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His Cousin Made Him a Girl!

by Donna Keane

"You're a sissy!"

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are! You're a sissy! Sissy! Sissy! Why don't you admit it?" The little

girl brought her face up close to his and practically spat at him.

"Stop calling me that!" Joey, in a fit of frustration, reached out and pushed

his cousin Susan away from him.

"Don't you dare push me!" she cried out and shoved him back. Her shove was

much harder than his and she also contrived to hook one of her legs behind

his when she pushed. He fell back, lost his balance and fell crashing to the


"Sissy! Sissy! Sissy!" She stood over him, with her hands on her hips, her legs

spread wide apart.

Joey looked up and discovered that he had a perfect view of her. The short

skirt of the dress that she was wearing flared wide and he gaped in awe at the

frothy lace of her petticoat and panties.

For a moment, he laid quietly enjoying the view. He was only twelve, but for

almost a year now he had been developing an ever-increasing interest in the

sight of feminine undergarments.

It had all started with a picture of a strikingly beautiful woman, attired only

in red satin panties and bra, that appeared in a lingerie ad in the Sunday

magazine section of the NY Times.

The picture had a particularly arousing effect on the youngster. From that

time on, Joey made it a point to leaf through every weekly issue of the paper.

He even round himself slowing down in his walks through the local shopping

malls in order to drink in the sight of the lingerie displays in the various shop

windows... In the larger department stores, he even dared to wander about in

the intimate-wear section, so he could brush up against and feel the sensuous

sleekness of the many silky garments that hung on the racks.

Perhaps it was because Joey had been deprived of any female companionship

all through his young life that he developed this unusual interest in women's

wear. His mother died when he was still a pre-schooler, and his father took

over the entire task of raising him.

Joey loved his Daddy very dearly. The man was kind and thoughtful. He was

also extremely handsome and an astute businessman, very wealthy as well.

The boy wasn't fully aware of how successful his father really was. He did

appreciate, however, that they resided in a very fashionable apartment in the

city and that money never seemed to be a problem.

Later on, there was a butler who assisted in running the household and in

tending to Joey's needs when his father was away on business. The man was

reasonably adept and considerate, but Joey never looked upon him as

anything other than a built-in babysitter. He was not at all disappointed when

the butler was forced to return to England just a few months ago.

But then, shortly after Joey and his Dad were forced to manage on their own,

a beautiful young woman named Dianne came into their lives. It was apparent

that his father was completely smitten by the lady and plans for a quick

marriage were made. Joey did not mind at all this apparent intrusion into the

lives of his father and himself. Dianne was indeed quite beautiful, and even

though she never seemed to pay much attention to him on her many visits to

the apartment, he really loved having her around.

He was a bit confused by the whirlwind courtship and the announcement of

the marriage. It wasn't until the day before the ceremony that Joey learned of

their detailed plans.

Dianne, it seemed, wanted an extended honeymoon trip in Europe, and it was

apparent even to Joey that he was not to be included in their travel plans.

He did learn that the problem of his care and feeding was easily solved. It

happened that Dianne had a sister living out on Long Island who was willing

to take in little Joey for the weeks that his Dad and his bride would be out of

the country.

"You'll just love it. Joey," his Daddy assured him. "Dianne's sister, Harriet,

has a big estate out on the island, and I understand that she also has a couple

of daughters. One or them is just about your age."

Joey was not too keen about being shunted off under the care of some woman

whom he didn't even know, but he did not protest at all... he didn't want to

say anything that would cause concern to his father.

The wedding ceremony was small and quiet. Later that evening, after the

reception, Joey and his new 'Aunt' motored out to her home.

"I must confess that I am a bit apprehensive about having a young boy in my

house," Harriet mentioned as they drove along the thruway "I have two

lovely daughters, Ann, who is away at finishing school, and Susan, still at

home with me... I have never had to deal with little boys before... I do trust

that you won't prove to be a nuisance."

Joey looked up at the stern, yet beautiful face of his aunt. This was his first

inkling that his presence in her home was not exactly welcomed.

"Don't worry, Aunt Harriet," he assured her. "I promise to be very good."

"Oh, I'm sure that you will be." Her tone was adamant. "But I do hope that

you won't expect any toys or games that are suited for boys in my home... And

I won't put up with any raucous behavior."

"No, Aunt Harriet... I'll be good."

"Fine! I think that you will like my daughter Susan. She does tend to be a

little bit overbearing at times, but I'm sure that you'll be able to get along with


"Yes Ma'am."

"And since Ann is off to school, I think I'll let you occupy her room for the

next few weeks... It will save me the bother of preparing a new room of your


"Whatever you say, Auntie."

"Auntie!" she repeated. "Hmmm. I think that I like the sound of that... You

may call me Auntie from now on... But to get back to the subject of your

accommodations... I hope that you will not mind sleeping in a girl's room

while you're with us."

"I don't see why I should, Ma'am."

"Well, of course, you will find that it is very feminine in its appointments. Ann

always likes to be pampered in her exquisite feminine tastes."

"I don't understand."

"What I'm saying is, her room is decorated in pink and white, with lots of

lacy frills on the curtains, the bedspread, and so forth... You'll also discover

that it almost reeks of sweet-smelling perfume."

"That's all right. I like the smell of perfume."

It was all too true... Joey seemed to develop his love of perfumes just about the

same time that he began to foster his love of lingerie... Perhaps it was the

result of his many trips through the lingerie sections of department stores...

All of those lovely, silky garments seemed to have a pretty scent to them.

Then there was the fact that his Daddy always smelled so nice, too... Joey

understood that most men used an after-shave lotion these days. But

somehow, his father's choice of scent seemed to be more like that of a woman.

In fact, just an hour ago, when he hugged his father and his new bride in a

gesture of farewell, Joey was almost certain that they were both wearing the

same scent!

