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Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 13:13:36 -0500

From: Jim Thurman <jthurma@bellsouth.net>

Subject: Laura's Story

"Come on Jimmy, in here, quick" "What is this place Darlene ?" "I think

there's a beauty salon on the top floor, let's go see." "Let me peek out

the door first, they're over there Dar, under the Pepsi sign, see them "? "

Yhea, I got them. Little Mouse's" "Don't under estimate them, they are

professionals at bringing people in" "Yeah, well let's don't give them a

chance" "I agree, I don't think they saw us come in here, lets look

upstairs. These bottom floors seem to be all offices" "Here's the elevator,

push 12, that's the top. At least we can look out from there to see what

our friends are doing outside. It's started to rain and it's turnin colder,

they'll move for sure" "Yeah, but how far, here's the 12th, lets look


" There, at the end Jimmy, it's the Bon Ton Salon, I've seen it advertised,

let's go in there, it's on the right side to look out. " Come out here

Stella, we've got a couple of customers". "Not so fast Mamm, we, unh, well,

we need to look out your window if that's OK " "Sure look away, what are we

looking for ?" "Those two guys, there over by the news stand, under the

Pepsi sign. They're moving Darlene, into that restaurant" "Yhea I see them,

but they'll be watching, you can bet on it" "I'm sorry Mamm to bust in like

this, I am Jimmy, and this is Darlene, we, unh, have a bit of a problem"

"So I gather, I'm Madoline and this is Stella, why don't we sit down and

talk this over. You are it for customers this afternoon, so we won't be


"Why are those goons looking for you guys ?" "Well, it's a long story,

let's just say that we took something, a big something, from them, and they

want it back. We've unh, disposed of the item, at least I should say, it's

not here in Chicago. It's safe and secure, what we need is some time to

take care of some other business, before we leave for a spot unh,

considerably South of here" " Darlene, do you and Jimmy have a place here"

"Yes Stella, we have a brownstone over on Lakeshore, it's not titled in our

name and so far, they don't know about it, we are very careful about going

and coming". "Lakeshore ?"

"That's a very high rent district, a Brownstone no less, I am

impressed". "It was in Darlene's family, we have lived there for about five

years" "Jimmy, are you and Darlene, Unh, well are you " "We live together

Madoline, I think it's reasonable to say that we'll get married when this

is over"

"Jimmy, I need to ask you, is this item Money "? "Yes" "A Lot ?" "Yes"

"How bad do they want it back". "Well they sure don't want anybody else in

their organization to know it's missing, so right now it's low key" "They

are connected people, but it's not drug money or anything like that. When

we took it, it was already stolen from somebody else.

There's been no press, and there won't be". "It might just go away, time

will tell".

Unh, Jimmy, Darlene, Stella and I have some experience in this, we had

someone looking for us recently. Could we help you ?" " If you could agree

to start very slow so we could get to know each other, sure" "Well there a

few things we can do right now to change your appearance enough to throw a

trained eye off." "Let's do this first, then maybe we can plan for

later". "Jimmy, you come with me, Darlene you go with Stella"

"This is really a modern place Madoline, it must be a big investment".

"Yep, it really is, but we do a good business, we have four other girls

plus a manicurist on busy days, neither Stella or I work full time. You

were just lucky to find us both here. Jimmy, I'm going to change your hair

color and a few other simple things, you will be surprised, lean back in to

this sink, I'll wash your hair first. You have beautiful hair darling, so


"This is a mousse, it's a thick gel which is a quick color, it's a couple

of shades darker than your natural color, just relax while I work it

in. Now while we wait for it to penetrate, I'll change your eyebrow shape

just a little. First I'll trim it closer to your skin, now hold tight, I'm

going to tweeze you just a little." "Ouch Madoline that hurts". "Ohhh

poo. Just hold still, now let me rinse you out, lean back in the sink

dear.. Good, I love the color, look in the mirror" "Wow it really does make

me look different" " OK dear, let me comb you out" Now get under this dryer

for just a few minutes, here let me lower the hood. There you're dry, into

the chair again".. "My part goes on the other side Madoline" "I know silly,

this is just part of the change. Now hold still, I'm going to pin your hair

up in front with these bobby pins." "Come on Madoline, don't overdo it"

"Don't fret, I know what I'm doin'. "There, that looks nice, don't you

think ?" "Yes it does look neat, like I'm changed but not too much". I've

got one more thing, but we'll let Darlene do it. Let's go find her"

"Well look at you". "Me, ! Look at you, red hair no less and those

earrings, they're huge".

