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When I was six years old, I had a bad accident in the playground. I

fell off of a piece of climbing equipment for older children called

"monkey bars" and struck my head. This resulted in my being

hospitalized for a few days but fortunately left me with no permanent

injury. However, after being released from the hospital, I began to

suffer from two difficulties: occasional dizzy spells with loss of

balance, and more serious to me, loss of control of wetting.

These two problems lingered on, and the wetting became worse. I was

wetting the bed sometimes two or three times a night and having many

accidents during the day in my pants. My mother was loosing her

patients with me and was even more angry because I had been forbidden

from using the monkey bars in the first place. She would scold me

whenever I wet the bed or my pants, but I just couldn't control myself.

I had ruined a mattress and my mother was doing laundry every day. I

was a very sensitive boy and would cry whenever anyone scolded me.

After this went on for nearly two weeks my mother took me to the doctor

in town to find out what was wrong with me. The doctor examined me and

had me take some tests. She phoned my mother with the results and said

that the dizziness should diminish over time by itself but that in her

opinion the wetting problem should be addressed because I had

apparently lost my ability to control myself, whether it was

psychological or not. Unbeknownst to me, she had told my mother that

in the way some people have to be taught to speak after an accident, I

would have to be trained to control myself like I was an infant again!

She had added that it would not be practical for me to be sent to

school which began in a few days as it was the end of summer, but

rather I should be potty trained which would require a lot of attention

and could take months! The doctor added that I should probably be put

back in diapers to help with the training! My mother understood that

this must be done, but she could not stay home with me as she had to

work in the school cafeteria in a few days, as it was the only income

we had. That night my mother spoke to my Aunt Jane who lived several

hours away and asked her if she could take care of me for a while and

deal with my wetting problem. My aunt said that she'd be glad to help,

and told my mother to bring me to her house right away. The next day

my mother put me in the car, telling me only that I would be staying

with my aunt for a while. I remember thinking it odd that she hadn't

packed any of my clothes for the trip. I asked her why, but she didn't

answer. It was a long ride and we stopped several times to use the

restrooms. However, when we were almost there, an urge to pee came

over me and I told my mother to stop so I could pee. She said that

there was no place to pull over and I should just hold it in as we were

almost there. Unfortunately, before I knew what was happening, I peed

all over myself and the car seat. My mother became furious and said we

had been only five minutes from my aunt's house. I sat there crying as

we pulled up to aunt Jane's. I didn't want my aunt or my cousins to

see me with my clothes all wet. However, my mother took hold of my

hand and pulled me to the door. When my aunt answered the door, my

mother told her that her "little baby" had just wet all over in the car

and needed to be bathed and changed right away. Aunt Jane looked at me

and giggled as she lead us to the bathroom. The two women stripped off

all my clothes including my wet pants and underwear and drew a bath for

me. I was quite shy and was scared by this. I was bathed and then

dried off and wrapped in a towel. Aunt Jane then lead us to a room

that had a lot of baby furniture and decorations in it and said that it

used to be my cousins' baby room, but that I would be staying there

now. I asked why but, received no answer. My aunt lifted me onto a

table and remarked about how tiny I was for my age, adding that she

thought the clothes would fit me. My mother said she hoped so. The

next thing I knew was that the women were wiping me down with baby oil

and powder. They turned me over and did the other side. I whined that

I didn't need that, but they just said to be quiet. Then I saw what

appeared to be several diapers in my mothers hand, and she said

something about me being a heavy wetter. At that point I knew what

they had in mind and I protested vehemently, but they just ignored me

as my mother went ahead and pinned the diapers on me! As I started

crying again, my aunt held out a pair of pink baby panties with lacy

ruffles on the seat and leg openings. I begged them not to make me

wear these but I was threatened with a spanking if I didn't be still.

