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From: adietrech@aol.com (A Dietrech)

Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories

Subject: Story: Susie 1/3 TG femdom

Date: 10 Dec 1994 01:46:02 -0500

Every since I was 4 or 5 years old, I can remember being

extremely interested in girls' and womens' clothes. This

interest continued on and off throughout my childhood, and became

quite an obsession during my teenage years. At sixteen, a most

exciting experience occurred that I shall now recount in detail

with help from my diary.

During my teenage years, I was raised by my grandmother in a

suburban town in upstate New York, about twenty miles north of

New York City. My grandmother owned a two-family house and often

rented the upstairs apartment to young couples or students.

When I was fifteen, two gorgeous young ladies named Linda

and Stephanie moved in upstairs. They lead very interesting

lives. By day, they sought acting, dancing, or modeling work.

By night, they were exotic dancers so they could pay the bills

and have some adventure, I first discovered by eavesdropping.

I eagerly became acquainted with Linda and Stephanie by

doing chores and running errands for them. These girls were

extremely attractive and very much into clothing, cosmetics, and

lingerie. They looked stunning in whatever they wore, be it

jeans, miniskirts, or evening gowns. Whenever I was in their

apartment, whether to water the plants, bring up the mail, or

unclog the drain, I couldn't help but notice an occasional pair

of panties, a bra, a G-string, or some nylons lying around. When

they were home, they might have caught me staring at such

articles on several occasions, although I tried to be as discreet

as possible.

After they had been there a few months I turned sixteen. I

was finding that constantly daydreaming about them and their

underwear was driving me crazy. My desires were overwhelming me.

I knew I couldn't have the girls, but I felt I must at least have

their clothing to touch, fondle, and wear like they did.

I had never taken anything without permission in my life,

but this was more temptation than I could bare. I gave in to my

obsession, and decided the only way would be to take their

clothes on the sly. (I well knew that I couldn't just ask them

for these personal things, their underwear and such, so I stole

them whenever the opportunity arose.)

I would help myself to a pair of panties here, a bra and

slip there, etc. However, soon this got out of hand, and I

started taking more and more of their things. I advanced from

panties, bras, and nylons to slips, nightgowns, lipsticks,

earrings, some shoes, several skirts and dresses, a bathing suit,


I would get so scared when I would take something that my

heart would pound, but after a while the fear seemed to add to

the thrill. As a further turn-on, often when I would go upstairs

to see the girls, I would wear their panties, bras, and even

pantyhose under my clothes in their presence without them knowing

it, and I would become extremely aroused. I would then return to

my room and masturbate repeatedly.

After some months of hoarding their clothes, I developed

quite a wardrobe. I had decided the best place to hide the

garments was with my assortment of girlie magazines in an old

trunk in my closet, with the half-hearted idea of secretly

returning the clothes to their rightful owners someday.

I kept a pile of my own old clothes and some sports

equipment and such on top of the trunk for concealment as I

didn't have a key for the trunk, and my closet door did not lock.

I was concerned about this lack of security, but my magazine

collection had gone unnoticed and I really had no where else to

hide the stuff. I knew my grandmother rarely entered my room,

and she didn't have reason to go in my closet. (Nevertheless, it

was a bad hiding place, as I will explain.)

I continued taking clothes and accessories whenever possible

for some time longer. Then, on several occasions, I was

nonchalantly asked by the girls if I had seen certain missing

skirts or shoes, etc. I became quite nervous by this, and

thought they probably suspect me by now, so I decided I must stop

taking their things. I did stop for a short time. However, I

suffered "withdrawal pains" from having my supply of fresh

clothing cut off, and I resumed my previous ways once I thought

their suspicion had waned.

My trunk became filled to capacity, and I began carefully

discarding things as I found that to be easier and safer than

returning them back upstairs in a used condition.

After Christmas, big trouble arose. It seemed that

Stephanie asked my grandmother if we had any skis she could

borrow because some guys invited Linda and her to go skiing. My

grandmother said she wasn't sure, but thought there might

possibly be an old pair in my closet somewhere, and that she

would be welcome to use them if she wouldn't mind looking.

Later that day, when I arrived home, my grandmother

mentioned that Stephanie had borrowed some old skiis that she

found in my closet! I almost fainted! However, I wasn't certain

if she had found my cache or not, and I spent the weekend

extremely worried about it.

The girls returned a few days later. They mentioned nothing

about the trunk, and I certainly wasn't going to ask if they had

discovered it. I thought I noticed an angry tone in their voices

at times, but I wasn't sure. After they had been back for a

couple of days and no mention of the trunk was made, I felt


On that Saturday afternoon, I returned home from swimming

practice, and as my grandmother had left for a long-awaited trip

to her sister's house, I went straight to my room to indulge in

my "treasure chest."

However, I got the surprise of my life when I opened the

door and found Linda and Stephanie sorting out their clothing,

shoes, and cosmetics from my trunk which lay open on my bed! As

I stood there in shock, Linda said teasingly, "Oooh, you're in

trouble. You've been such a naughty boy." Then Stephanie said

that she had discovered my trunk when she borrowed the skis but

decided to wait until my grandmother was away before confronting

me about it. She then said something about this pile of clothes

being hers and that pile being Linda's, and a third pile being

made of things they couldn't identify or that had "dried cum" or

something gross on them, so I might as well keep them to go with

my magazines.

Then Linda giggled and said that she bet she knew what I did

with the their clothes. She said that I put them on for their

feeling, looked in the mirror, and played with myself. They both

thought this was very funny and mocked me. Linda went on to say

that one of her friends had dated a guy who did this sort of

thing. I stood there sweating, and my heart was beating a mile

per second. They said that I'd better not take any more of their

stuff or they would tell my grandmother what her "granddaughter"

had been doing, and as it was, there was at least two hundred

dollars of clothes and stuff missing or ruined, and I would

certainly have to pay for them! Trembling nervously, I said I

would pay, but I only had the forty dollars my grandmother left

me for groceries, and I couldn't get that much money without a

job. They said not to worry, they had a "little job" for me.

They told me not to dare go anywhere later, but didn't elaborate


As they were leaving, Stephanie handed me the wrinkled but

now neatly-folded, unclaimed pile (mostly lingerie) and

laughingly said, "Here honey, be a good girl and put your undies

away." After they left, I regained control of myself, and my

nervousness became increasingly charged with arousal. I put on a

remaining pair of pink silk panties, bra, and slip, and

masturbated intensely. Afterwards, exhausted, I fell asleep on

my bed.

