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From alt.sex.stories.tg Sat Dec 7 20:17:59 1996

Path: nienor.IN-Berlin.DE!sauveur!IN-Berlin.DE!fub!fu-berlin.de!nntp.zit.th-darmstadt.de!voskovec.radio.cz!www.nntp.primenet.com!nntp.primenet.com!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!portc01.blue.aol.com!audrey01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail

From: salongirl@aol.com

Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.tg

Subject: At Miss Vicki's by Salon Girl

Date: 21 Nov 1996 05:26:50 GMT

Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com

Lines: 172

Message-ID: <19961121052900.AAA03317@ladder01.news.aol.com>

NNTP-Posting-Host: ladder01.news.aol.com

X-Admin: news@aol.com

As my stories keep showing up here I figured I might as well post one of

them myself for a change. Enjoy!

At Miss Vicki's

You are making a delivery to a beauty salon. You take the

cart of goods inside and are transfixed by the atmosphere of the

salon. Ladies are under dryers reading magazines and gossiping, The

beauticians are working with curlers and combs and pins, and the salon

shampoo girls are scurrying back and forth, chattering happily.

You sigh, and at that moment bump a chair with the cart. A box

falls off and as it hits the floor a bottle explodes spraying you with

a smelly chemical. Suddenly the girls are all around you . "Are you

all right?" they ask. As you mumble an answer out of the crowd of

girls comes a woman. She is tall, wears 4" heels and tight black

pants, and has long black hair. It is Miss Vicki, the owner of the

salon. "What have we got here?" she says with a smile. You mumble

your name and then she sees the chemicals on your clothing, especially

your pants. In fact the chemical has begun to burn a little and you

begin to squirm uncomfortably.

Miss Vicki says "Quickly darling, come with me" and hustles

you off to her office, which is also the private salon where Miss

Vicki caters to her own special customers. "Quick, in the dressing

room," she tells you and hustles you into a frilly pink dressing

room. One end of the room is taken up by a huge make-up mirror and the

table before the mirror is covered with lipsticks and mascaras and

lots of other things you don't recognize.

You go in and start to take off your clothes and you see that

there is silky lingerie hanging on the back of the door and on hooks

on the walls. There is so much lingerie and the room is so narrow that

you can't help but brush up against the frothy frilly things.

You call out to miss Vicki, "But what can I put on?" "she

laughs and says, "Anything you like darling. Isn't anything in there

your size?" You ask, "Don't you have any other clothes?"

"Oh all right.", says Miss Vicki, and soon comes to the door

with what looks at first like pants and a shirt. She hands them

through the door and you realize that it is a pair of black silk

lounging pajama bottoms and a very full white silk blouse with a lace

ruffle at the neck and wrists.

"But I don't want to wear this!" you whine but she is quick to

respond. "You hush now" she says, "Here you are, a strange man I don't

even know, with no clothes on in a beauty salon. I wonder what the

police might think of that?" "Besides, it's only until we can get

your clothes taken care of so you can leave. Now stop being silly and

get dressed."

She hands you a pair of panties and a lacy camisole through

the door explaining, "I don't want you to perspire on my good clothes

honey, you look a little flushed to me."

You put on the clothes she has given you. Panties and

camisole. Silk pants and blouse. You are transformed by the way they

feel, so airy and light, cool silk against your skin. Miss Vicki

hands a pair of black flats throught the door and to your surprise

they fit.

You step out of the dressing room and see Miss Vicki. She

smiles approvingly at you and motions you over to the chair. "Come on

honey, I'll give you a trim while we wait". You go sit in the chair

and Miss Vicki begins to run her fingers through your hair and look at

you critically. Finally she seems to have decided on something so she

puts a pink wrap around you and lowers your head into the shampoo

sink. As she shampoos you she sometimes tugs your hair very tight and

looks into your eyes.

You are shampooed and conditioned and then she turns you from

the mirror. She explains that she likes her customers to only see "the

finished product". She fusses for a few moments with your wet hair

and then announces that you need a perm. You are alarmed by the idea

but helpless to resist Miss Vicki.

She begins to put your hair in rollers. Small very tight

ones down the middle of your head with big ones on the sides. Soon

your head is covered with tight rollers. It is a strange feeling, but

exciting somehow. She says you need a facial and gives you one over

your protests. When she is done the skin on your face feels wonderful.

Miss Vicki stand you up to go to the dryer and as she does you

see your reflection in the mirrror. Your head is covered in curlers

and as you see them in the mirror you feel them tight on your head.

Miss Vicki takes you to the dryer and you sit down. There is a TV/VCR

there and once she starts the dryer she pops in a tape and pats you on

the cheek signalling 20 minutes. She laughs to herself at something

and leaves the room.

You look around and see that it is one of the most feminine

rooms you have ever seen, solely devoted to the pampering of the

female body and the enhancement of her beauty. You look back at the

TV and are shocked. The tape is an X rated one, and whats more the

participants are beautiful she males locked in embrace. You start to

get up to turn it off but are trapped in the dryer, besides, surely if

you turned it off Miss Vicki would not be pleased. Something about the

tape is facinating to you , you sit under the dryer and watch.

Time flies by and when Miss Vicki bursts back into the room

you are staring transfixed at the TV. She startles you and she

laughs. "Hows my little klutz doing?" she says and pats your curlered

head. "Did you enjoy the movie dear?" she asks and laughs again.

She begins to take the curlers from your hair and brush you

out. She sprays what seems like lot of hairspray, and your hair

itself seems to have been perfumed. After what seems like hours of

her fussing with your hair she is finished.

Miss Vicki turns you to a mirror. You gasp and your heart

races. You have been given a beautiful womans hairstyle. It has

curls and waves and is sort of fifties. What's more the color has

been changed. Instead of your normal color it is a cute shade of

auburn red with reddish blonde frosted highlights..

You panic and immediately begin to complain and ask "How can I

leave here like this Miss Vicki?" Miss Vicki just smiles. "Just go as

you are honey, no one will be able to tell you are a man. Some men

are just like that. They were really meant to be women."

You whine some more but Miss Vicki just says, "I'll tell you

what, we'll go out in the salon right now and if any of the girls

notice that you are a man looking like you do, I'll give you your

clothes and fix your hair and you can leave. But if they don't notice

that you are a man then you must let me dress you up all the way, my

way, for the next 24 hours.

You don't know why but you agree, Miss Vicki almost seems to

be able to control you. You get up from the chair and go into the

salon. The salon girls rush past you or bump you lightly and say

"scuse me honey." You look across the room to a mirror and see a

feminine figure in silk pants and blouse staring back at you. She has

a beautiful coiffure and her cheeks are rosy and radiant.

It is you, and as you continue to gaze into the mirror Miss

Vicki comes up to stand behind you. She takes your hand and as she

leads you back to her private salon she looks into your eyes and says

"My way."

(c) Copyright By SalonGirl

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