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by Stephanie

Celeste has just declared the following story the winner of

her second annual competition.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Celeste for the

service she does on alt.sex.stories, her reviews have put me

on to some very erotic stories over the last few months.

I'd also like to thank all the people who have written to me

with encouragement and advice since I started posting, your

e-mails make this all worthwhile.

It's not often we have to travel for my husband's job. But when we do

it's usually for an important reason. There was to be several social

occasions at the company conference, so I had to go along. I hate this

sort of thing, having to make mindless small talk with other

executive's wives. I have a few...hobbies I like to pursue when I'm on

my own. But I had decided to make the best of it. It was only for a

few days after all.

The flight would take us across the country overnight. Not the best

time to fly, but I can usually sleep anywhere. We were welcomed on

board by a fairly good looking dark haired stewardess. I could tell

Jay was sizing her up, I couldn't blame him because I was as well.

Once in flight, we flipped up the arm rest between us and I lay against

Jay who lay against the wall. It was nice like that and I spread Jay's

coat over us like a blanket. We had hours of night-time flying in

front of us. Jay held me in his arms. I felt him slip his fingers

into the waist of my pants. He slowly fingered me. I opened my eyes.

I felt that feeling growing in me.

A stewardess walked by. It was so strange to have Jay fingering me

right there in front of someone. Jay withdrew his fingers and I could

tell he was sleepy. Soon I could feel that he was sleeping. I slipped

my own fingers where his had been. I fingered so slowly. I wanted

that feeling, more and more. The stewardess came back and stopped. I

stopped my fingers, laying there frozen. She looked at me and then


She was not the same stewardess who had greeted us. This one was older

with a mop of blond hair. I smiled back wondering if she knew what I

was up to or whether she was just being polite. I got my answer when

she slipped one of her own hands under the coat and rested it on my

leg. She looked at me with a silent question on her face.

I glanced at Jay. He was still asleep and was snoring slightly. I

turned back to the stewardess and nodded. Her smile broadened and her

hand moved over my thigh. It was slightly awkward for her, but she

managed to get her hand down to where my fingers were still gently

working. I pulled back my hand to give her room. It felt so good and

it was made doubly erotic by doing such an illicit act right next to my


It wasn't long before I was in ecstasy, it was all I could do to stop

myself moaning out loud. She leaned closer to me and spoke for the

first time. "Would you like to go somewhere a little more private?"

This was a big step. To take a more active roll. I was so aroused by

now that it didn't take much thinking about. Carefully I slipped out

from under the coat, making sure I didn't wake Jay in the process. I

followed her past the sleeping passengers to the rear toilets. We went

into one cubicle and shut the door. There was barely room for both of

us. But neither of us were complaining. She gripped me in a strong

embrace and we kissed. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I've

always been one for risky games, but never in such close proximity to

my husband. We broke and she went for my clothes, pulling my blouse

open and rubbing my breasts through my bra. She was rough and

powerful, but I didn't care. She could have done anything with me at

that moment and I would have loved it.

I felt her hands working to undo my pants. I helped her get them off

and pulled down my already soaked panties. She gasped in admiration at

my pussy and then made me sit down on the toilet seat. She squirmed

down onto the floor and got her face right next to my pussy. For

several long seconds she just sat there looking at me. "Lick me." I

commanded. If anyone was awake they probably would have heard me, but

I was beyond caring. She just smiled broadly again and parted the lips

of my pussy.

So lightly, at first. I could barely feel it. She ran her tongue over

my clit. So lightly, but it sent electric shocks through me. With

each pass of her tongue around my cunt she grew more rampant. Soon she

was burying her face into me licking and nibbling me into a frenzy.

I'm surprised she didn't suffocate in there.

I reached down and gripped the sides of her head. I was approaching an

orgasm and she knew it. I tried to keep silent, the last thing I

wanted was to wake up the rest of the plane with my cries. Even so, a

long low moan escaped as I came. I shuddered as pleasure shot through

my body and I dug my fingers into the stewardesses hair.

