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The Nicest Couple

by Amy Brett

I started out by sort of gathering things. First I tried panty hose, then shoes, then a bra. Ha.

The first bra was a D-cup and took half a roll of toilet paper to fill.

Then I got a pair of panties and made a skirt, a really crummy one, from scrap material. I

hadn't bought my first dress when I discovered a flat chest was sort of in style and bought an A-cup

instead of the bigger one.

With a couple of errors, I found out my sizes slowly.

I bought a conservative dress, very light weight with a button front, long sleeves and a

moderate hemline. My shoes were fairly low heeled. The panty hose were opaque, white so I didn't

have to shave my legs.

I took one look at the outfit in the mirror and knew I had to have a slip under it along with

a girdle. I bought them along with a good, expensive wig and a whole array of makeup and jewelry.

My first experience with makeup was a joke. It was overdone, mismatched, sloppy and ugly.

I practiced until I really looked good. I talked to myself out loud until I could play my voice back on

a recorder and really sound like a rather deep voiced female. I practiced smoking a cigarette with a

feminine touch. I taught myself to walk and sit down and sit like a woman. I imagined myself in all

sorts of situations and visualized the "feminine" way of doing things like taking a drink.

Finally, I put it all together one night after a few drinks and walked around my house. No one

saw me and I didn't see anyone. But it was exciting.

Then it was time. I did everything I could think of all at once. I certainly am not beautiful but

I am feminine. I think I'm...well...maybe nice looking would be a good way to say it.

That first time had to have been the most frightening. I didn't know what someone would do

if they knew I was a man. God, I was scared. I got in the car and drove. Just drove around for a long

time. Then, finally, I stopped at a drugstore and bought a pair of dark glasses. Great big rims. Then

I practically ran home. I was afraid the police would call any minute or come to the house and arrest

me or something.

It took me a few days of thinking, worrying and stuff to decide to do it again. But this time

I was a little more confident. I wore my sunglasses and went to a shopping mall in the next town. I

bought more of nearly everything and even tried on the dress and high heels. I bought everything

more daring.

I found a pair of panties that I thought were solid enough to hold me even in the most serious

situation. I bought sheer nylons. I bought one dress that plunged a little in both front and back but

with a lot more fullness in the sleeves and skirt. The skirt was really short though. I took my time and

really found things I liked instead of just sort of grabbing and explaining that my "wife" would

probably like that.

I really enjoyed the shoe store salesman's attempts to look under my dress and even pulled

my skirt up a little to give him a good look at my legs. I was really surprised when he got a hard on

just looking.

I could hardly wait to get home and try on my new clothes.

That afternoon, I bathed and shaved my arms and legs along with a really thorough job on my

face. I really didn't have a beard so that wasn't much problem. Then I made up again and got dressed.

I got very turned on as I got dressed and found that the new panties worked just fine. My legs

looked great. The smaller bra size worked great. The dress was truly sexy and bright white so that

instead of shrinking into the background, I really stood out. But the high heels really did it all.

It made me about five inches taller, a tall woman, and seemed to shape my legs so they looked

very feminine though on the muscular side. They also let me show off toe nail polish that matched

finger nails. A purse matched the shoes and shining jewelry sparkled from under the long hair and at

my neck and wrist. A cocktail ring set off my hand.

I went to a little bar downtown that caters to the businessmen in the district. Suits and

loosened ties and the tail end of business discussions met a couple of wives or girlfriends in a sort of

subdued atmosphere. Kind of a place to unwind before trying to settle the fights between the kids at

home. It was fairly quiet when I got there, though pretty full, and before I'd finished my first drink,

it was getting pretty noisy.

I hadn't even found a seat at the bar when the first guy caught my eye, smiling and looking

me up and down. The guy I sat down next to bought my first drink and began telling me his problems.

Then another put his hand on my shoulder as he ordered a drink and talked as he waited. Then there

was another and another, all talking shop sort of around me while touching my shoulder or my knee

or my hand. Pretty soon, I found I was involved in their conversation as well.

Then someone suggested we grab a booth that had just opened up and a couple of other guys

pulled up chairs as we talked and laughed.

