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From alt.sex.stories.tg Sun May 5 01:01:07 1996

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From: LabRat@i-link.net (Karen Mitchell)

Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.tg

Subject: Story - Janssurp.txt

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 09:03:25 -0500

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I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may

contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is

offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy ....

enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up

with what I have now.

A Surprise for Jan

by Candi Eton

Jan was standing in the middle of the room admiring the look she

had created while she had the privacy of her aunt's room to

herself. She was very fortunate for the long shopping trip that

had allowed her to take all the time she wanted, carefully doing

her makeup and then settling the wig upon her head. She was now

l8 and had managed to keep her aunt from discovering that she was

shaving her legs and slowly enlarging her nipples by manipulating

them constantly and using a breast pump regularly. She gazed into

the mirror and beheld the creation and release of her feminine

self, she slowly turned around to see herself in the mirror in

the middle of her aunt's room. Aunt had not worn this fine

lingerie since uncle's death several years ago, but it was indeed


SUDDENLY, MOST SUDDENLY, Jan was jolted back into the hard world

of reality by a most frightening and shocking revelation. She

heard the upstairs door shut!! ! Horrified she ran to the window

to see aunt's car in the driveway!!!! And suddenly the

unmistakeable click of her heels walking on the wood floor toward

the bedroom door. Her heart pounded and she shook with tremor.

There was no escape, nothing to do, in HORROR she realized she

was caught, in full dress, no alternative, in the middle of her

aunt's room. Just then aunt rounded the corner and Jan saw how

beautiful she looked dressed for her shopping trip, her best

dress, blue navy pumps, hat, gloves and deep V bodice white

summer dress, her eyes fixed in her purse, rummaging, looking for

something she had obviously forgotten. At that instant she

realized someone else waas in the room with her and her eyes came

up to meet Jan's, a look of fright and quizzical partial

recognition of something familiar came to her face but in the

next instant her mouth gaped wide open with shock, a look of

dismay came on her face as she dropped her purse on the floor in

an involuntary shock reaction realizing it and first unable to

speak mouthed and barely whispered with trembling lips "J-a-n?


At that moment, her heart in her throat, Jan could not take the

emotion of the moment, her knees buckled, her hands twitched and

she swooned onto the chair in a partial collapse, just barely

uttering, "Oh, aunt!! I am so ashamed!" At that instant, the

aunt's instinct took over. Realizing her niece was collapsing she

rushed to Jan's side, gently grabbed her hand and felt her

forehead. "Are you allright? What is happening here? Jan, please

Jan, tell me whats wrong. Half swooning on the chair, Jan blurted

out the story of her life in feminine dressing. They talked on

and on, into the afternoon and part into the night. Jan told her

all about her feelings, she could do nothing else, she could not

hide it further. Once she had gotten started, and since her aunt

showed an understanding Jan had never seen before, she kept

blurting it out. Aunt was simply overcome with surprise, emotion,

concern and most of all sorrow and pity for the horror and

mystery that her only niece had apparently gone through these

years. She helped her move to her bed, dressed her finally in one

of her old night gowns and let her drift off to sleep. Aunt

stayed up far into the night thinking, thinking, thinking.

When Jan woke up the next morning, aunt was nowhere to be found

so she got up and leisurely bathed. She heard her aunt come in

while she was getting out of the tub. She dried and walked out

with the towel around her in a feminine way, covering her breast

area, as she allways did when alone. As she was sitting on the

bed her aunt came in to her bedroom. Aunt was very well dressed.

She wore a black polka dot dress and looked very pretty that day.

Aunt sat down on the bed and took her hand.

"I havent slept all night thinking about my discovery yesterday.

It has really disturbed me that you have been this unhappy and I

spent the morning talking with my doctor and the psychologist I

saw when your uncle died. I have learned a lot about this and

that in all probablility you will be this way all your life. I

don't want you to be unhappy, so I am going to help you but you

must do as I say. First of all, lets go back into the bathroom."

