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From: an105831@anon.penet.fi (The Archivist)

Reply-To: an105831@anon.penet.fi

Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 18:41:19 UTC

Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Why Me?"

I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I

am simply providing a service to the alt.sex.stories newsgroup (and

therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I

am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes

public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these

stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know.

These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization,

and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff,


All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored.

It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again.

If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE

SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need.

-- The Archivist



Why Me? -- Part 1

by Zoned


Richard and I had been best of friends through Junior and Senior

High School. He was the athletic "jock" and I was the scholar.

After high school, I went on to college while Richard married a

beautiful local girl, Ruth, and went to work in the construction

business. We started getting together, Richard and me, during

the summer preceding my senior year at college for drinking, pot

and good times. Occasionally Ruth would join us and we would go

drinking and dancing. One Friday in June, Richard and Ruth had

picked me up at my parents house and we went out riding and

drinking. We ended up at their place, a third floor apartment

near DC. We started drinking so they suggested that I spend the

night instead of driving me home and I agreed.

We sat around their dining room table drinking beer and Richard

suggested we play a game of cards. Ruth asked what kind of game

we would play and I jokingly replied Strip Poker. Ruth initially

objected but was finally convinced by Richard and the game began.

Richard won the first three hands leaving me with my pants and

shorts and Ruth in her Bra, Slacks and Panties. As the next hand

began, Ruth and I anteed our pants while Richard anteed with

Ruths blouse. I looked at my hand, with three aces and thought

this would almost guarantee a win. I bet my shorts but requested

that I keep them on until the end of the hand. They agreed and

Ruth raised me. Richard raised again and I had nothing to bet

with. It was agreed that we could owe to the pot and repayment

could be worked out after the game. I agreed and raised again.

Ruth called, leaving her owing two pieces of clothing and me

three. Richard called. I drew two cards, a pair of eights, Ruth

drew three and Richard drew one. When the time came to bet,

Richard said he would bet everything if the winner was King, or

Queen, for the rest of the night. With a full house I thought

that was a great idea so I called, Ruthie did likewise and we

showed our hands. Richard had a flush, I the full house and Ruth

had four threes. She was the winner. There I was with Richard

fully dressed, Ruthie in her Bra and Panties and me in my shorts

with Ruthie obviously in charge.

Her first command was for me and Richard to remove our clothing.

Richard immediately took off all his clothes but the tension of

the moment had given me a hard on and I was embarrassed and

didn't immediately remove my drawers. Ruth restated the command

and I slowly took off by underwear. Richard started laughing and

Ruthie shook her head stating, "Billy, are you hard at seeing

Richard naked?". I said it was the tension of the moment but

Ruthie stated that she thought otherwise. She stated that since

she was queen for the night we would be in for some fun. Ruth

went into the bedroom and came back out wearing a bathrobe. She

seated herself in the easy chair in the living room and

instructed me and Richard to come over to her. Her first command

was for me to eat her while masturbating Richard to get him hard.

I said that I wasn't about to touch another man's cock. Ruth

said that was part of the price for losing the game. I still

said no way and Ruth rose and went to the front door. She opened

the door and Richard, who is considerably stronger than I, put me

in a half nelson and shoved me out the door. There I was, naked

with a hard on standing in the hallway of an apartment complex 20

miles from home. I knocked on the door with no response. I

started to get little bit worried and whispered loudly for them

to please let me in. This went on for about five minutes (it

seemed like an hour to me) when the elevator at the end of the

hall ringed that it was on this floor, I started pounding on the

door and it was opened a crack. Ruth was standing there and said

if I wanted back in, I would have to do be her total slave for as

long as she desired me. I really didn't have any choice so I

said OK without hesitation. As I went in the opened door I saw a

black couple exiting the elevator at the end of the hall.

Once inside, I saw Richard in a jogging suit and Ruth still in

her bathrobe. Ruth stated for me to put my hands behind my back

and Richard subsequently tied my hands with a necktie he got from

his pant's pocket. Ruth then told me to get on my knees. I got

on my knees and Ruth told me to walk to Richard. As I got in

front of Richard, she told me to take his jogging pants down with

my mouth. I said "Wait a minute" but was quickly silenced by a

loud slap and a sharp pain across my ass. As I looked at Ruth I

saw her wielding a thin leather belt that came towards my ass

again. The pain was extreme, she wasn't holding anything back,

and I took Richard's jogging pants down with my teeth. Ruth then

ordered me to suck Richard's cock which was semi-hard and about

the size of my hard cock at the time. Another blow from the belt

and I put my mouth around Richard's cock and started to suck.

Ruth asked Richard how I was doing and Richard said I needed to

learn to use my tongue more, so the belt landed again. I took my

mouth off of his cock and started to lick it. I continued doing

the best I could to give him a good blowjob and after what seemed

like 30 minutes he grabbed the back of my head and started to

fuck my face. I tried desperately to stop from gagging as his

cock rammed into my throat and suddenly his jism burst into my

throat. With that introduction, I started to gag and tried

desperately to get away but without the use of my hands, this was

not possible. The jism filled my mouth and started to come down

my cheeks and chin to the floor. There seemed to be pints of the

shit coming and it kept coming. As Richard released his grip, I

took my mouth off of his cock and Ruth called my name. As I

turned in her direction, there was a flash of light which

temporarily blinded me. When my sight recovered, there was Ruth

awaiting the development of a Polaroid print.

After the picture developed, she showed it to me and there I was

in the most compromising position possible. With jism leading

from both corners of my mouth to my chin and a cock, still wet

from my spit, inches from my face. Ruth took the picture and

went into the bedroom, coming back empty handed. She asked

Richard how I did with my first blow job and Richard said that I

would improve in time and winked at Ruthie.

Ruth then said that maybe I was better at cunt eating and

subsequently told me to crawl to her on her knees. She told me

to put my face inside her bathrobe and make her happy. I

instantly shoved my face in and started to lick her clit. I

alternated between licking her clit, her pussy lips and tonguing

her cunt. After about fifteen minutes of this, Ruth grabbed the

back of my head with both her hands and started grinding her

pussy into my mouth and nose. She told me to keep using my

tongue and the belt fell on my ass again, this time much harder

than before (obviously Richard was weilding the leather now). I

continued to due my best with Ruthie's cunt and eventually her

legs shivered and the moan told me she was satisfied. She

released my head and told Richard that she wanted to get fucked.

Richard replied that after my blowjob, he didn't think he could

get it up soon without help and looked at me. I could take a

hint and crawled to him on my knees, pulled his jogging suit down

with my teeth and stared to lick and suck his cock. After about

five minutes, his cock was hard and he said good night and went

to join Ruth, who was already in the bedroom.

There I was naked, with my hands tied behind my back in the

middle of the living room. I had resigned myself to just playing

this thing out and getting out at the earliest opportunity. In

the meantime, I lay on the couch to get some much desired sleep.

Four times that night, I was awaken by Richard who said Ruthie

wanted more and I needed to get him hard again. I quickly

discovered that the more times I sucked Richard, the longer it

took to get him hard.

The next morning, I awoke to see Richard heading out the door to

work and Ruthie dressed in a bathrobe with a belt in her hand.

She proceeded to tell me, with the belt landing on my back as a

reminder, to get my lazy ass out of bed. I struggled up and she

proceeded to untie my hands. As she untied my hands she reminded

me of the picture she had taken of me the night before and that

Richard was going to get copies made by some friends of his that

day. Any attempt not to due as I was told would result in those

pictures being delivered to my friends and family. She then took

me to the bathroom and showed me several disposable razors lying

on the sink with shaving cream and a small pair of moustache

scissors. She told me to get a shower and shave everything from

my neck down. She then pushed me in the bathroom and closed the

door. I sat on the john and thought about what she wanted me to

do. The picture she had of me would destroy my step father's

political dreams, he was a capitol hill lawyer, and would make my

life very miserable. So I got the scissors and razors and

started to shave. How women get used to shaving their legs if

hard to figure because I had a hell of a time. My underarms and

chest, along with some "peach fuzz" on my stomach was alot

easier. When I clipped away my crotch hair, I started to think

about what is was doing, I got a long shower and went to the

door, still buck naked.

After leaving the bathroom, Ruthie was coming down the hall

wearing tight jeans and a halter top. The belt was still in her

hands. She hand me a piece of material that seemed like a small

piece of scrap material and told me to put it on, she had company

coming. After further examination, it was a red g-string with

nothing more than what seemed like a string in the back. I put

it on after a whack with the belt against my right thigh. Ruth

instructed me to push my measly limp cock between my legs and I

obeyed. She next handed me a red garter belt and I submissively

put it on along with a pair of pink stockings which I attached to

the garter belt. She took me to the bedroom mirror and I could

see my reflection with my ass fully exposed, the back strap of

the g-string disappeared into my ass crack, and the stockings,

which felt pretty good against my shaved legs, seemed to accent

my shaved legs. She then instructed me to go and sit in the

living room.

After about ten minutes, there was a knock at the door. Ruth

instructed me to answer the door and I, seeing no other recourse,

did so. There standing in front of me were three ladies, Ruth's

sister Diane, who I had a dumped about a year ago after a six

month relationship; Cindy, a friend of Ruth's that I knew from

high school, she was now in Nursing school; and Linda, a college

friend during the last semester. They were each carrying a paper

bag and Diane looked at me and laughed, saying "Ruth wasn't

pulling our leg after all" and patted me on the ass as she walked

into the bedroom. The other two girls were giggling as they

followed Diane. Ruth ordered me to sit on the couch as she

talked to the other ladies and she went into the bedroom to join

her company.

I heard talking and laughing coming from the closed bedroom door

and even thought, though momentarily, of going closer to the door

to listen. But instead, I did as I was told and sat on the

couch. After about five minutes of sitting, the four ladies

emerged from the bedroom carrying two of the paper bags.

Diane started to whisper with Ruth and they started to giggle.

After some more wispering with Linda and Cindy, Diane stepped

forward and told be to remove my "G-string". I was very

embarrassed since Cindy and Linda were "friends" and they had

never seen me naked before. During my hesitation, Ruth stated

that any resistance with her friends commands and I would really

regret it, so I instantly dropped by G-string and took them off.

Diane next command was for me to jerk off and I closed my eyes

and started to jerk, trying to forget who was watching. Ruth

must have read my mind becaused a slap of a belt againt by thigh

made me reopen my eyes. Ruth said that if I closed my eyes

again, I would regret it.

I was "forced" to look at the ladies friends as I jerked on my

uncircumcised cock, the look of confidence and the grin on Ruth's

face; the continuous giggle on Diane's; and the look of amazement

with hands "almost" covering the eyes on Cindy and Linda, were

enough to make me feel the lowest I had ever felt. Submitting to

Richard and Ruth the night before was bad enough but now having

to masturbate in front of two "friends" and an old vindictive

girlfriend was, as far as I was concerned, the most humiliating

act I could perform. With my uncut cock, the act of masturbation

was simply pulling the foreskin back over my cockhead and then

pushing forward and back and forward, over and over again. My

cock was starting to respond to the hand job and started to get

rock hard as I looked from face to face, seeing the obvious

pleasure the girls were experiencing with my submission.

Ruth saw that I was approaching orgasm and gave a further

instruction, "Catch all your cum in your other hand, Bill" and I

looked at her with an amazed look with out moving my other hand.

Ruth raised the belt and I quickly moved my left hand in front of

my cock. I then pointed my cock down towards the floor and kept

my hand underneath of it. As my orgasm approached I focused my

eyes on Linda, the one "friend" I had there, and let my jism

spurt into my cupped left hand. The snicker and odd smile on

Linda's face told me that even she was enjoying my degradation as

my orgasm started to subside and my left hand contained what

looked like two tablespoons of my sperm. Ruth next command

surprised me even more, "Eat it, lick your hand clean Slut".

