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From: Edwin Gay <gaye@delphi.com>

Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories

Subject: TG: "Sexual herASSment" (TV femdom)

Date: Sat, 7 Jan 95 22:08:03 -0500

Sexual HERassment

by Suzi Johnson

"Listen, you moron, I've told you I'm not interested in dating

you. You'd better get off my case, or I'll file sexual

harassment charges against you!" These words should have struck

fear into me, but I couldn't help myself. Since Mona had started

working in my office, I found myself thinking about her

constantly. She was drop-dead gorgeous, its true, but so were

plenty of other women. But there was just something about her

that told me that she was someone special, something that had me

after her like a dog in heat.

"But please, Mona, I can't explain why, I just can't help

myself," I said to her on that fateful Thursday morning that

would change my life forever. "I'd do anything for a date with


"Anything covers a lot of ground, buster, and I doubt you really

mean anything," she replied.

"No, really, I do mean anything, Mona, I do!"

"You've really got it bad, don't you, Steve? And, unless I'm

totally wrong, you not only want to date me, but you'd love to

get inside my panties as well, wouldn't you?" I was speechless,

as this was the first acknowledgement of any kind she had made

to me - usually she just spurned my offers for a date with a

curt, "Sorry, no." "Well, admit it, if that's the case. You'd do

anything for that, right?" she persisted.

"Y...yes, you're right, Mona, I would do anything at all." She

was just so beautiful, with a perfect figure, and long, wavy

auburn hair. I was ready to do anything she asked for any crumb

of attention she would throw my way.

"All right, let's see if you really mean it. We'll have a date

Saturday night, but here are the groundrules. I'm not going to

spend a dime for this date, and..." I cut her off, "of course,

not, I'll pay for everything, don't be silly." "Shut up and

listen - don't interrupt me. I mean not a dime, not even for

clothes. Give me your charge card, so I can shop for what I

need." This startled me a bit, but without a word, I handed her

my gold American Express card. What could it cost me, a couple

of hundred bucks? I'd said anything, and I meant it. If she

wanted to get a new outfit from the deal, so what.

That was the end of our conversation, and when I got a call at

lunchtime from Amex, saying that a woman was trying to use my

card for a $150 purchase, I authorized her using it, promising

that I would send in the form for another card, for my "fiancee"

as soon as possible. I expected that Mona would return the card

that afternoon, but she stopped by my office to tell me that she

needed a "couple of more tiny things, you don't mind, do you

dear?" At that point, in for a penny, in for a pound, I thought,

so I told her that was fine. I didn't think any more about it,

but when she called in sick the next day, I wondered if we were

still on for Saturday. My question was answered that afternoon,

when she called me and said, "Don't worry, I just took the day

to get ready for our date. Be here at eight o'clock, OK?"

"Sure, eight's fine, I'll see you then." I spent all Friday

night and Saturday thinking about our date, that I was finally

going to see her socially. I rang her bell at a quarter to

eight, not able to control myself to show up exactly on time, a

fact she commented on when she answered the door in a silken

dressing gown.

"Well, since you're here, come in and make yourself at home. Let

me make you a drink."

"I'll be glad to do that, while you finish getting ready," I

offered, but she replied, "Oh, no, that would make me a terrible

hostess, what would you like?" I told her a scotch on the rocks

would be fine, and in just a minute, she returned with my drink.

"I know I've been stand-offish at work, but I'm not really that

way. Would you like to come upstairs and see me putting on the

lovely things you bought me?" Would I? You couldn't have kept me

away. I followed her upstairs, and lay down on her bed as she

suggested, taking a deep slug of the scotch. She watched me, and

as I felt the room begin to spin and get dark, I saw an evil

smile on her face.

When I woke up, I was totally disoriented, and didn't know where

I was. The room I was in was pitch-black, and I had strange

sensations all over. I couldn't move, but I didn't know why I

felt so weird all over. There was a strong perfume scent in the

air, and then I remembered arriving at Mona's house for our

date, and the drink I had. She must have drugged me. A voice

came out of the darkness, "Awake yet, Stevie?" and the room was

suddenly flooded with light. I couldn't even turn my head, but

looking straight ahead, I saw Mona framed in the doorway. "I

know you can't move yet, the drug I put in your scotch is a mild

paralytic, but just lay there and listen to me. I told you that

you were harassing me, pestering me after I said `NO' to you

several times, but you just couldn't accept that. You have no

idea what a terrible thing sexual harassment is, but you'll find

out now."