They went back in and aunt drew another bath but this time with

softly scented water, she helped Jan in and said: "This will be

your first lesson". She proceeded to show Jan how to get rid of

all her body hair. After the bath they dried her off and went

into aunt's room, where packages waited. "I bought you a complete

new outfit." and pulled out a delightful bra, panties, slips,

hose, shoes and two blouse and skirt sets. She laid them on the

bed. They looked delightful. "But aunt, how will I know what to

do?" Aunt replied, "You know well what to do, when I saw you

yesterday i thought you were another girl, nevertheless I will

show you some, right now, unzip me and I'll slip out of this good


Aunt slipped out of the dress to her slip, she held up the new

panties to the light, then held them for her to step into but

looking back saw the bulge of her male genitals. "That will not

do" she said and from behind. She reached down into the panties,

grasped the tip of her penis and pulled it down between her legs

hiding. Next went on the padded bra, slip, hose and heels. Now

aunt had her sit down on the side of her bed. Now I will show you

how to walk. Aunt strolled back and forth in front of the bed

showing her how to place her feet as to cause a gentle hip swing,

tucking in the pelvis to show off the breasts, showed her how to

sit, rise and cross her legs. After trying several times she

became very adept at it. Aunt next said "I know that you will do

well, but I also think you are too young to know whether you want

to do this all of the time or not. However, the psychologist

explained to me that you will never be cured of it. I could

forbid it, and you would do it secretly. It would be smarter to

let you do as you will. At least you will have a chance to make

up your mind properly, and you won't have to sneak around. I want

to give you a full opportunity to foster your femininty without

totally killing your male self, in case you think you want to go

back to that later. So, we are moving to another town, I will

permit you and indeed require you to live as a young girl for two

years. At the end of those two years, I could get hormones for

you. It will be possible to change completely. But first let's

see if that is what you really want.





DEPENDENT UPON ME!!!!" Jan was overcome with joy and came to

tears, she slumped to the floor and hugged her aunt by the knees,

sobbing. As she sobbed she smelled a faint must odor that somehow

stimulated her. She asked her aunt what it was. Aunt replied, you

have much to learn, my new niece. You have never even seen a

woman completely, and now I shall show you. She took her by the

shoulders and sat her on the edge of the bed, then walked to the

middle of the room. I shall show you my body. Yours may be like

it someday, if you so choose. Her aunt then turned slowly around.

Jan could see her every part, from her sleek spectator pumps up

to her marvelously coiffed hair. She saw the beautiful cleavage

of her aunt's breasts at the top of her slip and the nipples

barely pointing out from the bra.

She dropped the straps of the slip slowly letting it fall from

her shoulders and down to the floor. In bra and panties, she

unhooked the garters on one side and then said, no, instead of

watching, you must assist. I think it will help your learning.

Assist me with dressing and undressing each day. You will learn

that way and serve me at the same time. Come here and hook these

garters back. Jan did so, grasping the garters and hooking them

again. Now, unhook my bra, turning around, and three hooks were

undone yet aunt held her arms up not letting the bra fall away.

Now my panties she said, "But aunt, I can't do that". NONSENSE,

do as you are told, anyway I'm wearing what's called a g-string

underneath. Slowly she pulled the panties down and off to behold

the full sight of her wonderful body.

As Jan sat down on the bed again, Aunt walked a few steps toward

her and pulled her arms and elbows together. This caused her

breasts to puff up as slowly her bra fell away to reveal her very

full breasts and her large round nipples, puckered up into

glorious long thick tips which stood out at least a half an inch.

The sight took Jan's breath away and her lower lip dropped in awe

of aunt's extreme beauty. Aunt said "Jan, you shall have these

too someday if you choose. She reached inside Jan's bra to

squeeze her neophyte nipple, which sent tingles through Jan and

brought a sigh from her. Auntie's bra then fell completely away

to show her firm and large breasts with not one droop to reveal

her plus 40 age. Then, standing nude except for garter belt, hose

and heels, auntie raised her arms up behind her head to flaunt

her beautiful body and thrust out her chest. She turned slowly

around for a full view, then abruptly commanded Jan to stand up.

"I see that you have no change in your genitals, Jan, which means

you do not react as a man to my body. That is good in many ways,

indicating you are feminine in your desires. However, we must not

totally do away with your maleness. It must come out only at MY

COMMAND". Oh dear aunt, Jan replied, I am in awe of your beauty

and overcome with envy. Oh, please help me to be like YOU. "Yes,

my dear Jan, that will come soon" But first, you have never seen

the rest of me. You have seen my breasts before inadvertently,

but now you must see the rest. Sit down here on the floor in your

most ladylike pose.

Jan sat on the floor and aunt walked from one corner of the room

to the other, showing Jan different poses in her high heels. She

showed Jan which poses show off the leg differently and how

tucking under the pelvis as she walked made her breasts bulge and

point out in a most feminine and beautifully artistic way. "A

woman must know how to present her body, Jan, particularly to

impress a man." Next she came within a few feet of Jan and thus

towered above her. Jan gazed up at her pert, full breasts,with

nipples still protruding taut and hard, dreaming how glorious

that must feel. "Jan, look at my legs, every inch of them, see

how beautiful they are and think that I shall make yours like

them." Jan sighed again. Now Jan, you shall see the essence of

femininity. Aunt moved her feet to the side, standing with legs

partially spread and slowly untied the strings to her G string

bikini, letting it slowly drop to the floor.