The total revulsion of doing what she asked was more that I could

bear. I had no intention of continuing this "game" and looked at

Ruth with a defiant look saying, "Hasn't this gone far enough

Ruth, I can't go any further. Haven't I paid my debt to you by

now?". Linda, Cindy and Diane all looked at Ruth who started to

laugh saying, "First, I will decide when your "debt" is paid, and

Second, unless you want the pictures sent to all you family and

friends, here and at college thanks to information that Linda

gave us this morning, you will do as I say. Now you useless

piece of trash, eat your own sperm, you seemed used to the taste

after sucking Richards cock last night." The last statement

regarding Ruth's husband brought giggles and gasps from the other

three girls. As I started thinking about whether to continue

this farce, the belt landed on my left thigh with a strong force.

"Ow, cut that out" I stated and Ruth replied with another hit and

said, "Eat, now Bitch". As the Ruth pulled back of a third blow

I moved my face to my left hand and did what I had just said I

would never do, stared licking up my own cum.

The salty taste wasn't the repulsing part, I was not that

particular about the taste, but the idea of what it was that I

was eating was very repulsing. The third blow landed and I

resolved myself to just get through this "scene". I started

lapping and licking and before I knew it, my hand was clean.

I looked around the room and saw Diane holding her gut because

she was laughing so hard and Cindy and Linda were giggling like

young teenagers even though they were both twenty years old (like

me). Even though I couldn't see my image in a mirror, I knew

that my whole upper body was red with shame. I couldn't believe

what I had done in the last eighteen hours but didn't see any

easy way out of it. Ruth asked the ladies if there was anything

else they wanted me to do for them and Diane replied, "Maybe

later, I could borrow him for a cunt eating session". Ruth

replied, "Anytime" and said it was time to get to work.

I asked softly if I could put my panties back on and cover my

cock and Ruth replied, "Yes bitch you can put your oversized clit

back in your panties. From now on you will not speak unless

spoken too and you will always use your natural voice when

speaking. And your 'equipment' will always be referred to as

your clit, understand?". I didn't understand what she meant by

my natural voice but saw no problem in the rest of the

instructions and replied, "Yes mam" as I replace my "clit" in the


Cindy walked back to the bedroom still giggling and came back

with two odd looking items and a small paper bag. As I studied

the two items, they looked like rubber breasts. Cindy told me to

place my hands on the back of my head and walk to the full length

mirror in the hallway. I did as instructed and Cindy pulled a

chair up beside me. Cindy then opened a bottle of alcohol and

dipped some on a gauze pad and stared to apply the alcohol to the

areas around my chest telling me to pay careful attention to what

she was doing. She then picked up one of the rubber looking

breasts and turned it upside down, and took up a double tube item

with two plungers on top and a medical name on it. She removed

the cap and punctured the seal with a pair of tweezers and

pressed the plungers, combining the two separate tubes and

spreading the resulting clear gel around the perimeter of the

fake breast. Cindy addressed me saying, "Billy, you have to

cover the entire perimeter of the breast form about a half inch

from the edge with a small bead of gel, understand?".

It suddenly hit me like a brick what she was planning on doing

and I just thought, 'These ladies are crazy, my cock is a clit,

Cindy is trying to give me breasts, wait a minute'. My

concentration was broken by Cindy again asking, "Understand?". I

said "Sure", not knowing what was really happening. As Cindy

finished her task she raised the breast form to my chest and

pressed in against my skin. I jumped with the cold feeling of

the gel against my skin but Cindy maintained the pressure as she

counted, "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15".

She then released the breast form and nudged it a little causing

it to "jiggle" but stay in place.

Cindy stepped back and said, "Billy, jump up and down a few times

for me to see if the breast form will stay attached. That gel is

a new adhesive the hospital is testing for attaching latex based

forms to skin tissue and I want to see if it will handle the

weight of that form." I heard Cindy talk but was transfixed by

my image in the mirror in front of me, except of the different

shades of the breast form compared to my skin (which wasn't that

much different), I had a C-sized right breast. I jumped up and

down lightly and the "breast" jiggled and flopped a little

without coming dislodged. I jumped higher and shook my body from

side to side and the "breast" reacted again without coming

dislodged. Cindy exclaimed, "Alright, it works. Now Billy, you

put the other one on."

My mind seemed to go blank as I became transfixed by the image in

front of me in the mirror. I picked up the other breast form

which and started to apply the thin bead of gel as Cindy had just

done. The breast form actually wrapped slightly around the side

of the chest to give the total image of a real breast. As I

finished the application of the gel, I looked at Cindy who

quickly said, "Put it on your chest, the solution sets up

rapidly." I did as instructed, watching the mirror instead of

looking down and smoothed the edges of the breast for around my

chest. I held the form in place with both hands as I started

counting like Cindy had just minutes earlier. After reaching

fifteen, I looked at Cindy who replied, "Your a good pupil, I

don't think I could have done it better myself. Jump up and down

and see how it reacts". I did as instructed, somewhat fascinated

by the idea of having "breasts" and they reacted as if they were

part of my anatomy. I guess the full impact of what was going on

hadn't hit me yet because I found this to be rather novel.

Cindy turned to Ruth and said that the rest of what she wanted

was in the bedroom and she really had to get to work. Ruth

thanked her for the assistance and walked her to the door where

they whispered together for about two minutes. Ruth returned to

the living room and looked at Linda saying, "Phase two Linda".

Linda headed for the bedroom but squeezed one of my "breasts" as

she walked by me saying, "I'm impressed, modern science has come

along way" and continued to the bedroom. She returned carrying

what looked like a full paper grocery bag and pulled the chair in

front of the mirror telling me to have a seat. Since Linda was a

friend of mine from college, she seemed to give me alot more

respect than Ruth or Diane and made me feel more at ease. Linda

pulled out a large "tackle" box out of the bag and opened it

revealing a large assortment of cosmetics in neatly arranged

"shelves". I suddenly remembered that Linda had taken

Cosmetology in the last two years of high school at the

Vocational Technical Center and I realized what her purpose was

in this process saying, "Oh my god". Ruth started to speak but

seemed to let it go after I didn't continue to speak.

Linda pulled a plastic card out of the box and started placing it

against my chest, or what was uncovered of my chest anyway.

After a few seconds she went back into the box and stared mixing

up something. She then started to rub something against the

"lines" formed by the edges of the breast forms essentially

making them disappear. I just looked in the mirror as my

"breasts" became even more real looking in a matter of minutes.

She stepped back and told me to stand and turn around. I did as

instructed and she came back over and spread the "foundation" or

whatever it was into the forms edges in a couple of more places

then nodded and said, "Sit back down".

As I sat down, she started on my face working diligently for

about 20 minutes. After she finished I looked in the mirror and

saw a heavily made up face that I didn't immediately recognize.

Linda reached back into her back and produced a long wig that she

started fitting on my head. The wig was black, just like my own

hair color and after pinning it to my own hair, she asked me to

stand and walk into the living room. As I entered the living

room, Ruth and Diane both exclaimed, "Oh my god, she's

beautiful". Ruth continued saying, "You deserve a round of

applause Linda, you made a rose out of a turnip, hahahaha".

Linda said, "Thanks, but I do have to go, the shop is opening in

a half hour and I need to set some things up." Again, Ruth

walked Linda to the door and had a few hushed words with her

before she left.

Ruth returned to the living room and looked at Diane saying,

"Phase three sister". Diane said "No problem" and got up and

walked into the bedroom returning with another grocery bag. She

reached in and extracted a one piece white dress and handed it to

me saying, "Go ahead honey, put it on. hahahahahaha". I looked

at the dress that was given to me and saw that it buttoned up the

front so I slipped it on like a trench coat and started buttoning

from the bottom. I was amazed that it fit as well as it did,

even though it was kind of loose through the hips and ass

(probably because I had no hips or ass). As I buttoned the first

buttons, I noticed that the dress came down about half way

between my knees and my groin. I continued buttoning the

eighteen buttons but was told to stop with four buttons left at

the top. This covered my new "breasts" but left my neck and the

top few inches of my chest uncovered.

Diane reached back into her bag and pulled out three pairs of

white shoes, one pair had very high heels, one pair had medium

heels, and the last pair were very low heels. Diane told me to

try the highest heels on but it became obvious quickly that my

feet were not going to fit in those shoes. Next were the medium

heels and with the open toe, they did fit my feet enough to go

on. They had straps that wrapped around the ankle and I looked

at Diane who said, "Go ahead fasten them." I knelt down and

fastened the ankle straps to the shoes and tried to stand. I

hadn't thought of how the heels made it difficult to stand.

I couldn't even think of walking but Ruth said, "Walk over to

the mirror and look at yourself slut". I was actually getting

used to the "orders" now and just headed for the mirror on wobbly

legs and took a look at myself. What I saw in the mirror did not

look good. It actually looked at a slightly overweight, rather

large busted woman with fat knees and no ass in a white dress.

I looked over at Ruth and ask, "Can I just ask you one question?"

to which Ruth replied, "Ok, one question". "Why are you doing

this to me, I'm a nice guy and I don't mean anyone any harm. Why

all this humiliation?" I asked, and Ruth quickly replied, "Do you

remember how you dumped my sister?", as she motioned to Diane who

had a shit eating grin on her face. About six months earlier,

Diane had come up to college and went to a frat party with me.

After going to the bathroom, I returned to find Diane talking and

laughing with two of the frat boys against a wall and I guess I

got a little jealous, walking over to her and pulling her away by

the wrist. When she told me to leave her alone I made some kind

of comment about her acting like a slut to which I received a

slap across the face. I thought I did a great job of maintaining

my composure but the loudly stated, "You want to act like a slut,

then go ahead, slut" as I turned and walked out was probably the

wrong thing to say at the time. I looked back at Ruth and Diane

and said, "Yea, I remember, whats that got to do with all this?"

motioning to the dress and heels I was wearing. Diane simply

replied, "Hahahahahahahaha, Paybacks are a bitch ain't they


Ruth walked past me and into her bedroom, returning with a white

leather handbag and her own brown purse. She handed me the white

hand bag saying that all my possessions were in there and it was

time to go. The look of shock on my face must of been comical

because Ruth's stern dominant face that she was trying to

maintain fell into total laughter in a matter of seconds. I

gasped, "GOING OUT, IN THIS, WAIT A MINUTE". Ruth had regained

her composure saying, "Bitch, this is the least of it" as she

grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the apartment door with

Diane coming behind us.

Walking in heels takes practice and I quickly learned that

lesson. As Ruth pulled me out the door of the apartment by the

hand and started down the hall, I was stumbling along behind.

Realizing how I was dressed and not wanting people to realize I

was a guy in a dress, I started concentrating on just walking in

these heels, suddenly very thankful that the high heels Diane had

brought were too small. By the time we got to the elevator, I

had started to get the awkwardness out of my step but still

wasn't used to walking in these things. When Ruth walked past

the elevator and opened the door to the stairs, I started to

object. What stopped me was the elevator door opening and two

guys coming out. There eyes ran up and down my body as they came

by me and headed to the end of the hall. Ruth giggled and said,

"There you go Billy, you passed the first test" and gently pulled

me through the door to the stairs.

Walking on stairs with heels for the first time was a challenge

but by the time we got to the ground floor, (the apartment was on

the third floor), I had gotten the hang of that two. As we

walked to Diane's car, an older model big Thunderbird, I was

walking on steadier feet but my calves started to bother me.

Diane unlocked and opened the Passenger door and I entered with

Ruth sitting beside, sandwiched between the two sisters. As

Diane started the car, I looked at Ruth and asked, "How long is

this going to go on?" and she replied, "Well, if you do whatever

we say for the weekend, then we'll just use you from time to

time". The use of the words, "use you", bothered me but I

thought better than to ask anything else, just hang on for the

next two days and I'd be out of this situation for the time

being. As Diane headed for the city, Washington DC, she placed

her right hand on my thigh and rubbed it back and forth saying,

"I think I like you with shaved legs and nylons Billy, maybe I'll

give you a little 'treat' later on".

