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> by Willa

I don't know where Janice found three women sharing her feelings

about men but apparently it wasn't too hard and the feelings must

have run deep if their treatment of me was any indication.

I'm still not sure how I got into it although I have to admit my

treatment of Janice wasn't exactly delicate but I didn't do

anything any red-blooded male wouldn't do if he had the chance. I

thought she cooperated well and enjoyed our creative and

energetic sex life. When I told her I had had enough and wanted

to move on to other women Janice seemed genuinely saddened. So,

when she called that Wednesday saying she wanted just one more

night with me I figured it wouldn't hurt to spend a Friday night

and, after all, I DID owe her a few favors.

I had a couple of drinks at a bar to loosen up and arrived at her

place about 8:30. When she opened the door I saw she was really

fixed up, sexy negligee, makeup, perfume, the whole enchilada.

She REALLY let me know she didn't want to waste a minute so we

got right with it. I had my pants off -- and the skirt of her

nightie up -- and we were rolling around on the bed when I became

aware of movement behind me. Before I could turn and look I felt

my hands and feet pinned tightly to the mattress while other

hands secured them tightly with cord. Fingers knotted themselves

in my hair pulling my head back while a pair of balled up panties

were stuffed into my mouth. Janice shoved me from her and I

tumbled to the floor where I lay helplessly bound and gagged

looking up at four women laughing down at me. I didn't have the

faintest idea of what was happening, but it wasn't long before I

found out what they planned for me.

Helplessly I watched as they used large scissors to cut away the

rest of my clothing. In a minute or two I was naked, except for

the securing cords. They dragged me to the bathroom where the

tiles felt cold on my bare flesh. I hadn't the slightest idea

what they were up to since none of them had spoken a word and

with the gag in my mouth I certainly wasn't able to ask any


Two of them spread shaving lather on my arms and legs before

shaving them smooth. The treatment was repeated on my abdomen and

back. Finally they removed the magnificent mat of hair I so

admired from my chest. I heard the whirr of an electric motor and

felt the blade of a pair of barber's clippers as they cut my

beautiful hair to the scalp. Done with the clippers they shaved

my scalp as smooth as a billiard ball. God, I could have cried.

Lastly my eyebrows were shaved. There I sat. Bound, gagged, naked

and hairless -- except for my pubic area.

Back in the bedroom they lay me on my stomach on some kind of

smooth, stiff material. It took them a minute or so to tug the

loose ends of the thing up between my arms and body and then I

felt it tightening around me as they laced the edges together.

One of them stood on me to press as much air out of me as she

could while the others tightened the laces so tight I felt as

though I was being cut in half and could hardly breathe.

They fastened a leather sheath around my penis, attached a

leather cord to it, pulled the cord tight back between my legs

and fastened it somewhere on the back of the tight waist-cincher.

I was rolled me onto my back and, after loosening the cords

binding my ankles, two of them worked a pair of sheer black nylon

panties up my legs. The caress of the silken material stirred

feeling of lust in me and my stretched penis would have erected

if possible. I felt pain as blood surged into it. Pantyhose were

worked onto my feet and then up my legs until the waist band

encircled my now severely whittled waist.

One of the women painted two circular areas on my chest with

something slightly sticky. In a minute or two she placed two

almost unbelievabley perfect false breasts on my chest and

pressed down on them tightly while the adhesive dried.

I was pulled to my knees my hands untied, my arms raised over my

head with a woman holding each wrist while something black and

shiny was dropped down my arms. Without so much as a second's

fumbling my hands were guided into sleeve openings of what I now

realized was a garment of some kind. I felt my penis trying to

erect again as the satiny folds dropped caressingly down my

smooth, naked body.

My hands were again secured behind me and I was seated on a low

stool. One of the woman spent many minutes making-up my face.

Satisfied with her work she stepped back while another dabbed

adhesive on several spots on my bald head and forehead. A wig of

long, dark hair settled on my head and she pressed down in

several places making sure the adhesive was doing its job. I felt

the hair brushing the bare area of my back near my shoulders.

I felt a tingle of pain as each earlobe was pierced and large

silver loops were inserted. Satisfied with their work they

slipped tight patent leather pumps with, what I later learned

were, five inch heels on my feet. I was pulled to my feet and led

to a closet door where I saw the reflection of a pretty tiny

waisted woman with make-up, mascara, eye-liner, lipstick attired

in a black satin short-skirted maid's uniform -- complete with

tiny apron and skirt flaring slightly over a tiered,

multi-colored underskirt and the circular earrings dangling from

her ears. Judas, I was getting turned on again. I knew what had

happened but wasn't prepared for what I saw. It took a few

seconds for it to register that I was looking at myself.

Smiling, one of the women pulled the now sodden gag from my mouth

while another removed the cord binding my wrists. I was surprised

to hear myself say "I'm ready to do anything you want."