She slid them up my legs and over my diapers and they remarked about

how well they fit me. I was wailing heavily now but the women just

upset me further by laughing and talking to me with baby talk. Some

anklets with ruffles were put on my feet as I continued weeping and

pleading with them not to make me wear baby girl's clothes. I couldn't

believe my shame as my aunt held out a frilly petticoat and short pink

baby dress with lace and puffy sleeves that they were going to put me

in next. I tried to stop them from making me wear these, and my mother

became angry and turned me over and slapped me several times on my

diapered bottom. It made more noise than hurt, but it reminded me I

couldn't resist them. I sat there helplessly as they put the petticoat

and dress on me. Some small mary jane shoes went on my feet. My aunt

fastened some barrettes in my long hair. When they were finally

finished, my mother exclaimed that my cousin Cindy's baby clothes fit

me perfectly, and that was fortunate since they couldn't afford to buy

me baby clothes of my own. (My mother had donated my things to charity

a while back.) As I sat there feeling totally mortified, my mother

carried me over to a mirror to show me how I looked like a "pretty two

year old girl" and to tease me further by calling me "Susan" instead of

my real name. She explained that I would not be going to school, that

I would be staying with my aunt for several months until I learned to

control my wetting and my bad behavior. She went on that I would be

treated as a baby girl and would not be climbing any monkey bars but

instead would play with dolls to help calm me down. She added that I

would do exactly as my aunt said or else Aunt Jane would spank me very

hard. I tearfully agreed as there was nothing else I could do. My

mother then carried me over to a playpen and sat me down inside. She

told me to stay there quietly as she and aunt Jane were going to have

tea. Aunt Jane smiled and placed some dolls in the playpen for me.

When the women left, I was feeling so ashamed and embarrassed I didn't

know what to do. I decided to try to climb out of the playpen and find

the clothes that I had worn to aunt Jane's house. I was almost able to

get over the railing but I lost my balance and fell off with a thud.

It hurt and I started crying. The women came running in and my mother

was very angry that I tried to climb out of the playpen, but she

thought I might be hurt so she stopped yelling and comforted me like a

baby. They spoke baby talk to me and cuddled me. Aunt Jane told me to

be a good girl and asked me if I wanted anything. I stopped sobbing

and requested some soda pop. A short time later the women returned.

My mother had a baby bottle in her hand and held it out to me! I told

her I asked for some soda pop, not that! She replied, "Babies don't

drink soda, Susie, they drink milk." I refused to drink it but my

mother insisted, saying that I hadn't eaten any lunch and aunt Jane

went to a lot of trouble heating it for me. I screamed that I didn't

want it but my mother became annoyed, picked me up from the playpen and

carried me out to the living room, saying that since I was acting like

a two year old I would be treated like one. While my aunt giggled, my

mother sat me on her lap and stuck the nipple in my mouth and ordered

me to drink it all down or else I would be spanked. I felt so bad, but

I had no choice, so I drank it. Just then my two cousins arrived home!

Jennifer was sixteen and Cindy was six, but she was much bigger than

me. Jennifer exclaimed, "What a pretty baby!" "Whose is she?" My aunt

and my mother laughed and told her it was me, her cousin, and why I was

dressed like a baby. My cousins laughed hysterically, but my aunt told

them to get used to it as I would be staying with them for some time.

The girls wanted to hold me and play with me but my mother said later

as she was giving me my bottle now. The girls kept laughing and then

got some lunch in the kitchen. After I finished the bottle, my mother

burped me. She was pleased, and she and Aunt Jane praised me in baby

talk. I was then returned to the playpen in the other room.