As we crossed the DC line, in one of the seedier parts of town,

Diane pulled up to the curb in front of a liquor store. She

turned to me and said, "Would you be a sweetie and go get me a

pack of Salem Lights?". I looked at her with a 'Are you

serious?' look and Ruth spoke saying, "Sure she will, and I'll go

with her" as she opened the door and stood on the sidewalk

waiting for me to get out. I didn't want to get out of the car

until Ruth said, "Come on Billy, every second you wait will cost

you a button on that dress. One....two.....three...four...". She

quit counting as I got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk

with her. Ruth said that she liked even numbers so I would

unbutton two buttons on top and two on the bottom. I just kept

thinking, 'make it through the weekend Bill and you'll be home

free' as I unbuttoned two buttons on the top of my dress,

revealing a little cleavage and two buttons on the bottom

revealing more of my 'manly' legs.

Diane called out, "Here you go" and I looked around and saw her

holding out her hand. I bent over inside the open door of the

car to get the money, a roll of fifty nickels, from her. As I

was bent over to get the money, Diane said "Hold out both of your

hands" which I did as she broke open the roll of nickels into my

hands. As the nickels started to fall into my hands about six of

them fell on the front seat floor so I bent further to retrieve

them. The sounds from behind me of "Oh baby","Flash that ass

honey", "You can sit on my face anytime Sweetthing" made me

suddenly remember how I was dressed and the position I was in. I

quickly sat in the passenger seat and closed the door and started

to collect the nickels on the floor. Ruth started, "One...Two..

to kneel to get the nickels, Ruth said, "Wait a minute honey,

three more buttons".

I looked over at the liquor store and there were three black men

standing in front with shit eating grins on there faces. They

had obviously been the ones "catcalling" earlier and equally

obviously had just heard Ruth's command. I looked down at my

body and decided to unbutton two buttons on top and one on the

bottom. After completing the "debuttoning" operation, I looked

down and saw that the cleavage between my breasts was very

obvious, but the gap at the bottom of the dress still hid the top

of the stockings and the garter belt straps. As I knelt down to

recover the rest of the nickels, the three men started in on me,

"Come on honey, unbutton them all", "Come on Sweetheart, come on

over here, I'll give you something to unbutton and unzip". After

collecting all the nickels, I started to head towards the liquor

store but one of the three men, the youngest and biggest, stepped

in front of me saying, "What, you don't want any of this nigger

cock, bitch. You to good for us?". Ruthie whispered in my ear,

"Tell them that you'll take care of them after you get what you

need in the store, in you natural voice". I froze while the man

in front of me started to move his right hand towards my breath.

Not knowing what kind of reaction I would get out of this man

when he found out that I was really a guy but saw little choice.

I guess I was getting used to my submissive roll and said, "I'll

take care of you after I get what I need, Ok?" to the man.

The man stepped back with eyes wide and started laughing saying,

"It's a fucking faggot, jesus christ, a faggot dressed up like a

bitch, with tits and everything". His two friends were laughing

with him and with their distraction, I walked into the liquor

store with Ruth right behind me. As I walked to the counter, the

black man behind the counter asked, "An what can I get for you

ladies, directions maybe because we don't see fine stuff like you

around these parts much". By now, I knew what was expected of me

in Ruth's humiliation campaign and said it my normal male voice,

"I would like a pack of Salem Lights, please". The clerk behind

the counter looked amazed as he looked back and forth from the

breasts to my face saying, "Well I'll be damned, the finest

looking 'it' I've ever seen". An obese black man walked up from

the back of the store laughing and saying in a deep voice, "We

got ourselves a couple of faggots here Jerome?, think your place

is going to get a bad reputation here". As he approached us, he

took his right hand and grabbed Ruth between the legs and laughed

as he came up to me and did the same, I couldn't do much with

both hands full of nickels, saying, "Well, make that one faggot

Jerome, the other one seems to be an innie, hahahahaha, think we

ought to teach this 'thing' a lesson about lowering our property

values? hahahahahaha". The clerk behind the counter placed a

pack of Salem Lights on the counter and looked at the obese man

saying, "Lay off Clyde, customers are customers" and looked at me

saying "Two fifty" while he shook his head looking at my

'breasts'. I put the nickels on the counter and started counting

them out to 'Jerome' when he said, "I trust you, get on outta

here before you cause me some trouble".

With that, I grabbed the pack of cigarettes and headed for the

door. As we left the store, with laughter behind us, I headed

directly for the car. As I got to the door, the young guy said

to me, "I thought you were going to take care of me when you got

out, Faggie boy". I stopped with my hand on the door handle and

looked at Ruth, who was standing beside me. She looked at the

three men standing 8 feet away and back at me and seemed to

hesitate, deciding whether or not I would have to 'take care' of

the young guy. After three glances at me and the black man, Ruth

finally said, "Get in the car Billy". As I opened the door, the

three men started laughing with the young one saying, "You don't

know what your missing, faggie boy, I'd have given you a belly

full, hahahahahahaha". I opened the car door and got in the car

with Ruth right behind me. Diane was giggling as she put the car

in gear and pulled away from the curb.

As I sat in the car, I looked down at my 'breasts' and could

easily see why the men in the store were fooled, they looked

quite natural and maybe too exposed but I didn't dare ask Ruth if

I could button a button back up, they were fake anyway so why was

I so self conscious. As we traveled down the street, Ruth asked,

"We found a Mastercharge in your wallet with your picture on it,

how does a college student like you with no job get a credit

card?". I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Dad got it for me to

take care of college expenses, he said it was easier than a

checking account". Ruth laughed as Diane continued to drive

toward downtown.

I wondered where we were going as we drove for about 20 minutes,

through the museums and the mall and into Georgetown. Diane

finally stopped the car and backed into a curbside parking space.

Ruth opened the door and I got out behind her. She said, "Your

forgetting your purse Sweetie" and I reached back in a retrieved

it. Diane joined us on the sidewalk and we walked about a half

block to what appeared to be a small clothing shop. We entered

and an older lady came to Ruth and gave her a small hug saying,

"Ah, Ruthie, I haven't seen you in a while".

As I looked around, I noticed that there were other 'ladies'

showing off outfits to other women but on closer examination, saw

that they all looked masculine in nature. It didn't take long to

figure out that this was a specialty shop of some type catering

to a 'different' type of clientele. I was led over to a shoe

rack and gently pushed down into a seat by Ruth. A young man

came to me and removed my right shoe and started measuring my

stockinged foot. Then he went into the back and returned with a

pair of red open-toed high heel shoes and tried the right one on

my foot. He then removed my left shoe and replace it with other

one in the box. Ruth said, "Well, get up and see if they fit".

The heels on these shoes were high, like four inches, and when I

stood I had to hold onto the back of my seat to stay up. "Walk

around" came the command from Ruth and I tried to walk in the

high heels. After about 20 steps, I started to get the hang of

it but walking on my tippy toes was anything but comfortable.

The older lady then returned and started taking measurements of

my waist, bust and hips and walked to a rack in the back of the

store returning with a white two piece leather dress that looked

very short. "Try this on" she said and pointed towards the

dressing rooms in the back of the shop.

I removed the mid thigh dress I had on and slipped into the

skirt. It was tight around my hips, but after sucking my gut in

just a little, I could get it to buckle. The dress had a zipper

on the side that began at the top, right below the top of the

dress and went down to the hem. I zipped it down and looked in

the mirror. The skirt was very short with the hem coming just

below my crotch and very tight. I had to unbutton and unzip the

skirt to readjust my garter belt and stockings so they would

remain hidden from view and then put the skirt back on. With the

high heel shoes, I appeared to of suddenly acquired an ass which

the skirt seemed to accent. The top was also leather and had

four buttons at the bottom, with a very low cut and tight fit.

After dressing, I left the dressing room to return to the ladies.

As I entered the room, Ruth nodded her head and with her hand

indicated that I turn around. After turning two times, a very

difficult task in high heels by the way, Ruth said that she

thought that would do. She instructed me to pay the lady and I

looked at Ruth with a questioning look. "With the credit card

sweetie" and I thought about how I would explain this to my

parents. I reached into my purse and there was the wallet from

my pants. I pulled out the credit card and walked to the

counter. The bill came to $118 but I just wanted to get out of

this shop and this scene and get back to normal so I didn't

complain. Diane came walking up from the dressing rooms with the

dress I had worn in while Ruth used a pair of scissors from the

cashier to cut the tags off of my new outfit. Ruth walked over

and gave the sales lady a hug and looked back at me and Diane and

said, "Let's go".

We walked out to the car and I occasionally held onto Diane's

shoulder because of the high heels. My legs were wobbly, like

when I started ice skating, and without Diane's shoulder, I doubt

I could have stayed up. Once I got it into my mind to walk on

the balls my feet instead of the whole foot, the walking did get

easier but took alot of concentration. As we got back to the

car, Diane unlocked the passenger door first and I looked at Ruth

with a questioning face. She replied, "Very good, slut, you can

get in". I entered the car and Ruth got in beside me. Diane got

in the drivers seat and started driving. I guess I had ignored

my cock, or 'clit' as Ruth referred to it, for the past hours, it

being shoved up underneath the G-string and now started to react

to me being almost naked in the leather outfit. I don't know

whether it was the humiliation or the feel of the leather against

my ass as I sat down in the car seat, but something was starting

to arouse me. As we drove out of Georgetown and into northwest

DC I began to move around in my seat to get comfortable, but this

movement just seemed to excite me more and my cock was starting

to strain as it hardened.

Ruth looked past me at Diane and said, "We haven't had lunch yet

and it's past 1:00, pull into this McDonald's up here". As Diane

pulled into the McDonald's, we all got out of the car and I

took a few steps holding onto the car before I got my 'heels' legs

back. We went into the McDonald's and I thought of an

opportunity to take care of my hardening cock. I looked at Ruth

and said, "Mistress Ruth, could I go to the bathroom, I have to

pee". Ruth smiled and said, "Yes Billy, go to the Men's room and

use the urinal. Before you do, unsnap and drop the dress to your

ankles, it's leather and doesn't stain very easy". I hadn't even

thought of which bathroom to use and I didn't really have to use

the bathroom for it's conventional purposes anyway so I said,

"Well, maybe I don't have to go as bad as I thought". Ruth

laughed again and said, "I don't care if you 'have' to go or not,

do as I instructed". I steadied my heels legs and headed for the

bathroom. The McDonald's was rather empty at this time so I

thought that maybe I could get away with this in private. I

entered the Men's room with challenge and was very happy to see

that no one else was in there at the time.

As the door closed, I looked around. The Men's room had two

urinals and two stalls. My mind said that Ruth or Diane wouldn't

come in here so I headed for one of the stalls. As I pushed the

door to the stall open to enter, I heard a male voice behind me

saying, "The lady out there told me to make sure you used the

urinal". I looked to my left and saw a large, about 350 pound,

man standing at the door to the bathroom looking up and down my

body. I thought that there is no way I was going to let this fat

slob see me in my G-string so I headed for the door to the

bathroom. Mr. Tubbo blocked my exit and repeated, "The lady out

there told me to make sure you used the urinal". Well, it became

immediately obvious that I wasn't going to get past this guy so I

guess I went into some kind of shock and walked over to the

urinal and unzipped the leather skirt. I looked over my shoulder

and saw the man standing with his back against the wall smiling

at me. I unbuckled the skirt and pushed it over my 'hips', what

there were of hips anyway and let it fall to my ankles. I looked

back over my shoulder at the mirrors over the sinks behind me and

saw what the man was seeing, red garter belt attached to pink

stockings and the faintest hint of pink panties at the top of the

crack of my ass. My ass was fully exposed and moving my eyes to

the large man, I saw the his smile had turned to a grin. I

pulled down the front of my G-string and 'fished' out my three

quarters hard cock and pointed it at the urinal, thinking, 'Why


Since I didn't really have to use the bathroom anyway, I started

to slowly jerk off, hoping the man wouldn't notice. After about

15 seconds, the man said, "She also told me to make sure you

didn't jerk off in here, hahahahaha". The man approached me and

put his hand on my ass saying, "If your finished, there's other

business to be taken care of." Not knowing what he was talking

about, I moved backwards and started to redress. With a now

fully erect cock, shoving it between my legs would be painful so

I placed sideways under the G-string. I reached down and worked

the leather skirt back over my hips and buckled and fastened.