That's when I realized I had to go to the bathroom. It's something you don't quite think of in

advance. Not unless you have to go. Well, I'd had a couple of drinks by then and was at least getting

happy. I walked back to the bathroom and enjoyed a couple of the comments on the way my butt

moved as I walked and a couple of requests to sit on guys' laps as I passed. Then I saw the bathroom.

The one I was heading toward, just by habit I guess, was the men's room. At the last second,

I veered off to the women's and then stood in front of the door wondering if I could go through with

it or if I was going to have to go home to go to the bathroom. I decided then and pushed the door


There weren't many girls in the bar, so there weren't any in the john when I went in. I went

right to the stall and pulled things down and sat to do my job. Then I redid myself and went to the

mirror. I was standing there replacing some lipstick when the girl came in. She almost trotted across

the room, lifting her dress as she went, in her hurry to relieve herself. She made it with a second or

two to spare and quickly returned to stand beside me, check her stockings all the way to the waist

in the mirror, and sensually check and replace her own makeup. We returned to the bar together,

chatting about the noise level of the room.

She sat down at the same table I had been sitting at and I found she was the girlfriend of one

of the guys I had been talking to for the longest.

Slowly, then, the men began to leave. For home and wives. For meals before retiring to their

hotel rooms for the night. For other parties they had been invited to. The more I drank, and the more

the other people drank, the more amorous it seemed to get. Pretty soon, I found that Millie, the other

girl, was leaning on one of John's shoulders while I leaned on the other, the two of us talking like

sisters. And finally, we found ourselves quite alone, the three of us, in the big booth while only a

couple of other tables of people raucously remained in the bar.

I truly don't remember what all we talked about. We seemed to have a lot in common and

enjoyed each other immensely. We talked seriously. We laughed. We joked. We played with sexual

double entendre. We teased. John would rest his hand on our knees or even thighs. He would sneak

a quick feel of one of our bottoms when our position allowed it. His arm would inadvertently press

into our breasts. Or his hand would pull the hem of one of our dresses indecently high only to be

laughingly corrected.

Once, when I had gone to the bathroom by myself, I returned to the table to find them in a

deep, serious discussion of something. They stopped talking as I returned and the antics continued

for a while.

Then Millie came around the table and sat next to me. She put her head very close to me and

touched my hand softly, speaking very quietly and seriously for the first time during the evening.

"John and I would like you to come home with us," she said with a look that seemed to be

a combination of anticipation and fear that I would say "no."

I immediately said I would love to. I didn't know what to expect but knew I didn't want this

wonderful night to end yet. I drove my car and followed them the few blocks to an apartment.

"This is my place," Millie said as she unlocked the door and entered, turning on the light. The

room was beautiful and I told her so as I walked into it. "Do you want a drink?" I did and she made

it from behind a breakfast bar that separated the living room from an efficiency kitchen. John put on

a soft record and sat down on a large couch.

"Listen," Millie said. "John and I have been good friends and sometimes lovers for a long time.

We like each other a lot. But we both enjoy other people as well." I understood and appreciated that.

I was flattered that they would include me in their group of people. But I appreciated that they might

want to do more than just entertain a friend and told them that since it was late, maybe I should be

leaving. I had had a big night after all.

Their response was so overwhelming as to almost frighten me. They didn't want me to leave

and, as if to cement their requests for me to stay, John asked me to dance. Probably that caught me

and made me stay more than anything else. I had never danced with anyone in my feminine persona

and I very much wanted to. And this was perfect. If I made a fool of myself, I was with friends and

I had been drinking. I would probably be able to make it by. I accepted.

John's smile and arms enfolded me and forced me to mold myself to the music first and to his

body second. I loved the feeling and quickly found that it is much easier to dance from a female's

point of view than from the man's. As the dance ended, I sat down and pulled the high heeled shoes

off, stood again and danced on tiptoes with him on that soft carpet.

As we danced, Millie sat on the couch and watched and drank her drink. She smiled at me

every time we faced each other. I sat down and watched as they danced and talked into each other's

ears softly. I thought it a very sensual and loving thing to watch and wondered if that's what she

thought as she watched us.

When I danced again with John, he seemed to hold me closer, his leg pressing between mine

and his chest crushing my own. The next dance, as I mellowed to the music and his firm arms holding

and guiding me, I felt his lips on my neck, then on my ear. I found myself getting very turned on and

wondered, through the haze of drinks, if he really meant to do that and what Millie would think.