Some hours later, I awoke to the sound of the phone ringing.

It was Stephanie calling. She said that the bathroom sink was

clogged and would I come up right away as it was overflowing. I

was still half asleep, but it sounded rather urgent, so I quickly

pulled on my pants and shirt over the panties and bra I had

fallen asleep in to save time. I added a sweater so the bra

wouldn't show through my shirt, grabbed the plunger and ran up.

Upon entering, I saw another beautiful girl in their

apartment. Linda and Stephanie lead me straight to the bathroom.

All three girls entered with me and they shut the door behind us.

I looked at the sink and asked, "What's wrong with it? It looks

okay." Stephanie replied, "Nothing is wrong with it darling, we

just said that to get you up here." I was puzzled by this and

asked, "Why?" She answered, "Because we are going to do

something to you." "What?", I asked, very curiously. "We have a

job for you to do tonight to pay us back, but we need to give you

a new look before you can do it," she said. I asked her, "What

kind of new look", and she said, "Don't worry, you'll see when

we're finished." I asked, "If it's a big change please let me

know because I kind of like they way I look now. She responded

with broad grin, "Well, I guess you could say it is quite a big

change. But sweetheart, we are going to do it to you whether you

like it or not." I was taken aback by this, and just looked at

them. (The girls were very feminine, but could be very tough

when they wanted.) Then she started laughing and said, "You see,

honey, we need to transform you from a sixteen-year-old boy into

a sexy young lady so you can go with us tonight!" Before I could

believe my own ears, Linda chimed in, "You weren't very

remorseful earlier about taking our things, so you are going to

pay us back, and we're going to have some fun while we're at it."

Looking over at the girl I had never seen before, Stephanie

introduced her as "Chrissie" and said that she was a hairdresser

and was also a dancer with them at night. She continued that

they told her all about me, and that she was very eager to lend a

hand. Chrissie looked at me and said, "So you're the little

panty snatcher I've heard so much about. You're really cute.

I'm going to have a great time helping Linda and Stephanie turn

you into a beautiful woman." I still couldn't believe my ears!

I thought there must be some kind of mistake or something.

"Now take off your clothes and get into the tub", commanded

Linda. I felt both extreme terror and great excitement

simultaneously. I was in a trance, and didn't move right away.

The girls thought I was defying them, so they wrestled me down

and started pulling off my clothes. Suddenly, I remembered I was

wearing the bra and panties underneath. I struggled, but they

were very strong. They got my pants down and saw the panties. I

froze and they started laughing hysterically. My sweater and

shirt were removed revealing the bra. More laughter followed and

they taunted me and remarked that I was, "Really asking for it."

While Chrissie and Stephanie held me, Linda quickly unhooked my

bra and pulled down my panties. Stephanie twisted my arm behind

my back and she and the other girls guided me into the tub of

running water and made me sit down for a fragrant bubble bath. I

was sternly warned that, "We can do this the easy way or the hard

way. It's up to you, baby." I whimpered, "Okay, okay. The easy

way", and I knew they were serious about this.

As I sat nervously in the tub, the girls selected some of

their toiletries to use on me. While Linda and Stephanie

shampooed and conditioned my shoulder-length blond hair, Chrissie

washed my face with a creamy cleanser and a washcloth. When

finished, the girls rinsed my hair and face with the handshower

and let the water drain from the tub. When all the water was

gone, the girls noted that even though I had sparse leg hair, it

still had to be removed. I meekly asked if I could please wrap a

towel around myself, but Linda said don't worry, they had all

seen penises before, although maybe not as small as mine, she

chuckled. So I stood up shaking while Stephanie rubbed Noxzema

cream over my legs and shaved them with a pink razor. Silky-

smooth, totally hairless legs resulted. Then she shaved my

underarms as well. It felt very odd having my body shaved like a

woman's. Then Stephanie applied her lady's deodorant to my bare

underarms. It smelled nice, but it burned my shaved armpits.

Chrissie giggled that I might look like an innocent little virgin

now, but soon they would make me look like a really hot slut! As

the girls laughed, I felt shivers going up and down my spine.

The girls said they should first style and set my long blond

hair and then dress me so that my hair and makeup wouldn't get

messed up. "What do you mean by hair and makeup?", I asked in a

very concerned tone of voice. They all had big grins on their

faces, but no one would answer me. Finally, Stephanie said,

"Honey, just relax. You're in for a very long night. There's

nothing you can do about it, so why ask questions? Just be quiet

and do what we tell you, and everything will be a lot easier." I

felt quite intimidated, and they all laughed at this.

As they were about to start on me, I pleaded with them to at

least slow down and tell me what they had in mind. Linda said,

"Okay, listen. To get even with you for taking our stuff and to

give you a chance to get the money to pay us back, we're going to

take you to where we work tonight so you can fill in for one of

the girls who is taking the night off!"

I was shocked and immediately protested that I couldn't

possibly dance in a topless bar as a woman. They all laughed and

Linda said, "The girl I would be filling in for was a cocktail

waitress not a dancer, silly." She continued, "And with your

pretty face, girlish figure, and high-pitched voice, we'll do the

rest. You won't have any problems."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and said I didn't know

anything about being a cocktail waitress. They said all I had to

do was bring drinks from the bar to peoples' tables and act

friendly to get a lot of tips. I stammered that I was only

sixteen and you had to be eighteen (at the time) to drink or work

in a bar in New York City. They said to stop worrying, the

makeup would make me look older, and anyway, they were friends

with the manager, and if he says anything, Chrissie has an old ID

I can use. Then Stephanie said, "No more questions. Let's get


Chrissie stated that my long hair needed a lot of work. She

toweled it dry, combed it, and cut some areas that were grown out

and shaggy. She then carefully trimmed the rest of it, and I

realized that she had given me a very feminine, layered cut. I

whined that I didn't want my hair styled like a woman's, but they

just ignored me. Chrissie then rinsed out the loose hairs with

the handshower. I thought she was finished, but she said that my

newly-styled hair needed to be set, as it was too straight and I

would look really great in curls.

Chrissie began by blowdrying my hair. As she did this,

Linda and Stephanie started filing and painting my toenails with

red nail polish! I murmured that I didn't need that, but no one

paid any attention. As the girls continued to work on me, I

glanced around the vanity area. Among the numerous personal care

items, I noticed an assortment of curlers heating on the counter.

