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Carrie's Story

by Marci Manseau

Chapter One - In the Beginning

My name is Charles Ankersby. Well, at least it used to be,

and this is the story of my life. It tells the tale of how I came to

be Carrie Miller. No, you're wrong. This isn't just another

autobiography of a transsexual. I'm a transgerderist and, if you're

not aware of it, that's a whole different thing.

It's an almost true story. It happened just the way I'm going

to tell it to you. I have changed some names in order to assure

anonymity for the other people involved. Later, if they're proud and

want to brag, they can identify themselves, but I won't.

I suppose my Aunt Jeannie, my mother's younger sister, had a

lot to do with the way I turned out. My parents died when I was only

eleven. Aunt Jeannie came to me after their funeral and said my

parents had asked her to look after me if anything ever happened to

them. She said she'd love to take care of me.

I had always liked her a lot, probably because she'd always

spoiled me so. She spent a lot of time at our house and was like a

second mother to me. In some ways I had been closer to her than I was

to my parents, so when she told me I'd be living with her, I was


It worked out well for both of us. Between the insurance

settlement from my parents' estate and her alimony, Jeannie could

afford to quit work and stay at home while she looked after me. That

made it easier on her as she had always detested working for someone


A year or so after I'd moved in with her, she came home

unexpectedly one day from shopping and caught me trying on some of her

lingerie. I was panic stricken but thankfully she didn't make a big

fuss about it.

All she said was, "Chuck, we're going to have to talk about

why you like wearing my clothes. Please don't misunderstand me. I'm

not angry with you. I don't mind it at all, but I think if wearing my

clothing is important to you, it's something we must discuss."

I decided I had to be honest with her and trust her. There

was no point in my denying it. I was standing right in front of her,

wearing her pink slip and panties, with a very obvious hard on. I

felt completely ridiculous. There were tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I don't know why," I explained, "but I like the way your

clothes look on me and the way they feel. I've been wearing your

things for a couple of weeks, but I didn't want you to find out about

it because I was afraid you'd laugh at me or punish me."

The look on her face told me she'd do neither. She took me in

her arms and said softly, "I love you and I want to make you feel

comfortable living here. So if it's important to you, then it's

something I'll have to deal with. Please don't ever be afraid to tell

me anything. I'll always try to understand and I promise I'll never

laugh at anything you feel is important."

"Ok, Aunt Jeannie, I promise I'll tell you everything from now

on. Thanks for not being angry. I love you so much," I said, and I

meant it.

From that day on, when I'd come home from school, she'd be

waiting for me at the door. We'd talk about my day and then she'd

have me take a bath. When I got out of the tub, some of her lingerie

and clothing would be on my bed, just waiting for me to put on. As

she has a small build, almost everything of hers fit me or was

slightly large.

I'd spend the rest of the afternoon with her, helping her get

dinner ready or doing my homework. After a few months, I became very

comfortable in her clothes. I even got so I could walk in heels

without breaking my neck.

One day when I was about fourteen, Aunt Jeannie told me it was

about time that I stopped dressing in her things. For a moment I was

very afraid, thinking she wanted me to stop wearing her clothes, but

that wasn't it at all.

"After all," she said, "you're not a child anymore. You're at

the age where little girls become big girls. I think we should spend

this weekend changing you into a young lady. Would you like that?"

"Oh, yes," I exclaimed. I was excited, but a little

embarrassed by my enthusiasm. But, as usual, she always seemed to

know exactly what was on my mind. "I've been thinking about that a

lot lately and I'd really like it. Some of the girls in school have

begun to develop and I guess I'm jealous. How can I be a woman,

though? I know I'll never grow boobs."

She smiled at my embarrassment. "That's probably true, but

there are ways to make up for what nature hasn't provided. Women have

been doing it for centuries. I'll make you beautiful, you'll see.

Just trust your Aunt Jeannie. She knows what she's talking about."

"Oh, I hope so. I'd love to look as pretty as you do, or like

some of the other girls at school. I see the boys staring at their

chests as they walk down the hall. It's very confusing for me. When

I look at them I feel turned on but envious too. Maybe it's because

even though I like girls, I guess I want to be one too."

Aunt Jeannie gave me a very surprised look. "That's the first

time I've heard you say you wanted to be a girl. When did you decide


"I don't know. I guess maybe I've always felt that way.

Spending a lot of time in your clothes has made me realize I'm much

more comfortable as a girl. I guess I'd have been happier if I'd been

born that way. Does that make me weird or something?"

"Believe me, you're not weird. There are a lot of people in

this world who feel exactly as you do. Many of them eventually end up

having operations that change their sex to the one they feel they

should have been born as. It's becoming more and more common all the

time. So don't think you're a freak. You're definitely not."

"But enough talking," she said. "Let's see what you're going

to look like as a young lady. Go hop in the shower. Make sure you

shave your legs and underarms well. We want you looking your best

today." She gave me a pat on the rump to speed me on my way.

I felt a lot better knowing I wasn't alone in the world. I

didn't want to be a freak. I quickly undressed and got into the

shower. I couldn't wait to see how I'd look as a mature woman. I

shaved my legs and underarms, making sure that not even the smallest

hair remained. It didn't take long as I've never been very hairy.

After drying off, I creamed my legs, then covered my whole body with

perfumed dusting powder, just Jeannie had taught me to do.

She was waiting for me in her bedroom sitting on the edge of

the bed. She checked me over to be sure I'd shaved well. "I want you

to wear the things I choose for you, but just for today. That way I

can be sure you look as good as possible the first time you see

yourself as a young woman. From then on, you can wear whatever you

like. All right with you?"

"Sure, that's fine with me," I answered. I was so happy that

she was going to let me get dressed up as adult that I didn't care

what she'd selected. Besides, I knew she had great taste in clothes,

so whatever she picked out for me would look good.

First, she had me put on one of her pretty pink uplift bras,

and then insert some foam rubber falsies she told me she'd bought just

for today. With the falsies in, I felt as if I were complete for the

first time. So feminine! But when I put on the matching pair of pink

panties, my erection made the whole thing seem silly.

Jeannie was determined she was going to do something about

that problem. She knelt down in front of me and caressed my penis

through the soft fabric of the panties. Just before I was ready to

come, she took it out and sucked it between her lips. I lasted about

three seconds before I gushed into her mouth. To both our surprises,

my erection didn't disappear. She had to do it again before I finally

went limp.

But even after all that, the bulge in my panties was still

considerable. We tried several different things to conceal it, but

nothing seemed to hide this very unfeminine protrusion. Finally,

after several other methods failed, much to my embarrassment she tried

a sanitary belt and napkin. The belt was made of elastic, about an

inch wide. It fitted around the waist and had two hooks that the

sanitary pad attached to. She had me put that on and, with the

sanitary pad pulled very tightly, it turned out to be the perfect

answer. I put the wispy panties on again and this time they looked

like they were made for me. Not a bulge in sight!

"Oh, Aunt Jeannie," I said, "I can't believe how well it

works. By the time I get on all my clothes, there won't be any sign

of it at all."

Jeannie and I decided that, as we were going to dress me as a

young woman, not a girl as we had in the past, a pink garter belt and

stockings would be fun for me to wear. She showed me how to put the

garter belt around my waist and then helped me put on the sheer

stockings. I was amazed at how pretty my legs looked and the feeling

of the stockings on my legs was wonderful!

If it hadn't been that my cock was so tightly compressed by the

sanitary napkin, my erection would have caused another unsightly


Next, she handed me a pink slip that had a wide band of lace

at the top and hem. I wriggled into the slip, adjusting the straps to

fit. The smell of my perfumed dusting powder, combined with the soft,

silky caress of all this pretty lingerie, was making me feel very

feminine. It seemed so very natural for me to feel that way.

She picked out a pair of black patent leather shoes with

three-inch heels for me to try on. They fit perfectly, but when I

tried to walk across the bedroom, I nearly broke my neck. Jeannie

laughed and said she knew I'd get used to wearing higher heels very


We completed my outfit with an off-white blouse and a short

pleated plaid skirt. The skirt was a bit loose on me around the hips,

but she told me not to worry. She would be able to make minor

adjustments to many of her pretty things so that I could wear them.

All this time I was becoming more excited, thrilled really. I

was somewhat nervous, yet pleased at each step as we continued my

conversion into a young woman.

She tried several wigs on me, but all the styles seemed too

adult. In the end, as my hair was rather long, Aunt Jeannie used her

curling iron and did my hair in a very pleasing feminine style.

We went through the whole business about makeup and jewelry.

She said I'd have to learn to do this myself in the future so she'd

explain each step as she went along. Putting makeup on properly, she

told me, was an art. Too much makeup made you look cheap, and not

enough made you look plain and unhealthy. Jeannie was an expert. By

the time she was finished, I looked exactly like a very pretty young


My reflection in the mirror was stunning, especially to me. I

had never imagined I could look as nice as I did. The makeup, the

foam rubber breast pads and the grownup clothes made all the


We left the bedroom went into the living room as Jeannie

wanted to show me a few more things about being a lady. She led me to

a chair and said, "I sure you don't want to look all wrinkled, so when

you sit down, make sure your skirt isn't all bunched up in back. You

have to be conscious of how you sit as well. A lady either crosses

her legs or keeps them together. Try it and see how you do."

I had been watching women and the way they do things for quite

a while, so it was very easy for me to slip into their role. I

smoothed my skirt out in back and then slipped onto the chair. As I

experimented with crossing my legs, I was enthralled with how sexy my

stocking-clad legs looked peeking out from under my skirt. I loved

their silky feeling.

When I got up, she hugged me and said, "You seem to be a

natural at being a woman and you look much more like a pretty girl

than I'd ever hoped for. So much so, that we'll have to pick out a

name that's more suitable for the new you. Calling you Chuck would

seem silly now."

"How about Carrie?" I suggested. "I know a girl at school by

that name, and I like it a lot. I'd like to use Anne as a middle

name." She knew why. It had been my mother's name and I still missed

her very much.

"That's a great idea. We'll start calling you Carrie right

away. I know your mother would be pleased. If she were here today, I

think she'd be as supportive of your need to be feminine as I am. I'm

very proud of you, honey. I've just got to show off my pretty niece.

We've gone to too much trouble today to just sit around the house

without anyone seeing how lovely you've turned out. Let's go shopping

at Northland mall. That's perfect. Then we can buy you some pretty

clothes of your own."

I looked at her like she had suddenly gone crazy. "You've got

to be kidding! I can't do that! People would point at me and laugh,"

I complained.

"Honey, they'll not only believe you're a girl, but I'm sure

once the boys see you, they won't leave you alone. Come to think of

it, that might prove to be a problem. How will you feel if men pay

attention to you? Are you going to like it or will it make you


"I've thought it once in a while, but I'm not sure how I'll

react. I've had some dreams about meeting a man, but I'm not sure how

I'd feel if it actually happened. Do you think it means I'm gay?"

"No, probably not. Most people have similar fantasies. You

might be bisexual, but judging from the way you reacted earlier, I'm

sure you're not a homosexual. Bisexuality is becoming very prevalent

these days. I found out a few years ago that I'm bisexual and so are

some of my friends. So even if you are, don't worry about it. It

just means all the people in the world are your potential lovers, not

just half of them. What's so terrible about that?" I knew I was

blushing, but I couldn't help it. Sex wasn't something I'd ever

discussed with anyone before.

"I guess that makes sense," I said. "I've never thought about

it that way. I know women have always turned me on, but I think I

fought any attraction I felt for men because all my friends hate gays

so. I didn't want them to think I was one."

"Most children act that way because they don't understand

gays. As they grow older and get to know some gay people, they

realize they're not very different than anyone else."

I had to admit it was comforting to know I wasn't as strange

as I'd thought I was. She took my arm and told me, "You and I are

going to go shopping now, Carrie. We're going to buy you some pretty

things of your own. How would you like that?"

"I'd like it a lot but I'll be scared to death," I admitted.

"Are you sure no one would be able to tell I'm not really a girl? I'd

die if anyone found out."

She gave me a reassuring look. "No one will be able to tell

you're not a girl because, in my opinion, you really are a girl. You

think like a girl, you act like a girl and now you even look like a

girl. You look more natural now than you ever did as a boy. So don't

even give it a second thought. Don't you feel as if this is the real

you? I'll bet you're a lot more comfortable with yourself now."

"I guess I do, but I'm so nervous about going out in public in

a skirt. Won't people who know me be able to tell it's me? You know

how the other kids in school would treat me if they ever found out

about this. I'd never be able to go back there again."

Well, the flattery eventually worked and I reluctantly agreed

to go. Jeannie spent a few more minutes putting the finishing touches

on me.

"Here," she said. "You can carry this handbag. Let's put

some makeup, a brush and this wallet in it. Oh, and here's a watch

for you to wear as well. What about a necklace? Would you like to

wear one with that outfit?"

I knew just which one I wanted to wear. "Could I wear the

pretty braided gold chain you got in New York last year? I promise

I'll be extra careful with it. I've always wanted to see how it would

look on me."

"Sure, it's in my jewelry box. Help yourself. Here, put this

money in your wallet. We'll have to get you some identification with

your new name on it eventually. There are so many fun things we'll be

able to do now. Just us two girls."

We both had a good laugh at that. Her reassurances had calmed

my nerves and I was beginning to enjoy myself. I knew she was right,

but I guess I couldn't help fearing discovery by someone I knew.

After a final check in the mirror, we left for the mall. I

was still very nervous. It was a new experience for me to be outside

as a girl and, as we approached the mall, I was tempted to ask Aunt

Jeannie to turn around and take me home, but the thrill of being out

as a girl outweighed my fear in the end.

As we got out of the car I felt as if everyone was staring at

me. I told Jeannie, but she said it was because I was so pretty, not

because they thought I wasn't a female. She said it's something every

pretty girl has to get used to.

"There are so many things I want to buy for you, Carrie," she

told me. "I think you should have some pretty things that will be

your very own, like shoes and lingerie and so many other things. Not

that I mind you wearing mine, but I think every girl should have her

own very special feminine things. You'll see. I know you'll love

being a young woman as much as I did when I was your age. It's so

much more fun than being a boy."

"You're right," I conceded. "It is fun. I feel so strange,

but it's a good feeling." I felt like I was in a different world. I

was so much more aware of everything around me. I kept up a non-stop

conversation, talking about everything that popped into my head.

As we were approaching the mall, Jeannie stopped me and said,

"Carrie, you've been getting dressed as a girl at home for a long

time. I've been watching you. You behave perfectly as a girl when

you're wearing a dress. As the saying goes, you've come a long way

baby. So stop worrying. I guarantee you no one will know the


Walking through the mall, it pleased me to notice that we were

getting many admiring glances from men. Jeannie noticed it too and

asked me what my reaction was. I had to admit I loved it. Almost

immediately I became more relaxed and began to enjoy the feeling of

being a woman. It was fantastic! I loved how my skirt caressed my

legs as I walked, and the clicking of my heels sent chills up and down

my spine.

Maybe it was the novelty of the situation or the fact I also

felt more grown up as well. I didn't know why for certain, but I

truly loved being a girl. So many men stared at me and I could see

desire in their eyes, and that thrilled me sexually. It really did.

Jeannie and I had a great time shopping for my new wardrobe

and trying on clothes. We went into almost every store in the mall.

I spent at least a half hour trying on lingerie at one of the better

department stores. I didn't even get too nervous when one of the

saleswomen walked in on me. All I had on was my bra and panties. She

clearly didn't think of me as a boy. Luckily, my sanitary napkin hid

the bulge in my panties perfectly. She just handed me a nightie to try

on and then walked out.

We stopped at Jeannie's favorite shoe store and she bought me

four pairs of shoes there. There was a particularly cute young

salesman in the store who waited on me. He became friendly very

quickly. I was amazed when I discovered that he was trying to look

under my skirt each time he helped me try on a pair of shoes. That

made me very nervous, but I knew I was also flattered. I did

purposely cross my legs a few times and I'm sure he liked what he saw.

I had to choke back a laugh. Wouldn't he be shocked if he knew what

was really inside those lacy pink panties he sneaking a look at! I

must admit I even flirted a bit with him. Aunt Jeannie watched all

this, trying to hide her laughter. While she was paying for the shoes

we'd bought, he asked me for my phone number. I was tempted to give

it to him, but I knew I couldn't.

When we left the store, I told her what had happened. She

teased me about having made my first conquest and told me I should

have given him our phone number.

This time she had a huge laugh when she saw the horrified look

on my face. "You can't be serious," I replied. I couldn't date a

boy. What would I do if he wanted to kiss me, or worse, if he wanted

more? I'd be in big trouble."

"Look, Carrie, you're going to spending a lot more time as a

girl and if you think you'd like to date, it's certainly fine with me.

There's no reason you can't. You can kiss and go as far as you like,

as long as you don't drop your panties. Your breasts are not any

smaller than a lot of other girls your age. A boy would never know

the difference, believe me. As I recall from when I was a teenager,

they're so happy to get anywhere at all, they don't even realize what

they're doing. So relax and enjoy being a girl, will you please? I

won't let you get into situations I don't think you could handle."

I was sure it would take a giant leap for me to adjust to

being with a boy, but knew I would eventually like to. "I guess

you're right, but I think it'll be a long time before I could date.

It's not that I don't want to, but I don't think I could relax enough

to enjoy myself. There's so much I need to learn first."

"I'll teach you all you need to know about boys, honey.

They're so eager to get you in bed, it makes it a very simple matter

to control them. Any girl with brains has no problem at all. I want

you to be just like any other girl, that is if you truly want to be."

"Oh, Aunt Jeannie, I do. I really want to be a girl, in every

sense of the word. I know you're right about boys, so if you'll teach

me, I'll be a very willing student. Do you actually think it's

possible for me to date?"

"Carrie, you'll not only be able to date, but after I get

through teaching you a few tricks, you'll have them eating out of your

hand. You're now a beautiful young woman. It'll be easy for us to

make you one of the more popular girls in town. Believe me, I know

what I'm talking about. Your mother taught me all I know about men

and she had a very special knack with them. You may have even

inherited her talent."

We continued our shopping, stopping at the discount pharmacy

to buy all the necessary feminine things I'd need if I was going to be

spending a lot more time as a girl. We bought makeup, nail polish,

shampoo, hair spray, big pink hair rollers, perfume and bath powder, a

blow dryer, two more boxes of sanitary napkins and six more of the

wide elastic sanitary belts. I'd never realized how many different

things a girl needed to make herself pretty, but I was learning very


Next we stopped and had a bite to eat at the restaurant in one

of the big department stores. We both ordered a crab salad plate and

iced tea. Again I had time to practice my ladylike manners. I made

sure I kept my legs demurely crossed and tried, as best I could, to

copy Aunt Jeannie's other mannerisms.

Jeannie must have noticed my efforts. She reached over and

touched my hand. "I see you're being conscious of how you eat. Make

sure you take nice little ladylike bites. This is part of your

education as a young woman. You've never had the opportunity to learn

a lot of things other girls your age have known for years so I'm going

to make sure you have a chance to discover them, that is if you want


"Oh, yes please, Aunt Jeannie. I want to be as much a girl as

anyone else. I promise to be the best student in the world. I know

I've got a lot to learn, especially about boys, so whenever you think

I need to know something, please tell me."

"I will, and I'll try to make sure you know all about boys

before too long. I've got the feeling you're going to need learn

quickly, judging from the looks the boys have been giving you today.

You really are a very pretty girl, and I'm not just saying that

because you're my niece."

At that I blushed, not knowing how to handle flattery, but

loving it all the same.

After we had eaten, I realized that I was in very serious

trouble. I had to take a pee. When I finally mentioned it to

Jeannie, she just smiled.

"Come with me," she said, smoothly and quite casually. "I

have to go myself."

When I realized what she was suggesting, I was horrified. She

laughed at the expression on my face and as we walked toward the

powder room, and she told me something that was to become quite

important to me.

"You're a girl now," she said, "so when nature calls, you'll

just have do the same thing the other girls do. You'll learn."

"You can't mean I should use the ladies' bathroom," I

stammered. "I'd never be able to walk in there. I'd faint, I know I

would. Please, let's just go home before I burst."

"Carrie, I've told you at least a dozen times today you can do

anything, go anywhere you want. Absolutely no one is going to realize

you're not completely female without seeing you in the nude. You've

got to stop being so paranoid. Now follow me. I have to go too, so

let's just get it over with."

"Ok, but I want you to know I'm scared to death," I admitted.

"Please let's get in and out of there as fast as we can. From now on,

I'm going to make sure I go before we leave the house."

As we entered the powder room I began to tremble and, while I

had a smile on my face, it felt like it was pasted there and wasn't

working too well. There were several women standing in the outer

room, but Jeannie and I ignored them and went into the room where the

facilities we needed were. There were several toilets in little

stalls with the door that could be pushed closed.

I ran into one of the empty stalls, locking the door securely

behind me. I hung my coat and purse on the door hook, then used some

paper to clean off the seat. I quickly lifted up my skirt and slid my

panties down as far as the tops of my stockings. I carefully sat

down, all the time watching the door to be sure no one was spying on

me. When I was satisfied that no one was watching, I slipped my cock

out from under the sanitary napkin and quickly peed. What a relief!

When I'd finished, I patted myself dry with some paper, then

pushed my penis back under the napkin, feeling so much safer with it

hidden. I stood up, pulled up my panties, again being thrilled with

feeling so feminine. I dropped my slip and skirt back into place

after adjusting my stockings.

Finally, I sensed I was gaining some self-assurance. I

thought about how no one had given me any strange looks all day. On

the contrary, all the looks I'd received had been very flattering. I

decided Jeannie had been right all along. I'd been silly to doubt my


As I'd been warm all day wearing my coat inside the mall, I

now decided I'd carry it. Before I'd felt too self-conscious to take

it off. It was, I decided, time to be brave. I was starting to enjoy

myself for the first time that day. I was now a real girl. I knew

it, no one else seemed to doubt it, so I might as well enjoy it. What

a phenomenal feeling!

I strolled out to the mirrors and checked out my appearance,

just as most of the other women there were doing. What a pleasant

picture. I loved my feminine reflection. I couldn't remember any

time in my life I'd ever felt better.

I fussed a little with my hair, then went and sat in one of

the chairs to wait for Jeannie. It was even fun just sitting there,

crossing and uncrossing my legs, feeling the slippery smoothness of my

stocking-clad legs as they rubbed against one another, and it was

especially wonderful that there was no longer any ugly bulge to get in

the way. How I loved being a girl!

I noticed how nicely the room had been decorated. The walls

were papered with soft pink flowers on white background. The carpet

and chairs were a light grey. So pretty and so unlike the mens' rooms

I'd been in.

When Jeannie finally came out, she immediately noticed me

sitting there looking like the cat that had eaten the canary. She

gave me a radiant smile and, when she's finished washing her hands, we

walked out together.

"What's come over you, Carrie?" she asked. "You're acting

like you own the world now."

"I guess when I had time to think about what you've been

telling me, I realized how right you were. No one all day has treated

me any differently than they treated you. I just love being a girl

and now I think I finally beginning to relax and enjoy being Carrie.

Thanks for being so helpful, Aunt Jeannie. I want you to know I love

you, and I really appreciate all the effort and expense you've gone

to. You're the best friend and the best aunt anyone ever had."

I could tell she was pleased. "You're a very good nephew as

well. Whoops, I better make that niece in the future." We both

giggled at that.

We continued our shopping, buying me all the pretty things

that Jeannie had promised. I had such fun picking out a whole new

wardrobe. All the pretty lingerie, dresses, jewelry, shoes and

hosiery. I was in seventh heaven. I guess the main reason we stopped

shopping was that we couldn't carry any more boxes.

By the time we arrived home, I was dying to get into the house

and try on all my pretty new things. Jeannie and I Carried everything

into my bedroom. I couldn't believe all the boxes and bags. It was

going to take hours just to put everything away, much less try them


Jeannie left me to play and experiment while she went and

started dinner. We had a fabulous meal, special because Aunt Jeannie

felt this had to be a extraordinary day for me. She let me have wine

with dinner and we just sat at the table when we were done, drinking

coffee and talking, reliving our day.

"Carrie, honey," she said, "this truly was a terrific day.

You know, I feel as if you've been a girl all along. I guess I'm more

comfortable with you as Carrie than I ever was with Chuck. Somehow

you never seemed at ease with yourself or with me before. Are you

happier now?"

"I know I'm happier," I answered, quite honestly, "but today

has given me so many things to think about. I'm a little scared about

the future. Do you know what I mean? If I'm really more female than

male, I'm going to have a lot of problems to solve. I'm going to need

your help now more than ever."

"You know I'll always be around to help you," she said, "so

don't worry. We'll work everything out, you'll see. If you decide

you want to be a girl all the time, then we'll simply register you in

another school as Carrie. That will be easy. I know people who can

get any kind of identification we'd need. If you're sure at some

point that you'd like to consider a sex change, we'll explore that

possibility, too. So why don't you just relax and enjoy being your

new self."

"I will," I explained. "It's just that I just need some time

to get used to all these changes and to learn more about being a

woman. Once I do, I'll have to think more about what the future


"That's the idea. Now scoot. Go and try on the rest of your

new clothes. It's already late, so you'll have to hurry if you want

to finish before bedtime."

I didn't need any more encouragement. I went to my room and

spent the next hour or so trying on the rest of my new outfits,

rushing back into the living room and modeling each of them for Aunt


All in all, we had bought six dresses, four sweater and skirt

combinations, seven blouses, two pairs of pants, six pairs of shoes,

two blazers, a coat, three handbags, five bras, twelve pairs of

panties, three full slips, a half slip, a camisole and matching tap

panties, a gorgeous pink silk teddy, two garter belts, three nighties,

six pairs of panty hose, four pairs of stockings and all kinds of

scarves, jewelry and makeup.

Parading around in front of Jeannie in all my new fashions

was, to me, the perfect end to a perfect day. Everything seemed to

fit well, except for a skirt which needed shortening. Jeannie told me

I should wear short skirts because, when a girl has legs like mine,

she should show them.

Gradually I was learning the feminine art of walking in high

heels. I was also learning how, with many suggestions from Jeannie,

to properly accessorize my outfits. What jewelry for dressy

occasions, how to coordinate shoes, or what shade of eye shadow went

with each color and style.

The last thing I modeled was my new very sexy peach negligee

with matching bikini panties. Jeannie insisted I keep it on.

"Carrie, I'm not ever going to let you sleep in anything other

than a pretty nightie," she said as I twirled before her. "I always

hated those pajamas you used to wear. You look so cute now. Do me a

favor and throw out all those pajamas tomorrow."

I went over and gave her a hug. "I will, I promise. I hate

them, too. Please don't ever make me wear any of those dumb clothes

again. I know I'll be much happier as a girl, you'll see."

She held me in her arms and said softly in my ear, "I already

know that. I just love the way you feel in this nightie and your

perfume smells so good."

Her hands moved down my back, gently caressing me through the

silky fabric until she reached my panties. She slipped her hand

inside the waist band, softly kneading my buttocks. Even though I was

tired, I immediately became erect under the sanitary pad. I pressed

my pubic bone into hers, lightly kissing her on the neck.

"Carrie, it's about time you learned more about women. I'm

going to give you some first hand experience on how a woman makes

love. Give me just a moment to change into my nightgown, then we'll

get in my bed. I'll show you how a woman likes her loving. Do you

think you're ready for that?"

I just shook my head, letting her know I was willing. I was

too excited to talk. We went into her bedroom, turned down the bed

and then I got in.