After zipping the skirt I looked in the mirror seeing my bulge

very evident underneath the tight leather skirt. I thought that

this was too obvious and raised the skirt to readjust my cock

between my legs. After lowering the skirt I saw that this mostly

covered my 'problem' but left me with a strained cock root that I

figured I would just have to live with. As I looked in the

mirror, I almost cried with the image that looked back, the

humiliation and degradation I had gone through since last night

had reached new lows and I didn't know how important hiding that

picture was anymore. I shook my head at myself and turned and

headed for the door but the large man stopped me by blocking my


"The lady said that you would blow me", the man said. I reacted

with a gasp and said, "No way, get out of the way and let me go".

The man laughed saying, "Blow me or I take that ass hole of

yours" as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. With

his fat belly and thighs, his cock was 'hidden' in his groin. I

quickly decided that this guy could easily rape me if he wanted

to, do to his sheer size and decided that this was just one more

'scene' that Ruth had put me up to. I said, "Let's at least go

in one of the stalls", and he replied, "Nah, right here is fine

with me". I slowly dropped to my knees and turned my head

sideways to access his half hard cock and put it in my mouth. I

remembered about how my tongue had made Richard react faster the

night before and wanted this to be over as fast as possible,

fearing that someone else would enter and suffer more humiliation

from that. As the man's cock was in my mouth, I constantly ran

my tongue over his cockhead and sucked as hard as I could. The

man didn't last long as his cock started to harden rapidly. I

continued my tongue playing as I sucked as hard as I could. As

the cock in my mouth started to spasm, I tried to pull away,

knowing what was coming next but I felt hands on the back of my

head and couldn't pull away from the onslaught of sperm that

started erupting from the man's cock. As blasts of sperm

continued to explode into my mouth I heard the creaking sound of

the restroom door open and heard voice saying, "Hey man, can I

have some of that?". The man whose cock I had in my mouth

replied, "Sure, as soon as it is finished with me" in a strained

voice. As the man's hands released from the back of my head I

moved off of his cock and moved as fast as I could in standing up

and running to the bathroom door. As I opened the door, I

encountered a Policeman coming into the bathroom. I mumbled

"scuse me" since my mouth was still full of the man's sperm and

made my way past him. I didn't hear a reply or look back just

kept walking rapidly to Ruth and Diane who were looking at me

with questioning eyes.

As I approached the ladies, Diane asked, "What took you so

long?". I swallowed and said with my teeth still sticky from the

cum, "Shit, I had to blow that fat guy, what did you expect".

Diane and Ruth both looked at me funny and started laughing, with

Ruth saying, "What makes you think you had to blow him?". I

said, "DIdn't you tell him that I would blow him?". The girls

laughed saying that he was just making sure you were using the

urinal and laughed some more. While we were standing there

talking, the policeman I had met at the door of the restroom

approached us and asked if I would step outside with him for a

moment. I said "Sure", and started to walk outside with him.

Ruth and Diane started to follow but the officer told them to

stay inside.

Once we got outside, the officer asked me to tell him what

happened in the restroom. I said, "I went into the restroom to

relieve myself at the urinal. My mistress wanted me to use the

urinal instead of the commode and sent the big guy in to ensure I

followed her instructions. After using the bathroom, the big guy

told me to blow him or he would 'rape' me in the ass." figuring

that the total truth was warranted because this was a cop who

could arrest me. I continued, "So I blew him. I didn't see any

other choice at the time". The officer just looked at me and

scanned his eyes up and down my body the asked for some ID. I

reached inside my purse and took out my wallet and retrieved my

drivers license. The officer looked at the license and then at

me and then the license again. He pointed at my 'breasts' and

asked, "Are these real?". I replied, "No, there not but they

make a good impression". The officer nodded his head and said,

"Mr. Thompson, the man your accusing of threatening to 'rape' you

is a businessman in the community here, I'd watch what I say

about our residents especially since your way out of your

territory" as he handed me my Maryland Drivers License back.

"Why don't you come over to my car with me son, or lady, or

whatever you are" the officer instructed and as I walked over, he

stayed behind me. I said, "I'm just telling you what happened

officer, there's never any harm in telling the truth".

The officer contemplated my last statement and said, "Put your

hands on the hood of the car and spread your legs". I was

somewhat relieved in that this would definintely make those

pictures Ruth had of me worthless and did what the officer

commanded. He continued "I'm placing you under arrest for

soliciting for prostitution and you have the right to remain

silent, ......". The spiel continued as my mind went blank and

first one then the other arm was pulled behind my back and

handcuffed them. He put me in the back seat of the car and moved

around to the drivers seat carrying my purse. He fished the

Drivers License that I had just dropped in the purse out and

started talking on the radio, checking on priors or outstandings

or whatever those guys do. As he was talking on the radio, Ruth

and Diane came out of the McDonald's with a worried look on there

faces. As they approached the patrol car, the officer rolled

down the window and told them he was taking me in, and gave them

directions to the police station. I thought it odd but the

officer told the ladies that he had some personal business to

take care of so it might take a little while to get me to the

station house.

Well, this was a hell of pinch I got myself into. The officer

started his cruiser and pulled out of the parking lot of the

McDonald's and started his lecture. "First, son, you shouldn't go

out in public dressed like that and expect people to treat you

normally. Second, you can't prostitute yourself and expect not to

get arrested, in today's age that's probably the least of your

risks you should worry about. And I don't care if you've got a

cock or a cunt between your legs, looking like you do you're a

rapists wet dream. And when you get put in the can around those

other bad guys, there going to love having something dressed like

you behind bars with them. Son, if you wanted to suck cock, your

going to get more than you can handle in the holding cell, let me

tell you. And dressed like that and being from Maryland, I'm sure

the hearing officer is going to think twice about letting you

back out on the streets anytime soon, so you probably are going

to have more 'fun' in jail that you ever imagined,

hahahahahahaha" he said as he continued talking "Mr. Thompson

said that you gave a pretty good blowjob so maybe you'll be able

to keep them out of your ass, but I wouldn't count on it.


I took the opportunity to try to defend myself again, thinking

that going to jail dressed and looking like I did wasn't a very

good option, saying, "Officer, what I said was true, I didn't go

in that restroom to give that man a blow job, I went in there to

piss and go back to my mistress and her sister. Please sir, if

there were anything I could do to change what happened I would

have but I'm just trying to keep myself out of trouble with my

mistress. If there is anything I could say," and thinking of

taking a different turn, "'or do' to make you change your mind

about arresting me, I would. I have no modesty or pride left, is

there anything I can do to make you forget this situation?" I

realized what I was offering and I also realized that I had

lowered myself to what I consider to be subhuman, a dredge of

society, but at the same time I held my breath waiting for the

officer to respond to my offer.

The officer seemed to laugh more as he took a turn down an alley.

At the end of the alley, he pulled in front of an open garage

door saying, "Anything huh, do you know what you are offering?".

I gulped and responded, "Yes sir" as tears started to come to my

eyes. He pulled into the open garage door and the door closed

behind us, although I saw him do nothing to cause the door to

close. I looked around and saw a concrete block garage of sorts

with another uniformed black officer walking up to the car as the

driver got out and came to the back door. He opened it and

asked, "Anything? hahahahaha". I just groaned as I climbed out

of the car and stood beside him, still in handcuffs.

The officer repeated, "Anything?" in a louder tone and I mumbled,

"yes sir".

The officer looked at the black officer, and said, "Will this do,

I understand it gives good blowjobs". The black officer said,

"It, what's with this it shit, that's a fine looking piece of ass

you got there Daveyboy". The white officer said, "It's a guy,

dressed up like a girl, sorry, it's all I could do on such short

notice. I didn't know it was a guy until I got him in cuffs.

Will he do for the time being?". I just looked at the two

officers and thought, 'what have I got myself into now, I guess

jail dressed like this would be worse'. The black officer said,

"Gives a good blowjob huh, well let's see. If he doesn't than you

can take him in and let the guys in lockup teach him the right

way, hahahahaha". With that he unzipped his pants and pulled out

his jet black cock which looked like a thick sausage even when


"Suck it bitch" was the only instruction and I dropped to my

knees and started licking the head. As the cock started to

harden and I started to put the head in my mouth the officer

started rubbing the back of my head and gently pulling it forward

into his hardening cock. As I kept my eyes closed and tried to

concentrate on pleasing the cock in my mouth, the cockhead grew

bigger than I realized a cock could. As the head started to

swell, I felt it pushing harder against my mouth do the cock

attached to it lengthening to an unbelievable size. I tried to

pull my head back but was restricted by the large black officers

hands on the back of my head. With my hands in cuffs behind me,

there wasn't anything I could do but to try and get this over

with as quickly as possible. I closed my lips tightly around the

cockhead, which filled my mouth and pressed against my gullet at

the entrance to my throat and started to suck, using my tongue on

the underside of the cock head.

As the officer started to pull my head into the extremely long

cock, the enormous (no exaggeration) cock head pressed against my

throat and finally passed the point of no return. I successfully

fought the gag reflex and tried to swallow, which I knew was

pleasurable to the owner of the cock due to his remark, "Yea,

bitch, suck my monster cock real good there. That tight throat

feels real good there honey." With that he started to pull my

head back and forth, essentially using my mouth, lips, tongue and

throat as a masturbation device. As he picked up speed and the

large cockhead repeated pounded and against and through my throat

opening, I gave up on sucking him and just kept my lips as tight

as possible on his cock shaft, using my tongue to rub the bottom

on his cock and trying to synchronize my breathing through my

nose to keep air going to my lungs. After about five strokes, I

thought I had 'mastered' the gag reflex thing but as soon as I

changed my concentration to my breathing, I felt myself gagging

on the large cock head. The black officer laughed, saying,

"Can't handle it, huh, bitch. I'll just be a few more minutes"

and he started pounding the cock into my throat, not even backing

out of the entrance, effectively stopping air from getting to my

lungs. I tried hold my breath as the pounding became more and

more rapid and suddenly he pulled hard against my head, pulling

his entire cock (I guess it was about 11 inches long) into my

mouth and throat.

My jaws were aching from being stretched to unbelievable limits

for so long of a time but this pain was nothing compared to the

pain in my throat. I didn't even feel the sperm being shot into

my lower throat but my sudden need to vomit and cough was

impossible to fight. I started shaking my head and pulling back

from the cock as I could feel the vomit coming up my throat. The

officer allowed me to retract off of his cock and I pulled away

as his sperm splashed me on the side of my face as his cock left

my mouth. I turned to my left and subsequently vomited my

stomachs contents onto the concrete floor. As I was emptying my

stomach I realized that my throat felt like it was on fire and

the faintly heard the officers laughing.

I was on my knees, dry hacking through a very sore throat,

dressed "to kill" in a white short leather dress and low cut

leather top, fake tits glued to my chest, high high heeled shoes

and handcuffs when I saw the flash of light to my side. I turned

and (again) heard the distinct noise of a Polaroid camera

ejecting a photo. All I could think was 'Not again'. The White

officer addressed me, "Just a little additional warranty,

combined with the prostitution charge, to ensure you keep your

mouth shut. We have you home address in Maryland and we will be

keeping that little prostitution charge in abeyance unless you

give us reason to do otherwise. I called information and found

your phone number too, so I or we may be calling you in the

future if we decide we need anything, ok bitch". All I could

think of was 'What choice to I have' before answering, "Yes Sir".

