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Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 03:54:51 GMT

From: nick dolce <nikkihon38@hotmail.com>

Subject: A Natural

A Natural Slut

By Nikki

Part 1

Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the

first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been

killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous. Nick had spoken to his

grandmother a few times over the years and she seemed nice. Nick's Mom had

no kind words to say about his grandfather. He was an old school Italian

who never forgave Nick's Mom for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Now here

was Nick depending on him for his room and board.

Nick quickly settled into his new surroundings. He had to. No time to think

about the sunny San Diego he left behind and the great relationship he had

with his Mom. He was now in New York City. The house was a large

three-floor brownstone walk up.

Nick's new life had him enrolled at the local high school. It was January

of his senior year. His room was at the rear of the second floor of the

house separated by a common bathroom from "uncle" John's room.

"Uncle" John was the very distant nephew of Nick's grandfather. He was 44

years old with gray hair, 5'10" and190 lbs. of muscle, hardened while

working in a marble quarry in Italy for 20 years. John's wife and 4

children lived in a small village outside of Naples while John worked in a

restaurant in New York for the last 3 years. He made 5 times as much money

working one tenth as hard and sent most of his money to his family. Nick

found him to be a tough but fair minded man. Like Nick, "uncle" John

depended on "grandfather" for his job and ability to stay in the U.S.

Nick's grandparents lived exclusively on the ground floor, unable to climb

stairs because of illnesses. This afforded Nick some privacy and quiet

time. Nick's duties at home entailed changing sheets and towels in all the

bedrooms on the second and third floors. This included John's room, Nick's

own room and the two rooms his grandparents rented out on the third floor,

currently only one of which was occupied by two Italian young ladies, who

were sisters, in their twenties and the granddaughters of an old friend of

Nick's grandfather.

Nick was now settled into his routine having been in New York for 2

months. He was changing the sheets in John's room on a Saturday afternoon

while "uncle" John was at work when Nick spotted something that was to be

life altering for him. There on the night table next to John's bed was an

old fashioned pornographic 3-panel comic book. It depicted the story of a

teenage boy who ran away from home by stowing away on a merchant marine

ship and winds up being dressed up like a slutty girl by the ship's crew

and becoming the crew's very willing sex slave.

The drawings were very explicit and the language filthy. Nick became

mesmerized by the booklet and also very aroused. He threw caution to the

wind and right there dropped his pants and masturbated furiously,

ejaculating on the floor. He quickly cleaned up, finished his chores then

returned and once again, though much more slowly, reread the escapades of

the ship's boy-girl sex slave and again had a glorious orgasm.

Over the next 2 months Nick thought of little else other than becoming the

slut in the story and receiving the amorous attentions, to say nothing of

the copious quantities of semen, of the seamen. He memorized every word and

drawing in the booklet and was masturbating 3 or 4 times a day, more on

weekends. Most of the time he would ejaculate directly into his own mouth

and swallow the liquid, just like the protagonist in the story was required

to do for any and all seminal fluids that found their way into his/her

mouth. Nick also began to fantasize about being "uncle" John's girlfriend

and sex slave. He obsessed over this thought.

In the meantime John was getting steadily hornier. He had sex only twice in

the three years he was in the U.S., both times with a prostitute friend of

one of his coworkers. John was also masturbating often. He was also

thinking about Nick and was certain after a few weeks that Nick was reading

the "dirty little comic book" John had left on the night table as a

permanent fixture these last 2 months. Finally John decided to bait the

hook a little more brazenly.

He left for work one Saturday morning and left the comic book open to a

page where his favorite sailor was anally penetrating the boy. The book was

on his bed right next to a fresh and obvious semen stain on the sheet. Nick

walked into John's empty room to change the sheets and saw what was left on

the bed. He went into a sexual frenzy and masturbated twice without losing

his erection both times allowing his ejaculate to soak into John's semen

stain then trying to suck the fluid out of the sheet before taking the

sheet to the washing machine.

Nick now made up his mind that he was going to seduce "uncle" John, who

obviously had an interest in this "sort of thing." Nick was a beautiful

green-eyed dark haired fair skinned 5'6' 130 lbs. with virtually no body

hair and a very smooth tight body. This day Nick (Nikki) slowly,

deliberately, nervously prepared him/herself for the much-fantasized


First he took a long hot bubble bath and cleaned himself outside and in. He

allowed his long hair to fall naturally to his shoulders and took out some

lingerie he found in a trunk of left behind garments by former renters. He

wore a nightie top that came only to his waist and a pair of see through

lace panties with a split in the back, which allowed access to his rear.

He then lubricated his bottom with Vaseline and used a candle to penetrate

himself and simulate anal copulation. He left the candle in its sweet spot

for two hours before John came home, waiting nervously for whatever was to


John said his hellos to the grandparents and immediately went up to his

room. His first glance was to the bed, which was now made up, then to the

night table where the comic book was back in its usual place. John then

walked into the common bathroom he shared with Nick and saw that the door

to Nick's room was ajar about 3 inches and Nick's light was on.

Leaving the light off in the bathroom John walked to the slightly open door

and peeked in. He saw Nick sprawled out on his bed, lying on his stomach,

legs apart with his ass facing the bathroom door and Nick's hand gently

working a candle in and out of his tender little bottom.

Nick was so nervous and frightened he was barely breathing. Lying on his

bed in such an exposed position and situation, he knew John was in the

bathroom and he had not heard the light switch turn on, nor any water turn

on, so he was sure John was, this very moment, watching him doing such

lurid things to himself.

John took the scene in and became immediately hard. He slowly and quietly

undid his pants and began to silently caress his manhood. He was so hot he

was ready to reach orgasm when all of a sudden he stopped. He literally

slapped himself on the forehead and said, "What am I doing!" almost out

loud. He then laughed and realized that he no longer had to play with

himself for he has a personal whore a few feet away who was putting on a

very seductive performance for his benefit. John burst into the boy's room.

"Get up and follow me . . . NOW!! "

Nick was startled out of his trance, and was disoriented by the aggressive

voice and entrance. John took hold of the whore's hair and firmly led him

through the bathroom into his own bedroom.

"Don't say a word or make a sound until I say so!"

Nick was too frightened to say anything; he just meekly allowed himself to

be pulled along and followed orders. Nick was pushed onto John's bed, face

down, his tush peeking out from the slit in the panties with the candle

still in place. John pulled out the candle and without removing the little

slut's panties he wordlessly entered into Nick's body, quickly with a need

to bury his manhood before it erupted. John ejaculated on the sixth stroke

with a sizable load of fluid filling the cavity, which John already felt he

had domain over.

They both laid there silently, John's weight now limp on top of his "girl."

Without losing his erection and without removing this erection from its

warm and snug place, John was able to remove his clothes and pull off the

top that Nick was wearing but had to rip off the flimsy panties.

They were both nude now, the warmth and firmness of the boy was wonderful

against the toughened skin of the man. John was in ecstasy. He once again

started pumping into this soft, tight "vagina," slowly, this time, making

love and enjoying himself for a half hour before once again releasing his


This time Nick had time to settle down. He was still too freighted and

nervous to try and say anything. After a few minutes he allowed himself to

start slowly and subtly move with his man's rhythm. Nick could actually

feel the slight increase in girth of his lover's tool just prior to its

achieving orgasm, then the feeling of fluid moving out of the man and into

him. He felt happy and content when that second ejaculate flowed into him

and he knew he had found his place in the world.

The lovers slept through the night attached to one another. Nick awoke

first, very early and laid there silently feeling his man's breath on his

neck. He still had not spoken a word to this man to whom he had given

himself. He lay still for an hour thinking about what had happened the

night before and very anxious as to how John would react to him this

morning. He decided to remain silent and submissive. He felt like a shy,

thankful peasant girl having been lucky enough to land the lord of the

manor in her bed. Nick's instincts were absolutely correct.

John awoke and felt the smooth warm buttocks of his bedmate pressed against

his organ. This caused it to stir and begin to enlarge to its full working

stature within a minute or so. This was the only indication Nick had that

John was awake. Nick then moved very slightly, almost imperceptibly,

arching his back and thrusting his bottom backwards in a manner that would

allow easier access to its interior by his man's tool. John smiled to

himself and was just about to take the little wench yet again when he

decided to change course and spoke to her/him instead.

"Nikki, turn around and slide down toward the foot of the bed." John's

voice was totally changed from the night before. He was quiet, almost

whispering and his voice was warm and gentle and loving.

He gently caressed Nick's hair while simultaneously carefully guiding his

head towards his groin. When John's erect penis was at the young man's

mouth, John smiled and nodded "yes" to him slightly. Nick then opened his

mouth and engulfed the organ.

"Nikki, I very much enjoyed last night. From your reactions both last night

and this morning you obviously also enjoyed what happened and what is

happening now."

Nick continued to look up directly into his man's eyes, his mouth still

tightly wrapped around the fully erect penis. He did try to smile though to

let John know he was indeed enjoying what was happening. Nick also lovingly

caressed the opening of his man's penis with the tip of his tongue at the

same time. This unequivocally conveyed the slut's joy to the older man.

Nikki's silent acceptance of directions and the general demeanor of

submissiveness, love and thankfulness that the young lover conveyed to his

man immeasurably enhanced John's pleasure. Looking down at his large

manhood in that beautiful face with those huge green eyes looking back at

him, John was almost overwhelmed by lust and emotion.

"From now on your name will be Nikki: N-I-K-K-I . Let everyone know and use

this name exclusively. I like your ability to stay silent and if you want

to remain as my little whore you will keep your conversation to an absolute

minimum. This is with everyone, not only with me."

In response "Nikki" said nothing but started to move up and down the shaft

of the tool in his mouth.

"Not yet, my sweet little girl. I want you to concentrate on what I'm

saying right now. You will bring me to orgasm soon enough. I know you have

been reading the little comic book I left out for you. If you don't know it

by heart already, you will do so right away. You will live by almost the

same rules that the boy in the story lives by."

