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Stocking Stuffer


Carol Collins

This story is not exactly "It's A Wonderful Life", but, then again, I am

not Frank Capra.

*********December 23*********

John Barlow drove slowly down the residential street as he searched

for number 4287 Willow Lane. His new bride, Susan, a very pretty brunette

with flashing green eyes and a beautiful smile, sat quietly in the

passenger seat. John had not been to visit his older sister since she had

gotten married and moved several states away almost a year before. Their

parents had died in an automobile accident a few months before Sharon was

married. John and Susan were going to spend this holiday season with Sharon

and Bob.

When they were young, John had been close to his older

sister. Having grown up in an area with no other children their own age had

forced them to invent games to play together. Their mother had known about

some of the games and had played along with her children. His mind was

wandering back in time to those games as he drove. John's thoughts were

interrupted when he spotted his sister's house.

The house was a large brick rancher in the middle of the

block. John pulled into the drive way and parked next to the garage. As he

cut off the ignition, he turned to Susan, kissed her sweet lips and asked

if she was ready to meet her in-laws. She flashed her bright smile at him

as she said that she was looking forward to it.

John got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side of

the car. He wore a black leather jacket, a pull over shirt and jeans. He

was five foot seven tall, slim and about one hundred thirty-five pounds in

weight. He still played bass guitar in a rock and roll band, so he let his

hair grow long. His red hair reached the middle of his back. In high

school, he had been called a pretty boy by some of the players on the

football team because his facial features were soft and he was small. Only

the fact that he was in the band that played all the school dances

prevented them from harassing him more.

Susan climbed out of the car and stretched her shapely body. Her

high-lighted brown hair was shoulder length. She wore a green sweater and

jeans. Five foot four inches tall, 105 pounds, 36C-22-36 and very

pretty. John felt lucky to have married such a beautiful girl. He put his

arm around her narrow waist as they walked to the front door.

Bob and Sharon were sitting on the living room sofa discussing

their plans for John and Susan's visit when the doorbell rang. They stood

up and went to greet their house guests for the holidays. Sharon was an

attractive redhead. Her hair was about the same length as her younger

brother's. She was also about five foot six tall and weighed about one

hundred twenty pounds. Her shapely figure was a 38D-24-36. She was wearing

a blue silk blouse, a short black silk skirt, high heel shoes, black

stockings and sexy black silk lingerie, including a black lace garter belt

to hold up her stockings.

Bob towered over most people. He was six foot four inches tall,

about two hundred twenty pounds, heavily muscled and ruggedly handsome. He

wore a black tee shirt and gray wool dress slacks. Today would be only the

third time that he had met his brother in law and the first time to meet

Susan. He had seen some of the wedding pictures that John had sent them and

was eager to see if she was as cute as she appeared in the photos. When

they opened the door, he was not disappointed.

Sharon hugged first her brother, then, her new sister in law. Bob

shook John's hand, then, he too, hugged Susan. Susan noticed that his large

hands moved up and down her back a little as her breasts were flattened

against Bob's muscular chest. John noticed the predatory glint in his

brother in law's eyes as he smiled at the young bride. Sharon suggested

that everyone go inside before they all caught pneumonia.

Inside the living room, the conversation covered the loss of their

parents, the new life that both Sharon and John had made for themselves and

their futures. Bob had a great job as a business manager, and he made quite

a good salary. Sharon was now a Registered Nurse and was working for a pair

of famous plastic surgeons. Susan had just finished high school and was

wanting to go to college to become a school teacher. John had also finished

high school, but had not made any career plans other than playing his

guitar. Mostly, he was still living off the meager inheritance that he had

collected after his parents death.

Wine was served with the evening meal. Afterwards, John and Susan

were shown to their room where they were to sleep. The trip had tired them,

so they went to bed early. They slept soundly as Bob whispered details of

their plans of sexual conquest into Sharon's ear as they made love in the

master bedroom. Sharon climaxed twice before Bob reached an orgasm.

*********December 24*********

John awoke to find that Susan had already gotten out of bed. He

found her sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and talking to Bob

and Sharon. The plans for the day were discussed over breakfast. Sharon and

Susan would go shopping together, while John stayed home and helped Bob

work on his pick-up truck. John didn't know anything about working on cars

or trucks, but his wife and sister had already decided for everyone.

John was able to hand tools to Bob, after Bob described the ones

that he needed. John had never been mechanically inclined, but helped all

he could. By lunch time, the truck was tuned up, however, the girls had not

returned from their shopping trip. Bob talked John into having a beer while

they waited. Then, a little later, a second beer. They were on their third

beer when their wives returned from their shopping expedition.

Sharon and Susan had each bought new outfits. Each wore mini

skirts, dark stockings, tight pull over tops and high heel shoes under

their winter coats. Susan smiled at her husband as she bent over to kiss

his lips. Bob could see that Susan was wearing thigh high nylons as she

bent over and her skirt rode up in back. His massive man meat stiffened at

the thoughts of his sexy little sister in law. Sharon winked at him as she

kissed her husband.

Sharon had bought sandwiches at a fast food restaurant and a quick

luncheon was served. Everyone had a beer with their sandwich. John had

never been much of a beer drinker and was feeling buzzed after

lunch. That's when Sharon discovered that John's hair had gotten greasy

when he had crawled under Bob's truck to pass him a wrench. Susan sent her

new husband to the bathroom to take a shower and shampoo his hair.

Sharon and Susan carried their packages in from the car while John

showered. When he dried off and went to get his clothes out of his

suitcase, he found that his underwear was missing. He searched Susan's

suitcase to see if his boxer shorts were in with her clothing, but found

only silky panties and flimsy brassieres. He pulled his long wet hair back

out of his eyes as he leaned out of the doorway of their bedroom and

called, "Susan, could you come here please?"

Sharon came into their bedroom along with his wife. He asked where

his underwear was. Susan told him. "I thought you packed all of your

clothes." He remembered packing under shorts, but they were missing. He sat

on the side of the guest bed with nothing but a towel wrapped around his

waist and his wet stringy hair hanging down his back as he wondered about

his missing underwear.

Sharon left the room for a moment only to return with a pair of

white silk bikini panties in her hand. "Here", she said, "these should fit

you. You can wear them until some stores are open and you can buy some boy

clothes." She dropped the dainty silk panties into his lap. His eyes

followed them as they fluttered through the air. Old memories flooded

John's mind as he stared at the delicate lace edging around the waistband

and leg openings of the thin white silk panties.

When Sharon and John had been very young, Sharon would dress her

younger brother in her old clothes. Their mother had even helped her

daughter dress her young son in little girls undies and dresses. It had

went on for years. His mother had even bought him his own Barbie dolls to

play with while he was pretending to be her other daughter, Jenny. It

wasn't until John had reached his teenage years that he had resisted his

mother and sister's efforts to cross dress him each evening after he had

gotten home from school. His father, who had been silent about his son

being dressed in girl's clothes for so many years, chose to speak up and

take John's side. From that point on, he had not worn girl's clothing.