Opening my eyes, I saw that she was watching, her eyes sparkling, her mouth smiling around the pink

tip of her tongue.

I looked at him, I think to ask what he was doing, and felt his mouth cover mine in a deep

kiss. I don't think I knew what I was doing but I allowed it to continue, allowed his arms to enfold

me, allowed my own arms to circle his neck and pull him closer. Only my bladder saved me then. I

rushed to the bathroom, my mind split into splinters. I knew then that I had to leave, go home. I had

to or soon they were going to find out what I was. I didn't know what the reaction was going to be

then but I didn't think I wanted to know.

I returned to the living room from the beautifully decorated bedroom that the bathroom

adjoined, and found them talking again as they slowly danced. Both seemed more serious than they

had before.

I had resolved to get my purse and leave immediately but found myself watching them and

feeling all those feelings I had when John danced with me. They stopped as I came back into the

room. I started to make a move toward the door then but was intercepted by Millie who begged me

to stay "a few more minutes." I tried to tell them I had to leave right then but they wouldn't let me

finish or to go either.

John had flopped onto the couch and was drinking his drink, the first opportunity, I realized,

since we had come in. While Millie and I had taken turns dancing, he had danced each time. I moved

to sit down as well and Millie intercepted me. "John needs a break, but we can still dance," she said

and, not giving me a chance to object, put her hand in my back and grabbed my other to lead me

again in a slow waltz.

It struck me as totally funny that she had taken the masculine position even though I was far

more practiced in that position. I relaxed into the dance and found that she led every bit as well as

did John.

What I didn't expect was her hand stroking my back and side, her breasts moving and pressing

into my chest, her leg between mine much as had John's. I was getting turned on with her as well.

Then I felt her soft lips at my neck and turned to meet them on my lips. Her tongue probed my mouth

and her body pressed into mine. My hands played in her long hair as hers found my bottom. We still

moved, slowly and sensuously, to the music. When I could finally open my eyes a little, I saw that the

stronger lights of the room had been extinguished in favor of a single small lamp.

And then I felt John's larger body behind me, hugging us both to him, his hand on my side,

stroking. His lips on the back of my neck, moving, caressing my skin into goose bumps that ran my


"Wait," I said, probably too loudly. They moved back from me looking startled. "Wait," I

repeated holding my hands in front of me to ward Millie away and stepping away from John behind.

I tried to catch my breath and regain my composure.

"Oh, honey," Millie said with true concern in her face. "I'm sorry." I didn't understand.

"No. We're sorry," John said moving around and putting his arm over Millie's shoulder

lovingly. "It was a bad idea." I didn't understand still.

"Honey, you've got to understand. Don't be upset with us. We like you and we like to make

love to each other. We thought that you might like to join us."

"Yes," John said. "We both think that you are beautiful and you seemed to like us as well as

we like you. We're really sorry for making the suggestion."

I felt as if I were watching a tennis match. Their apologies tumbled back and forth so quickly,

with so much obvious embarrassment.

"We had no right to think that you would want to be with a woman at any rate," Millie said.

"Oh, no," I blurted.

"Then, with me," John said.

"No. No," I said strongly. "No, you don't understand." I realized what I was doing then and

had momentary second thoughts. But I liked these people. A lot. I didn't want them to feel that they

were somehow inadequate. Wrong. They weren't. I was. I had to tell them.

"You don't understand. It's not you at all. You're wonderful, loving, exciting people. I love

you both and I'd be happy to make love to you both. But you don't understand. You think I'm a


I left the statement hanging in the room, quiet but for the continuing soft music. They both

looked at me now. The confusion obvious on their faces. They didn't understand and I still had to tell


"I'm a man. A transvestite," I said. I hadn't really admitted it to myself and it sounded

somehow unreal. They both stared at me, their mouths open in surprise, amazement. Then they

looked at each other and back and then back at each other again, still with open mouths, disbelief

written on their faces. Then John smiled at her and her face broke into a slight smile that quickly

broadened until it passed his grin into a brilliant smile and then into guffawing laughter that was

quickly followed by his laughter. They were quickly reduced to holding each other up.