"First, when you speak to me, lower your eyes and address me as Sir. When I

am making love to you, unless I direct you otherwise, you will remain quiet

and look directly into my eyes if you can."

"Next, you will move into my room and when you are here you will remain

naked from the waist down whether I'm home or not. You will keep your

bottom spotlessly clean and remember that 99% of the time it is a

cunt. Never apply Vaseline or any other substance to it again. Most of all

remember that it belongs to me as all of you belong to me. If you want to

continue to be my bedmate that is."

Nikki nodded yes right away. He wanted to make sure that this beautiful,

powerful, sexual man had no doubt that Nikki wanted to belong to him. John

had no doubts. He continued.

"You will obey my orders right away without question or hesitation. You

must always assume that I love you and know what's best for you." Nikki

thought he would faint. He actually felt his heart skip a beat or

two. John, this virile, rugged, handsome and confident man just told him to

assume that he loved him.

"You will throw away all your underwear today. You will never wear

underwear again, except on the rare occasion when I order you to do so. At

home you will not wear pants, shorts or anything that blocks my access to

your cunt. We will find some sexy, short robes, kimonos and housecoats for

you to do your household chores."

"You will say whatever you want to your grandparents and whoever else asks

you about your name and appearance change. I don't care. That's up to you."

"You will always swallow my sperm, whether I ejaculate into your mouth or

elsewhere, I expect you to lick it up and savor it."

Nikki smiled to himself. As if he would allow a precious drop of this man's

sperm to be wasted!!!

"You will keep my sperm inside of you as long as possible whenever I deign

to ejaculate into your bottom. You will do your chores, go to school or

whatever. I will remain inside you."

"Much of what I expect from you is impossible to codify in a list. I expect

you to become attuned to my wants and needs as the situation and my mood

warrants. I expect you to anticipate. If I seem excited and need to relieve

my pent up load, then be aggressive and lubricate my member with your

tongue and guide me into you for a passionate fuck or quickly fellate me to

orgasm. If I'm in a languid and sexy mood then lower the lights get us both

naked and start to lick me all over until I let you know how I'm going take

you. I cannot give you every example. Just be alert and smart and learn to

know my needs."

With that said John closed his eyes and laid his head back on the

pillow. Nikki immediately began to fellate the turgid sex organ that was in

his mouth. Long slow strokes with constant massage of the head with his

tongue. John was in heaven. He lay there without moving and let his

beautiful lover/slave/ whore/surrogate wife fellate him slowly to a

powerful orgasm.

Near the climax John began bucking with his hips wildly and Nikki did all

he could to keep the slick pole in his mouth. But keep it there he did, and

he was rewarded for his loving efforts with a loud cry of passion from his

man and a mouth full of thick delicious ejaculate. He allowed himself to

taste the semen, memorizing the flavors, the texture and the aromas. He

then swallowed the entire mouthful while still keeping his lover's slightly

flaccid penis in his mouth.

John asked Nikki to get him some morning coffee. It was still early, about

6:30 am and the house was quiet. Nikki still remaining silent let the now

completely flaccid penis slip out of his mouth; he kissed the uncircumcised

head and walked to his room. He was about to slip on a pajama bottom when

he suddenly remembered.

He tossed the pajama into the trash and pulled out a carefully hidden bag

from the back of his closet. Nikki took out a kimono style silk robe that

reached only to the top of his thighs. Enough to cover his bottom and

genitals as long as he did not bend over or sit down indiscreetly. He

returned to the bathroom and was about to empty his bladder when John

appeared at the door. Nikki had a raging erection of his 6 1/2-inch

penis. It had been in this state for hours and he needed relief badly.

"Nikki, you must always sit down from now on to pee. If you are in a public

bathroom you must wait for a stall to open, never use a urinal. Also, never

lock your bathroom door when I am in the house or anywhere near

by. Finally, I did not discuss your sexual release.

You do not have to ask me for permission. Once you have a moment to

yourself you may go into the bathroom or an empty bedroom and masturbate

yourself to ejaculation. You may not do it in front of me or ask to do it

in front of me. Occasionally, I may ask you to play with yourself while I

watch or have someone else watch. That will be my call to make. Now finish

up then go make my coffee."

Nikki emptied his bladder then leaned back on the toilet seat and quickly

masturbated. He never saw so much semen. He ejaculated for 30 seconds then

carefully collected the fluid from his chest and abdomen and drank it all

down. As the kimono clad, slender, barefoot, beauty walked into the kitchen

to make his man's coffee he thought about the last 12 hours. How could so

much have changed in a half day. Nikki now had passion, a purpose in life,

a lover man to take care of.

Although he knew John was married, Nikki was determined to become the man's

indispensable companion and to make sure his every whim and passion was

fulfilled. In the midst of these thoughts and coffee making, Nikki's/Nick's

grandmother walked into the kitchen. She took one look at her grandson and

the entire picture was instantly clear to her.

The short silk robe, the long locks of hair in disarray, the flushed face,

that unmistakable newlywed bride expression, all explained the noise coming

from John's room last night and this morning. The rhythmic movement and

squeaking of box springs, which become fast and hard, then all of a sudden

stop after a loud moan or shriek is heard. These sounds of copulation had

not been heard for some time in the old house. And the look of

accomplishment, pride and slight arrogance that only a thoroughly fucked

and sperm filled young bride can exude had not been seen for some years by

the old woman.

Nikki greeted his grandmother with a cheerful "Good morning." After only a

few pointed questions Nikki spilled the entire story to his grandmother,

leaving out the graphic details of course.

Her reaction was one of happiness for Nick. She suspected that this might

happen and she was happy for them both. She said that John was a good man

and he needed someone to care for him. Also John's wife would be very happy

because her man would be taken care of and she had no fear of another woman

seducing John, getting pregnant and breaking up the harmony and financial

stability of her family.

Later when his grandfather found out he sadly shook his head and said:

"He's a whore just like the mother."

The word spread to the girls on the third floor and that evening at dinner

a surprise "wedding" cake was brought out. Nikki's grandfather muttered

under his breath and left the room but the cake was cut and congratulations

were said. John remained quiet but pleasant thanking the ladies for the

cake then left to go upstairs. As he left the dinning room John turned to

Nikki and said "Don't be long".

The two girls turned to Nikki and giggled and told him to hurry upstairs

and not worry about the dishes. They asked him very intimate questions but

for some reason everything was now different for him. He answered without

embarrassment and in fact giggled and joked with them. They were envious of

what he was about to get when he ascended the stairs in a few minutes. He

described in detail how it felt to have his man's tool inside of him and

the ecstasy of looking into his lover's eyes the moment he reached

orgasm. The girls fluttered their eyes and were getting really hot.

They finally asked to look at his "cunt" and he happily lifted the short

black skirt he was wearing over his bare buttocks and leaned forward. The

girls didn't wait for him to spread the cheeks but did it for him and

looked at the puckered pink rose bud. They fingered it gently; giggled some

more then bid him good bye as he ascended to his husband.

That night was a night that Nikki later thought about for years. He never

experienced so much passion, so much love and so much sexual energy

again. Sure he would experience nights of sexual frenzy, be fucked by

several men in one night and participate in sexual "marathons" but that

night was one in a lifetime. He and John were one. Nikki could do no

wrong. Nikki anticipated John's every move, scratched every itch, licked

every erogenous zone, and absorbed every drop of fluid that John's

genitals, imagination and passion could produce. This was Nikki's perfect

game, his Oscar performance.

Nikki accepted 6 separate deliveries of semen through the night. Also she

experienced orgasm 4 times as well. Two were spontaneous and two were

coaxed out of her by John's hand while he took her from behind. Yes, this

was a glorious night.

Part II - The Perfect Concubine

Two months had passed since John laid claim to Nick's body. Through sheer

will, virile masculinity and his stoic nature, John had overwhelmed

Nick. Nick completely accepted John as his master and lover. What

astonished the young man was how natural the transition seemed. How he

accepted John's "rules." How he focussed his very being on the older man's

needs. How he became attuned to the moods and nuances that John exuded.

Nick worked very hard to be as perfect as he could be to keep his husband

satisfied in every way. What was ironic, was that Nick had never been too

focussed on sex until shortly before his obsession began with being a

feminine, sexual servant. Sure he thought about sex occasionally, and

masturbated a fair amount, but he was a virgin until the night he induced

John into ravaging him and taking him as a lover and slave.

Now, Nick had truly become "Nikki." Her first thoughts were always

concerning her man. She not only memorized her man's rules, but also

immersed herself in a concubine's oeuvre. Nikki was very focussed on her

role. She gradually coaxed John into revealing his deep desires. These,

Nikki added, to her own secret "rules" book, which she kept in her heart

and mind. This enabled Nikki to be totally compliant to John's commands,

and still keep him surprised, even amazed, at her ability to arouse and

fulfill him.

John clearly was infatuated with this creature, which he controlled. He

always felt masculine and loved women, and Nikki's striking beauty and

petite structure reinforced his "manliness." At least in his own mind it

did. On the other hand, this dangerous liaison with a young man, was the

most on the edge, explosive, sensual experience he had ever

enjoyed. Nothing came close to the electricity generated between the

striking, completely submissive and feminine boy/girl and his always eager,

unbelievably potent male organ.

John loved his wife, three sons and daughter but he knew that somehow he

would also have Nikki in his life from now on. For her part, Nikki did

everything she could, to keep his attention focussed on her, by focussing

her entire being on his male sex. She kept it erect and flowing. In two

short months, Nikki had become an expert lover. She transcended the status

of mere odalisque, and had reached the lofty heights of a worldly

courtesan. A prime concubine would blush at her abilities and wiles.

Nikki not only kept to the letter of the law set down by John, but also was

able to get to the underlying reasons, which led her man to make these

rules. Thus, she was able to magnify his arousal by anticipating his needs

while still being totally compliant. John loved her and after a while took

her absolute submissiveness as a given.