Sharon interrupted John's thoughts. "Bob's shorts would be too big

for you. Susan's panties would fit, but would be a little snug. These

should fit you just right." John looked into his older sister's

eyes. "John, you can't walk around without underwear. You'll get chaffed."

Sharon smiled and added, "What's the matter, afraid that you'll like

wearing silk panties?"

John sat on the edge of the bed, looking from the panties, to his

sister, and back. Susan broke the silence. "John, I think you will look hot

in them." John looked at his new bride and saw the sexy wink that she gave

him. He smiled back as he stood up, turned his back to them, stepped into

the lace trimmed white silk bikini panties and pulled them up under the

towel that encircled his midsection. Perhaps, if he had not just drank four

beers, he would have refused.

Susan's arms went around his neck as she passionately kissed him

after he had turned back around. As her tongue invaded his mouth, he felt

both of her hands slip under the towel and caress his round bottom through

the silk covering. Sharon did not offer to leave the room, so when the kiss

ended, Susan's flashing green eyes and bright smile promised John some

marital bliss later. John's penis had begun to uncoil in the silk confines

of the panties, and, he had to admit to himself that they did feel very


Sharon reached over to feel of John's damp hair. "John, I have some

conditioner that would help your hair. I noticed that your hair is just

like mine and needs extra care. Sit down on that chair over by the table

and I'll get my hair care tray." John wanted to take his new wife to bed,

but Susan insisted that he let his sister help him with his hair. Sharon

returned with a large tray and a basket full of bottles, pink curlers,

Bobbie pins, hair clips, combs and brushes.

Susan sat on the side of the bed and carried on a conversation with

her husband and his older sister as Sharon began rolling John's hair up

onto the large pink rollers. At first, he protested, but was quiet after

Susan said that it would be okay. Susan brought everyone another beer as

Sharon rolled each strand of John's hair onto a roller, wound it tightly

and Bobbie pinned them in place. When Sharon picked up a spray bottle and

began to saturate John's rolled hair with a strange smelling chemical, she

told him that it was just conditioner. John sat quietly and sipped his


Sharon rolled the last of her brother's hair onto the rollers as he

finished his bottle of beer. He stood up and walked, unsteadily, to the

bathroom to relieve his bladder. He closed the door and caught sight of

himself in the bathroom mirror. His long red hair was rolled on the large

pink rollers. He had been called a pretty boy when he was in high

school. Now, he realized just how feminine his face appeared to be. His

flat chest was the main reminder that he was not a woman. Sharon called to

him through the closed door, "John, since you have had so much to drink,

don't try to stand up and pee into the toilet. You'll spray the whole side

of the bathroom. Please sit down so that you won't make a mess." John

unwrapped the towel from his middle, pulled down the white silk panties,

sat down on the toilet seat and peed. It felt so good to empty his

over-full bladder, he did not even think about the fact that he was peeing

like a girl. He finished, pulled up his panties, wrapped the towel around

his waist and rejoined his wife and sister.

Sharon had John sit down again as she blow-dried his hair. Susan

had gotten them all another beer to sip on while they waited for his hair

to dry. She smiled mischievously as she watched Sharon working on her

husband's red hair. Sharon began unrolling the coiled locks, leaving them

in large curls of crimson hued tresses. She picked up a brush and, after

only a couple of minutes of stroking her younger brother's hair, stepped

back and smiled as she winked at her pretty sister in law.

Susan was amazed at the change that a little permanent wave

solution, rollers, a blow dryer and a little effort had made in her

husband's appearance. She had been attracted to him because he was so very

cute, but she had never imagined that he could be so attractively

feminine. She knew that with a little make up, he would be very pretty. She

was almost jealous of her husband's natural beauty.

John was drunk enough, that he almost didn't notice that the

clothing that he was given to put on was not his own. Well, he actually did

notice, he just didn't protest. A pull over gray cashmere v-neck sweater,

black pants and a pair of penny loafers did not set off any alarm bells in

his mind. He did notice that the sweater seemed to be a little loose on his

chest and that the pants were made of thin shiny material, but he thought

that he was just a little drunk.

Susan snuggled up to her husband and kissed John passionately as

her hands roamed up and down his back. She loved the feel of smooth skin

under the thin cashmere sweater and the sleekness of the pants and silk

panties as she massaged John's cute buttocks with her kneading

fingers. Sharon moved close to the newly wed couple and hugged them. She

started out with her arms around their waists, but let her hand drop to

grip the cute rounded derrieres of both John and Susan with each

hand. Bob's voice interrupted the three way embrace. "Is this a private

party? Or, can anyone join?" Sharon moved to her own husband, who was

standing in the door to the spare bedroom, threw her arms around his thick

neck and kissed him. She whispered in his ear, "Maybe later, dear." More

loudly, she said, "I have to prepare supper. Susan, you can keep Johnny

company for the hour or so that it will take to put dinner on the table."

She ushered her six foot four husband out of the guest bedroom and closed

the door. She whispered in his ear before she kissed him again, "While we

were shopping, I told Susan all about how Johnny used to dress up as a

girl. She was very interested in the stories. Let Susan take Johnny to

bed. It will help our plans."

When John tried to push his bride onto the bed and climb on top,

she turned them around, pushed him down and told him to let her be the

aggressor for a change. Susan ran her fingers through her husband's thick

luxuriously curly hair as she kissed his soft lips. Her tongue probed deep

into his mouth as she lay on top of him. Her hands caressed his chest

through the soft cashmere sweater. Her fingers found his erect nipples and

gently fondled them as her legs clamped down on one of his thighs. John lay

passively as his new wife assumed the dominant role in their love

making. His heart rate accelerated as he lay back and he received her

passionate kisses.

Susan lifted the front of John's sweater to plant wet kisses on his

nearly hairless chest. Her lips found his nipples and she sucked on them as

her tongue played across the sensitive buttons. John moaned with excitement

as Susan's hand slipped down inside the front of his pants, dipped into his

silk panties and fondled his lengthening penis.

Susan massaged her husband's growing penis and sucked on his stiff

nipples for a few minutes until he was nearly delirious with passion. She

climbed off the bed to remove her tight pull over top and short skirt as he

lay on the bed with his stiff tool pulsing in his tight panties. Susan's

body was beautiful as she climbed back onto the bed in her black push up

brassiere, black bikini panties, nylon thigh high elastic top stockings and

high heel shoes. She unzipped John's pants and pulled them off. She loved

the way his erection tented the lace trimmed white silk bikini panties. She

decided that he should wear panties forever as she kissed the bloated penis

through the silk covering.