"Darlene we need to do one more thing for Jimmy and I though it would be

better if you did it, OK ?" "Sure Madoline, what"? "This is a little pot

of clear lip gel, absolutely no color at all, use this lip brush and put it

on Jimmy's lips, it goes on like lipstick, but it has no color. It will

change the texture of Jimmy's lips to complete the image" "OK Jimmy, come

over here so I can do your lipstick" "Ho Ho, big joke" "Come on Jimmy, quit

foolin' around, sit down right here, tilt your head back, look up at me"

"This goes on like lipstick even smells like lipstick, part your lips

sweetie, now blot them together. Now look in my mirror". "Mmmm, Wellll, I

don't know, I guess it's OK, I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt"

"It sure feels funny"

"Now what we think we should do is call a cab to the basement parking lot,

there will be four of us inside so that will confuse anybody watching, and

if we are lucky, they won't even see the cab" "That sounds great, we can go

into the covered parking area in our building too, can't we Darlene" "Yep,

it sounds perfect, let's do it" "Stella, would you get our things together,

don't forget the address book" "We can take our time and decide what to do

at Darlene's house. Let's go"

"Look, there's the guys watching for us, look straight at them, kind of

casually, see they turned away, no recognition". While we ride, Jimmy tell

me a little about what you will need to do" "Well, just about everything,

shopping, meetings, movies, restaurants, we can be discrete, but it would

be hard to change completely" "Stella, are you thinking what I am"?

"Probably, Madoline" Let's discuss it when we get there, Ohhh we're here

now, let's go up" "Jimmy you get the security system please" "OK good,

everybody into the elevator, here Stella use my key" "My god Darlene look

at this place, it's huge and so very beautiful, it's just exquisite. The

view of the lake is simply gorgeous". "Come on Stella, Madoline, let me

take you on a tour, we'll start upstairs" "This is the master bedroom

suite, off the hall here is a sauna, steam shower, and whirlpool, feel free

to use it anytime. Unh Madoline, do you and Stella need two bedrooms or

one?" We need two to work in, and one to sleep in" "I see, OK perfect,

these two adjoin and are connected, each has a private bath" Uh Darlene, we

didn't exactly plan to move in with you" "I know Stella, this is just when

you want, I image that we will be seeing quite a bit of each other.

It would be nice to have you so please consider it, now lets look around

some more.

This is the upstairs laundry, this is the office with computers, fax

machines etc., this is the sun room, it has a glass ceiling and has a

terrific view" "My gosh, terrific is an understatement" "Now let's go

downstairs, we entertain down here, the kitchen, mud room and side entrance

is over here, in here is the formal dining room, the library, the

solarium and a small guest bedroom, the formal entrance hall cuts through

here" "It's really nice Darlene, you are very fortunate". "Don't I know it"

Let's go into the solarium and have a drink, I think the others are already


"Jimmy, your house is fantastic" "Thanks Stella, what can I get you to

drink" "Do you have any white wine?" "I have an excellent California White,

let me open it" How about you, Madoline" "Jimmy can you make me a proper

martini" "My specialty Madam, one olive or two, shaken not stirred.

Darlene why don't you start the fire, it's beginning to get a little nippy

outside, Winter is coming. Madoline here's your Martini, Stella your wine,

Darlene your Gimlet, and my scotch and soda" "Jimmy, my Martini is perfect,

just perfect.