Jeannie slowly undressed, knowing very well that my eyes never

left her for a moment. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the

floor. She slid the straps of her slip off her shoulders and let it

fall around her ankles. The sight of her in her bra and panties

almost made me come. She turned toward me as she reached back to

unhook her bra. Her bra slide down her arms and she smiled at me as I

stared at her breasts. They were perfect, not too large and perfectly

shaped. Her nipples were as erect as my penis. I couldn't wait to

touch them.

She walked over to her dresser, wearing only almost

transparent pale yellow panties, and got out her nightie. Then she

came over to my side of the bed, laying the gown on the bed next to


"Carrie, I want you to finish getting me ready for bed. Take

off my panties for me and then help me get into my night gown. I

think you should pamper me a little tonight. After all, we spent the

whole day doing things for you. Now it's my turn."

"Oh, Aunt Jeannie, I always would do anything for you, but

after today, I want to spoil you forever. You just tell me what you

want and I'll do it, anything at all."

"Just get me undressed and into my gown. I can tell you're

still wearing your sanitary belt and pad. You can take them off.

We're going to be putting your penis to work shortly, so let

it out of its cage."

I got out of bed and stood next to her. My heart was

pounding. Although it seemed as if my arms were made of lead, I

finally managed to move. She just stood there, smiling. I took hold

of the elastic waist band of her panties and slowly slid them down her

legs. I knelt in front of her as she stepped out of them.

I looked up to see her vagina a few inches from my face. I

moved forward and kissed it, feeling her slit against my lips for the

first time. The smell of her sex was addicting. It was all I could

do to stand up and put her nightie on her.

My cock was very hard by this time, so I was glad to be able

to take it out from under the sanitary napkin. I pulled my panties

back up, barely covering my erect penis. The feel of the fragile

silky fabric against it sent shivers through me.

I got into bed, letting Jeannie take the lead. She

immediately took me in her arms, kissing me and delicately exploring

my body. My hands roamed over her. I was amazed at her softness and

suppleness. Our bodies pressed together, her hips slowly rocking her

mons against me. I took her breast in my hand, feeling the stiff

nipple. What wonderful things breasts are. How I wished they were


"Carrie, I'm going to make love to you now. I want you do as

I tell you, and if there's anything you don't understand, ask me. If

there's anything you'd like to try, we'll do it, but not now. Tonight

I want to teach you all about my body and yours, how a man pleases a

woman and how a woman pleases a man. You're going to have to learn

both. Someday you may want to be able to please a man yourself."

With that, she kissed me again, slipping her hand down to

stroke my erection through my panties. She had learned earlier how

much I loved that. I needed no encouragement to follow suit. I trace

her cunt lips with my finger tips, trying to remember her response to

each caress. I wanted so badly to turn her on as much as she turned

me on.

She finally sensed I was getting too excited. She slipped my

panties down, then lowered her head and softly nibbled at the tip of

my hard on.

"I want you to get on your back and then just relax. I'm

going to get on top of you and put your penis in my vagina. Don't do

anything. If we don't go slowly, you'll come right away. That's not

what I want. I hope to keep you erect for a long time."

She placed me as she wanted, then straddled my hips. Very

slowly she lowered herself on to my cock. As the tip touched her

lips, I fought to control myself. It was incredible! When she'd

finally inserted it all the way in, all my attempts at control weren't

enough. I came and came, the throbbing seeming to concentrate all

sensation in my cock and balls.

But fortunately I didn't lose my hard on. She stopped for a

few minutes, leaving my cock inside her, and then went right at it

again. This time I lasted for ten minutes and Jeannie was able to

have several intense orgasms.

"Honey, you're a fast learner," she said. "We'll rest for a

few minutes and then I want to teach you how to please a woman orally.

It's the best way to make sure a lady enjoys herself, so I want you to

be good at it. It's one of my favorite forms of sex. The best part

about it is I can get satisfaction from either a man or a woman. I

bet you'll learn to love it as much as I do."

By now I was relaxed enough that I felt comfortable asking her

a question. "It felt so nice down there, especially when we were

making love. Does it tastes as good as it feels?"

Her response was completely honest. "I think it does. I've

always loved the taste of a woman's sex and I love how it turns a

woman on. I love the way a man tastes, too. Their cum has a salty

taste to it. I think you'll learn to like these tastes as much as I


Our rest period lasted about five minutes. Jeannie starting

licking my soft cock and in no time my erection reappeared. She took

of her nightie and taught me how she liked her breasts sucked and

massaged. Then she had me slowly kiss my way down until I reached her

pubic mound. I spent a few minutes there, then moved straight down to

lick her cunt lips. She was right. The taste was super.

She coached me on just how she wanted it done. She told me

the names of the different parts of a woman's organs. I'd never even

heard of a clitoris before that night, but I was an expert on hers by

the time it ended. I loved pleasing her. She'd been so wonderful to

me that I was more than willing to reciprocate.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, sleeping like newborn

babes. I dreamt all night about being a woman.

What a day for me! My first official day as a girl and my

first time making love to another woman. Yes, that's what I said,

another woman. By that time I felt very strongly that nature had

truly intended me to be a woman and that I probably would think of

myself that way for the rest of my life.

Chapter Two - Becoming a Girl

The next morning we got up around eight. Jeannie and I

showered together and then went into her room to get dressed.

"Carrie, today I want you to pick out your own clothes. I

don't want you to get used to me doing it for you. You've got to

develop your own sense of style. Experimenting with different outfits

is the only real way to do it. You're welcome to wear anything of

mine or any of the new clothes we bought you yesterday. I'll make an

occasional comment, but if you disagree, then you do as you feel is

best, ok?"

I was anxious to get into my pretty clothes once again but I

took time to consider what Jeannie was saying. "I'm going to need all

the help I can get for a while, so please let me know if there's

something you see that doesn't look right. I want to look as good as

I can and until I learn all the things a girl needs to know, I'll

probably make a lot of mistakes if you don't give me hints."

"You've been wearing girl's clothes for a while now," she

answered, "so just go with your instincts. You look very pretty when

you take the time to get all dressed up. I think you know more about

being a girl than you realize. Have you decided what you're going to

wear today?"

I'd been thinking about it all morning and, after considering

just about every possibility, I finally made a decision. "I guess

I'll wear my new red sweater and red plaid pleated wool skirt. If we

go shopping again and I'm going to be trying on clothes, wouldn't that

be easier to get in and out of than a dress?"

"See, you're thinking like a girl already," she smiled.

"You're not going to need much help from me at all. That's my

favorite of all the things we bought yesterday. Hurry up and get

ready. We're going to have another incredible day today, I can just

tell. It's so nice to have a girlfriend to do things with, don't you


She laughed when I blushed at the thought of being a girl and

being her friend. God, being a female was so terrific. I don't think

anything could have made me unhappy that day.

I went into my room to get dressed. I began by tucking my

privates under a sanitary napkin. I pulled it tight to be absolutely

sure nothing at all would show. I picked out a pair of white bikini

panties with lace around the waist and leg openings and the matching

bra which also had pretty lace insets. With my breasts pads in place,

I once again began to feel like a true girl. I decided to wear beige

panty hose and, as I had learned to love full slips as much as Jeannie

did, I selected a white one with matching lace.

Aunt Jeannie helped me with my makeup and hair. She also gave

me a manicure, then painted my nails with a shade of polish called

"Passionate Red." I was thrilled! I couldn't stop looking at my


She finally rushed me off to finish dressing. I removed all

the tags from my new sweater and skirt and carefully put them on.

Lastly, I put on little pearl earrings, my watch and a bracelet, then

just a hint of perfume. I was very cautious as I didn't want to risk

ruining my pretty nails which were not completely dry yet.

Jeannie found me in front of the mirror, staring at my

reflection, as usual. I knew I'd never tire of seeing myself as a


We spent an hour or so sitting around the breakfast table,

discussing yesterday's events. Jeannie was particularly interested in

my reactions to having spent the day as a woman.

"You seemed to be more at ease," she said. "No typical

teen-age hostility about having to spend time with your aunt. You

know, like the way you used to act. As a boy, you're very quiet and

unsure of yourself, but you seemed different when you became Carrie.

You talked to me like any other adult would. You appeared to be more

comfortable, even with yourself."

"I was very nervous at the start," I said, "but as soon as I

realized people didn't take me for anything other than a girl, I

relaxed and began to enjoy myself. I liked the way men stared at me

and the attention I got from the salesman in the shoe store. But I

guess I'm confused about why I enjoyed it so much."

Jeannie looked at me for a moment, as if deciding whether she

should tell me what was on her mind, then replied, "I've always sensed

a lot of femininity in you, even at an early age. I thought it was

better to encourage what was natural in you rather than try to force

you to be something you weren't, so I gave you every opportunity to

express that side of your personality. The reason I think you enjoyed

yesterday was because you finally accepted that this is the real you.

If you agree with me and want to continue to explore, then I'm more

than willing to let you develop your female side as quickly as you


I had to admit I'd never been very happy as a boy. I was much

smaller than the rest of the boys my age and very quiet, so they

teased me a lot and rarely allowed me into their group. I spent most

of my time playing with the girls in the neighborhood. I guess I

liked playing with them better anyway, and they always treated me as

one of them. I know there had been times I wished I'd been born a

girl, but would rather have died than admit that to anyone. That is,

until now.

"I guess that's why I was always happy when you allowed me to

wear girl's clothes," I admitted. "I've even worn panties under my

clothes at other times. I love the way they make me feel." I could

feel myself blush as I admitted that to her.

She laughed and told me she'd known it all along. "The reason

I took so much time and effort yesterday was to let you experience

being a real girl. I think you're old enough to begin making some

decisions for yourself. If you want to try living as a girl, then

this would be the perfect time to start. You're just about to

graduate from grammar school, and if you decide to be Carrie all the

time, then all we'll have to do is to switch school districts and

register you in high school as a girl. You don't have to make up your

mind yet. We've still got about six weeks left before registration.

Think about it for a while, and we'll discuss it again before then."

The prospect of living as Carrie enchanted me, but, to be

honest, it also scared the heck out of me. It meant becoming another

person and committing to a completely different way of life.

"I think I want to try it, but first I need to know what

you'll expect of me. Does that mean I have to remain Carrie for the

rest of my life? And what about if I meet somebody and get serious?

There are so many things to consider."

Jeannie reached over and took my hand in hers. "You can

always be anything you want as far as I'm concerned. If you find

being Carrie is not what you want, then we'll try anything you feel

might be right for you. And as far as the opposite sex goes, if

you're a girl I'd expect you to act like any other girl and date the

boys you go to school with. It's up to you to tell someone you care

about whatever you feel is right for the two of you. Just remember,

I'm completely open to anything you want to try. As long as you're

happy, that's all that really matters."

"How about if we try it for the next few weeks," I said, "and

if I like it and want to continue as a girl, then we can register me

in school as Carrie."

"Then Carrie it will be," she smiled, "at least for a while.

Let's get the dishes out of the way so we can begin working out all

the details. This is going to be fun! I don't think we'll have any

problems with the people in the neighborhood. They're all so snobby.

They never take much notice of us anyway. If someone asks, I'll say

my nephew went to boarding school and you're my niece from upstate

who's come to live with me. I refuse to sneak around. We're going to

go wherever we've been going. You look so different and so much more

mature as Carrie, I'm sure no one will ever recognize the old you."

As we were determined to finish all the shopping we hadn't

completed the day before, we hurried through the dishes and then drove

off to the mall.

We arrived at the mall just as it was opening. Jeannie felt

positive we'd finish all our shopping that day. She wanted me to be

able to settle in as Carrie and she thought it would help if I had my

own wardrobe.

"Carrie," she said, "if you see something you'd like and it's

not on our list, be sure to tell me. We've got plenty of money to

spend and I want to get as much as we can today. Once all this

shopping is out of the way, we can concentrate on completing your

training to be a young lady."

"Ok, I'll tell you if I see something. I guess I won't be

sure of everything I'll need until I get some more practice though.

What more do I need to know right away?"

"Honey, you got to learn more about makeup and more about

doing your own hair. If you like, we can let it grow longer. It's a

nice length now, but most girls your age have longer hair. Besides, I

think it'd be cute. Many boys these days have long hair, so I don't

think anyone will say anything about it if you decide not to dress as

Carrie. We can even get your ears pierced."

"Also," she added, "I want you to take some time every day to

experiment with clothes. I'll get you some fashion magazines and

they'll give you some ideas, but you should also look at what other

girls your age are wearing."

"Oh, I'd love to let my hair grow," I answered excitedly, "and

it'd be fun, especially getting my ears pierced. Please don't think

I'm silly, Aunt Jeannie, but I'm so happy when I'm Carrie and wearing

girl's things."

"What's silly about that? I loved being a girl when I was

your age and I still do. Half the fun of being a teenager was

dressing up in new clothes or reading about them. The other half was

talking about boys with other girls my own age. You can do that once

you make some friends as Carrie."

"Do you think I'll be able to, Aunt Jeannie? It's so hard for

me to believe I can pass myself off as a girl that well. I don't know

what I'd do if someone realized I was really a boy and then told

everyone I know about it. I'd just die of embarrassment."

"Carrie, you're as much a girl as I am. How many times do I

have to tell you that you look and act just like any other girl. All

you need is to develop some self-confidence. Don't worry, it'll come

in time and then you'll have as many girl friends and boy friends as

any girl your age."

Well, I guess I had to believe her. No one had treated me as

if they were aware of my being different, so they must think of me as

a girl. I know I was beginning to think of myself that way.

We continued with our shopping, buying a robe and more pretty

lingerie. Jeannie insisted I buy one very dressy dress. I finally

found one at Nieman-Marcus. It was a beautiful shade of pale rose

eyelet lace, with cap sleeves, a scalloped neckline and a full skirt.

I felt like a princess in it. Once I had it on, I didn't want to take

it off.

We went to the cosmetics counter and the saleslady showed me

what makeup would look best for my complexion and skin. She showed me

how to apply it and how I should change it for evening wear. She was

so wonderful to me. Aunt Jeannie said she had even learned a few


Next, we went to the junior sportswear department, where, much

to my dislike, Jeannie insisted I buy some more pants in addition to

some of the skirts and blouses I'd already selected. She said all

girls my age wear pants, usually jeans, so I had to wear them

occasionally, just so I'd fit in. I hated them, but I knew she was

right, so I picked out jeans and one pair of dressier pants.

After that, we went to the shoe department where I bought some

dressy shoes to wear with my new dress and some casual shoes for

everyday. We finished up at one of the jewelry boutiques where I

bought some necklaces, four pairs of earrings and two rings. I also

had my ears pierced.

It was too early to go home, so we returned to the tea room

where we had had lunch yesterday and then, after going to the car to

lock up all our packages, we took in a movie at the theater in the


It had been another great day for me. I'd spent it totally as

a girl with no one wondering if I was a male. We'd spent tons of

money on a new wardrobe for me. I'd can't remember ever having been

more excited.

When we returned home, I held another fashion show for

Jeannie, this time behaving like the models I'd seen on television. I

swirled, trying to look sophisticated. I acted so outrageously that

she was in tears by the time I'd finished.

"Carrie," she said between bursts of laughter, "you really

were meant to be a girl. I've never seen you so happy, or so

comfortable with yourself. You used to act like such a child when you

were a boy. Now, you don't act any differently than most of my

friends. You've grown up in one weekend and come out of your shell.

I want you to stop thinking of me as Aunt Jeannie. Let's just pretend

we're girlfriends, not aunt and niece, Ok?"

That made me stop and think. "You mean you'll treat me like a

girlfriend, rather than a niece? That's fine with me. I feel like

we're friends already."

"I want us to continue as we started this weekend," she said,

"as equals. You'll learn about being a girl faster that way and we

can share a lot more time if we're friends. I'll teach you all the

feminine wiles and show you how to act around men. Would that please


"It guess it would, but I know I'll be very embarrassed, so

you'll have to be patient with me. I know if I spend most of my time

as a girl, I'll need to know more about men. It's just that I'm still

a little tense about having any kind of relations with a guy. I think

I'd like to try it, but yet I'm afraid of what it means."

"I understand what you're saying," she answered. "I won't

push you into anything you don't feel comfortable with. I'll just

teach you what you need to know if you decide you want to date men.

You're more girl than boy now, or so it seems. It would only be

natural for you to date men. Besides, do you remember what I told you

about being bisexual? Many people are these days. It's nothing to be

ashamed of."

"If sex with men is as fun as it is with you," I said, "then

I'm sure I'll try it. You make me so horny, even though you're female

and I feel I am too. So maybe it doesn't matter to me what a person

is. Is it as much fun with a man?"

"You'll love dating as Carrie, I'm sure of it. It's great fun

to have a man fuss over you and buy you presents. Being pampered is

one of the best parts of dating, but I'm sure you'll find sex with a

man just as wonderful. Just try it a few times and if it doesn't turn

you on, then you can try some alternatives. But whatever you do,

don't knock it until you've tried it."

I had to admit she was making sense. "I guess it'll be fine

once I learn how to act. Do you think boys will really want to date


"Honey, when you get prettied up like you did this weekend,

you're as beautiful as any other girl, really you are. Please don't

think I'm saying that just because I love you. It's absolutely true,

I swear it."

I knew from my many trips to the mirror that I wasn't too bad

looking. I knew men liked my appearance from the looks I got at the

mall, but I couldn't quite believe I was beautiful, in spite of what

Aunt Jeannie said. I decided I'd work hard to make the best of what I

had. I'd learn all about makeup and clothes and I'd listen very

closely when she taught me how to act around men. Maybe then I'd be

able to find someone who liked me.

The rest of the day we spent talking. She gave me tons of

tips on being a lady, taught me how to act around men, especially on a

date and told me many funny stories about her dating days. We'd never

been so close or spent so much time talking to one another. I guess

we both loosened up once we had things in common to discuss.

The next seven weeks flew by. We went everywhere together and

quickly became close friends, and I was more comfortable as Carrie

with each passing day.

We both knew after about the first week I was truly meant to

be Carrie. So somewhere

in the second week we sent a slightly altered record of my grades (we

only had to change my first name) to the high school I'd be attending

in the fall. Jeannie had called there earlier and was assured I'd be

accepted for September.

The next day she called a close girl friend of hers who was a

doctor. She explained that her niece Carrie from Cleveland had come

to live with her and would be starting high school in the fall. She

said as I was extremely shy and couldn't bear to get undressed or

shower in front of the other girls in school. It would be a very

traumatic experience for me if I had to take gym classes. Her friend

was very understanding and agreed to send a letter that would get me

excused from gym classes, but only if Jeannie would promise to get a

professional to help me with my problem. Jeannie assured her she


When she hung up, she laughed and said, "If you had to shower

with the other girls, I'm sure it would be more traumatic for them

than it would be for you. You'd probably love it."

"By the way," she continued." I've got a surprise for you. I

decided last week that we needed to redecorate your room, so I ordered

new furniture for you. Also, there's a new carpet coming and a man

will be over today to put up new wallpaper. All those boy's things in

there looked ludicrous. But that's all I'm going to tell you about

it. We're going out to lunch and a movie and when we come back, I was

promised all the work would be done."

"Oh, Aunt Jeannie," I said. "You're so good to me. I swear

I'm going to work very hard in school so you'll be proud of me. Thank

you, thank you, thank you!" I ran over to her a gave her a hug. God,

I was so lucky!

We went to the movies, but I don't even remember what the film

was about. When we left the theater, I ran to the car. "Come on," I

shouted, "I can't wait to get home." I let out a squeal of delight.

Jeannie looked at me with obvious pleasure in her eyes. As we

drove home, she reached over and held my hand.

"Carrie honey, every day I'm more sure we're making the right

choice. You were meant to be female, I just know it. In the last

month you've almost caught up for a lifetime of not being a girl, and

you now act like every other teen-aged girl I've ever met, even to

that squeal of excitement you let out a few minutes ago. I'm so happy

for you and I know you're a lot happier, too."

As we pulled into the driveway, I saw the decorator from

Sampson's, a local furniture store, standing in the doorway. She was

a very pretty, petite blonde, somewhere in her early thirties I

guessed. She waved and told us everything that all the work had been

completed as promised.

I began to run into the house, dying to see what my room

looked like, but Jeannie took me by the arm. "I know you're excited

sweetie, but that's no excuse for not acting like a lady. I want to

introduce you to Mrs. Brooks. Joan, this is my niece Carrie."

I made myself slow down and be polite. "I'm very pleased to

meet you, Mrs. Brooks. Thank you so much for helping with my room."

She gave me a warm smile. "I'm very glad to meet you, Carrie.

You're just as pretty as your aunt said you were. But you don't have

me to thank for your room. It was all your aunt's idea. I hope

you'll be very pleased with it."

Sensing that I couldn't hold back any longer, Jeannie released

my arm and said, "Let's go see what it looks like. I'm almost as

excited as you are, Carrie."

I rushed in and, when I finally saw what had been done, I was

beside myself with joy. I couldn't believe it. It was beautiful,

like something out of a dream. More beautiful than I could have hoped


There was a double bed with a canopy, a matching triple

dresser and a lighted makeup table, all made of maple. The

wall-to-wall carpet was a pale shade of pink and felt like it was a

about a foot deep. The walls had been redone with a flowery pink and

green wallpaper. The bed was covered with a white eyelet spread and

the windows had white curtains that matched the bedspread.

I must have thanked Aunt Jeannie a thousand times and I

probably hugged her almost as often. I know there were tears in my


Jeannie and Mrs. Brooks also seemed very pleased with the way

my room had turned out, and they both agreed they would have loved a

room exactly like this when they were my age.

When Mrs. Brooks left, I said to Jeannie, "I love you and my

room very much. Now I can honestly say I feel a hundred percent

female. You've made my life perfect. I want you to know I really

appreciate all the trouble and expense you've gone to. You didn't

have to, you know. I could have lived with the room the way it was,

but don't you dare think of changing it back," I laughed.

She stood there, holding my hand. "I'm glad you like your

room so much and I love you too. But you know, you're wrong on one

count. We couldn't have left that room the way it was. It was just

too boyish. Maybe you could have put up with it, but think how you'd

feel if you had some girlfriends in and they saw your room the way it

was. Can you imagine how the girls would talk? And besides, you've

suffered with masculine things long enough. I intend to see that

you're surrounded with pretty, feminine things from now on because I

know you'll be the best niece an aunt ever had."

She was right, as usual. "I guess I hadn't thought about

having other girls see my room. I guess I still have a lot of things

to learn about being a girl."

Although Jeannie hadn't let us be intimate since that first

night, I felt so close to her now. I decided to tell her how I felt,

regardless of how she might react. "Jeannie, I'd love it if you and I

were to spend tonight in my new bed. I'd like you to be the first

girlfriend I have sleep over. And I'd also like to show you how much

I love you. Please, would you do it for me?"

It was her turn to have tears in her eyes. "I'd love it,

honey. That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. I'd be

happy to help you christen your new bed and even happier to be your


After dinner we got into our nighties and went to my room even

though it was only nine- thirty. We got into my new bed, snuggling

under the covers. I purposely didn't wear a pad under my panties and

soon Jeannie was aware of my erection pressing into her pubic bone.

"What kind of a girl are you?" she teased me. "Whatever do

you have in mind?"

I decided I'd rather show her than tell her, so I slid down in

the bed. I raised up her nightgown and, with my tongue, slowly

stimulated her clit. I twisted around so my panty- covered cock was

close to her face. She knew what I loved and in no time we both

erupted in a fabulous orgasm. The rest of the night was spent

exploring each other's most intimate places. We slept like babies,

locked in each other's arms.

-------- * --------

The rest of that summer was spent perfecting my transformation

into Carrie. We gradually built up my wardrobe of summer clothes and,

by the end of August, I no longer had a need to borrow any of

Jeannie's clothing.

I became so used to living as Carrie I almost forgot about

ever having been male. I learned to walk, talk, think and act like a


As my hair approached shoulder length, Jeannie took me to a

beauty salon to have my hair professionally cut and styled. She'd

told me a few weeks earlier I could choose any style I wanted. As I'd

been looking through all the fashion magazines and had learned to pay

attention to the hair styles other girls my age had adopted, I was

sure of how I wanted it to done, long and with lots of curls.

"Just like every other teen-aged girl," she laughed. "I was

hoping you'd be different, but I guess I knew in my heart you'd choose

something like that. You know this style will require a lot of work

to keep it looking nice, don't you?"

"I don't mind," I said. "In fact, it'll be fun for me. I

want to look as pretty as possible for the first day at my new school.

I'll be nervous enough being with kids my own age for the first time

as Carrie, without worrying about how I look."

Jeannie finally agreed, so when we got to the salon I showed

the stylist the picture I'd cut out of a magazine. She said it would

be absolutely perfect for me. An hour and a half later, I emerged

feeling like a fairy-tale princess.

Jeannie took me out to lunch at a very expensive restaurant.

I felt to ladylike in theposh surroundings. The waiters fussed over

us and the food was the best I'd ever eaten.

Afterwards, we spent the balance of the day shopping for my

back-to-school wardrobe. When we finally pulled in the drive around

seven, we were both happy and exhausted. It took us three trips to

the car to empty all the packages out of the trunk.

We spent the rest of the evening getting everything put away.

By the time we were done, I was ready for bed. I went into the living

room and sat next to Jeannie on the couch. I gave her a kiss,

thanking her again for being such a wonderful friend, then said


"Before I go to bed Jeannie, I want you to know you can share

my bed any night you want. I love you so much and you know how much

you turn me on. Especially tonight."

The kiss she gave me told me she was more than willing. She

drew me into her arms and I responded by slipping my tongue between

her lips. I sucked her tongue into my mouth as I felt her hand on my

stocking-covered knee. Her fingers massaged my thigh, slipping

higher, up under my skirt and slip, past the top of my stocking, until

she reached my panties.

I reached into her blouse, gently rolling her nipple between

my thumb and forefinger, just as she'd taught me to do. Her moan told

me I learned my lesson well. With my other hand I softly stroked the

back of her neck, weaving my fingertips through her hair.

She gently parted my legs, reaching between to feel the bulge

growing under my imprisoning pad. She reached into my panties and

unhooked my napkin, releasing my now fully erect penis. Softly she

massaged my balls and cock, stopping only when she sensed I'd become

too excited.

I moved my hand down and under her skirt, easing my way up

past her stockings and garters until I felt the moisture seeping

through the crotch of her panties. She parted her legs and I teased

her clitoris through the delicate fabric, knowing how she loved it.

Now it was my turn to stop, delaying her orgasm until later.

"Let's get out of these clothes," Jeannie said, "so we can

have some real fun. But don't take everything off. Let's leave our

stockings and garter belts on. I want to feel your legs encased in

nylon while we're making love."

I did as I was told, not that I had any objections. We

stripped down to our garter belts and stockings, then rushed into bed.

She placed me on my back and mounted me so that her face was directly

over my cock. She straddled my head, slowly lowering her oozing cunt

onto my waiting tongue. I lapped up her juices as she teased the tip

of my erection with her tongue.

I licked one finger and then gently slipped it into her anus.

We'd let my nails grow long over the summer, so I had to be especially

careful not to scratch her. She shuddered as I probed deeper,

twisting my finger slowly, exploring her secret place.

We spent a few more minutes entwined, then she turned around,

inserting my penis into her vagina and her tongue into my mouth. She

moved slowly up and down, her hips pumping my cock while her tongue,

acting like a cock itself, fucked my mouth.

We both came in a few minutes, unable to resist the fantastic

sensations. Then she turned around once again and had me lick my

semen out of her cunt. What an wonderful taste it had, having been

mixed with her juices. I must admit I thought it was delicious. It

was her idea

for me to do this because she wanted me to experience all the tastes

of sex, male as well as female.