John was more excited than he had ever been in his life. He had

forgotten how good a silky pair of panties felt against his private

parts. The dominant way that Susan was acting was driving his excitement

level even higher. John was so close to climaxing, he could no longer

control himself. As soon as Susan pulled the lace waistband of the panties

down and wrapped her sweet lips around the throbbing head of his throbbing

cock, he shot his cum down her throat. He knew he should have waited on her

so that she could enjoy it too, but, he completely lost control. He made a

high pitched squeal as his body twisted uncontrollably and his sperm

spurted from the head of his penis into the sweet sucking mouth of his new


Susan was left with a mouthful of semen and a passed out

husband. Her unsatisfied vagina was almost dripping with excitement, her

husband was unconscious and his penis was soft and shrinking quickly. She

lay beside John, looking at the pretty feminine hairstyle, the cute

cashmere sweater that hugged his upper torso and the white bikini panties

that covered his satisfied penis as she played with herself. It took three

minutes for Susan to reach an orgasm that only seemed to stoke her sexual

fires even more. A knock on the door and Sharon calling to them through the

closed door that dinner would be ready in fifteen minutes, prevented her

from seeking further self satisfaction.

Although John felt self-conscious about Bob seeing him in what

seemed to be feminine clothing, the alcohol and the euphoria that he felt

after his orgasm, helped over come his shyness. He went to eat in the

clothing that Sharon had given him to wear. Besides, for some reason, his

own suitcase, with all of his own clothing, now seemed to be missing. No

one seemed to have seen the suitcase since he had searched for his boxer

shorts. Bob grinned at him, but made no comments about his hair style or

clothing. Sharon served a potent wine with the evening meal. By the time

desert was served, John and Susan were feeling buzzed again. Neither of the

newly weds noticed as Bob slipped a few drops of a liquid into John's last

glass of wine. It was a harmless sleeping potion, one that would ensure

that John did not interrupt Bob's plans for his lovely sister in law.

Poor John passed out on the living room sofa. When Bob picked up

and cradled John's smaller body in his strong arms, Susan thought that it

looked as if he were carrying his wife, Sharon, to bed. She tipsily

followed and saw her weight lifting brother in law gently lay John on one

side of the guest room bed. When Bob put his arms around her waist and

pulled her against him, she giggled because she thought that he was just

joking around. When she felt his lips on hers, she knew that he was

serious. Her mind was slightly fogged with the potent wine that was served

with diner. She failed to protest when her mouth was invaded by Bob's

roving tongue. When she felt his hand under her short skirt, massaging her

panty protected mound, she gave up any thoughts of making him stop.

John slumbered on one side of the bed as his brother in law made

wild passionate love to his wife on the other side. For the first time,

Susan found out what it was like to be made love to by a man that was truly

well endowed and very experienced. Bob was about ten inches long and very

thick. Susan squealed each of the six times that he brought her to an

orgasm. John never even turned over during the hour and a half that his

lovely wife was being screwed.

*********December 25*********

John and Susan both awoke with a slight hang over. John got up

first. Even though he was still wearing his sister's clothing, he could

tell from the fact that Susan only wore a pair of laddered nylon stockings

and a smile on her pretty face, that he must have risen to the occasion

last night. Too bad, he thought, he could remember nothing about it.

John staggered to the bathroom, and, when he unzipped his pants and

lowered his panties, sat on the toilet to relieve himself. Afterwards, he

washed his hands and saw, in the mirror, that his curly red hair was

mussed, but still very feminine looking. He ran a brush through it several

times, but was obliged to brush it in the same style that his sister had

set it in the day before. He now noticed that he looked like his sister

with his hair styled just like she wore her own hair.

When John left the bathroom, Susan ran in and closed the door

before he could try to make love to her. He heard the shower running a few

minutes later. John searched under the bed, in the closet and behind the

furniture for his suitcase. Where it had gone, he had not a clue. The only

clothes that he had that would fit him were the ones that he wore. And,

they were his sister's clothing. He would have to ask his wife and sister

to help him locate his suitcase.

Sharon knocked on the door, opened it and entered the

bedroom. "Johnny, come see what the two of you have under the tree." John

told her that he would wait for Susan to accompany him. He also asked if

Sharon knew where his suitcase was. "Isn't it in here? Never mind about

it. Susan and I bought you some new clothing yesterday while we were out

shopping." Susan left the bathroom and Sharon changed the subject. "You two

hurry it up. Bob and I will wait for you in the living room."

Ten minutes later, they began opening presents. Bob got a new wool

sweater. Sharon got a new pair of diamond earrings. Susan got a gold

necklace. John got a box of silk lingerie. John sat in silence as he stared

at the opened box of feminine finery sitting on his lap. "This must be a

mistake," he mumbled. "Sharon, these must be for you."

Sharon smiled at her younger brother and replied, "No, Jenny. I

told Susan about how you pretended to be my little sister when we were

growing up. She was intrigued by the idea. Weren't you, Susan?" John turned

to see his wife nod her head as she looked at him questioningly. "Susan and

I agreed that you should try being Jenny for a few days just to relive

those fun times that we had when we were children." When John looked into

her eyes, Sharon asked, "Surely, you can do this for your wife and sister

just to show us how much you love us?"

John's mind was in a state of confusion. His penis was swelling in

his panties as he looked down at the assorted pink, white and black silk

and satin feminine under garments in the open box. He had not even thought

about the many times that his mother and sister had dressed him as a little

girl more than three or four times in the last several years. Now, those

long forgotten memories came flooding back. His mother had treated Sharon

and him as if they were two sisters. She had even taken them out in public

when she went shopping or to the movies. A few of the neighbors had even

known about how he would sometimes be Johnny, and at other times, Jenny.

John looked at his young wife, Susan. Surely, she did not want her

husband to wear panties and other women's clothes. She answered his

question when she said, "John, you can give it a try for a day or two. I

think it would be fun." John blushed. "Please do it for me." John lowered

his eyes as he nodded his head. Both Bob and Sharon breathed a sigh of


Everyone opened the rest of their presents. John found that the

other packages with his name on them also contained female clothing. There

were blouses, skirts, dresses, slips, brassieres, garter belts, nylon and

silk hosiery, high heel shoes and a case of cosmetics. He knew then, that

every one had planned on him dressing as a woman for at least the next few


After breakfast, Sharon and Susan led John to the master bathroom

where he was given a bubble bath with scented bath oils. Then, he was

completely shaven, except for the hair on his head, his eye brows and a

neatly trimmed triangular patch of red pubic hair. Afterwards, a perfumed

lotion was rubbed into his skin to soften it even more. His penis was

embarrassingly erect in front of his wife and older sister. She told Susan

that he used to get that way when they were little and he was being dressed

up in her old clothing.

John was give a pair of pink silk bikini panties to wear. He had to

push his erection to the side in order to fit it in his panties. He wished

that his sister wasn't there. He could have made love to his wife. Sharon

had him sit in a chair while she plucked his eyebrows. He jumped the first

few times she pulled out an unsightly hair, but managed to sit still for

the rest after both Sharon and Susan made fun of the way he acted like a

baby. He never even thought about the effect of having a thin line eyebrow

and how it would affect his masculine appearance after he went back to

wearing male clothing.