I made a pitcher Madoline, it's there on the fridge plate. Let's sit here

by the fire, we can talk, Darlene is the security armed ? " "Yes darling"

"Jimmy ?" "Yes Madoline" "You will recall that Stella and I mentioned that

we had some experience in evading people who were looking for us" "Yes,

Madoline I do remember"

"Well based on what you have told us, Stella and I agree that there is only

one thing to do, one way to get out of this, Jimmy you will think it is

unrealistic, Darlene, you will think it's doable, Jimmy my dear, we want to

change you into a girl for the duration". "Say what"! "No I'm serious, we

could do it and more importantly you could do it. Think about it, what

could me more convincing, two girls instead of one guy and one girl"

Madoline, you have got to be kidding, look at me" "I already have dear, you

would be perfect"

"Jimmy" "Yes Darlene" "It's really not a bad idea. "We could do it with the

idea that if you didn't like the finished product we could cancel it and

try something else. Think about it Jimmy, why wouldn't it work ?" "Well for

starters, I don't walk like a girl, or talk like a girl, or think like a

girl." "We would have to overcome the first two, and I think we could. As

to how you think, we are all individuals, we all think differently" "I just

don't know, it's a big stretch" "Jimmy after we get you dressed the first

time we can take some photos and use them for ID Documents, Passports,

Drivers License, Credit Cards, everything, Stella and I know how to do

that. We wouldn't do anything that was absolutely permanent so you could

change back later when you and Darlene are safe if you want to."

"Jimmy, you and Madoline are just about the same size, we have all the

cosmetics, wigs, and other stuff we might need at the shop, and we can

easily bring what we will need for you over here" "I tell you what, there

are a few things you and Darlene can do here, Stella and I will go back to

our shop, I'll get Stella to grab a cab and come back over tonight just to

drop some things off that you will need' "Madoline, this is goin too fast,

I don't know". "Have another scotch Jimmy, I guarantee you'll like it, if

you don't, we'll stop, I promise". "Well OK, but I'm not liking it at all,

it sounds downright embarrassing."

Stella, the security code to get out is 6354, to get in it's 7465, just add

one to the first number, if you forget it ,call us on the intercom" OK,

I'll be back in about two hours, you guys can get started. Darlene, can I

see you privately for a sec ?" "Sure Madoline".

"See you tomorrow Jimmy". OK Stella, thanks".

"Come on up to the bedroom Jimmy, let's get started, this is exciting".

"Yeah with me as the guinea. pig". "You are going to like the attention, I

promise. Let me run your bath".

"My bath, I had a shower earlier" "Don't fight it lover, it doesn't become

you. This is my very favorite gardenia bath oil, I know you like the

smell". "Well yes I do as a matter of fact". "Slide in Jimmy, it's sudsing

up nicely, just sink in." "I'll put your clothes in the hamper". "How does

that feel ?" "Kind of nice actually, I do love the gardenia smell, I always

have". OK Darling raise your leg and prop it on the tub, I'm going to shave

it with my Lady Sensor, I put in a new blade this morning. Stretch your leg

and point your toes.

Long strokes from your ankles up, I'll stop to clean the razor often. The

warm water and bath oil softened you up nicely, now stand up please, I I'll

shave the backs of your legs, I I'll make you a nice bikini line, there !"

"Now hold still, I going to trim your pubic hair with these scissors,

that's better. Bend over darling and spread your cheeks, I'll trim in here


and shave very carefully between your legs. Ohhhh Darlene P L E A S E !"

"Now hold up your arms, high, I'll stretch your skin while I shave you

here" "Be careful Darlene, don't nick me." OK finished. Now just a couple

of more things. Wind yourself up in this big terry towel, do it like this,

good". I am going to reduce the hair on your arms with this electric razor,

it has a gate attached so it should be perfect. Now that's looks good.

Jimmy, this is a mixture of bleaching peroxide and vinegar, it will bleach

the hair on your arms so it will be almost invisible. Just sponge it on,

wait five minutes and viola. You're looking good!"

"Now sweets, my dear, your chest. We are going to attach very special

silicon boobs there and we have to get you absolutely smooth. First I'll

shave you using this medicated gel lubricant.. Stella is bringing over some

surgical grade hair remover, so we will wait for that for the final touch.

While we wait I want to do your eyebrows." "Come on Darlene, is all this

necessary ?" "Yes is dear, you will see, now tilt your head back." First

I'll trim your brows very close to your skin, I'll be careful, don't

flinch. There finished,

Jimmy, this is a zip strip. It's a medicated adhesive strip that is shaped

in an arch. You press it under your brow, just covering the part that you

want to remove, and zip it off".