I sat there for a few minutes and felt an urge to pee. I was really

frightened and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, my diaper became

soaked with warm pee pee. I was much too embarrassed to call my mother

or aunt, so I just sat there feeling very wet. A short time later my

cousins Jennifer and Cindy came in my room. They said that my mother

told them to call me "Baby Susie" and that they could play with me. I

told them I didn't want to play, but Jennifer reached in and picked me

up out of the playpen. In doing so, she notice that my diapers seemed

heavy and asked me if I had wet myself. I was so embarrassed, I

insisted that I had not. Jennifer said, "Let's see about that," and

she pulled down my baby panties and felt the soggy diapers. She then

told Cindy to tell my mother and their mom that "Baby Susie needs

changing." I felt so scared as my mother and aunt came in but they were

both smiling and cooing at me in baby talk. Jennifer and Cindy

volunteered to change me, but I pleaded with my mother not to let them.

My mother looked at my red face and giggled, asking me who I wanted to

change my diapers. I pleaded, "You mommy." She said okay, and turning

to the girls said, "Baby Susie is still a little shy, but maybe next

time." She and my aunt were about to start but I asked for the girls

not to watch. So Aunt Jane thanked my cousins for helping and told

them to go to the other room. My mother then put me on the table and

she and my aunt removed my wet diapers, wiped me down, put on fresh

lotion and powder, pinned on new diapers, and pulled a fresh pair of

ruffly baby panties on me. My mother then said, "Baby Susie looks very

tired, she needs a nap." I told her that I wasn't tired, but my aunt

chimed in that, "all babies need their nap naps." With that, my mother

carried me over to a deep crib. I saw that it had sheets with circus

animals printed on them and a satiny blanket with lace. She laid me

inside and pulled the bars up into place, telling me that this is where

I would be taking my naps and sleeping and not to ever try to climb out

or I would be get a spanking. They left the room and I laid there for

a long time but couldn't fall asleep. My mother later returned and

asked if I had napped. I said yes, and she took me out of the crib and

carried me into the living room were Cindy was playing with a doll

house. My mother put me next to her and told me to play. Cindy was

very happy to have a new playmate and showed me her dolls and doll

house. Shortly thereafter, it was dinner time. I was called into the

dinning room and waddled over to a chair. My aunt Jane said, "Oh no

honey, that's not a baby's chair." She then pointed to a highchair at

the other side of the table and said, "There is where you will sit." I

objected, but my mother told me to behave, picked me up, and sat me in

the highchair, snapping the tray into place. My aunt put a bib on me

so that I wouldn't get food on my dress. I looked very embarrassed

sitting there and everyone stared at me and laughed. Cindy made note

of the fact that my short dress didn't fully cover my panties, and

everyone laughed even more. My aunt took a small portion of the food

for me and cut it up very small, and offered to feed it to me. I

wasn't cooperating well enough and my mother became annoyed and said,

"It looks like she needs her bottle, and asked my aunt to get the one I

used earlier. I was then given a bottle of apple juice and my aunt and

mother spoon fed me while talking to me in baby talk. I was so

humiliated but they forced me to drink and eat all the food. Jennifer

and Cindy watched and giggled. Afterwards I was praised and given a

cookie, and taken down from the highchair. Afterwards, I was sitting

on the couch with Cindy and Jennifer watching TV while they tickled me

and played with me. I felt very strange as my satiny dress and baby

panties slid over the plastic slipcovers. Then my mother announced it

was "Baby's bedtime." I was confused at first and thought she meant

Cindy as it was only 7:30 p.m. and I went to bed later than that. My

mother said, "No silly, you're the only infant here, and infants go to

bed very early, so don't give me a hard time." With that, she carried

me to my room. She undressed me to my baby pants and asked me if a

needed to be changed. I said no, but she felt my bottom for a "load"

and then stuck her finger under one of my leg openings to see if I was

wet. She said I was still dry. My aunt handed her a frilly baby

nightie for me to wear, and I held up my hands as it was pulled over

me. I was then lowered into my crib and tucked in for the night with a

teddy bear. Jennifer came in with a baby book and asked if she could

read me a beddie bye story. My mother said what a nice idea, and my

cousin proceeded to read me some of "Little Red Riding Hood." When

finished, she kissed me and left the room. A short while latter I

couldn't help but soak my diapers again. I had lain there drenched for

some time when my mother appeared in her nightgown. Without saying

anything, she came over and put her finger under a leg opening of my

baby panties and felt the wetness. She said, "That's a good baby,"