Nikki woke John up every morning by very carefully fellating him. Nikki was

successful in having him achieve orgasm, before waking more than half the

time. This allowed John to wake up most mornings after having a "wet

dream." John loved opening his eyes shortly after having had wonderful sex

in his dreams, and see his girl looking up at him with dreamy eyes, and

pouty, semen glistening lips.

Nikki was so good at what she did so seamless, that even she was unable to

discern the line between, seductive behavior, and her natural erotic

sense. After receiving her man's first, morning ejaculate, Nikki would wait

for her lover to open his eyes. She would then quickly look down in a

contrite, sheepish manner, right after making eye contact. Keeping her eyes

downcast she made sure John would catch a glimpse of her slightly parted

lips, and her mouth full of his seed. She then very slowly swallowed, until

the entire contents were consumed and then carefully licked the inside of

her mouth and her lips. This was done subtly. Nikki, was, in this manner

able to keep her man beguiled and aroused.

She did a million little things like this during the day (and night), but

it was such a natural extension of her, that it produced the desired effect

on John, namely, frequent arousal and subsequent frequent copulation. Now,

after two months as a "married woman," Nikki was ready to try and get her

man to make love to her like she yearned for.

Most of the time, John mounted Nikki as if she were a bitch in heat. She

was either nude (when in their bedroom), or wearing a short skirt or dress,

barely covering her always unpantied buttocks. She was barefoot most of the

time and wore little or usually no makeup.

This had a tremendously erotic effect on John, who would walk up behind her

and wordlessly, gently but firmly, bend her over and take her . Initially,

there was some short foreplay while Nikki lubricated the man's sex with her

saliva and he opened her hole with his fingers. As the weeks went by

though, he was able to mount her, penetrate and ejaculate, without a word

or any other preliminary action.

Nikki yearned for more romance in her life. She dreamed of being made love

to occasionally, rather than just mounted and fucked. Of course, she knew

that walking around with her cunt exposed all-day and acting so

provocatively around her master, would cause him to behave as he did. He

treated her like a brood mare. She did not want this to change, because she

knew, this, is what kept him interested and stimulated. Nikki wanted

something in addition.

On the day of her plan, Nikki was able to avoid bringing John to orgasm in

the morning. Likewise, the night before, she feigned illness, so by the

next evening when John returned from work he was tuned, and his seed was

welled up within him.

At school that day, Nikki avoided her daily visit to the bathroom, to

masturbate. Since she never wore panties, and always wore sexy, clingy,

sheer slacks, masturbating was a necessity, as much as a pleasure. Without

this release at noon, her erection would be too obvious for all to see.

Nikki was in bed with the lights low and romantic music on the stereo. She

was naked, except for a black, lace choker and a black, lace, garter

belt. John walked into their bedroom and was very pleasantly

surprised. Nikki's grandmother told him, that Nikki was too ill for dinner,

and had stayed up in the bedroom.

"How's my little girl feeling?" Asked John, as his eyes became accustomed

to the dimmed lighting. His loins immediately started stirring as he gazed

on his slender, seductive lover. Nikki was in full whore mode. Pouting

lips, seductive eyes, hips turned slightly in bed, to show her ass to her

man. Her penis was fully erect.

"Your little whore misses you and my cunt needs to be filled." Nikki was

purring rather than talking. John very quickly removed his clothes and

walked over to the bed.

John stood near the head of the bed. His sex was fully erect Nikki raised

her head slightly, and expertly caressed the tip of her man's erection. She

then gently pulled back the foreskin and caressed the uncovered head, with

her tongue. She then grasped the penile head with her lips and pulled him

towards her. John almost toppled over onto the seductress. He was about to

pull Nikki's hips around and up, so as to penetrate her in their usual,

rear entry fuck style.

Nikki anticipated this, and before John even began to move Nikki swung her

right leg around the man's waist and pulled him onto her cunt, which was up

in the air and waiting. She was on her back, both legs now wrapped around

him, and his rigid manhood, pushed tightly, against the crevice between her


Nikki reached down and guided her man's tool into its place of

pleasure. She squeezed the muscles in her perineum, expertly learned over

the weeks of love making, and elicited a moan from her man.

Nikki next made the most daring move of her life as a sex slave, and

bedroom slut. She put her arms around her master's neck, pulled him to her,

and thrust her tongue into his mouth. John's surprise was obvious, but he

was also sexually excited, and was already in his stroking rhythm,

pistoning his erect penis its entire length, in and out of his whore's

cunt. He therefore made no attempt to expel Nikki's tongue from his

mouth. He thrust his own tongue into Nikki's mouth. Nikki responded by

squeezing John harder with her legs and pushing her groin into him hard.

They continued to fuck, gazing into each other's eyes, making enough noise

to leave no doubt, to anyone in the house, as to as to what they were

doing, and how much they were enjoying it. Orgasm came to both

simultaneously. John emptied himself deeply into Nikki's bowels, and she

released her fluid, between her flat abdomen and his thicker waist.

They lay in each other's arms, not moving, but still locked together by

John's still erect member buried within Nikki's body. Nikki began kissing

John's face, eyes, mouth and said: "I'm sorry my man, my master, my life, I

love you so much I couldn't help myself. I worship you and want to be your

lover forever. Don't be mad at me."

This was more than Nikki had said cumulatively during their two months of

lovemaking. John was not unhappy. He was still recovering from the greatest

fuck of his life. He looked deeply into Nikki's eyes smoothed her hair back

from her face and kissed her deeply. His cock was still fully erect and he

had not yet uncunted it, so he started stroking the hot little boy pussy

again, only much more slowly this time.

Nikki had her answer. Her master was truly her lover. Nikki was a very

happy girl.

Part III - A Woman Emerges

It was New Year's Day and Nikki sat on the deck chair watching the waves

pass as the liner headed toward Europe. She reflected on the drastic

changes, which occurred in the course of a single year.

Last New Year's Day Nikki was Nick, a typical 18-year-old high school

senior. He was living in San Diego with his Mom, anxious about college. He

was shy about dating and was working up the courage to ask a pretty

classmate to the senior prom.

Nick was slightly effeminate but only because he was so slight of build,

petite actually. He never thought of himself as anything other than a

typical guy. He was strikingly beautiful with fine features, high

cheekbones and large, almond shaped deep, green eyes. His mother's friends

frequently told her Nick was too beautiful to be a boy.

He was still a virgin back then. Yes, he masturbated as frequently as most

boys his age, usually reading one of his secret stash of Penthouse

magazines. He was not sexually aggressive though. His only "weird" sexual

activity was the interest he took in the Penthouse "letters" concerning the

occasional male to male encounters described.

Now, here "she" was on an ocean liner, one year later, the concubine of a

middle-aged man. She was totally accomplished in every aspect of pleasing a

man sexually. What was so amazing, was that she absolutely loved her new

role in life, and this was reflected by how spectacular she was at

it. After seducing her master into virtually raping her, she settled into

the life of a kept slut.

At first it was all new, but she was such a natural at it, in short order,

she had her master wrapped around her little finger. All her thoughts and

activities were focussed on how to extract the maximal amount of sperm out

of her man. It didn't take long for John, the "master" to become totally

infatuated with his conquest.

Initially, John saw Nikki as a temporary outlet for his pent up sexual

energy. He was alone, far away from his wife, and had been used to getting

laid regularly until coming to America. Nikki provided a convenient, albeit

unusual and dangerously exciting way of getting sexual release whenever he

wanted it.

What John did not count on, was becoming involved with a phenomenally

gorgeous woman who was the whore slut of his dreams. Every inch of her body

was there for his sexual pleasure, and she was amazingly dexterous and

imaginative at extracting that pleasure.

How imaginative and voracious she was, John had no idea. Nikki was a

thoroughly committed slut, who was only happy when she caused her man (any

man) to become aroused and fill her with his seed.

Three months after Nikki became John's sperm receptacle, she graduated from

high school. At that point she no longer had to revert into Nick every

morning. Two weeks after graduation it dawned on Nikki and her grandmother

that she had not been in her male clothes for some time. So, as a

graduation present, Nikki's grandmother asked Maria and Helena, who lived

on the third floor, to take Nikki out for an all expense-paid spree at the

beauty parlor and clothing store. The girls were excited to do it.

Nikki was so beautiful that she was already more than "passable." But, by

the end of the day she was drop dead gorgeous. At the beauty parlor she had

her hair cut into a very short little pixie style. Next, some simple

eyeliner and lipstick. Then, on to getting her ears pierced and two tiny

green emerald stud earrings placed. They matched her eyes exactly.

Maria and Helena then took Nikki to a little boutique in Greenwich Village

not far from where they lived. Here, Nikki picked out a tight, knit, black

mini dress, which left little to the imagination. Nikki couldn't believe

what she saw when she looked in the mirror. She was absolutely

gorgeous. She gave herself a hardon.

This caused a minor problem, for given the fit of the dress, her erection

tented the front of the dress most obviously. Thank goodness the saleswoman

was used to the "unusual," working in the Village for so many years.

Nikki also picked out a more modest dress, which, while still sexy, came to

just above the knee. Finally, Nikki chose a super short, micro-mini dress

that exposed her greatest asset as a slut with the slightest forward

bend. The saleslady could not help but notice that Nikki wore no panties.

After the three dress purchases, she offered Nikki two pairs of sheer, sexy

panties, gratis. Nikki looked down but shook her head no, and politely and

quietly thanked the saleslady. Maria then whispered to the older woman,

that Nikki's man did not allow her to wear panties, so as not to impede

access to the portal in her nether regions.

The friendly and understanding saleswoman then brought out two satin

triangles, each with a long satin ribbon from the corners of the bases, and

two pairs of shorter ribbons from the apices. She explained that Nikki

could wear the tiny "panties," cover her genitals, while the ribbons around

her waist and thighs, would not hinder her lover's access to her lovely


Nikki's eyes widened, she loved them. She thankfully accepted the gifts.