"Damn that hurt" "don't be a sissy Jimmy, let me get the other side. Good,

Good, Good, now a little to tweeze". Ohhh no, Madoline tweezed me earlier"

" I've got to do it, it's necessary, I've simply must get these

stragglers". "Ouch, Ouch. Ouch" "there finished, want to look ? "No I'm

afraid to look, maybe later."

"What time is it Jimmy?' "It's about 5:00" "OK we have time before Stella

comes back to do a few other things, I'm going to polish your Toes and

Fingers. Now look Jimmy, remember this. The color is Revlon Red Blush, to

paint your toes, just sit over here on the low bench. It helps to put a

cotton ball between each toe, like this Ouuu you're ticklish.

Now I'll dunk the brush in the bottle, wipe it on the side and coat each

little toe. Start at the top and very carefully, pull the brush down. Use

more than one coat if you need to. This is quick dry enamel so there's no

wait. Here you do the other foot." "Good Jimmy, that's just perfect, now

take out the cotton balls". "Pretty red toes, you'll understand why later"

"Now your fingers, this is a bit more complicated. To give you longer


I'm going to do what is called acrylic nails. They are very strong and

resist damage to a large extent. Give me your thumb. First, I'll trim and

buff your nail to a constant finish and length. Now we lay up this acrylic

filler to the right length and shape, I like semi-pointed tips. That's

good, now we coat the filler with this liquid which cures it and makes it

hard. Now, finally, we buff it smooth and we are ready for polish. It takes

some time, but it's worth it. If you have this done in a Nail Salon, it

costs about $60.00. The length is kind of medium because I think that long

nails are one of the things that you will notice the most. Now let me get

to work.

"Whew, that was a job, ready for polish. What's the color we're using "

"It's Revlon Blush Red" "Not quite lover, it's Red Blush not Blush Red, but

that's close enough.

Let me paint your nails this first time. Separate your fingers and rest

your wrist on this little cushion. Start at the cuticle and paint down, as

many strokes as it takes" "How do they feel Jimmy ?" "Strange" Let them dry

and we'll put on a second coat" "That must be Stella, you wait here, I'll

be right back.

"Hi Stella, any problems ?" " No everything is fine, I brought some of

Madoline's Undies, the surgical cream and a frilly gown, we'll be over

about 9:00 tomorrow morning and will have everything we need, include a

couple of surprises, how's he doing ?" "So far so good, we've shaved him

bare, done his brows, and painted his toes, we have one more coat to go on

his nails" "Good, Darlene, we need to start to think of a feminine

name". "OK. I'll work on it tonight, I have some ideas" "You know Darlene

we have a bit of luck in this, it's getting colder and we all wear more

clothes in Winter than in Summer". "True enough, I hadn't thought of

that". "OK, I'll see you tomorrow".

"Jimmy, are you in there ?" "Yes Darlene is Stella gone ?" "Yes she is"

"First let's finish your nails, they look just beautiful, let me put on one

more coat and a clear sealer coat.

It will just take a minute." "There all finished" "Let it dry and let's

finish your chest.

This cream is strong, so I'll use it sparingly, it says to first coat your

nipples with Vaseline so here goes" "Ouu that's cold Darlene" " OK I'll

spread it on evenly, arch your back a little. Now we wait 5 minutes., I'll

fix us another drink and some snacks, don't move around too much. 5

Minutes up, let me check, yep it's ready, into the shower with you.

Rub off with this loofa. Mmmmmm smooth as a baby's bottom,. I'll wipe off

the Vaseline"

"Now Jimmy let's introduce you to some girls clothes, Madoline sent over

some of hers, they should fit. First slip into these panties, they are

peach color with a little rick rack trim. Just pull them up, that's

right. Don't worry about the little tent in front, we'll take care of that

later.. Here is your bra, it's a bandeau type with three hooks in back,

just slip your arms in the straps, that's right, now I'll hook you in

back. Let me adjust your shoulder straps a little. Now darling slip your

straps off and let me pull your bra out a bit. These are silicon forms that

fit into your bra, I'll tuck them in, and move them around a little, now,

how's that ?" "It's funny Darlene, they seem to be adjusting to my own


"They are darling, they will feel quite natural soon. And tomorrow we will

have something even nicer. Now this my dear is a waist cinch, not too high

but with six lovely long, adjustable garters. First however slip into

Madriline's panty girdle, just tug it up all the way, see how it smoothes

you out. It matches your peach bra and panties. I know it's tight, just

pull it up, wiggle your butt a little. Good, good !" "Are you OK Jimmy ?"