When Sharon was through shaping her brother's eyebrows, She began

applying the fake fingernails. John's fingernails extended over half of an

inch past the ends of his fingers when she finished gluing the acrylic

nails in place. Susan painted the long fingernails a bright red as Sharon

shaped his toenails and painted them the same color. Sharon made the

statement that women loved to have long nails to scratch a man's back while

he made love to her. John blushed as he looked at the long red nails.

Sharon opened the case of cosmetics. She had bought a selection of

make up that was color coded to her and her brother's hair color and skin

tones. She began working on her cooperative brother. She explained how to

apply the cosmetics as she put on a foundation cream, brushed on a corn

silk powder, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, used an eye brow pencil, mascara

and bright red lipstick. Susan sat in awe as she saw her husband

transformed into what appeared to be Sharon's twin sister.

Sharon selected a pink silk brassiere that matched his panties for

John to wear. She hooked the clasp in back. John looked down to see the

empty cups hanging loosely. Sharon went to a dresser drawer and returned

with two boxes. She opened one and pulled out a silicon filled breast

form. She slipped it into one cup, opened the remaining box, retrieved

another form and filled the other bra cup as well. John sensed the shoulder

straps of the brassiere tugging downward as the weight of the artificial

breasts were felt on his chest. Susan noticed that her husband had a thirty

eight D cup brassiere. She was almost jealous.

Sharon gave John a pair of cinnamon colored thigh high stockings

and instructed him on the proper way to put them on. He gathered them on

his fingers and pulled them over his relatively small feet and up his

nicely shaped legs. They ended most of the way up his thigh, leaving a few

inches of smooth bare white flesh exposed between the elastic tops of his

cinnamon colored stockings and his pink silk bikini panties. He noticed

that his red toenails were visible through the nylon.

A pair of three inch heeled black patent leather high heel shoes

were strapped to his ankles. Sharon and Susan had to stand on both sides of

him as he stood up on high heels for the first time to provide additional

support. Together, they walked around the bedroom for a few minutes as John

learned to balance himself while wearing high heel shoes. He found that if

he pretended that he was walking on his tippy toes, he could balance

himself. Sharon and Susan sat down as they had John walk back and forth a

few times. Sharon was pleased that the plan was progressing so well. Susan

was amazed. Walking on high heels forced John to stick his cute pink silk

covered butt out and wiggle it seductively as he walked. She considered

asking Sharon to leave the room so that she and John could make love. Susan

wanted to push her pretty husband onto the bed and screw his brains

out. Just as she was about to make the request of her sister in law, Sharon

produced a pink silk blouse for John to put on.

John found it strange to button the pink blouse because the buttons

were on the wrong side. Next, an above the knee length red skirt was slid

up over John's nylon covered legs and zippered in back. A few more minutes

were spent in teaching John how to walk, sit, stand, get up and sit down in

a lady like manner.

Sharon and Susan told John how pretty he looked. He stood in front

of the full length mirror for over five minutes as he turned from side to

side, looking over his shoulder, smiling, frowning, winking, and making

every facial expression that he had ever seen a woman make. He was startled

at the image in the mirror and how much he now looked like his older

sister. Sharon hugged her feminine attired brother and told him how much

she loved him. She kissed his cheek as their breasts were pressed

together. Sharon stepped back and Susan stepped up to her husband. John was

wearing high heel shoes and she wasn't, therefore, she had to stretch to

kiss his ruby red painted lips. She was so hot and horny from watching the

transformation take place, she wanted to throw her too cute hubby on the

bed and have her way with him. Sharon reminded her not to smear Jenny's


Susan reluctantly backed away from the soft red lips of her

husband. Sharon slipped her arm around her sister in law's narrow waist as

John once again turned to gaze at himself in the full length mirror. He did

not notice the lustful stare that his sister had for his innocent young

wife as their bodies were in such close contact with one another.

Sharon said, "Now that you are all prettied up, it is our turn."

Sharon and Susan escorted John to the living room. Bob had been busy

picking up the discarded wrapping paper. Now, he sat in the reclining chair

as he awaited the results of his wife's efforts. He was shocked at the

similarity between his feminized brother in law and his own wife. If Sharon

had not been in the room, and, perhaps the lighting were a little softer,

he would have thought that Sharon was dressed up to go out or receive

company. He quickly brought his chair to an up right position as he stood


"I don't believe it! I never would have imagined that John, that

is, Jenny, could be so pretty." John blushed as he heard the

compliment. Sharon told Bob to keep his new sister in law, meaning Jenny,

company while she and Susan got themselves ready. John sat on the sofa,

trying to do as his sister and wife had taught him, so as not to let his

dress ride up his nylon covered thighs so far that the tops of his

stockings came into view. He was some what successful. He looked over at

his muscular brother in law to see his eyes on his feminine appearing legs

and high heel shoes.

"Jenny, you are beautiful. I married your sister because she was so

beautiful. Now, you look like her twin sister." John saw Bob reach down to

the front of his expensive slacks and adjust a rising bulge there. John

diverted his eyes as a wave of emotion swept through him. He had always

considered himself to be straight. He had had a few homosexual friends, but

had never done anything with another male. Now, he was sitting in this tall

handsome man's living room, dressed in panties, brassiere, nylons, high

heels, silk blouse and short skirt. Plus, the man was getting an erection

from looking at his apparently female body. John's mind was in a turmoil as

he tried to decide what he should do.

"While we are waiting for the other girls to get ready, how about a

drink?" Bob got up and went to the bar. John had not failed to notice the

"other girls" comment. Without asking John what he wanted, Bob mixed

several drinks. "Sharon loves Daiquiris. I fixed you one, too. I hope you

like it." Bob brought the drink to John. John's eyes, since he was seated,

were even with the bulge in the front of Bob's slacks. It took a moment for

him to tear his attention away from the obviously swollen penis to reach

out his hand and accept the offered mixed drink. Bob saw the long red nails

on the ends of John/Jenny's long thin fingers.

"I'll take the other two women a drink too. I'll be right back."

Bob said as he picked up two glasses and left the room. John sipped his

drink and found that it tasted very good as he pulled the hem of his skirt

down a little more with one hand.

Bob knocked softly on the door of the master bedroom before

entering. He could hear the shower running in the bathroom. He walked

softly toward the open doorway. What he saw caused his penis to swell even

more. Sharon and Susan were both in the over sized shower stall. Sharon had

her smaller sister in law pushed up against the wet tile wall of the shower

and was passionately kissing her lips as one hand toyed with her extended

nipples and the other massaged her clitoris in her juicy looking slit. The

erotic situation of dressing her husband in female clothing had built up so

much sexual tension in the young bride that she had easily surrendered

herself to her redheaded sister in law's lesbian sexual advances.