After completing my snack at her snatch, we spent time just

holding each other and exchanging pleasurable caresses, not willing to

let the enjoyment end. Later we took a quick shower together, then

went back to bed, this time to sleep.

The next morning Jeannie began teaching me how to use rollers

so I'd be able do my own hair. I spent the rest of the day trying on

all my new clothes. As I watched, Jeannie made any minor alterations

that were necessary. I wanted to learn to do my own sewing, so she

started showing me the basics. Jokingly I said I'd need to go to

school just to get a rest from all the lessons I was getting at home.

The next two weeks before the start of class seemed to fly by.

As the time drew near, I became more and more excited. I was looking

forward to starting school and making a lot of new friends. Spending

the last six months as Carrie with Aunt Jeannie had been great fun and

very educational, but now I was more than ready to be with kids my own


The night before I was to start school, I got out all the

things I was going to wear the next day. I'd selected a loose fitting

Mexican peasant blouse and skirt, cool and very feminine. Underneath

I'd opted for a lacy white bra and matching panties, a white slip and

light beige hose. My shoes were low, open-toed beige slings and I

decided I'd wear some white hoop bracelets and one ring, but no other

jewelry. As I'd spent a lot of time in the sun and had a good tan, my

makeup was minimal, just a little mascara and blusher.

I called Jeannie into my room to show her my choices. She had

me try on everything, just to be sure. When I was dressed, she gave

me a thorough check, then told me I looked very pretty. I blushed,

but I knew I'd never tire of hearing her tell me I was pretty. I set

my alarm for six a.m., wanting plenty of time to make sure my hair and

nails would be perfect.

I didn't sleep well at all. I felt like a child again,

waiting for Christmas morning to come.

I was up an hour before my alarm went off, in the kitchen

making coffee, when I finally realized everything was going to be

fine. I'd spent the entire summer and much of the spring as a girl.

I'd gone everywhere, done anything I'd wanted and no one had doubted

my femininity. Worrying about my first day at school was silly and

would only make things worse. Somehow I knew I'd be just fine.

When Jeannie finally joined me in the kitchen around

six-thirty, I was as cool as a cucumber, sitting there finishing my

coffee and polishing my toe nails. She sensed the change in me

immediately and guessed why.

"You've finally realized you're going to be fine today,

haven't you," she said. "If you were as nervous this morning as you

were last night, your nail polish would be all over your toes."

We both giggled at the thought of that. I told her about how

I'd come to that conclusion, and now realized I'd really been a girl

all along, so there was nothing for me to be scared about.

Jeannie's eyes began to mist over as I told her how I felt.

"Honey, I'm so glad you've finally accepted your femininity. About

two months ago I decided you probably were meant to be a girl all

along, but I was afraid you'd be unable to accept it, or worse, go

back and forth between being male and female, never truly being

comfortable as either. Now do you realize how wonderful your life

will be?"

"I think I'm going to want to be as female as possible and, if

you agree, sometime soon I want to start taking female hormones. I'm

not sure I want to have my male organs removed just yet, though. I

have so much fun in bed with you using them. I'd hate to give that


"That's a big step, Carrie, but your taking hormones is

something I could accept, so long as you realize all the consequences

before you start taking them. Are you aware how your body would be


"I know my boobs would get bigger, but that's all I know

about. Are there other side effects?"

"I did a little reading at the library about the effects of

female hormones on transsexual men and you're right about breast

enlargement. But you'd also fill out at the hips, just as any girl

going through puberty would. You'd probably never have to shave your

face and the rest of your body hair would become soft and light.

Also, there's a possibility you'd have difficulty getting an erection,

depending on the dosage you take. As far as I was able to tell,

that's all the effects. How do you think you feel about that?"

"Oh, that's exactly what I'm hoping for," I admitted. "I hate

not being well developed and, as for body hair, I wouldn't care if I

ever had any. The only thing I'd want to be careful about is being

able to get hard. I think I'd miss that a lot, but if we're careful

about the dosage, then it'd be fine, right?"

"Yes, I guess so," she said as a wistful smile crossed her

face. "I know I'd miss you erections, too. I love the way you feel

inside me. Tell you what. You think about hormones and the side

effects for a while, and then we'll talk about it again, when you've

made up your mind about them, Ok?"

"I'll think about it, but I'll tell you right now I'm sure I

want to take them. I'm dying to have real breasts and although I know

I'm not skinny in the hips, I'd love to have them fill out and look

more feminine. I see other girls in tight jeans, how their fannies

look and I want mine to look just like that too."

Jeannie laughed, knowing how sensitive I was when it came to

my appearance. "You're silly, you know that. I've seen more than one

guy admiring your bottom. It's just perfect the way it is. But I

agree with you when it comes to your bust. You'll need some

development there eventually if you're to continue living as a female,

and especially if you begin dating boys, as I'm sure you will."

"Can I start on them right away?" I asked. "I promise I'll be

careful about how many I take, so I'll still be able to get hard.

Please, Jeannie?"

"Alright," she said. "Let me see if I can even get any. It

might be difficult without a prescription, but not impossible. Almost

any drug is available these days, if you know where to look. Are you

positive that's what you want? I need to be sure you know what you're


I'd never been surer of anything and told her so. "You know

yourself I'm much happier as a girl than I ever was as a boy and I've

never had any doubt about wanting to stay as Carrie. Please?"

"I'll see what I can do," she said, knowing in her heart I was

completely committed to my feminine self. "I don't think it'll be too

difficult. Just leave it to me. You'd better get a move on or you'll

be late for your first day. Don't forget to take some money with you

for lunch."

"Ok, but please get me the pills as soon as you can. I want

to start on them as soon as possible."

My toenails were dry, so I went back to my beautiful new room

to finish dressing. I'd already showered and shaved my legs, so all I

had left was my hair, makeup and getting dressed.

I'd become very good at makeup over the summer, so that only

took me a few minutes. My hair was another matter. I'd always had

fairly long hair, but over the summer we'd let it grow much longer.

Now it reached my shoulders. I loved it even though it took me about

a half hour to style it, but I felt the results were worth the effort.

I wore it parted in the middle, with lots of curls to frame my face.

As it was almost blonde, the effect was very feminine.

When I was satisfied it was just perfect, I squirted it with

hair spray to be sure it wouldn't get messy on the way to school. I

slipped off my robe and, looking at the time, realized I'd need to

rush to finish dressing on time.

I put my sanitary pad in place, pulling the belt up as tightly

as I could, then slipped into my white bikini panties. I hooked my

bra in front, sliding the pads into place. I hoped Jeannie would be

able to get me hormones soon because I couldn't wait until I had

breasts of my own.

I sprayed my body with a little perfume, then quickly hooked

my garter belt and pulled on my hose. I looked down, loving the way

my painted toenails looked through them. My new slip looked equally

great. I thought what a shame it was to have to cover it up. It was

so pretty.

Jeannie came in to hurry me as I was getting my blouse on.

"Carrie, you really are pretty. I'm so happy for you. I know you'll

love being at your new school and I know you'll makes tons of friends,

especially boyfriends. I want to her all about how it went as soon as

you come in the door this afternoon, so be sure to remember as much as

you can."

"I will, I promise," I replied as I pulled up my skirt. "I'm

starting to get a little nervous, but I know everything will be fine.

As soon as I get my shoes on, I want you to make sure everything is


I slid into my shoes and lastly put on my bracelets and ring.

I added just a touch more perfume to my wrists and neck. I grabbed my

purse, making sure I had my wallet and all the papers I'd need to

register at school. I was ready, willing and I hoped able to start

spending the rest of my life as a girl.

Jeannie looked me over carefully, tucking in a loose strand of

hair. "I think you're ready, honey. Let's get out of here. I'll

drive you, so you won't be late."

I ran out to the car, being careful not to wrinkle my skirt

when I got in. As it was only a mile away, we were there in no time.

We had no trouble finding the school. It was a new building,

a one story affair, surrounded by open grounds and athletic fields.

When Jeannie dropped me off in front, I leaned across the car

seat and gave her a kiss good-bye.

She said, "Honey, I don't want you to be nervous or shy today.

You're just as smart and just as pretty as any of the other girls

you'll be meeting. You're also a very likable person, so be outgoing

and make a lot of friends. All the kids in your class will be new at

this school and they'll be just as anxious as you are. Ok?"

"I'll probably be nervous no matter what you say, so I'll just

try to hide it and make as many friends as I can. By the way, thanks

again for being such a wonderful aunt."

"You make it a pleasure," she said as she returned my kiss,

"and give me a call if you want me to pick you up after school."

"Ok, but I'll probably take the bus. I want to start being a

little independent. Bye."

Chapter Three - The School Girl

I started up the walk with a smile on my face, trying to look

nonchalant. My heart was racing a mile a minute. What if they find

me out? What if no one likes me? I almost turned around and went

back to the car, but in the end I realized I had no choice, so I went

in. I immediately found myself surrounded by several hundred other


There were signs directing all new students to the auditorium

for an orientation lecture. I followed the others headed there,

probably feeling no more nervous that anyone else. I took a seat

about midway down, in a vacant aisle. Within minutes, two other girls

and a boy had joined me. We made a few jokes about how terrible it

was to have to start school again, although I'm sure we were happy to

be starting high school and feeling very grown up.

There was a short talk about the school and the rules, and

then we were given our homeroom assignments. We were called, class by

class and left with our teacher leading the way.

As we walked to our room, we passed a lot interesting labs and

craft rooms. I was beginning to feel like maybe I could enjoy being a

student here.

Once in our homeroom, we were assigned seats by Mrs. Newman,

our teacher. She looked like she had been teaching for at least

ninety years. When we had all settled in our seats she had us stand

up in turn and say a few things about ourselves. Everyone stammered

out their name, where they'd gone to grammar school and where they


When my turn came, I got up and gave my name, said I'd gone to

school in Cleveland before moving here to live with my aunt. Then I

told them where we lived. I tried to be relaxed, but my nerves got

the best of me, and I'm sure I came across just about as dumb as

everyone else had.

After the introductions, Mrs. Newman told us what books and

supplies we'd need for the semester and gave us a brief description of

our subjects. By the time we were done, it was lunch time, so she

dismissed us.

I walked to the cafeteria with two girls who had been sitting

near me in class, Diane and Patty.

Diane was smaller than I, with short light brown hair and

large brown eyes. She had a very petite figure and I guessed she was

just beginning to fill out. She told us she was the youngest of four

kids, with three brothers who never let her have any peace. She lived

in the suburbs.

Patty had pretty red hair and was about my height. She was

very outgoing. She had beautiful green eyes and a figure I envied. I

guessed from her clothes that her parents had money. She said she was

an only child and, after what Diane said, glad she didn't have any

brothers. Her family lived just a few blocks from Jeannie's house.

She made both of us laugh when she gave us her appraisal of

the boys in our class. "They all seem like they're still in fifth

grade. All bony and shy. God, they're totally terrible! I hope the

older boys here are better looking."

I told them about Aunt Jeannie and how nice she was to me. I

gave them the story Jeannie and I had prepared to explain my move here

- that I'd come here for school because my family had refused to send

me to the inner city school I'd been assigned to in Cleveland and, as

they couldn't afford to send me to a private school, this was their

only other choice.

We hit it off right away. The three of us spent the rest of

the day together and when school was over, Patty and I waited with

Diane until her mother picked her up. Then we took the cross-town bus

home together.

By the time we reached our stop, I knew all about every boy

she had been out with and everything that had happened on each date.

I made up a few stories about dates I'd been on, but admitted to her

she was way ahead of me when it came to boys. She laughed and told me

she was sure I'd catch up. She'd said she'd noticed some boys looking

at me in school.

"Would you like to come over to my house for a while?" she

asked. "Both my parents are gone all day and I hate being home alone.

I'll show you all the new clothes mom bought me for school. My mother

and I went to New York for two days and bought everything there. It

was a neat trip and what a city! I'd just love to live there. I'd

never be bored, like I am here most of the time."

"I'd like to," I answered, "but I want to call my aunt when we

get there. She'd be nervous if I was late coming home on the very

first day. I hope your fridge is full, because I'm absolutely

starving." That was the truth! I'd been too nervous and I guess too

busy talking to eat much of anything at lunch.

When we walked up her front walk, I knew I'd been right about

her family having money. Her neighborhood was only two blocks from

ours, but was considerably ritzier. Her house looked like something

out of a book. All red brick, with white trim and about twice as big

as our house.

We went in and headed straight for the kitchen. We both were

famished, so we ate all kinds of junk. After we finished pigging out

I gave Aunt Jeannie a call just so she wouldn't worry about me.

Then we went upstairs to Patty's room. I was glad to see it

wasn't any nicer than mine, although it was somewhat larger. She had

a walk-in closet and more clothes than a lot of stores. She told me

her mother was a buyer for a department store and got lot of things

free, or close to it.

She gave me a complete tour of her wardrobe. She had tons of

clothes, more shoes than I had seen in one place before and a lingerie

collection that looked like something from France. Everything

appeared to be very expensive.

"I've got a dresser full of nothing but underwear," she said.

My mother brings me things from Paris and New York. But I don't have

any reason to wear things like this."

She was holding up what had to be the most beautiful slip I'd

ever seen. It was a pale shade of yellow and trimmed with what I

guessed was antique handmade lace.

She showed me nightgowns, panties, garter belts and teddies,

all works of art, the kind of thing most women own one of in their

whole lives. I could hardly believe my eyes. Maybe she had no reason

to wear them, but I knew I would have worn them, reason or not, if

they were mine.

I was very impressed and told her so. "If I had this many

clothes, I'd probably spend most of the day trying things on. I'd

never be able to make up my mind about what to wear."

"I know what you mean," she laughed. "I have that problem

sometimes. If you see something you'd like to try on, go ahead. I

just love experimenting with clothes, don't you?"

"I didn't used to," I admitted honestly, "but lately, I've

really gotten into it. I guess it's because of being around my aunt.

She loves clothes and she taught me to like them, too. She showed me

how to choose what will look right for me. I used to look like a

tomboy before I moved here this summer."

"Well, you sure don't look like a boy now," Patty replied.

Would you like to try on this slip?"

"Thanks, but I'd feel funny trying on something that

expensive. I'd be afraid I'd tear it."

"Oh, don't worry," she said. There's so many things here that

even if one thing was gone, I don't think I'd ever miss it. Besides,

I can tell from the look on your face your dying to try some things

on. I'll feel bad if you don't. Want to try on my new bathing suit?"

The white bikini she held up couldn't possibly have covered

everything than needed to be covered on her. It was tiny, to say the


"No way," I said, lying in my teeth, "but thanks. Do your

parents let you wear something so sexy? I know my aunt would have a

fit if I did." That probably wasn't true, but I couldn't explain to

Patty the special relationship Jeannie and I shared.

She just smiled. "My mother gave it to me. She said if

you've got it, flaunt it. It's the best way to get the boys to notice

you, she told me."

"They'd sure notice you in that suit," I giggled. "You'd

probably be surrounded by guys just staring at you. I guess it

wouldn't be so bad, but I know I'd feel naked init. Don't you?"

"Not really, but they sure do stare. Last year I wore one

even smaller than this and I never had to worry about getting dates.

Of course, I had to fight some of them off, but I didn't mind. I got

to meet a lot of sexy boys and go to all the fun places."

My face turned red and she laughed. I was surprised to find

out a girl my age could be so frank about sex. I was also getting

more than a little turned on. The thought of her in a skimpy bikini,

teasing a bunch of horny guys, was making my cock strain at the napkin

holding it in.

"Why don't you try it on," I said, hoping she wouldn't realize

how much I wanted her to. "I'd love to see how you look in it. I

think it's great that your mother can be so open with you. She must

be a neat lady."

"Ok," she answered, "if you want me to model it for you, I

will. You're right about my mother, except that she's my stepmother,

so she's more like a friend to me than a real mother. She's taught me

a lot about boys."

She walked over to her bed and started undressing, just as if

she'd known me all her life. I wasn't prepared for anything like

that, but I admit the idea of objecting never crossed my mind. As she

took off each piece of clothing, I just stared harder and hoped I

didn't look as interested as I was.

She took off her panties and stood across the room from me

completely naked. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her pubic mound.

It had a light covering of red hair and her labia were very visible.

I felt a very familiar stirring in my own pubic area.

I just had to say something, I was so nervous. "I'd do

anything to have the kind of body you do, Patty. I've given up hope

that I'll ever have great boobs. If I tell you a secret, will you

promise never to tell anyone?"

"Sure, I promise," she said. "I think we're going to be very

good friends and we'll both know a lot of things about each other.

I'd trust you not to tell my secrets and you can trust me."

I decided she meant it. Besides, if she was right and we did

become close friends, then she'd probably find out most of my secrets

anyway. That is, all but one, if I could help it.

"After Aunt Jeannie finally got me interested in nice

clothes," I said, "I almost reverted to being a tomboy because I

couldn't stand getting all dressed up, looking mostly adult except for

my chest. So she got some padding to help fill me out. She didn't

like doing it and she kept telling me it'd happen all by itself in a

few months, but I just couldn't stand the way I looked. Promise me

again you won't tell. I die if anyone else found out."

"I promise, I promise," she responded. "I'd never tell

anybody. I know just how you feel because last year I didn't have

much on top either, so I went and did the same thing. Next year

you'll have great boobs and we'll both laugh at this. Now, what do

you think of the suit? Does it cover, or not?" She came over and

stood in front of me.

"The bra almost covers you," I said, trying not to gawk, "but

you'll have to shave a few pubic hairs before you wear that bottom.

Turn around and let me see the back."

She turned around and I was treated to a close up of her

shapely ass. It was all I could do not to reach out and caress it.

Instead, I said, "Well, you're barely covered. I guarantee you're

going to get loads of attention when the boys see your bottom in this

and, believe me, they can see a lot of it. Whatever you do, don't

ever let your father see you in it. He'd never let you out of the


We both laughed and then, as she took the bikini off, she

asked, "Would you like to try it on? I bet you'd look good in it,


Even though I was very distracted by her nude body, I had my

wits about me enough to refuse her offer.

"I'd love to see how I'd look in it, but I've got my period,"

I said. If I had been alone, I'd certainly have put it on, but I knew

I'd couldn't get away with doing that in front of anyone. My body,

especially between my legs, just wasn't feminine enough yet.

"Well, there are lots of other things here. See if this looks

good on you," Patty replied. "I think it's too old for me yet."

She handed me a pastel pink dress that was decorated with

sequins in the shape of a flower on the top, had long clinging sleeves

with a full skirt and was cut low in the back. It was made out of a

sheer, silky fabric. It just oozed sex appeal. I couldn't wait to

get it on.

She unbuttoned the back of my blouse for me and as I stepped

out of my skirt, she said, "I think you've got a cute figure. I don't

think mine's any better than yours. In fact, I wish my legs were as

nice as yours."

"Thanks, but any time you want to switch bodies, just let me

know," I more than truthfully replied. Little did she know how much I

meant it, or how surprised she'd be if that ever occurred!

I was getting a little self-conscious standing there in front

of her in my slip, so I quickly took the dress off the hanger, being

very careful of the sequins, and stepped into it.

Patty pointed me toward the full length mirror on her closet

door. I was thrilled with the dress and with the way I looked in it.

I pirouetted so the full skirt would fan out and told Patty I felt

like a princess at a ball waiting for Prince Charming. What a

terrific dress!

She gave me the matching shoes to wear and I knew I could

spend the rest of my life in this dress and never get tired of it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and trying on her

clothes and makeup. By the time her mother arrived home, we were

getting to be real friends. She introduced me to her mom and told her

all about my having moved here from Cleveland. Her mother seemed to

be very nice and I think I could have stayed there for hours more

talking to the two of them but, as it was getting late, I thought I'd

better leave. I didn't want to over stay my welcome. I knew Aunt

Jeannie would be a little anxious and very curious about how my day

went, so I thanked Patty and her mother, and left.

On the walk home I ran through the day's events in my mind.

I'd gotten over my nervousness quickly enough and thought I'd like the

school. I'd met two girls who were very nice and I was sure we'd be

good friends eventually. But most of all, I was sure no one doubted I

was a girl. What a super day it had been.

Aunt Jeannie and I discussed everything that had happened when

I got home. She was overjoyed when she heard I'd met some girls my

own age.

"I think it's very important for you to spend time with them,

so you can catch up on what other girls your age think about and talk

about, and particularly how they act," she said.

"The only two things they think about or talk about are

clothes and boys," I replied. "I love talking about clothes, but I

still don't know what to think about boys." I had learned by this

time I could discuss any subject with Aunt Jeannie. She gave me

advice, but didn't try to force me to do things her way.

"How are you feeling about boys lately, Carrie? Are you

attracted to them? Don't be embarrassed to admit it if you are. As

far as I'm concerned, you're a girl and I think of you that way. So,

although you might be uncomfortable thinking of boys in a sexual way,

I consider that to be the normal way for you to feel."

"I know I'm attracted to them," I answered, "but I still feel

a very strong attraction towards girls as well. That's what confuses

me. Today, when Patty undressed in front of me, I was very turned on.

Whenever I see you walking around in your bra and panties, I almost

always get hard. See what I mean? I can't make up my mind."

Jeannie paused for a minute and then said, "Oh, honey. I had

no idea you were so confused. You should have said something earlier.

Let me explain something to you. I think you're old enough to

understand what I'm talking about."

"There are many people in this world who are attracted to both

sexes. They're called bisexuals and it seems to be more common for

women to be this way than for men. They like to make love to either a

man or a woman, and sometimes to both at the same time. It's a

perfectly natural way to feel. I even think it's even preferable. I

know what I'm talking about, because I'm one of them. So just relax

and enjoy it."

"Really?" I said. "You're not just saying that to make me

feel better, are you?"

She reached over and took my hand. "No, I wouldn't do that.

Once you get used to the idea, you'll find out, like I did, that all

it means is you'll have many more chances for sexual pleasure.

Everyone is a possible lover, not just one gender. I grew up feeling

bisexual and I'm glad I did."

"Your mother and I shared a room as children. When we were

very young, we started to experiment with each other's bodies using

our hands. I knew her body better than I knew my own. As we grew

older, we learned how to please one another orally. But that didn't

stop us from liking boys, or from having sex with them. Even after

she'd married your father, we still loved to cuddle and turn each

other on occasionally."

"That's the reason she insisted I be the one to raise you if

anything ever happened to them. She knew I'd never be judgmental,

never enforce a lifestyle on you that you weren't comfortable with.

You know, you might even say bisexuality runs in the family," she

added with a grin.

I laughed at that. I know I felt a lot better after she

explained it to me. What a relief.

"Aunt Jeannie," I asked, "seeing as you've had experience, is

it better one way or the other. I mean, is sex more satisfying with a

man or a woman?"

"It doesn't matter who or what your partner is. What's

important is how you feel about them and how they feel about you. If

you both take the time to be tender and loving, to consider each

other's needs, then sex is beautiful no matter who you're with."

We talked all through dinner and up to ten o'clock, until we

were both falling asleep. I wanted to keep talking, but I was just

too tired, so I gave her a kiss good night and headed for bed. I

prayed tomorrow would be as nice as today had been.

---------- * ----------

As the school year progressed, I became so used to living as a

girl, I rarely ever considered my true gender. The only time I was

aware of my penis was in bed with my aunt or when my hormones got the

best of me. Then I'd have to relieve myself by masturbating. When I

did, I fantasized about how I would feel if I were a complete female,

or about making love to whichever boy was my current heart throb.

For my birthday in October, Jeannie gave me almost an entire

new wardrobe and, much to my everlasting joy, a very special present.

We were in the living room sitting on the couch. I'd just

finished opening my presents and I was excited by all the beautiful

things I'd received. Jeannie reached over and took out a small,

exquisitely wrapped box from the end table.

Before she gave it to me, she said she first had to explain

something. "I want you to think long and hard before you decide if

this gift is right for you. It involves a change in your life almost

as extreme as becoming Carrie. If you have any doubts whatsoever, you

must tell me. Promise?"

Was I ever curious! I had no idea what she was talking about

and it wasn't like her to be so serious. But I trusted her and told

her so. "I promise. I know you've always done what's best for me.

Besides, don't I tell you everything anyway?".

"I hope so," she answered. "You know I'll try to help you

with any problem you have, and I try not to be judgmental."

She handed me the box, but the odd look on her face didn't

change. I carefully unwrapped the box and when I opened it, I was

still perplexed. It contained two small cut glass bottles. They

looked very old and very expensive. One held oval shaped purple pills

and the other smaller white circular pills.

"Is this some kind of a joke?" I asked. "You know how I hate

to take medicine."

I could tell she was very anxious. There wasn't a hint of

humor in her voice as she spoke. "Honey, these are absolutely no

joke. They're female hormone pills."

My face lit up like a flash bulb and I threw myself into her

arms with a shout of joy. I couldn't stop squealing with delight! I

was laughing and crying!

She finally calmed me down with a very stern look. "There are

some things you have to know. I want you to fully realize all the

consequences of taking hormones before you make your decision."

She paused to let that sink in before she continued. "If you

decide you want to take them, after a few months you're going to begin

to develop breasts. Also, the rest of your body will become more

feminine. Your hips and derriere will fill out and your skin will

become softer. Also, as long as you take them, your voice won't

change and you won't grow a beard. Now that's the plus side."

"On the minus side, if we aren't careful and you take too

many, there's a chance you won't be able to get an erection. And,

once your breasts and nipples are enlarged, only surgery would restore

them to the normal size for a male. So you can see why I want you to

be so sure before you begin taking them."

I was still so ecstatic. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears!

"Oh, Aunt Jeannie! I love you so much! Of course I want to take

them. I know exactly what they'll do. How did you get them, anyway?"

"Don't ask," she said. "But it's wasn't a big problem. The

only things that are really against the law to get without a

prescription are the kind of drugs you can get addicted to. No one

seems to care too much about pills like these."

I knew she wasn't the kind to take foolish chances, so I

relaxed and opened the bottles so I could get a better look. "Can I

take one now? Please?"

"Are you sure, Carrie? You must be two hundred per cent sure,

or I won't let you take them."

"I'm at least five hundred per cent sure," I said, meaning it

absolutely. "Oh, please believe me. I want breasts more than

anything. I can't stand having to wear falsies. Please, please let

me take them!"

Jeannie paused for just a brief moment. "Ok, I'm guess it'll

be alright, but I want you to keep a close eye on any changes that

take place in your body and you must let me know at once if you become

concerned. I want to know about any body development or if you're

having trouble getting an erection. You will tell me right away,

won't you?"

I assured her that I'd not only tell her, but as soon as my

boobs got big, I'd flaunt them. "Oh, Aunt Jeannie, I love you more

than anything in the world. You've made me happier than I've ever

been in my whole life. I want you to know how much I appreciate you."

We hugged and we both had tears in our eyes. I knew she was

happy too, but nowhere near as thrilled as I was.

I started taking the pills that day and took them right on

schedule from there on in. By March, my nipples were enlarged and

sensitive, and I was able to fill out a AA bra. I couldn't keep my

hands off my breasts. Jeannie teased me that I was going to rub then

off if I didn't stop caressing them. But I loved touching them and so

did she whenever she slipped into my bed at night. My hip measurement

also increased by two inches and I was very pleased because now I

filled out all my skirts exactly the way I wanted to. I had no

problem getting or maintaining an erection, so I guess the dosage was


I'll never forget the tenth of May. That's the day Jeannie

and I decided my falsies weren't necessary anymore. I was up to a

full A cup. My breasts, although they weren't big, were as large as

most of the girls in my class. I began to open more buttons on my

blouses. The dresses I used to think were too low cut suddenly became

my favorites. I adored it when a boy looked hungrily at my breasts!