The officer continued, "Very good, now when we call we'll ask for

you, Bill, and the if you hear the person on the other end say,

'Saskachawan', then you know that you will have to do whatever

they say, is that understood bitch?". "Yes Sir" was my reply as

I realized that speaking was becoming a task with my sore throat.

As I turned to my right, I noticed that the black officer was

nowhere to be seen and the white officer approached me and

unlocked my handcuffs. As I rose, I again realized the

unsteadiness of the high heels and in my weakened state, the

unsteadiness became worse. I rapidly wobbled over to a concrete

wall a few feet away and steadied myself. The officer brought me

my purse and told me, "Honey, your on your own. You friends were

heading to the station house which is four blocks to your right

off of the alley and another three blocks on your left.

Remember, if we have any problems with you, we can still press

these charges and now we have a photograph to support the


After making the last statement, the officer walked to the front

of the "garage" and opened the garage doors via a button to the

right. I saw that I was expected to leave to I tried to

straighten my outfit and brush off my knees as I flexed my leg

muscles to try and get my high heel legs back. The officer said,

"Go ahead bitch, get out of here or I will take you in". With

that statement I started walking gingerly towards the open garage

door. I exited the garage without even looking at the laughing

officer. I kept swallowing to try and sooth my throat that felt

sore and acrid after the deep throat and vomiting. The first

thing I needed was something to drink so I walked out the short

alley and turned right to look for a restaurant or store.

The pedestrian traffic was rather light, considering it was mid

afternoon on a Friday but the people I did encounter seemed to

look at me funny and avoided me. I didn't know what was

different but thought that I better find a mirror to check myself

out. I saw a gas station a block ahead and thought that it would

be a place to clean up and get a drink. I tried to hurry to the

gas station but quickly realized that hurrying was not practical

in the heels so I just steadily headed for it. The other people

on the sidewalk were still giving me funny looks and avoiding me

as I finally got to the gas station. I reached into my purse to

look for some change for a soda and found none so I took a twenty

dollar bill I keep stashed away in a side compartment of my

wallet and approached the cashier. The cashier wasn't paying

attention as I approached and asked for change for a twenty keys

to the bathroom. When he looked around at me his eyes grew in

size, I had forgotten how I was dressed and my male voice seemed

to surprise him from my appearance. He started talking in an

aggressive tone saying, "We don't cater to freaks like you, get

out of here before I call the cops." and then quizzically asked,

"What's that shit on the side of your face?, Oh god, you fucking

faggot, get the hell out of here. We don't want you on the

property." With the last question, I faintly remembered the

spray of sperm on the side of my face and as I reached my right

hand up to my cheek, I encountered alot of sperm on the side of

my face. It had somewhat solidified over about half of my cheek

all the way from my temple to my jaw.

My mind's first reply was to try and talk the man into giving me

the change at least but as he pulled a baseball bat out from

under the counter and started for the door of the booth, I

decided that leaving was probably a good idea. I kept my right

hand over my cheek as I moved as fast as I could in the heels

back towards the street. The calls, "And never come back you

fucking freaking faggot" arose behind me as I made it to the

sidewalk. A group of four hard hatted workers were working on a

pothole in front of the station and one of them yelled to the

others, "Faggot alert, let's have some head bashing fun boys".

The four headed for me as I started walking faster down the

street. A call from the direction of the gas station, "Get you

asses back to work, I ain't paying you to lally gag around"

seemed to set the hard hats back to their tasked, and probably

saved me from a beating. All I could say was "OK Billy, fuck

this guy acting shit. Act and talk like a girl and you will get

further. A liquor store a half block up was my next objective.

I entered the liquor store thinking 'How can woman wear these

fucking shoes all the time' and started looking around the store.

I went to the refrigerated section and found a large bottle of

spring water and headed for the checkout. I added a small

package of tissues and Scope at the checkout and approached the

cashier. He rung up the merchandise and said, "Five eighteen"

without even looking at me. I handed him my clutched twenty and

received the change without opening my mouth and looked around

the store for a restroom. I noticed a makeshift bar/backroom

towards the back of the store and headed in that direction. As I

approached the backroom, which had three older men sitting at a

table with a bottle of Vodka in the middle and cards being dealt,

I thought about how this all got started, and thought 'Just

because I wanted to see Ruthie's body and have some fun with her,

now look at me'. There were two bathrooms at the back of this

room, one marked 'Guys' and the other 'Gals'. I instinctively

headed for the 'Guys' restroom but realized the situation I was

in and changed to the 'Gals' room. I entered a small restroom

and closed and locked the door. As I looked in the mirror, I saw

why people were looking at me, the black officer had emitted an

enormous amount of sperm that had almost covered my right cheek.

I wetted a paper towel and started to rub the shit off of my face

but quickly realized that the makeup and rouge (if that's what

they call this stuff) was coming off with the hard scrubbing so I

started using light rubbing and warmer water and this seemed to

preserve more of the existing makeup on my face. As I looked at

myself in the mirror, I still saw me with a wig and makeup and

couldn't see how anyone could mistake me for a girl. After

getting cleaned up and drinking some water and gargling, my

appearance seemed somewhat normal, if anyone could consider this

normal, and my throat wasn't hurting and burning quite as bad.

After one more swig off of the spring water, I threw everything

except the tissues, which I put in my purse, in the trash can and

collected myself and walked back out the door.

As I exited the store and looked around the get my bearings. I

was scared because I was getting used to this abuse and it wasn't

bothering me as much as I knew it should, I should be a nervous

wreck by now, but instead I just wanted to get to the Police

Station and Ruth and Diane. I figured I had walked about two

blocks so I headed back up the sidewalk. The other pedestrians

weren't avoiding me anymore, which was good; but the male

pedestrians were ogling me, which was not good. As I walked the

next two blocks, starting to get cramps in the calves and thighs

of my legs from these ridiculous shoes, I noticed a sign that

said 'Police' with an arrow to the left. Three more blocks and

I'd be there so I quickened my pace to the maximum allowed with

these shoes on and tried to ignore the complaints of my feet and


As I approached the Police station, I noticed Diane's Thunderbird

in the parking lot, although it seemed to be empty. With a sigh

of relief, that there was a friend (if you could call Ruth and

Diane that) within reach, I headed for the front door of the

Police Station. As I entered through the doors, I surveyed the

waiting room in front of me. The room was rather full with some

'odd' looking people, the observing of who would have interested

me in another situation, but my focus was for Ruth and Diane who

I spotted standing over in a corner talking to an officer who had

his back to me. As I approached, Ruth called out, "There's our

lost soul, come on over Billy and meet our new friend",

indicating the officer. As the officer turned to face me, I saw

that it was the same officer who had 'arrested' me earlier in the

day. Ruth turned to the officer saying, "We will be talking to

you later" and then came to me with Diane in tow, took my hand

and we left the station house. Without incident, or any talking,

we got in Diane's T-bird, me in the middle with both girls on

each side as Diane left the parking lot.

Once we were on the road, Ruth started with, "You had us scared

there Billy, I'm sure glad you figured a way out of that mess" to

which I replied, "I don't want to talk about it, OK?". Diane

spoke up saying, "But we want to here all the gory details,

couldn't you humor us a little, I'm sure that you wouldn't want

to walk and hitchhike home dressed like that. Hahahahahaha". I

looked and Diane and shook my head and kept quiet. Diane asked,

"Well, what's it going to be, walk or talk?". I said, "You've

got to be kidding, do you have any idea what I have been through

in the last couple of hours?", "No, that's what we want you to

tell us. We have the basics from Officer Grant but we want the

juicy details" was Dianes reply.

"Let's just go home and then I'll tell you about it, ok. I'm

tired and my legs are killing me. Please." I said as Diane

turned the corner and pulled up to the curb. Ruth spoke now,

"One more stop, then were going home Billy. Get out". I exited

after Ruth on the passenger side and Diane stayed in the car,

beside the fire hydrant. We walked up the sidewalk about half a

block and came to a storefront, 'Pleasure Toys, for the

discriminating adult" was the sign on the door. As Ruth opened

the door, all I could think was 'Here we go again'.

We entered the store and Ruth said, "We need to make it quick,

before the cops come and our ride has to move". I looked around

the store and couldn't beleive the 'items' on the shelves, hung

on the walls and in the glass case infront of the register.

There were rubber and metal cocks, odd looking devices, and

equipment. Some clothing on the back shelf and leathery things

on the back wall were where Ruth initially headed and I followed.

She reached up high and pulled down four 2 inch leather straps

with some kind of buckle on them and an odd looking leather whip

like device with many knotted strands coming off of a handle that

started small, about 1" in diameter, where the strands attached

but enlarged to what looked like 2 1/2" in diameter at the end

topped with a 3 1/2" leather ball. The handle was made of

strapped leather and looked dangerous. She also picked up a two

foot long rod with a one inch wide and three inch long hard

rubber 'flap' mounted on the end. She handed these items to me

and started walking looking at a rack of 'clothes' near the wall.

The 'clothes', if you could call them that, were acutally black

rubber looking 'panties' with rubber-like cocks attached to the

front. She started looking at sizes, I didn't know if she was

looking at the cock sized or panty sizes, and I couldn't figure

out why I would need to wear something like that, I already had a

cock. She chose two of them and handed them to me. I glanced at

them real quick, the smaller pair had a very long and thick

'cock" attached to it while the bigger pair had a more normal

sized 'cock' attached while inside of the panties was some type

of hardened rubber device that epanded where the cock was

attached and a softening rubber piece that went down toward the


A loud cough broke my attention from the panties, if you could

call them that, and I looked up to see an irritated Ruth looking

at me and standing along the sidewall. I walked to her and she

had three things in her hands which she handed to me. My hands

were rapidly filling but she moved off to the glass case in front

of the cashier who suddenly had taken a definite interest in us.

She asked if she could see a couple of items and pointed them out

to the cashier. The cashier extracted the items from the case

and handed them to Ruth. One was simply a round, rubbery

looking, ring and the other was a small bottle of something.

"Ok, we'll take both of these and a tube of that heat lotion,

too" was Ruth's remarks as she but the items on the counter. She

glanced at me, saying "Pay the man Billy" as she headed out of

the store.

I placed the items I had in my hands on the counter finally

getting a chance to see the pictures and the names of the boxes

that Ruth had last handed me. A suction dildo, a anal plug, and

an extra large vibrating butt plug were the names and the

pictures took my breath away. Up to this point, the only thing

actually 'attacked' by Ruth were my pride and my mouth. I never

thought about my asshole but Ruth obviously had. The cashier

rang the merchandise up and said, "One sixty seven eighty five,

will that be cash or charge mam". I thought what the fuck and

answered in my natural voice, "Charge" as I dug the charge card

out of my purse. The male cashier laughed as he took the charge

card and completed the transaction. He bagged up the merchandise

and handed it all to me laughingly saying, "Have a good day sir".