I had a strange feeling they were for me.

Chrissie divided my dry hair into small sections, sprayed

each section with setting lotion, twisted and wound each section

around a heated pink roller, and secured it in place with a

roller clip. I moaned that I didn't want them to do this, but

the girls just laughed at me. As Linda dried my toenail polish

with the blowdryer to save time, Chrissie continued until my head

was covered in pink rollers. A hair net was then placed over the


Chrissie said, "We'll get back to your hair later, darling.

Now lets get you dressed." with that, Chrissie opened a large

garment bag that she had brought with her.

I sat there totally astounded as Chrissie removed a red

satin Victorian-style tightlacing corset from her bag! She saw

my stunned expression, and she said, "Yes, it's for you, honey."

It had black lace trim, strong black stringing in back, and black

garters attached to the bottom. (I had dreamed about such

garments, but never imagined I would be made to wear one!) Then

she produced black silk stockings with a line going down the

back, a very frilly and very short petticoat, a little black silk

camisole, a bright red bra with black trim and large cups, and a

pair of bright red silk panties with black trim around the

waistband and leg openings. From another compartment, she

removed a pair of shiny patent leather, four-inch spike heels.

Chrissie warned me to be very careful with these things because

she borrowed them from her roommate who works at the club.

Stephanie and Linda had informed Chrissie that I was a size 8,

just like her roommate.

From: adietrech@aol.com (A Dietrech)

Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories

Subject: Story: SUsie 2/3 TG femdom

Date: 10 Dec 1994 01:50:12 -0500

As I sat there gawking at the things, the girls said, "Come

on, you're familiar with this kind of stuff, lets get going." I

pleaded with them not to make me wear these garments, confiding

that I was truly afraid to be seen dressed as a woman, etc.

To my dismay, my pleas went totally unheeded. The girls

were determined to transform me and carry out the plan. They

also reveled in the humiliation I was feeling at their hands, and

reminded me that they were teaching me a lesson for stealing

their clothes. I really had no choice but to comply with their


Chrissie held up the red Victorian-style corset as I sat

there watching in disbelief. (A corset is a very tight

undergarment extending, in this case, from under the bust to the

lower waist, but others may include the bust and the buttocks as

well, like a girdle. Corsets are extremely effective for giving

one a wasp-shaped waist.) I noticed that the corset was of very

sturdy construction, made of boned satin with hook closures in

front and had many rows of eyelets in back for the black string

lacing (like heavy shoe lace). "Sit facing the back of the chair

so we can get this on you", Chrissie insisted. I whimpered that

I already had a slim waist, but she said the corset would give me

outrageous curves, and I had to wear it. Before I could say

more, Chrissie ordered me to "Inhale", and began lacing me up

extremely tightly in back while Stephanie and Linda laughed and

helped her by crimping my waist with their hands and pulling the

corset eyelets closer together. Then Chrissie pressed her knee

into my back to give her more leverage for pulling the string

taught. I caught a glimpse myself in the mirror and it was an

extremely humiliating sight! I groaned that it hurt, that I felt

faint, but Stephanie told me to stop acting like a baby. She

said that it might be a bit uncomfortable, but I would get used

to it. When the girls finally finished lacing me up, the corset

was exceedingly tight, and they exclaimed with delight that it

gave me an amazingly curvy, twenty-inch waist! I whined that it

was extremely constricting and uncomfortable, but the girls just

told me to be quiet. Chrissie said that not too long ago all

women had to wear corsets, and it was their turn to get even.

Next came the silky bra with bright red cups and black lace

trim. Stephanie slid the straps down my arms and clasped it shut

in the back. The large cups looked inappropriate, and Stephanie

pinched my nipples in them and said I really needed a training

bra. Chrissie said, "Don't worry, sweetheart. I brought these

to fill you out," and took two large silicon falsies from her

bag. She inserted them in the cups and the next thing I knew, I

was a jiggly 34-D. I was so embarrassed, and I moaned that I

couldn't wear a bra and have breasts like a woman, but he girls

paid no attention.

Moreover, to add to my troubles, I felt a powerful erection

coming on. Just before the feeling overwhelmed me, Stephanie

smirked that my "little clit" (meaning my penis) was, "Getting

stiff." They all laughed hysterically and Linda said if that

thing didn't go down they would, "Snip it off." After that I

felt very humiliated, and fortunately, it went down a bit.

However, the excitement continued to build as the next item

was the matching pair of bright red silk panties with black lace

trim around the waistband and leg openings. Stephanie held them

out and giggled that my, "Girlie ass would look great in these."

As she pulled them up my legs, I noticed they had a generous

cotton-lined crotch that really turns me on. They fit perfectly,

giving me a most feminine, silky, shapely pelvis and behind. My

erection had quickly sprung back, and the girls joked that it was

okay as long as it stayed in my panties where it belonged.

Next, they unrolled the delicate, long, black silk stockings

up my sexy, smooth legs, securely fastening the corset's eight

garters to the stocking tops. Looking down, I couldn't believe

it was really my own body I was seeing! Then they pulled the

short, silky, black lace petticoat (a garment like a slip but

with many tiers of lacy ruffles giving a fluffy layered effect

that puffs out a dress or skirt in a most lovely way) up my

stocking-clad legs to my waist. I felt incredible sensations as

the fluffy garment made the most feminine, swishy noises! It was

light and very full and frilly! I wondered why it was so short,

though, as it came down about even with the crotch of my panties.

Then the little black silk camisole was held out so I could

put my head and arms through the lace trimmed V-neck, and

shoulders. Linda said the camisole would keep the top of my

dress smooth and prevent my bra straps from showing.

The pair of shiny leather, four-inch spike heels followed.

They fit my small feet well, and were the crowning touch to my

extremely feminized legs. The girls had me take some practice

walks for them, but I had no trouble as I had worn the girls'

high heels on many previous occasions.

My attention was turned to what was on the hanger in the

garment bag. Topping everything off, Chrissie produced a short

black satin dress with white lace trim and a little sheer white

apron. The girls asked me how I liked it, but I was speechless.