As the sensations slowly died I leant back and her hair came away in my

hands. I looked down in total incomprehension at the mass of blonde

hair in my grasp. My gaze switched to the stewardess on the floor, her

real hair was much shorter and receding slightly on top. She looked up

at me. "Oops!" she said in a much lower voice.

"You're a man?" I said. I couldn't believe it. He had completely

fooled me. Now that I knew what I was looking for I could see the

hidden clues of his masculinity. The slightly larger than normal

frame, the broad shoulders and the angles of his face. He was very

skilfully made up and dressed, if you didn't know that he was a man

you'd never suspect it.

"Yep. You don't know who I am, do you?" He said with a slight smile.

I studied his face, something was jabbing my memory. We had met

before, but where?

He stood up and pulled a sheet of computer printout from his pocket.

"You might be interested in this." He said and handed the paper to me.

It was a list of expenses from my husband's company. I recognised some

of the account numbers. I looked up at him, how much did he know?

"It looks like you've been embezzling money from your husband's firm.

If this became public knowledge he'd lose his job and you'd both be in

a lot of trouble." He knew everything. The only question was, what did

he want? If he was a cop he would have arrested me long ago.

"My husband doesn't know. Whatever you want, please don't involve


He thought about it. "We'll see what we can do."

"What do you want!" I asked as loudly as I dared. "Money?"

He laughed, "no, we're after revenge." He saw the puzzlement on my

face. "You still don't know who I am! I had hoped I'd made more of an

impression than that. Let's just say I'm a locksmith by trade."

Now it all clicked into place. About a year before I had been playing

one of my little games while my husband was on a business trip. I got

about half a dozen locksmiths to come round to my house one after

another. Once there I'd coerce them into female clothes and get them

to seduce the next locksmith. Being usual men they'd all fell for the

charms of what they thought was a willing woman. When dressed up I had

given them all the same name. "Trixie?"

"At last you remember! You blackmailed me into the most degrading


"You didn't mind, look how you enjoyed sucking the previous Trixie's

cock." This was the third Trixie, his real name was Michael Cox, yes

that was it.

His face went red. "Perhaps, but I chose when and who I have sex with.

Not some deranged businessman's wife! Do you know what the next

locksmith did with me?" I knew very well what had happened, it was one

of my favorite videos from the hidden camera. "I couldn't sit down for

a week!" He said hotly.

I couldn't help but smile at that. If he had been able to keep his

dick in his pants, nothing would have happened.

"A week or so later I tracked down the previous 'Trixie'. We both

wanted revenge, so we hired a private investigator. A couple of months

back he found out about how you were siphoning money into your own


My husband works for a large international company. They would never

miss the small amount of money I'd taken and I needed it to supplement

my husband's income. "Tell me," I asked him. "Are you lovers?"

He blushed again. "None of your business!" He calmed himself down then

continued. "Now we have some dirt on you, you can no longer blackmail

me." He took the wig back and carefully arranged it on his head. "I'll

be back in a moment, don't get any funny ideas."

He quietly slipped out the door and closed it behind him. I could have

locked the door, but what was the point? He had me trapped and he knew

it. My own natural inquisitiveness got the better of me and I decided

to see what was going on. I quickly climbed into my pants. If I was

lucky I could keep Jay out of this.

Slowly, I opened the door and stepped outside. It was quiet, the

passengers were still asleep, unaware of what was going on. I sneaked

down the aisle back to my seat. Jay was gone. I sneaked back up to

the toilets. The plane was big enough to have two installed and I

could here a quiet but familiar groan come from one of them. It was

the sound of my husband making love.

The door was shut, but not locked. I quickly snapped the door open and

saw my husband inside with another stewardess. She was smaller and had

longer black hair. My husband was on the seat and had his pants down.

I couldn't believe it. Jay had fallen into exactly the same trap I had

set for those locksmiths. I realised with a start that so had I.

My husband jumped when I appeared at the door. I had never caught him

playing around without my consent before. The stewardess slowly

released Jay's cock from her mouth and smiled at me. "Hiya, long time

no see." He said. It was another of the 'Trixies'.

Damn them, they couldn't leave Jay alone. Jay looked at me. "Susan!

I'm sorry...I can explain." Poor man.