How I loved being a girl!

After a year of doing my own hair and makeup, that daily

ritual had become second nature to me. But I was still delighted

every morning when, right after my shower, covered with scented powder

and perfume, I put on my pretty lingerie and feminine clothes. I

loved the way I looked in the mirror. I doubt any teen-aged girl ever

primped more than I did.

Patty, Diane and I had become very close friends. If we

weren't at each other's homes after school, then most probably we were

on the phone together. There was almost nothing we didn't know about

each other.

We spent hours discussing boys and clothes, hating the way

boys acted and treated us, but loving them anyway. We poured over

each new fashion trend and experimented on each other with every new

hair style. In spite of all the tales we told each other, none of us

had much real experience with the opposite sex.

Patty and I had become especially close, I guess because our

interests were more similar and because we lived so near one another.

She and I always seemed to have the same opinions about things and

enjoyed most of the same activities.

The only thing we differed on was boys. She leaned towards

the jock type. I was more attracted to the intellectual type,

although I had nothing against a great body. I guess I felt the jocks

were too into themselves. I wanted my special guy to be more

interested in me, not live and breathe sports as most jocks seemed to

do. I liked cute where she liked rugged.

Although I liked Patty very much, I knew I could never tell

her, or anyone else for that matter, about my true self. Sometimes it

bothered me, not being completely honest with her, but as Aunt Jeannie

said when I discussed it with her, there was no real reason to tell

Patty. She'd certainly have a difficult time trying to understand

such an unusual need in me. I knew she was right. How could I expect

her to understand what I was going through, especially when I couldn't

completely understand it myself?

Neither Patty nor I was the least bit self conscious about

getting undressed in front of each other. The sight of her in her

lingerie or less always sent blood pulsing to my cock. I guess I was

beginning to realize that what I felt for her was more than just

friendship. At night, I often had fantasies about making love to her,

both as a woman and as a man.

So, when her parents were going out of town for a weekend and

she asked my to sleep over at her house while they were away, I had

very mixed feelings. I finally went to Jeannie and asked for her


"I want to go," I explained, "but I'm afraid of what might

happen. Suppose I talk in my sleep or she notices the bulge in my

panties. She'd hate me, I know it. And what about school. I'd never

be able to go back there again."

"Carrie, you're being silly. I can tell you that you don't

talk in your sleep and, as for her noticing anything in your panties,

you know as well as I do the sanitary napkin doesn't let a thing show.

Just change into your nightie in the bathroom. Now, why don't you go?

You know you want to. Just be careful not to get Carried away when

you're in bed with her."

Jeannie gave me a knowing smile. She'd guessed how I felt

about Patty. I was glad, because it gave me a chance to ask her about

that as well.

"I guess you've realized I feel more than friendship for

Patty. She's so pretty and we get along so well together. There are

times when I just want to be her best friend and others when I want to

hold her and make love to her. I know that's probably impossible

unless I go back to being a boy and I just can't bear the thought of

doing that. I know you told me all about bisexuals, but do you think

any girl could ever understand about someone like me wanting to be

Carrie and still be willing to make love to me?"

"I don't see why not," she answered. "I know I could if I

cared enough about someone. I'm sure there's a lot of women like me

in the world. All you have to do is to find the right one and, if you

explain it to her in the right way and if she loves you enough, I'm

sure your chances of success are extremely good."

"Now don't sit here worrying," she continued. "Go call her

and tell her you'll be there. Things like sleeping over are an

important part of a girl's growing up. I don't want you to miss any

more of that than you already have. These are the kind of memories

you and Patty will laugh over when you're old ladies."

I had to giggle at the idea of us being old ladies. I gave

her a kiss. "Thanks, Aunt Jeannie. You always know how to make me

feel better. I'll go and call her right now." I ran to the phone.

Patty was glad to hear I'd be staying with her. She said her

parents intended to make her stay with grandmother if I hadn't been

able to. We were on the phone for hours planning the weekend ,

treating it more like a two week stay in the Bahamas. She had

something for us to do practically every minute.

After school on Friday afternoon, we stopped at my house so I

could get my overnight bag, then continued on to her house. We went

right up to her room and flopped on the bed. We were both

enthusiastic at the prospect of being on our own for two days, but I

could tell Patty was up to something from the way she was acting.

"My parents made me promise I wouldn't have any boys in the

house," she said, "but maybe we can stretch that rule if we meet

someone really cute. I'm so tired of the dumb boys at school. All

they want to do is neck and feel your boobs or get in your panties.

They don't care about any girl as a person."

I knew her well enough to know she wasn't kidding and I was

going to hear all about it.

"The last time I was out with Bob," she continued, "we spent

three hours necking in his car." Bob was her current boy friend and

captain of the J. V. football team.

"In ten minutes, he had my bra off and was sucking on my boobs

like a baby. A few minutes later, he had his hand up under my skirt

and was stroking me through my panties. Then he tried to take them

off but I wouldn't let him. We were supposed to go out on a date but

he was even too cheap to take me anywhere. Then he expects to make

love to me in his car. Can you believe the nerve of that jerk?"

I just shook my head in agreement and let her go on.

"We kept on necking and he kept on trying. But I wouldn't let

him get any further. The next thing I knew, he stopped kissing he and

said it was time to go home. I couldn't understand what had happened

until I noticed a big wet spot on the front of his jeans. He'd come

in his pants! Can you believe it? I called him a pervert and made

him take me home right away. Boy, was he ever embarrassed. He didn't

say a word all the way home. I told him I didn't want to see him

again until he learned to act like a gentleman."

"You know, Carrie, I'd give anything to meet a boy who'd treat

me like a lady. He'd have no problem having sex with me."

I wished I could volunteer. Instead, I could only agreed with

her and said, "Sometimes they're like very loving and can't be away

from you for more than five minutes, and then the next day they act

like you're a complete stranger. I guess I'll never understand it."

Patty was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Her skirt was so

short I had a direct view of her beautiful red-haired pussy, covered

only by very transparent white panties. There was a definite wet spot

on her panties that told me that, although she might be mad at Bob,

she was enjoying thinking and talking about what he did to her that

night. It was all I could do not to lean forward and kiss her moist

little mound.

She noticed me looking between her legs and her face turned a

little red, but she didn't change her position.

"I guess I can't blame him for trying," I said. "You've got

such a great body and a beautiful face. Any guy in his right mind

would want to make love to you. It wouldn't even surprise me if some

girls reacted the same way to you."

I decided I'd give her just a hint about my feeling for her.

I knew I had to be cautious. I didn't want to lose her friendship.

Hurriedly I went on. "Aunt Jeannie was just telling me that

more and more people are bisexual, especially women. She said she

felt the reason so many women seemed to like an occasional bisexual

experience was that a woman knows exactly how to please another woman.

She knows where her partner's pleasure centers are, and exactly how to

stimulate them. She makes sure it's good for both of them. All some

men seem to care about is their own pleasure. So it seems when more

and more women need very good sex, they're turning to another woman

for it."

I knew I was the one blushing now. "Don't think I'm weird,

but sometimes I can understand that. I've had a few experiences like

you had with Bob and, while the guy always makes sure to get some

satisfaction for himself, they never seem to care enough about my

needs and all I ever get is frustrated. I guess sometimes I'd like to

be with someone who cares about me and understands that I need to be

held and caressed more than I need to be groped and grabbed. Then,

like you said, having sex would come naturally. I wonder sometimes if

it's possible for a man to be that way."

"You mean you think you'd have a better time in bed with

another girl?" she asked.

I could tell from the way Patty looked at me that she was

beginning to wonder if I was a lesbian.

"No," I said, hoping she believed me. "I don't exactly mean

that. I guess what I'm trying to say is most girls are more romantic

and giving, especially if they are making love to someone they care a

lot about. So, if all guys act like the ones we've been around, I can

understand why one woman might finally need to go to another woman for

some tenderness and satisfaction. That's all. I told you to begin

with I'm not weird." I laughed, again hoping she accepted what I was


Finally, after thinking about it for what seemed like hours,

she answered. "I guess I get what you mean. You did have me

wondering for a minute, though. Who knows, maybe when we get older,

the guys will understand what we need a little better. I sure hope


"Let's get something to eat. I'm starving," I said. I jumped

off the bed, and headed for the hall. I felt it would be better to

leave this subject alone for a while. Patty chased me down the

stairs, still trying to lay out a master plan for the weekend.

"How about if we stay home tonight," she said as she opened

the refrigerator. "Just lie around and listen to records and talk.

We can decide what to do tomorrow night. That'll give us time to wash

our hair and pick out something fabulous to wear. Ok with you?".

I was more than happy to spend time alone with her. "That's

fine with me," I said. "I'm too tired to run around tonight anyway.

It'll be fun to relax and get ready to party tomorrow night."

We spent the rest of the evening washing our hair and trying

on every possible combination of clothes that we might want to wear on

Saturday night.

We finished around ten o'clock. We were both tired so we each

took a quick shower and then headed for bed. I let her go first and,

while she was in the shower, I got my things out of my over night bag.

At Jeannie's suggestion, I had gone out and purchased a plain

cotton night shirt for tonight. It wasn't the sort of thing I'd

normally choose for bed, but I got it because Jeannie thought my usual

very feminine gowns might not be quite appropriate.

To my surprise, Patty came out of the bathroom wearing a

powder blue baby doll nightie. When she saw my night shirt, she


"Where did you get that relic?" she asked. "I can't believe

anyone wears things like that past the age of ten. That must have

been part of your tomboy days."

She knew how to tease me, knew my weak points. I tried to

hide the gown, but she came over and took it from me.

"Throw that ugly thing out," she said. "I'm going to give you

one of my new nightgowns to wear. This is supposed to be a special

weekend, or did you forget?" She went to her dresser and got out a

yellow gown, very similar to the one she was wearing.

"I don't like that night shirt either," I admitted. "It was

Aunt Jeannie's idea. She had one just like it when she was my age, so

she thought I'd like one as well. So much for family tradition."

I took the yellow nightie from her and headed for the

bathroom. I probably should have taken a cold shower as the sight of

Patty in that see-through gown had aroused me. But, as I hate cold

water, so I decided against it. I did a quick wash and rinse. I

dried off and liberally dusted myself with her Ma Griffe bath powder.

The nightie fit me perfectly and I was glad it had panties

with it, so my sanitary belt and pad wouldn't show. I couldn't risk

Patty discovering my secret. I brushed my teeth and then went back

into her bedroom.

She was seated on the bed reading a magazine and when I

entered the room wearing the nightgown, she looked up at me with a

amazed look on her face.

"You didn't tell me about your boobs," she said. "All this

time I thought you were still wearing those dumb falsies. Why so


"I guess I'm not the kind of person to brag." I was

embarrassed, but also very flattered she'd noticed.

She stuck out her hand and said, "Come over here and let me

get a closer look. I'm so happy for you. I know you were very

self-conscious about being flat, but you sure don't need to be any

more. They're perfect!".

Now I was blushing as I stood in front of her, knowing that

my breasts were quite visible through the sheer gown. I looked down

at her breasts. They seemed to be begging me to touch them.

"I still say I'd trade my body for yours any day," I said and

meant it. "I've seen the stares that you get in school. My boobs

would have to be half again as big to match yours."

As I spoke, I cupped my hands under my breasts and pushed them

out, trying to make mine as pronounced as hers.

To my surprise and delight, she smiled and gently moved my

hands away from my chest, then replaced them with hers.

"That's not how you make them look big," she said. "Here, let

me show you how. You have to lift up and push them together like

this." She was not the least bit shy about it.

I thrilled to the touch of her thumbs as they traced my

nipples through the thin, silky fabric of the nightgown. I could have

stood there for hours while she held my breasts. I decided that I'd

get a bit bold, too.

"Umm, that feels so nice," I said. "But I know yours are

still larger."

I reached out and cupped her breasts just like she was doing

to mine. I'd dreamed about doing this so many times that I scarcely

believed I'd finally gotten the chance. I lightly caressed her

nipples and I could tell from the look of pleasure on her face that

she was enjoying it at almost as much as I was. I felt the pressure

of her thumbs increase. My cock was straining so hard against the

napkin that it actually ached.

Suddenly, something seemed to bring her back to reality. She

blushed and let go of my breasts. Very reluctantly, I did the same.

"Let's get some sleep," Patty stammered. "I'm kind of tired

and if we do even half of the things we have planned for tomorrow,

we're going to need lots of rest."

We both quietly slipped into her bed and Patty turned out the

light, leaving just a small amount of light coming in from the hall.

The tension in the room was unbearable. I figured I'd better say

something to make us both relax, or the rest of the weekend wasn't

going to be just tiring, but more likely uptight and boring.

"Look, don't be embarrassed Patty. There's no need. I've

done enough reading to know that almost everybody at our age does a

little experimentation with someone of their own sex, and they don't

turn weird or anything. The psychologists say it's a safe way to

discover your sexuality. You're most likely to be with a friend you

can trust and you know you won't get hurt or pregnant. Besides,

remember what Aunt Jeannie told me about bisexuality? I almost hope

that I turn out that way. It sounds like a lot of fun!"

At that, Patty laughed and I could feel her begin to relax.

"I guess you're right, Carrie, but I still feel a little

strange. You hear so many outrageous stories about lesbians. I know

that I don't want to end up like that."

She was quiet for a moment and I could tell she was trying to

make up her mind if she should ask me another question.

Finally, she said, "Are you serious about not minding if you

discover you're bi, or was that just a joke?"

My mind raced, trying to decide if I should tell her the

truth. I figured I might as well. It was probably the only way I'd

ever get to make it with her.

"After Jeannie told me all about it," I said, "I spent a lot

of time kind of fantasizing about making it with another girl. Before

she told me about it I'd always fantasized about boys and got turned

on, so I thought, if I also got turned on by my bisexual fantasies,

then I'd have a pretty good idea how I'd feel about trying it. That

is, if the opportunity ever came up in real life."

I left it there, not telling her how my fantasy had turned

out, knowing she'd help but ask. We'd been friends long enough that I

bet, because she was always so interested in sex, she wouldn't be able

to resist.

"Ok, creep," she said after a few moments, "I give up. You

know I have to know the answer. What happened?"

"I'm still not sure," I lied. At this point I felt that I'd

better not commit myself too much either way. I wanted to make love

to her very badly, but not so badly that I'd risk losing her as a

friend. It was time to slow down. But I couldn't resist saying, "I

was turned on by fantasizing about making love to another girl my own

age, but not with someone older. I guess I'll never be sure until I

experience the real thing."

That was about as honest as I was going to get. If things

went any further, it would have to be because she made it clear she

was more than willing, not because I put her in a position she

couldn't get out of.

I just lay there thinking about how terrible it would be if I

didn't have her as a friend. I was suddenly very scared. I was

surprised to find tears in my eyes.

"Patty, promise me we'll always be best friends," I said. "If

it hadn't been for you and Diane, I'd really regret having moved here

and going to that school. Knowing I have two such good friends has

made everything a lot easier."

She must have sensed how I felt. She reached over and hugged


"Don't be silly," she responded. "Of course we'll always be

best friends, even when we're ninety-two and little grey-haired

biddies. Can you imagine that! How totally disgusting!"

Her mock horror made me laugh and I returned her hug.

"Thanks, I needed that," I said. "I was afraid all this talk

about my fantasies might have made you think I'm a weirdo."

Ours arms were still around each other and our faces were only

inches apart on the pillow. I could feel her warm breath on my lips

whenever she exhaled.

"Carrie, I want to ask you another question about the fantasy

you said you liked. If you don't want me to ask or you don't want to

answer, I'll understand. Ok?"

I knew I'd only ever kept one secret from her, so I decided

that it would be alright if she asked.

"Sure," I answered. "I guess it's ok. You mean about the one

with the girl my own age," I said. For some reason I knew it would be

more embarrassing for her to ask the question than it would be for me

to answer it.

She hesitated and then, in almost a whisper, said, "I was just

curious to know who it was you were with in your fantasy, and what

kinds of things the two of you did. I know it's real personal, so

don't answer if you don't want to."

Her hand was softly moving up and down my back as she waited

for my answer. I knew then she'd guessed it was her I had fantasized

about, and I felt equally sure we were going to live out some of my

fantasy that night. Slowly, slowly, I said to myself. Don't ruin it

by going too fast.

"You know who it was, don't you?" I said. I wanted her to

admit it to me.

She nodded. "I guessed it as soon as you told me about the

fantasy, probably because I had the same kind of dream one night about

you and me. At the time I was ashamed of it, but now I know that's

kind of stupid. But you still haven't told me what happened in your

fantasy. Would you, please?"

There was no reason now not to tell her. I was sure it would

be just foreplay. I'd show her as I told her, I decided. I moved my

face closer to hers on the pillow, so that our lips were almost


"We were in bed together just like we are now," I began. "I

started by kissing you softly on the lips and then moving down to kiss

your neck."

As I told her, I separated each word with a soft kiss. She

stiffened slightly at first, but soon relaxed and then tentatively

returned the kiss. Slowly, I told myself again.

I felt no resistance so it became even easier to continue. "I

slid my hand down to your breast and circled your nipples slowly with

my finger tips. After a few minutes, I felt your fingers drawing the

same circles on mine."

Our hands followed my script. I was getting so excited I was

afraid I was going to come at any moment. I also knew that if this

continued, my secret was in great danger. So I quickly modified my

real fantasy, hoping it would work. I was too hot to stop, so it was

my only hope.

"I felt you were becoming very nervous," I continued, "so I

told you just to lie back and relax. I'd be the active one. All you

had to do was to relax and enjoy yourself. You didn't argue with me

at all."

When I told her this, I felt that, in reality, I had relieved

a lot of her fears. This was a way she could have her first

girl-to-girl experience without the guilt of having done anything.

I kissed her hard and slipped the tip of my tongue into her

mouth. Her arms went around my neck and held me very tightly. Very

cautiously, I eased her on to her back, all the time continuing to

kiss her. By this time she had lost all her will to resist. I sensed

that, from now on, anything I did would be alright.

My hands went under her gown, raising it as I moved to her

breast. Not long after, my lips found her nipple. I greedily sucked

it, using my tongue and lips on one breast while I kneaded the other

with my finger tips. She laced her fingers through my hair and gently

pressed my head into her. The movement of her hips told me she was

enjoying herself.

Then, to my surprise, I felt her begin to pull up my

nightgown. I lifted myself up just enough to help and, as I did, I

took her gown off. When our bare breasts touched for the first time,

I was on fire. I held her tenderly and kissed her for what seemed

like hours.

Finally, I lowered myself down, easing my legs between her

thighs. Slowly, very slowly I kissed my way down her chest to her

navel. I licked and kissed it, darting my tongue in and out. I slid

my hands under her ass, tracing the center seam of her panties along

the crack with my finger tips.

Patty responded by pressing her hips into my breasts. I could

feel her moisture seeping through the crotch of her panties onto my


Again I slowly kissed my way lower, dying to taste her musky

fluid. I kissed my way past the top of her panties, feeling the lace

with my lips. Now I could smell and feel her excitement. Her aroma

was as sweet as honey.

As my tongue found her clit through the soft fabric of her

panties, her fingers were again pressing the back of my head, guiding

me to her most sensitive spots. For a few more minutes I continued to

chew on her clit and vulva through the crotch of her panties, loving

the taste and feel of her juices on my face.

Slowly I began to lower her panties, kissing every inch of

delicate flesh as it was exposed. She raised her hips and I quickly

slid them off. Her pubic hair was soft on my lips. I spent a few

minutes gently kissing her stomach, then as my fingers parted her

lips, my tongue lovingly caressed her clit. Within moments she began

to shudder and climax. As she did, I felt myself explode into my

napkin. Again and again I brought her to ecstacy until she finally

she begged me to stop, saying couldn't take any more.

I kissed my way back up her body, then held her in my arms.

When her breathing finally returned to normal, she thanked me over and

over again. Her words turned to kisses and soon I felt her lips

trailing their way across my neck, finally encircling my nipples. Her

tongue teased while her lips caressed them, lingering only until both

were as stiff as my newly awakened erection. I felt her hand

hesitantly caressing my thigh. Slowly she parted my legs, inching

upward. Abruptly she stopped as she discovered the pad covering my

well disguised manhood. Then how I longed to be a complete woman,

wanting to feel her loving lips on my vulva, her tongue parting,

teasing me, bringing me finally to orgasm. But instead, she pulled

her hand away, leaving me feeling an intense dislike for the maleness

of my body.

We spent the night sleeping with our lips inches from each

other and our breasts closely pressed together.

Chapter Four - The Dating Girl

As the first semester of school drew to a close, I had become

very used to my new surroundings. Patty and I had become the closest

of friends. We spent almost every day after school with each other.

I'd met lots of new friends, among them a boy named Jason who I

thought was very cute. He had been in our homeroom since the start of

the year. It wasn't long before I developed a serious crush and soon

found myself spending a lot of time staring at him instead of paying

attention in class. His curly blonde hair and dark blue eyes made him

easily the best looking boy in the room. I could tell he was

attracted to me as well but, as he was very shy, all we ever seemed to

do is to smile at each other as we passed in the hallway.

I wanted to get to know him a lot better, so one day Patty and

I decided to see if we couldn't draw him out of his shell. After

hours of plotting, we developed what we were sure was a fool-proof

plan. We waited for him outside school and pretended that I lost my

wallet which I had purposely left in my locker. We asked him to help

us find it and he joined us in searching the paved parking lot for the

mythical lost wallet.

As we had planned, after a few minutes of half-hearted

searching, Patty said she'd go back inside and see if I'd left it in

my locker. That left Jason and me alone. I wasted no time asking him

a lot of pointless questions, just to get him to talk to me. I

remember smiling at him a lot and several times intentionally brushing

up against him as we continued our search. He loosened up a bit and

finally stammered out a few simple questions. By the time Patty

returned with my wallet, we were laughing and had begun to be friends.

After that, the three of us met after school almost every day.

We'd walk to the bus together or, if we could manage to pool enough

money, we'd walk to an ice cream shop nearby and feast on gooey

chocolate sundaes.

Jason and I spent so much time flirting that Patty began to

tease us. One day when she discovered him holding my hand as we

walked for ice cream, she began giggling and pointing at us. As soon

as I could get her alone, I told her to cut out the teasing. I

explained it had taken me a long time to get this far with him and I

didn't want her spoiling it for me. She knew I was angry so she

agreed to back off.

One day Patty told us she had to go right home after school.

Her mother had arranged for some repairs on the house and Patty was to

let the workmen. She invited both Jason and me to come with her so

she wouldn't be, as she put it, bored to death by some orangutan in

coveralls. As neither of us had enough money to gorge ourselves on

sweets, we decided we'd go and save her from a certain death by


Jason and I raided her fridge as soon as we arrived, then

crashed in the family room to watch television while Patty supervised

the workers. We playfully argued over what show to watch and, when I

grabbed the television schedule out of Jason's hands, he retaliated by

trying to make me drop it by tickling me. Soon we were on the floor

rolling around and eventually he pinned me down but I still refused to

surrender the schedule. My skirt had ridden up to almost my waist as

we struggled and I noticed him stealing a look every time he thought I

wasn't paying attention. I knew he was looking and didn't do anything

to stop him. He sat on top of me, holding my arms against the floor.

As he bent lower trying to intimidate me, our faces were only

a fraction apart. I stopped struggling and we started staring into

each other's eyes. The expression on my face told him I wanted him to

kiss me and he did, at first very timidly but, as our desire grew, our

kissed became intense. He released my arms and at once I reached up

and encircled his neck, drawing him even closer. When we heard Patty

returning, we quickly jumped up and sat on the couch trying to act as

if nothing had happened.

As soon as she came into the room she could tell by the weird

way we were behaving that something had occurred. She gave me a

knowing look and ran out, explaining she'd be in the basement for a

while longer with her orangutans.

We began kissing again the minute she left. For the first

time I knew what it was like to be in a man's arms and, although I had

fantasized about it many times, I wasn't sure until that second if I'd

could accept it. Now there was no longer the slightest doubt. I was

thrilled and very excited. My clittie became a steel rod, bent to the

point of breaking in it's sanitary prison. Jason's reaction was

identical and was made very apparent by the tent that had suddenly

arisen in the front of his pants.

We'd stop for a minute or two and stare longingly into each

other's eyes then fall back into each other's arms, lips and bodies

joined as if welded together. For more than an hour we continued

until at last we could hear Patty letting the workmen out the back


As it was close to dinner time, Jason and I had to leave. He

walked me home and we held hands all the way to my door. I invited

him in and introduced him to Jeannie, trying to act casually. But she

knew he was special to me without a word from either of us. Jason

stayed only a few minutes, talking to Aunt Jeannie and me then headed

home for dinner.

As soon as he was out the door, I told Jeannie all about what

had happened at Patty's house that afternoon. She was delighted and

reminded me she told me it would happen all along.

Now every afternoon after school, Jason and I and Patty and

Bob, her current boyfriend, went to Patty's. We have something to

eat, then Patty and Bob would disappear while Jason and I went to the

family room, pretending to watch television but in fact spending the

afternoon making out on the couch.

Jason and Bob usually left before I did as they had to catch a

bus home. As soon as they were out the door, Patty and I poured over

every little detail of the afternoon. We liked the boys a lot and

usually were all steamed up by that time. One day I decided to get

her advice about how things were going for Jason and me.

"There's one thing that bothers me," I said. "All we ever do

is neck. He's too shy to even try feeling me up. I thought all guys

were sex maniacs but Jason sure isn't."

"Most of them are," Patty answered, "but some guys like Jason

are just afraid to start something. I went out with someone like that

once. Eventually I got tired of waiting for him to start something,

so one day when we were making out I just took his hand and put it on

my boob. After that, there was no stopping him. I'm sure Jason

wouldn't complain if you did that."

I took her advice the next afternoon. We were making out as

usual that day and, after waiting a while for my courage to build, I

finally did it. I put my hand on top of his and slowly inched it

upward until it covered my breast. He didn't need any further

encouragement and began to massage it through my blouse and bra. I

loved his touch and the feel of his fingertips on my nipples got me

very steamed up. I forgot all about being a lady. I reached down and

unbuttoned my blouse then unhooked my bra. Jason put his hand inside

my blouse and, when I felt the warmth of his hand on my skin, I had an


We decided to throw a small party for about ten kids. Patty

eventually relented and invited Bob. I decided to call a boy who had

asked me out in the past. His name is Jeff. I could tell he was

happy to hear from me and he immediately accepted my invitation to our

party. Diane and her boyfriend Hank were also coming, along with two

other couples from school.

There was enough pop and food in the house, so all we had to

do to get ready for the party was to clear an area in the family room

for dancing, then straighten up the rest of the house a bit.

Patty and I spent the rest of our high school days as close

friends and occasional lovers. She never did find out my secret and I

guess it's better that way. I know I felt more comfortable relating

to her as another girl and I don't think she would have been able to

handle the truth about me.

Chapter Five - The Travelling Girl

After I'd completed two years of college, I told Jeannie I

wanted to take a year off and see some of the country. She wasn't too

happy about this idea, but after we discussed it, I convinced her it

would be all right.

I decided I'd have to travel as Chuck because traveling alone

as Carrie would be too unsafe, even though I hated the idea of having

to dress in male clothes again. The only problem I'd have would be

hiding my breasts. So far hormones had made them an A cup and, as I

was still taking them, I knew that soon they would be larger. After

some experimentation, I found that if I wore loose shirts they were

fairly well covered.

I wanted to go all the way across the country to the west

coast. It took me about three weeks hitch-hiking to get out to

California. I had no trouble getting rides. I guess it was because

most of the guys wanted sex with me. There was one truck driver who

hit me when I refused to blow him and after I did it, I was surprised.