The thought of parading around in a bar wearing a very short,

black satin maid's outfit was incredible! They said that this

was what all the cocktail waitresses had to wear there, and I

would have to wear one as well. In a daze, I held my arms up and

they slid the satiny garment down over my head and guided my arms

through the sleeve openings. It had an extremely feminine cut,

white lace trim around all the edges, short-sleeves, a sexy

plunging neckline, a very tight waist, and a flared-out bottom

that my fluffy petticoat puffed out just marvelously, highly

accentuating my waist, hip and butt areas. As Linda zipped me up

in back and tied the apron ribbon tightly into a bow, I just

could not believe the sensations I was feeling! It was

electrifying! The girls were laughing very hard, and I just

stood there in a wonderful, deep trance.

When I came back down to earth however, I again began to

worry about actually going through with their plan. For one

thing, my dress was so short it only came down to about one inch

below my crotch and was about even with my stocking tops and

garters. If I made the slightest bend or wrong movement, or just

even walked too fast, my panties, garters, and ruffles of my

petticoat would be exposed for everyone to see! I asked if my

outfit wasn't too short, and the girls said that the manager has

a real interest in his waitresses wearing these ultra mini-

dresses that let his customers (and himself) peep at panties,

gartered stocking tops, and frilly petticoats. They knew this

particular dress would fit just right because I was exactly the

same size as Chrissie's roommate. Linda giggled and added that

the manager even encouraged his barmaids to "bend over a lot" to

keep the patrons happy. "I can't do this", I protested. "I

can't have a bunch of guys checking me out dressed like this!" I


I continued appealing that I couldn't go out in this outfit,

but Stephanie chided me saying, "It serves you right. The

barmaids have to dress like this and work hard every night to

earn a living, and if they can do it, then so can you." Linda

chimed in, "That's right, sweetheart. You thought it was fun to

dress up in women's clothes at home and play with yourself, but

now you'll see what women really go through." Chrissie agreed

with them and said I was, "Going to learn my lesson."

Then Stephanie told me, "No more complaining. It's getting

late and it's time to do your make-up and let out your hair."

With that, I had nothing further to say. The girls sat me down

and began the final steps of turning me into a gorgeous female.

My attention was turned to the array of cosmetics that Linda

and Stephanie had on the counter. Chrissie said that my eyebrows

should be shaped and then darkened in with eyebrow pencil. To my

discomfort, she began plucking my eyebrows with tweezers while

telling me to be still.

In the meantime, Linda and Stephanie applied long red

artificial fingernails to my small hands, something that I hadn't

tried and which looked quite striking.

I had no facial hair yet, and required no shaving. I also

had a very smooth complexion, but the girls applied a creamy

foundation all over my face using a damp facial sponge, to

further even out my skin and give me a nice base.

Next, Chrissie colored my soft, curvy eyebrows with black

eyebrow pencil. My eyebrows looked very womanly. Then Chrissie

held the back of my neck with her hand and had me look up at her.

To my dismay, she said I really had big, beautiful eyes, and that

I should show them off. She picked up a black eyeliner pencil

and began using it on the rims of my eyelids. She was pressing

rather hard, lining my eyelids with black lines while saying,

"Hold still, sissy", as I was flinching. My huge eyes were soon

encircled in the sexy black liner. Next, Chrissie mixed shades

of rose and pink eye shadow together. I was told to close my

eyes, and Chrissie applied the shadow liberally to my lids and

brow bone using a sponge-tipped eye applicator. The shadow

further complimented my dazzling eyes. Stephanie said that she

had some fake eyelashes that she thought would look pretty on me,

and she glued them in place over my own eyelashes. She then

brushed on some mascara to blend in and further thicken the

lashes. Big, feathery, dark eyelashes resulted.

Next, attention was turned to my big round lips. Linda

giggled that she wanted to do my lips. She picked up a red lip

pencil, held chin with one hand, and with the other she carefully

outlined my lips with the pencil to define and color the

boarders. Then she took a tube of bright red lipstick and

generously filled in my outlined lips with the rich red cosmetic.

To even further accentuate my lips, she painted gloss over my

lipstick using a lip brush, giving my lips a bright, glossy

shine. When she was finished, matching my huge, sexy eyes, I had

the biggest, reddest, shiniest lips I had ever seen on anyone!

Even the girls were amazed at my features.

Some reddish blush was then swept over my cheekbones and

lightly brushed on my forehead, nose, and chin using a gentle

blusher brush to add a soft glow to my complexion. Powder was

then lightly patted all over my face with a powder puff to help

lock-in my makeup. The girls were extremely pleased with my

makeover, and they couldn't believe how beautiful I looked.

Attention was turned back to my hair, as it was time to

release it from the curlers. The girls began by applying heat

with the blowdryer to be certain my hair was completely dry. As

they removed the curlers, Chrissie teased the roots of the curls

with a comb. Then she scrunched and fluffed my hair vigorously

with her fingers for a more wild, carefree look. She made a few

more adjustments using a round brush and then doused me liberally

with hairspray. The next thing I knew was that I had a sexy

feminine mane of cascading curls and curlets! My hair and makeup

were totally extravagant, I must admit!

Although I was too shy to wear an earring in public, I had a

real passion for them and had secretly pierced both my ears

myself. (If people noticed that they were both pierced, I would

use an excuse that I had mistakenly done the right ear first and

later found out that meant one was gay, so then I did the left

because that was the correct one for me.) The girls had noticed

that they were both pierced while making me up, and I felt a

shiver as Stephanie inserted the post of one, and then the other,

of a pair of beautiful, long silver drop earrings through the

holes, while warning that, "I had better not loose these." Some

rings, bracelets, and necklaces followed. I was then spritzed

with some fragrant perfume, and a few finishing touches were made

to my hair and makeup.

Finally, the girls were satisfied with their work. They

were ecstatic, and said things like, "I was truly beautiful", and

"I should have been born a girl, etc." They had me stand up and

Stephanie lead me by the arm as I delicately swished over to the

full-length mirror in my puffed-out mini-dress and four-inch

heels. I had caught some enchanting glimpses of myself in the

vanity mirror as I was being made up, but now I was absolutely

astonished as I clearly saw myself to be a STUNNING BLONDE in the

full-length mirror!!!

My mind was racing to fast for me to think. I felt

lightheaded, the room began spinning, I became quite dizzy, and

my knees started to buckle. The girls told me to, "Stop faking",

as they grabbed me under the shoulders and supported me. (Believe

me, I almost passed-out cold.) I shook myself out of it and

stood mesmerized in front of the mirror.

I still couldn't believe my own eyes! I was a ten + ! And

my hair, makeup, shapely stocking-clad legs, short, sexy outfit,

etc. were all perfect!