"It's alright, it's me they're after." I decided not to explain

further. My husband is broadminded but probably wouldn't be happy to

hear he was getting a blow job from another man.

Michael returned, he was still in his stewardesses outfit. He was

holding a small bag in which something was jangling. "Okay you two.

Strip off."

Jay was just starting to regain his composure. "What the hell do you

think you're doing?" He hissed.

"Keep him quiet or you'll know what will happen." Michael warned me. I

had to go along with them. They wanted to humiliate me, not destroy

me. But if pushed they might release the information and effectively

finish my husband's career.

"Please, Jay. Do as they say."

"What is going on? Why do you want me to stay quiet, Susan?" Jay asked


This was the bit I was dreading. "They found out I was fiddling your

expense account. If we just play along it will be alright." He was

looking at me in surprise and shock by now. Poor Jay, he didn't have

any idea of what I got up to when he wasn't around. When this was over

he was going to have some very awkward questions for me.

"Be quiet and hurry up." Michael said. His accomplice was keeping

watch, but there didn't seem to be any danger of us being disturbed.

I did as he said and convinced Jay to do the same. Reluctantly he

complied, but he really didn't have a clue what was going on.

"Right, put your arms around each other." He made me put one arm over

Jay's shoulder and my other arm under his other shoulder. Then he made

Jay do the same to me.

Then Michael produced the handcuffs.

I saw three pairs. What did he need three pairs for? He used one to

handcuff my hands together and another to do the same to Jay. He then

bent down and handcuffed my left ankle to Jay's right ankle. Our arms

were locked together like links on a chain and the ankle cuff would

make it far harder to move.

Michael stood back and appreciated his handiwork. "Good. Now

remember, when they ask you what happened you're going to say you were

having sex in the toilet. You both love being tied up, but you dropped

the keys down the toilet and flushed it by mistake." He chucked the

keyring into the bowl and flushed it. "Most important of all, we

weren't here. If we hear of any mention of us, details of your naughty

financial dealings will be revealed to all. Have fun!" With that he

closed the door and left us locked together in the toilet.

"When I get out of this, Susan..." Jay started.

"This is not the time for recriminations. Let's get out of this mess

first, then you can shout at me."

"Why not now, we're not going anywhere. I can't...." He trailed off

and looked over my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The key. It didn't flush." He turned around so I could see. There at

the bottom of the toilet bowl was the key, Michael had left it attached

to the key ring and together it was far too heavy to flush. Now all we

had to do was reach it. In the end, Jay had to lean backwards as I

stretched my hands into the bowl. Since my hands are smaller I had the

best chance of reaching it. We had to press our bodies tightly

together to give me enough room to pick up the keyring.

Our naked bodies rubbing against each other was causing Jay to grow

erect. Despite our situation I couldn't help but be turned on by this,

I could feel his cock growing between us. I was filled with a desire

to have it inside of me. I stopped trying to reach the key and

deliberately rubbed my body up and down his. Jay's manacled hands

gripped my back as I did so. Clumsily, we got up from the toilet seat

and he pressed me against the wall. I wanted to reach down and guide

his hard cock into me, but neither of us could get their hands down


He hitched me up as much as the ankle cuff would allow and finally

managed to guide my pussy onto his hot member. I sank gratefully onto

it, we were both finding this very erotic. The way the handcuffs

impeded our movement only added to our arousal. Being locked together

in this intimate way drove us beyond control. I wrapped one leg around

him and rode him for all he was worth. Our lovemaking was awkward,

constrained and the most passionate we have ever had.

Jay couldn't reach my breasts, but I didn't care. My aroused nipples

rubbed against his wide hairy chest and soon I was gasping with

pleasure. I was riding the wave of my orgasm when Jay tensed and

pumped his seed deep into me.

I have used handcuffs often during my 'games', but never on myself.

Maybe that will change in future. We held each other for several

minutes. Well, we could hardly do anything else. When we had finally

collected ourselves we returned to the task of getting the key. It

took ten long minutes before I finally grasped the key. Jay's cock was

already returning to life and if I had taken any longer I expect we

would have made love again. I've always been turned on by 'dangerous'

games, but I had never though Jay might be the same.