For the next several hours I was the perfect maid, serving

drinks, dinner, lighting cigarettes, doing the dishes, obeying

the slightest whim of my four warders. Toward the end of the

evening their behavior changed. I felt a hand slide up my nylon

encased leg and caress my buttocks fondling me lovingly.

Entranced I allowed her to continue her explorations. Another

moved in to play with my lovely, albiet false, breasts while

another caressed my neck and blew in my ear. Hands were all over

me touching every conceivable spot. I was burning with passion,

but they were only teasing me. Slowly, without my realizing it,

they maneuvered me to a lowbacked chair where I was

unceremoniously pushed so I was draped stomach down with my face

on the seat cushion and my fanny high on the air. I felt a hand

flip my skirt up and pull my pantyhose and panties down exposing

my buttocks for all to see.

The suddenness and the size of the first of many items, a dildo

of some sort I suppose, entering my anus brought a look of

surprise to my face, tears to my eyes and a cry from my mouth. To

quiet my anticipated sounds a ballgag on a strap was forced into

my mouth and the strap secured tightly behind my head. For the

next hour I alternately endured and enjoyed the size, texture and

motion of the various objects thrust into me.

Janice, squatting in front of me where I couldn't fail to see her

slowly and lovingly spread a coating of lubricant along the

length of a large, flexible, penis shaped dildo. She was smiling

when she disappeared from my view. I felt a hand clasp me tightly

on one hip and then the thrusting penetration of the large,

lubricated dildo entered me. The smoothness was pleasant and the

sensations I felt while she was thrusting more and more rapidly

into and slightly out of me were, oddly enough, were quite

pleasing and sexually arousing. I found myself moving my hips and

buttocks rhythmically in synchronization with and in the opposite

direction of the thrusting and withdrawal movements.

When Janice ceased her efforts I was exhausted, but silently

hoping others would continue where she left off. Instead they

stood me on my feet, still shod in the heels, tied a silken scarf

around my head securely blindfolding my eyes, bound my wrists

behind me and, after tugging my panties and pantyhose back into

place, hobbled my ankles. I felt hands grip each bicep and moved

with them as they guided me out of the house and into a car.

We drove for what seemed like hours, in circles, along straight

stretches of street and the freeway then onto less traveled roads

and finally onto an dirt road. What seemed like hours was

probably not more than an hour. I felt the car slow and before it

stopped I was unceremoniously shoved from it. I lay on the ground

several minutes two before managing to work the loosely knotted

cords free from my wrists. Then I removed the blindfold and saw I

was on what was probably a fire lane in the forest high in the

hills. I could see the lights of the City many miles distant and

I could still hear the hearty, almost evil laughter of the women

ringing in my ears as they'd driven away leaving me clad in the

maid's satin uniform, wearing full make-up, five inch heels miles

from home and wondering what would happen if the wrong people

happened along and found me. Unsteadily I started walking along

the road hoping to make it to the main road where I could flag

down a friendly, helpful motorist. As luck would have it I was

able to stop a state police car. Using initiation as an

explanation for my condition and presence. Rather than drop me

where I could call a cab he took me all the way to my apartment.

The sun was just rising as I stood safe in my apartment admiring

the pretty, but tired and slightly dirty female image looking

back at me from the mirror on the door of my bedroom closet. From

the corner of my eye I saw a sheer, lace encrusted nightgown left

by one of my female bed partners hanging in the closet. After

removing the maid's uniform, placing it and the underclothing in

the laundry hamper and removing the heels from my tender feet I

showered and returned to my bedroom. On impulse I plucked the

lovely nightie from its hanger and thrilled as it slid over my

head and down my smooth, hairless body enfolding me in its silken

embrace. I marveled at its feel and the way it fell from and

accentuated the lovely false breasts still adhering to my chest.

In bed thinking about the night's event it was clear to me the

women were not out simply for fun but had been expressing

something very important to them. It was also clear that I had,

for the most part, gotten a good deal of pleasure out of the

evening, even if I was aching all over.

The one thing I couldn't figure out was why I had the compelling

feeling of wanting call Janice and thank her not only for a most

enjoyable evening but for what she had turned me on to -- the

marvelous feelings imparted by the wearing of women's clothing,

especially the silken lingerie. To say nothing of the new sexual

experiences I'd had and, surprisingly, for the most part,


Settling into a more comfortable position in the bed I marveled

at the feelings I was receiving from the pleasant weight,

projection and smoothness of my "breasts" and the clinging caress

of the silken gown on my smooth, hairless, bare flesh as I

drifted off to dream of the outrageously sexy lingerie and other

erotic and exotic things for "around the house" wear and the

SENSIBLE heels I would be purchasing to- morrow -- or rather,

later today.

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