"I guess so, but I feel very disconnected" "OK :let's get you into the

cinch. Here, fit it around you and hold it in front" "Like this ?" "Yes

now take one big breath in, suck in your tummy, There, exhale it's fastened

in back." "Whoa ! that is tight, very tight". "It will feel better when we

hook up your stockings. Sit down over here. These are brand new French

stockings, I wonder where Madoline found them. They will feel really tight

on your legs. Roll them up like this and smoothly pull them up to your

knees. Now stand up and pull them the rest of the way up. Hook the front

garter first, here I'll help you. Now the back, and the side. Let me adjust

the garter straps to give you maximum lift, it will also help to hold down

your garter belt. You do the other side" Good Jimmy you are catching on."

"Your legs look simply fantastic"

" These are sling pumps with 3" heels, they are mine, they are one size too

small but you can adjust that with the sling.. Just slip them on and stand

up, How do they feel" ? "Not too bad actually, it's this waist cincher

that's killing me, it really hurts" "Jimmy, it's my fault, the cinch is

mine, it didn't come from Madoline, I made a big mistake and I am sorry. My

waist is smaller than yours and I guess I thought I was being smart".

It is too small for you, take it off now, here I'll snap these garters

around your legs to keep your stockings up. Take off the cinch and the

panty girdle too, I have another idea.

Let me help you. Leave the shoes on you can practice while we walk".

"Please forgive me"

"No Darlene this is Sissy's stuff, for Christ's sake she is dead. Look

Jimmy, it's been five years, she was a friend of a friend living here for

nine months, she was killed in an accident

and is not even buried here. The friend, Cassie, who recommended her is

also gone, the circle is broken --- period. We both know that Sissy was a

clothes horse. She spent tons of money on clothes, many of which are brand

new, never worn, still in the package. We need to go through this, keep

what we want, and Good Will the rest. I know we want the Fur Coat, I was

with her when she bought it, $28,000 Cash, Russian Sable. Let's get it out

and you try it on. Just unzip the bag, God it's glorious, maybe we can both

wear it from time to time. Try it on. Ohhhhh My God, it's perfect, the

shoulders and lengths are exact. It will be too big for me, too bad!" Put

in on the bed and we can take it, along with mine, to the fur place for


"Now, I came in here for something else, her lingerie drawers are over

here. God, look at this stuff, we could open a store". "I had no idea Dar,

it looks like it's brand new" "It is dear, it is" "Here we go, Jimmy this

is a high waist, open bottom girdle, it matches your bra, and it does have

six garter tabs. It zips in the back. It's a tad old fashioned, but it's

perfect for us. Let me help you get it on. Sit here and pull it over your

feet, now wiggle it up to your knees , now stand up. Suck in your tummy,

and tug it up, wiggle your butt, good, keep pulling, now let me get the

high waist band, I'll pull it from the back, just a little more, good

Jimmy, I'll zip you up. My. My, that looks nice, fasten the garters dear,

I'll get the one in back. Now, take a breath and tell me how you feel."

"Well it's a lot better, I feel kind of together, connected, to be honest,

I kind of like how it feels" "It looks great, as Mr., Crystal would say,

"Simply Mar'va'lous Dahling " "It really gives you a feminine form, I am

pleasantly surprised. Jimmy, how do you feel about going out for a while ?"

"I don't know Darlene, I still feel kind of klutsy." :OK how about I

finish dressing you, and we'll see then." "OK" "Let's look for a dress,

there are so many, Summer over here, Winter over here, Transition here.

Look, I love this Fall Print, it's silk lined from Saks, it's perfect, a

nice A-Line neck, fitted skirt with a side slit, stitched to accentuate

your bust and hips, it has a back zipper too, what do you think ?" "Well

OK, I guess, I don't know Darlene !" "OK it's what we need, hang it over

there, I wonder what's in this closet. Well will you look at this, there

must be 15 wigs in here, stands, combs & brushes, there's every color in

the rainbow. They look brand new. Most of them still have the tags on. I'm

wondering about Sissy, this is a lot of stuff."

