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I woke up to my mother calling me from down stairs. "Don, Don, come on, get

up so we can open our presents." It has been a good many years since I was

enthusiastic about Christmas, and here in my eighteenth Christmas, I was

just as miserable as ever.

The whole season I could not get my enthusiasm up. In fact, I could not get

excited about anything. You see, I want to be a female and as long as I am

trapped in this male body life is not worth living. Oh, my breasts are

quite prominent and my butt is pretty big for a guy. No doubt, this is from

the hormone cream I have been using each day since I graduated from school

last May. I have let my hair grow since last year. It now drapes down to

the middle of my back. When I dress up as a girl, I am really very

attractive. Small breasted but attractive, especially when I smile. But, I

can only cross dress when I am sure there will be no one around, and in

spite of a few close calls, to my knowledge, I am the only one who knows of

my most secret desire.

I have kept a diary and when I read it last night I started to cry. It is

not fair that I should have to spend my time on this planet as a male. I am

really a female. At the rate at which I am becoming more and more obsessed

with becoming a female...I will soon have no choice in the matter.

For example, let me quote you the entry I wrote on December 16th:

Incidently, Anne is not really my sister, more like my adopted sister. She

is Nicole's best friend, doesn't have any family of her own, and has been

living with us since she was fourteen.)

"Today mom and I went shopping for presents for my sisters, Nicole and Anne.

Anyway, I thought I remained pretty cool until I saw the black dress on a

mannequin. It had to be the most gorgeous thing ever created. Mom said,

"You think that will do" and I drooled while hypnotized by the black dream,

"Oh, yes" I say in a far off voice. So she bought it while I am daydreaming

about raiding Nicole's closet at the first chance I got. All I could think

about for the rest of the day was that beautiful black dress, its elegant

long sleeves, its plunging neckline, its hourglass bodice and its short

tight skirt."

Now I ask you is that normal? I never heard of another boy who kept a

diary, let alone wrote about attractive female clothing in it.

Oh, what am I to do? I am going to have to wear a heavy sweater and baggy

pants if I am not to reveal my breasts and feminine butt to my family. How

could my butt get bigger and my waist shrink so much from that cream. Some

Christmas surprise, "Look folks, I traded your son and brother Don in on a

daughter and sister, Dawn."

"Don", my dad yells up the stairs, "If you don't hurry up and get your

'butt' down here I will come up and 'drag' you down myself."

"Get a grip on yourself" I say to myself, "you are becoming paranoid, those

are just expressions.",

"In my next life I am going to have only daughters," he murmurs as he

disappears into the living room.

"Unreal!" I whisper out loud. Does he know?

I amble down the stairs in a fair impression of a man being led to the gas

chamber. My self-pity has again taken over my being. I dredge up a "merry

christmas everyone" from my inner depths but its effect is lost on the

misery written all over my face.

"Come on, Don, cheer up!" My older sister gives me a hug. "It is Christmas

morn. Did you write Santa? I predict he is going to give you precisely

what you always wanted. Let mom and dad have one of your beautiful smiles

that always captivate my heart," she requests as I am ushered into the

living room.

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart," mom grabs me and gives me an affectionate


"Merry Christmas mom, I love you" escapes my lips in spite of my inner-self

yelling be miserable, be miserable, you worked at it and you deserve it.

"Merry Christmas, Don." My dad is next to give me an almost too

affectionate hug. "Wait till you see what Santa brought you, I guarantee

that will gladden your sleeping miserable soul.

"I'll try dad, Merry Christmas", I hear my self say.

"Here Don, have some sherry in the family tradition," says Anne as she

plants a big affectionate kiss on my mouth. She has to be one of the most

beautiful women I have ever met. She, more than anyone else, I suspect, may

have guessed my secret, as she is a psychologist working for the renowned

Dr. Martin. Even though I have no desire to be a male I have been spell

bound by her beauty. "And for Pete's sake cheer up Don. I know you are

going to be quivering with what I got you."

Soon the Christmas carols are playing in the background and we are all

seated around the tree. I am handed my first present. The others are all

busy with their presents as I feign interest in mine. Finally, I am looking

at five tickets to the "Nutcracker" ballet for tomorrow evening. "In San

Francisco?" I ask.

"Did you see there are plane tickets, as well and hotel reservations. The

whole family is going there to celebrate." responds my father.

"Celebrate what?" I ask.

"Why, ......Christmas, dummy." he replies. "Now, open your other presents.

"Mom hands me a big package." And says, "I thought you might like to wear

this to the ballet."

I tear it open and to my utter shock there is the beautiful black dress we

bought for Nicole. I turn to mom and with tears in my eyes squeak "There

must be some mistake, we bought this for Nicole."

Nicole picks it up and says, "Can't be mine it is one dress size to small

for me."