I exited the store and started walking down the block to where

Diane was parked. Ruth was standing beside the passenger door

and opened it as I approached. We seated ourselves and we were

on our way back to Ruth's apartment. "What is all this stuff

for?" I asked until Ruth replied quite adamantly, "From now on,

don't speak unless your spoken too, understand?". "Yes Mam" was

my only reply. The rest of the trip back to the apartment was

quiet except for an occasional giggle by Diane as she looked at


The ride back to the apartment was silent for about fifteen

minutes. When we turned off the Capital beltway on the way back,

Diane repeated, "Well, let's hear all the details Billy". When I

sighed and said, "Can't it wait til we're back at the

apartment?", Diane pulled the car off to the shoulder of the

road. Ruth got out and instructed me to do the same. Not

knowing what was going on, I got out of the car and stood on the

shoulder while Ruth quickly got back in the car and I heard

laughter as they drove off. It happened so fast that I didn't

know how to react. After figuring that the apartment was about a

mile down the road and seeing no other recourse, I started


Walking a mile seemed to be nothing but the heels told me

otherwise. To further compound the situation, traffic and loose

gravel on the shoulder severely limited my ability to walk with

any speed. I heard and ignored some catcalls from vehicles as

they passed. I was about half way back to the apartment when a

van pulled off the road in front of me. I mumbled "Oh shit" as

the passenger door opened and a short broad shouldered hispanic

guy got out. He looked at me and said, "Come on honey, we'll

give you a ride wherever you want to go". As I approached the

van I replied, "That's ok, I don't have much further to walk

anyway" in my male voice and the man by the van started laughing.

He stuck his head back into the van as I arrived at the back


Not thinking there was anything to worry about, I started walking

between the guard rail and the passenger side of the van. The

hispanic guy confronted me saying, "What's a guy dressed like you

walking down the side of the road for, huh gringo". As I debated

whether to answer, confront, or try to muscle my way past him,

the sliding door on the van opened and I was grabbed by two guys

who muscled me into the back of the van. They then threw me onto

the floor face down, the van door closed and the van started

moving. Someone held my face into the plush carpeting as several

men talked rapidly in spanish to each other. After about five

minutes, I felt the van skid to a stop.

After stopping, I crawled to the back of the van and turned to

face my kidnappers. The back of the van had a 'couch' across the

width of it and I pushed my back against the couch encountering a

pair of stockinged legs directly beside me. My eyes quickly

traced the stockinged legs up to a buxom brunette sitting on the

couch. Looking forward, I saw four captains chairs, all occupied

by hispanic looking guys. My mind considered the options

available to me and quickly decided there were none. "What do

you want?" was the first thing that popped into my mind and I

vocalized it to my captors. "We wanted teach you faggot a lesson

for hanging out on our turf. Namely, we're going to beat the

shit out of you, pendejo" was spoken by the oldest looking member

of the group, who was sitting in the chair behind the drivers

seat which was turned facing me. As he was talking, the hispanic

lady sitting on the couch was feeling the texture of the collar

of the leather outfit I was wearing.

"Hey guys, how about letting me try this outfit on before you get

it all bloody", was the next comment from the girl sitting on the

couch. The older guy laughed and said, "OK faggot, the lady here

wants your dress. Take it off, NOW". Realizing that I had on

almost nothing underneath the dress, just the g-string,

garterbelt and pink stockings, I hesitated in following that

instruction. The hesitations obviously was not acceptable to my

captors since the guy sitting beside the older man stepped

forward and grabbed my hair and pulled on it. The roots of my

hair started to hurt but that pain went away as the pins

fastening the wig to my own hair gave way. The guy holding the

wig in his hands looked at me and the wig and then shrugged his

shoulders, threw the wig down and grabbed my hair saying, "When

Raul give you and order, obey it". "OK, OK" was my reply as I

started unbuttoning the top to the outfit. I removed the top and

handed it to the lady who was sitting above me and then

stood/crouched to unzip, unfasten and remove the short skirt.

As I handed the skirt to the lady, the catcalls from the guys got

even worse. "Damn check out those titties"; "Look at those

dainty little panties on that fag"; "Waste of flesh to have those

jugs on a fag like that" were the comments that I understood with

others flying around in spanish. The guy that had been holding

my hair again grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me towards the

seats up front, roughly depositing me on the floor in the middle

of the four captains chairs. The guys all looked down at me and

laughed with the only english comment, "What a sorry looking

gringo piece of trash".

"Let's just beat the shit out of it and leave it for the

vultures" was the next comment from the driver's seat. Raul, the

obvious leader spoke up saying, "We were looking for a piece of

pussy when we grabbed this sick freak, let's give it a chance to

redeem itself with it's mouth. If it can take us all in the next

twenty minutes, then maybe it could get it's freedom". "Start

sucking bitch, the clock starts now" said Raul as he unzipped his

pants and pulled a limp uncut cock out. I was scared, well

scared wasn't the word for it really, and seeing an opportunity

to get out of this 'situation', I took it. After all I had

already sucked three cocks and they seemed pretty happy with my

performance and the use of a clock just made me want to bring

these four guys off as soon as possible.

I climbed up to my knees and went after Raul's cock. Since my

own cock is uncut, I know how sensitive the cockhead is, since it

is not exposed to the environment hidden away behind the

foreskin. I first used my hand to pull the foreskin back to the

base of the cock and then started using the tip of my tongue on

the underside of the cock in front of me. This maneuver seemed

to get the desired effect as the cock started to grow to it's

fully hard state of about 7 inches. I then started the process

of tittilating the cockhead with my lips and tongue before

starting my up and down motion. The time that it took to bring

Raul off using my throat, tongue, lips, and sucking power seemed

amazingly short but the amount of jism that came from the cock

was tremendous compared to my very few cock sucking experiences.

The sperm had filled my mouth and kept coming. Knowing that they

wouldn't want me to spill any on the plush carpet of the van, I

took a dive and buried the cockhead in the back of my throat to

let it finish it's spasming. This caused me to have an almost

irristible urge to vomit but the swallowing technique seemed to

resist this urge. Raul was screaming in spanish as his orgasm

subsided and I used my tongue to clean the cock in front of me

and complete the 'job'.

I looked around, realizing that time was of the essence, and

moved to the driver and unzipped his jeans. After extracting his

cock, also uncut and about half hard but very skinny, I pulled

the foreskin back and started into my 'assignment'. This cock

was unlike any I had ever seen in that is grew and grew in

length, to probably about 10 inches but remained very skinny,

about an inch in diameter. This formed kind of a spear and I

continued to work on getting it to release and go on to the next

one. The time it took to bring this cock off, I had started

thinking of these as cocks ignoring the men they were attached

to, was lengthy to say the least. No matter what 'tricks' I

played on the cock, I didn't get the expected reaction of moans

and thrusts that I had gotten from the other four cocks I had

sucked. Not knowing what to do or how to get this guy to react,

I started throating and swallowing around his cock head which

felt weird, like a long finger shoved down my throat. I started

to move up and down on this pencil dick, using my throat and

swallowing technique to the max and still I got no reaction.

Worried that I would fail the time problem involved in this

"test" and still get the shit beaten out of me, I thought I would

go for broke. Since this guy wasn't wearing underwear, I managed

to get my right hand in to caress his balls. With no reaction

from this idea, I moved my hand further back and started to press

my middle finger against his asshole. This trick got one hell of

reaction with a moan from the guy and a sudden thrust into my

already sore throat. As I continued to press against his

sphincter muscle in his asshole, he started to moan louder and

thrust harder, almost violently, into my mouth. As I felt his

thrusts becoming more and more violent and frequent and not

knowing how long I could keep this up without vomiting, I shoved

my middle finger past his sphincter muscle and buried it into his

asshole, pushing and pulling my finger back and forth. This

caused the pencil dick in my mouth to start spasming and the jism

started to come. The first burst felt painful as it 'shot' into

the back of my mouth and the second didn't feel much better. I

tried the same trick that I had used on the last cock and buried

my face in the man's crotch, taking his pencil dick to the

furthest reaches of the back of my throat. His remaining spasms

could be felt in my gut as they bypassed my gullet and finally

subsided. I rapidly pulled off of the cock and started to lick

it clean, finishing yet another 'job'.

I looked at my last two conquerors and decided that the man in

the passenger seat was my next objective. As I unzipped his

pants and pulled out is already hard cock, I was stunned by its

sheer size. It was only about 6 inches long but was about 3 1/2"

thick with an cock head that was markedly larger in diameter than

the cock shaft. As I just stared as this odd looking cock in

front of me, the guys around me started laughing, saying "Let's

see him throat Pablo's horse dick" and "There's your challenge

bitch". As I started working on this odd shaped cut cock with my

tongue, I tried to put it in my mouth. I quickly realized that

the tricks I had learned were useless against a cockhead this

size since putting it in my already sore throat would have

surely ripped it to shreds, I concentrated on just the cock head

with my lips and tongue. The challenge was a rather easy one

since after about two minutes, the moaning was becoming louder

and louder. I remembered the last trick of using my finger on

his asshole but as soon as my finger started to penetrate his ass

cheeks, the slap on my right ear told me that he didn't like that

trick. I continued concentrating on nothing but the enormous

cock head in my mouth when I heard the fourth guy say, "I don't

want a blow job, I want to sample that skinny ass". Raul quickly

responded in spanish to 'Manuel' to which he replied, "Oh, I

forgot'. I wondered what he had forgot but quickly forgot the

whole exchange myself as the monster dick started to spasm in my

mouth. The three spasms were not as severe or plentiful as the

last two and I quickly finalized this job and turned to the last


This was the hair puller and I approached him with trepidation.

I didn't know how much time I had left, it's not easy to keep

track of time while sucking cock, but I kind of knew that I

didn't have much. I approached the last guy and pulled down his

zipper. The cut cock that presented itself to me was just about

Richard's size so I went to work on it with my tongue, lips and

throat. This guy laughed as I started and then grabbed me by my

hair and started fucking my face. This wasn't that unusual to me

after Richard and the cop but this guy was doing it violently.

My hair felt like it was being pulled out by the roots and I

thought he was going to bloody my lips or nose with the violent

down thrusts. After what seemed like five minutes of this

violent behavior, with my assailant pulling back til his cock

head was at my lips and then jerking it down to full penetration

in my throat, the cock in my mouth started to spasm and the jism

started to come. This guy, unlike the other two, pulled my mouth

off of his cock and started to come in my face, in my eyes, on my

forehead, on and up my nose and on my chin. As he quit

ejaculating on my face, he took his cock and rubbed it on my hair

and ear to 'clean' it.

With my face covered with cum, dripping off my nose and chin, I

looked back at Raul who glanced at his watch and he said, "Sorry

bitch, it took you twenty two minutes, hahahahaha". "Buy you did

such a good job, we'll give you a 10 second head start in getting

away from us" he continued as he slid the van door open.

"Starting now" was his last statement as I jumped out the door

and started running for the woods, about 50 feet away. As I ran

across the gravel clearing in stocking feet (I seemed to have

lost my shoes somewhere in van), I heard laughter behind me, the

van door slide closed and the van engine revving. I thought that

they were going to run me over so I ran as fast as I could for

the cover of the trees. As I cascaded into the brush at full

speed, I felt the underbrush scratch and tear at my feet and legs

as I heard the sound of gravel being thrown by the van behind me

as it sped out of the clearing and down the dirt road. I took a

moment to pause and analyze my situation, and get myself

'unhooked' from the sticker bush I had ended up in. I looked

behind and saw some things on the gravel where the van had been.

Thinking that maybe they had left me my clothes, I walked back to

the site and saw my purse, shoes and wig laying in the gravel.

I looked at myself and saw a disgusting sight. My cock was hard

as a rock and sticking out of a red g-string, with a red garter

belt and pink stockings and two 'breasts' attached to my chest.

The stockings were scratched up around my shins but still held

their form. I looked around and realized that I was at a sewage

treatment plant surrounded by trees with a small gravel parking

lot serviced by a gravel road. 'Ok, Billy, how do you get out of

this one' was all I thought and I considered my options. Just

sit down and cry was the first and most logical of all the

options I had but didn't seem to solve any of the problems.

Walking down the road and seeing where I was seemed a logical

first step but with hardly any clothing on, that could lead to

some trouble if I was seen.