It hadn't been as bad as it thought it would be. He liked me a lot

and persuaded me to spend a weekend with him in Denver. We had a

great time and, by the time I left him, I was pretty well experienced

in just what pleased a man.

When I finally arrived on the west coast, it didn't take me

long to find the kind of friends I liked. People out there didn't

care about the kind of sex a person likes. It only took me a few days

to meet some kids who were into a group sex scene. I moved in with

them and we had a ball. We had sex of all kinds.

There were three girls and four guys and they'd been living

together for about a year. When I told them I was bisexual and about

my preference for wearing girl's clothes, they encouraged me to dress

up for them. As I wasn't able to bring a lot of clothes with me, one

of the girls named Jenny lent me some of her things.

The first time she saw me dressed, I could tell she was very

turned on. She told me she was bi too and seeing me in her clothes

made her hot. She had her dress off me and we were making love in no

time. Afterwards, she laughed and said that everything in the house

was balanced because now there were four girls and four guys.

I got a job as a helper in a neighborhood florist shop. It

was there I met Elaine. She was a very pretty brunette with big brown

eyes and a great body. She was kind of young, I'd guess around

twenty-five. She had a super car and it seemed like she had a lot of

money too. We got to be friends, talking every time she came into the


One day she invited me to dinner at her house. By then she

knew a lot about me. She knew I had no family in the city and about

my living with some other kids and where I had come from. I told her

I'd like to visit her house and have dinner. She said she'd come by

and pick me up when I finished work.

As I watched her drive away, I knew we'd have sex. I don't

know how I knew. I just did. The rest of the afternoon I was very

excited thinking about what might happen that evening.

She was waiting for me in the parking lot when I finished

work. She gave me a peck on the cheek and then drove toward the

hills. I was so turned on I had trouble talking to her.

She lived in a big stone house outside the city. The view was

fabulous. I could look down and see the whole city laid out in front

of me. When we entered the house, I could tell from the way it was

furnished that I had been right about her having money.

We had a glass of wine and talked for a while then we had a

great dinner with more wine on the patio. When we'd finished eating,

she had me get her some coffee. We shared a joint with the coffee and

I started to tell her about my life. She told me I was a very

good-looking guy, almost pretty enough to be a girl. I smiled when

she said that because it made me think of my experiences with Aunt


I guess the wine and the grass must have loosened my tongue,

because I told her all about how I loved wearing women's clothing and

feeling like a girl. She encouraged me to talk and eventually I told

her everything - all about Jeannie and me and the guys who gave me

rides and blew me. Even about the wild weekend I spent in Denver.

She seemed to be very interested and sympathetic, not the least bit

critical or negative.

She leaned back in her chair and did something with her chest

that made me stare at her breasts. They were beautiful. I kept

staring and she just laughed.

"How would you like to live here with me? I hate living alone

and I'd love to have someone just like you staying there with me."

When I said that people might talk, she laughed right in my face.

"I don't give a damn what people might say. Do you know why I

want you to live here with me?" The way she was looking at me made it

so plain that I just nodded and let it go at that.

I wasn't surprised when I felt her fingers at my fly. I

started to tremble as she leaned forward and opened my pants. She

gave me a very sly smile when she saw I was wearing pale yellow

panties. She took my penis out and I could tell from the look on her

face she liked what she saw. With very skillful fingers she began to

pump me.

She admitted she liked the way I was hung and she said she

knew we'd be very happy living together. She couldn't seem to let go

of my cock and soon I was spurting all over the place. She thought

that was very sexy.

But, even after it was all over, she kept right on with her

fist and it began to hurt. I asked her to let it go and stop for a

while. She leaned closer to me and told me that, from now on, she was

the boss. "If I want to jerk you off all day, then you'll just have

to be quiet and let me have my fun."

I didn't give her any argument and after a while she let go,

telling me to follow her into her bedroom. She ordered me to get

undressed and then she slowly stripped in front of me. I was right

about her body. It was perfect. As she removed her transparent bra

and panties, my cock went stiff again. That seemed to please her very


Before we got into bed, she wanted to be sure I was very

clean. She led me into the bathroom and filled the oversized tub. We

both got in the tub.

"From now on," she said, "we'll bathe together every morning.

It'll be your job to make sure our bodies are kept clean and free of

hair. And I'll teach you how to make sure I thoroughly enjoy my


I was very pleased, thinking how much fun it would be. "My

job at the shop begins at seven, so we'll have to get up around five,

if that's what you want."

She gave me a very firm look. "You won't need to keep working

there. I want you to stay here at the house and make sure it's clean.

I want my dinner to be prepared for me every evening. I'll even teach

you how to keep our laundry spotless, how to sew and iron. You're

only job from here on in is to keep me happy and this house in perfect

condition. Is that clear?"

"I don't know if I can do all those things," I said. "My aunt

never taught me much about cooking and cleaning. I'd hate to

disappointment you."

She smiled and replied, "Well, as you told me earlier, she

taught you very thoroughly about the other half of your job. About

how to please a woman in bed and how to dress and act like the pretty

girl we both know you are. That's enough to start with. If you want

to stay here, I'll be more than happy to teach you the rest."

I was so obviously pleased that an answer probably wasn't

necessary, but I assured her she'd never have a pupil who would work


"I had bathed this morning," she said, "so just for tonight,

I'll bathe you and make sure there's not a hair left on your body.

After that, you'll have to do it for both of us. Now stand up so I

can start on your legs."

She shaved my legs, underarms and pubic area. When she shaved

my balls, I got hard again, so she took my cock into her mouth and

sucked it as I stood there in the tub. The whole thing got to me in a

hurry and I came after a few minutes.

I didn't have any chest hair, so when she was done with my

balls, I was as naked as a baby.

After that we went to bed and she had me use my mouth on her.

She loved it and as soon as I was ready, we fucked like maniacs.

I don't think we got any sleep that first night. She let me

doze off for a while and then she came at me again. We did nothing

but have sex that whole day. She told she had been starved for good

sex and she was going to make up for it with me.

Later that day, we drove to the shop and I quit my job. Then

we went to get my clothes and tell the kids there I'd be moving out.

There wasn't anyone home and I was disappointed because I wanted to

show Elaine off and to say good-bye to everyone, especially Jenny. So

I just collected my few possessions and left.

When we got back to Elaine's house, she made me burn all my

clothes, except for the few pieces of lingerie I had brought with me

from home. She said as I was going to be living as a girl, I wouldn't

need all those ugly male clothes. I totally agreed and she knew it.

"Now you know why I wasn't particularly worried about what the

neighbors might think," she told me. "Another girl moving in with me

won't make anyone uptight. Let's go get you properly dressed and see

just what you look like. By the way, calling you Chuck after today

will sound silly. We'll have to pick out a more appropriate feminine

one. What name would you like?"

There was no hesitation on my part. "My Aunt Jeannie called

me Carrie and I love that name - Carrie Anne. Anne because it was my

mother's name. That's my choice. But if you'd rather call me by

another name, I won't mind."

"Carrie sounds fine to me. I must compliment you on giving me

a choice. You realize who's in charge now, don't you?"

"Yes," I agreed, "I know you're in charge and I like that.

You've been very nice to me so far and I doubt you'd never take

advantage of me. With me taking care of the house, it's almost like

I'm your wife. That may sound silly, but that's how I feel."

"It does sound a bit unusual," she replied, "but I must admit

it turns me on. I guess it comes very close to what I had in mind for

us. Now let's go get some clothes on you."

We went into the bedroom and there she showed me her wardrobe.

She had a large selection of all the things we'd need to make me into


Elaine looked me over and took a few measurements. "Luckily,

we're just about the same size so we can wear the same clothes. From

now on, consider these clothes to be ours, not just mine. You're

welcome to wear any of them at any time. The only rules I have are

that you must keep your body and face completely hair free daily and

always look as feminine as possible. I almost never wear slacks, so I

won't let you either. You must always act like a lady and dress like

one. That means twenty four hours a day, seven days a weeks, every

week. Are you willing to do that, Carrie?"

I didn't hesitate a second. "More than willing, in fact I'm

very eager. It's what I've always loved. I promise you'll have no

complaints about me not looking or acting like a lady. And I promise

to keep our clothes in the best shape possible."

Then, more than ever I was thankful I'd never grown to be very

large. Being five foot five and weighing only 120 has it's advantages

at times.

"Well, for now, pick out what you'd like to wear today," she

said. "If I have any opinions about your appearance now or in the

future, I'll insist that you go along with them. But I've got a

feeling you've got a pretty good fashion sense and it won't be

necessary for me to say too much. Now, in the dresser next to the bed

is all the lingerie. Bras and panties are in the top two drawers,

panty hose, stockings and garter belts in the next drawer and slips,

teddies and nightgowns in the bottom."

I went to the dresser and selected the most feminine things

there. I wanted her to be as pleased with my transformation as I

always was. I put on a beautifully made pink bra with a lot of ecru

lace on it. Thankfully, it was a stretch bra so it fit me

perfectly. If it hadn't been made of a stretchable fabric the cups

would have been much too big on me as Elaine's breasts were larger

than mine, probably a B or C cup.

Then came the sanitary belt and napkin I'd had in my suitcase

so I could completely hide my penis and testicles, just as Jeannie and

I had learned to do. I pulled the pad very tight. There wasn't a

sign of anything masculine between my legs.

The pink panties I next put on had ecru lace through which

pink ribbon had been intertwined, ending in little bows. They were

the prettiest things I had ever seen. My cock, even though it was

compressed under the sanitary napkin, was as hard as glass. I didn't

tell Elaine because I was afraid she'd want to have sex right away and

I couldn't wait to finish dressing up in these beautiful clothes.

She handed me a pair of sheer panty hose and, after putting

them on, she gave me a full slip to wear. She explained that she

loved the way a slip looked and wore one often. She insisted I to do

the same. All these things she was "making" me do were like answers

to my prayers. I couldn't have been more willing.

She took me over to her closet. It was a walk-in, occupying

about twelve feet of the wall opposite the bed. "Pick out any outfit

you like but make sure it's something very pretty," she said. "I

won't say a word. I want to see what your taste in clothing is like.

Pick out something you like, not something you think would please me."

It didn't take me long, as I was in a hurry to finish

dressing. Had I not been in a rush, it might have taken me hours.

There were so many pretty things to select from. I choose a green and

white two-piece print dress, with a scoop neckline, cap sleeves and a

full skirt. It was made of a silky material and, as I put it on, I

felt so very feminine and happier than I could remember being in a

long time. Elaine buttoned up the back for me as I fastened the skirt

around my waist.

She stood back, looking at me. "I'm not sure that dress would

have been my first choice, but after seeing you in it, how it clings

to you, I must say it looks as good on you as it ever did on me. I

can tell by watching your reactions, you love all this. You probably

should have been born a woman. I bet you'd have been much happier."

She then came over and hugged me while caressing my bottom

through the silky fabrics of the dress and slip. She gave me a very

warm, prolonged kiss. "Seeing you like this makes me very horny. I'd

like to slip my hand up under your skirt and make love to you. But I

won't, because I'm dying to see how sexy you'll turn out. You can be

sure we'll make love later and it will be hot."

After she let me go, I walked back into the closet and chose a

pair of green sling back shoes with a two and a half inch heel. I

slid in my stocking covered feet, immediately feeling comfortable in

the shoes. It had been several months since I had worn heels, but I

hadn't lost my ability to walk in them.

Because I kept my hair and nails very long even though I

wasn't doing a lot of dressing up, the finishing touches shouldn't

have taken very long. But Elaine spent more than an hour styling my

hair in different ways and then painting my nails for me.

"Remember what I told you before," she said. "I'll do these

things today because I want to experiment a little, but in the future,

you'll be responsible not only for your own hair and nails, but mine

as well. I'll show you how I want it done and after that I expect you

to keep both of us looking beautiful."

When she had my hair the way she liked it, she was going to

put on my makeup for me, but I stopped her. "Aunt Jeannie spent a lot

of time teaching me about makeup, so I'd like to do it myself. If you

aren't pleased with the results, you can redo it the way you want. Is

that ok?"

"That's fine with me," Elaine said, "as long as you don't mind

me commenting as you go along. I still want to be sure you look your

best. Especially the first time I see you as Carrie. It's important

to me."

I agreed and, at her suggestion, went and sat at her dressing

table. She lit the makeup mirror for me and opened the drawers to

show me where all the different cosmetics were kept. I remembered

what Jeannie had told me about too much or too little makeup, so I was

very careful not to get Carried away with things like the mascara and

blusher. Elaine never said a word as I continued the final

transformation. She watched me with a fascinated look and an

occasional smile.

When I was done, she had me stand up and face her. She made a

few small changes to my hair and then pronounced me complete.

"You should have been a woman," she said. "I can tell you're

much more comfortable in a dress. You even look more natural. I knew

from the first day I met you that you'd be much prettier and sexier as

a woman. For some reason, I felt there was a girl hiding inside of

you. Now let me get dressed. Then we'll get out of here and go

celebrate your becoming a woman again and our living together."

"We're going out?" I asked. "I've been out in public as a

woman before, but going to a mall shopping with my aunt or out on a

casual date back home is totally different from going out on the town

here in California. I'm afraid I'll be noticed and end up in jail.

Believe me, that's the last thing I need."

"Relax, Carrie, you're no likelier to have someone call you a

man than I am. You look like a woman and you act and think like one.

Believe me, no one will ever be able to tell you're not really female

without pulling down your panties, and that's one pleasure I intend to

reserve for myself for a while."

"Here, spray on some of this perfume and pick out a little

jewelry. Then let's get going. You'll see, we'll have a great time.

I'm sure the guys will be as turned on by you as I am." She gave me

two rings to wear, an expensive looking gold watch she said she no

longer liked and a gold braided necklace.

I know I've never felt more complete in my life. I was now

the woman I'd always felt I should be. I had a great place to live

and more sex than I could handle. On top of that, I didn't even have

to work to support myself.

I sat on the bed as she changed into a yellow knit mini dress.

It looked super on her. I watched as she did her hair and makeup,

learning exactly how she liked it so I'd be able to do it for her.

Because she was so good to me, I wanted to be sure I'd please her in

every way possible. I intended to be the best wife a woman ever had.

"Well," she asked as she stood in front of the mirror, "how do

I look? You won't be ashamed to be seen in public with me, will you?"

"You're absolutely beautiful," I said, meaning every word.

"No one will even notice me with you around. Listen, I want you to

know how much I appreciate all this and the wonderful way you treat

me. I'll work very hard to please you and make you happy, I promise."

"I'm sure you will, and if you don't, I might have to give you

a good spanking," she replied with a sly smile on her face. "But

you'd probably like that. Here, take this mascara and a few more of

these makeup things. Put them in this little bag. You may want to

freshen your face this evening. In the bottom drawer of the dressing

table you'll find a wallet. Put it in your purse too, along with some

money. You may need it if we have to buy ourselves a drink at the

start of the evening, or if for some reason we get separated."

I did as I was told. I was beginning to look forward to our

evening out. "Where are we going tonight and what kind of things do I

have to be prepared for?"

"First, we'll grab a bite to eat at the golden arches. It's

too late to get anything ready here. Then we'll go over to this new

club that just opened downtown. I've been wanting to go there, but I

didn't want to go alone. Now that I have a girlfriend to go with,

it'll be much more fun. We can dance a bit and cruise the local

talent. Is that all right with you, Carrie?"

"Oh, yes," I said, "but I'm not sure about dancing. I was

always a good dancer as a guy, but I'm not sure I'll be able to follow

someone else."

Elaine looked surprised. "I don't follow anyone and neither

should you, unless you mean slow dancing, but no one does too much of

that any more. When you dance, just do your own thing. It's easy."

"Now, let's go," she said. "We're both ready and if we sit

around here much longer, we'll miss some of the fun. I'll drive until

we can arrange to get you a driver's license in the name of Carrie

Anne. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

As we went out the door and got in the car, I admitted having

a license in the name of Carrie Anne was something I'd always

fantasized about. But, as it required getting false identification, I

didn't know how to go about it. Elaine told me she knew some people

who could get ID for me, so she'd have to take care of that soon.

We made a quick stop for bite at MacDonald's and then drove

downtown to the new club she had been telling me about. It must have

been a smash hit, because when we got there, the closest parking space

we could find was more than two blocks away.

My heart was racing as we walked toward the club, but I also

felt very high, like I'd done some drugs. The pure excitement of

walking down the street as a woman with Elaine at my side was a

natural high. I loved the feel of my swishing skirt on my

nylon-encased legs and the clicking of my heels on the concrete. I

felt that somehow tonight would be a turning point for me. If I was

accepted as a woman here in California and felt comfortable, then I'd

know I wanted to live the rest of my life.

We spent about ten minutes in line waiting to get in and when

we finally did, I couldn't believe how crowded it was. We managed to

grab two seats at one of the side bars and ordered some white wine.

"We've got to keep an eye on the calories," Elaine said. "I

won't allow myself to gain even an few extra pounds and I won't let

you either. I don't need the expense of buying a new wardrobe."

"Gaining weight has never been a problem for me, almost the

opposite. Aunt Jeannie was always after me to eat more, but I just

never had much of an appetite. But I promise not to gain any weight."

"Look," said Elaine, "there's a guy I've dated occasionally.

He's headed this way and would you look that gorgeous guy with him! I

think they're both checking you out."

My fears came rushing back to me. "Oh god, what am I going to

do if they come over here? I don't know what to say to a guy or even

how to act. Please, let's get out of here!"

"Absolutely not. Making conversation is easy. Just imagine

you're talking to me or to anybody else that comes to mind. It's no

different for a woman than it is for a man. If you still feel nervous

after an hour or so, then we'll leave. But I'm willing to bet you

won't. Just relax. Look, they are coming over here."

She introduced me to Jack, the guy she used to date and his

friend Michael. Elaine told them I was a friend of hers who'd just

moved out to the coast from Ohio.

I had to agree with her about Michael. He was a hunk, tall

with a great body, light brown hair and wonderful blue eyes. Her

friend Jack was also quite attractive, but not quite as good- looking

as Michael.

They bought us a drink and after a few minutes of talking,

Jack and Elaine settled into a conversation. So did Michael and I.

It was all the usual bar chit-chat that normally would have bored me,

but talking to Michael was anything but boring. Elaine was right. It

wasn't at all difficult to carry on a conversation with him. He had

no idea that I was anything other than a pretty young girl. That was

very obvious by the way he was looking at me and from some of the

remarks he made.

He told me he was a senior at U.S.C., majoring in business and

wanted to know what kind of work I was going to be doing out here. I

truthfully said I didn't know and, as I had a little money and was

going to be living with Elaine for a while, I was going to take my

time and enjoy myself before deciding.

We talked for quite a while longer and when Elaine and Jack

got up to dance, Michael took her stool. Because the bar was so

crowded, he sat very close to me. It sent a chill down my spine when

he casually slipped his arm around my waist. I felt very ladylike and

very protected. He told me my perfume turned him on and to prove it,

he kissed me lightly on the neck.

The others returned and reluctantly he got up. I was sorry

they'd come back so soon. Michael asked me to dance and of course I

accepted, but with a great deal of doubt. Elaine gave me a reassuring

smile that made me feel more confident.

He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We danced the

last few minutes of a fast number. The next one was slow. He wanted

to dance some more, but I tried to beg off saying I couldn't slow

dance very well. He admitted he couldn't either, but insisted we try.

He had his arm around my waist and we were dancing before I had a

chance to say no.

Was I ever glad he insisted! I just followed his lead and

everything worked out beautifully. It was as if I'd been dancing with

a man for years. I loved the feeling of his arms wrapped around me

and very quickly settled myself in against him, cheek to cheek. I was

getting aroused and I could tell from the way he was holding me and

from the bulge I felt pressing against my stomach that he was too.

His hands slid below my waist and lightly stroked the top of

my buttocks. He kissed me several times on the neck and when the

dance ended, he gave me a very soft, sexy kiss on the lips. I didn't

even try to control myself. I just kissed him back. It was


When we got back to the bar, Elaine told the guys they'd have

to excuse us as we had to go powder our noses. I knew she wanted to

find out how things were going with Michael, but I didn't want to

leave him. I didn't want some other girl to come by and steal him.

But then I remembered I had agreed she was in charge, so I reluctantly

went, after giving Michael my most winning smile and thanking him for

the dance.

Even before we got to the ladies' room she began pumping me

for information. I told her exactly what had happened and how

terrific I felt about it.

"Fantastic," she said. "It didn't take you long to forget

your doubts about passing as a girl. Just long enough to grab one of

the best looking guys around. Do you know I've got twenty friends

who'd give their eye teeth for a date with Michael? I told you you're

beautiful. Now do you believe me?"

"I'll probably never think I'm beautiful, but Michael and I

are getting along like we've known each other for years. He seems to

like what he sees in me and so do you. What more could I ask for?

What about you and Jack? Are you still as friendly?"

"Oh, Jack and I will always be close friends, but that's about

all it will ever be. We like to get together once in a while and have

some good sex. Speaking of which, the guys want to come back to my

house with us later. How do you feel about that?"

I didn't answer her immediately, partly because I truly didn't

know how I felt about it and partly because we had just entered the

ladies' room. I had never seen such a posh place. There was a

sitting room that would have made a great living room in any house, an

alcove with makeup tables, large lighted mirrors and at least ten

chairs. Another door led into the bathrooms. The smell of grass was


I think Elaine sensed my surprise at the expensive

furnishings. "They don't spare any expense. They know they'd better

keep the girls who come in here happy. If they stop coming in, the

guys won't come in either. Then the owners might as well shut the

doors for good. Do you need to use the john or do you just want to

sit and talk?"

"I don't need to, but as long as I'm in here, I can't resist

taking a peek at the other room to see if it's as elegant as this." I

wasn't disappointed. It was also beautifully finished with the most

expensive fixtures I've ever seen. I knew I was going to enjoy

sitting down to take my pee like a lady, especially in such luxurious


I picked a stall at the rear and was very careful to lock the

door. I pulled up my skirt and slip, then quickly lowered my

pantyhose and panties. I sat down before slipping my cock out from

under my sanitary pad. My skirt covered up any evidence of manhood,

so I let myself relax and pee. When I was done, I quickly pulled up

my panties and pantyhose, then smoothed down my skirt.

When I came out, Elaine was sitting at the one of makeup

tables touching up her eye shadow. I took the seat next to her. I'd

decided I'd better face the question of the rest of the evening with

Michael and Jack. There was no one sitting near us, so we were free

to talk openly.

"Elaine, about later. I like Michael a lot and he seems to

like me, but that's what worries me. If they come back to the house,

he's going to want to make out and while I won't mind that a bit, what

do I do if he wants to get intimate? I can't let him know my secret.

Oh shit, what can I do?"

"I see your point. I'm sure that's what they have in mind.

But seeing as your wearing that sanitary napkin to hide your very

unfeminine bulge, why not let things go along normally until they get

hot and heavy? I know he'll love feeling your breasts as much as I

do. Then you can beg off fucking because you've got your period."

"I guess I could do that," I said, "but I hate to get both of

us steamed up and let it go at that. I've never thought of myself as

a tease. Do you think that would be fair to Michael?"

She laughed and then said, with a gleam in her eye, "Who says

you have to leave him unsatisfied? You know as well as I do there are

other ways to please a man. Give him the blow job of his life. They

always love that. In fact, I'm going to insist that you do. I want

you to know what it's like for a woman to give pleasure to a man. It

might make you a better lover for me. And as far as you staying

horny, you can be sure as soon as they leave I'll give you all the sex

you can handle."

"Do you think I can get away with it? God, I'd love to try.

He's so gorgeous. I felt his erection pressing into me on the dance

floor. I knew then I wanted him. Oh, what the hell have I got to

lose. If I don't try, he'll probably just find someone else and I'll

never see him again. I might as well do what any other girl in my

position would do."

"That's the attitude! I can tell he's hot for you and I know

from experience that a horny man will believe almost anything. Come

on, fix your face and then let's go tell them the good news." She

gave my hand a loving squeeze.

I touched up my makeup, once again thankful to Jeannie for the

lessons she'd given me. Elaine was right, I did look pretty good. I

felt like breaking out into a chorus of "I Enjoy Being a Girl." When

I told her what I was thinking, she had a good laugh.

When we got back to Michael and Jack, I could tell they'd also

been talking over the rest of the night. Michael took me aside

immediately, so the others couldn't hear us. He put his arms around

me and locked his hands behind my back, then softly pressed my body

into his.

He looked down into my adoring upraised eyes. "Jack and I

want to leave in a few minutes. We'd like to take you and Elaine back

to her house. I want to get to know you better. It's so loud in here

we can't even talk. Jack said Elaine had agreed. How do you feel

about it?"

"As long as Elaine doesn't mind," I replied, "it's fine with

me. After all, it's her home and I'm just a guest. I'd like to get

to know you better and I guess Jack and Elaine want to spend some time

alone. Tell you what. I'll go on one condition. First I'd like you

to buy us a glass of champagne. I want to celebrate our meeting.

Please don't think I'm silly or too romantic."

He smiled down at me, gave me another of those soft, sexy

kisses and then said, "The champagne is a great idea and I like the

fact that you're a romantic just like I am." And then he kissed me

again, this time slipping his tongue into my mouth. I almost melted

in his arms. This was going to be some evening, that is, if I could

convince him it was my time of the month.

We went back to where Elaine and Jack were standing and told

them we were ready to leave as soon as we had another drink. Michael

ordered the champagne and we toasted each other. I was glad I'd

thought of it, and I could see that Elaine and Jack were also very

impressed. Right after we finished, we left. I went with Michael to

his car, while Elaine and Jack went in her car.

I slipped my arm through his as we crossed the street and when

we got to his car, he walked around to my side and held the door for

me. I'd never had that done for me before. It really made me feel

like a lady. To reward him for being such a gentleman, I let my skirt

ride up very high as I got into the car. His stare showed me he

appreciated the view. I forgotten how much fun it was being a girl

and I'd almost forgotten about ever having been a male.

We talked a little on the way back, about our likes and

dislikes in music, movies and school. I sat next to him and when he

had a hand free, he held mine. I couldn't believe how attracted I was

to him. Me, who until my weekend in Denver, really didn't know what

sex with a man was all about. I'd come a long way and was glad I had.

I made a mental note to call Jeannie very soon and fill her in on all

the wonderful things that had happened to me since leaving home. I

knew she'd be as happy as I was.

Michael followed Elaine's car into the driveway and, after

parking came around and opened the car door for me again. He seemed

to sense my reticence and was being such a gentleman. We went into

the living room and sat on the couch. Elaine turned on some music and

Jack made us all a drink.

Elaine came out of the kitchen and said, "Jack and I are going

upstairs. That'll give you two a chance to be alone. Carrie, you

know where everything is. Make sure Michael gets anything he wants."

My face turned red at that remark and the rest of them laughed

at my shyness. She knew exactly what the game plan was and exactly

what he was going to get, that is, if he wanted it. I didn't have

much doubt about that though.

As soon as they'd left the room, Michael put his arms around

me and gently pulled me to him. "I like you a lot Carrie," he said,

"and I can't keep my hands off you. The way you kissed me before told

me you feel the same, right?"

"Yes," I admitted, "I guess I feel the same. I'm a little

nervous, but I know I love being in your arms. I haven't had a lot of

experience, so please forgive my bashfulness. I come from a small

town where things progress very slowly, if at all. So California and

everything out here, including you, kind of takes my breath away."

When his lips met mine, I didn't try to hold back at all. I

returned his kiss with the same urgency it was given. His hands

caressed my back while holding me very close to him. I softly stroked

his neck and his face.