Upon arriving home Nikki ran up to the bedroom to don her mini-dress. She

then presented herself to her grandmother. Nikki's grandmother hugged her

and told her she was the most beautiful girl she has ever seen. Nikki's

grandfather walked into the room a minute later and was momentarily

stunned. He did not make any of his usual grumbling comments.

He had been used to seeing Nikki prance around the house with hardly

anything covering "his" ass, but this was a strikingly sexy, beautiful

"girl" prancing around shaking her derriere. Nikki caught his eye for a

moment but that was all she needed. In that moment she saw the

disorientation, followed by that look of lust she had come to know in a

man's eyes when they looked at her. Slut that she was, Nikki had formulated

her plan within the blink of an eye.

Two days later, Nikki's grandmother left early in the morning for her

weekly, Thursday visit with a sick, childhood friend who lived in New

Jersey. Nikki walked into her grandparents' bedroom carrying a pile of

folded sheets and towels to put away in their closet. She saw her

grandfather still in bed and asked if she could come in and put away the

linen. She was in her best slut's finery. Tight micro-mini dress, clogs and

lipstick. Her grandfather was speechless.

Nikki continued in. As she passed the bed she "dropped" some of the towels,

then bent over to gather them up. Her dress was so short and tight it rode

well up to the top of the crevice that separated the two milky white

mounds, which made up Nikki's buttocks. Nikki lingered there, slowly

gathering the towels. Finally she heard some movement behind her. Nikki's

grandfather had gotten out of bed and was standing about three feet behind


Nikki dropped to her knees, still facing away from grandfather. She then

spun around looking down gathering towels. Seeing his feet she calculated

her position very accurately. She looked up at her grandfather with those

beautiful eyes, and that beautiful face and her lips were exactly at the

tip of his uncircumcised, erect penis.

He wore no pyjama bottoms. Without a word, she kissed the tip of his

erection. He did not move or say a word. Nikki then placed the head and

half the shaft of her grandfather's sex organ in her mouth. Nikki felt his

knees start to buckle and gently pushed him back onto his bed.

Kneeling on the floor at his bedside, Nikki slowly and lovingly fellated

her grandfather. They never unlocked their gaze. Nikki continued to suck

him while he looked into that gorgeous face. He ejaculated thoroughly and

with joy. She took her grandfather's seed into her and very slowly, without

any outward movements or change in facial expression allowed the fluid to

slide past the partially flaccid penis and further slide down her throat.

They stayed like that for quite a long time. Eventually Nikki stood up bent

down and kissed her grandfather's cheek and walked out of the room

wordlessly without pulling down her dress. Nikki's grandfather stared at

her fully exposed bottom all the way to the door. As she reached the door

he called out "Nikki" (it was the first time he called her by that name).

"Next time I fuck your ass, OK?"

Nikki turned and looked at him with her big bedroom eyes and pouty lips

that were smeared with lipstick and semen and said: "Of course grandfather,

its yours to do with as you please."

He thought that thirty years ago he would have fucked that hot little ass

all day. At seventy-eight years of age, though, unloading even once a week

would be an accomplishment. Over the next few months he succumbed to the

little slut's ministrations, on average, twice a week.

His usual curmudgeon's demeanor changed dramatically. He became much more

pleasant and extremely pensive during this time. He never dreamed this part

of his life would be reawakened at such a late stage.

Nikki and her grandfather fell into a pattern. Every Thursday and Sunday,

with some exceptions and additions, Nikki caused her grandfather's sperm to

flow into her body. The vast majority of the time Nikki serviced him

orally. Occasionally though, she would straddle him and lower her lithe,

little body, over his erection, taking him into her bottom. She would move

up and down, not allowing him to exert himself, and then she would accept

his ejaculate.

With every ensuing encounter her grandfather would become slightly more

demonstrative and verbal. Nikki, as she was trained to do by her master,

remained quiet and looked for opportunities to provide pleasure. She tried

to learn the nuances that she could perform for him and heighten his

enjoyment. Most of the time, he would stroke her head and talk about his

youth, even while Nikki had his organ in her mouth and very slowly swirled

its head with her tongue.

Nikki's grandfather came to forget that Nikki wasn't actually a girl. When

they were alone in a room, he would never miss an opportunity to peck a

little kiss on her cheek, or place a hand under her short skirt and caress

her always unpantied buttocks.

Occasionally, she would slip into his bathroom, drop to her knees, and

uninvited, fellate him to orgasm, swallow his semen and leave, without a

word said between them. Her grandfather marveled at her beauty, ability and

most of all her totally erotic subservience.

During this time of course, John continued his erotic adventure and

domination over Nikki. Nikki continued to bring him to new heights of

pleasure. She also continued to learn. Every time she took a man in her

mouth, hand or "vagina," she learned a little bit more about the erotic

arts and about the man she was pleasuring.

She quickly came to the conclusion that, a truly great slut, was able to

master not only the physical aspects of making love, but to assess the man

she was servicing psychologically. She could thus bring him to a greater

level of pleasure, both at that moment of orgasm, as well as keep him

primed and stoked, and on edge for her in the future.

After Nikki's makeover, her relationship with John took a turn to another

level. John's amorous advances and demands became even more frequent and

frenzied. He couldn't get over her femininity.

This, combined with the casual wantonness and slutty sexuality that Nikki

exuded, and sexual techniques she continued to improve upon, drove John

wild. With her new look, John took Nikki out to dinner, to the movies, even

to an adult movie theatre, where Nikki caused quite a stir.

She was the only "woman" in a theatre full of horny men. John had Nikki

kneel between his legs while he watched the pornographic epic on the

screen. Nikki kept John in her mouth and sucked him very slowly and

deliberately, delaying his ejaculation as long as he could stand. She did

this in view of several men who would have given anything to get into her

face or between her legs.

Nikki kept her usual matter of fact demeanor, looking up at John, mouth

full of his manhood, doing her slut's thing, as was expected of her. Inside

though she was as nervous as she had ever been in her life. She wanted to

make her man happy. Not only from the pleasurable load of sperm he was soon

to deliver but to make him proud of her.

She achieved her goal. John emptied two good, full sized loads of seminal

fluid, into Nikki's mouth. Two thirds of the way through the first feature

John was spent. They got up to leave.

There were at least eight men who were directly around them and had an

excellent view of the entire exhibition that John and Nikki provided. It

was a tribute to Nikki's beauty and ability to "show her stuff," when she

noticed that every man around them had his penis out and was masturbating.

Although Nikki kept her gaze down as she followed her man, she could see

from the corner of her eye, that the men were all turning toward her as she

walked past. All with erections at full mast, paying homage to her as she

strode by.

Nikki wished she could provide them all with an orifice to empty their

passion into. She settled for two men spurting their ejaculates in her path

(more tribute). She could feel the eyes of all those men lusting for her


Being the consummate slut she couldn't disappoint them. She hiked up the

back of her skirt and gave them all a wiggle just before exiting the


Almost a month after Nikki's transition into a full time woman, a high

school friend came to invite Nick to a belated graduation party. Nikki

answered the door. She was home with her grandfather. It was a Thursday,

late morning, and Nikki had just been fucked by her grandfather. He was

enjoying a blissful post coital nap and she had his sperm inside her.

Thomas had heard from a friend, that Nick had been seen, dressed as a girl

at the grocery store. Nikki did not make many friends during her one

semester of high school in New York. Especially after becoming John's

whore, whereupon she became even more quiet than usual.

As Nick, she was wearing clothes that were somewhat too feminine and this

alienated the vast majority of male students. Thomas was always cordial,

even pleasant. There were never any overt sexual overtones to their daily

school encounters. Also, Nikki was too involved with the new and startling

changes in her life at home. Thomas had a girlfriend.

Thomas had confided in Nick, "man to man," that he was not a virgin. He had

"fucked a whore" when he was seventeen. Thomas' girlfriend though, was not

making herself available to him sexually. She was waiting for Thomas to

give her an engagement ring first.

When Nikki answered the door, she was clad in a short white nightie and

clogs. She was wearing her white frontal string panty under the

nightie. Since she had extracted her grandfather's semen with her "vagina,"

her lipstick was still perfect. She in fact looked perfectly adorable,

standing in the doorway, petite and sexy next to the athletic


Even at five feet eleven inches and one hundred seventy pounds he appeared

to tower over Nikki. When Thomas saw Nikki, he was very pleasantly

surprised. He was prepared to see Nick dressed up "like" a girl.

He wasn't prepared to be greeted by a gorgeous creature, wearing next to

nothing, and still looking unmistakably all woman. Nikki saw the look in

his face and realized he was already informed as to her "new look." Never

the less, Thomas stammered through some lame reason as to why he was there

to invite Nick to the party rather than call on the phone. He then feigned

a look of disbelief and asked her if she was Nick.

Nikki was now too entrenched in her whore slut mentality not to pounce on

this young male. Thomas was a bundle of muscle and hormones attached to a

penis. And at nineteen years of age the latter appendage did all of Thomas'

thinking for him.

"Yes Thomas, it's me," Nikki cooed in a low voice, barely audible, making

Thomas lean closer to hear. After some more hemming and hawing by Thomas,

Nikki made her move. She invited Thomas up to her room so she could check

her "calendar." She explained that her grandfather was asleep and they

needed to go upstairs not to wake him.

Nikki's nightie came to the top of her thighs and just did cover her

beautiful bottom. There was a cinched waist though and when the belt was

pulled tight, it caused the back to flare up a bit. Just enough to form a

little canopy over Nikki's rear assets.

From Thomas' tall vantagepoint though, none of this was apparent until he

saw the full view from below and behind. He followed those luscious,

perfectly round and smooth and completely exposed buttocks up the stairs

like a puppy dog following a biscuit.

Nikki looked over her shoulder and saw Thomas's gaze fixed on her ass. She

faked a stumble and John was so intent and fixated that he would have run

his face right into the crevice had he not put out his hand to prevent this

collision. His hand landed squarely onto Nikki's left buttock cheek. She

froze for a moment still bent over from her "fall," then moved her rear in

a circular motion while pushing it further back towards Thomas.

