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Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 08:44:10 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jaymes Ryan <jayryan90028@yahoo.com>

Subject: My Visit to the Doctor (TG)

My Visit To The Doctor (F^M anal enem toy)

By Jung

Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction depicting explicit sexual acts.

Here's one of my fantasies. It begins with a grain of truth, and then I

trip off on what I can imagine could have happened in an alternate reality.

I went to the doctor recently to get a rare check-up, in fact the first

'complete' check-up that I can remember. And in this case 'complete' means

genital inspection. The doctor was a middle-aged woman, not unattractive,

but you wouldn't necessarily look twice. I wore one of those open back

hospital gowns as she gave me the normal blood pressure, chest, throat,

blood, urine, and etc., tests and kept up an inoffensive chatter throughout

to make me comfortable. It's a real skill for a woman to put a man at ease

in this situation. Then she donned the rubber gloves, lubricated her

fingers and asked me to lie on my side with my knees bent, explaining that

this made exploration easier. Since I often fantasize and masturbate about

women fucking me in the ass, but rarely get to experience it for real, I

was actually kind of looking forward to this, wondering how it would make

me feel. Her finger slipped up into me and felt around, and although it

didn't really turn me on, I did kind of like it. She kept up her

reassuring chatter during the brief exploration. Then I stood and lifted

my gown and she felt my penis and testicles very carefully while explaining

what she was doing, what she was looking for and what she was finding.

This must be med school training -- "When you feel up a patient's cock and

balls keep explaining what you are doing to him like he was a five year

old." I don't know if she was uncomfortable doing it, but I wasn't really

uncomfortable at all. This experience was interesting to me because of my

reaction to being in her control when I was in such a vulnerable almost

sexual situation. Anyway that's all that really happened. In my

imagination however, I remember it going more like this:

Everything is the same up to the point where I get her fingers up my ass.

Then she feels around and notices that my ass anal lips are swelling,

getting excited. She talks to me as she slides up and down stimulating my

prostate and getting me turned on.

After all her admonitions to relax, I find it hard not to respond to the

pleasure I am feeling in spite of where we are. My ass moves slightly

beneath her gently thrusting fingers. I can't see her but she is leaning

forward to gain better access and pressing her groin against the edge of

the examining table. My own breathing keeps me from being aware of her

staccato breaths. I'm so horny and have wanted this for such a long time

that I raise my ass slightly to make it easier, pushing into her hand. She

gets a little carried away and grinds her crotch slowly into the table as

she presses her fingers all the way in, up to the knuckles - then, she

raises up stiffly and sees my swollen dick hanging out of my gown and me

fucking her fingers with my ass -- and stops short, realizing what she is


Discombobulated because she almost had an orgasm while examining a patient,

she excuses herself, leaving me confused, panting, alone in the room. She

walks quickly down the hall into her office keeping her flushed cheeks and

dishevelled appearance from the sight of any of the nurses.

Inside her private rest room, sitting on the toilet, she catches her breath

-- and jerks off her pussy until she shudders to a finish. Then comes a

wave of remorse and fear. God, this is the stuff of malpractice suits, not

to mention what would happen to her family if word got out. She has to go

back and deal with it.

My doctor comes back into the examining room where I sit on the edge of the

table, still wearing the silly gown. Averting her eyes, she starts

cleaning up and awkwardly begins to tell me she is sorry when I ask if she

is not going to finish the exam. Then she realizes that I am going to act

like nothing happened. This changes things.

For a long minute she is quiet as she puts away the blood pressure kit,

then looks me right in the eye, very doctorly. Says an emergency came up

and she's sorry, but that we can finish the examination tomorrow if I can

make it. I agree. Then she asks if I would like to participate in a


Turns out she is doing some kind of anal research, and would like to

include me as one of the subjects. Kind of intriguing to me. Although I

don't say anything or let on, my anus is still itching -- in a good way. I

am really surprised at my reaction, that I am not uptight about what just

happened and how I feel, how I like this feeling.

