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From alt.sex.stories.tg Mon Apr 15 09:08:32 1996

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~From: LabRat@i-link.net (Karen Mitchell)

~Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.tg

~Subject: Story - Besthusb.txt

~Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 19:44:13 -0600

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I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may

contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is

offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy ....

enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up

with what I have now.


My girlfriend is practically joined at the hip to Maryanne,

her childhood friend. Everywhere Lisa goes Maryanne has to

follow! We've double dated and gone places until I'm sick of

looking at her. Lisa can't get on the phone with her for

less than fifteen minutes, even if it's just to say she's on

the way over. I can't imagine what they find to talk about!

So I got to see a fair amount of Jeff, Maryanne's husband.

He seemed like a decent sort of fellow even if he was a

suit. But at least, I thought, we had a few common

interests... little did I know!

One day last summer I was over Jeff and Maryanne's house,

swimming in their pool. As usual, Maryanne and Lisa were off

shopping, leaving Jeff and I lazing out by the pool.

I went into the basement to get us another beer. In the dark

basement I kicked over a wicker basket, slicing my ankle and

falling over in the dark with a loud crash. Naturally, Jeff

rushed inside to investigate, but when the light came on I

saw the contents of the basket: a big, frilly pair of pink

sissypants and several rather large pair of panties.

Delighted, I picked up the lovely ruffled sissypants and

held them up in front of Jeff. I said, "These aren't

Maryanne's are they? Whose could they be, big frilly undies

like these? Maybe Maryanne will know."

You should have seen the look on Jeff's face! He sputtered

and stammered but couldn't get any words to come out! I'd

caught him dead to rights, as only another sissy can.

Finally Jeff said, "please don't tell Maryanne about them...

they're mine!" He hung his head and confessed, "I like to

wear womens' underwear. It gets me off."

After letting him squirm for a minute or two, I decided to

let him off the hook and let him know his secret was safe

with me.

"You naughty little girl, wearing your pink sissypants

behind your wife's back! Oh don't worry, I won't tell! I'll

bet they look as adorable on you as they would on me."

"You... you dress?"

"Sure, I've been dressing for years! Lisa knows but she

doesn't like it. How about Maryanne?"

"I'm sure she'd divorce me if she found out."

"Well, for someone who's so worried you're certainly

careless enough with your sissy undies. I don't think

there'd be too much doubt over who the size 8 panties were

for! But I'm curious... I'd love to see the rest of your


Relieved that I wasn't going to tell his wife, Jeff led me

to a corner of the basement and tapped a wall panel. It

popped open and there was a huge walk-in closet with built-

in drawers, racks of shoes, dresses, skirts and lingerie.

There was even a make-up mirror. It was a full wardrobe any

woman would be proud to own! I was amazed and jealous at the

same time... Jeff's wardrobe put mine to shame!

While my rather modest wardrobe includes a few pretty

dresses, Jeff had a full closet of them! It turned out that

Jeff had much better taste in womens' clothes than Maryanne.

"I've been trying to make suggestions for years," he sighed.

Jeff began sliding dresses across the hanger rack, showing

me some beautiful designer dresses that must have cost a

fortune! "Actually," he said modestly, "they didn't cost as

much as you'd think. I've gotten quite good at shopping, and

there are great factory outlets Downtown and in Jersey."

I'm sure the fact that he's a stockbroker and probably makes

twice as much money as I do doesn't hurt, either!

Jeff had lovely dresses, along with an assortment of skirts

and about two dozen frilly, sheer blouses. "I like sheer

blouses so I can show off my lacy bras. They're so pretty

it's a shame to hide them. I tend to wear dressier stuff

than Maryanne does. She likes that casual look, but I like

to dress like a lady," smiled Jeff.

Delighted at finally having someone to show his private

sissy domain, Jeff began pulling things out of his lingerie

drawers. "I'm really proud of my undies," he giggled.

He began holding up to himself: camisoles, slips, briefers,

girdles, teddies, even wasp-waisted Victorian corsets with

expensive lace and hand embroidery. "I splurged on these,"

he sighed. He showed me lovely antique slips with rows and

rows of lacy ruffles, hand-sewn with the most exquisite

workwomanship. How many womens' bodies had it graced, I

wondered, before finding its way to this transvestite?

Jeff was getting giddy now, and gleefully showed me two

lovely crinoline petticoats; one in white and one in pink.

"I had to have these custom made," he said matter-of-factly.

He also had pretty taffeta petticoats, ordered from


Then he began showing me his bra collection, which filled

two drawers by themselves. He had everything from big,

elaborately lacy longline bras to shiny PVC and kidskin TV

harness-bras to studded Madonna style push-up to pointy

Fifties-style "torpedo" bras. "I had to beg the woman at the

thrift shop to sell it to me."