Bob stood for a moment as he watched the lesbian action through the

steam fogged glass shower door. He wanted to rip his own clothing off and

join them. However, he knew that it was a crucial time in their plan for

the newly wed couple. He reluctantly backed out of the bathroom, left the

two Daiquiri glasses on the bedroom dressing table and returned to the

living room to keep Jenny occupied while his wife worked on the cute


John sat nervously on the sofa, sipping on the cold drink as he

waited for his brother in law to return. He was embarrassed by the fact

that he was enjoying wearing female clothing. He had also been embarrassed

when he had noticed the bulge in Bob's trousers. John found the sensations

confusing. He began to feel light headed as he finished the

daiquiri. Little did he realize that Bob had added a few drops into his

drink from a small bottle that was kept under the bar.

Bob returned to the room and, after seeing that John/Jenny's glass

was almost empty, prepared his cute brother in law another drink. This

time, however, he left out the additional tranquilizer that had been added

to the first drink. He did not think that it would be necessary.

Bob and John sat and drank their second drinks as they

chatted. John noticed that Bob was treating him completely differently than

he had treated him the previous day when they were working on Bob's

truck. He was being solicitous, as if he were carrying on a conversation

with a woman. John also noticed that Bob's eyes had a tendency to roam over

his body from time to time.

When their glasses were once again empty, Bob said that since the

other two women were taking their own sweet time getting ready, that they

should at least put the dirty breakfast dishes in the washer. He asked if

Jenny wanted to accompany him to the kitchen. Not wanting to be rude, John

said he would. When John first attempted to stand in his high heel shoes,

he found it difficult. He accepted Bob's outstretched hand as he stood

up. Bob noticed the inch or so of bare white thigh displayed above the

elastic lace top of Jenny's stockings as she struggled to her feet.

As they approached the doorway of the living room. Bob pointed out

the mistletoe that he had hung over the door frame. "As pretty as you are

now, you'll have to be careful when you walk under the mistletoe or else

you'll find yourself being kissed." John looked up into Bob's smiling eyes

before lowering his own. He felt a chill go up and down his spine as he

thought about being swept up in a pair of big strong arms and being kissed!

He had never even considered such a thing before now. Bob had to reach out

and steady Jenny as they walked to the kitchen.

John felt it was only right that he assist Bob in cleaning the

kitchen as they waited on their wives to finish dressing. Bob kept watching

the ultra feminine figure of Jenny as she bent over to pick up the dirty

dishes. Her large breasts caused her pink silk blouse to thrust

outwards. She had a relatively narrow waist. Her hips were not as rounded

as Sharon's, but her bottom was definitely cute. He knew that Jenny was

actually his brother in law, John, but, after seeing his wife with John's

young wife in the shower, he had a raging hard on. Jenny was the closest

thing to an attractive female available at the moment.

Bob sat down at the table to re-arrange his stiff pole in his

shorts and trousers as he watched Jenny bending over the dishwasher. Her

skirt rode up in back, exposing the lace tops of her nylon stockings. Jenny

turned around after she had closed the door and turned on the washer. Her

long red hair was curled in the same style that Sharon had worn for the

last few months. Jenny looked enough like his wife to be her twin

sister. When Jenny nervously smiled at her muscular brother in law, her

eyes dropped to Bob's lap and she turned red faced as only a natural

redhead can do.

Bob escorted Jenny back to the living room. As they entered the

doorway, Bob's arm encircled Jenny's waist. Bob had never kissed another

man, but, Jenny certainly did not look like a man. That, plus the two mixed

drinks that Bob had consumed, and, the sight of the two real women

embracing in the shower, had Bob's libido out of control.

"Mistletoe," was all that Bob said as he swung Jenny's small

apparently female frame under the sprig of mistletoe. John's eyes looked

off to the side in embarrassment until Bob placed his large hand under his

chin and tilted his head up. Bob lowered his lips to the soft ruby lips of

his wife's double. Part of John's mind was screaming for him to stop his

brother in law. Another part of his mind actually wanted to be kissed. John

stood submissively as he was kissed under the mistletoe.

Each felt John's large breasts being flattened between them as Bob

tightened his embrace. John felt helpless in the thick muscular arms that

encircled his body. He found himself surrendering to the passionate kiss as

a large tongue entered his mouth. Just as John felt his body responding to

the kiss, and was about to wrap his arms around Bob's neck, he heard his

sister's voice. "My, my, my. we leave the two of you alone for a few

minutes and we catch you making our like a pair of horny teenagers."

Bob replied as they lips parted, "Well, you two seemed to be taking

your time about getting ready. Plus, you two were having some fun." John

was hiding his face against Bob's massive chest and did not see that Susan

was blushing as much as he was.

Sharon said, "My turn," as she moved in closer and kissed Bob. John

noticed that she was dressed in an identical outfit to the one he

wore. Sharon ended the kiss with her husband and said, "Don't forget

Susan," as she pulled her sister in law under the mistletoe. John watched

his brother in law kissing his bride in a long, lingering kiss. He noticed

that his wife returned the kiss with a passion that he had not seen before.

Susan wore a low necked teal blue satin blouse, a black satin mini

skirt that ended at mid thigh, a pair of black stockings that he correctly

guessed were thigh highs and a pair of extremely high heeled shoes. Her

hair was arranged in a pert ponytail on top of her head. Susan's make up

had been applied with perfection. She was beautiful. And, she was returning

Bob's kiss with a passion that completely surprised John. John was

especially shocked when he saw Bob gripping Susan's round bottom before the

kiss ended.

Sharon put her arm around John's waist and spoke to their

respective spouses, "Don't Jenny and I look like twin sisters?" Both Bob

and Susan nodded their heads in assent. "Bob, you go and mix another round

of drinks for every one while we girls go to the kitchen and serve the

turkey dinner. Sharon led John and Susan to the kitchen. John was treated

as if he were a real female as he placed the dishes, silverware and glasses

on the table. He was surprised when he was told to arrange six place

settings. The tranquilizer had not worn off, or else he would have asked

about the extra two place settings.

While Sharon, John and Susan put the trimmings on the turkey, Bob

brought everyone their daiquiri drink. He had placed a few drops of

tranquilizer in both John and Susan's drinks. He wanted them to be

receptive to the advances of the other dinner guests. Sharon told her

brother and sister in law that the two Doctors that she worked for were

both bachelors and that they were coming to dinner. John became nervous

immediately. The tranquilizer, along with Sharon and Bob's assurances,

calmed him enough to keep him from running to the guest bedroom, locking

the door and remaining hidden for the duration of the evening. Sharon said

that they had told Jim and Tim about having guests for the holidays and

that, since they did not know that John was Sharon's brother, they could

tell them that he was Jenny, Sharon's sister. John, Sharon said, could fool

anyone into thinking that he was a real girl and this would be both a test

and a lot of fun. Susan, they said, would be Jenny's good friend that had

also come to spend the holidays.