Mom takes my hand and looks me in the eye. "It is no mistake, Don. Hear me

out. Six months ago I was changing your bed when one of my earrings fell

off and rolled under your bed. I couldn't see it and I had your dad move

the bed while I looked for it. We found your secret suitcase. We opened it

to find all your female things and your diary. Please forgive us, but we

have been worried about you for over a year, you are not a happy person. We

read it. Oh, Don, we both started to cry as we realized how futile your

life was to you. As your mother, I felt so helpless that my precious son

had to go through such agony."

"Your dad and I went to see Anne's boss Dr. Martin. After reading your

diary he said he was convinced that you were really a woman and was keeping

up pretenses just for us."

"We then had a family conference, and Anne and Nicole both admitted that

they had been suspicious of your behavior. You have from time to time been

wearing their clothes, haven't you? We shared our plan to feed you hormones

for six months to see if that would help you make up your mind. I suspect

you have a passing female figure by now."

Dad summarizes, "We would much rather have a well adjusted daughter, Dawn,

than a suicidal son, Don. We love you what ever your decision is."

"I fling my arms around him and give him a big kiss, something I have never

done before. "Oh dad, this is the only Christmas present I had really

wanted. You have no idea how much I want to be your daughter." I then turn

to mom and words fail us as we we hold each other for a very long time.

Finally Nicole says, "Why don't Anne and I take you up to my room and get

you properly dressed, dear sister."

"Anne adds, "I am sure the lingerie and shoes we picked out for you will

make that dress look like a million bucks. We can't have you opening your

presents looking like a tom boy now can we."

When we get up to Nicole's room Anne says "Dawn, when we are finished with

you, you are going to wonder how you possibly could have wandered around

disguised as a boy." She then checks my face and arms and tells me to shave

it all while I am in the shower, and be sure to use the perfumed soap.

I emerge in Nicole's bathrobe. In moments Anne has my hair blown dry while

Nicole is applying nail polish to my toes.

I am handed a pair of panties, black satin, and told to put them on. When I

appear before them wearing only the panties, both Nicole and Anne stare at


Anne is the first to speak, "I would have never guess you had that

beautiful figure under all those ugly male clothes you have been wearing.

We had bought you this bra," she says holding up a black bra with an

under-wire support, "and I was convinced that a B cup would be too big.

Looks like you sister guessed it right though."

Soon, I am sitting in front of my sisters in my beautiful underclothes. The

slip is magnificent, so much lacework. The black pantyhose is so sheer that

my maroon toenails show through as if they were colorless, yet my legs look

absolutely sexy with the hues they display.

False fingernails are securely fastened and soon I they are every bit as

feminine as my sisters.

Now time is being spent on my face. There was no need to pluck my eyebrows;

I had been doing that for over a year. I enjoyed a certain excitement

because you couldn't really tell if they belonged to a boy or a girl. Anne

did my makeup while Nicole worked my hair into the most feminine style I

could ever imagine. "I have been waiting to do this ever since mom and dad

told us about you six months ago," she says with a smile, I have looked at

a thousand magazines for the perfect Christmas hairdo for you."

Finally, Anne asks, "would you be comfortable wearing heels or prefer to

wear flats." I answer, "heels" and Anne produces her three-inch black heels

with straps and an ankle strap. "You are going to need a lot of time if you

try to get out of this outfit before being found out," she kids.

"I don't think I will ever want to take this off," comes out of mouth a bit

higher than how I normally speak as I stare at my captivating cleavage,

narrow waist, and completely feminine thighs, legs and feet. "When my eyes

fall on my face, I am dumbfounded. Can anything so beautiful really be me?

"You two must be witches I say with a smile because that transformation is

pure wizardry."

"Merry Christmas, Dawn. We have an appointment to have your hair colored

tomorrow morning. You will have to decide which color by then."

"And I hope you don't mind. When we go to San Francisco, you will be

staying in our room," Anne adds with a wicked smile "after all, we need to

get to know our sister better."

What emerges down the stairs forty-five minutes later does not remotely

resemble anything male. Dawn looks by far the most feminine of the three

ladies as she glides down the stairs. From the shine in her eyes, you have

to guess she is the happiest person alive.

"I don't think Dawn will be exchanging any of her presents dear", her dad

says as he hugs his wife.

"I certainly hope so," she replies. "I'm afraid her male clothes won't do

her any good where they are now. It maybe was a bit presumptuous to get rid

of them so quickly. But how else would she fit all her new things in her


As Dawn takes them in her arms, she purrs "Mom, dad, you sure know how to

throw a surprise Christmas. I want you to know that I have never been

happier in my life. After this initiation I will be the first up on future

Christmas morns. Now my loves, why are we not opening our presents? A poor

girl can perish at the anticipation of it all."

"Too bad, Anne", whispers Nicole. "The breast forms you got her will give

her far too much cleavage. Hope it doesn't disrupt the performance tomorrow


"If that doesn't do it the platform shoes you bought her certainly will,"

she whispers back.

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