His hand slid up the back of my dress and unhooked my bra,

then around front until I felt his warm hand encircling my left

breast. With his thumb and forefinger he massaged my nipple. I let

out a little moan to show him how good it felt. I was so grateful

Jeannie had given me hormones so that at least my breasts would be


He led me to the couch and sat next to me. He took his time,

sensing my mood, and when at last his hand moved down to my thigh, I

was ready to take the chance. He traced both legs through the silky

fabric of my dress before sliding his hand up under my skirt and slip.

He sensuously stroked my thighs then very slowly worked his way up. I

parted my legs gradually to ease his way.

By this time I was so turned on, I was sure I was going to

come at any minute. My cock, pressed harshly under the pad, began to

ache. The mixture of pleasure and pain was wonderful.

I cringed as he slid his fingertips to my panties, knowing

what the result would be. He stiffened slightly, not sure of what

he'd encountered. Well, I said to myself, this is it. It's now or


"I'm so sorry Michael," I blurted out, nearly crying. "Why do

I have to have my period at a time like this. I'd love nothing better

than to make love to you, but I can't right now."

The look of disappointment on his face told me how he felt. I

know I felt just as bad. If I'd been a real woman, this wouldn't have

happened. I wouldn't have given a damn. I would have made love to

him regardless of the time of the month. I hated being a male.

Again, he acted like a gentleman. "I'd be lying if I said I

wasn't disappointed, but I understand the position you're in. Just

don't expect me to stop kissing you and holding you. At least it's


He took me back in his arms and in a few minutes his hand was

back under my skirt, softly caressing my thighs through my pantyhose.

The feeling was incredible.

I summoned up my nerve and very slowly moved my hand over to

his thigh and, after a few minutes, up to feel his erection. His cock

felt hot, even through his pants. I stroked it with a light pressure

up and down a few times and then slid my fingers down to his balls.

They were tight up against his body and pulsing slightly.

I gave in to my lust. I couldn't wait any longer. I unzipped

his pants and pulled out his penis. I could feel it quiver in my hand

as I lovingly stroked it. He sat back for a moment, undid his belt

and slid his pants and briefs down to his knees.

I cupped his balls with my hand, feeling their heat, then

moved back up to his cock, gripping it firmly and pumping it just a

bit. I didn't want him to come in my hand, so I was careful not to go

too far. He let out a moan against my neck.

"Would you like me to kiss it, Michael?" I asked, trying to

sound like an innocent virgin. "I'm probably not very good at it, but

I want to please you and that's the only way I can think of now."

"I'd like it more than anything," he said, "and I'd love to be

able to return the favor. You can be sure I will the next time I see

you. I'd give anything to be able to slide my cock inside you. Damn


So I slowly moved down toward his penis, trying to appear

reluctant at first, then gently started kissing and licking the head.

He leaned back, enjoying the sensation. After a few minutes, I lost

my inhibitions and really got into it. I took his cock into my mouth,

sucking and licking with my tongue, making small circles on the tender

tip. At the same time, I stroked his balls and slid my forefinger

just below them to that very sensitive area between the balls and the

anus. I tickled and rubbed, until I began to feel him tensing.

When he was close to coming, I slowed down a bit and let him

enjoy the feeling. I wanted this to last forever. He was stroking my

hair and telling my how wonderful it felt.

Again, I felt he was close, and this time I decided not to

teased him any more. I circled the base of his cock with my thumb and

forefinger, pumping up with my hand as I hungrily sucked his cock into

my mouth. It was too much for him. His semen flooded into my mouth

and I gulped it down as fast as I could, still sucking away madly. He

kept coming and coming and I loved every ounce of it. I was willing

to bet no other girl had ever made him come more than I had, even if

she used her pussy. I just kept on pumping and sucking until he

collapsed back on the couch with a grateful sigh.

After a few more gentle nibbles and kisses, I sat up and

immediately he took me back into his arms, kissed me and said, "That

was terrific! I can't believe you said you're not very good at that.

I feel like I came three times in one."

I got up to rearrange up my clothes before answering. "I said

that because I've never really done it before, but you got me so

turned on and I wanted to please you. I guess I just did what comes

naturally. I'm so happy you liked it. I know I did."

"It was unbelievable, and I want you to know I enjoyed being

with you this evening," he answered. "I want to see you tomorrow

night. What about having dinner with me. Last week, my uncle took me

to this great seafood restaurant about three miles up the coast. The

food was terrific. I know you'd love it."

Remembering that Elaine was now in charge of my life, I said,

"I would, but I'll have to check with Elaine first. I'm her guest and

I just want to make sure she hasn't made any other plans. I'm sure

they'll be down soon. We've had a long day and I'll bet she as tired

as I am. I'll ask her then, Ok?"

"I'll warn you now, I won't take no for an answer. I'm sure

she won't mind." He gave me a very determined look to prove he meant


Then he took me back in his arms, this time concentrating on

my pleasure. He unzipped the top of my dress and unhooked my bra

again, then softly began to kiss my breasts, giving long passionate

kisses to each. His hands massaged my bottom, first through my dress

and then under it through my pantyhose and panties. I could feel his

cock was hard again as he rubbed it up and down against my pubic bone.

I got more and more excited, and it wasn't long before I

exploded into my sanitary pad. I clung to him and kissed him with my

tongue as far into his mouth as it would go. Finally the spasms

subsided. I eased my grip on him and caught my breath. God, he

really knew how to turn a girl on.

He smiled, knowing he'd made me come and kissed my lips with a

soft, sexy kiss just like the first one he'd given me earlier at the

club. Then he bent down and gently kissed the insides of both my

thighs. I just held him in my arms and I guess we kind of dozed.

When we heard Elaine and Jack coming down the stairs, we both

got up and rearranged our clothes. As they entered the room, Elaine

looked over at me and my smile told her that everything had gone just

as she'd said it would. The fact that my dress was so wrinkled and my

hair was a mess only confirmed it. I excused myself and went into the


I decided that while I was in there I'd better pee or my

bladder would burst. I pulled down my panty hose and panties, then

lowered the napkin. It was soaked. Sitting on the john, I realized

that when I'd put that napkin on this afternoon, it never crossed my

mind it would serve so many useful purposes. It had not only very

effectively hid my bulge and kept Michael out of my panties, but it

had absorbed my come.

When I finished peeing, I went to the linen closet and got a

fresh napkin. Quickly, I put it on, pulled up my panties and

pantyhose and then pulled down my slip and skirt. I also took time to

hook my bra, rearrange my hair and touch up my makeup. I didn't want

to leave Michael alone with Elaine too long. I could tell from the

way she'd looked at him earlier that she was attracted to him as I


Michael walked over to me as soon as I came back into the

room. "I checked with Elaine and she said she hasn't made any plans

for tomorrow night, so I'll pick you up about eight. Ok, pretty


"Yes, and I'll be looking forward to it all day. Thanks for

this evening. I had a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time. So much

for the coy little girl from Ohio," I laughed. "I'm supposed to keep

you wondering, aren't I?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll keep him wondering," said Elaine. "If I

know you, he'll never be 100% sure about you." The twinkle in her eye

told me she was referring to my "secret."

Michael and Jack kissed us good-bye and left. But before they

drove away, Michael reminded me he'd be here at eight tomorrow night.

As if I could forget!

Elaine and I walked back into the house with our arms around

each other. "What a fabulous evening," I said. "I didn't want it

ever to end."

Elaine looked at me and said, "Believe me, it hasn't. Do you

remember what I told you in the bathroom at the club? You and I are

going to have a nice long session of girl talk about tonight and then

I'm going to screw your buns off! But first, pick up the living room.

I'll be in the bedroom waiting for you. Hurry up. I'm very eager to

get started."

I straightened up the couch and took the glasses into the

kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. As I did, I realized Elaine

might be somewhat jealous and I wasn't sure if it was because of my

effect on Michael or because of his effect on me.

After pondering how the evening had gone, I decided I'd better

down play how I felt about Michael. The last thing I wanted was to

have Elaine mad at me. I loved living with her, having sex with her

and I especially loved living as a woman and wearing her clothes. I

didn't want to do the least little thing to jeopardize that.

I went into the bedroom and found Elaine on the bed, paging

through a magazine. She'd taken off her dress and shoes. I had to

admit that she looked like a real sex kitten lying there in that very

short, very sexy white slip. It had ridden high up on her thighs.

Her legs were exposed far enough that I could see the lace on the

bottom of her panties through her sheer pantyhose.

I stopped to thank the god of fortune. I had the best of both

worlds. A beautiful, generous woman in Elaine and, at least for a

short time, one of the best looking guys I'd ever met. I was able to

be the woman I'd always known it was my fate to be.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Wasn't that a great evening?

I've found a new girl friend and I had a great time in bed with Jack.

You became Carrie, stole the heart of a dynamite guy and I'm sure you

had fun on the couch. Judging from the noises Jack and I heard, you


"Come on," she said, "let's get undressed and into bed so you

can give me the, excuse the pun, blow by blow description. Pick out

nightgowns for both of us from the bottom dresser drawer. Make sure

you wash off all your makeup. There's moisturizer on the sink in the

bathroom. I want you to use it every day, so your skin won't dry out.


The drawer held about thirty different gowns, in every color I

could imagine, all short or knee-length. I picked out a very brief

aquamarine one for her that I knew would be great on her with her

coloring and, for myself, a very feminine peach gown with matching


I handed her the nightie, then went into the bathroom to take

off my makeup. I put on the moisturizer as I was told and brushed my

teeth. I decided I'd undress in the bedroom, hoping it would please

Elaine and maybe even turn her on a little. I was still very horny

and I was afraid that if Jack had satisfied her, I might not get the

relief I needed so badly. Having never done a striptease, I decided

that if I tried one now, it would probably end up being comical, so I

just went over near where she was lying on the bed and slowly took off

my clothes. She had already changed into her nightgown and, as she

watched me undress, she slid her hand under its hem and stroked her

clitty. I should have know better than to think she wouldn't be


"Should I leave on my napkin, mistress?" I asked, hoping I had

guessed the role she wanted me to play in our relationship.

But hearing me call her that surprised her, I think. "You're

wrong if you think I want a slave, Carrie. I do insist that you to do

as I tell you, but I want us to become close friends. From time to

time, I may have you do things you might be reluctant to do, not

because you're my slave, but because I think it's something you should

experience. Sit down next to me here on the bed and I'll explain it

to you."

"Take tonight, for example. If I hadn't insisted we go out,

you'd have stayed here like a recluse. If I hadn't made you stay at

the club when the guys were eyeing you, you wouldn't have met Michael,

and if I hadn't told you how to go about having sex with him, you'd

have let a golden opportunity pass by. Am I right?"

"Yes, you're right. I'd have stayed home and missed one of

the best times I've ever had. I guess I'm a bit of a coward. I'll

try everything you want me to, hopefully with an open mind. I don't

know why you do all these wonderful things for me. I want you to know

I love you for being so nice. I'll always be the best friend to you I


"I guess I do it because, after talking to you at the florists

so many times, I knew you and I were meant to be soul sisters. I knew

we could make each other very happy. I was lonely living here alone.

I wanted a lover to share my life with and, because my basic

orientation is towards men, another woman just wouldn't have been

right for me."

"Also," she continued, "I didn't intend giving up my

occasional one night stands with other men. If I had a man move in

here, there would have been all kinds of problems with jealousy. I

needed someone with all the wonderful things that make you the unique

individual you are."

"I've always been aggressive, so I just took the bull by the

horns and brought you out here for dinner. To be quite honest, if you

hadn't had experience dressing as a woman, I don't think I'd have

picked you. From the first day I met you, I knew you were more female

than male and I was pretty sure you recognized that fact also. That's

why I felt so comfortable with you. I didn't want just a lover to

live in, I also wanted a female friend with whom I could share all the

feminine thing that a man would never hope to understand."

"Does that kind of explain it to you? I guess tonight proved

I was right. I had my girlfriend to go out with, and no one to

interfere or get jealous when I decided I wanted to make love to


I thought about it for a minute and it really did made a lot

of sense. "I see what you mean. We'll always have each other for

friendship and love, but that won't stop us from enjoying all those

beautiful men out there just waiting for us. And we can protect each

other. It's a great idea. I'm surprised a whole lot of people

haven't come up with the same thing."

"Well, I'm glad you see what I was getting at," Elaine

replied. "Now get that silly napkin off, put your nightgown on and

let's get into bed. It's late and I still want to hear all about you

and Michael. Don't leave out a thing."

I decided then I'd been wrong about her being jealous. I got

into bed beside her and we laid there with our arms wrapped around one

another, exploring each other's bodies with our hands while I filled

her in on the rest of the evening.

"As soon as Michael and I had a chance to talk, I relaxed just

as you anticipated I would. We got along right away and after a few

minutes we started to flirt with each other. When you and Jack got up

to dance, Michael sat next to me, put his arm around my shoulder and,

just before you returned, gave me a very tender kiss on the neck."

"While we were dancing he held me very closely and kissed me

twice. I loved it. I didn't have any trouble with slow dancing. He

held me in his arms and we just moved together. It was as if I'd been

doing it all my life. I cuddled up against him and I felt his cock

harden against my stomach. What a great feeling it is to know that I

can be a woman and have that kind of effect on a man"

"When we got here, things proceeded as if he'd read the script

you wrote earlier. We made out for a while and he caressed my breasts

through my dress. Before I knew it, he had slid his hand up under my

skirt and was stroking my thighs. I spread my legs a little for him

and when he felt the pad through my panties, I apologized for not

being able to make love to him. He took it like a gentleman and we

continued making out."

"A little later, I did as you told me. I gradually slid my

hand to his crotch and stroked his cock through his pants. Then I

took it out and gently played with it. I loved the way it felt. I

asked him if he'd like me to kiss it for him. Naturally he did, and

he promised me he'd reciprocate the next time I was able. I tried to

act like I didn't know what I was doing. I took it in my mouth a

little at a time, and when it was all in, I pumped up and down while

using my tongue to caress the head. He lasted less than three

minutes. I let him come inmy mouth and I had to swallow what seemed

like a quart of semen, but I didn't mind. In fact, I thought it was

kind of tasty. I made sure I milked every drop out of him."

All the time I was telling her about Michael and me, she was

stroking my cock and balls through the silky panties. I had to move

her hand or I would have spurted all over, and I wasn't quite ready

for that yet.

I'd been caressing her clit at the same time and I guess it

was her time to almost come because she said, "I'm so glad you like

the taste of semen because I've got some more for you to swallow. I'm

still full from the load Jack left in me. I want you to go down on

me, lick all of it out of my cunt and then make me come at least twice

with your tongue. While your doing that, I'll see if I can't chew my

way through these delicious peach panties to your clit."

"By the way, from now on, whenever you're dressed as a woman,

which will probably be always, I want you to refer to your cock as

your clit and call your anus your pussy. You should think of your

whole body as female. In time, we'll have to think about getting you

implants so you can have larger breasts. But enough talk. Get that

tongue of yours working."

I did as I was told, enjoying every slurp. I licked out her

oozing pussy, savoring the taste of Jack's fluid as I did, then moved

up to concentrate on her clitty. She writhed with pleasure as my

tongue traced circles around it. I was a good girl. I made her come

twice just as I had been instructed.

All the time I was eating her, she was sucking my "clitty"

through my panties and stimulating my "cunt" with her probing fingers.

It was all I could do to keep from coming. I was determined to wait

and come inside her while sucking on her fabulous breasts. I have to

admit I was jealous of her tits.

She never did manage to chew through my panties. In the end,

she lowered them when I had finished eating her so we could enjoy a

fabulous fuck. Then we slept like we hadn't seen a bed in a week.

----- * -----

We slept until well after noon and lounged around bed for a

while just talking. Around 2 Elaine had me get up and make us

something to eat. As we ate, we discussed what I should wear on my

dinner date that evening with Michael. As I wanted to look very

special, we spent hours looking through her closet and trying on all

kinds of wonderful outfits. In the end we selected a beige silk

chantung sheath that hugged my body like a second skin. It had

spaghetti straps and was very short. Michael was sure to notice me in

it, Elaine assured me. Underneath I was to wear only a strapless bra,

panties and panty hose and naturally my belt and pad.

He arrived a few minutes early, but I was ready and anxious to

go. I gave Elaine a peck on the cheek and off we went.

On the way to the restaurant, we talked about families and our

selves. It was wonderful to feel so much like a woman, not knowing

what surprises the evening held but sure it would be one of the best

of my life.

The restaurant and dinner were perfect. We sat at the table

staring at each other, holding hands. Michael fussed over me and

treated me like a real lady. I loved every minute of it.

After dinner, we took stopped at a club and danced. It was so

perfect being in his arms. We slow danced and shared a growing sense

of warmth and desire. I suggested it was time to leave.

We drive along the coast. He stopped at one of the overlook

areas and we relaxed, enjoying the view. I noticed my dress, already

very short, had ridden up so that it barely covered me. Michael

turned to me and put his arm around me. I snuggled into him.

"Carrie," he said, I have to tell you you're terrific. It's

all I can do to keep my hands off you. I know I've only known you two

days but it seems more like 2 months."

Our lips met and he gave me a wonderfully tender kiss. My

arms went around his neck and I pressed against him. Our kiss turned

passionate and, forgetting any reservations I might have had, I

whispered in his ear, "No one says you have to keep your hands off me.

You know I want you as much as you want me. But I still have my

period. So we're not going to be able to make love. I'm so sorry."

His face turned down. I knew he was disappointed. "Shit, I

hope you'd be over that because I want to do it right. But I'm not

going to let it stop me."

I felt his hand on my thigh as he bent to kiss me again. I

met his lips and held him tight. Slowly I parted my legs and as I

did, he reached higher. I could feel the pressure of his caress

through my panties and pad. I was hard in an instant. How I wished I

was a complete woman! Then I'd make love to him all night and satisfy

him like he'd never been before. My hand slid lower as I couldn't

wait. I felt him bulging through his pants. Quickly I freed his cock

and tenderly stroked it, not wanting to him to cum just yet.

Michael dropped the straps of my dress and unhooked my bra.

First his fingers then his lips found my hard nipples. He sucked and

licked them until I couldn't stand it any longer. I unbuttoned his

shirt and kissed my way down his chest until I had his erection

between my breasts. I wrapped him in my warm flesh. He began to

slide back and forth. I let him go until I sensed he was too excited.

My lips then took in only the tip of his shaft. My tongue parted it's

lips as my hands found his silky scrotum. Not yet, I said to myself

as I kissed my way down his hardness. I took my time, pacing my

caresses until at last I couldn't wait any longer. I took him between

my lips all the way. Faster and deeper I pumped until at last I felt

his honey explode into my mouth. Then slower and slower I sucked

until he was drained.

We spent a few more hours there just kissing and cuddling.

Just before we left, I took his beautiful organ in my mouth and again

made sure he was totally drained.

We arrived back at Elaine's a little after 1. I was exhausted

but happy. We kissed goodnight and I walked in the house slowly,

remembering the evening in detail. I knew Elaine would want to know

all about it.

When I walked in the bedroom I found her in bed asleep. I

walked into the bathroom and undressed there, not wanting to awake

her. I slipped out of the dress and my underwear and into my night

gown and panties. Using cream I quickly removed my makeup and then

moisturized my face as she had taught me to do. I rearranged my hair

and sprayed more perfume on my breasts and neck.

Slipping into bed, I cuddled up to her and ran my hands down

her warm body. She stirred, a smile lighting up her face.

"I'm so glad you're home," she said. "I missed you and I was

thinking about you all night. How did it go? What did you do?"

I told her in detail all about our evening, especially about

how I made love to Michael. As I was talking I continued to caress

her through her gown. I could feel her nipples stiffen and knew the

time for talk was over. I bent to kiss her, inserting my tongue into

her mouth. She moaned and pressed tightly against me. She slid her

leg over mine and our panty covered crotches met. I could feel her

warmth and wetness through the silky fabric.

Quickly we undressed. I began kissing her neck, then sucking

her delicious breasts. Her fingers stroked my erection just lightly

enough to send blood rushing to it. Slowly I kissed and licked down

her stomach and public area, lower still until her hips rose to press

her parted lips into mine. My fingers parted her petals while my

tongue flicked over her clit. She came almost immediately, the waves

of pleasure washing over her just as her juices washed over my face.

When she was finished, I laid my face on her pubic mound, resting and

enjoying the woman smell of her.

She pulled me up to her and slid my erection into her sweet

vagina. Her softness surrounded me as I slowly entered her. I pumped

until finally I found relief for all the pent up excitement of the

evening. We slept in the nude that night with our legs entwined and

our breasts snuggled into one another.

The next day we got up and decided to go shopping. Elaine

wanted to find some special clothes for me, thing she felt would

flatter me. That day I decided to wear a pink chiffon blouse with a

pleated front and a brown fitted skirt that was very short.

Underneath I opted for a pink bra and panties and, as the blouse was

somewhat transparent, a lacy pink slip. When I wanted to wear shoes

with a fairly low heel, Elaine over-ruled me and gave me a pair of

brown heels with a bow on them. I knew she was right the minute I put

them on. Wearing a short skirt showed a lot of my legs and the heels

made them look even better.

She wore a loose fitting red cotton dress belted at the middle

and nothing underneath except a red garter belt and silky beige

stockings. I had to fight my impulse to make love to her when I saw

her getting dressed. I was very turned on by the way she looked in

her garter belt and stockings but I was impatient to go shopping and

determined not to be sidetracked.

Walking through the mall was great. I made sure my hips

swayed a bit as I walked and loved the admiring glances men of all

ages were sending our way. We spent a few hours trying on clothes and

buying three very pretty dresses and some very revealing lingerie,

then went and saw a movie as it was still fairly early. We hadn't

planned anything special for that evening as we both needed a rest.

On the way home, Elaine started asking me again about my

feelings for Michael.

"Carrie, if you're going to continue seeing him, we have to

think up a reason why you can make love to him."

I knew she was right and I certainly did want to keep seeing

him but I realized I could only fake having my period for a few more

days. "I really wish I'd been born a girl and then none of this would

matter," I said. "I like Michael so much and I give anything to have

a real pussy so I could take him inside me the right way. If I had

enough money, I'd go and have a sex change today."

All of a sudden Elaine shouted, "I know what we can tell him.

My mother had a minor ovarian tumor once and she couldn't have sex for

a long time. My father was very unhappy. We'll just tell Michael

that you have some female problems and until you're healed, you have

to continue wearing a napkin and that the doctor told you intercourse

was out of the question. I know he'll be to shy to question you about

it. You may lose him but you'd surely lose him if he found out about

you true self. Do you think it will work?"

I was skeptical but as I couldn't think of anything better, I

said, "What other choice do I have? I really want to continue seeing

him. I adore being in his arms and kissing him. He makes me feel so

warm, so safe, so feminine. And when I have his gorgeous cock in my

mouth and feel the spasms of his orgasm begin, it almost always makes

me cum too. Pleasing him is such a turn on for me."

She smiled at me, knowing I was falling for him. I felt she

was happy for me. "Carrie, you realize that even if you and Michael

do fall in love, you'll still be my lover, don't you? I have no

intention of giving you up. You and I have formed a unique and

perfect relationship and I'll never willingly let it end."

"Oh, Elaine," I answered with astonishment, "you must know I'd

never leave you. I owe everything to you. I'll always love you, no

matter what happens or who comes along. You're the single most

important person in my life! I'd still be a stupid boy in a dead end

job if it weren't for you. I'll never forget what you've done for me,

never." I meant every word of it.

Her hold on me once again reaffirmed, she smiled and let the

conversation end. The rest of the drive home was filled with small

talk about our shopping trip and the things we had purchased.

We arrived home to find Michael and Jack waiting for us.

Michael was wearing white shorts and a polo shirt. He looked

absolutely dazzling. He opened the car door for me and then took me

in his arms. Immediately I became aroused, wanting to rush him to bed

and make love to him for the rest of the day but I finally managed to

control myself.

They helped us unload the car and then suggested we all go to

the beach for a picnic dinner and some swimming. They had stopped at

a gourmet food shop and had a wonderful dinner planned. Both Elaine

and I quickly agreed and hurried into the house to change.

I was looking forward to the evening but, as I'd never had on

a woman's bathing suit, I wasn't sure if I would be able to go

swimming. Elaine seemed instinctively to know what I was feeling.

She was searching through her dresser trying to find something for us

to wear.

"Carrie, honey," she said, "I know just what I want you to

wear. It will be perfect for you. It's a hot pink bikini and very

sexy. Michael's going to get hard just looking at you in it."

She finally located the suit she wanted and gave it to me. It

was nothing more than two small pieces of fabric, certainly not enough

to cover me, I thought. Thankfully she had also given me a white

beach robe. Quickly we shed our clothes, not wanting to keep our

dates waiting. The bikini top fit perfectly just barely covering my

breasts, but when I put on the bottom it was apparent that I wasn't as

feminine as I would have loved to be. Noticing my dilemma, Elaine

came over and inserted a mini pad in the front and, much to my relief,

it perfectly hid my 'clit'.

She led me to the full length mirror, turned me around and

smiled approvingly. "Look how sexy your ass looks," she said. "The

hormones have filled out more than your breasts. Michael's going to

eat you alive tonight."

I had to admit I did look sexy. My bottom was almost

completely exposed and was just as curvaceous as hers was. I could

have stood there for hours admiring the almost total woman I had

become. I knew now it was only a matter of time before I found a

surgeon who would correct the horrible mistake that had been made in

my gender. Never again would I have to settle for pleasing a man only

with my mouth. Having a vagina would be the final step. Then I would

be Carrie forever!

Elaine got into her suit and then found two bags to take to

the beach. She handed me some tanning lotion and some towels.

Michael and Jack were waiting in front when we came out, throwing a

football back and forth. Michael noticed me immediately and whistled.

I felt I was so lucky to have a man that was not only a hunk but so

lovable. I pirouetted so he could have a good look at me, knowing

full well that almost all of me was clearly visible. It was so

wonderful to be able to have a woman's body and to be able to turn men


Michael and I sat in the back as we drove down the coast

highway. The beauty of the cliffs and the beach was breathtaking. We

finally found a secluded section of the beach. The men unpacked the

car while Elaine and I set up a table and laid out the towels.

Soon all four of us were in the water, splashing and playing.

I looked over to see Elaine and Jack locked in each other's arms. Her

top was off and Jack was caressing her breasts as they kissed.

Michael noticed them too. He came over to me and asked if he could

remove my top, saying he loved the sight of my naked breasts.

Naturally I said yes, wanting again to experience the sensuous feel of

his hairy chest against my nipples.

As he unhooked my bra, he began to kiss my neck and then

gently took my swollen nipple in his mouth. The feel of his tongue

stroking me quickly rushed down my body making my clit come alive. I

was glad the water was waist deep as I knew my bikini bottom was much

too small to hide it. I became so aroused that I reached down and

released his erection from his suit. I stroked it with one hand while

tenderly cupping his balls in the other. In a matter of minutes I

felt him tighten up as he pumped his tasty fluid into the ocean.

We spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and lying in the

sun. Elaine and I remained topless all day enjoying the warmth of the

sun on our breasts.

At sunset, Jack and Michael built a fire. We ate cold chicken

and salad, washed down with three bottles of chilled champagne. After

dinner, Elaine and Jack took a walk down the beach while Michael and I

made love. By now he had accepted the fact that I would satisfy him

orally. In fact he admitted he's been looking forward to it all day.

When Elaine and Jack came back from their walk, she came over

and sat beside me. I could tell she was unhappy so I held her in my

arms. She told me she and Jack had had a disagreement because he told

her he was in love with her and had asked her to stop seeing other

men. Jack was talking to Michael and I could hear Michael telling him

in angry tones that he'd acted like a jerk.