Of the six drawers in this row, two were filled with bras,

one with garter belts, and the three others with hosiery. I

was about to ask where the panties were when he walked me

over to the corner where there were two more rows with six

drawers each. "This is my panty collection," he gushed.

Now Dear Reader, I own about 90 pair of panties myself; more

than most women, I daresay! But even a hard-core sissy like

me had to gasp when Jeff began showing me his assortment of

every imaginable kind of panty! Big, silky briefs; wispy

sheer hi-cuts; tiny string bikinis; satiny hipsters; sexy

bikinis and crotchless panties. Every conceivable material:

nylon, spandex, lycra, crinoline, lace, taffeta, PVC, latex,

rubber, leather; even a pair of fur panties cut from alpaca.

Imported panties; custom made panties; even antique panties!

"I love stuff from the Fifties and Camelot periods," Jeff


Then, it was time to check out Jeff's shoe collection. "It's

not as good as my collection of undies but I'm working on

it," he smiled. None of the shoes had heels shorter than

three inches! Jeff had three pair of six-inch fetish heels

from the catalogs (at $100. a pop!) in white, black and red

patent leather. He had adorable white sandals; several pair

of opera pumps in various colors; a devilish-looking pair of

thigh-length boots with 5" spike heels in red PVC ("I'm

saving up for leather"); two torturous-looking pair of

"ballet heels" in red and black; and two or three dozen

other pair in the same vein.

By now I was suitably impressed. "Boy," I gushed, "it blows

away Maryanne's wardrobe."

"Yeah, I know. It's not like I wouldn't let her buy anything

she wants. I've begged her to go and buy a new wardrobe.

I've bought her the prettiest things and she just takes them

back. I can't help it if she wants to dress like a frump.

She even insisted on buying those horrible 6-pack cotton

panties until I got pissed off and threw them all out."

I decided to drop the bomb. "So where do you wear all this


Jeff looked down and sighed. "Nowhere. Just here when

Maryanne goes out, usually with Lisa."

"Jeff, you must've spent a fortune on this stuff! Talk about

all dressed up with no place to go!"

Then it struck me. I burst out laughing! Jeff gaped at me

uncomfortably with a whipped-puppy look on his face,

thinking I was laughing at him for being such a sissy!

"What's so funny?"

"Well Jeff," I smiled, "you mean when Maryanne goes out with

Lisa and you're left home alone this is what you do? Dress

up in drag and mince around in your high heels like a little


Jeff gulped. "Yeah..."

"Well guess what? I'm doing the exact same thing! Dressing

up in drag and mincing around in my high heels like a little


"I guess we're just a couple of sissies, eh Bobby?"

"You know it, Jeff. Oh, do you have a femme name?"

"Yeah. Maria."

"That's a pretty name, Maria. Mine's Rene. So, has anyone

ever seen you dressed?"


"Well Maria, you're about due then aren't you? The girls are

going to the John Denver Concert Thursday Night..."

"John Denver... Yeeech!"

"...So while those girls have a night out, let's us girls

have a night IN!"

"Oh Rene, what a scrumptious idea!" Jeff/Maria was already

acting in character as his rather deep voice suddenly lifted

two octaves or so as he spoke.

That Thursday night I could hardly wait for Lisa to get out

of the house. I tried to be cool, but I kept pacing until

Lisa finally said, "Trying to get rid of me, eh? You must

have a date or something!"

Finally Lisa and Maryanne were off to the concert. I took a

long time getting "dressed." I wore my best canary strapless

and my naughtiest black lingerie. I did my curly blonde wig

perfectly and made myself up as sluttishly as I could. I

pulled my car out of the garage and high-tailed it over to

Jeff and Maryanne's house.

Conveniently, Jeff also has a garage with an automatic door

so I could pull in without the neighbors seeing me in drag.

Jeff was waiting for me in a black evening gown trimmed with

gold lame, complete with black feather boa and black satin

cocktail gloves.. He teetered on six-inch black patent opera


Now, Jeff is not a small guy; maybe 6'2", 220 pounds. But

done up the way he was he gave a sultry, sexy Mae West-ish

appearance as he pursed his ruby red lips in a sensual

pucker. Jeff was wearing a red wig and made up perfectly. I

hadn't expected such a closet case to have her look so


"Oh Maria," I gasped, "You're beautiful."

"Oh Rene Darling," Maria giggled, "I'll bet you say that to

all the girls!"