Jan saw her thick rich pubic hair and the folds of skin making up

the vaginal lips. She had only seen this in drawings up till now,

she breathed deeply and nervously, and in doing so, smelled that

musty odor again. Unexplainedly, her own pussy area quivered and

her nipples erected. Look deeply, Jan, aunt commanded, see my

essence. Jan saw then a small round head of flesh protrude from

the folds, "That is my clitty Jan, I am making it stand up to

show you. Jan, see my juices forming, making it moist and

smelling sweet? I have done that to show you since I am aroused

at teaching you my feminine ways. Next, auntie's hands went to

her vaginal lips, slowly spreading them to show Jan the inside,

spreading her legs wider for Jan to see. Now the smell was

stronger and the visual and sensual forces had hypnotized Jan so

her eyes had started to glaze. You must know my sex Jan, every

inch of it. Yours will spring when the time comes, Aunt said and

pulled Jan's head even closer to her moist bush.

Auntie reclined and spread her legs. Jan knelt in front of her,

staring like hypnotized at aunt's glorious moist sex. The clit

head was just visible between the folds of moist flesh. Aunt

stroked Jan's hair with one hand and parted her nether lips for

Jan to see more. Jan was breathing slowly yet firmly, with each

breath inhaling more of the sweet musty smell of aunt's sex. She

could see just a few drops of white cream materializing on

auntie's vaginal lips. With each breath and smell she became more

hypnotized still and entranced with the awesome and enviable

beauty which she beheld. By total instinct she felt her aunt's

hands on her head slowly but gently moving her face closer, Jan

pursed her lips to kiss the wet and aphroditic lips, first gently

then firmer, before she knew it she was pushing her face into her

aunt's wetness. She felt auntie respond by hugging her with her

hands and her thighs, sending caring waves of feeling in

response. Auntie then spread both pussy lips and Jan gratefully

tasted of her white foamy juices and started a very slow long

lick up her slit, ending at the clit head, gently suckling it

like a nurturing child.

With that, auntie eased Jan's head away and walked a few steps to

the stuffed arm chair, gliding down into the chair and very

slowly draping each leg over the arms, spreading wide the essence

of her femininity and revelling in the beauty of herself. "Come

here my child and fill yourself with my essence, breath deeply my

fragrance and taste full measure of my juices so that you will

KNOW the ESSENCE. Jan again pursed her lips to spend a few

reverent kisses, slowly breathing the fragrance and gently

lapping the moist nectar pumped to the surface by the now

twitching womb. She felt her aunt lean back and say in a far away

voice, "drink deep my child, drink deep the nectar and source of

your own femininity, so that you may also experience the essence

of femininity which you shall acquire solely from ME. After

several minutes of ecstasy, auntie lifted up Jan's head and with

each breast wiped the juices from her face, smearing them on the

nipple tips and then holding them for Jan to suckle. Finally,

auntie arose and stated, "Jan, you are henceforth my niece and a

woman to all but me. You shall now experience your own


Jan was commanded to recline on the bed, and as she did so, her

aunt tied each hand to the bedstead and then began very gently

rubbing and caressing Jan's legs and pinching and rolling her

neophyte nipples between her fingers. Finally aunt's fingers

drifted to Jan's hole which was just slightly moist, auntie then

mounted her, holding Jan's legs in the air letting her moist and

dripping sex touch the gaffed bag holding the limp and useless

penis. Pinching and rolling her own nipples Auntie caused herself

to drip her wet, creamy, white juices onto the area beneath Jan's

scrotum. Jan almost fainted at the extreme pleasure of feeling

those juices drip down her -- down into her crack. Finally,

auntie took two of her fingers and gently fingered out her juices

onto her new niece and rimmed the tight lips of her niece's hole

with her fingers. "Especially for you darling, I shall initiate

you to true womanhood with the natural nectar of love." By now

Jan had a crack just dripping with juices and she could feel

auntie's fingers both prodding and exploring her insides and

smearing juices up inside. Suddenly, aunt got up, went to her

drawer and pulled something out which Jan could not see in the

twilight. She returned to the side of the bed and strapped on a

long, thin, double ended dildo, first pushing the shorter end up

inside her own vagina. Jan was SCARED O DEATH when this happened,

but instead of violently plunging into her, Auntie teased the rim

of her anal hole a little bit, then pulling out and smearing more

lubricant around Jan's little hole. When full penetration was

finally achieved, Jan felt fulfilled as she never had before.

SLOWLY auntie rocked and rocked and speeded up the plunging and

pulling motion, soon driving the dildo deep inside her. Jan was

now straining to spread aunt's legs and sex even wider. She felt

consumed totally, as if her whole self and being were

concentrating on that sex and its consumption by her loving aunt.

Slowly, she felt contractions taking place, first gentle, now

hard, fast gripping motions, which intensified slowly until they

were carrying her away. Her aunt was moaning, groaning, and

lifting her hips up to take a loving thrust while experiencing

orgasm. Just then Jan wildly started pumping and moaning and

came, came and came again, squirting out juices from her still

flaccid clitty pole and fainted away looking up at the loving

eyes of her aunt, ain with her breasts. That night she slept in

auntie's arms and dreamt of the wonderful life she was going to

have as a woman.

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