I was surprised to feel Elaine's hand on my breast but knew

better than to object. I was afraid Michael might notice and get

upset with me but I should have had more faith in her judgement.

Michael and Jack had stopped talking and were watching us with looks

of lust in their eyes. When Elaine began to kiss me, both of them

quickly developed large bulges in their suits. My hands sought her

breasts and in no time we were lying side by side locked in each

other's arms.

When Elaine released me and removed her bikini bottom, she

whispered in my ear that she wanted me to go down on her while Michael

and Jack watched. I was so hot by that time that I'd forgotten my

fears of any bad reaction from Michael. I slowly kissed my way down

her sweet body until my tongue tasted her juices. With my thumbs I

parted her petals. Her clit glistened in the fire light as I teased

it with the tip of my tongue. Her hands pushed me forward until my

face was buried in her velvety softness. She began to moan, rocking

her hips forward each time I buried my tongue in her.

Knowing she was close to orgasm, I tenderly took her clit into

my mouth and began to suck it. She couldn't hold back any longer.

Her juices flooded over my face as she reached her peak. I rested my

cheek against her thigh until she was done, then after a few minutes

licked off all of her remaining liquid honey.

She pulled me up and nestled me in her arms. She turned my

head so I was facing Michael and Jack. To my astonishment, I saw the

two of them lying side by side, joined in a sixty-nine sucking each

other's cocks. As I watched Jack's cock slide in and out of Michael's

mouth, Elaine explained to me that she had planned this all along.

She'd known Jack was bisexual and hoped the sight of me making love to

her would turn them so much that they'd make love to each other. She

wanted Michael to come out of the closet for my sake. Now, she

explained, it might not matter to him at all if my clit was really a


She pulled me up and led me over to Michael and Jack. She

told me to lie down behind Michael and she would lie down behind Jack.

I did as I was told, bringing my face inches from his buttocks. I

began to kiss them and eventually took my tongue and drew circles

around his rosebud. Knowing it was his lady love behind him, he

released Jack and rolled over to face me. I immediately took his

cock, still wet from Jack's saliva, into my mouth, burying it deep in

my throat.

Then, to my horror, Elaine came over to me and began to remove

my bikini panties. I froze as she slowly lowered them. She told

Michael he was in for a wonderful surprise. I heard his gasp as my

clit came into view. He started to pull back but Elaine held his head

in place. She took my clit and began to rub it against his lips.

After a few seconds, Michael relaxed and allowed the tip of my clit

into his mouth. I responded by taking him back into my mouth, praying

he would show me he still cared for me by finally bringing me to

orgasm. Thankfully, after a few minutes he began to respond and took

all of me into him. I was so excited and so grateful that I lasted

only a few seconds. He began to cum just as I finished.

Later that evening the four of us had a long talk. Both

Michael and Jack asked me hundreds of questions about why I dressed

like a woman and what my relationship was with Elaine. She and I were

completely open about everything that had led us to where we were

then. After we explained it to them, Michael admitted that he and

Jack had been occasional lovers for five or six years. He also

somewhat reluctantly admitted he had had several other affairs with

men and now considered himself to be bisexual.

When we were through talking, Michael and I sat by the fire

and just held each other for over an hour. He said nothing during

this time and, as I figured he needed time to think all of this over,

I held my tongue giving him the space he needed. I noticed Elaine and

Jack cuddling and was glad they'd managed to get over their


When he had worked it out in his mind, he turned to me and

told me he still cared for me very much and that he wanted to continue

seeing me as long as I was willing, but with one condition; he said he

never wanted to see me as a man. I smiled at him and assured him I

had no intention of ever going back to a male role. Then I apologized

for not having been honest with him about who I really was. I

explained how much he meant to me and how much I cared for him too.

Everything now seemed to be back to where we used to be before

tonight. He began to kiss me tenderly and I responded to him, hoping

the love I felt for him wasn't too obvious.

We got back to Elaine's house after midnight and, as we were

all exhausted, we invited Michael and Jack to stay all night. Elaine

and I excused ourselves and went upstairs to take a shower together.

We quickly stripped out of our bikinis and dashed into the shower,

anxious to wash off the sand. I heard the shower in the guest room

and wondered if Michael and Jack had decided to shower together as we


I took the soap and began to wash Elaine's back. "Wasn't this

an incredible day, Carrie?" she said. "I couldn't have planned it

better if I'd tried. I know you and Michael will be together for a

long time now. Being a pretty girl with a cock makes you the perfect

woman for a bisexual man like Michael. Aren't you lucky?"

"Yes," I answered, "and I'm so incredibly happy. I think I'm

falling in love with him. I'm the luckiest woman in the world. I

have you and Michael and I really love you both. I never thought it

was possible for one person to be this happy."

"I'm happy for you, too," she said, "and just for tonight I'm

going to spoil you a little. I'm going to wash that sexy feminine

body of yours. Hand me the soap."

She chose to wash me by putting the soap on with her hands

rather than with the wash cloth and she spent quite a bit of time

doing it. I purred a bit like a kitten and told her how good it felt.

As my back was to her, she began by washing my bottom. When I

felt her soapy fingers touch my rosebud, I moaned for real. She knelt

down to wash my legs and, much to my surprise, planted a tender kiss

on my ass before turning me around. She was very careful to wash all

of my legs but somehow managed to avoid touching my swollen clit when

she washed the tops of my thighs.

Next, she very gently washed my face, neck, shoulders and

arms. By this time we were standing only inches apart. I looked at

her and saw her nipples were as hard as mine. As her hands finally

arrived at my breasts, I was so excited I could feel my clit

pulsating. She soaped my breasts and rolled my nipples between her

thumbs and forefingers. That was more than I could take without

reciprocating so I took her face between my hands and began to kiss

her, softly at first then eventually slipping my tongue into her


After a few minutes, she pulled back and continued washing me.

She washed my tummy then slowly moved lower, lathering my pubic hair.

When at last I felt her finger touch me and I responded with an

immediate orgasm. My legs became so weak I had to lean against the

shower wall or I would have fallen down. When I finally recovered, I

naturally returned the favor, giving her a thorough washing, then

knelt in front of her and brought her to two orgasms with my tongue

and fingers as the water from the shower poured down on me.

We toweled each other dry then I covered both of us with

scented dusting powder. Elaine said she had a surprise for me. She

took a box out from under the bed and handed it to me. "I bought this

for you last week and was saving it for a special occasion," she said.

"Tonight is definitely special so I want you to open it now."

I hurriedly unwrapped the box and found inside, much to my

delight, the most beautiful pink peignoir I have ever seen. The

nightie had spaghetti straps with see-through lace around the bodice.

From there, two layers of nylon flowed to thigh length, one

transparent with lace trim and the other opaque. The robe had puffy

lace cap sleeves and a lace bodice. Three tiny pink pearl buttons

held it together. And there was matching lacy high-cut bikini panties

to match. It was absolutely gorgeous!

I threw my arms around her neck, squealing with delight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said. "You spoil me so and I

love it. Michael will go wild when he sees me in it. I do love you


"I know he'll love you in it," Elaine said, returning my hug.

"So why don't you put in on and then go into the guest room and send

Jack back here. I'm really in the mood for a hard cock in me. That

man is going to be dragging by morning."

We both laughed outrageously, then I quickly slipped into my

new peignoir taking a minute to spray some perfume on my neck, arms

and thighs. I went to the mirror and was absolutely captivated by the

loveliness of my appearance. Elaine had to pull me away from the

mirror and push me out of the room or I would have never gone to find


He and Jack were sprawled on the bed wearing only towels

around their waists. The sight of those two splendidly tanned bodies

almost made me forget what I had come to do.

Michael got up off the bed as soon as he saw me and let out a

wolf whistle. "Carrie, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever

seen. Jack, why don't you get your ass out of here. We want to be


Jack knew when he wasn't wanted. He rolled off the bed and I

was pleased to notice he had a hard time keeping his eyes off me too.

Jokingly, he said, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay and help

you, Michael? She looks like more than one man can handle."

I blushed at that, loving the effect I had on men and the

wonderful way it made me feel. I pirouetted so they could get a good

look at me. The peignoir flowed in a circle away from my body

revealing my lacy panty-covered crotch. Just to tease Michael, I

said, "Maybe it would take both of you to satisfy me tonight. Do you

think Jack should stay, Michael?"

"Don't you worry about that, honey," he replied. "I can do

that all by myself. I don't need help from anyone." With that, he

dropped the towel and his perfectly shaped eight-inch spear popped

into view, hard and ready.

"Jack," I somewhat nervously answered, "I'm sure this

beautiful man will more than satisfy me tonight. Just look at that

magnificent cock. It's time for you to go. Elaine's waiting for you.


He laughed and headed for the door. Even before it was

closed, I was on my knees in front of Michael, my hands caressing his

buttocks as I gently took his balls into my mouth. My tongue

delicately fondled them until I could feel his cock pulsing against my

nose, begging for attention. I didn't make it wait. I was so hot I

ignored any shred of ladylike demeanor. I hungrily sucked it into my

mouth, feeling the tip pass my tongue and slide down my throat until

all of him was in me.

With one hand I massaged his rosebud while with the other hand

I reached down to the hem of my gown and brought the silky fabric up,

encasing his scrotum in it, then cuddling it through the soft layers

of perfumed nylon and lace. Slowly I pulled my head back until just

the very sensitive tip was captured between my lips. With my tongue,

I parted it's lips tracing the outline, then inserting it in as far as

it would go.

No longer able to control myself, I began to pump back and

forth, my lips going from pubic hair to the very tip. Faster and

faster until, much to my dismay, Michael pulled quickly away from me.

"Sweetheart," he explained, "I'd love to come in your mouth

but first I want to get you into bed and fuck you. I've been waiting

too long to have my cock buried in you."

"I'd love that too," I honestly admitted. "Why don't you get

into bed and I'll be back in a minute." I walked over and turned off

the light, then quickly slipped into the bathroom to get some K-Y

jelly out of the vanity, knowing there was no way I'd survive him

fucking me without it.

When I returned, he was lying on the bed looking more gorgeous

than ever in the light that crept in from the crack in the bathroom

door. I put the jelly on the nightstand, took of my robe and laid

beside him with my head on his arm.

He took me in his arms and began kissing me. His tongue

parted my lips and entered my mouth. His hand caressed my back, then

down to my bottom pressing my pubic bone into his erection. His cock

slid up and down against my nightie and I knew he loved the silky feel

of it on me as much as I did. I raised my leg slightly and slipped

his cock in between my thighs holding it tightly against my panties.

Now his hand came up and cupped my breast, at first through

the lace bodice, then reaching inside, he found my nipple. I slid the

straps of my nightie down to give him access to my breasts. He knew

what I wanted. He kissed his way slowly down my neck and chest, then

began to suck hard on my breast just the way I loved to have him do

it. I laced my fingers through his hair as he sucked first one then

the other nipple. His teeth gently nibbled on them as his hand cupped

them. Then he began to caress my stomach and eventually I felt his

hand stroke my clit through my panties. "Carrie," he whispered in my

ear, "I want to feel my cock inside you now. Are you ready for that?"

"More than ready," I truthfully admitted. "I've been wanting

you inside me ever since the first might we met. As I was sucking

your beautiful cock that night, I was fantasizing about how it would

feel in my pussy. I know I really don't have one, but that's what I

call my backside. Why don't you lie on your back and I'll get us both


He laid back on the bed, then smiled at me and said, "Do you really

think my cock is beautiful? No one has ever told me that before."

A twinge of jealousy struck me as I thought of him with other

women but I didn't let it show. "Of course I do. I think every part

of you is perfect. On the beach today I memorized every detail of

your body and I wouldn't change a thing. You have such a gorgeous ass

and I love your chest too. I know I don't have to tell you that you

are super looking. I'm sure many women have told you that before."

"I'm glad you think so," he answered. "I want you to know I

think you're beautiful. You looked very hot in your bikini at the

beach. To be honest, I did have a few minutes of doubt when I found

out you weren't all woman, but now I realize you really are. I guess

being bisexual made it easier for me to accept the one difference. I

thought it over and now I know it doesn't matter at all. In fact,

you're perfect for me. You satisfy both sides of my bisexual

passions. I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

I knew then that I was truly in love with this wonderful man.

I hoped we would be together for a long, long time. I held his face

in my hands and tenderly kissed him. Sensing my mood, he put his arms

around me and softly kissed mS back.

"Michael," I said quietly, "I think I could fall in love with

you. I know you'll always have a special place in my heart. Now,

let's stop talking. I want to feel you inside me."

I reached over for the K-Y jelly, and after giving his cock a

few loving sucks, I warmed the jelly in my hands then liberally coated

it. Then I reached behind myself and inserted a jelly covered finger

into my pussy. I prayed he wouldn't be too big to fit in me.

Finally, I slipped out of my nightie, then lay on my side with my back

to him.

He rolled over next to me, his lips finding the nape of my

neck and his hand cupping my breast. As his cock touched my pussy, I

knew it would be all right. Somehow I knew I'd be able to take all of

himinto me and at last feel his semen flooding inside me.

He began very slowly, first penetrating me with just his tip,

then waiting a few minutes while I relaxed. How wonderful it felt! I

pushed back to let him know I was ready for more. He began to pump

back and forth, each time putting just a bit more into me until at

last, all of his perfect eight inches was buried in me.

"Michael, you feel so good," I said breathlessly. "Fuck me

hard. I want you to come in me. Please, please, fuck me, fuck me,

fuck me!"

He was as hot as I was and did as I asked. Faster and faster

he pumped, first filling me completely then leaving me feeling empty.

I felt his balls slapping against my ass as he began to moan.

"Carrie, I love you. I love fucking you. I want to be with

you always. I want to be in you always," he said. "You're the

sexiest, most wonderful woman in the world."

"Oh, Michael, I love you too," I responded, meaning it truly.

"I'll stay with you as long as you'll have me. Come in me, please."

My hips were now rushing back to meet each of his thrusts. We

were in a frenzy of fucking. I wished I could have all of him in me.

At last, he began to come. At last I felt his warmth flood into me

and felt my own spilling onto the sheets.

When he finally settled down, he held me in his arms, his now

softening cock still completely in me. We both fought for breath,

basking in the warm after glow of orgasm. How perfect it was that we

had both come at the same time.

Michael nuzzled my ear, then whispered to me, "I meant what I

said. I am in love with you. I know we haven't known each other that

long, but I really do mean it."

I turned to him, feeling empty as he slid out of me. "Oh,

Michael," I said, "I really love you too. It doesn't matter that

we've only known each other a few days. When two people are perfect

together, time doesn't mean a thing." I kissed him and then lay back

in the warmth and security of his arms. We fell asleep that way,

exhausted from what I'll always remember as our most perfect day.

In the morning I awoke before Michael did and for half an hour

or so I just lay there looking at him, filled with an overwhelming

sense of love. As my bladder finally make me aware that it was full,

I got up and went into the bathroom for a pee. When I was done, I

took a warm, wet washcloth and cleansed my pussy then rinsed it

thoroughly. I took it back into the bedroom with me and slipped back

under the covers.

Michael was still asleep on his back. I turned around and

crawled under the covers and found his flaccid cock lying against his

stomach. This was the first time I'd seen it soft and thought it was

amazingly beautiful. Very gently I raised it off his stomach and

surrounded it with the warm cloth. Delicately I cleaned off any

remaining K-Y from the night before then slipped it into my mouth.

The lubricant had left it feeling as soft as velvet. I knew I'd

probably wake him up but I didn't care. It seemed I couldn't get

enough of this sexy penis in my mouth or in my vagina.

Slowly it hardened, creeping it's way down my throat. I

didn't suck it, just caressed it with my tongue. As I sensed him

awakening, I began to suck, slowly at first, then faster as my lust

increased. His hips began to rise up to me and soon he burst forward

in me, flooding my mouth and throat with his cream colored honey. I

sucked until I had knew he had no more to give, then held him still in

my mouth as he softened.

"Carrie, honey," he moaned, "that is the most wonderful way to

wake up. Now it's my turn to make love to you." He turned on his

side but I kept his now completely soft penis in my mouth.

"I did it because I love you so," I answered, letting go of

his cock for only a few seconds. "I want to please you in every way

imaginable. Just tell me whatever you want me to do, and I'll do it.

Anything for you, my love."

"All I want now is to please you," he said. He pulled my hips

closer to him and slipped my clit between his lips. He sucked me hard

and fast. My love juices spilled into him in less than a minute.

Afterwards, we just lay next to each other cuddling.

Suddenly the bedroom opened and in walked Elaine and Jack.

Both of them were completely naked and laughing. "You two sound like

a soap opera," she said. "We've been peeking through the keyhole for

the last fifteen minutes. We loved the show you put on for us but

could you cut the mush a bit? All this talk of love is just too much

for me." She began laughing again, tears streaming down both cheeks.

"You two are complete assholes," Michael said. "Get out of

here and let us alone." He tried to sound angry but it was no use.

By now, all of us were laughing.

"Carrie, why don't you and I slip into something less

comfortable," Elaine said, "then we'll see if we can find some Alpo to

feed these dirty dogs for breakfast. Not that they deserve special

treatment, especially considering we did allow them to take advantage

of our virtue last night. They should be the ones cooking for us, but

something tells me we wouldn't be able to eat whatever these two

idiots could scrape together."

I laughed and quickly found my peignoir at the side of the

bed. As I sat up in bed to put it on, Jack leered at my breasts.

"There's what I want to eat," he said. "These two shouldn't

be hungry. After all, didn't we just watch them have a liquid


Elaine giggled, then dragged him back to her room. I got up

and put on my panties, nightie and robe. I walked over to Michael's

side of the bed and sat next to him. As I bent over to kiss him, his

hand slid up my leg and under my gown. He started to rub me clit

through my panties. Reluctantly I pulled back, knowing Elaine would

be waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Michael, sweetheart," I said, "we can make love the rest of

the day but right now I have to help Elaine. Sorry." Quickly I left

the room before I changed my mind.

Elaine was in the kitchen starting the coffee. As we cooked

eggs and bacon, we filled each other in on the night's events. It

seemed she and Jack had developed a serious crush on one another.

"It's funny," she said, "I've known Jack for a long time but

now suddenly I see him in a new light. Maybe it's because we've never

spent so much time together. He really is a sweet man and I'm glad

he's so terrific in bed. Who knows, maybe the four of us will become

a team."

"I hope so, because I really care for Michael," I answered.

"I think I'm in love with him and he says he loves me too. Do you

think I should believe him?"

She spent a few minutes taking the eggs out of the pan and

arranging them on a platter before she spoke. "Yes, I think you can.

I asked Jack about him last night after we made love and he told me

he's a very honest guy. He swore to me that Michael wouldn't hurt you

and I believe him."

"I do believe him," I said, "because I want to, I guess. All

I know is I have to try as hard as I can to make it work. You won't

be left out either. The way I feel for you will never change."

"I know that," Elaine said, a loving smile covering her

beautiful face. "You and I will always be the closest of friends and

I know our special physical relationship will always continue. Let's

just see how it goes with you and Michael and me and Jack."

As if they had heard their names, they finally appeared in the

kitchen. The four of us had worked up a voracious appetite with last

night's fun, so the food disappeared quickly.


The four of us did become and item. Elaine and I spent the

week together and the weekends with Michael and Jack. We went every

where together and shared almost everything. The only thing Michael

and I decided we wanted to keep private was sex. Elaine and Jack had

once suggested a foursome and, while I was tempted, the love between

Michael and I had become so special that it wouldn't have seemed


Some nights Elaine and Jack would go out and want us to join

them but we opted to stay home and share quiet moments alone. Those

were my favorite times. We talked about ourselves and sometimes just

cuddled on the couch listening to music or watching television.

About three months after we had begun dating, Michael said his

parents wanted to meet me. He'd been telling them all about me and I

guess they realized we'd fallen in love. At first I said no, dreading

a confrontation with a jealous mother, but Michael assured me she

wasn't like that at all. I talked it over with Elaine and she said

the longer I put it off, the more difficult it would be. She's

already met Jack's parents and they loved her. At last I agreed but

was dreading the day it would happen.

Michael called them and they invited us to dinner on Saturday

night. Elaine and I spent the week searching for just the right dress

for me to wear. We finally bought a peach and white print with a high

lace collar and three-quarter length sleeves. The full skirt dropped

well below my knees. It was the most ladylike thing either of us had

ever owned.

We told Michael and Jack not to come over Saturday as we

wouldn't have a minute to spare. She had called her salon and made an

appointment with Marcel for me. At one o'clock we arrived at the

beauty shop, planning to spend three or four hours there. First, I

had my legs and eyebrows waxed then a facial and manicure. Marcel

trimmed and shaped my hair until it was absolutely perfect. He did my

makeup while Elaine watched over him to be sure he made me look

innocent and virginal.

We were home by five and I quickly took a bath as Michael was

picking me up at six-thirty. I had bought an expensive white slip,

lace bra and matching garter belt and bikini panties so I carefully

put on these delicate garments first. As the panties were very tight,

I didn't need to wear my belt and sanitary napkin to hide my bulge.

The sheer silky stockings felt wonderful on my newly waxed legs.

Elaine helped me into my dress so I wouldn't muss my hair. She handed

me a simple gold chain for my neck, small white flower earrings and

bracelet. Lastly I put on my watch and rings, then sprayed some

perfume on my neck and wrists.

I went to the mirror for a last minute check. I could have

spent hours staring at my reflection. The dress was lovely and I

would have felt ecstatic except for my nervousness about meeting

Michael's parents.

Elaine came up behind me and put her arms around my waist.

"Carrie, you are the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Tonight you

could easily win a beauty contest. We've surpassed even our wildest

dreams of turning you into a woman. Even I wouldn't have believed

we'd be so successful. His parent's are going to love you as much as

he does."

"Oh, god, I hope so. My nerves are completely shot. There's

a flock of gypsy moths doing the flamingo in my stomach. I just hope

I don't say anything dumb tonight."

"Don't worry," she said, "I'm sure it will go wonderfully.

Just be yourself and relax as much as you can. You've learned to be a

lady so just act like one. Don't forget the hostess gift you bought

for his mother."

Just then, Michael's car pulled into the drive. I started to

dash for the stairs, but Elaine called me back.

"I think you'd look better with your shoes on," she laughed.

"Tonight is not a night for barefoot ladies."

I quickly slipped into my low white pumps, then gave her a

hug. "Say a prayer for me. I'm going to need it. I tell you all

about it when I get home."

We went down and let Michael in. He looked at me like I was

his first Christmas present. "Carrie, you are smashing. That dress

is perfect on you. Do we have time to make love before we go," he

said with a wicked smile on his face.

I gave him a hug to thank him. "I wish we did," I said. "It

might help relax me. You can be sure of some wonderful loving later

though. That much I promise you."

Elaine kissed me goodbye and off we flew. As we drove along,

Michael tried to calm me, telling me not to be nervous. He said his

parents were very easy going and very nice, but nothing he could have

said or done would have made me any less anxious. When we pulled into

the drive, I almost asked him to take me home but knew it was too late

for that.

My insides were doing cart wheels as he rang the bell. His

mother answered the door. She looked to be about forty; very

attractive and slender with short blonde hair. She was wearing a

simple blue silk shirtwaist dress. She smiled and welcomed me. John,

his father walked up to me and gave me a hug.

He looked like an older version of Michael, although slightly

shorter. A touch of gray on his temples made him very distinguished

looking. I hoped Michael would look like him when he got to be his


"Michael always had good taste in women, Carrie," he said.

"That's something he got from me. Come in and sit down. What can I

get you to drink?"

I blushed, not wanting to but I just couldn't help it. "Thank

you. Just a glass of white wine, please," I answered. "Your home is

lovely, Mrs. Stone." The decor was typically west coast. Bright

colors, open and airy. Very modern.

"Please call me Judy," she said. "We're not very formal here.

Michael's told me so much about you I feel as if I know you already.

How do you like living in California, Carrie?"

"Oh, I love it but it's going to take a bit of getting used

to, especially the way people drive here," I answered, "and there are

so many stores. I can't seem to find anything in any of them. Elaine

doesn't like to shop as much as I do so I really haven't had time to

look for some of things I need."

"Yes, people do seem to drive as if a ghost were chasing

them," Judy said. "As far as shopping goes, that's an easy problem to

solve. I love shopping and I know every good store within a hundred

miles. If you like, I'll call you later in the week and we can go

shopping one afternoon."

"Yes, please. I'd like that very much," I replied, not really

looking forward to it but not knowing what else to say.

"Good, then it's a date. Now if you'll excuse me for a

minute, I'll get us some nibbles to go along with the drinks."

"See," Michael said, "I told you they were nice. I knew my

mother especially would like you."

I did feel a lot better now and was even in the mood to tease

Michael a bit. "What did she mean when she said you'd told her so

much about me?" I asked. "What horrible things have you been saying

about me?"

He hesitated for a moment and I could see in his eyes he had

something important to tell me.

"Carrie, I've always been very close to my mother and I've

always told her everything, even about my bisexuality. She admitted

to me once that she'd had a few flings with women herself. So a few

weeks ago when I realized just how important you'd become to me, I had

a long talk with her. I told her everything about us. She asked me a

lot of questions about you and your choice of becoming a woman, then

she said that if we loved each other as much as we obviously do, that

was all that was important to her. She told me she has a close friend

who has had a sex change and she now considers this woman to be one of

her closest friends. She did advise me not to mention your true

gender to my father as he might not be as accepting as she is."

At first, I was almost in shock but, by the time he was

finished explaining his reasons to me, I felt better. His mother had

treated me very well so far, so I had to assume she really did accept

me. That was a major relief.

Dinner and the remainder of the evening went well. As we

left, both his parents kissed me goodbye and said they were pleased to

have met me. I had the feeling they really meant it.

In the car on the way home, as usual I sat next to Michael and

he put his arm around me. The evening had gone so well that I was

feeling frisky. I put my hand on his crotch and began stroking his

cock through his pants. Almost immediately he was hard. He took his

arm from around my shoulders and slid his hand up under my skirt and

slip. When he felt my garters, he looked over at me with a smile on

his face.

"Honey, you look so nice and pure in that dress," he said,

"but I glad to find you're wearing something exciting and sexy


"Well, I did promise you some serious loving earlier," I

answered, "and I always keep my promises. I had such a nice time

tonight, Michael. Your parents are terrific. I really liked them and

I think they liked me. Don't you think so?"

"I know they did," he said. "Both of them told me so. When I

went in the kitchen to help my mother, she said she thought you were

very nice and by far the prettiest girl I've ever dated."

"They're wonderful," I said, "and they did make me feel

comfortable. Your father is so distinguished looking. I can imagine

you looking just like him in twenty years or so. If we ever get

invited back, I won't feel as anxious as I did tonight. I can see now

why you ended up being so exceptional. With parents like that, it

would be hard to turn out any other way."

"Thanks, sweet thing," Michael said, "I like them a lot too.

I know you and my mother will have fun shopping too. You couldn't

find a better native guide to lead you through the jungles of southern

California stores. The sales people all treat her like family because

she spends so much money."

By now, I was getting so hot from rubbing his hard on that I

couldn't control myself any longer. The time for talk had ended.

"Michael, why don't you find us a nice private spot to be alone. I

want to make love to you in the car. I can't wait until we get home."

As we were driving along the coast road, it was no problem for

him to find a secluded place. He pulled off the road and parked

behind some rocks facing the ocean. The moonlight on the ocean made

it look like a poster. He pushed the seat back and I unzipped his

pants, freeing his cock. Then I unbuttoned his shirt so I could run

my fingers through the downy hair on his chest.