picked me up, and carried me over to the changing table and gave me a

complete changing while talking softly in baby talk. I was returned to

my crib and tucked in. Being so tired from the day's events, I fell

asleep.The next morning I awoke having forgotten where I was for a

moment. All I saw were bars around me and then it quickly came back to

me. I was also soaking wet! A while later my mother and aunt appeared

in the door and saw that I was awake. My mother said, "Good morning

baby Susie," and came over to check my baby panties. She announced

that I was soaking wet, and carried me to the changing table. This

time, however, after my diapers were removed, I wasn't put in new ones

right away. Instead I was lead to the other side of the room where

there was a potty chair. My mother sat me naked on the seat and

fastened its belt buckle around my waist to hold me in place. I said I

didn't want to sit there but was told that I would remain there until I

did "one" and "two." I pleaded for them to let me off, but they just

walked out leaving the door open behind them. I asked them to shut it

but my aunt said it had to stay open so that they knew I was okay. A

few minutes later Cindy appeared in the doorway and stared at me. She

started laughing and called her sister Jennifer to come and see "Baby

Susie sitting on the potty chair." Both girls howled with laughter, but

stopped when I began to cry. My aunt came and shooed them away. My

aunt praised me for doing one and two, and then called my mother.

Next, I was given a bath. Then women then took me back to my room,

diapered me, and picked out the day's clothes. I was put in lacy

yellow dress with petticoat, matching baby panties with lots of

ruffles, lacy socks and marry jane shoes. Yellow ribbon was put in my

hair. I took note of how the dress was as short as the one I wore the

day before and complained that everyone could see underneath and tell

I'm wearing diapers. My mother said I needn't be concerned over that

as it was the style for "baby girls" and was cute. She then remarked

how nice the outfit looked and how pretty and fresh I smelled, just

like an infant.

As my mother was leaving later that day it was decided that we would

all go out for breakfast. I certainly didn't want to leave the house,

and I wasn't moving quickly enough so my mother asked Jennifer to carry

me out and make me sit on her lap in the car, which she was very happy

to do. I was forced to go with them to a restaurant in town. While

sitting in the back of the car on Jennifer's lap, she and Cindy kept

pulling up my short dress above my waist and laughing, as it further

exposed my bulging baby panties and diapers underneath. I protested

but my mother an aunt thought it was funny, and laughed too. We

arrived at the restaurant and Jennifer carried me in. The waitress led

us to a big table by the window. Jennifer put me down and everyone

took a seat. I was waddling around looking for an empty seat when the

waitress called to me from behind. I turned around and saw she had

brought over a highchair. She smiled and using baby talk said that she

had a special chair just for me. My mother looked on cheerfully as the

waitress picked me up and sat me in the highchair while complimenting

me on how pretty I was. She then went off and returned with a baby bib

and fastened it around my neck, saying "that's a good girl." I was so

humiliated. The waitress then brought juice for everyone and without

paying attention set a glass on the tray of my highchair. Somehow, I

accidentally knocked it over, spilling it onto the floor, and my mother

scolded me. The waitress apologized for leaving it there saying she

wasn't thinking. She added that there might be a bottle in the

kitchen. My mother said, "Oh, that's okay, I came prepared," and

opened the baby bag she had taken with her. She took out the bottle

from my aunt's house and gave it to the waitress who went and filled it

with juice. She brought it to me with a big smile on her face. When I

didn't take it from her right away, the waitress stuck it up to my lips

and told me to be a good girl. My mother said, "Go ahead, Susie, you

don't want me to redden your bottom, do you." With that, I drank the

juice, making the waitress and my mother happy. I was ordered a small

portion from the children's menu and my mother helped feed it to me.

