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WAN.TXT - by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation

I am the LAN system administrator in the New York office of a

company with locations in New York and San Francisco. I know LANs -

I know the Novell LAN operating system software, and I know how to

make LANs work. In fact, we have five LANs here, and not only did

I put each one together, I also linked all five so that a user can

jump from one LAN to the next if they need to.

Very few people in my company know anything about LANs. My

boss Pamela, the head of the Information Services department, knows

software, not LANs, so she pretty much leaves me alone. Which in

a way is too bad. Pamela is in her late forties, on the heavy

side, with stylishly managed blonde hair, not bad makeup, always

dresses nicely. Definitely attractive for her age.

Most people don't know that once the LAN is up and running, it

doesn't take much work to keep it running. So ... usually I don't

work too hard.

Unfortunately this caught up to me recently, and Pamela, her

crazy secretary Janice, and all the women in the department really

made me go through hell.

The new management came in a year ago and decided the two offices

should stop operating independently, and should get on the same

mainframe system. So Pamela, always one to kiss up to management,

promised them she would give the two offices a single system in a

year. This was too ambitious a promise, we all thought. But Pamela

worked the programmers and the users like a slavedriver, with a

detailed day to day schedule, people flying coast to coast for meetings,

and when the schedule got delayed, she just made them work overtime.

She was going to deliver this system, as promised, on time, and she

would be the darling of management. The bitch.

I must admit that Pamela could get things done, and as we were

down to the last two months when we needed to start testing, it looked

like she had won her bet.

Except for one small detail. I was unable to link the New York

LANs with the San Francisco LANs in a wide area network (WAN). And I

had made the fatal mistake of not keeping Pamela apprised of this.

I was working late one Tuesday in the computer room on this, when

I heard someone working the computer room combination lock. In stormed

Pamela with a fierce look on her face that meant all business.

She walked up to my desk with her high heels clicking on the tile

floor, put her not entirely unattractive face right up to mine, and

started screaming at me like some Marine sargeant.

"What the hell have you been doing all this time, Mr. LAN expert?

Why isn't the WAN connection ready for the system to be tested?"

The truth is that I had delayed working on this too long. I didn't

want to say that, so I squeaked out that I had never done a WAN before.

With her face so close to mine that I could smell her mouthwash,

she screamed at me, "So what are you going to do about it? And why

the hell didn't you tell me your part of this was going to be late?"

Well, I didn't have a good answer. I didn't have any answer. I

just shrugged my shoulders in reply.

I couldn't have picked a worse response. That really got her mad.

She grabbed my tie and pulled it towards her, choking me. Then she

slapped me hard in the face.

"You can't treat me like this," I managed to say to her.

Pamela spat in my face. She slapped my face, again and again.

When she was tired of that, she drove her knee right into my groin.

The pain was excrutiating, and I rolled on the floor in agony.

Pamela was far from done. She pounced on me like a crazed

animal. She rolled me on my back and sat on my chest. She leaned

forward, giving me a quick peak at a lacy bra under her silk blouse,

and then started slapping my face some more.

"I can't treat you like this? I own your worthless body, you

pig. You're not going to make me late on this project because of

your incompetence," she screamed in my face.

Pamela's blue eyes flashed as she considered what to do next.

She was kind of sexy in this state. OK, I'm a bit of a submissive,

and I was quite turned on.

She reached for a phone, still sitting on my chest, and dialed

a number. "Could you come into the computer room right away?" she


And a few moments later, in walked her secretary Janice, as calm

as can be. Janice was in the middle of doing her nails.

Now Janice has always kind of intrigued me. Maybe kooky is the

best way to describe her. About 26, with short blonde hair that she

wears moussed up into spikes. Sometimes she streaks some of her hair

black. Too much black eyeliner, reminiscent of another decade. Some-

times she wears leather vests, sometimes her blouse is so short that

her midruff shows. Sometimes I think she is pantyless. A crazy,

crazy character. Sexy, but in an oddbeat way.

Janice quickly surveyed her boss sitting on my chest. My face

was red from being repeatedly slapped. Pamela explained to her what

had happened, and that she would call someone from Novell to come

over first thing tomorrow to get the WAN working. Meanwhile Pamela

wasn't sure what to do with me.

Janice simply smiled sweetly and replied, "I think we ought to

punish him, don't you?" And without waiting for Pamela's reply,

she started unzipping my pants and untying my shoes. In short order

I was naked.

Pamela noticed Janice's nail polish and asked to borrow it.

She hiked up her skirt slightly and sat on my face, facing my feet.

She kicked off her heels, slid her pantyhose down her legs, and then

trapped my cock between her bare feet. She wiggled her ass on my face,

grinding herself on me until she trapped my nose and mouth in her

crotch. Then she started to fondle my cock with her toes.

Janice said she had to get some things and make some phone calls,

and would be right back. She said she would take my clothes with her.

Now there was no question that I wasn't going anywhere without clothes.

Meanwhile Pamela expertly used her toes on me until I was fully erect.

And then, with my cock trapped by her feet, she started polishing her


"No don't move, sweetie," she cooed at me. We don't want to get

nail polish on your cock, do we?"

"Well, no we don't," I thought to myself. But Pamela's crotch in

my face and her feet around my cock were too much too keep still, and

I squirmed a tiny bit.

Quickly I felt a little cool liquid on the head of my cock. Uh oh.

I knew she had done what she suggested. Maybe on purpose.

"Oh dear, I seem to have accidentally put a little nail polish on

your cockhead, dear," Pamela told me. "It's called 'Cherry Red', by

Revlon," she pointed out, always the stickler for details. "Well, I

guess there's only one thing to do now."

"Yes, wipe it off with a tissue before it dries, right?" I tried

to helpfully add, my voice muffled by her crotch on my face.