"Did I tell you how much I like your outfit, Joey?" His aunt brought him out

of his reverie.

"Thank you, Auntie. I like it too."

"That's real velvet, isn't it?" She reached down and ran her hands lightly up

and down his thigh.

"Yes Ma'am. Just like Daddy's."

"Mmmm. Your Daddy looked very sweet too in his dark blue velvet suit... and

that silk shirt with its lacy cuffs."

"My shirt is made of silk, too."

"Yes, I know. I understand that it was my sister's idea to have you and your

Daddy dress alike... and that she actually picked out your outfits."

"That's right, Auntie."

"And you didn't object at all? I mean, you don't think that those suits make

you both look too effeminate?"

"I don't understand, Auntie."

"You know, sort of sissified... You know what I mean... girlish."

"Gee, no! I guess I never even thought about it." Joey began to feel a little

uncomfortable with this line of questioning. He tried to hide his discomfort by

faking a yawn. "Are we almost there, Auntie?"

"Getting tired, dear? Just a few more miles now."

Joey squirmed happily in his seat. He liked what she was doing with her hand,

running it up and down his leg like that. It felt so nice to be caressed by a

woman... such a beautiful woman, too.

It was already dark when they pulled up into the long, arching driveway of

the secluded house. Aunt Harriet tooted the horn and, almost immediately, a

porch light came on, the front door opened and a very pretty girl in a maid's

uniform came out and descended the steps.

"Oh... you have a maid?" Joey had never seen a real live maid before, outside

of the movies.

"Yes. Maria has been with us for over two years now... She's such a delight...

I don't know how I ever got along without her before this."

"She's very pretty."

"Mmmm! I think so too." His aunt touched a button on the dash and the

trunk lid sprang open automatically behind them. "Get the boy's luggage,

Maria," she called out. "Then close the trunk and take him into the house.

I'm going to put the car tn the garage."

Joey's one little suitcase was no real task for the healthy young girl. He

wanted to ask if he could help, but she moved right out ahead of him and led

the way up the steps of the porch.

Joey followed along closely behind, looking up to admire the view that was

presented to him... the skirt of Maria's black satin maid's uniform was

unusually short. From his vantage point, he could see all of her pert bottom,

so deliciously clad in pink, lace-trimmed panties.

So enraptured was he at the sight that he did not see her glance around and

smile when she noted the direction of his stare. She halted abruptly at the top

step and deliberately bent over to set down the suitcase.

Joey, still ascending behind her, ran smack into her, his face brushing

momentarily, against the silk and lace of her panties.

"Oooo!" She squealed, laughingly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Maria... I guess I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Eet's all right. No harm done... Come eenside, leetle boy... Your name ees

Jose, no?"

"Joseph," he corrected her. "Most people call me Joey."

"Joee, Jose... all the same. How about Josie? That's a pretty name, too."

"Joey will do." The boy followed the maid into the main entry room of the

large house and gaped at the expanse of the place.

"Boy! What a palace! This is quite a mansion!"

"Si. Eet ees a very large place. Poor Maria ees worked very hard to keep eet

nice. I will take your bag up to your room... You wait here for Madame

Harriet to come een from the garage."

Joey sat primly on a soft, tufted chair, with his hands folded in his lap,

waiting for his aunt to appear. But his attention was captured by some

movement on the upper stairs.

He looked up to see an extremely beautiful little girl with long blond tresses

coming down as Maria went up.

"So this is my new little cousin!" she exclaimed.

Joey's mouth gaped open at the next bit of action that he observed.

Just as the girl reached the same step as Maria, she paused and grasped the

maid by the arm. Then, as the maid stopped her ascent, the girl quite

nonchalantly lifted Maria's short skirt and imparted a loving caress to her

pantied bottom,

"Oooo! Mees Susan!" The maid moaned her pleasurable response, making no

move to draw away.

Susan interrupted her caress, drew back, and applied a playful slap to

Maria's ass. "Off with you, you sweet little doll... The boy's bag goes in Ann's


Susan continued down the stairs, staring openly at Joey all the while. On

reaching the floor, she approached him with a definite expression of disdain

on her lovely face.

"How come you're wearing such sissy clothes, Joey?"

"They're not sissy! This is the same sort of outfit that my father wore at the

wedding today."

"Well, they certainly look sissified to me... I thought that only fairies and

homos wore velvet suits and lace-trimmed blouses."

"This was only for a special occasion. I have regular boy's clothes in my bag."

"Well, I should hope so."

"Ah, I see that you have met my daughter." Joey turned to see his aunt

coming from the doorway. "I do hope that you two will get along together... I

did warn you, didn't I, Joey? Susan can be a bit willful at times. It might be

best if you didn't cross her."

"Oh mother!" The girl pouted. "You know that I can be very sweet, most of

the time."

"Yes dear. I know... Well, it is quite late. That wedding reception lasted

longer than I expected. Joey, I noticed you yawning in the car. How about a

light snack and then right to bed?"

"I'm not very hungry. Auntie. Perhaps a glass of milk, if it's not too much


"Not at all. There, you see, Susan? Did you hear him ask for milk? At least

he's not a Coke-aholic like you."

"So? Isn't he just too sweet for words? I do hope that I'm not going to hear a

lot of comparisons between us, Mother."

"Of course not, darling. Now, why don't you show Joey to his room. I'll be

along directly with his milk."

"Come on, kid... just wait until you see the room that you'll be staying in. It'll

knock your socks off."

Joey put out his hand, expecting to be led to the stairs, but instead, she took

him by the arm and literally towed him along. She certainly seemed to have a

definite air of no-nonsense authority about her.

Moments later, she propelled him toward one of the doors on the second floor.

When he opened it, he was greeted with a breath-taking sight.

The room was so much more than his aunt had described it. Joey never

dreamed that anything could look so marvelously feminine. Pink was indeed

the predominant color, but it was so beautifully augmented by contrasting

whites and even gold trim!