Carefully, I turned the key around in my fingers and inserted it into

the lock. I slowly turned it, the mechanism was stiff and I applied

some more pressure. Suddenly, I heard a small pinging noise and the

end of the key came away in my hand.



"The key broke off in the lock."

He cursed quietly for a bit and then I put the broken key on the toilet

seat. Together we bent down for a clear look at it, it had been cut

almost in two. So that even the slightest pressure would snap it

apart. Cunning Bastard. Michael had probably made the locks on the

handcuffs stiff just to make sure the key broke. He probably thought

using handcuffs was very appropriate, just because I'd handcuffed him

to a pillar.

"I think we should make a run for it." I said.

"What? Run where?"

"If we make it down to the stewardesses area, we can avoid the rest of

the passengers before they wake up."

"But what about those two crazy bitches who locked us up?"

"I don't think they're part of the crew, probably just stole the

uniforms. They've probably changed back to ordinary clothes and are

back in their seats by now."

As quietly as we could we opened the door and I looked down the aisle.

The stewardesses area was situated in the middle of the plane, it

wasn't far. But it seemed to be several miles away. No one seemed

awake yet, so we decided to risk it.

Airplane aisles are not that wide and because of the ankle cuff we had

to walk sideways facing each other. It was weird, to walk pass so many

people while completely naked. We had to stay pressed tightly together

to avoid brushing the passengers as we passed. Every sound seemed to

be magnified and I was certain our feet shuffling on the floor would

wake everyone up. Despite, or perhaps because of the situation I felt

Jay's erection returning. I looked down at it resting against our

stomachs. I felt my own need returning, sometimes the human body

chooses the most inappropriate time to get turned on. It was at this

point that I lost my concentration and my balance.

I tried to correct, but I had forgotten my left foot was connected to

Jay's right foot. I pitched over backwards dragging Jay down on top of

me. We landed on a grey haired granny who woke up and started

screaming at the sight of us lying naked across her. Her scream might

have been enough to waken the dead, but it certainly woke everybody

else up.

Absolute pandemonium. It took us about thirty seconds to struggle

upright, by then everyone was awake and trying to work out what the

hell was going on. I felt every pair of eyes in the plane focusing on

us. Most people just stared in shock and disbelief, though I did hear

quite a few mutterings of disgust. At least two must have been

laughing. The real stewardesses and stewards came running at this

point and stopped dead when they saw us, unsure of how to proceed.

"You wouldn't happen to have a pair of bolt cutters on board?" I asked.

They gathered their wits and helped us down to the small kitchen area.

We sat together rather uncomfortably, wrapped in a blanket as they

restored order to the plane. We gave out the story the two Trixies had

demanded. They seemed to accept the story far more readily than I

expected, which makes me wonder what else goes on in planes.

The Head Steward put out a call for any locksmiths on the plane. no

one came forward, but I knew there was at least two out there. The

rest of the flight was fairly uncomfortable. We couldn't even put any

clothes on due to the handcuffs.

After several more hours we finally arrived. First onto the plane was

a mechanic with a hefty pair of cutters. He tried and failed to keep a

smile off his face as he cut through the handcuffs. At last our ordeal

was over and we could get dressed. Michael had dumped our clothes on

our seats, I'm sure he would have disposed of them if he could think of

a safe way.

Of course that wasn't the end of it. Several of Jay's workmates were

aboard the same plane and word of our little escapade went around the

conference like wildfire. My husband had to put up with a load of

jokes and I got some fairly dirty looks from other wives. But all in

all, the general opinion was one of humor rather than disapproval. At

least Jay hadn't been caught shackled to someone who wasn't his wife.

I was immensely glad to get home. But, I knew this business was far

from over. Michael and his friend might try again. But more

importantly I had been put through a very embarrassing weekend and if

they thought they were going to get away with that, they had another

thing coming.

The End?

Details of how Michael became Trixie can be found in 'The

Locksmith' My winning entry in the First Annual Celestial

Competion. I'll be reposting it in a few days time so keep

an eye out for it.

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