People kept looking in through the window and smiling as they walked

by, and I though that they were staring at me. I blushed and everyone

thought this was so cute. After we finished eating, I was let down

from the highchair and the waitress praised me for being "Such a good

girl. "We got back into the car, but instead of going home we went to

the supermarket, as my mother wanted to buy a few "supplies" to leave

with my aunt. Cindy and Jennifer roamed around the store but I was

made to sit in the baby's seat of the shopping cart "so I wouldn't get

lost." My mother and aunt pushed me around the store as they selected

baby lotion, oil, and powder and some extra diapers. My mother picked

out a pacifier and told my aunt that it might help calm me. As we were

leaving, a lady with a little girl commented on how pretty I was and

asked how old I was. I felt so shy I just kept my head down. My

mother replied that I was in the "terrible two's" and the lady smiled

and said that she had just gone through that with her daughter and

wished my mother good luck.

After we got home it was soon time for my mother to leave. I begged

her not to leave me there but she said she had to and that she would

try to visit soon. I started crying and she held me and told me to

open my mouth. She put in the pacifier and told me to suck on it. She

cradled me, and she and my aunt tried to console me in baby talk. It

seemed that everyone was beginning to think that I really was a

two)year)old, and couldn't help treating me that way. My mother left,

and the rest of the day went like the one before. The next morning,

after potty training, bathing, and diapering me, my aunt Jane dressed

me in a soft white baby blouse with red polka dots and a wide but short

red skirt and baby slip. She said that it was rather cool today and

that I should wear tights. She had me hold my legs up and she slid a

pair of white tights up over my clean baby panties. The mary jane

shoes followed. The girls were to return to school that day and after

breakfast aunt Jane had them kiss her and "baby Susie" goodbye. I

really did feel like a baby as they went to school and I stayed behind

with Aunt Jane. Aunt Jane said that she was very happy to have "a new

baby in the house to take care of." She then gave me some dolls to play

with and told me from now on to try to start holding in my pee pee as

long as possible. She was worried that I might fall down the stairs or

something so she put me in the playpen whenever she was busy cleaning

and couldn't watch me. She would come in and check my diapers

periodically. This routine went on for some time, and I grew

accustomed to it.

Cindy's baby clothes were quite a collection as I found out. There

were numerous short dresses, skirts, petticoats, slips, bonnets, rumba

panties, etc. One outfit consisted of a large blouse with matching

bloomers to go over the baby panties, which I wore once, and it was the

closest I ever got to wearing boys' clothes the whole time I was there.

My aunt took great delight in making me look as pretty and feminine as

possible. She even painted my little fingernails and put rouge on my

cheeks. She forced me to play with dolls and play house and other

girls' games with Cindy. One time I spilled ice cream on my dress and

I was made to sit in the corner with my pacifier in my mouth and not

say anything for over an hour. But most of the time I was treated


However, on the nights aunt Jane went out, I had to have Jennifer

change me, and she would let Cindy help her, and they would sometimes

tease me. On Saturday, aunt Jane went out, and Jennifer was put in

charge of me. She and Cindy were in a very playful mood, and after

changing me, they put me in a short newborn's gown. They added a

bonnet on my head and put a pacifier in my mouth. Jennifer grabbed me

and put me in a baby carriage, telling me that I had better behave or

else I would be spanked. Then they rolled me outside for a stroll,

introducing me along the way to friends and passersby as their baby

cousin, "Susie." They had a lot of fun, but I felt so humiliated. Aunt

Jane took me out a lot during the day, and she would sometimes push me

around in a stroller. She told everyone I was her baby niece.

After quite some time, my wetting became better and I was allowed to

wear training panties during the daytime, but if I had an accident and

wet them, I was immediately put back in diapers for punishment. After

many months of "training," my mother took me home. My aunt gave her my

cousin's baby clothes which she did use on me for a few setbacks that



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