With the hand still on her buttock Nikki turned. She was standing on the

step above Thomas and their lips were at the same level. Although her heart

beat with excitement, Nikki was completely sure of herself. She put her

arms around Thomas' neck and tongue kissed him.

Thomas responded in kind, grasping Nikki's lovely buttocks with both

hands. They kissed like that for a long time. Nikki then slowly reached

down and felt the front of Thomas' pants. He was rock hard.

She opened his zipper and extracted his lovely erection. The caress sent

shivers into Thomas and his knees started to shake. Nikki, still grasping

Thomas' organ, pulled him along like a leashed pet into her old bedroom.

Nikki then knelt before her young man and without a word, looked up at him

with those beautiful and talented eyes. She then provided him with that

first, exquisite sensation, using her even more talented lips and

tongue. She took him into her mouth and caressed his firm ball sac with her

tongue, while his uncovered cockhead experienced the sensation of total

contact with the back of her throat.

Thomas was well endowed, though no match for Nikki's true love and

master. She easily engulfed him and virtually swallowed him into

her. Thomas began shaking all over and Nikki guided him onto the bed, where

she removed his clothes with almost no break in contact with his excited


Nikki proceeded to lick Thomas' entire shaft, then over the midline between

his testicles and on to his anus. She licked him until he could no longer

hold back his orgasm, and then he emptied himself into her. Nikki sucked

the ejaculate out of him and swallowed the entire contents, making sure he

witnessed the rapture on her face.

The experience was profound for both of them. Thomas experienced this sweet

pleasure for the first time. He had never felt the forbidden kiss

before. To be stimulated by such a beautiful creature, using her face and

mouth like a vulva was an erotic fantasy come true for Thomas. Nikki, on

the other hand, had another wonderful sexual encounter and more

importantly, a learning experience with which she would continue to grow as

a slut. Untold numbers of young men would benefit from Nikki's experiences

over the years to come.

Thomas was now completely infatuated with the slut. She slipped off her

nightie and lay next to him with nothing on but a triangle of satin

covering the only male parts of her. Nikki reached down and scooped a drop

of semen off the tip of Thomas' half-flaccid penis. She brought the finger

to her lips and licked off the bead of fluid.

Thomas kissed Nikki hard pressing against her. He soon hardened again. He

kept her close like that for a long time, too timid to initiate any

activity. After what seemed like an eternity, Nikki looked up at him and

realized that despite what had just happened, Thomas was still unsure of


Nikki lowered her big eyes and pouted her lips. Such a natural slut. She

whispered into Thomas' ear.

"You can do anything you want to me, my man . . . anything"

It was the "my man" that tore through Thomas. He was beside himself with

lust for this whore, this bitch. He just knew that he was in love with

her. Nikki lost no time. She quickly rolled off of Thomas and onto her

back. She then turned her head towards the foot of the bed and brought her

knees up to her shoulders. Nikki then pulled her ankles tightly back and

brought her head forward. The unbelievably lithe and flexible temptress,

thus, made available to the young man's erection both of her available

orifices within inches of each other.

Nikki enticed Thomas to enter her mouth again. Once fully erect and

lubricated, she had him guide his manhood out of her mouth and into her

waiting "vagina." Thomas pumped with all the vigor and enthusiasm which

would befit such a young man.

It did not take long for him to reach orgasm. Despite his recent

expenditure, he again provided Nikki with a healthy compliment to her

grandfather's fluids, already swimming inside of her.

Thomas continued to take her until he was spent of all lust. Nikki

maintained her same demeanor throughout. Saying little in words, but never

the less communicating unequivocally, that she wanted him more than

anything in the world. She was already a grandmaster slut and she still

wasn't even trying.

The young man started babbling that he loved her and wanted to go away with

her. This took Nikki by surprise. She was able to calm him down and arrange

for another meeting tomorrow. She did tell him though that she belonged to

John and that could not change. Thomas left, too exhausted to do anything

but agree with Nikki.

Part IV - Lessons Well Learned

Nikki enjoyed the wind in her face and between her legs. The ocean liner

had just passed through the straits of Gibraltar and the weather had turned

significantly warmer. She leaned against the railing of the upper deck and

continued to contemplate how her life had changed over the last year. She

wondered what this brand new year would bring.

Two months before high school graduation, Nikki became anxious about her

appearance. She worried about getting older and becoming less

feminine. This was before Nikki's makeover transformation, into a full time

woman. She researched into what possibilities existed, and with the help of

her two best friends, from upstairs, found a doctor who might help.

After a long consultation with "Nick" and then with Nikki, after she

changed into a feminine outfit for him, the doctor gave her good news. He

advised Nikki, that with relatively low doses of female hormones, of two

types, she could avoid those masculine changes, which occur with

time. Also, she would develop breasts, which although would not become

large, would be decidedly female in appearance. All her curves would become

even more feminine than they already were.

The doctor joked that his preference in women was for the thin, sexy and

flexible types. He also used that horrible, old, cliche that "more than a

mouthful of breast was unnecessary." The doctor told Nikki, that she was

the most attractive looking boy-girl he had ever seen who had not had

surgery and hormone treatments. He told Nikki that she was a "natural." Not

the last time she would hear that word used about her.

The good doctor discussed the effects of the hormones on her male

organs. These low doses would not cause drug-induced castration. They would

probably make it somewhat more difficult to achieve an erection, but

increase her pleasure, via her female libido. She could take the medication

for six months every year and thus be able to take the medication for years

while keeping the side effects minimal.

He then told her the cost of the pills and of the office visits to monitor

her progress and potential side effects. Nikki, despite her master's

training about keeping her demeanor cool and even, could not hide her

disappointment at the prohibitive cost. She immediately collected herself,

thanked the doctor for his time, and asked where she could change back into

her male clothes before leaving.

As Nikki stood to leave, the doctor also arose. He moved from his chair to

the front of his desk and leaned against the large mahogany top. Nikki

offered her hand to say goodbye. In response, he opened his lab coat,

showing Nikki a fully erect penis with a large, purple, circumcised head.

Now, her training, as well as her natural slut's instincts took over. Nikki

dropped to her knees, took the penile head into her mouth and looked up

wordlessly at the man hovering over her. She did this immediately, without

hesitation. It never entered her mind that another response was even a

possibility. She waited for an indication from her current man as to what

he wanted.

Dr. Steven Lloyd was as pleased as he possibly could be. He looked down at

the beautiful face and big green eyes looking up at him. His erection

firmly placed within her thick lips. He then explained that her weekly

office visit and medications would cost her nothing. He told her that she

must be in his office every Friday at noon. She will disrobe completely,

hang her clothes in the closet to her left and kneel under his desk. She

will remain there until five o'clock and then leave.

"Do you understand what your role will be, Nikki?" Nikki opened her mouth

and started to lick his erection. Steven smiled. With his training and the

hormones, he thought that she would become spectacular. The foolish and

vain doctor deluded himself into thinking he could have an affect on this

slut's spectacular abilities.

His first orgasm occurred quickly. Nikki, in her usual style, accepted his

offering lovingly, gently and quietly. Like a great athlete who expects to

hit a home run or catch the tough pass, Nikki accepts that she will evoke

pleasure and sperm for her efforts. She was disappointed at the relatively

small quantity of semen provided by the good doctor.

Nikki, of course, showed no sign of anything but the look of bliss that she

maintained from the moment her lips touched his sex. The doctor's efforts

produced significantly more copious results the second time. He had Nikki

strip and lay on the floor. He straddled her mouth while facing her

feet. He then entered into Nikki's mouth and deeply into her throat.

This time he pumped furiously. Nikki though, had already mastered the

ability to accept a full erection into her throat and continue to breathe

without choking. Rather than fight or panic, Nikki totally surprised Doctor

Lloyd. She reached around his buttock and entered his anus with her petite

index finger. She massaged his prostate while he copulated with her

throat. He came beautifully. She truly savored this larger, richer, thicker


Nikki loved the effect she had on men. She had not even scratched the

surface of the effects she would have on some over the years. Over the next

three months, Nikki dutifully entered Doctor Lloyd's office every Friday at

noon (high school seniors had half day Fridays). She walked past the middle

aged but still very pretty receptionist without saying a word. She entered

the doctor's private office, stripped and kneeled under his desk.

Invariably, he returned from lunch at 12:30 and sat at his desk. Nikki

would open his trousers, extract his male member and fellate him to

orgasm. To pass the time under his desk, Nikki kept track of the number of

ejaculates she consumed in twelve weeks. Twenty-eight swallowed loads of

semen and fifteen delivered rectally.

The good doctor produced most of the sperm she enjoyed at his

office. Occasionally others used Nikki as a sperm receptacle. She was kept

under the desk the entire time. Even for anal penetration, she would turn

and protrude her gorgeous rear to the opening of the desk. She would

lovingly accept the offering.

After the first office visit with Nikki, he told her his conditions. She

was to remain silent, fellate anyone who sat in the chair, and if signaled

to turn, offer her rectum for use. At exactly five o'clock she was to

emerge from under the desk, regardless of who was in the office. She was to

stand in front of the desk and await her examination, after which she would

be issued her weekly allotment of hormone tablets.

With her master, Nikki used all her wiles to provide him with pleasure. At

Doctor Lloyd's office, ninety percent of the time Nikki could only use her

mouth, tongue and hands. Her beauty, cunning seductive glances and few, but

well chosen words, were of no help to her. Since this was very early in her

sexual career, the time at the good doctor's office proved invaluable to

Nikki's technique.

By the end of twelve weeks she was able to bring her benefactor to orgasm

at will. Nikki could keep him on the edge almost indefinitely. When he

signaled to her, Nikki would make the doctor come into her mouth.

