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From: an4245@anon.penet.fi

Subject: NEW STORY: Surprisingly in Love (Male/Trans)

Date: Wed, 12 May 1993 19:43:28 GMT

This is the first story I have read (and deff. wrote!) about a man and a

transexual. If you find sex between these two people offensive, then don't

read it.

On the other hand I have had this fantasy ever since I saw a story on TV (hmmmm)

about a bar/show that had nothing but transexuals doing lip-syncing. This was

many years ago and now you see them on many TV (there it is again?) talk shows.

I'd love to meet and talk to one someday.... ;-) Anyway here it is...

Surprisingly in Love


I was bored out of my skull as I walked into the friendly looking

bar near the hotel. I was in town for a week of seminars and by

day two it had already gotten to me. The bar had that look many

have now; old antiques and stuff from the 40's and 50's. Kind of

comfortable, like going to grandma's house only a lot more fun. I

sat down at a booth since that part had some food and started to

munch on popcorn, waiting for the waitress.

Glancing around my eye caught a glimpse of something - yes there

she was... WOW! There was no way she would even talk to me! I

kept finding myself watching her as she slowly sipped her drink -

alone - at the bar. I was spellbound as I took in her beauty.

Jet black wavy hair cascading down her shoulders to just above the

middle of her back. A narrow thin nose, high defined cheekbones

and dark sensuous eyes. She slowly nursed her drink with glassy

red lips. Every movement was slow and confident. She was

comfortable alone and not afraid of being watched. The dress was

black, cut low in front and back, cut just above the knees and

small thin rows of rhinestones along the length. As I was in la-

la-land thinking about her and still staring directly at her, she

slowly turn her head and caught me starring at her! Aaaarrrg! I

hate that! I looked away immediately but I'm sure she saw me

staring. I was relieved to see the waitress come over and take my

order. After the waitress leaves I glance over at the bar to see

that "she" is gone. Damn! I scared her away! She probably

thinks I'm going rape her in the parking lot or something... As I

settle back into my gloom, staring down into my drink I catch a

flash of something as someone slides into my booth across from me.

It's her! No way! But it is!?

"I was getting to think the place was dead and then I saw you!"

She says in a matter of fact voice. As if she had just found a

long lost friend.

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone else?" I stammer

while trying to take in her beauty and fragrance. I can't believe

she meant me!

"No, I mean you, you seemed kind of sweet and I wanted to get to

know you." She said. Her voice was smooth like a rum and coke

sipped slowly from a frosty glass. I melted.

I then proceeded to tell her all about what I do for a living and

how I was going to these dull seminars all week. She leaned in

and seemed truly interested in what I said. She then went on

about her job as a legal secretary and how dull it can be. We

seemed to hit it off and she ordered dinner also, insisting on

paying her own way. She was pretty for sure, but had a

personality that makes her nice 'just to be with'. I could tell I

was falling for her in a big way. We got along like we had known

each other from grade school on up. We had a similar sense of

humor and started finishing a story or idea the other had started.

It was wonderful!

The evening soon had passed and I knew I had to get some sleep or

I would literally pass out at tomorrows seminar. I did not want

to ever leave her but I did have my job too. As I made my good

byes and was about to ask for her name and number, she suggested

we go to her apartment not far from there. I thought about it for

a minute and knew I might never see her again and wanted it to

last for ever! So I agreed and we walked the seven blocks to her


Very VERY nice is all I could think! It was a well taken care of

building from the 40's I think. A lot of curves and artistic

carvings. The doorman greeted us and we took the elevator to the

5th floor. Apt 502. I'll have to remember that... The apartment

was done in black and white with some natural colors here and

there, brown and beige, but mostly black. Black glass like tile

floor and black leather couches with a large sheep or goatskin rug

in front of the gas fireplace. All the indirect lighting gave me

the feeling of a movie set.

Professionally done for sure. Beautifully done as she was. She

walked over to the bar and made me a drink as we chatted more

about her place and things. We then settled next to each other on

the couch across from the fire. I was very comfortable and

between her voice, the drink and the fire, I was getting warm and

tired. But her perfume and body heat was causing me to feel

electric -like when I first fell in love in high school! She

leaned in and kissed me, lightly on the lips.

We just sat and looked into each others eyes and then gently

hugged each other - like consoling an ill friend. She then slowly

pulled away, closed her eyes and look down. She suddenly looked

so sad. I asked her what was wrong? Was it something I did?

"No..." she said hesitantly, "It's just that you are so sweet and

nice that I just can't deceive you..."

What, I was saying to myself, what is she talking about? I then

asked her to please explain what she meant.

"I don't know really how to put this but...uh...I'm not who you

think I am..." she stammered out as her eyes started to well up

with the beginnings of tears.

"Who do you think I 'think' you ARE???" I exclaimed being as lost

as before.