When I regained my composure, the girls made me prance

around with one hand on my hip and the other held out as if I was

carrying a tray I would use that evening. With the extremely

tight corset, four-inch heels, jiggly breasts, etc., I wiggled

pronouncedly as I walked. My skirt and petticoat billowed with

the movement as well, contributing to my dainty, swishing,

feminine walk. The girls all laughed and laughed, and I felt so

embarrassed (but a part of me loved every minute of it).

Chrissie was concerned about a slight problem arising. She

said probably nobody would notice, but if my dress and petticoat

came up in the front, my little peeney might be noticeable. She

asked the others if they had any large bandages, as she had once

seen a female impersonator make do with one. There were no large

bandages, but they did find a roll of strong medical adhesive

tape. There was a box of scented panty shields on the counter

and Chrissie unwrapped one. I wondered what this was all about,

and Chrissie said they needed to cover my "little clit" with

something in case someone looked up my short dress. I objected,

but the girls just picked up the front of my dress and petticoat,

and lowered my panties to my stocking tops. Chrissie took the

panty shield, and with it pressed my penis and testicles flat

against my upper pelvis so the others could tape it in place. I

cried out that I wouldn't even be able to pee properly, and

Chrissie said, "Gee, he's right." So she made a hole in the

shield so that the pee could pass through. With that done, she

pressed it back in place and the other girls taped it securely to

my skin. Giggling, Chrissie said that, "It would keep me fresh,

and that I should sit down to pee and wipe myself dry like a

girl." They all laughed very hard.

They pulled my panties back up and inspected me. Chrissie

commented that nothing showed anymore, but if somehow someone

noticed anything, they would just think it was, "That time of the

month." They let my petti and dress down, and I felt quite

peculiar, to say the least. I was told to sit and be quiet while

the girls finished preparing themselves to leave. As I sat

there, I pondered my appearance and what might be in store for


To take my mind off my predicament, I once again fantasized

about the girls. They were so sexy, (and now I was too)! They

were dancers at the club, so they didn't have to wear a uniform

like I did, as they performed mainly in G-strings to which they

would strip down to from little pullovers or other lingerie. As

they were putting on their overcoats, I carefully re-examined

what they were wearing. Stephanie had on a black leather

miniskirt, a gold sequined bustier, high-heeled boots, nylons,

and a sleek black leather jacket. Linda wore a short red velvet

dress belted in the middle, nylons, pumps, and an artificial, but

lavish, lynx coat. Chrissie, quite tall, had on a black leather

miniskirt, black pumps, nylons, pastel lame' blouse, and a soft

cashmere coat.

It was a bit chilly outside and the girls were concerned for

my warmth. Stephanie decided she should have me wear her sexy,

stroller length, satin-lined, artificial, but luxurious mink coat

to cover my outfit. She slipped me into it and buttoned me up.

The lovely garment ended well above my knees, still revealing

plenty of my seductive, stocking-clad legs. I was then given a

pair of women's black leather gloves to wear and a tiny black

patent handbag with a few cosmetics and things inside to carry.

It was finally time to leave and, understandably, I felt

quite fearful considering the astounding changes that had taken

place and what was in store for me.

After all, I had been transformed into a gorgeous blonde,

the extent of which I still couldn't fully comprehend!

Furthermore, I had to go out and be seen this way and work as a

cocktail waitress in a bar full of people!

While I was still pondering all this, my thoughts were

interrupted by Linda as she opened the door and told me to get

moving. I blurted out that, "I was scared", but she just said,

"Oh, come on, stop acting like such a sissy." I said, "No, I'm

really scared to go out like this." With that, Stephanie lost her

patience with me. She warned that if I backed out now,

especially after they did all that work to prepare me, they would

not only drag me out to the car and make me go, but they would

also tell my grandmother and my friends all about my, "Nasty

habits." I decided I'd better go along willingly with them. It

was the path of least resistance. Linda said, "That's a good

girl. Now move."

With great trepidation, I started down the steep stairs in

my four-inch heels, carefully holding on to the bannister. As I

slowly continued down, Stephanie pointed at me and howled, "Now I

know what guys mean when they call someone a panty-waist", and

they all laughed hysterically.

I went into the garage and sat down in the back seat of the

car with Chrissie. It was starting to get dark as we pulled out,

and I kept my head down because I felt very shy and didn't want

anyone I knew to see me, even though I greatly doubted anyone

could possible recognize me. The girls saw me hiding like this

and made fun of me. After we had gotten a few miles away, I felt

a little better.

I was keenly aware that I had been laced very tightly in a

corset, was wearing a silk bra with falsies, matching panties,

silk stockings, high heels, fluffy petticoat, maid's outfit, fur

coat, etc. and this made me feel just incredible! The true

extent of being dressed completely in feminine attire and being

given a gorgeous, made-up face just like the other beautiful,

sexy girls who were with me and in control of me was truly


We continued driving, and I noticed that the wafting of our

perfumes and hairsprays was very pleasant. Chrissie turned on

the ceiling light and told me to slide over to her so she could

adjust my hair a bit. She was extremely attractive, and I was

still very shy of her. I didn't move close enough, so she

grabbed me and pulled me closer. My stocking-clad legs rubbed

against her long, stockinged legs and I felt I shiver go up my

spine that was incredible. As she teased my curls with her

brush, the car moved on and my falsies jiggled very

realistically. Our legs kept rubbing, and I had a most powerful

erection under my panty shield.

As we neared the city, the girls gave me some last minute

advice on what was expected of me. My name would be "Susie" from

now on. I was to serve people promptly, cheerfully, etc. and do

as I was told. Linda added that, "You shouldn't let anyone get

fresh and touch your boobs or put their hands under your dress,

though", and everyone laughed. Stephanie asked if I had eaten

anything, and I said, "No, but I'm not hungry anyway, thank you."

She said there will be an open buffet there and that I was to eat


From: adietrech@aol.com (A Dietrech)

Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories

Subject: Story: Susie 3/3 TG femdom

Date: 10 Dec 1994 01:50:22 -0500

We finally arrived at the club and parked the car. I got

out, and with great apprehension walked with the older girls

towards the door. I took some comfort in staring down at my

sexy, stockinged legs as I walked, and from feeling the

sensations of all the wonderful garments I had on. Stephanie

announced, "There's no turning back now, Susie", and we entered.