The bed was the main item that captured his eye. The floor-length bedspread

was made of gleaming pink satin, and the bed also featured a lace-trimmed


The carpet was made of long, tufted white nylon fleece. It looked like a huge

fluffy cloud that one could literally float upon.

The next exciting view that caught Joey's attention was the pert figure of

Maria as she bent over his open suitcase in the act of sorting out his clothes.

She smiled over her shoulder at him.

"Ah! Leetle Josie... I see that you do not pack many clothes."

"Not much to pack," he replied. "Just a few pairs of jeans, some T-shirts and

some undershorts and socks. That and a pair of sneakers will be all I'll need."

"What? No pajamas?" Joey heard the voice of his aunt as she entered the

room, bearing his glass of milk.

"No Auntie. I never wear pajamas. Just my undershorts."

"Oh, that will never do! You must learn, little boy, that if you hope to become

a part of my family, you will have to conform to my rules... I think that

sleeping in undershorts is quite uncouth. Susan, please check in Ann's dresser

to see if she might have left something for this poor dear to wear."

"Sure! What'll it be, Joey?" she moved toward the dresser. "Pajamas or a


"Oh, pajamas, of course!" Joey began to blush at the thought of himself

wearing a silky nightie.

"Ah! You're in luck... here's a set of pajamas that should look nice on you."

"But Susan!" he cried. "Those are baby-doll pajamas."

"Uh-huh. Sorry, kid. That's all we have to offer... unless you'd rather

reconsider that nightie?"

"No, thanks! Please, Aunt Harriet, can't I sleep in my shorts just for tonight,

until we get a chance to shop for boy's pajamas?"

"Absolutely not! Here. Take a sip of your milk and start getting undressed."

"You mean now? With Susan and Maria still here?"

"Of course! You'll have to learn, young man, that we don't practice any false

modesty around here. Both Maria and Susan are perfectly aware what naked

little boys look like... you needn't feel embarrassed."

Joey gulped down half of his glass of milk, and put it down on the night table.

Then, he perched on a nearby chair and bent to remove his shoes and socks.

Gee! The carpet felt so nice on his bare feet!

As he took off his velvet jacket and trousers, Maria was right there to take

them away. His white silk shirt was long enough to hang; halfway down his

thighs. 'Well, that's a break,' he thought. 'At least I'll be able to get out of my

shorts and into these baby-doll panties without having anyone see me.'

But his plan was soon thwarted when, after stepping out of his shorts, he

reached for the nylon panties, only to have his hand slapped away, playfully,

by Susan.

"Uh-uh!" she teased. "Take your shirt off first."

Joey looked to his aunt for some support, but he found that she was getting a

like amount of enjoyment out of his predicament. With a resigned sigh, he

unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off.

"Oooo! Look Mommie! Look at his thing... I think that it is getting


"Don't be such a tease, Susan," her mother admonished her mildly. "Give

Joey his panties so he can put them on."

"I'll do even better then that," the laughing girl replied. "Come here, Joey. I'll

hold the panties open for you so you can step into them."

She bent down on one knee and held the tiny bit of filmy fluff open at the

waist with her splayed fingers.

Joey reached out to steady himself with a hand on her shoulder as he lifted

one foot and then the other to step into the delicate panties.

Susan deliberately leaned forward and shook her head from side to side so

that her soft blond curls brushed enticingly against his burgeoning member.

He moaned his delight and reached down to take the waistband of the panties

in his own hands. But Susan again slapped his hands away, indicating that she

would perform the intimate task of drawing the silky panties up his legs and

about his loins.

When she had them in place, she deliberately smoothed them about his hips

and buttocks, then brought her hands around to the front to fondle his


"Look Mommie!" she looked up at her smiling mother. "Wouldn't Ann have

a shit fit if she could see how he's stretching her panties!"

"That's enough of your teasing, Susan. Give Joey the pajama top so he can

put it on and get into bed. The poor dear must be exhausted."

"Funny. He doesn't appear to be very exhausted to me... from the looks of

that throbbing prick of his, he seems to be pretty hot-to-trot."

"Enough, I said. Come along, Joey. Slip into bed now. Just relax and go to

sleep. I'm sure that you will have pleasant dreams."

When Joey climbed up into the bed. he nearly swooned with delight! His aunt

had drawn back the bedspread and covers, and he found himself reclining in

a sea of satin! Both the top and the bottom sheets were made of shimmering

satin, as well as the pillowcases.

"Oh Auntie!" he sighed ecstatically. "This is so nice!"

"We thought that you'd like it, dear. You just snuggle down and get a good

night's sleep. We have big plans for you in the morning."

Joey squirmed and wiggled about in his satin cocoon. How delicious it was!

His little peter became harder still and pressed demandingly against the filmy

texture of his panties. He wanted desperately to reach down and fondle

himself, but he couldn't do it in the presence of the females. Finally, they bade

him good night and left.

'Oooo!' He snaked his hand down to his loins to hold himself through the

panties. 'Oh-oh! I'm beginning to ooze out of my pecker... Gosh, I don't want

to get any spots on these sheets.'

Then, almost in answer to an unuttered prayer, the door or his room opened

again and Maria entered.

"I forget to take your milk glass weeth me, Joey... I must wash it out or

Madam Harriet will spank me."

She approached the bed and looked down at him, smiling impishly.

"Ah! I see you are having troubles weeth your leetle pee-pee. See how it steeks

up the sheet."

"Oh, Maria. I'm so embarrassed."

"What ees thees, embarrassed? Ees nothing to be embarrassed... Maria will

feex." She peeled back the satin sheet, fully exposing him to her gaze.

"Ah, si! We must take care of that leetle person before you have the beeg

accident." Without further hesitation, she bent over and pulled the waistband

of Joey's panties down and away from his loins. Immediately, she swooped

down to take him in her mouth.