The wig and purse could help me look like a near naked woman but

not with that 'clit' sticking out of the g-string so eliminating

the hard cock was the first objective of any plan. That was easy

considering what I had been through but as I got into the act the

fantasy I imagined was being in that van sucking those cocks. As

I started to cum, a drop of cum fell from my face to join with

mine on the ground and I remembered the cum all over my face and

figured that would have to be taken care of before going

anywhere. I opened my purse and saw that none of the contents

appeared to be disturbed including the package of tissues I had

bought at the liquor store in town. I managed to get the cum off

of my face with gentle rubbing, at least my face didn't feel too

sticky to my fingers. I repositioned the wig on top of my head

as well as I could (reminding myself to bring a small mirror in

my purse from now on), picked up the shoes and purse and headed

down the road.

The gravel felt very rough and pointed under my feet but I

thought that I could make alot better time without those damned

heels, so I continued on with just my pink stockinged feet. The

road went up a small hill and as I crested the hill, I got a look

at where I was. There was a small community of single family

homes with Richard and Ruth's apartment complex on the far side.

Route 210, a major highway, was in front of the apartment complex

and was in plain view with the traffic getting heavy with the

Friday rush hour commuters heading home. The community seemed

rather quiet with a small grouping of trees separating it from

the apartment complex. I figured is was about 300 yards or so to

the trees and knew that I had to get there if I stood any chance

of getting out of this situation. Seeing no-one outside or no

traffic in the development and the mostly downhill course to the

trees, I covered my 'breasts' as best I could with my right arm,

clasped the purse and shoes in my left hand, and started running.

I heard a solitary scream from one of the residences as I made a

mad dash toward the trees and was elated, for the first time in

two days, when I finally made it to the trees and got out of


Ruth and Richard's apartment complex was a secure complex and

it's only entrance was in front, alongside that major highway.

Seeing that was not an option, I considered what other options I

had available. 'Second apartment from the right, third floor'

were the first thing to come to mind as I started studying the

rear of the building. Thinking that I had located the correct

apartment balcony, I picked up a medium sized rock, took aim and

threw it at the sliding glass doors. 'Bullseye' was my thought

at it hit the door, not hard enough to break but hopefully hard

enough to get the girls attention. After a couple of minutes

with no response, I let go another rock, again hitting my target.

The doors opened and Ruth walked out looking around for what was

making the noise. Hiding behind a tree, I hollered Ruth's name

and her eyes focused on me. "Come on out from behind that tree

Billy" was her response so I stepped aside from the tree. By now

Diane had joined Ruth on the balcony and they both started

laughing with Diane saying, "What happened to you?".

"I need some clothes" was all I could say as I heard a balcony

door opening on the second floor, one door down from Ruth's


I quickly dove behind the tree, shielding my almost nude body

from the tanned lady coming out on her balcony dressed in a

bikini bathing suit. I was relieved when she lay on the chaise

lounge facing away from me. When I looked up at Ruth's balcony

again, I saw my two mistresses coming out carrying a camera with

a telephoto lens. Ruth motioned me into the open and I complied,

letting them take a few pictures as a posed for them. Ruth then

threw a bathrobe out into the middle of the parking lot and then

they went back inside, sliding the door closed. Looking up and

down the parking lot and seeing no other people, I darted out

onto the pavement and grabbed the bathrobe and quickly put it on.

I then proceeded to the front door and buzzed Ruth and Richard

apartment. Ruth answered on the intercom and said "I hope you

can explain all this, and where is that cute outfit you bought"

as laughter was heard in the background. "I got shanghaied by a

van load of guys and they took the outfit" I spoke into the

intercom. "I had to blow all four of them to get out of the van,

please let me in" was my plea as I heard the door buzzer go off

allowing me entry. I rushed up the stairs, not wanting to be

seen on the elevator, and quickly got to Ruth's apartment door.

As I approached the apartment, the door opened and I darted in.

Diane was rolling in laughter as I got in the apartment and Ruth

was having a hard time keeping a straight face as she demanded

details about my 'adventure'. I quickly relayed the story and

Diane finally came to me and hugged me saying, "My poor baby,

what you need is a nice hot bath". That idea did appeal to me

and I said so. As Ruth went to run the bath water, complete with

scented bath oil and bubbles, Diane reached into a bag and pulled

out a tube and started applying it to the perimeter of my

'breasts'. Diane told me that the ointment in the tube was a

neutralizer for the adhesive and my breasts should just fall off

in the hot bath water. I stripped out of the few clothes I had

on and climbed in the bath water. Amazingly, Diane stripped also

and climbed in with me, lathering my body with scented soap. The

first kiss took me by surprise but in my exhausted state and my

recent questioning of my male ego, I didn't resist. As we lay

and hugged and kissed in the relaxing bath, I seemed to doze off,

welcoming the soft female flesh beside me in the relaxing bath.

After awaking from my seemingly short nap, I found myself alone

in the bathtub. I laid back and reflected on the days events,

somewhat pleased with myself at accomplishing all that I had

without any damage to my body or reputation but worried about

what other plans Ruth had for me. The bathroom door opened and

Ruth entered wearing a sport bra covering her rather large

breasts and the rubber underwear from the store, a rubber 'cock'

sticking out in front of her. "Get out, dry off and come to the

bedroom" was her only statement as she left the bathroom. I did

as instructed and entered the bedroom to find Diane there naked,

her C sized breasts jutting out from her body with hard nipples.

Ruth advanced and attached the leather straps we had purchased in

the adult shop in town to my wrists and ankles and directed me to

lie down on the bed. As I laid on the bed, Ruth and Diane pulled

my arm and legs to the four corners and attached straps on them

to cords attached at the corners, essentially leaving me

stretched spread eagle on the bed. Diane went to the dresser and

then approached my cock, retracted the foreskin and started

slipping something over it.

"Like this?" Diane said to Ruth who came over and looked at my

half hard cock saying, "All the way to the base". Diane complied

and I could feels something cool around my balls. "What is that

thing fo...." was what I said before I was rudely interrupted by

Ruth saying, "Silence Slut" and felt the palm of her hand slap me

across the cheek. "Ok already" brought yet another slap. "Don't

speak unless expressly asked slut, do you understand?" was Ruth's

order as I replied, "Yes Mam".

Diane addressed me saying, "I really liked you Billy, but the one

thing that you could provide me was a good fucking. You never

lasted more than a couple of minutes and hardly gave me a chance

to get into it. The cock ring I just put on your 'clit' should

stop you from cumming before I want you to. Now to show you what

I mean." and she moved her face between my legs and started to

lick and suck my cock. I remembered her telling me when we were

'dating' that she gave a dynamite blow job but only to guys she

loved and now I was seeing that she was right. Her tongue and

lips felt exquisite on my cock and a big relief after the day's

'activities'. As Diane kept up her oral activities, my cock got

harder than I ever remember it being and the head started to get

ultra sensitive. After about two minutes to Diane's oral

actions, I felt like I was going to spurt in her mouth but found

that to be impossible. As I moaned in ecstasy from the feelings

in my crotch, Ruth strattled my chest and stuck her rubber cock

into my open mouth saying, "What's wrong Billy, having trouble

cumming? That ring around you cock should take care of your

cumming too soon and in the meantime, a little face fucking

should keep your mind off of your cock anyway. Hahahahaha".

As Ruth started to forcefully thrust her rubber cock into my

mouth and throat, Diane changed positions and was now fucking my

hard cock. The desire to orgasm started to grow exponentially

with Diane's tight cunt muscles playing their well remembered

'games' on my cock but this was not to be. After 10 minutes of

this, my cock head started to get sore from the friction and

inability to cum but this was not at the top of my thoughts since

I was continuing to deal with a very large rubber cock pulmetting

my throat in hard fast strokes. Diane command, "I order you to

cum now Billy, fill me up." I mumbled from around the cock and

Diane and Ruth got off of me and stood to the side of the bed.

"I ordered you to cum and you didn't, I think you want some

punishment. Cum right this very second or else you will get

punished like you never believed" were Diane's next comments to

which I replied, "I can't cum".

This comment was quickly followed with a balled up sock being

shoved into my mouth and a whooshing sound that ended with an

unbelievable pain in my cock head. As I screamed into the sock,

I saw Diane, with a bigger smile than I had ever seen before,

holding the item with the rubber pad on the end pulling back and

following through to contact the pad with the head of my cock.

With my over sensitive cock head already sore and pulsing with

blood, the second contact seemed even worse than the first. The

girls commented on how big my eyes had become as I helplessly

fought against the restraints on my wrists and ankles. Diane was

openly giggling as she took a third swing at my cock, this time

much harder than the previous two. My attempts to scream through

the sock created very little noise and Diane handed the paddle

whip to Ruth who moved down between my legs. The first shot to

my exposed balls seemed almost unbearable but was nothing

compared to the second and third whacks. The sound of the paddle

contacting my most sensitive flesh was extreme and seemed

magnified with the pain coming from my sensitive organs.

"Do you think he has learned his lesson yet Sis?" Ruth asked

Diane. "I think a little more discipline is necessary" was her

reply as she moved to a paint bucket sitting on the window sill

and put her hand into it. I didn't immediately recognize the two

small metal items she extracted and was relieved when she moved

them past my groin and towards my upper body. That relief was

short lived as I recognized the metal alligator clips in her

right hand and she moved towards my right nipple. My nipples are

very small so Diane had to pinch it between her finger nails to

get it to rise to an acceptable level which I thought was rather

painful. The pain was nothing compared to having the alligator

clip attached though. I had never thought much about my nipples

but now realized they were very sensitive and tender and I

started thrashing around on the bed with the extreme pain coming

from my chest. "Lie still slut" was Ruth's response to my

thrashing and it was accented with a very hard slap to my balls

from that wicked paddle whip. I tried to pant and concentrate

on staying still but found that very difficult. This matter was

of course further complicated by the attachment of the second

clip on my left nipple.

As I was thrashing around on the bed, screaming as best I could

through the sock in my mouth, and fighting the bonds on my legs

and wrists again. I found that after about fifteen seconds, the

extreme pains started to subside leaving a bad but not unbearable

pain in it's place. As I calmed down, tried to relax and

reopened my eyes, I saw Ruth standing beside me holding the

damned paddle thing in her right hand. I was totally surprised

when the small pad whooshed down and landed on my left clipped

nipple. This produced a whole new set of pains through my chest

and she continued by alternating between my right and left

nipples for five strokes each. After finishing with the

whipping, Ruth set the whip down and left the room, still wearing

the rubber cock panties and saying to Diane, "I'll leave you

alone for a few Sis, have fun".

After Ruth had left, Diane approached me and removed the sock

from my mouth saying, "Quiet Billy, I'll take good care of you".

I started panting and was amazed at the shock of pain from my

nipples as she simultaneously removed both alligator clips. She

then started to rub my nipples and stomach, moving down to my

cock and balls. She removed the cock ring and started kissing

me. The reaction of the removal of the cock ring caused my cock

to start to come to life so to speak and an intense orgasm soon

followed. "I'll always be here for you Billy" was the last

statement I heard as I had my most intense orgasm that I could

remember. As Diane climbed on my chest and presented her cunt to

my lips, I didn't hesitate in leaning my head forward and burying

my tongue and lips into her soft wet pussy lips. I attached her

clit and her inner lips, moving my tongue and lips as fast as I

could on her female sex. I was rewarded in about three minutes

with Diane's shuddering body and her cries of her own orgasm. "I

knew you could treat me well Billy, it just took some

'encouragement' that's all, hehehehehehehehe" was Diane's reply

after regaining her composure and getting off of my chest.