We adjourned to the guest room upstairs, where Maria had put

red satin sheets on the bed. She reclined on the bed,

staring longingly at me and I could feel her eyes caressing

me from the tip of my spiked heels to the top of my wig. Not

wanting to keep her in suspense, I raised my skirt and let

her get a good look at my scandalous black undies.

Under my dress I was wearing my naughtiest black on black

lingerie: strapless black satin Merry Widow corset with

frilly, wide garters and a "cleavage maker" TV bra

underneath; black satin panties embroidered with the

skimpiest touch of lavender and sporting three tiers of big

black ruffles at the leg holes and black seamed nylons with

lace tops.

Maria came over to the edge of the bed and nuzzled her ruby

lips against the straining bulge in my panties. The scent of

her perfume drifted up to my nostrils as she playfully

gnawed at the center of my thick shaft through the satin

panty material, making my erection throb vigorously.

"Ohhh Rennnne," she moaned in delight, "pull down your

panties Darling. I've always wanted to suck a big, hard

cock... and yours fills the bill perfectly!"

"But Maria," I teased only half-jokingly, "what will the

girls think?"

"Well, I've heard Lisa likes to suck your cock... and I know

Maryanne would love to! So I'll just join the club."

"I have a better idea, Maria Darling. I brought you a


"Oh, do give it up Rene!"

With that, I reached over to the night table where I had a

pair of hand-embroidered Barbizon briefs, absolutely filthy

with Lisa's secretions. The scent of panties filled the room

as I pulled them out of my pocketbook.

I held them out so Maria could get a good look at them.

"Maria Darling, are you a little panty sniffer? How would

you like to get a whiff of Lisa's pretty panties? Get me a

pair of Maryanne's panties and we'll trade our wives' worn

panties while we jerk off together!"

"Oh Renee," giggled Maria. "I love it! It's just too, too


I dangled Lisa's worn undies in Maria's face and let her

drool a little before finally parting with them. They were

my favorite of Lisa's panties, her lovely pink Barbizon

Marci briefs with the delicate embroidery and the

scrumptious Satin Remarque material (oh girls, you really

owe yourself a pair!) that is sensual beyond restraint.

Mmmm, Lisa's panties were so filthy! I had gone through all

her worn undies in the hamper to pick out the most pungent

pair for Maria to drool over. I know Jeff has had the hots

for Lisa for years and we have even discussed the

possibility of "swapping" some time. To have Lisa's worn

panties dangling in his/her face made Maria incredibly hot!

Finally, we pulled the panties over our faces and began

jerking ourselves off. I was overcome with lust at the

scenario; more intense than anything I could have

fantasized! Sniffing Maryanne's filthiest worn panties while

her husband was sniffing Lisa's... both of us totally done

up in lingerie!

I was lost in fantasy, my face pressed against the crotch of

Maryanne's laciest peach Vanity Fair briefs, with the white

cotton crotch discolored with a coffee-colored stain that

reeked of her luscious cunt. I dreamed of burying my face

between those creamy white, inviting thighs and sucking her

to within an inch of her life, even as her husband was

hoping to do the same thing to me!

My thoughts were interrupted by Maria, who was now down on

all fours with Lisa's panties still over her face. Before I

could protest (assuming I'd want to) she took my throbbing

shaft in her panty mouth. She gobbled my member with more

passion and enthusiasm than anyone had before!

Mmm, the sensation was so delicious as Maria's saliva

dampened the nylon panty material and it clung to my

throbbing glans. My cock was sucked and gnawed and nuzzled.

Though Maria had said she'd never sucked a cock before it

was obvious she'd had plenty of practice with dildoes! She

pleasured my throbbing pecker like an old pro!

There was nothing else to do but abandon myself to the

pleasure as Maria devoured my manhood for all she was worth.

The sensation of her hot, wet mouth, her eager tongue, her

gentle gnawing and the wet panty material clinging to my

glans finally overcame me and I exploded into Lisa's silky


I was about to help Maria finish herself off but then I saw

by the dark spot in her panties that she had already gone

off by herself. The little Darling came in her undies from

the excitement, and who could blame her?

Afterwards, I had to rush like mad to get home before Lisa,

and then try to act like nothing happened when she got home.

I was hoping like mad that she wouldn't be looking for any

sex and for once I was not disappointed. We both collapsed

into bed and fell fast asleep.

Jeff and I haven't had the opportunity to "dress up" again

yet, but I know it won't be long before "we girls" get

together. It's sometimes hard to keep a straight face when

we see each other socially, but we know we have to. In the

meantime, we trade our wives' pungent panties and pointers

on football betting. After all, we girls need our diversion!

-- Response ended

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