"Ohhh! Maria! What are you doing!"

But she couldn't answer him. Her lips and tongue were otherwise occupied.

She lapped at him and sucked him until he reacted in the only way that he

could... he began to spurt his hot, creamy juices into her devouring mouth!

Joey spasmed uncontrollably. He bounced up and down on the soft mattress,

but Maria never lost her purchase on his jetting organ. Finally, long moments

later, he fell back with a deep sigh, completely drained and exhausted.

Maria continued to lick and suck and swallow until she was certain that there

was not an errant drop to be had, then she lifted her head and smiled at him,

pulling his panties up at the same time.

"There you are, leettle Josie... now you should be able to sleep well weethout

fear of soiling your pretty panties or these satin sheets." She patted his crotch

softly and covered him with the satin sheet.

Maria flicked off the room light just before closing the door behind her, and

Joey was left alone in the dark to contemplate this wonderful thing that had

happened to him.

The first awareness of sex was only quite recent to the young boy... It

happened just about the same time that he started to become interested in the

sight and the touch of silky lingerie.

He noticed that when he visited the department stores and actually dared to

reach out and caress those slithery satin garments, his little pecker would start

to stiffen. He found this rather puzzling, but not at all an unpleasant


Then, at night when he laid in his lonely bed and envisioned all of those silky

bits of underwear, he would harden all over again... several times. Recently,

he had taken himself in hand and massaged himself softly and lovingly, until

his little member erupted with great spurts of white creamy stuff... What a

mess it made in his shorts!

He was so upset and frightened that first time it had happened... But not so

much that he wouldn't try it again. The next time he was well-prepared and

managed to catch all of his cum in the folds of a handkerchief.

But what Maria had done for him was completely new... and so utterly

delightful! He never dreamed that any girl would do such a thing for a boy!

And she was so right! Surely, he would have spilled his cum into the soft silky

panties... and maybe onto the satin bedcovers, if he hadn't been drained so

thoroughly and meticulously by her loving mouth. Now he felt completely

satiated. He soon drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, he was awakened by a soft tap on the door and the

immediate entrance of his lovely cousin. Joey, so snug in his silken covers,

watched her as she came over to his bed.

He guessed that she was maybe a year older than he. They were about the

same size and weight, but she seemed to have such a commanding air about


"Wake up, sleepy head! Your aunt and I are waiting to have breakfast on the

patio. You can come along in your baby-dolls if you'd like."

"No, thank you!" Joey's tone was adamant. "Just get out of here for a minute

and give me a chance to get my jeans on."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Aw, c'mon now, Susan. I'm not going to get out of this bed and change into

my shorts with you here alone in the room with me."

"What's the matter? Don't you want me to see you taking your panties off?

Well, okay then. Leave them on... I'm not leaving. So, if you don't want me to

see anything, keep your panties on."

Joey thought about it for a second, than decided that he had no alternative. It

wouldn't do to keep his aunt waiting at the breakfast table while he engaged

in a clash of wills with her darling little daughter.

He scampered out of bed, raced over to his suitcase, and quickly pulled on a

pair of dungarees. After slipping out of the diaphanous top of his baby-dolls,

he put on a T-Shirt and stepped into a well-worn pair of sneakers.

"You're not going to make a big hit with my mother in that outfit."

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"You look like a ragamuffin. She's a stickler for neatness and femininity.

About all she'll be pleased about you is that you're still wearing silk panties

under those awful jeans."

"You won't tell her, will you?"

"What will you give me if I don't?"

"I've got five dollars here." He reached into his pocket.

"Good! I'll take it! I think that I'm going to like having you around, kid."

"I'm not a kid! I'm almost thirteen!"

"So what? I'm over fourteen, so you'd better pay proper deference to your

elders. Come on! Our breakfast will be getting cold."

And now, as Joey laid on the floor reviewing all of the events that had

occurred since his arrival in this house, he made up his mind that he had

enough. He wasn't going to take any more guff from this bossy cousin of his.

He reached out, grabbed hold of her ankles, and pulled. Susan plopped

soundly on her pretty butt!

She was quick to react, however, to this sudden show of rebellion. Before Joey

realized what was happening, he found his head locked in a powerful

scissors-grip as Susan rolled on top of him and held his lower body to the


He struggled to break free, but he realized very quickly that she was much

stronger than he... Joey was never one to participate in sports or other

exercise. Thus, his body was quite small and frail.

He tried to call out for help, but with his face captured in the tight grip of

Susan's thighs, his protests were only muffled whimpers.

After his initial struggle for release, he relaxed helplessly and tried to catch his

breath. His nose and mouth were pressed snugly against the V of Susan's

thighs, and the sweet musky scent of her cunt was most enchanting.

The crotch of her panties was drawn so taut and narrow that her slick, wet

cunt lips were forced out on either side. It seemed only natural for Joey to

begin licking and nibbling at those delicate folds of flesh.

"Ohhh! Oh! What are you doing! You nasty boy!" Susan was screaming at

the top of her lungs and rolling about on the floor, but she did not loosen her

leg-grip on Joey's head.

It was inevitable that the girl's mother should come running to see what her

darling daughter was screaming about. She was not at all surprised at the

sight that greeted her, but she feigned great shock and anger for the benefit of

her nephew.

"Joey! What are you up to? Get away from Susan, you naughty, naughty

boy!" She strode over to him and began kicking at his butt with her pointed


"Oh Mother!" Susan sobbed. "Get him away from me! He's biting me!"

At his point, Joey would have been only too glad to break away, but he found

that he was still captive. He tried to cry out in protests to his aunt, but his

cries were still only muffled grunts and groans coming from underneath

Susan's skirt.

At last, he was able to roll away when she momentarily relaxed her grip. But

before he could begin to explain, Susan wailed her own version of what had


"Oh Mommie! It was awful! He was actually biting me... right on my cunt


"What!" The enraged woman turned to the boy, aghast. "What are you,

Joey? Some sort of pervert?"