It doesn't bother me that I feel kind of turned on, even while sitting bare

assed in front of her. Like adults we discuss her study as though it has

nothing to do with her fingers sliding into my ass. Complete

confidentiality she promises. When I agree to participate she asks if I

would go by a certain holistic health center in Santa Monica to get a high

colonic enema in the morning before coming in. Of course she will pay the


The next morning I arrive at the health center and am shown to a dressing

room where I completely undress and put on another of those damned gowns.

The attendant, a pleasant, New Agey-looking girl, gives me a strong herbal

tea for relaxation.

Later, as I lay on a tile table with a kind of moat around it, a hose with

a lubricated rubber nipple on it's end is placed up my bottom and left

running. Sitar music plays, the lights are dimmed, and the herbal tea

really has me relaxed. The pressure of the water in my bowels soon gives

way to a surprisingly pleasurable release. After a while the steady warm

current is washing me out completely.

When I get to the doctor's office a nurse gives me a couple of muscle

relaxants to take and a half hour later my doctor receives me in an

examination room. By then the pills have kicked in, and on top of my

already spaced-out post-colonic state of mind, I am feeling quite high and


The room has a simple bolt lock on the door. No interruptions during this

examination, I guess. Back in the ubiquitous gown I lie on my side on the

table with my knees up against my chest, and she begins. This time she

doesn't take much time on the pretense of doing a restrained exam, but

begins working her slippery fingers in and out, massaging my anal lips

almost as soon as she touches me. The feeling is mutual; I respond


Making small talk about her study we discuss how the health of the rectum

and intestines is the key to total health, physically and even

psychologically. She tells me where she studied, how she became interested

in medicine, and some more personal facts about her life.

I am going into a sweat. Her fingers are really fucking me and my ass

moves up to meet her every stroke. Rubbing the rim of my rectum she

comments on how my anus is swelling into an excited state which is a sign

of sexual response, very normal. We politely discuss how anal sex is very

common, and yet is relatively taboo in our culture. We mutually disapprove

of how puritanical that is.

She asks me to shift onto my front and slips a couple of massage wedges

under each of my hips to rise my buttocks up in the air a bit. And without

hardly missing a beat she is right back inside probing. My bottom is wet

and horny. Feels so good and swollen.

Suddenly she asks me how often I have anal sex. Shocked, I ask her what

she means.

"You know what I mean," she says. "Daily?"

"No," I reply quickly.

"Oh, then, weekly?"

Caught off guard by her matter-of-factness I mumble in agreement, not

believing that I am actually admitting to this.

"Candles, vegetables, dildos?" She expects an answer.

"Sometimes," I admit.

"Do you orgasm in your anus?"

"Yes," I say, almost proudly.

"Alone or with a partner?"

"Mostly alone."

Now she has three lovely fingers jamming in and pulling out and I move up

almost to my knees.

"Do you have gay sex?"

"No, just women."


"Sometimes, when I can."

Next thing I know she is up on the table behind me, her dress unbuttoned

open and she has her pelvic bone pressed right up to my ass. We grind away

like that for a couple of beats like dogs in heat before she hurriedly

pulls her wet panties down off of one leg and mashes her pussy right onto

my juicy rectum.

It feels like she is fucking me with a dick, and then as my ass throbs

rhythmically as she screws me, I realize that it is her clit I feel poking

into me. God, it feels big! We are huffing and puffing in unison now,

connected at the genitals.

Jerking stiffly, she pulls my leg up, throwing me over and pushes tightly

between my legs keeping her clit buried into me the whole time. We end up

with me on my back and her scissoring into me holding one of my legs up

high while she almost sits on the other.

She stares right into me, eyes glazed, fucking me crazy. I jerk up wildly

into her pubic bone as she humps me hard, my ass tightly gripping her giant

clit -- and she cums -- and pounds painfully into me as warm thick fluid

creams out of her sloppy cunt and wets me all down my thighs.

My ass throbs pleasurably and my swollen member overflows with sperm

without even a spasm. Her fingers wipe up my cum and she sticks them in my

mouth for me to suck obediently. I lap it up. She finally collapses on

top of me. We are both sweating.