We kissed for a while as I gently ran my finger tips up and

down the sensitive underside of his erection, then I leaned down and

took him into my mouth. My head dipped until all of him was in me. I

reached up and unbuckled his pants and, with his help, pulled them

down. My fingers found his sac and caressed it.

"Oh, Carrie," he moaned, "I love you so much and I love the

way you suck my cock. I'm going to fill your mouth with my sperm.

Suck me, baby. Suck it hard."

I didn't need any encouragement. I adored the feeling of his

come flowing down my throat. I loved him so much that pleasing him

had become second nature to me. Making him come was almost as

satisfying to me as my own orgasms. I took him into me as far as I

could, my lips brushing against his soft pubic hair, then raised up

sucking as hard as I could until only his tender tip remained in me.

His moaning became louder, so I increased my pace and finally was

rewarded with my second dessert of the evening.

I kept him in my mouth, releasing him only very reluctantly

when he became completely flaccid. As I sat up, I looked at his

softening cock and began to laugh. Reflected in the moonlight, at the

base of his cock was a perfect circle of pink, the remains of my

lipstick. He looked down and when he saw the pink circle, he laughed


"Isn't that a wild sight," he said. "I think we should make a

rule that you have to try a new shade of lipstick on me every night.

Let's hope there's several thousand to choose from."

"That's my kind of idea, Michael," I replied. "I'll go out

and buy as many shades as I can find tomorrow."

We finally got our clothes straightened and drove back home.

Michael stayed with me and we spent most of the night making love.

Elaine and I talked about Michael's parents the next morning

at breakfast. She was as surprised as I was to hear that Michael had

told his mother all about me but she felt he had been right to do it

especially seeing as she was so accepting of me. We both agreed is

was a big weight off my shoulders.

I waited the rest of the week for Judy to call. Finally on

Thursday morning she did, and we arranged to meet at a restaurant at

the mall for lunch.

As I planned to do some serious shopping, I decided to wear a

white blouse and skirt. The blouse buttoned down the front so it

would be easy to get in and out of without messing up my hair. Elaine

gave me her credit cards in case I ran out of money and told me to

have fun and to buy whatever I wanted.

Judy was waiting for me when I arrived. She smiled and gave

me a kiss on the cheek.

"Carrie, you look so nice," she said. "Did you have any

trouble finding the mall?"

"No," I said, "not at all. Elaine gave me directions and I

just followed them. I'm still nervous driving here though."

She handed me a menu, then smiled. "I'm so happy Michael met

you and has finally settled down to seeing one person. What would you

like to eat?"

"Just a salad," I answered, wanting to be cautious of my

weight. I am always very conscious of my waistline, especially just

before a shopping trip.

"Well, I guess I'll have one two," she answered. "Let's have

a glass of wine first."

She called the waitress over and gave her our order. We

talked for a while about Michael and his father, then she moved closer

to me and said, "Ever since Michael told me about you and how you

wanted to be a woman, there have been a few things I'd like to ask

you. I don't mean to be nosey and if I am, just tell me so, ok?"

"I don't mind talking about it," I said, "so ask anything you

like. I feel you're entitled to know all about it."

"Thank you," she replied, "that makes it a lot easier for me.

Have you ever considered surgery to change you into a complete woman?

I know Michael told you about my good friend who did, and now she's so

happy she had the operation."

"Elaine and I have talked about it, and someday I like to if I

can afford it. I'm taking hormones now and I already have all my

identification, so it's just a matter of finding the money and the

doctor to do it. Michael and I also discussed it and he said it's up

to me. It doesn't matter to him either way."

Judy stared at me for a moment and then said, "I can't imagine

you as anything other than a woman. You look so feminine and

everything about you says you're female. You must have been very

unhappy before you made your choice."

"Oh, I was miserable," I admitted. "I hated being male and

now I can't even relate to that former life. My aunt Jeannie was

completely supportive of me. I've been living this way since I was

twelve and now I feel as if my life started then."

"I'm happy you've found your true self," she said. "Enough

about that. What are you thinking about buying today?"

I had a long list of things I needed and showed it to her. We

drank two glasses of wine as she mapped out our strategy. By the time

our salads arrived, we were both feeling the affects of the wine.

Lunch was over quickly and Judy insisted on paying. We

strolled through the mall, stopping at several stores and buying a few

small things. At one of the large discount stores I found a bathing

suit I wanted to try on. Judy found one too and we both went to the

dressing room to try then on. I was surprised to see it was one large

room with mirrors covering the walls. I was extremely nervous about

getting undressed in front of her but knew I had no choice.

Thankfully, we were the only ones in there.

She obviously didn't feel uncomfortable because in seconds she

was out of her beige shirt waist dress. I was astonished to see she

wasn't wearing a bra. All she had on under her dress was a pair of

yellow bikini panties. For a woman in her forties, she had an

incredible figure. Not a wrinkle or sag anywhere.

I undressed reluctantly, putting my blouse and skirt on a

nearby hook, then stepped out of my half slip. I was truly grateful

the panties I was wearing completely hid my bulge and that I didn't

need to remove them to try on the suit. As I unhooked my bra, I tried

to hide but that was impossible in a mirrored room.

Judy looked over at me and, sensing my nervousness, gave me a

warm smile. "Carrie, you have such a nice figure and your breasts are

so nicely developed. I'm sure Michael finds it next to impossible to

keep his hands off you. At least I don't have to worry about you

getting pregnant."

We had a good laugh at that. All my nervousness disappeared.

"Thank you," I said. "I'm very happy with almost all of it

myself. You have an incredible figure yourself. I'd like my breasts

to be a little bigger and some day I hope I'll be able to get rid of

my bulge." To show her what I was referring to, I pointed down to my


"I can understand that," she answered, "but that's a very big

step. Are you sure you want to do something that radical? After all,

I'm sure it provides both you and Michael with a lot of pleasure."

"Yes, it does," I said, surprisingly at ease discussing our

sex life with Michael's mother. "It's just that I have this

overpowering urge to be completely female. When I'm naked, it looks

so completely out of place. It's so male and it sticks out so far."

"I think it would look kind of sexy," Judy said. "Would you

think I was terrible if I asked to see it? I just can't imagine you

with one."

"You mean right now?" I replied, tense but tingling from

thinking of her seeing my clit. "I guess it would be all right seeing

as we're alone in here. Promise me you won't laugh?"

"Of course I won't laugh," she said. "The store was empty

when we came in here so I'm sure no one will interrupt us. Just so

you'll feel better about it, let me remove my panties."

Without waiting for me to answer, she quickly slipped out of

her panties. I was amazed to see she had no pubic hair and when she

noticed me staring, she immediately explained, "My husband loves to

lick me and used to complain about getting hair in his mouth, so now I

keep it shaved all the time. You should try it some time."

I blushed at her openness, then dropped my panties. "I know

exactly what you mean. I've been shaving for three years now as you

can see. Michael thinks it's very sexy." I blushed, standing there

naked and discussing my sex life with her but she didn't seem to mind

at all. In fact, it was now her turn to stare.

"You are very well endowed, Carrie," she finally managed to

say. Then her face broke into a smile. "No wonder Michael is so

happy. If you decide to have it cut off, I hope you'll give it to me.

I could have lots of fun with it. I'm sure my husband would too."

I know I blushed again but I laughed too. We both did. It

was the most outrageous thing anyone had ever asked me and I loved her

for it. Nothing she could have said would have made me feel as close

to her. I knew if she could joke with me about something like that,

we'd be good friends.

"Well, Judy," I replied, "if you'll trade me those beautiful

breasts for it, it's definitely a deal. They're at least two

handfuls. I'm so jealous. If I had a pair like that I'd never be

able to keep my hands off them. I'll bet you love to fondle them

almost as much as your husband must."

"Oh, no," she laughed. "There's no way I'd ever give them up.

They're two of my proudest possessions and John would never forgive me

either. We both love to touch them. I get so excited. I guess

Michael's told you we're both bi, didn't he? We're very candid about

it so I won't mind at all if he has."

"Yes, he did and I think it great that you're so honest about

it. I've been bi for as long as I can remember. Elaine loves the way

I caress her breasts. She says no one ever does it as well as another


Judy looked my in the eyes and smiled. "That's right. I

remember how much other women have turned me on by touching me. I'm a

bit stirred up just thinking about it."

She looked at me and knew I was as excited as she was.

"Would you like to touch me, Carrie? I'm sure Michael

wouldn't mind at all and I know I'd like it."

"Very much," I admitted, "but I'd be nervous about doing it

here. Could we go back to your house when we're finished shopping?

Then at least we'd have some privacy."

"That's a good thought. Let's hurry and try one these suits

before someone comes in and sees the two of us standing here ogling

each other."

We tried on the suits, and both decided to buy them.

The rest of the afternoon we trekked around the mall, doing

some shopping but more than anything just talking and getting to know

one another better. By the time we got back to our cars, I felt as if

I'd gained a new friend. I followed her back to their home, all the

time fantasizing about what Judy and I might end up doing. I knew she

was bi too, so I was very hopeful we'd have a fun afternoon.

Chapter Six - The Party Girl

As Elaine and I got used to sharing her home, she moved me

into more and more varied sexual situations. One night she threw a

party for about 20 of her friends.

As usual, I was required to do all the cooking and cleaning in

preparation for the party. I'd spent several days making sure the

house was spotless. Elaine had gone shopping for a new dress for the

party and, when she came back, she checked the house over and

complimented me on the thoroughness of my cleaning. She had planned

what was to be served so next she gave me a shopping list and recipes

for each dish.

I went to the supermarket and liquor store to get all the

necessaries for the party. Then, with some guidance from her, I

finished all the cooking and arrangement of the food.

As soon as I was done, we both went and had our hair done at

her salon. Hers was permed and left very long. She picked out a

short, upswept style for me and, although I wasn't wild about it at

first, I had to admit that it did look perfect for me and very

feminine once it was finished.

"Now all I have to do is to decide what to wear this evening,"

I said as we pulled in the driveway. "I want to look especially nice

because there are going to be a lot of people there I've never met

before. How about if I wear something black and slinky?"

"Black is fine, but for tonight I've already selected what

you're going to wear. Come up to the bedroom and I'll show you what

it is."

I was intrigued and followed along. She pulled out several

boxes from under the bed. As she opened them she said, "Carrie,

you're not going to be a guest at this party. You're going to be the

maid so I want you to act like one and look like one."

I started to object but she cut me short. "You know you have

to do as I tell you, so be quiet. You are going to take care of my

guests tonight in whatever way they want. If someone asks you to get

them a drink, you get them one. If someone wants sex, you'll give

them whatever kind they like. Do you understand me?"

I was surprised and more than a little disappointed, but I

knew I'd agreed she had the power to require me to do whatever she

wished, so I just nodded. Again I was surprised when she took out a

short black French maid's dress and handed it to me. She gave me a

hard look, and with a sharp edge in her voice, said, "Fill up the tub

and hurry. We have less than 2 hours before my guests arrive. You

have me to get ready first and then yourself. I'll be very angry if

you're not done on time."

I did as I was told, knowing she wasn't in the mood for

anything less than one hundred percent obedience from me. But, for

the first time since I'd met her, I was doubtful about following her

instructions. Did she really expect me to have any kind of sex with

anyone who wanted it? I felt as if she was tiring of me. I hoped I

was wrong.

I rushed around getting out the clothes she was going to wear.

I bathed her and shaved her legs carefully, knowing a nick or a cut

would be a disaster on a special evening like this. After drying her,

I creamed her skin then covered her with scented powder. As she

wanted to do her own makeup, I undressed and quickly repeated the same

procedure on myself. Lastly, I put on my face, making sure my makeup

was as perfect just as she had taught me to do it.

She had just finished her makeup as I returned to the bedroom,

so I got her bra, panties, garter belt, slip and stockings and helped

her into them. Dressing her had become one of my favorite things to

do because she looked sooo sexy in her lingerie. Carefully sliding

her cream-colored silk dress over her head, I told her she was lovely,

and meant it. Her face relaxed for the first time that evening and

she smiled.

"Carrie, get the black garter belt and fishnet stockings from

the box on the bed. Put them on first and then the black bra and

frilly panties. No belt and pad tonight. I made sure those panties

are tight enough to hold you in."

I did as I was told, then struggled into the maid's dress. It

was so tight that Elaine had to zip me in. It was short enough that

the lacy frills on the panties peeked out from under the skirt which

flared out from my hips due to several layers of crinoline. Then,

with her help, I pinned on the cap and slipped into the five-inch

heels she had handed to me.

She led me to the mirror and checked me over carefully. "I

meant what I said about serving my guests in whatever way they wish.

Everyone coming tonight knows about the special surprise you have in

your panties and is as turned on by it as I am. I expect you to obey

any order given you without the slightest hesitation. Do you

understand me?"

I was shaking, although I'm not sure if it was from fear or

anticipation. I was entirely captivated by my reflection in the

mirror. I don't know why, but I felt very comfortable in this role

and, I must admit, extremely sexually excited. "Yes, I understand you

and I'll do anything and everything required of me. Even if it's

something I'm not pleased about, I'll act like I love it. I'll make

sure every one of your guests is completely happy."

Just then the doorbell rang. "Well, sweetie," Elaine said,

"it's time to begin your duties. Go answer the door. Explain to

whoever it is that I'll be down in a minute."

As people began arriving, I let them in and served drinks.

Everyone had come beautifully dressed, knowing Elaine and how

wonderful her parties were. Elaine swept down the stairs a few

minutes later and introduced me to her friends.

"I want everyone to meet Carrie," she explained, "and I want

to let you know she's here to serve you, your every wish and desire.

I've trained her to be a lady in every way, but she knows that tonight

she doesn't have to act like one. If there's anything you want, just

tell her. Isn't that right, Carrie?"

"Yes, I want to serve you in any way possible. I hope I

please you." I was feeling humiliated but surprisingly I loved it.

My cock was hard and straining against my panties. Thankfully, Elaine

had been right. Even as excited as I was, no bulge was visible. But

she knew me well enough to know what I was feeling. She reached over

and raised up my skirt so that everyone had an clear view of my

panties. She stroked my crotch, feeling my hardness through the silky

fabric. Everyone laughed as my face turned bright red. I wanted to

run away but knew I couldn't.

"Carrie is here tonight not only to serve you but to be used

by you and I know she'll love it. She can be either your male or

female slave. Help yourself to any part of her you wish. She will

follow any instruction you give her. Isn't that right, Carrie?"

I could hardly speak but finally managed to nod my agreement.

She gently patted me on my fanny, then sent me off to get her a drink.

I spent the next hour or so serving drinks and getting to know

everyone. To my surprise, I enjoyed playing the part of the maid.

Several of the guests remarked on how pretty my legs looked in heels

and fishnet stockings.

It seemed everyone was having a good time so I went back into

the kitchen to prepare another tray of nibbles. As I was working, the

door opened and in walked a very attractive woman named Kelly. She

was close to six feet tall with a wonderful figure and long, flowing

red hair. She walked over to me and gave me a deep, probing kiss.

"Carrie, I think it's about time you performed a special favor

for me. I've been watching you all evening and I'm very turned on

thinking about your cock. I want to see it. Show it to me now."

Knowing I had no choice but to obey her, I reached under my

skirt and lowered my panties to my knees. I held up the hem of my

skirt so that she could get a good look. In spite of my

embarrassment, I began to stiffen.

"Oh, it's very nice. Not many girls have a 'clittie' that

big. I just have to touch it." She reached down and softly ran her

nails over the tip of my erection. It jumped up in response, seeming

to reach out for her.

She stroked me for a few minutes, then said, "You are such a

pretty girl, and there's nothing I like more than having a pretty girl

eat me. Are you good at licking pussy?"

"Elaine trained me," I told her, "and she tells me I do a good

job. I'd love to have my tongue in you or serve you in any way you

wish. Where would you like me to do it to you?"

"Right here is fine", she said. "I'm very hot. Kneel down in

front of me. I want you to lift up my skirt and pull down my panties

with your teeth. Then start kissing my feet and work your way slowly

up. Take your time and don't make me cum too quickly."

I did as I was ordered and knelt in front of her. My hands

slid her skirt up her perfectly tanned thighs revealing black bikini

thong panties. As I leaned forward, the aroma of her juices flooded

into my nose. My teeth gently grasped the waistband of her panties

and then slowly slipped them down. She stepped out of them and, with

her toes, hung them on my cock which was still peeking out from under

my uniform skirt.

Knowing I had to please her, I was careful to follow her

instructions. I kissed and licked her feet, then higher up to her

ankles. Gradually I continued until I began to taste the moisture

from her cunt at the top of her thighs. She stopped me while she

pulled herself up and sat on the edge of the counter. She placed each

of her thighs on my shoulders, then pulled me into her steaming sex.

My hands reached behind her and found the soft skin of her

bare ass. Slowly with the tip of my tongue I traced her lips being

careful not to make contact with her clit. Kelly had ordered me to

make it last a long time and I intended to do just that. Up and down,

in and out, my tongue darted until finally I sensed she was

approaching her peak. I moved the tip of my tongue to her clit.

Lovingly I fondled her bud until I felt her thighs trembling. Her

hands pulled me in, pressing my face into her heat and juices. Her

back arched in climax and she let out a low moan, then slumped back

against the cabinet.

"Oh, thank you, Carrie," she said, gasping for breath. "That

was just what I needed. Elaine really has trained you to be a superb

cunt lapper. Now I want you to put both our panties back on. I'm

sure there are other people here that will need your services soon."

I reached down and removed her panties from my erection. I

slid them up half way up her thighs, then helped her down off the

counter. Kelly held up her skirt and I could see the moisture

glistening on her pubic hair. I pulled her panties back into place,

reluctantly covering her delicious pussy. She rearranged her dress

then left.

I found my panties on the other counter and put them on. As I

knew my makeup would need retouching, I went into the bathroom and,

after taking a pee, redid my lipstick and brushed my hair.

After checking the food, I made a few drinks and finally had a

chance to talk to some of the people. Elaine came over and guided me

to a quiet spot.

She gave me a knowing smile and began to quiz me. "What

happened in the kitchen? I saw Kelly go in there and she didn't come

out for quite a while."

"Kelly came in and told me to take off my panties because she

wanted to see my clittie. I did as I was told, and then she made me

go down or her. I know she had an orgasm so I guess I did a good


"I know you did," she said. "I could tell by the flush on her

face when she came back in the living room. Do you see that guy over

there in the blue silk shirt?"

I looked about the room and finally spotted him. He was an

absolute hunk. Wavy blond hair and a terrific tan with great buns.

I'd taken particular notice of him when he arrived. I'd decided then

that he must be one of the poster boys for California.

"Oh, you mean Tom. Yes, I definitely see him. He's gorgeous.

I've been looking at him all evening. Is he here with someone?"

"No, he came alone," Elaine replied. "I thought you might

like him. He wants you to meet him in my bedroom in ten minutes.

He's one of my favorite people so be sure to make him happy."

"I'd be delighted," I answered quite honestly. "Do you know

what he has in mind?"

"Not for sure," She answered, "but I'll bet he'd like to fuck

you. He's always liked screwing me in the butt so he'll probably want

to do you that way too. I want to be sure he likes fucking you, so I

want you to go and have a quick douche. You'll find a bag under the

sink in the bathroom. And Carrie, I want you to call him master. He

loves that. Now hurry up. Don't keep him waiting."

Off I went and did a quick cleaning job on my pussy. How I

wished I'd had the real thing. It wasn't fair that I'd been born a

male when I wanted so badly to be a woman. Life sucks!

Tom was waiting for me in the bedroom when I walked in. He

was lying on the bed wearing only powder blue bikini underwear. My

eyes were glued to his body. He was the most splendid man I've ever


"Hi," I said, barely able to speak. "Elaine said you wanted

to talk to me. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"No," he replied. "I've only been here a minute or so. Come

over here and sit next to me on the bed. Elaine told me you were one

sexy lady. I'm going to find out for myself if that's true. Take off

your dress."

I unzipped my dress and slipped out it, then unhooked my bra

and let it fall to the floor. I went over to the bed and sat down

next to him. He put one hand on my breast and the other behind my

head, pulling me down to him. His lips met mine and his tongue parted

my lips. I reached down and ran my fingers through the blond curls on

his chest.

He released me from the kiss but kept his hand behind my head.

"First," he said, "I want to evaluate your cock sucking abilities,

then I'm going to fuck you. Take my cock out and be sure you do the

best you can. Don't make me cum though. I want to leave my load in

your ass when I'm fucking you."

"Yes, master," I answered. "Elaine told me you were to be

well taken care of, and I always do whatever she orders me to do."

I began by kissing his neck, then moved lower to swirl my

tongue through those curls on his chest and stomach. I blew warm air

on his erection through his briefs. Lightly I nibbled on it until I

felt him straining upwards. He stripped off his underpants and I

immediately started kissing his cock. I thought it was the most

beautiful thing I'd ever seen, long but not too thick. I was thankful

for that as I knew it would soon be inside me.

I spread his legs then lay between them. My tongue reached

for his balls, licking, teasing, tasting them. I slipped first one

then the other into my mouth and made love to them with my tongue.

With a soft, slow motion I kissed every inch of flesh on his sack.

Starting at the base of his penis, I licked and kissed it.

Knowing he was hot, I finally maneuvered the tip between my

lips and inserted my tongue in the slit. His hands pressed against my

head until at last all of him was in me. I went slowly, remembering

he didn't want to be satisfied yet. I cupped his testicles in my hand

and felt them beginning to tighten. Experience had taught me this was

the time to stop so I slowly raised my head until his cock, now

gleaming with my saliva, was completely free. I lovingly kissed it,

not wanting the moment to end.

"Thanks, Carrie. That was an expert blow job. Elaine told me

you were one hell of a cock sucker. I'm going to fuck you now. I

think you'd better lubricate us first."

I got up and found the tube of KY jelly in the night stand. I

squeezed some of the jelly ontomy hand and waited a minute to warm it

up. I sat next to him on the bed and applied a thick coat to his very

hard erection. Then, as I didn't want him to see the very unfeminine

part of me, I turned my back to him before sliding my panties down

over my stockings. I lubed up my pussy, inside and out.

Tom put two pillows in the middle of the bed and had me lie

face down on them. "Baby, I'm going to fuck you now. I'm going to

fuck you hard and deep and then I'm going to cum inside of you.

You're going to love it, aren't you?"

"Yes, master, I will, but I want you to know that I've never

been fucked before. I'm a virgin back there. So please go slowly at


"I can't believe a slut like you has never had a cock in her,"

he laughed. "Ok, I'll try to take it easy for the first few strokes

but after that, I'm going to go in all the way and fuck you good."

It took a while, but finally I relaxed enough so that he was

inside me. He went slowly, then all at once he thrust forward and was

buried deep inside me. I loved the feel of him in me and knew for the

first time what is was like to truly possess a man.

"I love your pussy," he moaned. "Your cunt is so tight.

You're such a horny little bitch. I'm going to fuck your brains out.

I know you love it."

I did love it. Each time I pushed back to meet his cock

entering me until at last he began to cum. I could feel his sperm

flooding into me. I pumped even harder wanting all of it in me.

Finally, he collapsed on me with his now softening erection still

buried in my cunt.

After a few minutes, he slowly pulled out. I felt empty now

and sad, missing the sensation of his hardness and warmth.

"Turn over," he said. "Now it's your turn. I want to make

you feel as satisfied as I do. I've never been in bed with a woman

without making her have an orgasm, and you're not going to be the


I rolled over slowly, not sure of what his reaction would be

to seeing my cock. But I found out I didn't have to be concerned. He

took the pillows that had been under me and put them at the top of the

bed. We rested our heads on them and he began to kiss me very

tenderly. The feeling of my bare breasts on his hairy chest made my

nipples hard. His hands, then his lips moved to them. Gently he

chewed on them, pulling them out even further.

He kissed his way down my belly until his lips found my clit.

His fingers circled it while he plunged it deep into his mouth. His

hands caressed my stocking covered legs and, as his head swayed back

and forth, I began to moan. I felt myself being pulled into him. His

tongue stimulated the responsive underside of my cock each time his

encircling lips drew me in deeper.

As I felt his finger slip into my pussy, I couldn't hold back

any longer. My juices exploded into his throat. He kept on sucking

until I was completely spent and exhausted. He moved back up and took

me in his arms. His lips found mine and, as our tongues entwined, I

could taste the residue of my sperm in his talented mouth. I relaxed,

pressed against him, until I felt my energy begin to return.

This is one wonderful man, I thought. Gorgeous, sexy and

considerate. A man I could fall for. Yum! I wanted to spoil him a

bit, so I excused myself after telling him to stay where he was for a

few minutes. I went into the bathroom and soaked a wash cloth with

warm water. He was still lying on the bed when I returned. I went

over to him and first wiped his face with the cloth, then I lovingly

cleansed his cock and balls. I gave his soft penis a tender kiss to

thank it for providing me with so much pleasure.

His eyes opened and he turned my face to his. "Carrie, I

thoroughly enjoyed our love making. You're such an amazing

combination of woman and man. I'm going to ask Elaine if we can't get

together often. Maybe even the three of us. Would you like that?"

I kissed his cock again, then told him, "You know I'd love it,

master. You really didn't need to ask me. I'm sure you could tell

from my reactions how much I enjoyed myself. I especially appreciated

the fact that you were concerned with my pleasure as well as yours.

I'll make love with you any time you ask. That is, if it's alright

with Elaine. You know I must always do what she tells me."

"I'll talk to her about it later tonight. I'm sure she won't

object. If she was willing to share you with me tonight, I'm

confident she'll do it again. Tell me one thing though, how did you

manage to get such great tits? Are they silicone?"

"No, no silicone. I've been taking female hormones for a few

years and they're all mine. Nothing artificial about them. I wish

they were a little bigger, but I love them anyway."

"I think they're perfect. I don't like women with huge tits,

so be happy with what you've got. Now I think it's time we went back

to the party. Do you want me to wait while you get dressed?"

"Thanks, but it's going to take me a while so why don't you go

and have some fun. You know how girls fuss. There's no need for you

to wait. I'll be down in a few minutes."

He left and I went into the bathroom. I thought about

douching again but decided against it because I loved the feeling of

walking around with Tom's cum in me. It reminded me of how well I'd

satisfied him. I hurriedly finished dressing, touching up my hair and

making sure my makeup was flawless.

The party was in full swing when I returned. I was busy for

the next hour or so making sure everyone had a drink and replenishing

the munchies. There could be no question it was a success. Music,

talking and laughter poured from every room. The air was filled with

the smells of expensive perfume and various kinds of smoke.

I was hoping for more wonderful sexual experiences and I

wasn't disappointed. As the party progressed, I was required to

practice my sucking skills on several delicious cocks and my licking

skills on at least four more tasty pussies. I screwed and was

screwed, sometimes with one person but more often in a group of three

or four. I knew I'd be sore the next day, but I didn't care. It

seemed as if I was in a kind of sexual frenzy, enjoying everything,

trying the new and the familiar with equal enthusiasm.

Just before sunrise, the last of our guests left departed,

leaving Elaine and me to crash on the couch amidst the remains of the

food and drinks. We discussed the evenings events, happy everyone

seemed to enjoy themselves so. As we were completely exhausted, we

dragged ourselves off to bed, and for the first time since I'd met

her, went to sleep without any love making.

My life with Elaine became more and more wonderful as time

went by. Tom moved in with us a few months after the party and the

three of us have many wonderful times.


I hope you've all enjoyed my story. If you have any comments, please

feel free to contact me - my email address is -


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