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Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 19:41:46 EDT

From: KRehmertX2@aol.com

Subject: Nikki 01

Ok dear reader time to here my life story, well at least the good parts

anyway. As a child I had a sleight build and a tad shorter my fellow male

classmates, so as you may guess I got picked on.A lot, and just like that

boy named Sue, I learned to protect myself. My Mother use to make cloths

for my girl cousin and used me for the Modeling Dummy. I would tell her how

much I hated that; the truth was I loved it. All my life I loved feminine

things and the way they felt, but no one every caught me.

By the time I was 21 I was a very successful computer graphics

designer during the day, however, there would be times that I would go to

an upscale hotel and my alter ego Nikki would come out. By now Nikki could

be more than just passable, she was Gorgeous, as Nikki I never went out

dressed trashy. I loved walking down the street in summer in a silk dress

and heals, all the time turning heads, in fact my biggest problems on those

days were guys trying to pick me up. Don't get me wrong, I was curious,

but I was also a coward, I had had sex with women, but it wasn't that good,

or I wasn't that good.

Then one day I did the unthinkable. I had just bought Nikki a new

outfit, wig makeup the whole enchilada and after transforming into her I

didn't want to waste all the time to redress, go to a hotel, redress then

go out on the town. So I went out from my condo as Nikki, my heart was

racing a mile a minute as I headed for my car. I started to breathe again

once I was safely on the road headed downtown. All went well that night,

Nikki met some friends in a gay friendly restaurant and went to some local

clubs and kicked up her heals. It was 1:00 am when I reached home just as I

reached my door the jig was up. My neighbor Roger was taking out his

garbage of all things. When he look at me my heart stopped I was busted six

ways from Sunday. Roger smiled and said Hi, want maybe he didn't know it

was me, maybe I was my twin Sister from Cucamonga. I said Hi back, trying

not to panic, just then my world turned upside down. Still smiling he said,

"You know I always wanted to meet someone like you. Would you like to go

out sometime." OK hold steady girl, your knees are buckling, "Ah sure how

about next Saturday night." My God, I just accepted a date from my

neighbor, Roger, a man, and he knew I wasn't all that I appeared to be. He

agreed that Saturday would be great and he would meet me at my favorite

hotel at 7:00.

My head reeling I made it inside. My first though was.Damn, I need

a new dress he has seen this one, well thank the Lord for on-line shopping

with express delivery. I ordered a cute little back silk dress and some new

lingerie, then I ordered a very sexy red silk dress and some more lingerie,

oh and Nikki needed some new shoes too. Saturday rolled around and I

headed for the hotel, wondering why I gave up drugs, right now I could use

a joint or three. After settling in I took a nap, you see under stress I

sleep, and just then I was very stressed. At 4:30 it was time for Nikki to

get her act together. I set up my portable CD player and out on Nikki's

favorite music. First a bubble bath and total shave, then new lingerie

with forms to fill out what I didn't have, and some tucking of things I did

have. It was a red dress night, but first the right makeup was necessary,

not too much, and not too little. Makeup was an art and I was an artist,

and Nikki was my canvas. Next came that eye popping red dress, and lastly a

freshly styled black wig. Looking in the mirror I saw Nikki looking better

then ever, and none too soon.

It was almost 7:00 so I picked up my purse and headed to the hotel

bar. Jack was tending bar and knew my alter ego. When he walked over to me

he asked me if I wanted my usual white wine, and I said yes. When I went to

pay for my drink he said it was on him, that the way I was dressed made his

day. I thanked him for the drink and the compliment, if he only knew, but

then again maybe he did. As I was contemplating this Roger came in. As they

say Out of the Frying Pan.Roger slid into the seat next to me and ordered a

martini. Roger told me that I looked very beautiful tonight, I thanked him,

trying my best not to tremble. Roger then told me he had made reservations

at a near by restaurant, to my surprise it was one of my favorites. Then he

told me that if I wanted to we could go to this very exclusive nightclub, I

said I would love too but it was next to impossible to get in. He then took

my hand and said that he could get us in. My God he is holding my hand,

good thing you're sitting right now girl. We finished our drinks and went

outside to the limo he had rented for the night that is correct dear reader

he rented a limo.

