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Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 19:44:11 -0500

From: Ranma Saotome <RanmaKun@wow.com>

Subject: Spells R Us: Halloween Tricks

Here's my little response to the challenge.

Sorry it's another TG, but hey! I think you'll like this one.

People were filtering out the doors of the mall, while shop

employees hurriedly tried to shoo the lingering shoppers remaining out

their doors. Pressing himself against the bodies trying to exit, Lee

muttered a barely audible "excuse me...sorry ...pardon me" as he tried

to make his way inside. Having made his through, he held up the

crumpled peice of paper in his left hand and looked at its contents.

"Spells R Us" he read aloud. " I wonder where THAT name came from..."

Looking about as the lights flashed inside the mall, he quickened his

step and headed for the darkening corner of the mall. The door to the

shop was shut and Lee had to peek through the darkened window to see

if anyone was still there. "Damm! Just my luck it's closed already.

Why me?" he mumbled. Staring at the door while wondering what to do

next, he decided to try the knob and see if it was locked. "Maybe I

can convince whoever works here to give me a break..." He turned the

brass knob and winced as the door creaked open. "Ummm...helloooooo?"

he whispered into the closed shop. A loud sound of dropped objects

and sudden curses were audible from the back door which shone faintly

with light from within. He was about to walk to the doorway when a

crotchety voice rang out. "Stay where you are! Gall-darn-It! I'm

coming out!"

The old man came out and flicked on the light switch. The sudden

brightness blinded Lee for the brief second before it burned out with

an audible snap.

"Let me guess! You're here for a costume for the greek party

which said to get costumes here only, and you absolutely have to go or

you'll die, right!?" grumbled the old man.


"Well I only have womens costumes left and if you wouldn't wait

til the las... You're not?!"

"Well...I...ah...am going to party, but not

willingly...thisiskindofatrick someoneisplayingonmebutIknowabout

italready!" he began to babble. "Ireallydidn'twanttogoandI'veheard

funnythingsandthey'remakingme!" He caught his breathe. "Listen

mister, I know you probably want to close and everything, but I've

heard things about this shop. I know I was being set up by the girls,

but I'm doing this to play a trick back on them. You see, I'm trying

to become the Big Brother of this sorority, but I've figured out that

they're just playing me for a fool and leading me on. I want to turn

the tables on them... and I've heard you can help." he looked

hopefully at the shopkeeper.

"They've probably already made some kind of deal with you, so

I'll pay double if you'll set it up so that it looks like I'm doing

what they ask. But then I want to change the spell so that I end up

doing the tricks instead of them." He held out a wallet of cash.

"Please? Change the spell?"

The shopkeeper looked nonplussed as he counted the money. "I

really shouldn't do this. After all, those girls are friends of mine.

But if all you want is for me to change the spell like you said, I

guess there's no harm done." He walked over to behind the counter and

began rummaging through boxes. After a short time, he held out a

slinky outfit clinging to a couple of hangers. "This will do nicely!

Go ahead and try it on...it should fit fine." He smiled.

Lee examined the scarlet hot pants and bustier and made a face.

The old man laughed and said "It really is the only thing I have that

will work!" He took the hangers and posed the clothes over Lee. "We

should have some accessories to go with this, otherwise it might look

kind of plain...Hmmmm..." He hemmed and hawed for a few moments, then

went back behind the counter and rummaged some more. When he was

done, the countertop was covered with gaudy jewelry, cosmetics, lace

gloves, fishnet tights, and a pair of red hip hip-boots.

"THIS is the only outfit!? I'll look like a hooker!" Lee face

was flushed a deep red. He stammered "I-I-d-don't think I want

this...I've changed my mind! Thanks but no thanks!" He turned

towards the door.

"Okay Lee, but you'll never trick them now...not this late

anyhow." sighed the shopkeeper. He began to put the items in a box.

The words burned into Lee's ears. He stopped and sighed.

"All right, what do I need to do?" Lee asked as he carried the

boxed outfit towards the mall exit. The old man strolled alongside

him and began his spiel. He was only half done by the time they got

to Lee's car in the parking lot. Lee put the box in his trunk and

opened his door. "Listen, I think I've got the gist of this and I'm

already running late. Can we get the short wrap up?" He looked at

his watch impatiently.

An hour later, he finally exited the parking lot and drove

towards campus. He decided he would change in the car when he got to

the house. "Thank God for tinted windows he thought as he pulled up

and saw hordes of party-goers in the front yard. Parking in a side

alley behind the house, he got out his outfit and stepped into the

back seat. Wincing at the sight of the costume, he screwed up his

courage and began to strip off his clothing.

He decided to put on the fishnets first. The effect as he put

them on was astounding. His legs slimmed and reformed themselves into

shapely feminine gams. His feet were petite and painted toenails

peeked through the toe of the hose. The bustier came next.

Entranced, Lee watched his chest flow like liquid and fill the garment

with a pair of creamy, bountiful breasts. His waist was tiny and he

could almost encircle it with both hands. After he put on the gloves

though, his hands were considerably smaller and no longer came close

to repeating the feat. His hands shook as he slid on the hot-pants

over his legs. As he pulled them over his hips he felt his buttocks

broaden and fill the tiny shorts til they almost burst. His hands

drifted to his crotch and felt the absence of his male genitalia. He

shivered and quickly zipped up the pants. Pulling on the hip-boots,

he thought they felt awkward and dreaded walking on the narrow six

inch heels. Lastly came the jewelry and make-up. when he was done,

he couldn't believe that the girl in the rear view mirror was him.

"Gotta give the old man credit, he does good work!" he thought.

Opening the door, he stepped out and began heading for the

opening of the alley. As he walked, his mind began to wander. The

sky was dark and clouds obscured what little moonlight remained in the

sky. "Gosh it's cold!" she thought as her nipples stiffened behind

her scanty top. It was still early in the night, she thought. Maybe

I could check out that party over there before I have to go to work

later. She thought about it and decided it was worth the time.

"After all," she said to herself, "I've got the rest of my life to

turn tricks..."

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