the bed with blood coming from her left

shoulder. Peggy was now standing between Dad and Mom screaming that If

he wanted to shoot her again that he would have to shoot her first.

"Get out of the way Peg or I'm going to shoot you too." he said.

"No Charley." she screamed "I'm not moving"

I ran to the bed wear my mother was and put my arms around her. She was

still conscious but she was in a lot of pain.

"Mom are you alright?" I said.

She answered that she was ok and that I should get out of there right

away. I told her that I was so sorry that this had happened and that it

was all my fault. She smiled at me and said that she loved me and that

nothing was my fault. As I leaned over to kiss her forehead I heard my

Dad yell.

"My God, he looks like a fucking girl."

I heard Peg yell "Charley don't" and then I heard the the gun go off. At

first it felt like I had been hit in the back by a hammer. There wasn't

any pain to start out with and everything seemed to slow down like it

was going in slow motion. I heard everyone shouting but I couldn't

understand what they were saying. My back was beginning to hurt really

bad as I heard the gun go off again. The second time it felt like I was

hit by a bus. I could feel myself falling onto my mother. She was

holding me and screaming, "Please stop him he's killing her." That was

so nice I thought. In all of this chaos mom still remembered to call me

her. I started to get the sensation that I was falling through space. I

could sense that there were people around me but I couldn't make them

out. I was just falling and falling. I thought about David and how upset

he was going to be about me dieing. I had a vision of him standing next

to my grave looking very handsome in his suit holding roses. There were

tears on his face. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him but before

I could say it he started to fade away and then everything went black.



I couldn't quite make out what the person was saying but I knew someone

was there. Everything was still pretty dark but I could actually see

some light in the distance. I hope that's heaven, I thought to myself. I

was walking towards the light and I could sense someone walking next to

me holding my hand and leading me there. I turned my head to see who it

was but all I could see was this brilliant light next to me. I tried to

speak to it but words wouldn't come out. It turned to me and I could see

her face. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"You're so pretty." I thought.

She smiled at me and said. "Thank you. You're very pretty too."

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm taking you back." she said.

We weren't actually speaking. It wasn't like I could hear her talk it

was more like I could feel her answer me.

"Taking me where?" I asked.

"Back to the living, back to your family and friends. They're waiting

for you." she said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I am Angela. The one who has been chosen by Her to watch over you

Theresa." she said.

"Theresa? Am I a girl?" I said.

"You are you. Theresa is the name you wish to have isn't it?" she said.

"Yes but I'm so confused Angela. I know I'm a boy but deep in my heart I

feel that I'm a girl." I said.

"Don't be confused Theresa. She has given you life and being. She has

given you kindness and generosity and love and now She wants you to take

those gifts back and share them with others. What you do with the body

She has given you is of no concern to Her." she said. "We're here. Are

you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready." I said.

I could sense that there was someone there but I couldn't make out who

it was. I could feel whoever it was holding my hand but I couldn't make

out their face. I wanted to see who it was so badly hoping that it might

be David but my eyes weren't working very good. I heard the person say

my name and I tried to answer but all that I could manage was something

that sounded like a frog croaking.

"Theresa can you hear me?' the voice said

I tried to answer again but i could only make noises still. I tried to

open my eyes to see who it was but everything was kind of hazy. As my

eyesight started to clear I could see Dr. Mason standing next to my bed.

He was smiling down at me and saying "are you ok dear?"

I nodded my head yes and he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the


"I was so afraid that we were going to lose you." he said "but it looks

like your going to be ok now."

"Am I hurt bad Dr. Mason?" I asked in my frog voice.

"You were, sweetheart, but now that you're awake I think you'll be

alright. David's outside do you want to see him now or should I tell him

to wait?"

"Oh Dr. Mason can I see him please?" I pleaded.

"Yes but only for a few minutes. You need your rest. Ok?" he said.

He went out and David came in. He looked tired as if he hadn't been to

sleep in a while. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the forehead and

sat on the bed next to me.

"Terri I know we haven't known each other that long but I want you to

know that I love you very much. I was so afraId that I was going to lose

you." he said.

He took me in his arms and held me and I felt like the luckiest person

in the world. I was so much in love. I stayed in the hospital for about

three months as I progressively got better. My father's trial was a very

difficult thing for me to go through. He pleaded insanity and was sent

to an institution in Des Moines. Mom and Peggy and Jenny and I moved to

Cape Cod in Massachusetts and later David and Katie accepted

scholarships to a school in Boston. We would all be together here in the

East and I was so happy.

"Hey girl I'm coming in there with you" David said from the other side

of the shower curtain.

The curtain opened and David stepped in. His penis was fully erect and I

knelt before him and took it in my mouth. He moaned as I moved my mouth

up and down it's length. Before I could make him cum he picked me up and

placed me against the shower wall. He raised me up so that my legs were

around his waist. I felt his penis start to enter me and I braced myself

for the pain. This time it went right in and there was no pain. It felt

so good that I hardly felt my penis let loose with a small stream of

cum. Soon he was moaning very loudly and then I felt him cum in my ass.

His lips met mine and we kissed for a long time. He leaned back and

looked me in the eyes and said.

"Terri I know we can't do it soon because I have college and you have to

finish High School but when we finish would you marry me?"

I felt tears start to well up in my eyes and I felt a lump in my throat

as I said.

"Yes darling"

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story.



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