Unfortunately Pamela had different ideas. "Oh no. I might just

as well paint the rest of your cockhead so it doesn't look like I made

a mistake." And sure enough, she painted the head of my cock with nail

polish. I knew this was going to be some fun getting it off.

She gently blew on my cock, so the polish would dry quicker, she

claimed. This kept me rock hard. Then for good measure she dipped

the brush in the bottle of nail polish and calmly painted my tits.

"What the hell are you doing to me?" I shouted at her. "Shut up,"

she replied, as she turned around and grabbed me by the chin. Then

she put a dab of nail polish on my lips. "How's this?" she asked.

"Lips, nips, and tips," she exclaimed, pleased with her little rhyme

about the three places on my body that she had painted me in red.

She was about to paint my lips in nail polish when she thought better

of it. "I wouldn't want you licking it off. That might poison you."

Janice came back with a whole shopping bag of items. She admired

Pamela's paint job on me, and when Pamela explained that she was going

to apply nail polish to my lips, but changed her mind, Janice came up

with a solution. She reached into her purse and pulled out a lipstick.

She unscrewed it and firmly applied the rich color to my lips. "See,

it's a matching shade of Cherry Red."

Janice grabbed some rope and tied my hands to the legs of a

bookshelf. She then grabbed my legs, lifting them up, up, higher,

until my head and neck were on the floor, but my legs were over my

head. She tied my legs to the bookshelf, thus fully immobilizing me.

"Well, there are certainly no end of possibilities to do with him

now, are there?" asked Pamela. Janice dumped out her shopping bag,

and I saw paddles, hairbrushes, dildoes and things I couldn't recognize.

Pamela decided there was one more use she needed to make of the nail

polish. As I hung almost upside down, she started painting my ass in

nail polish. "Oh, how cute," Janice squealed when Pamela was done. I

was sure I didn't want to ask what she had written.

Janice squeezed a little lubrication from a bottle into her hand,

and started stroking my nail polish covered cock. "Watch this, Pamela.

You'll love it," she said.

She was stroking my cock in earnest, which in my contorted position

was aimed right at my face. This was obvious to all of us. Pamela looked

me in the eye and told me I had better swallow every last drop, or what

I missed would go in my ass. With my ass so vulnerable to them, and

with the way Pamela and Janice had ruthlessly abused me so far, I

didn't doubt her for a moment. As I was about to come, I squeezed my

eyes shut as I opened my mouth wide, and caught and swallowed my own

cum. Pamela and Janice howled in laughter.

Then Janice sat on my face and commanded me to lick her. No

panties, I noticed. I licked away, apparently to her liking, as

she waited for my erection to subside. Then I felt her tying some

sort of string around my cockhead. Yes, my Cherry Red cockhead, I

recalled. Then, as I continued licking, I felt her pull my cock

slightly by the string as something cold and hard engulfed my cock.

Janice came from my determined licking. When she got off my face I

was able to see what she had done. She had put me in a steel cock

cage chastity belt. It was gleaming steel, the length of my cock,

except for my cockhead which peaked out.

I had no idea how I was going to get nail polish off my cock,

but there must be a way. But I was sure I'd never get that cock

cage off unless Janice did it herself. My cock seemed to slide in

with only a little discomfort. But it was not going to slide out.

"Don't get hard, sweetie," Janice told me. You won't like it.

I started cursing at my tormentors, forgetting I had no leverage

and they had me for as long as they wanted. Pamela tired of me yelling

and took ker panties off and stuffed them in my mouth to silence me.

I was thirsty and the panties were moist, and I sucked the liquid out

of them.

Janice picked up a paddle and swung it through the air to test it.

Meanwhile Pamela ground her crotch at my face. "Oops, how silly of me,"

she exclaimed. You can't eat me properly with those panties in your


Pamela removed the panties from my mouth, ground her crotch in

my face, and told me to suck her hard. Meanwhile Pamela started

swatting my ass with her paddle. Her smacks stung like crazy. But

with each one, I drove my tongue as far as it could reach into Pamela's

pussy. Eventually Pamela came, and Janice tired of smacking my ass.

So Pamela picked up a hairbrush and started wailing away. My screams

must have been too loud. Janice had already been eaten out, and

didn't want another turn. So she reached for something to gag me

with, and came up with a rubbery dildo. She rubbed it over my lips,

and then she rubbed it over my tits and cockhead. Although I tried

to keep my mouth closed, Janice pinched my nostrils shut until I

needed a breath of air. Then she pressed the dildo between my

lipsticked lips, and tied it to my head.

"Suck it good and wet, dear," Janice told me. "No telling

where it might end up." Pamela pounded my tender ass with the

hairbrush until it was warm and glowing.

"Well, Janice, I've had enough with him for one night, how

about you," Pamela asked her assistant. "Shall we call it a night,

leave him like this, and let him go tomorrow when the Novell rep


Pamela and Janice gently kissed me goodnight, being careful to

leave the dildo in place. They left me and turned out the lights

as I contemplated my situation. Naked, tied hand and foot, with my

legs over my head. Nail polish on my nipples and cock. Lipstick,

sucking a dildo. Cock encased in a cock cage. Face smeared in pussy

juice from eating out two women, ass red from being paddled. Could

it get any worse?

As I wondered how I was going to get any sleep, in the darkness

I heard the combination lock to the computer room. Suddenly the

lights came on, and there were five other women from the department.

They looked at my predicament and started laughing hysterically.

Janice must have called them and invited them. Women who had never

liked me, and gleefully considered their chance for revenge.

They examined the implements Janice had brought and started experi-

menting with them. One of them tenderly fondled my ass cheeks as

she read aloud what had been painted on it in nail polish.

"Abuse me," my ass said in nail polish. And they did.

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