We ate dinner and I must say I didn't eat like a pig for once, way too

nervous for that and it is very unladylike to barf on the first date. We

then went to the nightclub and went through the Velvet Rope, it seems that

Dear Roger went to school with the owner and got him through several

business classes. We were sat at our private table with champagne and

lackeys running to and fro. It was all a bit much but I loved every minute

of it. We danced and drank our Dom, met the owner who asked Roger how he

got so lucky, I told him that I was the lucky one for meeting such a sweet

guy. By the time we left I had got use to Roger touching me, no not in

anyway a grope, he was a perfect gentlemen. When we got back to the limo

and started back to the hotel Roger kissed me. My heart melted, my heart

stopped, my blood pressure went through the roof. Nikki had never been

kissed, but that was made up for in spades. When we got back to the hotel

Roger walked me to my room, and kissed me again with the same result. He

asked if he could come in, trembling I admitted that I have never been with

a man. Sweet Roger admitted he had never been with anyone like me

either. Oh God we are both First Timers, Whelp, In for a penny.. As I

opened the door there were flowers and another bottle of Dom. Damn this boy

goes all out, if he was out to impress me he did a Mother Beautiful job. He

opened the champagne while I checked out the flowers. We kissed some more,

and my head was spinning, and not just from the champagne. Before I knew it

I was stroking his cock through his pants, now I was about to find out if I

was or if I weren't, if you know what I mean. I clumsily unzipped his

pants, Damn nails, after a little help I had IT in my hot little hand. Now

at the time I wasn't much on the subject of the sizes of different males

manhood, but it was impressive to this girl. I bent over and kissed his

cock, it was like being hit with a bolt of lightening. I was really going

to do it for real this time. I had tried dildos both orally and anally, and

had fantasies, but this was the real thing. I began to lick his cock like

some flesh ice cream cone, and then I put the head on my mouth and suck. I

began to get into this more and more, I mean it was really turning me

on. The kids who had called me a cocksucker at PS 438 were right after all,

and to Hell with them all. Roger was now fucking my face as I sucked like a

creature possessed by a demon. He came in my mouth and I swallowed every

wonderful drop. He then lifted my face gently by the chin and kissed me. He

then stood he up and announced it was my turn, I undid my red dress and let

it fall to the floor before I knew it my meager (compared to Roger's) cock

was being given the same treatment, that his has just been subjected

to. Across the room I glanced into the mirror and could see the whole

thing, and thought, Damn Slut, you should have brought a video camera. I

came quickly, than announced that although a little late I should slip into

something more comfortable and sauntered into the bathroom. I fixed my

makeup, and put on a black floor-length see-through nightgown, and stepped

back into the room. And yes my heart was still pounding a mile a minute. By

the "Oh Wow" look in his eyes I knew that I had achieved my attended goal.

Now it was Roger's turn to be nervous, as he said, "I don't know if

you want to, but I would like to go all the way with you." Well.This was

just our first date, and what kind of a girl did he think I was anyway. I

took wrapped my arms around him kissed him deeply as said, "yes but be

gentle, I'm still a virgin." "I will try, but I have never don't this


We went over to the bed and now my nightgown joined that red dress

on the floor, as well as a very expensive tailored suit. Gee there happened

to be some lubricant in the nightstand just in case, well to be honest I

had planned to fuck my self silly with a dildo that night never planning on

go this far. The next thing I knew his cock was probing my ass. Then he

began to penetrate me; the pain was almost unbearable at first, but so was

the pleasure. Slowly at first, but very surely began to fuck me, the pain

was replaced by a pleasure I had never known before. I began to moan and

writhe like a madwoman in heat. I was being screwed, by a real man, and

Nikki and I where not two people who lived in the same body we were one.

And right now I was having the best sex of my life. I moaned things like

"Oh, baby deeper" "Fuck me more" Oh yes.yes oh, God yes". Well I think I

did, the world was spinning so fast it is hard to remember. My life was

forever changed. This was more than any fantasy I had ever had, and when my

Roger came inside me, Nikki became a Woman, and I no longer wished to be a

full time man.

Roger and I became an "Item" after that fateful night. Roger

lavished me with fantasy dates and I fulfilled his every fantasy. My spare

bedroom became Nikki's Boudoir, and I didn't give a damn if anyone found

out. Oh, I didn't flaunt it and become a "Flaming Queen". I was the same me

I had always been but I didn't cringe with fear about being "Outted". Roger

now picked me up at my front door, and I took the money I saved from paying

for expensive hotel rooms and spent it on dresses, lingerie, and even some

rather outrageous outfits for nights in Nikki's Boudoir, but my friend,

that is a tale for another day.

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