"But you don't understand, Auntie! We were wrestling, and Susan had me in

a scissors grip!"

"Hmmph! We were wrestling, all right," Susan confirmed. Then she turned to

her mother and added, "He doesn't fight fair, Mommie. He took hold of my

ankles and dumped me on the floor... and the next thing I knew, he had his

head up under my skirt and he was biting me!"

"That's not true! I..."

Whack! A resounding slap landed on Joey's cheek, making his head reel. His

aunt stood over him, seething with anger.

How dare you call my precious Susan a liar, young man? How dare you?

Come here darling," she motioned to her daughter. "Come to Mommie and

let me see what this little beast has done to you."

Susan scrambled over to her mother, still on her hands and knees, then sat

down on the carpet and lifted her dress and underslip for her mother's


"Take your panties down too, dear, so Mommie can see."

The pretty girl dutifully raised her hips and tugged her panties down past her

knees, down to her ankles. She then spread her legs wide apart at the knees so

that her mother had a full view of her glistening cunt. It didn't seem to bother

either of them that Joey was afforded a perfect view, too.

"Mmmm!" Her mother bent forward and rested her hands on Susan's thighs,

holding them open so she could peer more closely. "I can't see any bite marks,

dear. Your cunt lips look very wet, though."

"That's it, Mommie! He was nibbling at my cunt lips."

"Why you little pervert!" Harriet turned to look scathingly at Joey. It was

then that she noticed how he was staring down at Susan's exposed vagina, his

mouth agape with awe.

"Stop gawking at my darling daughter like that!" She grabbed hold of Joey's

right ear and twisted it viciously.

"Owww!" he screamed.

"Oh, you're going to get it! You young hellion! Get over there and bend

yourself across the arm of that sofa. I'm going to give you the thrashing of

your young life."

"No! Please Auntie! It wasn't my fault! Honest!"

"Don't you try to save your ass by lying to me, Joey... get those trousers

down! Now!" She reached for a thick magazine and rolled it tightly in her


"Oh ho! What is this? I see our little pervert is still wearing girl's panties!"

Harriet chortled gleefully when Joey reluctantly lowered his jeans and

dropped them about his knees.

"Susan wouldn't leave the room this morning to let me get dressed properly."

"So! You're still blaming my precious daughter for your perversions, are

you? Well, if you like wearing panties so much, we'll just have to see about

keeping you in them all the time."

Harriet brought her truncheon-like weapon down, with a vicious blow to

Joey's thinly-clad buttocks.


"Ohh! Please!"

Whack! Whack! Whack! Blow after blow rained down on his pantied ass,

causing it to glow a bright shade of red.

Joey cried and wailed uncontrollably. His cries even brought Maria and the

Chinese cook rushing in to see what was happening. They both giggled with

delight at the sight of the hapless boy, clad only in wispy panties, having his

ass whipped by his domineering aunt.

Finally, after what seemed to Joey to be an interminable length of time, the

spanking came to a halt.

"Oh Lord! My arm is weary," Harriet declared as she stepped back and

dropped the magazine. "And I'm so overwrought. I'm going to take a long,

leisurely bath and then lie down for awhile. Susan, you take Joey up to your

room and find him something nice to wear. I won't tolerate those grubby

jeans on him!" She reached down and tore the trousers from his legs.

Minutes later, Joey was cowering in Susan's room, posed like 'September

Morn' with his hands folded over his genitals.

"My! You certainly are the shy one, aren't you?" His cousin taunted him.

"I'm not used to standing around naked in front of pretty girls, if that's what

you mean."

"Oh. You think I'm pretty, do you?"

"You know you're pretty. You don't need me to tell you."

. "That's right... but a girl always likes to be complimented on her looks.

That's one of the many things that you will be learning about being a girl."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Joey was visibly shocked.

"Don't tell me that you haven't figured it out yet. My mother has decided that

she just wouldn't be able to put up with a little boy running about the place.

She doesn't know anything about raising boys. All of her experience has been

with girls."

"Yes, but... you mean... I'm going to have to..."

"Dress like a girl?" She finished for him. "That's it, kid. You'll dress like a

girl, act like a girl, speak like a girl... I may even take you out on some dates

with me, with real boys, so you'd better learn to kiss and make love like a girl,


"That's crazy!"

"Yeah, it is a little kinky, isn't it? But you'll have lots of fun. I can promise

you that."

"Well, I'm not going to do it!" He stamped his foot in anger, then realized

how ridiculous he must look, trying to appear angry standing there clad only

in a pair of wispy panties.

"Oh, you'll do it, all right. You may as well resign yourself to it. Any sign of

reluctance on your part will be dealt with by severe punishment. You think

that spanking you got down in the living room was something, wait until you

see the whips and things that we have in the basement."


"Uh huh. Some of Mommie's kinky friends are into S and M... I don't expect

you to know what that is, but if I were you, I wouldn't be too anxious to find

out." Her tone was ominous.

"Your mother said something about keeping; me in panties all the time. I

didn't think that meant dressing like a girl."

"Oh yes. I saw how your eyes lit up when she said that. You really like

wearing panties, don't you?"

"Well, I..."

"Come on, admit it. You love the touch of silk and lace down there around

your dickie."

"Okay. Okay. I admit it. It does feel pretty nice."

"Well, if you think that those thin little nylon panties are something, just take

a look at what else I have for you to wear."

Susan delved into the top drawer of her dresser and drew out an exquisite

pair of lustrous, blue satin panties, elaborately trimmed with lace. She held

them up for Joey's inspection.

"Ohh! They're lovely!"

"Well, come over here, silly, and put them on! You'd better kick off those

sneakers first, though... I'd never forgive you if you damaged them in any


Joey stepped out of his sneakers and moved, almost as if he was in a trance,

over to his cousin, his eyes fixed on the silken garment that she dangled from

her fingers.