Here Jimmy, take this shoulder length Auburn Wig, I love the style and it

still has the Revlon tag on it, take this wig cap too, you'll need

it. Let's see what size shoes she wore.

Well lookie here, your size Jimmy, there must be 40 pair in here. Look at

these high heel boots, they must have cost a fortune. I am amazed, this is

a big lot of stuff, do you think it was stolen ?" "No, I remember her

shopping, always bringing bags in, lots of deliveries, I guess she was just

a compulsive shopper" "you got that right Jimmy" By the way, we all have

been thinking of a new name for you, how about Sissy ?" "No way, it's too

morbid, I'd think of her every time you said it". "OK. You're right, I'll

think of something else". "How about Laura" "welllllll that sounds OK,

kind of old fashioned" OK it's settled, we'll use your regular last name,

so you will be Ms. Laura Sitchens".

"Laura -- get used to that -- this inventory of Sissy's things is a

treasure trove, the sizes will fit both you and Madoline, and we can all

wear the wigs. I also noticed there was a big shelf of Wig Accessories, all

kinds of things. I bet there is easily $70,000 of stuff, not counting the

fur coat. And lest I forget, her car is still here, it's stored in the

garage, I think it's a Chevrolet 4 x 4 Blazer. Make a note Laura, we'll

check it out tomorrow, it wouldn't hurt to have an unknown car in reserve"

"I like your name, it fits you". "Let's finish dressing.

"I got this slip out of the lingerie drawer, just step into it and pull it

up, it's the right size

Shake it out, just wiggle, good". These shoes will be better, they're your

size. The heels are 3-1/2" and very delicate, they suit you very nicely,

and your legs look terrific. Walk around, how they feel ?" "Actually they

feel just fine, I don't think I wobble, it just seems natural, I can't

quite explain it" "bless you Laura, you are a treasure. Now your dress.

Just bend over, step into it, now pull it up carefully, slip your arms into

the sleeves, I'll pull it over your shoulders and zip up the back". "Does

this belt go with it Darlene ?"

"Yes darling, it does" "That's right buckle it firmly but not too tight,

twist the buckle this way a bit, perfect".. "Now turn around, let me look

at you. I think lover you are going to be very surprised, and very pleased"

"I think I'll do your makeup, before I put on your wig, let's go in my

room. You sit here in front of the mirror, pay close attention to the


"First, a neutral foundation, blend it thoroughly over your face and neck,

be careful not to get any makeup on your dress, here let me tuck this bib

around your neck. Now let it dry.

Just a little more on your nose and under your eyes. Good !" Now we start

with your eyebrows, I'll use this plain black eyebrow pencil, and use short

strokes to follow your natural line, we just want to accentuate your

brows. See, that's easy". "Now Eye Shadow" "We use this wand, and for you I

have picked a dark mist color, Start just above your lashes and pull the

wand upward, feather it out up next to your brows, watch !" "Sometimes it

takes two or three coats". "You do the other eye" "Great Laura, you've got

it, just one more coat, super!" Now eye liner, this can be tricky". I use

liquid liner on top and a pencil line on the bottom, This liquid liner is

difficult so let me do it, gently close your eyes. This tiny brush, draws a

tiny line just at the point where your upper lashes meet your eyelid. Don't

blink !" I'll do both eyes then blow it dry". "OK done !" The pencil goes

at the point just below where your lower lashes meet your eye, as close as

possible to the lashes"." I'll do it" "Now a trick". "You take this Q-Tip

and gently smudge the line under your lashes, good Laura, very good". That

makes your eyes seem bigger. I am also going to connect up the upper liner

with the lower in the corner, this will define you eye.

"So far so good, are you OK ?" "I'm kind of in shock" Ohh poo you like it,

I know !"

"Now your lips, the most important thing. I'm going to use this lip brush

to trace an outline around your lips, in fact, I am going to slightly

exaggerate your natural lip line. Now hold still" Laura you load up the

brush from this pot of Revlon Red Blush, and fill in the outline, use

plenty of lipstick darling." "OK blot on this tissue, let me put on another

coat, we want your lips to look wet. Ohhhh that's absolutely perfect."