"Oh my god, it's after 5:00, you have to get ready" Diane said as

she undid my restraints and help me get up from my prone

position. "Come on, you have to get bathed and dressed, we have

company coming over" she said as she shuttled me out of the

bedroom and into the bathroom. I was in a daze from what I had

just been through, my thoughts mixed up between feelings I had

for Diane and the way her and Ruth had been treating me. She

started running the bath as I looked on in wonderment and saw all

the instruments of my trade laying on the bathroom counter, fake

tits, makeup kit, tit adhesive, and wig. As Diane poured some

scented oil into the bathtub, she reached across and grabbed me

by my balls and pulled me towards the tub. The still naked Diane

help me into the tub and said, "You have thirty minutes to get

cleaned up and feminized, at least from the waist up." and she


As I scrubbed myself clean, I thought about what had transpired

and saw no way out at this time. I should have called this thing

off when it started last night, during or after that poker game,

instead of letting everything blow way out of proportion like it

has. I have been essentially raped in my mouth by seven

different guys yet I had no recourse against them without

exposing myself to the aftereffects of releasing that picture and

that I had to stop. I finished my bath in short order and made

my way to the sink. I figured I would start with the ridiculous

fake tits and managed to prepared my self and attach them with

short order. The makeup to disguise the seam around the breasts

was a bit of a pain but I was able to accomplish that task with

short order. As I applied my facial makeup, I garnered a new

respect for women dolling themselves up for going out. This was

a pain and the result was far from perfect, I guess a trained

hand is better that a novices. Realizing I was running short on

time, I assembled the wig on top of my head and pinned it in

place. After one last look in the mirror, I saw what looked like

a ugly lady with big tits and a semi-hard cock, I headed out to

the apartment's living area.

As I entered, I saw Ruth and Diane sitting in the living room

with Ruth on the phone and Diane fidgeting with a black outfit

and a needle and thread. I lightly coughed and Ruth quickly

ended her conversation and Diane looked up saying, "You can start

with what's on the kitchen counter there Billy. I need a few

more minutes with this dress." On the kitchen counter was a

package of black fishnet stockings, black garter belt, skimpy

black bra and a pair of black panties. I examined the panties

first and they appeared to have been modified with a slit in the

crotch area. As I put them on, it became obvious that my asshole

was still exposed to the open as my cock, balls and asscheeks

were covered by an almost transparent material. The bra wasn't

much, just a support garment really exposing just about all of

the breast with the exception of the underside and sides. The

fishnet stocking felt ticklish as I put them on and secured them

with the garter belt. After putting on the clothes that were

there, I made some minor adjustments and headed back to the

living room.

"Give me another minute" said Diane as the front door started to

open. I quickly moved back behind the wall of the kitchen with

the introduction of a new person and as I looked back, I saw

Richard entering with a gray haired man. The man with Richard

looked to be in his fifties, broad shouldered and tall and was

dressed in a tailored suit and tie. Richard entered the living

room and Ruth got up and gave him a kiss asking, "Long day

honey?". "I had some other business to take care of after work,

and my boss here wanted to come to the party tonight so I had him

follow me home and help out with the stuff I got together.

Where's my whore?" was Richard's reply and Ruth called out,

"Billy, come out come out where ever you are". Seeing that the

situation didn't looked good for me, being Richard's 'whore', but

seeing no other alternative, I came out from behind the wall,

dressed in the open bra, black transparent panties, fish nets and

garter belt. "So what do you think Fred?" Richard asked the

older man, "Not bad, I can see the traces of a limp cock under

the panties but other than that, she makes a believable bitch".

"You have to use your imagination and try to ignore that useless

piece of skin under his panties, make believe it's just an

enlarged clit Fred. That's not what we're interested in right

not now anyway. You want to go to the bedroom or stay out here

in the open?" Richard said addressing his boss.

Fred looked around the room, at the conservatively dressed (blue

jeans and short sleeve blouses) ladies and chuckled before

saying, "Right here's ok with me" and continued his chuckle.

Richard looked back to me saying, "Ok whore, on you knees and

service Fred for me". Somehow I had anticipated this and true to

my new found subservience, dropped to my knees in front of the

older man and unzipped his pants and fished his uncut limp cock

out of his pants. As I started my oral maneuvers on Fred's limp

meat, I found the just the act of getting him hard was a feat. I

used all the tricks I had learned that day, tongue tip tickling,

hard sucking, and lip muscles until I finally got him hard after

about two minutes. Then I started using my throat with the

swallowing technique but this didn't seem to get the reaction

that I had previously received from the other cocks so I started

a hard face fucking motion coupled with a lot of tongue play and

lip muscle action. After what seemed like a half hour but

probably was more like 10 minutes, the six inch (approximate from

experience) cock started to spasm and the jism seemed to ooze

into my mouth and throat. I swallowed it all easily and cleaned

his cock with my tongue and lips, finally finishing the 'job'.

"Not bad for a new girl Richard" Fred said to Richard and Richard

replied, "The best thing is he will just go and go" as he

unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and stepped in front of

me. I didn't need any guidance as I concentrated all my mental

and physical energy into taking care of yet another cock. After

last night, I knew alot more about Richards cock and preferences

and I took his entire semi-hard cock into my mouth and used my

tongue and suction of bring him hard and taking him into my

throat. The swallowing technique worked well on Richard and the

burst of his cum into my throat came only about three or four

minutes after I started this blowjob. After cleaning Richard's

cock, he pushed me away with his hand with enough force that I

fell on the carpeted floor. "Go fix you makeup Whore" was

Richard only comment as he zipped his pants and went to the main

part of the living room to talk with Ruth. "I'll help you Billy"

came from Diane as she got up and accompanied me into the


As we entered the bathroom, I noticed that Diane was carrying the

black outfit she had been working on and two white garments.

"Fix you lipstick honey" was her comment and I went to task as

Diane started work with the enema bag in the tub. After I had

finished my lipstick repairs, Diane went to the medicine cabinet

and to a tube of something that she put lightly spread on the

enema nozzle. I noticed that the enema bottle was full and

hanging on the shower bar of the tub and Diane ordered me down on

all fours. The nozzle itself was uncomfortable but not really

painful as it penetrated my asshole and became lodged in my

bowels. The introduction of the warm water into my stomach was

uncomfortable but bearable compared to everything else I had so

recently go through. I noticed that the panties I was wearing

were modified in such a way as to make this whole procedure

possible with removing them and I wondered where they had gotten

this type of underwear from. As the water solution was fully

introduced into my intestines, the cramps began but were somewhat

ignored when Diane got down beside me on the floor and whispered,

"I think I'm falling in love" and gave me a passionate french

kiss. As she broke the kiss, removed the nozzle and started to

refill the bottle, she occasionally looked at her watch and

finally told me to relieve myself. I quickly made my way to the

commode and the gush of water into the commode was a tremendous

relief to my system. My relief was short lived as the same

procedure was repeated two times, complete with the french

kissing of my former girlfriend, until Diane was satisfied that I

was cleaned out. "Fix your lipstick Honey and we'll get you

dressed" was her comment as she started to unbutton the back of

the black outfit she had been sewing earlier.

After repairing the lipstick, the kissing messed it up even more

than the cock sucking, I turned back to Diane who told me to

raise my arms as she slid a black dress over my torso. The dress

was low cut with a closely knit 'netting' being the only thing

that hid my cleavage, essentially making my cleavage visible to

everyone. The dress hung to just above my knees and I thought

that at least the length was modest, a relief from my previous

cross dressing experiences under the hands of the sisters. This

relief was short lived however when Diane told me to step into a

odd looking white garment. The garment was ribbed and flare wide

at the bottom and as Diane pulled it up to my waist and attached

it to something on the inside of my dress, I found my dress

flaring out around me about 18 inches on from my body all around.

Next came a white apron with attached at the waist and covered

the front of the lower dress, it's length matching up perfectly

to the hem of the dress. Diane handed me a pair of black four

inch heels and I subsequently put then on. "Turn around for me

Honey" was her request and I did as ordered. "Very good, let's


As I entered the living room, I got "Whoa" and applause from Fred

and smiles and nods from Ruthie and Richard. "Have a seat" was

Ruthie command as she motioned to an easy chair in one corner of

the room. As I sat, I realized that the ruffles on the skirt

made it ride up and exposed my legs and crotch to the other

occupants of the room. "Very good Diane, I approve" said Ruth to

her sister.

"Could you all go get me some beer, like two cases should be

enough. We have some things to set up anyway", Richard said from

the kitchen. "Sure honey" was Ruth's quick reply as she turned to

me and said, "Come on Billy". As she headed for the door, I just

did what was expected and followed Ruth and Diane out to Diane's

car. This time Ruth climbed in the back seat as I sat up front

with Diane. The skirt rose up as I sat and Diane rubbed my

exposed crotch whispering, "Later Honey" to me as she started the

car. We drove about two miles down the road until we came to a

tavern that I knew was frequented by bikers. 'Oh Jesus' was all

I could think as we all got out of the car and Ruth spoke quietly

to me saying, "If you have to bend over, bend at the waist like

the guy you are, not at the knees if you know what is good for


We entered the tavern and I got some unwelcome looks from some of

the rough looking guys, and girls, in seated in there as we made

our way across the room to the package goods side. The package

goods store had a separate entrance but I was just following the

ladies as I sure they wanted. Ruth approached the counter and

told the clerk that she wanted two cases of long necked

Budweiser. The clerk said, "I'll bring them right out, would you

like me to load them in the car for you three ladies". Ruth

replied, "No thank you, Billy here can handle them". "Ok, your

the customer" was the clerks reply as he rang up the purchase and

Ruth paid him. I realized I was still standing with my back to

the bar crowd and decided to change my position until Diane said,

"Right there is fine Babe". The man brought the beer out on a

dolly and started to move it towards the outside entrance.

"Right there fine" Ruth said pointing to a spot about two feet in

front of me. The man deposited the very large cases of beer in

front of me and returned the dolly to the walk in cooler. I knew

what was expected of me now but with that crowd behind me and the

knowledge of what lay beneath my skirt, I was very tempted to

bend at the knees and suffer the consequences from Ruth until I

saw here opening and closing an alligator clip in her hand.

'Fuck it' was all I could think as I swallowed what little pride

I had left and bent at the waist to pick up the beer. I found

that I still had to bend at the knees and actually flex them

outwards once I discovered the weight of the cases of beer. I

thought that either the high waist band on the skirt opener

wasn't exposing as much as I thought or the guys and gals

directly behind me didn't look my way as I started to get good

handholds on the two cased of beer.

The "WOOOOWEEEE, CHECK THAT OUT GUYS" along with the sounds of

chairs sliding behind me indicated otherwise. I tried to quickly

lift the cases to cover my probably exposed rear end but the

weight coupled with the unexpected imbalance of wearing high

heels caused me to loose my balance and set the cases down hard

and fall onto my hands. This caused my dress expander to land

against the top of the two case of beer and pushed it up to my

thighs, thoroughly exposing me from the waist down to the

gathering crowd behind me. A woman's screech, "ITS A GUY,

GODDAMN, ITS A GUY IN A DRESS" was the words that started my

heart to quicken and caused my entire system to go into a panic

mode. A quick peak at Ruth and Diane didn't quell my panic any

because they were both white as ghosts looking behind me. I

managed to shuck the shoes easily, thank god for slip ons, and

got the cases of beer under my arms and hoisted them up to my

waist, with the tops of the long neck bottles pressing against

the bottoms of my breasts. As I stood and got my balance, I saw

Diane holding the outside door open and I made a bee line for it.

As I got outside and headed for the car, three guys exited from

the door to the tavern and started jibing me, "Hey honey, must

not have much of a cock down there to dress like that", "That's a

nice mouth, hahahahahahahaha". As I got to the car, I managed to

free a few fingers on my right hand to open the handle on the

door on the passenger side and set the beer roughly in the front

passenger seat. I managed to quickly squiggle into the back seat

of the car. As the drivers door opened, I looked up and saw Ruth

carrying my shoes squeeze in beside me and Diane jump in the

drivers seat. As the car started and pulled across the parking

lot, Diane said, "That was fun, lets to it again". With Ruth

close beside me, I could almost hear her heart racing as she

said, "No thanks".



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