When he took them from her, his first move was not to put them on. Instead,

he brought them up to his cheek and rubbed them against his face. He inhaled

their sweet scent and sighed dreamily.

"Wow, you really do have a thing for panties, don't you?"

"Yes," he breathed. "I don't quite understand it myself, but there's just

something about silky lingerie that really gets to me."

"We kind of figured that out last night when we saw how easily you let

yourself be talked into wearing those baby-doll pajamas... And when you slid

into those satin sheets we were all afraid that you were going to cum in your

panties, right then and there!"

"I do have that problem... just the sight or the thought of silk panties is

enough to make me hard... and even more!"

"Well, we have a solution for that... Maria is a very talented little felatalist.

She just loves the taste of cum. So whenever you have a problem trying to

contain yourself, just call on her. She'll be only too happy to relieve you of

your tensions."

"Felatalist? What's that?"

"Just a fancy name for cock sucker."

"Oh. Golly! You seem to have it all worked out, don't you?"

"Mmmm-mm! Now, let me see you put on these panties. You can leave the

baby-doll bottoms on if you like."

Joey shook out the delicate little garment and held it open at the waistband as

he bent to step into it. Oh, how thrilling it felt to draw the satin panties up his

legs, across his thighs and to snuggle them about his loins.

But it happened again, just as he knew it would! His penis grew hard and stiff

and pressed out against the panties, forming a pointed tent.

"Oh, dear! Look at that!" Joey moaned.

"Don't worry. I've already rung for Maria... Ah, here she comes now. Down

on your knees, Maria. We've got a little job for you."

"Oh, Senorita Josie! How sweet you look in those panteees!" She knelt before

him and took him into her little hands, fondling him through the silken


"Maria! Don't! I think I'm about to shoot."

"Not to worreee, ma Carita... Maria has the queekest tongue you ever see."

She hooked her fingers under the waistband of his panties and pulled. Joey's

dickie danced happily in her face, even brushing against her cheek.

Quick as a snake, she captured the glistening head in her mouth and began to

stroke it rapidly with her tongue.

"Oh, Maria! I'm going to cum!"

And come he did! Joey moved his lower torso forward and back as he

proceeded to erupt into her voracious mouth. Great globs of cum bounced off

of her palate and slid down her throat. She gulped and swallowed thirstily

until, at last, there was no more cum.

Maria released him then and took a little silk hankie from the pocket of her

uniform and wiped at his softening member. Susan also stepped forward and

patted him with a big, fluffy pom-pom, imparting a cloud of sweet-scented

powder to his loins.

"Now you should be ready to proceed with your transformation. Let's see...

shall it be a brassiere or a camisole? What do you think, Maria?"

"A cami would look mucho pretty on heem, Mees Susan."

"What about stockings? Or pantyhose?"

"Stockeengs would look so much nicer. Do you have a, how-you-say,


"No. But Ann has a couple. Go fetch one, Maria... and a pair of nylons too.

You come over here and sit on my vanity bench, Joey. I want to put a little

makeup on you."

Joey pulled up his panties and moved to obey his cousin. But as he lowered

himself onto the bench, he cried out in pain.

"What's the matter? Does your ass still hurt?"

"Oh, it stings awfully."

"Yeah. I saw how my Mom really laid it into you with that rolled-up

magazine. I'm sorry about that, kid. I never thought that she'd beat you that

hard. Look, to make it up to you, let me apply some of my skin lotion to your


"Will that help?"

"Oh sure! Come on over to my bed and lie down on your stomach. This stuff

is really good... and I'll rub it in enough so that it won't stain your panties."

Joey climbed up on the bed and lifted his torso slightly so that Susan could

once again lower his panties. Moments later, he was squirming under the

gentle touch of her hands as the soothing ointment was applied to his tortured


"Oooo! That feels so good!"

"I told you it would." She massaged him more vigorously and pulled his ass

cheeks apart to expose the little rosette of his anus.

She touched it lightly and smiled at his response. The puckered flesh clenched


"My, my. You are touchy, aren't you? Relax... I'm not going to hurt you...

you're going to like this." ' Susan dipped her forefinger into the jar of

ointment and returned it to Joey's sensitive cavity. Gently, but firmly, she

inserted the full length of her lubricated finger into the puckered opening.

"Oooo! Susan! What are you doing?"

"Just relax, honey... relax and enjoy."

"Ohhh! That feels so funny!"

"You like it, don't you?"

"Mmmm!" he confirmed as he squirmed about on the bed. "Oh, I think I'm

getting hard again!"

"Golly! You sure are an oversexed little monkey!"

"Do you think that we ought to call Maria again?"

"She's right here. But we can't have her spending all of her time servicing

you. Besides, I just wanted to see if you were receptive to taking it up the

ass..." Susan withdrew her probing finger and wiped away the excess

ointment from around Joey's anus. "Come on, panty-waist. We have to get

you dressed and show you to Mommie."

About an hour later, Joey was ushered to the door of Aunt Harriet's boudoir.

Susan knocked softly and eased the door open to peek inside.

"Come in darlings. I'm not asleep. I've just been lying here, wondering about

how you were making out with Joey." Then, as they entered the room, she

exclaimed, "Oh, he's beautiful! Well done, Susan. You've done a remarkable

job! He looks every bit like a lovely little girl."

"Thank you, Mommie. Maria was a big help. Don't you just love the way she

fixed his hair?"

"Oh yes! It looks so marvelously feminine. I adore those soft waves, above

and behind his ears. I assume that you had little or no trouble getting him to


"None at all... He tried to protest at first, but as we suspected, he's so hooked

on soft, silky clothes, he really didn't put up much resistance."

"How does it feel, Joey, being a girl?" his aunt inquired.