Kissing me approvingly on the forehead, she explains that she really is

doing a scientific study of rectums. Because she has a special interest in

them -- they get her off sexually.

"It is a medical fact that some men's rectums respond sexually like

vaginas," she says. "Some more than others. Yours way more than most, it

is prime."

Her gently stroking fingers delight my achingly swollen ass lips, making me

squirm with yearning.

"You have what I call a 'boy pussy'," she explains as her fingers slip out

of my wetness.

And then she shows me hers.

It is hanging fat, wet and pink, poking out thickly from her long

voluptuous slit. Her clit is relaxed now, still swollen, hanging out of

her wet lips and bush, but I can still see how outrageously big it is, over

an inch long. I have seen pictures of clits like this, but never one in

person. It is fantastic and erotic. I am dying to touch it, suck it, but

I don't dare. This she calls her 'girl dick'.

"So, you see," she says. "That's why we are here. We each have something

the other needs."

A moment of silence, me keeping an eye on her clitoris.

"Okay," she says. "Go ahead. You may suck it."

I get on my knees on the floor, she sits on the edge of the examination

table, and I take that meaty delight between my lips for the very first

time. Her lovely clit is thick, like a little sausage protruding from

above her fat pussy lips still sticky and musky with cum. Her foreskin is

loosely stretched around it and the point of her clit-head pokes out. The

tip of my tongue licks it and can feel it respond. My eyes close as I suck

her swelling love bud gently. God I love it! And she slips her fingers

into my hair and moves my head rhythmically to help me nurse on it the way

she wants.

My tongue licks down her full cunt lips and into her wet hole. The smell

and taste of her sex overwhelm me as I suck, forgetting even to breathe.

Her fingers grip my hair painfully as she jams my face violently into her

cooze, her 'girl dick' choking me as I suck and suck and gratefully

suck... Time stops. I am lost in a dream waiting for the tide to come in.

And pour in it does, in spasms, gushing into my hungry mouth, nurturing my

aching desire to suck on a pussy, a hot horny pussy that has just fucked me


"I know how you must feel --" she says when I am finished.

My head lifts from between her knees and I look up at her with glassy eyes,

my chin dripping.

"-- your pussy hasn't cum yet and it is aching, and you know that I can

make you cum so fast..."

Now, that she mentions it, I did feel hotter than ever -- in my life,

really. I rise up quickly -- but, she stops me abruptly by standing up and

pulling on her panties.

"But, I'm not going to help you." My face falls. "You'll just have to do

it yourself, in front of me," she says as she buttons up her dress, putting

back on her doctor facade. All of the sudden I feel humiliated,


"Go on, fuck yourself," she says rudely. "Go on, do it."

Tentatively, I get up on the examining table and face her, my fist gripping

my stiff cock.

"And don't touch your penis," she admonishes.

Surprised, my fingers slowly release my aching muscle. I look at her,

confused, and my dick softens. She pulls her panties up her thighs,

revealing her pussy briefly, one last time. I see her clit, her 'girl

dick', protruding from beneath the fabric, and then her dress drops and she

smooths it down over her hips with her hands. More and more, she is the

professional, in charge, and this, surprisingly, makes me even more horny.

"You know what to do," she says. "Jerk yourself off."

I understand. I wet my fingers with saliva and slip one into my sticky wet

bum. In and out, in and out, pressing where it feels so good, like an itch

that needs scratching. Then another finger slips in and the lips of my

'boy pussy' thicken and it starts to feel like it wants to cum. I start

banging my wet twat with my hand, two fingers jabbing deep, fucking that

good spot by the prostate. My butt is dripping with goo, my knees spread

as far apart as they'll go, and I detect a slight smile on my doctor's face

as she watches me use two, then three, fingers to fuck myself with. Next

thing I know I am jerking off like a teenager, flogging my 'pussy' crazily,

and jerking up and down, and up and down, into my fingers until I spasm --

and I cum and cum and cum. My jerking slows down as I moan and sigh with

deep satisfaction. Heart racing, catching my breath, I settle down and

diddle my hole slowly, exquisitely.