While my fuzzy mind tried to comprehend what she meant, she

continued, "All your clothes, and your wallet are gone - not in

the house anywhere, so when you can move, don't waste time

looking for them, so you can escape. While you were unconscious,

I, ah, spent my time getting you ready for your lessons. And, I

took Polaroid pictures of the whole process, and they're

someplace safe as well, and I know that you won't want them to

appear in the office on Monday or any other day. So don't think

that you can overpower me, because you are under my control


I could feel strength returning to my body, and I could feel

that I was totally naked under the blanket. But why did the

touch of the silk sheets feel so strange. And why did my face

feel like there was something on it? I managed to get myself up,

and the reason for the strange feeling became apparent. Every

hair from the neck down had been shaved off my body! Mona stood

still as I walked over to the full length mirror and saw - my

face made up in full cosmetics, including false eyelashes. When

my hand involuntarily moved up to touch my cheek, I saw that

deep red false nails had been attached to my fingertips. "What,

what the hell is this," I yelled angrily. "Are you crazy - what

have you done to me?"

"Me crazy? No, I don't think so, and neither would anyone who

saw the pictures. One of the nice things about the drug I gave

you, is that your eyes stay open all the time you're

unconscious; you look like a willing participant in everything

that went on!" I knew she had me, if that were true.

"Ok, enough of this, let me have my clothes back. I'm sorry if I

harassed you, I promise to leave you totally alone from now on,"

I said.

"No, that's not good enough. I told you that you would have to

learn what harassment was really like. And for the rest of

tonight, you will learn." She stood there, as if daring me to

defy her, in a long black evening gown and high, spike-heeled

black patent leather pumps. I realized the spot I was in, but in

spite of my predicament, standing there naked in front of her, I

began to get an erection as I looked at her lovely self. She

walked toward me, and slapped my cock down, saying, "you won't

be needing that tonight!" As my cock shrank down, she walked

over to her dresser, and took out a bunch of clothes, all lacy,

white, feminine underthings. "Start getting dressed now, Suzi,

you sissy thing. I think Suzi is a perfect name for you from now


I knew I had no choice, so I took the frilly, ruffled white

panties from her hand, and pulled them up over my cleanly shaven

legs. Before I could pull them all the way up, she stopped me,

and tied a white ribbon tightly around the base of my cock, then

around the tip, pulling the two ends of the ribbon back between

my legs, so that my cock disappeared from view. "We musn't have

your big clitty showing, should we?" she asked. I pulled the

panties up the rest of the way, feeling the smooth caress of the

silken material against my pulled-back cock, and thinking that I

was in the hands of one really sick chick. Just how sick, I was

still to find out!

She placed another garment on the bed, and told me to lay on top

of it. She slipped my arms through the bra straps on the top of

it, then proceeded to lace it on around me. It wasn't too bad at

first, when she pulled it closed around my hips, but as she

continued to lace it up, toward my waist, I could feel my body

compressing. She showed no mercy, lacing it as tight as it could

be, and I felt my body being ruthlessly shaped by the boning

inside it. "Stand up, Suzi, so I can see how you look," she

said, and when I did, a wave of dizziness swept over me from the

unnatural pressures on my body. She slipped two pads inside the

cups of the garment, adding to the flesh that had already been

pushed and pulled into there, then slid the hanging garters

through my panties, and told me to sit back down. The

corset-like foundation garment held me rigidly upright, making

it almost impossible to pull the sheer white stockings up over

my now-sleek legs. "You're starting to find out how much we

women have to suffer to look beautiful for men, Suzi," she

commented, watching me struggle to attach the six garters to the

thigh-high nylons. For some reason, the touch of all these

feminine things was somehow exciting, as the smoothness and

silkiness sent sensations through my body.

She pointed to a pair of white highheels, at least 4 inches

tall, and I stepped into them. It took me a few moments to get

used to balancing on them - I felt like I was on top of a

skyscraper. As I stood perched there, I felt the compression of

my leg muscles from the unnatural way the heels had me standing

with just the balls of my feet on the ground, and my heels

raised up in the air. The touch of something being placed on my

head brought me back, and I felt, and saw, a long, wavy auburn

wig, identical to Mona's own hair being placed on my head. She

started to talk in a low voice, "this is what I had to go

through for him, the bastard, now its payback time." I began to

tremble, partly from balancing in the shoes, but mostly from her

almost psychotic tone and words. I stood there, wondering what

was next, and I was horrified to see her pull a wedding gown out

of her closet! I began to get a feeling that I knew what had

happened to her, she must have been jilted, and she was acting

it out with me. The white satin sheath gown was lifted over my

upraised arms and bewigged head, and it slid smoothly down

around me. I felt her zipping up the back of the dress,

compressing the rest of my body inside its tight shape.