"I mean to say that I'm not..WHAT you think I am..." she blurted

out as the first trickle of a tear marred that beautiful face.

Now I WAS totally confused! "What are you then, some alien from

another planet!?" I bluntly exclaimed, getting quite upset that

she was playing such a odd mind game on me.

"If only it was that!" she cried, still not coming any nearer to

me. "I am not a woman!" she gasped and then doubled over and

burst into uncontrollable weeping.

My mind was spinning and I literally got dizzy! What was that she

said? She's NOT a woman? What is she then? No man I ever knew

looked that good let alone had breasts and a figure like that! I

asked "Are you saying you're a man? What about those then!" as I

pointed at her breasts.

"I am not totally a man... but I'm not totally a woman either.."

she wept. "I once was a man but never felt like I was one.

Always wanting and needing to be more on the feminine side. So I

started dressing like a woman and then took hormone shots. These

are REAL breasts and my figure is mine but I do have...

uh...ummmm...." she trailed off as she pointed at her crotch.

"No way, you are gorgeous! A beauty by every description. How

could you not be a woman?" I quietly said as I started to stare

at her crotch. I saw nothing to indicate a penis even though her

dress was very tight.

"Thanks for the compliment... I understand your confusion but it's

true... I do not have a vagina! I do have a cock just like you!"

she turn and said straight to my face, tears tumbling down her

face to be caught by her ivory breasts. "Here..put your hand

here." and she gently grabbed my hand and placed it against the

fabric of her dress, on her crotch.

I did feel something but it just didn't register. It had to be

something else. All I could do is feel more and more awful that

somehow I had cause her to cry. I put my arm around her shoulders

and pulled her to me placing her head over my shoulder - cheek to

cheek. At that point I didn't care what she was, she was so torn

up I just wanted to see her smile again! I kissed her on the

cheek and said soothing things, telling her it's not that bad -

you don't have to cry.

It doesn't matter. But it does doesn't it? - I thought to myself,

ill prepared for any situation like this.

I fell back as she laid on top of me, gently kissing her on the

head as I stroked her back and ran my fingers through her long

black hair. She was making me hot and with us being so close I

started to grow, getting harder by the second. I was embarrassed

that I was getting horny while she was in pain. I knew she must

feel it by now, pressing against her stomach. Then as we

continued to kiss, she started to ever so slowly grind her hips

into me which was really making me crazy! And then... what was

that? there WAS something else down there! It WAS her! And it

felt enormous! It was bigger and fatter than mine for sure! I

just couldn't believe it but I was getting even hotter and started

to squeeze her ass cheeks as we ground pole against rigid pole! I

just could not stop, it was like being in a dream - I was getting

tingley all over like my whole body had been asleep and was

started to get it's feeling back.

We rolled onto our sides, still on the couch, and were running our

free hands all over each other. Yes they were REAL breasts

alright! I caressed them through that tight dress until I could

take no more. Her moans were getting louder now as I reached

around and unzipped her dress. Her breast were freed as they

pushed out against the low cut of the neckline, pushing themselves

against the restraint. I kissed my way down to the neck as she

kept stroking my back, moaning and then threw her head back. I

pulled one and then the other breast out and gently kneaded them.

Her nipples were huge! The areolas were nearly 3 inches in

diameter with the nipples themselves hard and erect. There was no

question, she was loving this too. I lightly licked and sucked on

each one which brought a gasp from her each time. I then worked

my hand down the outside of her dress as I continued my attention

to her breasts.

My hand then felt a VERY large bulge! It DID feel like a cock,

pointing straight up to her cleavage. It was rock hard and I

could even feel the mushroom shape of the head. I couldn't belive

it yet but She was definitely turned on and I could not keep my

hands off of it. It was all so new to me but felt so natural to

be doing it. It felt similar to mine but longer and thicker. I

was ready to burst myself as she unbuttoned my shirt and undid

belt and zipper. She grabbed my cock through my underwear and

squeezed it. I nearly passed out. I quickly got up and stripped

down to my underwear, there in the fire light. Her eyes were

glazed and half mast as she slowly stood up. In one smooth

movement she slid her dress off and it fell to her ankles, leaving

a her completely naked except for a pair of pink lacey panties

with a cock pointing out the top of them by nearly 5"! it was

just past her navel! It looked so strange... and yet I loved her,

loved they way she looked! The panties crotch was not nearly

enough to hold in those balls either. they hung nearly 4 inches

out the right side and were completely hairless. I reached out

and lightly hefted them, feeling their weight. She gasped and

fell toward me, greeting me by taking hold of my cock again,

squeezing gently and then running her hands behind me to my lower


There we were, holding each other, our warmth shared for the other

-physically and emotionally. I kissed her again and she started

to cry, a tear dropped on my nose. "What's the matter, why are

you sad?" I whispered to her.