It was a huge place, surprisingly well decorated with a lot

of nice wood and brass. It was crowded with all kinds of patrons

including those who appeared to be lawyers, businessmen, truck

drivers, tourists, sailors, etc. There were mostly men, but some

had women with them.

There was a large stage in the center of the club, and two

other stages along the side walls. Many patrons were standing

around holding their drinks and all the seating was full. Women

wearing nothing but G-strings were on the stages dancing

provocatively to music and swinging on poles. There were about a

dozen cocktail waitresses working the crowd wearing exactly what

I had on under my coat.

A guy came up to us and the girls introduced him as the

manager, "Tony." Linda said, "This is Susie. She will be

filling in for Karen tonight if that's okay with you. Tony

responded, "If that's okay with me? Are you kidding, she's a

knockout! I had my eyes on her the second she walked in the

joint." "Welcome aboard, baby!", he said to me. "Ah, you are

over 18, right? "I smiled nervously and whimpered, "Yes." Tony

answered, "Great!, lets get you started. You seem a little shy

but that's okay, you'll loosen up. Why don't you go in the

dressing room and put on a uniform, there should be plenty of

extras in there." Stephanie said, "She's already wearing one."

"Tony replied, "She's fast this kid, I like that." He continued,

"All right honey, go inside with the girls, hang up your coat,

catch your breath, and then I'll introduce you to the bartenders

and show you what to do." I thanked him and walked towards the

dressing room. The girls were very excited and giggled with


Inside the dressing room, there were dancers and other girls

in various stages of undress. They were chatting, sitting in

front of makeup mirrors, etc. Despite my fear, I thought this

was too good to be true! I was introduced as, "Susie, the new

cocktail waitress." I was reluctant to take off my coat and

reveal my skimpy outfit, but Linda quickly removed it for me and

hung it up. One girl remarked that I was "Beautiful." Another

said I looked "Really hot."

Chrissie and the girls told me to sit down so they could

touch up my makeup. They told the others that this was my first

time waitressing and that I was quite nervous. They were all

very kind and assured me there was nothing to worry about. After

a little while, Tony called for me, as my shift began in ten


As I came out of the dressing room in my outfit his eyes

almost popped out. He said, "Wow, look at you! You're

fantastic! I'm sure you'll do just great. By the way, have you

ever waitressed before?" I said, "No." He responded, talking to

me very slowly as if I were a dumb blonde, "That's okay

sweetheart, it ain't nothin' to worry your pretty little head

over. You've started at the right place. We serve drinks and we

work only cash, we don't run up no tabs nor nothin'. No credit

cards neither. Beers are four dollars and mixed drinks are five.

You just mingle around the crowd with your tray, smile a lot, be

friendly. Just make sure people keep drinking, that's how we

make money you know, we ain't got no cover charge. You write the

orders down and bring them to one of the bartenders. When you

give the people their drinks, you collect their money, bring it

to the bar, and return with their change, if any. There's a big

jar behind the bar for all the tips which you'll all split evenly

with the other people on your shift. Got it sugarplum?" I said,

"Yes, I think so." "That's a good girl. Any questions, you ask

me", replied Tony. With that, he introduced me to the

bartenders, gave me a tray, pen and pad, and pointing out to the

floor, said, "Knock 'em dead, gorgeous."

I took a deep breath, and very self-consciously, I stepped

onto the floor in all my finery. Right away two guys in suits

waved me over to their table. Timidly, I whispered, "What can I

get you." One responded, "Your phone number, honey!" I smiled

nervously and asked what they would like to drink. He responded,

"Oh, all right, two Buds in that case." As I left to get their

beer, they kept leering at me. When I returned, they asked me if

I was new here. I said, "Yes, it's my first night." The one

said he would like to see more of me, placed his business card in

my hand, and squeezed it closed. I smiled bashfully, and walked

away. (So far I thought to myself, this charade is working,

thank goodness.) I took several more orders, and everything was

going well so far.

I had noticed three Oriental men looking at me quite a bit.

One man signaled me over, and in broken English, politely

complimented my appearance and asked me to tell him where I had

gotten my lovely outfit so that he could get one to bring back

home for his wife in Japan. I told him that I wasn't exactly

sure who provided the uniforms, and referred him to Tony.

I realized that Linda, Stephanie, and Chrissie had come out

onto center stage. They were dancing around and where in the

process of stripping down. They saw me, waved and yelled, "Hi

Susie!" Soon they were only wearing G-strings. I couldn't

stare, but I was able to discreetly catch glimpses of their

luscious breasts from time to time.

I then brought some drinks to a group of guys who were

having a bachelor party, and they asked me to join them after I

got off work. I told them I just started my shift, but they kept

asking, not wanting to take no for an answer. They even

volunteered to drive me home afterwards, but I respectfully

declined, of course.

I served quite a few more people, and I felt that I was

really getting the hang of it. Shortly thereafter, it was time

for the dancers to take a brief intermission and switch stages.

Tony came over to me holding out a wet rag. He asked me to

go over to the center stage right away and clean up a drink

someone had spilled over the rail onto the dance area, as it was

dangerous for the girls. But he added not to go around and onto

the platform as only the dancers were allowed there. In a

willing voice I said, "Yes sir, I'll take care of it." He said,

"Call me Tony, sweetheart."

However, when I got over to the stage, I realized that I

would have to bend way over the brass railing to reach and wipe

up the low platform, as I couldn't fit my hands through the

rungs. Even in regular clothes this would be provocative, but in

the outfit I was wearing, it would really be something to see, as

everyone would get a real eyeful of my panties, petticoat,

garters, and stocking tops!

I looked back to see where Tony was so I could ask him what

to do, but he was staring at me intently from a short distance

away, frantically waving his arm in a wiping motion. The girls

were about to go on, so I didn't know what to do except bend over

and start wiping. As I bent all the way over the railing, I felt

my dress go way up in back, and then I heard a lot of wolf-

whistles and cheering. I was so embarrassed! And the wet rag

wasn't very absorbent, so it took what seemed like forever for me

to wipe it up.

When I finally finished, I quickly turned around and rushed

away, and everyone was whistling and clapping, and some of the

other cocktail waitresses and dancers who were standing around

were laughing. I went over to the bar area to regain my


A nice cocktail waitress named Lisa came over to me and

said, "Honey, consider that an initiation. Tony is always trying

to set new girls up like that. It turns him on, I guess. You

certainly fell for it, didn't you." I responded, "Yes, I sure

did." Lisa smiled and walked over to some customers.