Doctor Lloyd was bisexual. Nikki overheard him take his receptionist on the

sofa in the office. This occurred only once in the twelve-week

adventure. On several occasions while consulting with male patients, mainly

on gender altering possibilities, he would seduce them as he did Nikki. He

would either take them orally or anally. Many he then invited to sit in his

chair. There, a glorious, though anonymous mouth, engulfing their penis and

bringing them to a blissful orgasm would surprise them.

Most of the time, once Nikki emerged from under the desk, the doctor would

become serious and make notes and take pictures of Nikki's development. He

measured her growing bust size and narrowing waist. He measured her hips,

arms and thighs.

Nikki had started distance running and exercising. This, in combination

with the hormone tablets, caused a striking feminization in Nikki's

figure. On the twelfth Friday, when Nikki emerged from under the desk she

stunned the doctor. As usual, he had not seen Nikki come in, strip and take

her position under the desk.

Although Nikki had fellated him twice on that final day, he was not

expecting what he saw when she presented herself for inspection. Two male

companions accompanied the clearly stunned doctor. Although they weren't

doctors, they closely examined Nikki with Doctor Lloyd. Nikki had undergone

her makeover a few days before.

The doctor marveled at the transformation. With her darling haircut,

earrings, eyeliner and nail polish to accompany her gorgeous face, she was

spectacular. With her lithe figure and firm, clearly female breasts, she

looked too good to be true. The erection between her legs completed the

picture and was fascinating to the men in the room.

Doctor Lloyd measured and recorded Nikki as usual. Today though, he spoke

to the two men and not to Nikki. They talked about her as if she wasn't

there. Nikki, true to her nature and her training assumed her slut's

demeanor. Eyes lowered, not speaking and following directions quickly and

precisely, she kept her expression cool and even. She was extremely aroused

though, and tried to play a guessing game with herself. She tried to guess

which one of the three men would ejaculate first and how he would take her.

The doctor then put away Nikki's file and ordered her to lift her arms. His

conversation with the men took a very different turn. Instead of

measurements, hormone results and the like, Doctor Lloyd cupped Nikki's

firm sexy breasts and described how they felt to the two onlookers. One of

the men commented on her firm, feminine buttocks and inquired as to how

tight her "cunt" was.

The doctor ordered Nikki to bend over and the man spread her buttocks and

fingered her sexual opening within. He commented to the doctor on how tight

it felt.

Nikki, after being probed and discussed was ordered to kneel on the floor,

facing the ottoman. She was further instructed to lie across the ottoman

and remain there, with knees on the floor and buttocks protruding.

She expected the first man who fingered her to take her from the

rear. Instead, the men sat down in the comfortable chairs around Nikki

while the doctor poured a round of drinks for them. The three men then

talked of business and social events they were planning on attending with

their wives.

Nikki found this both humiliating and exciting. There she was naked, her

sexual openings both at the ready, and she, dripping fluids from her erect

organ like a bitch in heat. Another round of drinks was poured, and the men

continued to converse and laugh as if they were in their club having


After about forty minutes, the older of the two men excused himself and

went to the men's room. When he returned Nikki could hear he was removing

his shoes, then jacket and trousers. All the time the conversation

continued with no change in tone. They were talking about their last

gambling trip to Puerto Rico. The man behind Nikki then mounted her from

behind and very matter of factly entered into her.

Continuing his story about his gambling exploits, he at the same time was

moving in and out of Nikki's bottom in a moderate to slow rhythm. The man

working Nikki's rump ejaculated directly into her rectum. At the moment of

orgasm he was in animated conversation with his two friends. He was

discussing a great run he had at the casino crap table last month. The only

indication that he had attained his goal was a slight shudder through his

body as he ejaculated.

This man then removed his partially flaccid penis from Nikki's

anus. Without disrupting the flow of his narrative, he moved around the

ottoman and lowered his groin to the level of Nikki's lips. She took the

semen-covered organ into her mouth and dutifully licked it clean. The man

finally glanced in Nikki's direction, only to extract his penis and inspect

it. Satisfied that his manhood was clean, he turned to the bar to refresh

his drink.

The other men also took her from behind, expended their semen into her,

then arose and got dressed without a word to her. The two men left, saying

they would meet Doctor Lloyd later for dinner. They made no comment either

to Nikki or about her.

Left alone with Nikki, the doctor casually advised her that she should

return to see him in three months and she would start another round of

hormone treatments then. He told her she was a very obedient little cunt

then advised her that she was free to arise and leave.

She donned her dress and slipped on her clogs and left. The doctor said

nothing more to her and she never saw him again.

Part V - Beyond Her Wildest Dreams

Nikki's life took another unexpected turn in September. She was enjoying

the affections of her master, her

grandfather and her boyfriend and was keeping them all very happy There

were days when all three deposited their seed within her. She was

absolutely submissive and subservient to them. Despite this, she knew that

she had complete control over them. Her quiet demeanor, ravishing

appearance, sexual technique and casual attitude concerning the displaying

of her body kept the men's minds and penises focussed on her.

Nikki was enjoying the benefits of her natural slut's abilities when fate

again stepped in to change her life yet again. Her grandfather died in his

sleep of heart failure. His death was followed in one week by the death of

Nikki's grandmother from a stroke. Nikki was left as their sole heir and

inherited a fortune.

The money and properties were left in a trust. Two separate law firms and a

bank were made co-executors of the estate. Nikki's grandfather had owned

restaurants in New York City since the nineteen twenties. He bought the

property above and around each of these businesses. By the time he died,

these properties had appreciated in value many times over.

He left an estate worth ten million dollars. Nikki was to receive three

hundred thousand dollars a year until she reached thirty. She then would

gain control of the trust, with the advice of the executors. The bottom

line though was it would all be hers.

During the funerals and the meetings with the lawyers and all the

commotion, Nikki was under constant pressure. Make arrangements, sign

papers, attend meetings. All the time unsure as to how these people

perceived her. John ran interference and protected Nikki from any rude or

obnoxious remarks. Throughout it all she remained true to her feminine


After all was signed and settled, Nikki and John finally got to spend their

first day without any outside obligations to fulfill. John had refrained

from sexual relations with Nikki

For her part, Nikki was distracted for the first time since John deflowered

her. She forgot about her sexual self for a month. Once she completed what

was required of her, Nikki slept for almost an entire weekend.

On Sunday evening she awoke in her old room, where she had been sleeping

since the death of her grandmother. She took a long hot bath and thought

about her man's penis the whole time. She masturbated twice in the tub,

spewing the pent up semen within her into the soapy water.

Nikki developed beautiful breasts over the last several months. They were

small, firm and upturned. Her waist was tiny and buttocks firm, round and

milky white. She weighed only a hundred twenty-one lithe pounds.

Nikki had recently turned nineteen and was stunning. She wore a silk

loincloth that covered her genitals only. The rest of her magnificent self

was on full display as she sauntered through the house.

John awoke with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the

house. He walked down stairs and into the kitchen wearing his

bathrobe. Upon entering the room he froze when he saw Nikki. He viewed her

from the side and took in the slim, feminine silhouette. The long duration

of sexual inactivity had caused John's threshold for arousal to be

extremely low. He threw off his robe exposing his nude body and fully erect


Nikki turned and saw her master and lover. His erection told her how much

he still loved her. She turned her rump towards him slightly to offer her

cunt. She continued to stare into his eyes and started breathing hard,

almost panting. John could not get on her fast enough. He opened her cheeks

and placed his tool right up against his slut's love opening.

John then lifted her by her hips and placed her face down on the kitchen

table. The cold tabletop startled Nikki as it contacted her sensitive


She tried to pull back by raising her shoulders and arching her back. John

had already entered into her and was fucking the slut. He was too excited

and had not emptied his juices in too long to allow Nikki to alter his


John's weight pinned Nikki back down onto the table. He continued to thrust

his hips towards her buttocks driving his tool as deeply as he could into

her cunt.

Yes, John loved her and enjoyed a wonderfully intimate relationship with

her. In the end though, he was master and she was a slut bitch and no more

than his full time whore and slave.

"Don't move while your getting fucked, whore".

John's voice was neither mean nor loud. He matter-of-factly stated this and

continued on with his efforts until he ejaculated with a loud and long

moan. Nikki was startled by what John said to her. Because of the tragic

events of the last month, Nikki had become distracted. Even her natural

slut's savvy and slave indoctrination let her down momentarily.

Nikki had become a little too complacent. She took for granted her master's

responses and relied on her beauty and allure. Now here she lay, face down

on cold a kitchen table weighed down by a man twice her size. His dick was

in her ass and his sperm swimming inside her. Her own penis had become hard

and pressed against the cold tabletop.

The combination of the stark manner in which John took her and his harsh

words had two effects on Nikki. First she was jolted back to the reality

that had become her life over the last several months. Second, she realized

being a sex slave, and totally subservient to a strong and virile man was

all she really wanted.

Honing the skills to extract pleasure from her man (men) was only a

by-product of her natural slut's personality.

John got off of Nikki and his now flaccid member slipped out of its cozy

hole. He stood by the table and Nikki immediately pushed off the table and

dropped to her knees. She took the wet penis into her mouth and looked up

at her master silently and expectantly.

"You have taken advantage of me. Because of the deaths, I became lenient

and looked the other way. Now you think that you are independent and no

longer need a man. Maybe you want to convert back into that sissy boy that

you were and spend your money."

John spoke quietly without any hint of anger. Nikki was about to answer him

and protest that she belonged to him as much, no, more than ever. Instead,

her training took over and she did not say a word. She did not loosen the

grip that her lips had around the now reawakened hard penis in her

mouth. All she did was suck gently on the head of the erect organ in her


John pulled his dick out of her mouth and stood back. He motioned for Nikki

to get up. Nikki was confused and disoriented. She had not been in a

situation where the man she was servicing did not fall prey to her

wiles. She lost her concentration. She felt uneasy but at the same time,

excited and eager to become even more subservient to her man.

John noticed a line of clear fluid, which had run down the back of Nikki's

thigh. A little bit of John's sperm had leaked out of Nikki. He seized on

this and again became critical of his little whore.