The doorbell rang. John felt his stomach draw up into a knot as his

older sister ushered him and his wife into the living room. He was in for a

shock. The doctors were twin brothers! Dr. Tim Clark and Dr. Jim Clark were

identical twins and were dressed exactly alike. They were six foot three

inches tall, had blue eyes, were long, lean and very handsome. They had

gone though their childhood dressing alike. They had both chosen cosmetic

surgery for a career. If they had only been able to find a compatible pair

of identical twins, they would have already been married. Unfortunately,

they had never met their match. Both, however, were truly impressed with

their Head Nurse and her nearly identical sister.

Sharon had earned the title of Head Nurse in more ways than

one. She and Bob had an open marriage and were swingers. Giving the two

handsome doctors some extra head, or letting them make love to her at the

same time, was a thrill for her. Especially since they always wanted to

have sex as a team. For Sharon, it was like having sex in stereo. She had

found out that they were bisexual but really wanted identical twins for

sexual relations. She had remembered the times that she had dressed John up

and called him Jenny. When their mother had taken them out in public,

everyone thought that they were twins. It was after one of her bouts of

wildly erotic sex with her employers that she came up with the plan for

this holiday season.

Sharon pointed out the mistletoe to the two tall blonde men as she

stood under it. Each took advantage of the situation by kissing her on the

lips. Sharon stepped back, reaching to take Susan's hand and pull her

underneath the mistletoe, "Tim, Jim, let me introduce you to Susan. Isn't

she an absolute doll? Greet her in a friendly way." Each took their turn

kissing the lips of John's young and very pretty wife.

Sharon reached out, took one of John's hands in hers and pulled his

several steps forward, leaving him under the mistletoe. "Okay, guys, show

my sister that you are glad to meet her, too." Neither of the two brothers

had to be asked twice. Each had sampled Sharon's charms and were anxious to

find out if her nearly identical sister kissed as well as well as their


John was over powered by the aggressive way that each doctor kissed

him in a long, lingering and passionate way. Each had managed to insinuate

his tongue into the redhead's mouth. John was panting for breath when the

kisses ended. He also realized that his pulse was racing as one doctor took

his arm and the other took Sharon's arm to lead them into the kitchen. John

was so pre-occupied by what was going on between the two doctors, his

sister and him, that he did not even notice that Bob pulled Susan back

under the mistletoe to give her another very passionate kiss.

The table was already set as they walked into the dining

room. Tim held a chair for Sharon to sit down while Jim held a chair for

John. A moment later, Bob and a red faced Susan entered the dining room and

sat down. John could not but help noticing that his wife's lipstick was

slightly smeared. He realized what they had been doing but could not say

anything without giving his own secret away.

Bob carved the turkey while a fresh bottle of wine was passed

around the table. Soon, every one had a full plate and wine goblet. The

meal was delicious. John was almost to the point where he was able to relax

when he felt Jim's hand on his thigh under the table. He glanced over at

his dinner companion to find him smiling. The hand massaged his thigh

through his thin skirt as he nervously ate the rest of his dinner. John had

to reach down a couple of times to prevent the hand from wandering up to

his crotch. John did not wish to make a scene by telling the handsome

doctor to remove his hand, nor did he want Jim Clark to find a penis in his

pink silk panties.

After dinner, Tim accompanied Sharon from the table, Bob escorted

Susan and Jim helped John up from his chair. Jim's hand griped John's arm

as the others went into the living room. John found himself being spun

around and caught up in an intimate embrace. Before he could protest, Jim's

lips had covered his and a long tongue had snaked between his soft painted

lips. John wanted to push the tall doctor away, but knew that the man was

much stronger than he was and that resistance would be futile. John began

to relax and enjoy the long sensuous kiss.

Jim's lips finally came up for air and he whispered, "Jenny, you

are as beautiful as your sister. I guess that your sister has told you

about us and our special relationship? Tim and I are her lovers. Bob knows

about us and is very accommodating. We hope to entice you into joining our

relationship. You don't have to answer right away. You can make up your

mind and let us know." Having said that, Jim kissed John again.

John's mind was in a total state of confusion. He had not known

about Bob and Sharon's open marriage. He was dressed up in silk and

feminine clothing like his sister. His wife was in the other room, probably

letting Bob kiss her. Doctor Jim Clark had his tongue tickling the back of

John's throat as his large hands were kneading the cheeks of John's bottom

through his thin skirt and silk panties. John could feel his artificial

breasts flattened between their bodies and he could feel the doctor's

erection pressing against his belly. His own penis was beginning to respond

and he was afraid that it would make itself known to Jim at any moment. The

tranquilizer and the alcohol made his thinking processes even fuzzier as he

placed his arms around the neck of the tall doctor.

Jim broke the kiss to lead his pretty redheaded date for the

evening into the living room. Bob and Susan were missing. Sharon, who was

sitting with Tim on the sofa, spoke up, "Bob and Susan left to go to the

spare bedroom so that we could be alone." Sharon shifted over to sit on

Tim's lap as she placed an arm around his neck and planted a kiss on his


John did not know what to think. His new wife was off in a bedroom

with his brother in law! The drugs and the alcohol subdued his jealously or

else he would have rushed to break up what he knew to be happening in their

bedroom. Jim pulled him across the room and onto his lap after he sat next

to his brother. It would appear to anyone coming in the front door that

there were two sets of identical twins sitting in the living room as the

men kissed the women and ran their hands up under the red skirts to the

smooth bare white skin above the lace elastic at the tops of their thigh

high stockings.

The constant kissing and caressing was beginning to make John

excited again. He had forgotten about Susan and Bob and had even placed his

arms around Jim's neck, just as Sharon was doing Tim. When Jim moved his

hand from John's bare thigh to the crotch of his pink silk panties, John

could not react fast enough to prevent Jim grasping his silk covered penis.

John gasped as he looked into Jim's face. John was afraid that Jim

would become enraged and beat him up. Jim was smiling as he stroked the

erect little panty covered penis in his hand. "Sharon told us all about

you, Jenny. You have no secrets from us." John glanced over at his sister

and Tim to find them smiling approvingly as his skirt was lifted and the

front of his tented pink silk panties were displayed to everyone in the


John was blushing pink himself as Jim returned to kissing his ruby

red lips. John's head was swimming as Jim, Tim and his own sister moved in

on him. Some one was kissing him almost constantly, even though they were

taking turns, as he was laid out on the sofa. His skirt was lifted and a

pair of lips were placed over the silk covered head of his erect penis. He

could only squirm around on the sofa as his panties were slowly drawn down

his nylon covered legs and off over one high heel shoe. They were left

dangling from one ankle as his nylon covered legs were parted and someone

lay between them.

John had never felt six hands, three sets of lips and three tongues

working on him before. His penis was so stiff, he thought that he would go

insane if he did not get release immediately. That was when a stiff eight

inch penis was brought to his lips. At this point, John/Jenny did not care

what happened and would have been willing to do anything to reach an

orgasm. When the pre-cum leaking head was pressed to his lipstick coated

lips, he resisted at first, then, only a few moments later, let it slip

into his mouth. The flavor was slightly salty.