Tony came over. He had a big grin on his face and thanked

me for cleaning up. He said I could have an exciting future

here, and that I could be a dancer and make lots of money. He

said one night after closing I could stay behind and audition for

him on stage in my panties, and he would tell me if I had what it

takes. I told him I would have to think about that. He said,

"Fine, let me know, I'm very serious." I returned to severing

drinks and tried to relax.

I started feeling fatigued as all the excitement as well as

the constricting garments I was wearing were taking their toll.

I leaned against the buffet counter and rubbed the small of my

back for a moment. A man sitting nearby wearing a cowboy hat and

boots waved me over. He was with some friends and seemed a bit

drunk. He said I looked really tired and asked me if my feet

hurt. I said yes. Then he said, "Come closer, honey. Let me

take a load off you", and before I knew what was happening, he

pulled me onto his lap. I didn't get to sit down carefully like

I needed to. My dress and petticoat were a fluffy mess, and I

tried to smooth them down with my hands. I was very embarrassed

to say the least, and he had his arms around me and I couldn't

get up. He told me I smelled as pretty as I looked. He and his

friends kept asking me a lot of questions, and I just gave them

brief yes and no answers, all the while telling him that I had

get back to work. Linda, Stephanie, and Chrissie saw my

predicament from the stage nearby and were waving and laughing at

me. Then he said my feet must be hurting and he wanted to

massage them. I told him no thanks, I was okay, but before I

knew what he was doing, he reached down and pulled off one of my

high heels. I told him I didn't need a massage, and luckily one

of the bouncers came over and told him to let me up as I had to

get back to work. He finally complied, and I straightened out my

clothes, put my shoe back on, and hurried to the other side of

the club.

Everything else went mainly without incident until just

before closing time. When last call was announced, some drunk

guys started dancing in the aisles. A really big guy asked me if

I would dance with him. Politely, I said, "Sorry, I'm just too

tired to dance." He said, "Oh, don't worry, I'm not tired." He

then picked me up, put me over his shoulder and started dancing

all around with me draped over his back. I was very concerned

about him dropping me, and then I was distracted by some

whistling and clapping. I had a feeling it had something to do

with us. When we turned, I saw myself in the large wall mirror.

In my position, my panties, garters, and lacy petti were

completely exposed again, and everyone was looking. I pleaded

with him to put me down, but he just kept dancing all over the

place. We got close to the stage, and Stephanie giggled and

asked me if I was having as much fun as she was. I just pouted,

and she, Linda, and Chrissie danced mockingly along with us,

laughing the whole time. Finally, a bouncer came over and the

guy put me down. I felt so humiliated, and the girls noticed

this and were laughing hysterically.

It was closing time and I couldn't wait to get out of there.

As we were leaving, Tony said that I had been fabulous, and that

he was going to get me a regular shift as soon as possible,

probably next week. I humored him and said I'd be in touch.

We said goodnight to everyone and Linda, Stephanie, Chrissie

and I got in the car and drove off. The good news was that my

share of the night's tips came to $130. I was very happy and

turned over the $130 to Linda and Stephanie to help pay for the

things I took. They said that I had been, "A very good girl

tonight", and they were very pleased with me.

However, they continued, I was short of the entire $200, so

they had one more little task for me to do before they took me

home. I protested that I had already been though a lot and was

really exhausted. I said I would get them the rest of the money

some other time. They said they needed it now, and not to worry,

it would be easy. I asked them what they had in mind, and they

said all we had to do was visit a wealthy old gentleman they

referred to as the "Ambassador", and I would just have to, "Clean

up a bit in my maid's outfit, and play act a little."

I said I didn't want to go, and that guys had been hitting

on me all night and I didn't like it. They responded that they

already called and said we were coming. I continued to gripe

that I wasn't going to clean some guy's house, but they insisted.

I was giving them a hard time, and they were becoming annoyed.

As we continued driving up a long street in New York City,

we came upon a group of prostitutes sauntering around an

intersection. Stephanie pulled the car over and said that I was

either going to cooperate or they would take me out of the car

without my coat and make me stand on the corner in my outfit

until someone picked me up, and I would make the money that way.

The girls laughed hysterically at this. I knew she was bluffing,

but I said I'd cooperate.

I remained silent the rest of the way, and as Chrissie

refreshed my makeup, the girls told me that the "Ambassador" was

a harmless, rich, old English guy who they knew from the club.

They said he just likes to have young girls in skimpy maid's

outfits straighten up a his New York apartment while he watches,

and I would do just fine. They said they would give me all my

instructions and that I should curtsey a lot and act very

submissive as the Ambassador likes that."

We arrived at one of the richest areas in New York City,

Park Avenue. We pulled up to an exquisite building, announced

ourselves, and a valet parked our car. We walked through the

huge chandelier-filled, oriental rugged, mirrored lobby, and I

looked at my reflection and still couldn't believe I was the

sexy, hot girl I saw staring back. Chrissie noticed this and

said, "Oh, you're so vain. You love every minute of this, don't

you." I just smiled sheepishly. We got in the elevator and rode

up to the penthouse.

The "Ambassador" gleefully greeted us there, kissing each of

us on the cheek. He was an old gentleman, about 75, and he had a

British accent. As he took our coats and hung them up, he said

he was all alone tonight and was delighted we came. He said,

"Oh, I see you ladies have some new help tonight, She's just

lovely." "What's your name, sweetheart", he said to me, intently

glaring at me in my outfit. I curtsied and responded, "Susie,

Sir." He said it was a pleasure to make my acquaintance.

We sat down in the living room, (me carefully controlling my

short dress and fluffy petti) and the ambassador asked if anyone

wanted a drink. They all did, and Stephanie turned to me and

told me to fix the drinks. I was a bit startled, but I got up

and they each told me what they wanted and how to fix it, as I

had never prepared mixed drinks before. They all watched and I

felt self-conscience.

The girls acted impatient. I spilled a little vodka on the

bar top and Linda said, "Clean that up right now!" and further

chastised me for being so careless. I said, "Yes ma'am, I'm

sorry", and curtsied. As I cleaned it, Linda warned me to be

more careful. I then started to bring the drinks over, and

Chrissie bellowed, "Where are the coasters? You don't want us to

dirty the table, do you?" It was becoming clear to me that they

were to humiliate me. I gave them their drinks and sat back


Stephanie asked me if I had swept the rug yet today. I

didn't know what she meant, and she continued that I obviously

didn't as it was dirty, and that she was very disappointed in me.