I watched the emotions on their faces. Their staring disbelief was frightening. I wondered if

I should break for the door. Their smiles took my own emotions to consternation and their hysterics

almost drove me to the door again. Finally it stopped, John clearing his throat and walking toward


"I don't believe it," he said placing strong, amused emphasis on each word.

I bowed my head. "It's true. I'm sorry," I said.

"Sorry," he said in a strange questioning tone. "Why? Hell, Millie and I were trying to get this

beautiful woman into bed for a mixed lesbian, heterosexual interlude. Don't you think it's funny that

suddenly we find ourselves with the possibility of taking a beautiful woman to bed for me and a

properly equipped man to bed for Millie?" He flung his head back in another guffaw. "Hell, it's


I smiled then but with a little trepidation. Millie quickly sidled in next to me.

"And me leading you dancing," she said as her laughter broke out again. "This is wonderful


Suddenly, John looked serious again though his eyes looked sparkling and mischievous. "I,

for one, still don't believe it." He stood very close before me. I decided the danger point had passed

now. I stepped still closer and put my arms around his neck.

"You'd better find out for yourself then," I said with a grin. He hesitated only a moment before

reaching for my skirt, lifting it in the front and gently feeling the front of my panties. He found what

he now expected, grinned and dropped the skirt.

"Millie," he said. "You have a very happy discovery coming indeed."

I let him go and turned to her. She grinned devilishly, looked at the front of the dress, reached

out and grabbed my hand and gigglingly lead me toward the bedroom. John made a move to get up

and she restrained him. "No, you wait here. We'll be right back. We have to get into something more


He laughed again as we went into the bedroom.

Millie opened her closet and began pulling out hangers covered with diaphanous material. She

looked through them quickly and pulled one out and threw it on the bed. "That's yours. Now what

should I wear." I pointed out a white, nearly sheer nightgown with an equally sheer cover. She

giggled and tossed it on the bed as well. "Unzip me," she said, turning her back. I did and her dress

dropped to the floor where she stepped out of it. She wore no bra and her panties followed quickly.

I told her how beautiful she was as she stepped out of her heels and dropped the nightgown over her

head, quickly followed by the cover that buttoned with a single button below her breasts. She bent

and picked out two pairs of high heeled slippers, tossing one toward the bed while standing and

stepping into the other pair.

"Do I look all right?" she said, turning before me. I told her again she was beautiful and tried

to keep from touching her with great difficulty. Finally, she stepped close enough to me so my hands

could touch her breasts through the filmy material. Her body thrilled to the touch but she stepped

back again.

"Now you," she said as she stepped behind me and unzipped the short zipper. I shrugged out

of the dress and it fell to the floor. Standing again before me, she looked down and saw the ample

swell in the panties. "Yes," she said breathlessly. As if distracted she went on. "This outfit has panties

and a bra. Padded even. Here." She handed me the bra and I slipped out of my own and into it in one

motion. It snapped with a single snap in front. I certainly couldn't see what she needed with the

padding in this bra. She handed me the panties and watched, her tongue between her teeth as I took

my own off and replaced it with hers. It did not hold me as well but fairly well. She couldn't keep her

hands off then but reached out and touched it. It jumped to her touch in spite of the panties.

I stepped into the slippers and nearly fell as she dropped the thin material of the shortie

nightgown over my head. It tied with a tiny string of material below my bra making me look huge.

I couldn't help but giggle. She held the cover for this nightgown that draped in its nothingness to the

floor and buttoned with two buttons directly over the bust.

Gently, before she could say anything else, I leaned close to her and kissed her lips softly.

"Thank you," I said with emotion in my voice. Her eyes misted a little before she turned, grabbing

my hand as she passed.

"Come on. We're going to blow John away," she said with the grin almost visible in her voice.

John was staring at his drink, lost in thought, as we returned to the living room. He looked

up slowly and then did a double take, his smile broadening with each look. "Wow," he said softly.

"Thanks," Millie said through her broad grin. He stood up slowly and walked the long step


He held his arms before him. "Anyone care to dance?"

"Oh, yes," I said before Millie could say anything. Then I felt badly and looked at her. Her

smile now was from ear to ear, looking at me. I took that for her agreement.