Sharon stood beside the sofa, with one hand in her own pink silk

panties, as she watched Jim sucking on her brother's slightly under sized

penis while Tim was feeding more and more of his long cock to Jenny's

sucking lips. She had worked for the twin brothers for over six months and

knew all about their sexual desires. She knew that John, as Jenny, would be

perfect for the relationship. John had gotten married before she could get

him to visit so that she could teach him to enjoy the new type of love with

her, Jim, Tim and Bob. Now, she felt that Susan was an added bonus for all

of them.

John was just about to reach an orgasm when the cock in his mouth

began to spew spurts of thick sperm. He swallowed as fast as he could as

his orgasm approached. The lips pulled away from his own organ before he

could cum. Tim moved out of the way so that Jim could take his place above

Jenny's head. As soon as John felt a pair of lips engulf his own penis, he

began licking and sucking the one that was being feed to his ruby red

lips. Sharon could no longer just stand there and not get involved. She

dropped to her knees and began sucking Tim's already satisfied cock. She

knew it may take a few minutes, but he would get hard again.

*********December 26*********

John awoke to find himself in the middle of the two blonde nude

doctors. He looked down to see that he still wore his nylons, although they

were torn and laddered, his high heel shoes were still strapped to his

ankles, his panties were still around one ankle as well. His brassiere,

with the silicone filled breast forms were also still in place. His blouse

and skirt were missing.

One of the doctors, he did not know which, was nestled up against

his back. John could feel a large soft penis pressing against his rounded

bottom. The other doctor was laying on his back and his big penis was lying

on his stomach. John was amazed at the size of it. He was also very

embarrassed to be in bed with two nude men. He slowly, and very carefully,

climbed out of bed. He managed to put his panties back on and went to the

bathroom to relieve himself.

John found Sharon, Bob and Susan sitting at the kitchen table

having a cup of coffee. He found it amazing that they could be chatting as

if nothing out of the ordinary had happened last night. Susan saw him first

and blushed as she looked down at her cup of coffee. John's long curly

locks of hair were tangled, his lipstick was smeared and he was standing at

the doorway to the kitchen in his worse for wear pink silk lingerie and

hosiery. He truly had the "just been well fucked" look about him.

Sharon greeted him with, "Good morning. I'll get you your clothes

to cover yourself with." She hurried to the living room, taking him with

her. "How do you feel this morning?" She asked.

"Like ten miles of very bad road," was the answer. Sharon had been

there and understood how a person could feel if they woke up questioning

what they had done the night before. She led her younger brother back to

the kitchen table, where Bob had already poured him a cup of coffee. Susan

had been so embarrassed by what had happened that she failed to notice that

Bob had administered a few drops of tranquilizer to her husband's coffee.

John sipped the hot coffee and enjoyed the way it seemed to wash

the worry and the guilt from his mind. By the time that the cup was empty,

he was no longer upset about the fact that he and his sister had had sex

with a pair of twin six foot three men all night long. Susan was relieved

to find that her husband did not seem to be upset with her for having sex

with her well endowed brother in law.

Jim and Tim entered the kitchen in search of a cup of coffee. Each

of them came over and kissed Sharon, then Jenny, before sitting down at the

table. Susan was a little surprised to see that her husband was still

acting this way even in the morning.

After a quick breakfast, Sharon, Susan and John went to take a

bath. After last night, John had no secrets from his sister. The

tranquilizer also made him not worry about being nude in front of others as

he bathed, shaved his legs again, got Sharon to help with his make up and

hair before donning a black satin lingerie set of black satin garter belt,

black nylon stockings, black satin bikini panties, and black satin

brassiere. The breast forms added weight and a realistic look to his

brassiere. A pair of three inch high heel shoes were strapped onto his

relatively small feet.

After Sharon's bath, she dressed in identical matching

lingerie. Both also wore matching black wrap around dresses. Bob brought

everyone another drink while they were getting ready. John's had the extra

drops added to help him relax during the events that were planned for


Susan stayed home with Bob while Jim and Tim escorted Sharon and

Jenny to their Lincoln Town Car. Jenny was sitting in the back seat with

Tim as they drove the short distance to the clinic that they owned and

operated. It was a good thing that the windows were darkly tinted or else

everyone that looked at the car would have seen the couple making out in

the back seat.

The clinic was a three story building that Jim and Tim owned. They

were very wealthy and paid Sharon three times more than she would have made

anywhere else. They had made most of their money the old fashioned

way. They had inherited it. The cosmetic surgery business was booming, so

they could afford to pay Sharon an exorbitant salary without taking a loss.

Tim, Jim, Sharon and John entered the building from the private

underground parking garage. John and Sharon's high heel shoes clicked on

the tile floors as they followed the two doctors to the elevator, up to the

second floor, down a hallway and into an operating room.

John was given an injection to sedate him. Jim and Tim took great

pleasure in removing his clothing as the pain killer began to take

effect. John was laid out on the operating table and strapped down. Sharon

worked efficiently to assist the two doctors as they prepped her brother

for the procedure. Eight hypodermic syringes with rather large needles were

laid in a row on the sterile tray. A large jar of thick white viscous fluid

was retrieved from the locked storeroom refrigerator. A tray of antiseptic

gauss was set on the roll around cart. An IV was inserted in his vein.

The doctors washed up as Sharon coated her brother's body parts

with disinfectant. The procedure was really very simple. Jim and Tim were

filing for the patent rights to the process. Since so many women wanted

lipo-suction to remove unwanted fat, the brothers had discovered that the

fat cells could be dehydrated, then injected into another part of the body

where it could be rehydrated with their special solution in the IV

bottle. The cells would be accepted by the body where they were injected

and would not move around very much.

Jim started with John's chest. Two pounds of dehydrated fat cells

were injected in a pattern of concentric circles centered around each

nipple. After they were rehydrated, John would have about ten pounds of

breasts. An ounce and a half was injected in his lips to make them even

fuller and softer to kiss. The IV was started using a few special chemical

additives in a glucose solution. The fat cells would all be rehydrated

before the sedative wore off. John would wake up with a nice plump pair of


John was rolled over and a couple of pounds of dehydrated fat was

injected in a pattern designed to make his bottom as shapely as any

woman's. A greased butt plug was inserted into his bottom to make it easier

for him to accept anal sex. He was rolled back over and two small incisions

were made at each side of his already narrow waist. A lipo-suction needle

was stroked in and out many times to remove any fat cells residing

there. The small incisions were taped up to that the scars would be

unnoticeable. A quick procedure was performed to raise the pitch of John's

voice to a more feminine level.

Sharon was pleased to see that John's breasts were already a B cup

and were still growing. A special breast shaping brassiere was strapped

around his chest until the fat cells permanently linked up together. A pair

of tight shorts with loose bottom and side pockets to make sure that the

fat cells collected and formed in the correct anatomical locations were

slid up John's unconscious body. A mixture of female hormones and

testosterone suppressant was injected directly into the IV that was

supplying the fluids for the dehydrated fat cells.