"Now your wig" "This little stretchy cap goes on first to hold your hair in

place, duck your head darling". "This is an absolutely stunning wig,

shoulder length, off the collar, swept in front, just stunning".

"Let me fit it on you, ohhh look at that, it's a miracle" Don't move a

muscle" These are your earrings, or I should say my earrings, they have

clip backs, and a moderate drop, so they might feel a bit heavy, but they

swing so nicely". This four strand pearl choker was my Mothers, let me hook

it for you, Laura I am just speechless". Use my perfume behind each ear and

between your breasts, it's JOY. My favorite, and I hope yours". Here's a

watch for your left wrist, and three bracelets for your right. A couple of

costume rings, and your purse, it has your lipstick, a compact a comb and

small brush, and some money.

"Now Laura, one final thing, look in the mirror, tell me what you see,

something we should fix". I don't know Darlene, my mind is reeling". I know

it must be darling, you need a little powder on your face, your nose is

shiny". Use your compact, and just touch it on, that is divine Laura,

absolutely perfect. You know I can't get over how well you walk in heels,

you are entirely confident and sure of yourself, it really shows. Now what

I'd like to do is, well is,unnhhhh, would you go our with me to show

Madoline and Stella what we have done ?" "Do you want me to Darlene ?" "Yes

I do, very much" "OK call them be sure it's OK and we'll go, I prefer a

cab. " "Let me change my dress and freshen my makeup, it will just take a

sec, why don't you make us a fresh drink" "OK, I'll wait in the solarium".

"Here's your gimlet Darlene, sit down please. Did you call Madoline ?"

"Yes, they will be delighted to see us". "Darlene, I am scared to death,

I'm actually shaking and the butterflies in my tummy are huge. I'm afraid

people will know who, or what, I really am".

"Laura, get up and come over to the mirror with me, stand beside me, What

do you see, use a critical eye. Let's turn sideways, look over your

shoulder like this, now from the back and the other side. Now Laura when I

do this what do you think ?" "Well you brushed your hair out of your eyes,

I've seen you do it zillions of times". "Exactly, how do you explain that's

precisely what you just did, it was exactly the same mannerism" "Really, I

don't remember" "Of course you don't it was an instinct. Laura, every man

has some repressed feminine genes inside, don't fight it, embrace it". You

are very much a proper lady, even your naturally soft voice is perfectly

acceptable. Do you feel strange in your new outfit?" "Not strange, not

uncomfortable, I feel pretty nice actually and I feel guilty about it".

"Are you having any sexual feelings Laura "? "Not anything different, I am

still very attracted to you, and I appreciate other pretty ladies like I

always have", "Any thoughts of gender "? "What do you mean ?" Any thoughts

about what it would be like to be a girl ?" "Within the last few hours,

sure, but not anything specific, my thoughts are still pretty tumbled"

"Laura you are an absolutely delightful young woman, I really want to go

out with you, I will guide you every step of the way, and for a change, I

will protect you". "Let me call the cab". "OK Darlene, go ahead, I'll get

the alarm". "It's a little nippy outside so slip into this light cashmere

coat, I'll get mine. That's right, just sling the chain on your purse over

your shoulder. Let's go"

"Here's our cab, you get in first and slide over". "My heart is racing".

"What are you doing Laura ?" "I'm looking in my purse for my compact, I

want to look at my face"

"OK, what do you see ?" "I see Laura, Darlene" "It's just so unreal" "Here

we are, let me get the cab, you go right in Laura". "Oh good, you've got

the elevator"

"My god Jimmy, you look gorgeous". "Stella, Madoline, Jimmy's new name is


Ohhh that's perfect, let me look at you. Darlene, you worked a miracle, she

is simply wonderful. Every detail is perfect. Her nails, makeup, the way

she stands and walks, it's eerie". "I know, we've talked about it a little,

she put on those 3-1/2" heels and took off like she was born in them. I

don't mean she didn't wobble, she was confident, sure, her hips moved",

"You're embarrassing me" "Ohhh I am sorry darling, I am just so pleased,

come in sit down, I'll fix a drink. I know you must be hungry, I've ordered

in some Chinese, I hope that's OK ?' "Yes, Stella, that's fine" "Laura. You

look like a dream, I'm not kidding, when Darlene told me she was going to

dress you up, I never thought the first time would be so perfect, you are

indeed a very special person, I mean that". "Thank you Madoline, I am

trying to sort out my feelings and maybe I'm getting there, For example, it

just dawned on me that if I try to be a girl, It's not always fancy

clothes, makeup and all the rest, sometimes girls wear jeans and a Tee, it

will take a while, if this sticks, to sort it out" "You are exactly right

darling, you probably can be more things as a girl, than as a boy"