Joey was dumbstruck. He stared, open-mouthed, at the lovely picture that his

aunt presented as she lounged gracefully on her bed. She was clad only in the

sheerest negligee, so sheer that Joey had no difficulty seeing the brown

aureoles and the red nipples of her breasts, and the dark thatch of pubic hair

at the juncture of her thighs.

"What's the matter, honey? Has the cat got your tongue?"

"No, ma'am. Oh, Auntie! You are so beautiful!"

"Why thank you, dear. I thought, perhaps, that you might be a bit miffed at

me for that chastisement that I had to give you earlier."

"Oh, no, Ma'am! I suppose I deserved it."

"Of course you did, dear. I felt that you really had to be taught a lesson. I

wanted you to realize that I have no intention of putting up with any raucous,

boyish behavior or pranks. You will learn to act like a sweet, little girl or

there will be other, more painful spankings in your future."

"Oh, I'll behave, Auntie! I promise! And, in answer to your questions, I think

I like being dressed as a girl."

"That's nice... But it's not enough just to go about dressed as a girl. You must

act like a girl in every possible way. We will have guests at the house from

time to time, and I don't want anyone to suspect that you're anything but

Susan's girl-cousin, who has come to visit for the summer."

"Yes Ma'am. I'll try."

"You'll do more than try, child!" Her tone was stern. "You will succeed in

every way. We have plans to enroll you in a girl's summer school where you

can be trained in all of the proper feminine mannerisms. You will learn how

to knit and sew, to embroider delicate designs on lovely lingerie."

"Mmmm! That sounds nice."

"Yes! And you will learn to dance like a girl, and how to react like a girl to

masculine attentions."

"Does that mean that I'll have to kiss boys?" Joey's tone was apprehensive.

"Perhaps. Maybe even more than that. We shall see what develops. In the

meantime, it seems that you're quite happy about the opportunity to wear


"Yes, Auntie... but it does pose a problem for me. My little dickie continues to

get hard and starts to ooze whenever it rubs against my panties."

"I understand, dear... fortunately, we have worked out a little arrangement to

have Maria service you when that happens. Perhaps Susan has explained that

to you."

"Oh yes, Mommie!" Susan confirmed. "Maria has already demonstrated her

marvelous talents."

"You should understand, of course, Joey," his aunt continued, "There may be

times when Maria is otherwise occupied, servicing either Susan or myself in a

similar manner... If that should be the case, you should feel free to take steps

to relieve yourself."

"You mean...?"

"Masturbate, of course! It's a perfectly natural act... nothing to be ashamed

of... at least I have never considered it so. Just be sure that you don't soil your

pretty panties. You will be held responsible for keeping yourself and your

panties dainty and fresh at all times."

"Yes, Auntie. You mentioned something about Maria servicing you and

Susan... Will she do the same thing for you as she has for me?"

"That's right. Fortunately for all of us, Maria is bisexual. She thoroughly

enjoys oral sex with either males or females. Isn't that right, Maria?"

"Si, Senorita... perhaps the leettle one would like a demonstration?"

"Good idea!" Harriet parted the fold of her negligee, exposing her total

nudity to all eyes... "It is just as well that Joey is made aware of how sexually

promiscuous this household really is... Come Maria... show him how you can

use that talented tongue of yours on something more important than dinky

little penises."

Maria moved forward eagerly. She put one knee up on Harriet's bed and bent

over to bury her face in that glorious, luxuriant bush.

"Oh Maria! You're so impulsive! I love it, I really do... But move away a little,

sweetness." She lifted the maid's head about an inch away from her cunt and

motioned to Joey to move in for a closer look. "See, Joey! Watch how she

works her tongue... she sweeps it back and forth along the entire length of my

cunt, and then slides it inside... Oooo! Maria... I love it!"

Joey was truly fascinated. He never dreamed that women like his aunt would

enjoy having their cunt licked like this. When he thought about it, this was

very much like what he had been doing to Susan only a few hours earlier!

He looked toward Susan, questioningly, and saw that she was quite

enraptured at the sight of what was going on between her mother and Maria.

Joey also noticed that Susan had one hand down in the V of her thighs and

was frictioning herself through the folds of her silk dress.

"What's the matter, Susan?" Joey moved to her side and whispered in her

ear. "Do you have an itch of some kind?"

"You're damned right I have an itch! And I know just the cure for it too, my

little sissy-cousin!" Susan reached up under her skirts and pulled her panties

down. She kicked them free of her legs and climbed up on the foot of her

mother's bed.

She swept her dress and underslip high up about her hips., fully exposing her

glistening young cunt. "Come on, little girl... you've seen enough of Maria's

demonstration to know how to suck my cunt properly." She spread her legs

wide apart and motioned Joey to come to her.

The sexually aroused little she-male never hesitated a second. He almost dove

into his cousin's crotch. That sample taste that he had earlier in the morning

had given him a thirst for more.

In addition, he wanted to see if he could make Susan moan and whimper and

thrash about uncontrollably the way Auntie Harriet was doing for Maria.

And he succeeded! Mother and daughter were both bouncing up an down in

the huge bed, each achieving their individual climaxes from the oral

ministrations of the two enthusiastic cunt eaters!

After a while, when Maria and Joey came up for air, and Susan and her

mother had regained their composure, it was Harriet who spoke first.

"Mmmm! I can see where we shall all enjoy ourselves during the next few

weeks! Apparently, you are going to fit in to our scheme of things quite nicely,

Joey. Welcome to the family."

"Thank you, Auntie." Joey was in the act of picking a stray curl of pubic hair

from his tongue. He wiped it on his lacy hankie and dabbed daintily at his

cum-glistening lips. "I know that I'm going to love it too... I'll almost be sorry

when my father returns and all of this has to end."

"But why should it end, my dear? Didn't you know that my sister and your

Daddy will be moving in with us?"

"Daddy did say that we would be moving from the apartment in the city. But

I didn't realize we'd be coming here."