(They were continuing to pretend, as the apartment was actually

immaculate.) While pointing, she said, "Get your pretty fanny

over to the broom closet, get the carpet sweeper and start

cleaning up immediately." I said, "Yes ma'am," curtsied and

minced out to the next room towards where she pointed. I looked

all around, but didn't see anything like a broom closet. I had

to go back and tell Stephanie I couldn't find it. "You've been

working here two weeks and you don't even know where the broom

closet is? What kind of training did they give you?", she

shouted at me. (The Ambassador really seemed to enjoy it when

the girls would reprimand me like this.) She then got up and

said, "Come with me silly girl", and pulled me by my arm and lead

me out of the room, with my dress and petti billowing around as

she tugged me.

She took me to the broom closet and handed me the carpet

sweeper. She said that I was doing okay, but I should be more

submissive and curtsey more, and I should look down when someone

speaks to me. I asked how much longer I had to do this, and she

said not too long, but it might get a little rough, and I should

just go along with whatever they do. I asked her what she meant

by "a little rough" but she just hurried me back into the living

room. She then commanded me to sweep the rug. Looking down at

her feet, I said, "Yes ma'am", and curtsied.

I swept the rug while the others chatted and watched some

kind of spanking movie playing on a projection screen. I notice

that the ambassador was watching me out of the corner of his eye.

After I few minutes I stopped sweeping. Linda asked me if I

was finished. I replied, "Yes ma'am." With that the three girls

started walking around the huge room. I noticed them pretending

to pick things off the floor. The next thing I knew, they all

confronted me with things in their hands such as scraps of paper,

a candy wrapper, and a coat hanger. They said they found these

on the rug and that I had done a terrible job. They continued

that, "I Would certainly have to be punished."

Stephanie recommended a "Good thrashing on my pretty

bottom", to which the Ambassador smiled gleefully. I begged,

"No, please, I'll do it better next time ma'am", but the girls

pulled me over to a chair in the middle of the room. Stephanie

sat down, and Linda and Chrissie took hold of my arms and all

three laid me across Stephanie's lap. They held my wrists and

neck so I couldn't get up. Then Stephanie said, "You're a very

bad girl and you're going to get what you deserve." She then

lifted my dress back to my waist, and then did the same with my

petticoat underneath. She said that she was going to, "Spank my

bottom very hard until I cried."

I begged, "No, ma'am, I'll do better next time", but she

proceeded to spank me very hard on my panty-clad butt with her

hand. It hurt and I asked her to, "Please stop ma'am. I'll be

good from now on." She said, "Stop? I've just begun. I'm going

to turn your ass red and make tears come out of your eyes, you

naughty girl."

Then she asked for the wire coat hanger that I had

supposedly left on the floor. She held it in front of my face

and scolded me, saying, "How could you leave something like this

on the floor where someone could trip over it, you dumb slut."

Stephanie then proceeded to whip my butt very hard with the wire

hanger, and after about ten whacks, tears actually did well up in

my eyes as it was extremely painful. She then peeled back my

panties to see if my butt was red. She announced, "It was only

pink." Linda wanted a chance at me, so she and Stephanie

switched places. Linda gave me about ten whacks, and my butt was

really hurting, and I begged her to stop. Then Chrissie wanted

to take a turn, and they laid me over her knees. I was pleading

for her to stop, but she struck me about fifteen times and I

actually started crying as my buttocks felt like they were on

fire. Chrissie pulled back my panties and said that I had had

enough, as my ass was beet red. The others looked and agreed.

The Ambassador, who had been watching everything intently

from the sofa, seemed very satisfied. He said, "Girls, you've

done a splendid job, that was marvelous." He continued

complementing us, and he handed stephanie an envelope.

As I stood there with my butt smarting severely, he asked us

if anyone wanted another drink. The girls said no thanks, that

we had to be going. As we were going out the door, he said to

me, "Susie, that was an absolutely brilliant show", and that I

should come back with my friends soon. He then handed me a

folded bill. I thanked him and put it in my purse.

When we got in the elevator, Stephanie opened the envelope

and there was two hundred dollars inside! She said the four of

us had just made fifty dollars each for less than an hour's work.

Then she asked how much the Ambassador had tipped me before. I

said it didn't know, I had put it in my purse. I opened it up

and discovered it was a hundred dollar bill! The girls were very

excited, and they hugged and kissed me. Then they apologized for

having to whip my butt. They said the hundred was my private tip

to keep! Stephanie and Linda said they would call my debt even

with the $130 I made at the club plus the $50 share I just earned

totalling $180. I wasn't expecting any of this and was very


We got back in the car and the girls said they were very

hungry. We went to a 24-hour diner to get some food. I wasn't

hungry and really wanted to go home, but the girls insisted I eat

something, as they said I had worked very hard all night and they

hadn't seen me eat a thing.

As I sat there pouting, the waitress made suggestions to me,

but I really couldn't eat, and my butt was still very painful,

especially when I sat down. I told her I had a stomach ache and

couldn't eat. Stephanie persisted that I must eat something,


Then the waitress, who was very nice, returned with a plate

of cottage cheese with fruit on top and said to just try it, if I

couldn't eat it, it would be on the house.

When she left, Stephanie looked me in the eye and sternly

ordered me to eat it in a tone as if I were a naughty little girl

who had just been spanked (which I kind of really was). I was

still reluctant, so she picked up my spoon and demanded that I

"open wide." Then she started spoon-feeding me while everyone

giggled. She had me eat most of it and I actually did feel


Finally, we started for home. It was very late and the sun

was starting to rise. The girls kept complementing me on how

well I did and on how pleased they were with me. They said that

they wanted to do this again with me very soon. They said I was

like a sweet little sister to them. They all agreed that

throughout the night they had often completely forgotten that I

was really a boy and not a beautiful girl! I smiled broadly, and

felt totally contented.

As we drove on, Chrissie and Linda started getting a little

frisky and were trying to tickle me. Chrissie pinned me into the

corner and Linda turned around and they tickled me all over. We

all laughed and laughed. I felt really good, even my butt didn't

seem to hurt as much any more.

I did take them up on their offer to take me out again.

They dressed me up on many occasions and took me along with them

to many places. After this first time, I wasn't nearly as

nervous, and I always had great fun and excitement with them.

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