"I'm not sad, this time it's because of happiness!" she whispered

back to me. "I never thought anyone would love me they way I am.

I never thought there was someone like you out there, caring and

as gentle as you. You are very special... I don't want to loose

you..." she said as she stroked my ribs with her palm. She then

pulled me close and tears streamed from her and down my shoulder.

"I really do care for you and I don't PLAN to leave unless you

want me to. This is all very new to me but I think I've fallen

for you and I want to make this relationship work if you do?" I

said as I kissed her ear.

"Yes, YES!" she exclaimed and proceeded to kiss me quick and

passionately all over my face. She then took me into a deep long

kiss and slid her had down to my underwear. Slowly sliding her

finger underneath the waistband, she slid them down to my thighs

so I could step out of them. She then lightly caressed and

fondled my throbbing cock, moving her hand down to my balls and

then spending time caressing them like no woman has ever done for

me before.

As she was paying attention to my cock, I needed, kissed and

suckled at her breasts. They were quite large but firm and seemed

to react to my slightest touch. As I licked her nipples I ran my

hand tentatively to her cock. It was throbbing and hot to the

touch. I explored this new and surprisingly exciting thing with

all the wonder of a newborn. I ran my knuckles down the front of

the shaft and then finger played with the head. It was so soft

and hot, bigger than mine but similar in shape. Then I notice

more than ample pre-cum on the tip which made the head all

slippery and slick. I then moved to her balls which were still

hanging out of her panties. I eased her panties down far enough

for her to step out of them. Her balls hung low and long but were

smooth, soft and hair free. I just kept toying with them

fascinated with the feel and weight of them. I couldn't belive

how turned on I was!

She then gently pulled me to the floor, laying me down on my back

on to the huge white fur rug. She worked her way down my chest as

her kisses were only proceeded by her magnificent breasts as they

dragged down to my crotch. As a breast rested on either thigh,

she started to lick my balls. I had never had that done to me

before and the sensation was unbelievable! She would suck them in

and then roll them around, giving an ever so slight tug before

they popped out. She was so good at this that I got to the point

that I was willing to do anything that could make her feel as


As she made her way to my cock head, I pulled her waist around

until we were in the typical 69 position. There is was, a cock, a

very BIG cock, dangling over my face. I could see every detail

now. A small tuft of black hair at the base of the cock was all

the hair there was! The shaft was long, straight and smoothly

veined all the way to the head which was uncut. The ballsack was

smooth but heavy with the weight of the balls. the smooth skin

continued to her little butt hole, pink and puckered. It was an

unique but erotic sight to behold. I reached up and felt the

smooth and silkiness of the ballsack, with the head of her cock

bobbing to the beat of her heart. I felt her ass so smooth and

round as I tentatively touched my tongue to her scrotum. It was

so exciting that I immediately licked it some more and soon was

sucking them into my mouth, feeling them with my tongue. As she

was doing wonderful things to me I could not hold back the need to

please her too. I took hold of her enormous cock, pulled back the

extra skin to fully expose the head. The head expanded at being

freed of the foreskin and got so large the skin was permanently

kept away from the head. I cautiously and faintly licked at the

pre-cum at the tip. It really had no taste and so I encircled the

head with my lips. That brought her to a sudden stop and shudder.

But she soon was back at her sucking as I was too.

I explored the head like I've always wanted mine explored; licking

and sucking at the head like a delicious ice cream cone. I could

feel her take my whole shaft, her nose right to my scrotum, as

she bobbed up and down bringing me to a near crazed state. I had

no more thoughts than to return the favor. I tried to take as

much as I possibly could as she started to thrust her hips forward

and backward to meet my mouth and throat each time. My neck got

sore and I decided to just let her fuck my face. It was wonderful

knowing beyond a doubt the she was as hot as I was. With a cock

as hot and hard as this; there was NO question. I felt her

beginning to tense and I knew from personal experience that she

was about to cum. So was I! We sped up our pace and as she went

down my entire shaft her balls would slap my nose and eyes. We

both screamed at the same time, suddenly freezing our movements,

then cumming in gushes. Bathing each other's mouth with the

liquid it seemed to go on so long. I pull my head back a bit to

feel her cum spurt on to my tongue, warm and smooth. As I

swallowed without thinking of what I was really doing, she milked

me until I was dry. We both had to stop because of how sensitive

the glans get after orgasm causing uncontrollable after-spasms.

Again, something only someone like her would know. I pulled her

face back to mine and we kissed long and hard.

She said "I have never been loved like that before. After I had

decided to take the hormones I felt that my sex life had ended and

never though about it again. You were wonderful to me."

I looked into those sweet dark eyes and could only say " You're

beautiful, intelligent and wonderful to be with. I think I have

fallen in love with you..."

"I love you too" she said as she laid her head on my chest and

sighed a big sigh of relief.

The End... (for now!) :-)


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