I knew that I must look ridiculous in this get-up, but when she

walked me over to look in the mirror, I was stunned by the

virginal bride who looked back at me! "Yes, dear, you look

perfect, a beautiful, blushing bride - but not a virgin." I

didn't have time for that to sink in, when she continued, "I was

testing you last night, dear, and you failed. You let me fuck

you, just like the whore you really are. And today you dress in

lying white, like the virgin you're not!" Her voice was low and

rough, and I realized the final humiliation she had suffered.

She had made love to her fiancee and then he had jilted her on

their wedding day. No wonder she was so twisted and was doing

this to me. I stood there, in shock, as she slipped out of her

gown. She was naked underneath it, and, as scared as I was, I

couldn't help staring at her absolutley perfect body. Her

fiancee must have been out of his mind to let her get away.

I kept staring at her as she walked back to the dresser and

pulled out a harness that she strapped around her waist and

groin. There was a realistic rubber cock attached to it, a huge

one that must have been 9" long and 2" around. "Do you want to

touch it, dear," she asked, and when I hesitated, she ordered,

"I said touch it!" My hand moved involuntarily toward it, and I

looked at the contrast of my red-tipped nails against the

flesh-colored shaft. "Do you want to suck it dear?" she

continued. "N...no," I answered, and she glared at me with a

look of pure hatred.

"I said, `Suck it,' bitch, get down on your knees and suck it."

I could barely move in the dress and corset, and she smacked my

head, causing me to lose my balance and fall. She kicked me in

the side with her black high-heel shoe, and I managed to

maneuver myself into a kneeling position in front of her. She

pressed the cock against my ruby-red lips, forced it into my

mouth and down into my throat. I gagged at the invading cock, as

she pumped it in and out of my throat. "I knew you'd like it,

dear, once you got used to it. Just keep sucking it." I didn't

know what else to do, so I followed her instructions, and when

one of my fingers brushed against her clit, she let out a moan.

I took that as a good sign, and continued to finger her as she

kept pumping the rubber dick in and out of me. When she gave out

a loud cry of orgasm, I had hope that the terrible ordeal would

finally be over.

She withdrew the cock, and helped me to my feet. I said, "I'm so

thirsty from your big cock, can I have something to drink?"

"Why, of course, dear, you sucked me so well, I'll get you some

water," she said. She went into the bathroom, and I greedily

drank at the glass she handed me. And I realized it was not over

yet, as the room turned black again.

When I awakened for the second time, I remembered immediately

what had happened, and I was not as disturbed by my inability to

move. But this time, no sound intruded, and as regained the

movement of my limbs, I looked down and realized that I was

still dressed in the women's underthings, but that my arms were

now tied to the bedposts with a pair of nylons. I struggled to

try to free myself, but only succeeded in making the knots

tighter. I lay there, helpless, for what seemed like an hour,

until Mona, still wearing the false cock, returned. "You've

learned almost all your lessons, Suzi, just one more to go."

She came up on the bed, and knelt between my stockinged legs.

"Yes, just one more thing you need to be a real woman, Suzi, a

cock to fill your virgin pussy! Do you want to make it nice and

wet before it goes into you, dear?" asked, said moving up the

bed and putting the tip to my lips. I knew that there was not

stopping her, and that the only hope I had that this monster

wouldn't tear me in two was if it were lubricated. I licked and

licked, wetting it as much as possible, then she moved back down

between my legs. "I think I should play with your little clitty

while I fuck you, dear, you'll enjoy that so much. She pulled

off my panties, and untied the ribbon that had imprisoned my

cock. She bent down and licked it, and to my horror, I saw it

spring fully erect. The sensations from the clothes I wore, and

the sight of this beautiful woman sucking me made me totally

forget the situation I was in, as my cock acted with a mind of

its own! She continued rubbing it with her hand, and when I

erupted in a giant climax, she spread the cum over the tip of

her cock. "That's nice, dear, your pussy-juice has my cock all

wet," she said, as she began to enter my virgin ass. The

spincter muscle tightened, and she told me to "relax , and enjoy

it" with an evil chuckle. The cum-lubricated cock slipped

further inside me, and I felt a searing burning pain as I was

impaled on it. "That's not too bad, is it, dear?" she asked, as

she began to stroke my own cock into another involuntary


She pumped in and out of my ass, as every nerve-ending screamed

with pain, then as I got more excited from her handjob, the pain

mixed with pleasure, and I felt my head explode with a senual

experience unlike any I had ever felt before. I sobbed with the

emotions that ran through my body, and when Mona withdrew from

me, I lay there, still bound to the bed. As my sobs subsided,

the exhaustion I felt from my ordeal, and the aftereffects of

the drugs I had been given made me fall asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was untied, and the clothing