"Look at you. You disregard my rules and think so little of me that you

allow my fluid to leave your body minutes after I give you my come."

Nikki dropped to her knees again. She was now focussed and

determined. First she scooped up her master's come from her thigh with her

finger and sucked it clean. She then took John's entire erection into her

throat and his ball sack into her mouth. She held tight and with all her

ability massaged his cock head with her throat muscles while she looked

right into his eyes.

John did not relent. He had decided that he wanted to push Nikki to the

next level, for he planned on making demands of her that would cause even

more radical changes in her already radical life.

"I'm disappointed in you bitch. The next thing I expect is to see panties

covering your ass. And before long, you'll tell me you're not in the mood

when I want to fuck you."

John again pulled all of his sizeable organ out of Nikki's mouth and throat

and left the kitchen. He headed upstairs and toward their

bathroom. Finally, Nikki panicked.

Until now she thought John was half joking about these minor

infractions. She jumped up and ran upstairs after him. She opened her

jewelry box and took out the twenty-five thousand-dollar check she received

two days earlier. The first monthly installment of her yearly allowance.

Nikki, still frenzied ran into the bathroom and saw John standing over the

toilet. He was just starting to empty his bladder. The flow had not quite

begun. Nikki could not contain herself.

In a voice louder than she ever used in John's presence, she blurted out.

" I am yours. I belong to you. Nothing means anything to me except you. I

need nothing except you."

Nikki laid the check on the top of the toilet tank and dropped to her

knees. Her face was flushed bright red and her heart was beating. For the

first time in a long time she wasn't sure what to do next. John's stream of

urine had just reached full flow.

Spontaneously, Nikki opened her mouth wide and took his urine into the back

of her throat. Using a technique similar to when she was being throat

fucked, she was able to swallow and breathe without choking.

John was pleased. He wanted to achieve another level of dominance over this

boy-girl that he truly loved. He wanted it to occur without force or

brutality. For although he was infatuated with her and sexually he never

enjoyed better, what he loved most was that she was his whore-bitch, cock

slave and his receptacle.

Nikki also knew that's why he loved her and it made her want to become even

more of a slut than she already was.

John's plans came to full fruition. Over the next two months Nikki's role

became purely sex slave. She did not speak in John's presence unless asked

directly. She lost all privacy privileges. At home all she was allowed to

wear was a frontal loincloth.

This completely exposed her breasts and buttocks. She could not cover up if

they had visitors unless John ordered her to. Nikki was not even allowed to

ask to cover up.

When home alone this put extraordinary pressure on Nikki whenever she had a

visitor. Her choice was to either not answer the door or expose herself

shamelessly. When going out, she was ordered to wear one of her little

penis-covering satin triangles and a knit micro mini-dress.

John explained this allowed him easy access to her breasts and her "cunt."

He further explained that her role was to provide free, easy and casual

access to her body for his and his designees' sexual pleasure.

Since that Sunday evening in September when John reasserted his dominance

and Nikki made the decision to give everything to her master, Nikki felt

more content with her life. Despite giving total control over her finances,

her body, and even her bodily functions to John, Nikki found an easy peace

in her situation. He was much more demanding of Nikki now. She had little

free time anymore and was either being used for sexual pleasure or being

displayed much of the time.

Once Nikki offered herself as a receptacle for John's excretions that

Sunday evening, John continued to use her as such. Never in a brutal or

vile manner but in a way that was guided by Nikki herself.

John would casually motion to Nikki with his finger. She knew this motion

meant he wanted to empty his bladder. She would engulf her beloved's penis

and carefully take his entire bladder contents into her body.

Nikki not only accepted her redesigned role but also cherished this new

intimacy as another expression of love by a slut for her man. Once she

understood the direction of her master's seemingly new found passion her

innate sense and sexuality took over.

Some of the newer "rules" had an effect that John would not have

imagined. John's instructions were very explicit. When she was exposed to a

male, whether directly instructed to or not, she was his for the

taking. This was wonderful beyond Nikki's wildest dreams. In the next two

to three months, before they set sail for Italy, Nikki was able to express

her sexuality to an extent she never could have imagined.

Since John did not specify which males she was to acquiesce to, she took

this to mean any male who saw her cunt and wanted it. Not a man who entered

her house was exempted from Nikki's sexual enticements. Sometimes overtly,

at other times very subtly. Always within the precepts of her master's

expressed wishes.

Two weeks later, John invited three friends over one evening. This was her

first time. John did not give Nikki any advanced notice of his plans in

general and this was no exception.

The doorbell rang and Nikki was sitting on the floor between John's legs,

licking his ball sack while he read the newspaper. They had finished

dinner, Nikki had cleaned up and they were now relaxing in their typical


Nikki looked up at John when the doorbell rang. He nodded his head toward

the door and simply said, "Answer it." Nikki stood up. She looked

beautiful. She wore only a red satin loincloth. Her breasts and buttocks

firm, pert, and succulent. Also they were in full view.

She wore some eyeliner but no other makeup. Her hair was short and slightly

tousled from the occasional pat on the head from John while she ministered

to his genitals with her tongue.

As soon as she opened the door the three middle-aged men stopped their

animated conversation and stared in open-mouthed awe.

Nikki quietly said, "Yes?"

"Is this where John lives?" Came the tentative question from one of the


The three sets of eyes were fixed on Nikki's breasts. Nikki nodded yes

without speaking again. She turned and led them in to see John. The six

eyes were now fixed on the luscious milky mounds behind Nikki.

They entered the living room and were greeted by John. Nikki could see

immediately that the men had no idea she would be there in this state of

undress. They thought they were coming over for drinks.

The four men sat down and John asked the men what they wanted to drink. He

then motioned to Nikki towards the bar to get the drinks.

Sam, the youngest of the three friends looked quizzically at John and

asked, "What's the story?"

John said, "That's Nikki, my late uncle Roberto's grandson."

This confused the men even more. They were looking at a very beautiful and

sexy girl. What did he mean grandson? Nikki arrived with the drinks holding

out the tray. John leaned forward and lifted the loincloth exposing Nikki's

semi-erect penis.

"As I said, Roberto's grandson. She's a little sissy faggot. And she's a

great piece of ass."

Nikki gave the men their drinks and waited for John to instruct her. She

was horrified at how John described her to these men. She did not think of

herself as a "faggot." She hated that word.

She thought of herself as a sexy young woman who happened to have a penis

instead of a clitoris. John let her continue to wait, standing in the

center of the four seated men.

Carlo, another of the men said to John: "You mean your fucking this bitch?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing. She is one hell of a little bitch. She has

a great cunt in that ass and she sucks cock like the whore that she

is. Also, let me tell you she loves dick like no other bitch that I've ever


This caught Carlo's attention. "She really loves cock that much?"

"Tell Carlo how much you love cock, honey," John was urging Nikki towards


This was too much for Nikki. She loved showing off her body. She loved

getting men hot. She loved getting fucked and taking their cocks and come

into her mouth. She even got a thrill out of taking her man's urine. What

she did not like was this humiliating discussion.

On the other hand, Nikki realized that this is where here true ability

would be apparent. She had learned from her encounters with the men she's

had sex with these last several months that they say and do things because

their sexual appetites compel them to.

The one thing she knew more than anything else was that if she finds that

compulsion and feeds it, the man's lust, penis and sperm were hers. Also

his common sense was left behind his advancing passion.

"I live for cock" answered Nikki quietly.

She turned towards Carlo as she spoke but kept her eyes lowered. She left

her lips slightly parted though and made sure he could see the tip of her

tongue slowly licking her lips.

"Carlo, I own this little whore. If you or Sam or Michael want her just

take her."

The three men all started to fidget nervously in their seats. They also

simultaneously looked Nikki up and down staring at her essential areas.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Sam incredulously.

"You see this slut wearing anything? This is how she lives day and night,

hoping some stud will come by and fuck her."

John motioned for Nikki to kneel in front of him. He was still in his

bathrobe. He spread his legs and the robe opened exposing his

erection. Nikki literally lunged for her man's penis and swallowed it. She

took it all into her throat and started moving her head up and down. At the

same time she licked his scrotum. The men remained mute, eyes wide and

staring. Never had they seen a cock swallowed so completely and expertly.

Despite the months of sex John enjoyed with Nikki, he still was taken aback

by her ability to provide such total pleasure. She adjusted her throat

tension to provide just the right pressure on John's penis.

The total contact maintained between Nikki's throat and the head of his

swollen tool during the entire long stroke caused a pleasure that truly was


Nikki then lifted her haunches toward the men and moved one of her feet

laterally giving them an uncensored view of her buttocks and the pussy

lurking within.

John started breathing heavily and allowing a few grunt-like moans to

escape. Most of this he did for effect.

Carlo was the first of the three to start peeling off his clothes. He

managed to strip from the waist down before his lust became just too much

for him.

He dropped to his knees spread Nikki's ass cheeks further and spit into her

crevice. He then penetrated her with one smooth motion. Nikki was in

bliss. She looked up into John's eyes while she bobbed her head up and down

on his sex.

Nikki's eyes gleamed and John could see her joy.

"I know, my little cunt, I know," said John to Nikki.

He could feel her happiness. Nikki was filled at both ends by strong men's

erections. She new she could elicit this lust in them and had two more fine

men waiting when these two expended themselves into her.

She thought of that first time she read the comic book that John left out

for her. She experienced a new thrill that day and now she was living out

that fictional adventure in reality.

John seemed to read her thoughts. He smiled at her and blew her a kiss

while she worked hard fellating him.

Part VI - In the End A Total Slut, Naturally

Nikki arrived in Italy after a short but memorable ocean voyage. She had

just completed the second course of hormone treatments. John had then

allowed her to spend a week shopping and getting primped and pampered at a

spa. Hair, makeup, massages, jewelry, the works.

When Nikki stepped onto the ship every male onboard took notice. She wore

the tightest little white dress one could imagine. Her cock cover triangle

was black leather. The leather was needed to keep her male appendages in


The black leather covering and strings showed through the sheer white

dress. Every cock on board stirred when its owner saw Nikki pass by. There

was no doubt that she was bare assed and bare breasted under that dress.