"Oh, yes. This house is so huge, so full of rooms. We can easily accommodate

your family."

"But Auntie! I'll have to give up my frillies, won't I? I mean, what would

Daddy think if be saw me dressed as a girl?"

"I doubt very much if he would be shocked or surprised, sweetheart. I assume

that you didn't realize it, but your father has been undergoing his own little

program of feminization ever since he met my darling sister."

"Really?" Joey was aghast.

"Oh yes. Dianne had him into silky panties right from their second date. I'm

surprised that you didn't notice the change in him in those short weeks before

the marriage."

"Well, now that you mention it, I did notice that he seemed to smell a lot

prettier. And then, there were those silky shirts and those velvet suits that he

began to wear."

"Of course. Like the outfit that he got married in... Diane told me that the

panties he was wearing under that suit were absolutely exquisite... real silk,

with the finest, most delicate lace. He even had on a garter belt and lovely,

seamed nylons. I'm certain Dianne put pretty high heels on him as soon as

they reached their hotel."

"Oh golly! I never dreamed... Gee, I wish that I could have seen them."

"You probably will, my dear. You see, part of the arrangement that Dianne

and I made was that we would work on your feminization here while she

completed the job on your Daddy during their honeymoon trip. I dare say,

when they get back, you'll be seeing him, dressed or undressed, as a woman

all the time."

"Gosh! I can't even picture him dressed as a woman."

"Oh, he's really quite presentable. We had him dressed completely one recent

weekend, when Diane had him out here for a visit. We even had him in high

heels. He seemed to enjoy it all quite thoroughly."

"Yes! You should have seen him, Joey." Susan broke in. "We even tried

dressing him as a maid and let him help Maria with some of her chores."

"Si!" Maria confirmed. "He was very sweet, your papa... he like to sweep and

dust, make beds and theengs like that... I weesh he come back real soon to

help some more."

"I'll help you, Maria!" Joey volunteered. "I'm used to doing a lot of the

household chores in the apartment."

"Mmmm! It sounds as though you are going to fit in quite well here, Joey,"

his aunt beamed at him. "Now, I want you all to scoot out of here! I really

need my beauty nap now, after that delicious workout that Maria gave me."

"Mommie, what about my riding lesson today? Shall I take Joey with me?"

"Yes dear. It will be good experience for him to venture outside as a girl.

Dress him in a pair of Ann's old jodhpurs. A silk or satin blouse would look

lovely on him."

"Okay. I think that I'll put a padded bra on him, too. We'll give that nervy

stable hand at the riding academy something to get excited about."

"Fine, dear. Run along now. Take Joey down to the kitchen for a luncheon

snack and introduce him to Wong, our cook. The two of them ought to get

along quite well together. Wong loves his silks and satins, too."

"You'd better watch out for Wong, Joey," Susan warned him as they

descended the stairs on their way to the kitchen. "He's got a thing for little

boys... especially ones who are young and pretty, like you."

"Thanks, Susan. But what do mean, about his 'having a thing'? Does he like

to kiss them the way Maria was kissing your mother?"

"Yes. Something like that." She smiled at his naivete. "That and more.

Remember how I slipped my finger into you, before?"

"Yesss! It felt kind of nice, after I got over the strangeness of it."

"Well, Wong would just love to put his long, thin dick right up there where I

had my finger."

"Oh... Oh!" He repeated himself when her meaning sank in. "Gosh, Susan! I

don't know if I'd like that."

"It's not so bad, really. He did it to me once about a year ago, and I really

enjoyed it. Mother caught us, though, and was she ever pissed! She was going

to fire Wong, but she realized that she'd never be able to replace his culinary

talents. He's actually a great cook."

"That was a delicious breakfast that he prepared," Joey concurred.

"Ha! That was nothing. Wait until you taste his dinners. Anyway, we still

have him around. Mother fixes him up with one of the gays when she has one

of her orgies."

"Orgies? What's that?"

"Oh you'll find out. Mommie knows a lot of kinky people, and she throws a

party for them every once in a while. The parties can be lots of fun, but some

of those kooks are really way out!"

"How do you mean?" .

"You'll see..." she repeated, with a mysterious air. "I don't want to spoil it for

you by telling you too much. We're going to have a big affair next Saturday

night. You can learn first hand then about some of the crazy things that go


They walked along in silence for a moment. Joey loved the way the hem of his

skirt brushed against his legs. It was an entirely new sensation for him and

one that he would revel in for a long time to come.

"Ah, here we are!" Susan exclaimed as they entered the kitchen. "Hello,

Wong. What have you got that's good to eat?"

"You sittee down, Missy Susan..." the oriental made an obscene gesture,

gripping his genitals through the satin folds of the trousers he was wearing. "I

can give you something plenty good to eat!"

"All right, you dirty old Chink," the girl laughed. "I guess I left myself wide

open for that one. Say hello to our new house guest. Joey, this is Wong, our


"How do you do, Wong?" Joey put out his hand in greeting.

"Ah! This is little sissy boy-girl who come to live with us..." The man took

Joey's hand in his and tickled his palm suggestively. "Is velly pletty. You likee

soft and silky clothes too. I have many nice things. I show you."

"Thank you, Wong. That's a lovely pair of trousers that you're wearing. Is

that real silk?"

"Ah, yes! Here, you feel." He captured Joey's hand and brought it directly to

his crotch. Joey was shocked to feel the unmistakable outline of a stiffening

member beneath the satin fabric.

"Oh Wong!" he squealed girlishly, snatching his hand away. "That isn't


"Ah! Wait until you see... is velly nice indeed!"

Joey turned to look at Susan for some assistance, but he found that she was

smiling her amusement.

"I told you to watch out for him, Joey. He'll get you yet!"

Joey pondered about the kooky household that he had become a part of. He

wondered what the future held in store for him. One thing he was sure of... it

would not be boring.

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