I had been wearing had been exchanged for a white babydoll

nightgown and matching panties. My ass was sore, but the feel of

the silk sheets, and the nylon outfit I wore, seemed strangely

comfortable and soothing. My wig was still in place, and I could

feel the remnants of the makeup on my face. I felt used and

abused inside though, as the shameful memories of what Mona had

done to me replayed inside my head. Mona, I thought, you really

did teach me what it was like to be harassed. Suddenly, I saw

her standing in the doorway, looking at me. Her eyes were red,

as though she had been crying. "I guess we had two different

ideas in mind when I asked if you wanted to get into my panties,

huh?" she asked ruefully. "I'm a little sorry about what I did,

unloading my psychological baggage on you, but you really had a

lesson coming." She tried to hold her composure, but broke down

and began to weep.

I jumped out of bed, putting my arms around her, to try to

comfort her. "Shush, its alright, I did have it coming," I

whispered, "I understand what you must have gone through, I'm

sorry." She allowed me to help her into the bed, and I lay

beside her, stroking her gently. I kept comforting her, and

said, "not all guys are like that, he must have been sick to

begin with, I'm so, so sorry that you had to go through all

that." As I lay there, with this beautiful woman in my arms, I

began to get excited, in spite of myself. I willed myself to

control my hands, so that I wouldn't frighten her away. She

moved closer to me, and as she snuggled against me, she felt my

erection under my panties.

"Would you make love to me, gently," she asked, "I have to get

the bad memories out of my head."

"Are you sure?" I asked, and, when she looked into my eyes and

nodded `yes', I began to tenderly stroke her, feeling her

excitement mount. I touched her perfect breasts, and her nipples

hardened under my fingers. I moved down between her legs, and

began to lick her gently, then more firmly as her hands pressed

my still-wigged head against her sweet pussy. She came once,

then again almost immediately, and she pulled me up next to her.

"Will you come inside me now, and make love to me?" she begged,

and I didn't even remove the panties that confined my cock, just

pulled them down, and I slid my cock into her warm wet pussy. I

moved gently in and out of her, feeling the suction of her tight

hole around me. When I could hold back no longer, and she felt

me coming inside her, she held me tight against her body, and

whispered, "thank you, I...I love you."

We silently held each other for a long time, then she said, "I

don't think I could have made love with you, if you weren't

dressed like that. I was just hurt too badly by a man." I felt

so close to her right then, that I said, "I don't care how I'm

dressed when I make love to you. I just love you so much, that

nothing else matters." The words that tumbled out shocked me,

but as I thought about it, they began not to bother me at all.

The feel of the silk sheets and the nylon gown felt wonderful

against my body, I had the most beautiful girl in the world in

my arms, and we loved each other.

"I'll give you back the pictures, and the ah...the video tape I

made last night, Steve," she said, "I couldn't punish you any

more." Video tape, I asked myself, and the hazy image of a

tripod in the corner of the room as she dressed me in the

wedding gown came back to my conscious. "But, I'm afraid I did

one thing that you're going to be very angry about - I cut up

all your clothes last night, I hated the sight of anything male

so much that I just cut them to ribbons!"

I looked down at my nylon-covered body, feelings the strange

sensations still running through my body, and asked her shyly,

"D...do you maybe have a few things I could borrow to go home

in?" She ran her hands over my babydoll, through my wig, then

traced around my lipsticked mouth with one dainty finger. "Do

you mean, girl-things?" she asked, and when I whispered back,

"yes, girl-things," she smiled at me. "Does that mean that

everything that happened last night wasn't totally terrible for


"Last night, and this morning, dear sweet Mona, no everything

wasn't terrible," I answered. "And if you can't make love to me

if I'm dressed as a man, then I'll just have to dress however

you want me to dress, because I know that I want to make love to

you again." We got out of bed, showered, and Mona helped me get

into pantyhose, a pink bra and panty set, an oversized sweater

and a wraparound skirt. I slipped into a pair of flats, feeling

somewhat disappointed that I wasn't wearing heels, and Mona

applied makeup appropriate for daytime to my face. Looking at me

in the mirror, she assured me that even my best friend wouldn't

recognize me the way I now looked. As the now-familiar

sensations from the women's clothes I wore ran through me, I

knew that my life would be far different now from what it had

been before.

And I was so right: I've moved in with Mona, and while I don't

"dress" all the time, I do sometimes just for the heck of it and

, of course, whenever we make love. Mona says she still is

bothered by the thoughts of her earlier mistreatment, but

sometimes I wonder if that's really true....

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