"Laura, Darlene, I mentioned that I had a couple of surprises for tomorrow"

"Yes we remember" "I thought I might explain those surprises now, it might

make it more understandable tomorrow, OK ?" "Sure Madoline go ahead" "Well

both of you should know that I am a RN, I don't work full time since Stella

and I bought this salon, but I do work at the hospital, on average, two or

three nights per month. Several months ago, I worked as a scrub nurse in

Reconstructive Surgery. One night things were dead slow and another nurse

I know asked me to come into the lab and look at something with her I

almost fainted, what she showed me was absolutely wild. Let me explain. She

showed me a mold of a woman's breast and a woman's genitalia. It was made

from a soft squishy material. She filled up the cavities in each mold,

there were two breasts, with a very viscous liquid, so think it almost

wouldn't flow, then she literally put in an oven.

About ten minutes she took them out, turned the molds upside-down, and the

forms slid out. They were incredible. She explained that a Swedish Company

had developed this material with the thought that it would be a surgical

replacement for skin and tissue.

It has a memory, dimple it and it comes back. Squeeze a nipple and it gets

bigger, then in a few minutes it goes back"

"So, having no thought to either of you, I convinced Stella to go over with

me and

make a mold. This is how you do it. For each breast there is a big circle

of plastic, gel filled material, you heat it up to warm and it gets

squishy. Then you take the circle and press it over one breast, with your

hands you mold it to the exact contour, when finished, you spray it with a

liquid which hold the form, you label it left or right, and do the other

one. The result is really special, I defy you to tell that it's not a real

natural breast, First we make a dimple in the back to fit your nipple, then

we apply a sterile grade of surgical adhesive, we fir your nipple into the

dimple and press it to your chest. It adheres immediately, to finish we use

a tiny applicator around the edge of your breast, it blends to your skin,

eliminating any chance of a line. The breast is a natural color, lighter

than your regular skin tone to reflect no sun. The dimple in the form will

return to it's regular shape putting very slight negative pressure on each

nipple. They have proper weight, color, drop,

temperature, they will feel like a part of you"

"Now the genitalia, or vagina, it's made the same way, except the mold is

formed to fit between your legs. The best way is to use a delivery table, a

couple of cushions under your hips to raise up your torso, and your feet in

the stirrups as wide as you can stretch, press in the form very firmly,

swish it around, then carefully remove it and do as you did with the

breasts. When it comes out of the mold, you do not believe your eyes, it is

so real it's scary. You attach it with the same adhesive, it's waterproof

and should last for several months. You do just a bit of cosmetic work on

the form and it is absolutely anatomically perfect, it will, like the

breasts feel like a part of you. I am doing a tiny bit of work tonight on

it to make a shallow recess for your manhood, well secured, with a tiny

spot for it to peek through so you can pee sitting down".

"So Laura my dear, you will have Stella's boobs and my pussy. It would

honestly be better if you could let us fit you at the hospital, we could

make it absolutely private, it would be sterile, and we could make any

necessary adjustments" "How about it" "Whew, that's quite a story, I guess

I'm honored, part of me Stella, part Madoline. What do you think Darlene ?"

"if it's true, and I have no reason to believe it's not, I only wish I had

posed for the forms". "We can arrange that Darlene" "I'll think about it,

in the meantime, Laura, I think you should do it, absolutely" "OK Girl"

"Stella, call Rene' and see if she can reserve delivery five for 10::00AM

tomorrow. We'll need 90 minutes".

"OK Madoline we are booked, she wants to know if she can help". "We might

need her, tell her I would appreciate it and I will call her before we

arrive" "OK"

Stay Tuned the adventure continues.

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