With the operation a complete success, the only thing left to do

would be to wait for John to recover from the effects of the pain

killer. Afterwards, they would take John/Jenny home and put him to bed. By

the next day, after the fat cells had set up, the surgical training

brassiere and shaping pants could be removed. To pass the time, Sharon

dropped to her knees and earned her title of Head Nurse.

*********December 31*********

Jenny awoke cuddled up to Susan. Susan was still jealous of the

fact that her husband had bigger boobs than she did. The hormones and

chemicals that John had been given meant that he did not get much of an

erection, but, after Bob had been stretching Susan with his thick ten inch

long tool, she wasn't sure that John's much smaller penis would have

satisfied her anyway.

Jenny kissed Susan tenderly as they lay in each other's arms. Last

night was the first time that they had slept with each other alone since

the first night of their visit. They had made love as two females would. It

had been a night of tender passion. Tonight would be the swinger's party

that Bob and Sharon were hosting. Jenny and Susan were to be the honored


Both Jenny and Susan had had all of their unwanted body hair

permanently burned off with the LASER's at the clinic. Jenny had to spend

twice as much time in the chair as Susan had, but neither of them would

ever have to shave their legs or underarms again. John's face was now as

smooth as Sharon's and Susan's. As they took their morning bath, Susan

could not help but admire Jenny's feminine figure. Perhaps, she would let

the doctors work on her figure as well.

Jenny was already lined up to go to work at the clinic as a

receptionist. People would be shocked when they saw what appeared to be two

sets of twins working in the same medical offices. Susan would attend

college to study for her RN License instead of becoming a teacher. She had

already sucked off both doctors and they had approved her for part time

work and they would pay her tuition while she was in school.

When Jenny and Susan had both bathed, they helped each other dress

for the New Year's Eve party planned for later in the evening. Each

expertly applied their cosmetics. After their outfits were selected, they

picked up their garter belts and hooked them around their narrow

waists. Jenny had chosen a emerald green satin ensemble to compliment her

red hair. Susan had chosen virginal white silk lace lingerie.

Jenny pushed her small penis and balls back between her legs as she

pulled up her panties. Jenny fitted her large 38 DD breasts into the green

satin demi brassiere. Her breasts may be new to her, but she was very proud

of them. Jenny had gone to the mall to have her hair professionally styled

the previous day. As the men stopped what they were doing to watch her

strut her stuff as she wiggled along in her mini skirt and on her four inch

high heel shoes, she felt proud of the effect that her new figure had on

men. One man had been staring so blatantly that his wife had slapped him.

Jenny selected the green button front sweater dress for the

party. Sharon had an identical outfit that she would wear. Jenny loved the

attention that she and her older sister got from all men, but especially

from Jim and Tim. Now, each time she saw one of the tall handsome blonde

twins, her heart fluttered. She knew that she was falling in love. Both of

the doctors were supposed to attend the party this evening. Jenny was eager

to drag them back to a room and let them use her any way that they wished,

just as they had done several times already.

The party was in full swing a few hours later. It consisted of all

couples, except for Reginald White, who was the African-American Police

Chief for their fair city. His presence meant that no police cars would

interrupt the evening's celebrations, no matter how loud they became.

Sharon sat on Jim's lap on the sofa while Jenny sat on Tim's. She

could feel his stiff tool under her well padded bottom as they watched tiny

little Susan sitting on the Police Chief's lap as the six foot six, two

hundred eighty pound and very muscular black man kissed Jenny's

wife. Everyone in the living room was able to see that his long thick

tongue must be reaching half way down the young brunette's throat as his

huge coal black hand spread the bride's thighs, allowing half of the people

in the room a view up her skirt and of the crotch of the her white silk

lace panties.

Jenny could feel her penis beginning to stiffen for the first time

in days as she watched her wife willingly submitting to the large black

police official. The fact that Tim was nuzzling her neck and her triple

pierced earlobes helped her small tool to swell even farther. One of Chief

White's coal black hands moved up under the skirt of the petite newly wed

until the long fingers made contact with the damp white lace silk and she

began squirming. Reginald picked up the tiny white girl and carried her to

a bedroom. They would not be seen again until the next morning. Susan would

be too sore to get out of bed the next morning and would be walking slowly

for the next two days. It would also take her that long to get the smile

off her pretty face.

Bob had disappeared downstairs in the den with several couples that

were forming a daisy chain. Sharon and Jenny, being the hostesses of the

party were happy to see the last of the couples paired up. That meant that

they could have a little fun with the twin brothers. Each sister took a

doctor by the hand and led them to the master bedroom. As they passed the

guest bedroom, they heard a high pitched squeal as Susan was being

stretched to her absolute limits.

In the master bedroom, the Clark brothers removed the matching

sweater dresses that Sharon and Jenny wore. The low cut green satin

brassieres supported the pairs of oversized breasts. Kisses were rained on

the upper slopes and long masculine fingers dipped into the fronts of two

pairs of green satin panties. Sharon and Jenny both spread their legs to

give their lovers better access to their nether regions.

Sharon and Jenny were placed side by side on the king size bed

where they lay as Jim and Tim removed their own clothing. From the long

curly red hair on their heads to their make up and lingerie, Sharon and

Jenny looked very much like twin sisters, the doctors knew that they had

found their natural mates. It did not matter that they were married or that

one was genetically a man. Tim and Jim were in love with Sharon and Jenny.

Jim and Tim unhooked the satin brassieres and began sucking on the

pink thimble sized sensitive nipples. Sharon and Jenny moaned passionately

as they ran their long red fingernail tipped fingers through the blond hair

of their lovers. The doctors kissed their way down the smooth tummies of

the redheaded sisters. Both raised their bottoms from the bed so that their

satin bikini panties could be slipped down their nylon covered legs. Two

blonde heads moved between the legs of their feminine partners as they each

gave their lovers head. Sharon and Jenny held hands as they approached

their orgasms.

Jim and Tim brought their partners to a forceful climax and moved

up to lay beside the two sisters. They cuddled them as the four lay on the

king size bed. Sharon and Jenny's hands sought out the eight inch erections

and began stroking them. A minute later, the redheads were moving lower on

the bed to orally satisfy the handsome blonde haired men. Jenny had

developed her skills until she was as good as Sharon at sucking

cock. Neither man had anything to complain about as each received an

excellent blow job. Both were deep throated until their sperm was sucked

from their bodies.

With both of the twin brothers temporarily out of action after

their massive orgasms, Sharon and Jenny cuddled up against them as everyone

rested. Within a year, Sharon and Bob would be divorced. Susan would also

get a divorce from John, who would not contest it. Bob and Susan would live

together, and still host swing parties, as Susan pursued an education and

career as an RN while working for the Clark brothers. Sharon and Jenny

would marry Jim and Tim. They would all sleep in a specially made extra

wide bed and would swap partners almost every night. Sharon would produce

the babies for both couples. Jenny would be a loving mother as they raised

their children. Luckily, it would be sets of twins.

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