He swept me into his arms and halfway across the room and into a deep dip that scared me

to death. But he never lost the continuation of motion, righting me again in spite of my lack of help.

I'd saved myself only by grabbing around his neck with both hands and now found both his in the

middle of my back.

I don't know whether the next hour could be termed "dancing." It was really just heavy petting

while moving to music and standing upright.

After John had me panting, Millie cut in and I watched as he repeated the performance on her.

The only difference was a little more attention to her soft breasts that made themselves so enticingly

available through the thin material.

She also took off his shirt and pants for him in time with the music. He stopped then to do

something with his clothes and sat down to watch as Millie and I danced. It was an unbelievable turn

on to have her hands on me as her breasts pressed into the brassiere that covered my own less well

formed ones.

She proved to me in those few minutes that a man's nipples, even through a padded bra, are

as sensitive as I would imagine a woman's to be. Then I felt John behind me again, his arms around

us both so our movement was nearly impossible. The bulge in his underwear was very apparent in my

lower back.

I couldn't stand it then and, grabbing one of them by the hand on each side of me, led them

to the bedroom. John pulled down the covers from the bed while Millie found a small bedside light.

They indicated, together, that I was to take the center which I quickly assumed.

I was smothered with kisses from both sides, touches and the feelings of those two very warm

bodies entwining with mine for a long time. My ears tingled with their kisses. My nipples throbbed

to their hard ministrations. Finally my manhood leapt to Millie's soft touches.

My arms went around John's shoulders as his mouth covered mine from above and his hand

pressed into the flesh of my chest, massaging. Then I felt Millie slowly pulling my panties downward

until, soon, they were off. My legs spread as her kisses covered me from waist to knees and back

again. Her tongue probed the tops of the nylons I still wore, my belly button, the junctions of my legs

to my body and, finally, my hard self.

I heard her moan as she sucked it far up into her mouth then and my body arched to her.

John's hands rubbed the soft, slippery material of the nightgown as she sucked and fluttered and

pressed. Then she began a deep, rhythmic movement that took her from the tip of it to the root and

back again and again.

That's when I heard the jar lid unscrewing and only in passing identified it. I felt Millie's sharp,

feminine fingernail as it teased at the opening of my asshole. Then, her head still moving, I felt the

cold touch of the vaseline and the fuller feeling of her finger invading my insides. Only the excess of

alcohol saved me from an early end to the activities.

Millie moved her head then and I felt her behind John, bring him to readiness. Then she started

moving his body over mine. I didn't know what to do. Panic governed me for a moment until John's

insistent tongue again took my mind. I felt him move his body between my legs that I had to spread.

Millie massaged my thighs and moved them until they were nearly perpendicular to our

bodies. I felt him then, between my legs, the tip touching the sensitive area between dick and asshole.

Then lower. I felt Millie helping him to find the entrance and lifting my legs until my midsection was

indecently vulnerable.

"It doesn't hurt," I thought vaguely before I felt him push forward. Then it did hurt. Oh, god,

it hurt so bad. Then suddenly his head popped through the tight muscle. I tried with my whole being

to keep him from moving then but, slowly, he pushed forward again. Then more. And more. Until

I felt his pubic hair on my balls and his body tight to the back of my legs.

My legs, surmounted by the high heeled slippers, were pointed into the air as he moved back

outward again, then in, then out. I was panting so hard, I couldn't maintain the kiss that had prevented

screams a moment before. My legs pumped in the air with his movements. And I could feel my come

building for release.

As if on cue, he stopped and, with a devastating feeling of loss for me, pulled out. I was

turned over onto my stomach then and felt his hand pulling my hips upward.

Then his tool was again at the entrance to my ass and, again painfully, inside again. Millie slid

under me and between my legs then, lifting my upper body. Opening my eyes with difficulty, I looked

down to see those beautiful, big breasts inches before me. I gulped at them as she hugged my head

to her. Then slowly, together, we conspired to get me into her dripping hole where all three of us

pumped together.

Suddenly, as the pace reached a crescendo, the panting very loud in the room, she grabbed

both my nipples and pinched. Hard.

I came immediately, cascading the other two into their own throes of agony at the same time.

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