Her buttocks were tight and the crevice between them totally

obvious. Walking in heels made everything even more sensuous and almost

obscene. The women on board were not happy with the look on their men's

faces when Nikki sauntered by.

Later, John stepped into one of the ship's bars for a cognac leaving Nikki

in their adjoining cabins to unpack. He overheard three men discussing

Nikki in graphic, even lurid terms. When one of the men recognized John as

Nikki's companion he turned pale and tried to signal his friends to cease.

John though would not allow the conversation to stop. He graciously ordered

them a round of drinks and told them their comments could not begin to

describe his slut's abilities. They were surprised to hear him refer to her

as a slut.

John noted their surprise and commented that not only was she a slut but a

slut of a degree that was beyond their experience. He laughingly told them

she could wear all three down into limp rag dolls within an hour, two at

the most.

The men in unison laughed back that they would turn her into a rubber

legged, worn out schoolgirl in no time. John advised them that they were

more than welcomed to try. One of the men then commented that were they not

there with their wives they would have given it a go.

John said, " Oh, I see, the wife excuse".

Another of the men though sensed that John was being serious and looked him

in the eye and said,

"When do you want me to fuck the bitch".

John patted him on the back and said, "That's more like it."

John advised them they could go to her cabin any time and do what ever they

wanted. She was a slut trained to respond to an erect penis. Just walk in

open trousers and order the slut to fulfill their fantasies. He reminded

them of his gentleman's wager though. The three of them would be limp

dicked and fucked out in two hours.

Since they told their wives they were going to the gaming room to play

cards they were covered for at least three or four hours until dinner

time. They followed John to Nikki's cabin. John entered followed by the

three men. Nikki was still dressed as before except she was barefoot.

"Gentlemen, there is my little slut. She's twenty years old. Her name is

Nikki. She'll drain you dry and send you whimpering home to your

wives. She'll do whatever you want. Remember though I love her dearly and

will not tolerate any injurious activity".

The three men nodded profusely that they had no intention of ever harming

this lovely creature. They were eager to get started on the task at hand.

Nikki never failed to get excited when she heard her lover and master say

that he loved her. She felt her chest tighten and her breath shorten. She

looked at her master furtively trying to keep her gaze lowered. John

signaled to her to lose the dress.

Nikki instantly peeled the skintight dress up over her head and stood in

the center of the cabin with eyes lowered. The three suitors were awe

struck. She was magnificent. They were literally drooling. John again

motioned and Nikki dropped to her knees and opened her mouth.

John took out his fully erect tool and placed it on Nikki's face. She did

not move. He turned to the three other men getting hotter by the second and

told them he would get her started but the clock wouldn't start till he was


He placed his penis into Nikki's open mouth and she immediately swallowed

him to hilt and started to fellate the object of her lust and desire. As

John's passions rose he started fucking her face in earnest. The three

observers were now fully erect and began commenting on the bitch's ability

to take it all in so easily and expertly.

Also though they did not say so they were a little less sure of the outcome

of their bet, once they saw the ease with which this slut took John's

massive tool, which none of them could equal in length or girth. John

started a low moan and it was clear he would be erupting soon.

The three had seen enough. They started removing their clothes. By the time

John had ejaculated into Nikki's mouth the other men stood naked around

Nikki. Their erections all pointed towards her face. John's knees buckled

slightly and he let out a low but guttural moan as he expended his last

spurts into Nikki.

John then stood back and told the men he would be back in two hours to see

how they were faring. He then advised them that they would have to restrict

themselves to the cunts in the slut's face and ass for obvious

reasons. John reached down and released the leather strings holding Nikki's

genital covering exposing her little cock.

The three men were all ready to pounce on this sultry whore when the

exposed incongruous male member startled them as if they saw an

apparition. The face and breasts and legs just didn't fit with the dick.

Nikki of course knew that this was the critical moment and moved like a

cat. In one unbelievably swift maneuver she took one erection into her

mouth, another received the expert caresses of her hand and the third felt

her buttocks brushing against it's uncircumcised head.

The three "studs" were too far-gone to turn back now. John asked whether he

should leave them to their task. They waved him away barely taking their

eyes off of the object of their lust.

Nikki took them into hither-to-uncharted areas of feelings and

experiences. She inhaled the sperm out of their sacs, through their cocks

and into her mouth and ass. She coaxed them into erections when they felt

too exhausted to move much less fuck. She pushed the last drops of fluid

out of their prostates and when she was through not a drop of semen was

unaccounted for.

It took an hour and a half. One fellow was good for only two loads before

exhausting himself. The other two surprised themselves (though Nikki

expected at least as much) and each had fully four ejaculations within

ninety minutes. The three men lay spent and stunned. She washed them with

warm washcloths then dressed them. Each in turn whispered to her that she

was wonderful as they kissed her on the cheek and thanked her as they left

her cabin.

The three spent Lotharios sheepishly found their way back to the bar where

John was waiting. When he saw them he looked at his watch and smiled. Ten

minutes to spare. And given their immaculate appearance Nikki had fucked

them dry and still had time to spiff them up with time to spare.

The three men thanked John for the use of his girlfriend. John was

amused. They spoke of Nikki almost reverentially as they discussed her

talents. At one point as one of them was going on about paying her to be

his mistress and setting her up in an apartment John had to call for a time

out to put things in perspective for them.

"Gentlemen, this creature is a slut. She is independently wealthy and money

means nothing to her. She is free to go where and with whom she wants. But

before you get too excited let me show you what your falling head over

heels for."

John led them back to Nikki's cabin.

"Nikki, these gentlemen have a mistaken concept of what you are."

She was stepping out of the bathroom having just showered and was still

slightly wet.

He motioned her towards him. As she approached he bent forward and spit in

her face. Although slightly surprised she unflinchingly tilted her head

back and opened her mouth pushing the spittle into her mouth with a

finger. She then opened her mouth wide and smiled at her master waiting for

more. This time he spit into the back of her throat. She swallowed. She

then looked down and whispered in a barely audible voice.

"Thank you, sir."

He then motioned her to her knees and withdrew his penis from his

trousers. He spread his legs slightly and Nikki recognized the position and

the bodily function that would follow. She opened her mouth and brought it

close to her lover's penis. She instinctively knew not to engulf the organ,

as she was sure her master wanted to fully exhibit her abilities.

John let fly with a stream of urine and Nikki swallowed quickly without

closing her mouth or gagging. John turned to the men who although were not

horrified, were cured of any romantic notions concerning this wanton, yet

seductively alluring creature.

John turned and invited the men to use Nikki in any way they desired for

the duration of the ocean crossing. They were assured her door would never

be locked. If she were in when they visited she would be at their disposal

as the ship's concubine.

When the men left John told Nikki he was very proud of her. She beamed for


Nikki enjoyed the attention of the three gentlemen in addition to her

master for the entire eight-day crossing. John also used Nikki as a "tip"

for the porters and cabin boys during the cruise. Being the natural slut

that she was though she could not help but to find excitement at every


One early morning Nikki arose for a solitary walk on deck. She enjoyed the

cool morning breeze between her legs and on her buttocks, which were barely

covered by a white embroidered sundress.

She was alone with a few hovering seagulls on the bow of the ship. She had

been lost in her thoughts and the pleasant sunrise and was startled out of

this trance by a man's voice behind her.

"Excuse me Miss I could not help but see you exposed leaning over the

rail. I don't mean to be rude."

Nikki turned to see a tall, slender handsome young man in his early

twenties trying not to stare at her exposed rear. He was flushed and

obviously nervous. She turned back towards the sea not changing her

provocative position.

"Come here then and tell me your name " said Nikki.

He stepped forward several paces and leaned on the ship's rail next to

Nikki. He told her his name was Adam and offered his hand. Instead of

shaking hands Nikki leaned towards him and kissed him using her tongue to

part his lips. She then took his proffered hand and placed it onto her

buttocks and held it there pressed against the crevice.

The young man was completely taken aback but quickly realized what good

fortune he had stumbled onto and started kissing Nikki back in earnest and

caressing her soft bottom.

Nikki reached over and undid his belt allowing his loose slacks to fall to

his thighs exposing his erect member. She squatted momentarily and

lubricated his considerable manhood with her saliva then resumed her


Nikki then lightly grasped the befuddled but happily excited man by the

base of his erection and guided him to her rear. She relaxed the expertly

trained muscles to her opening and he entered her with only a slight

mutually pleasant hesitation while the penile head penetrated the guardian


The young man's natural instincts took over and he immediately began the

age-old process of copulation until he ejaculated. Upon achieving orgasm he

grasped the rail on either side of Nikki to steady himself and pushed

gently but firmly into Nikki's rectum to extract ever morsel of pleasurable

sensation this beautiful girl could offer him.

Nikki thrust her haunches backward as well to provide her beau of the

moment with a firm buttress to push against. Spent and sated the young man

never the less remained in position extending and savoring the fantastic

moment he just had experienced. He reached around Nikki's waist and slid

his hand down the front of her miniscule undergarment.

For an instant he could not compute what he was feeling. Then the

realization that he had not cunt but cock in hand dawned. He backed away

pulling his fully flaccid sex out of Nikki's bottom, quickly buttoned up

and fled, mumbling incoherently.

The wind had picked up slightly and was blowing the sundress up so that she

was completely exposed from the waist down. She made no attempt to cover

herself, enjoying the wind in her hair and the cool sensation of the breeze

against the semen in her buttock crease left behind by her amorous young


She thought of the exciting life awaiting her in Europe, the men she would

have, the skills she would master. Nikki smiled to herself and resumed her

position on the rail once again in solitude enjoying the remaining sunrise

as a single drop of semen slowly made its way down her smooth inner thigh.

The End.

Please let me know if you have enjoyed this story.

You can e-mail me at nikkihon38@hotmail.com.


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