"Very nice," she says smiling. "Why don't we get together tonight -- for a

private appointment?"

She kisses my forehead lightly and I nod. I can't believe how acquiescent

I am -- a combination of horribly horny, deeply humiliated and gratefully

excited. What is going on with me?


I am on time to the minute, knocking on the door of the hotel room she

booked that evening. I made an excuse to my wife without thinking twice,

forget homework with the kids. I have never been unfaithful, and somehow

don't even think I am being unfaithful now, it feels too good. I just want

to see my doctor so bad, I can taste it.

She is quite smooth. She doesn't just pull my pants down and throw me on

the bed or anything. No, she greets me like we are old friends, spending

the evening together.

"Would you like a drink?"

I nod. "Vodka.

She is dressed nice and I can smell her perfume. It is almost like we are

on a date.

"I am nervous," she says as she hands me my drink -- and three pills. "And


Nodding again I take the drink and the pills from her.

"Just muscle relaxants, like what you took this morning. It will really

help you loosen up. But don't have too many of those," she says as I take

a sip of my drink to wash them down.

"I don't know what happened today, but I liked it," I say, looking away

from her at the last moment. "And I want more."

She lights up a cigarette and sits down, crossing her legs, and studies me.

She's wearing severe high heels.

"This is a new one on me, too," she says. "There have been subjects who

did respond like you, but it never got even as far as it did yesterday."

She reaches over seemingly casually and puts her hand on my ass working her

middle finger up my crack. I am not wearing undershorts. I guess she's

testing me by diddling my ass. I don't flinch, just relax my legs apart a

little. She smiles.

"Do you mind taking another enema?" I shake my head. "It's set up in the

bathtub. Just run the water. There's lubricant on the sink -- and use

plenty of soap."

I promise. I go into the bathroom and undress. I hang my clothes up on

the back of the door and rub unpetroleum jelly on my asshole. It is still

sensitive from this afternoon, from when she was finger fucking me with

three rubber-gloved fingers. I want to do everything just right so that

she will do that again. My feelings really surprise me. All the

trepidation I would have expected to have about having sex with a stranger,

being unfaithful and exposing my secret desires has not materialized.

Instead I am just thinking about pleasing her, so that...

In the tub the hose washes me out gently, it doesn't take long because I

have eaten very little since going to the spa this morning. It feels good

and erotic and very natural. Drops of pre-cum ooze out of the tip of my

soft fat dick. Gingerly, I taste it from my finger and it tastes good,

sexy, like pussy.

I come out of the bathroom all clean with the hotel bathrobe on. She has

me drop the robe and lean over the bed, then she gets on her knees with all

her clothes still on and licks my asshole. God, I am happy to have finally

started. She sticks her tongue deep and fucks me fast with it. I drop to

my knees on the bed. I am surprised at how quickly I get wet. Then she

sticks her finger in, without a rubber glove on this time, and probes


"I've thought about this all afternoon," she says, as I sigh appreciatively

and press into her.

I've never been fucked doggy-style like this, but I love it. She plants

her mouth on me again and licks and sucks my anus like it was a lollipop.

I am writhing now, feeling fine. Two fingers slip in, lubricated.

Mmm... she really has a way with it. Now three fingers and faster, I start


"Yes, fuck you," she says.

My fat dick begins dripping with pre-cum, thick and lots of it. Her other

hand reaches around and collects the jism juice. She stands and lifts her

skirt. She has no panties on and I can see out the corner of my eye that

she is smearing my precome on her stiff clit. It looks even bigger than I

remember. Then I realize that I never actually saw it completely erect

today. I want to worship it, and she gives me the chance. Pushes it right

into face and tells me to suck up the sperm. I do so gladly. It is

delicious. I finally have her meaty wonder in my mouth again. The tip is

big and pointed, and I grip it gently with my lips and pump up and down, so

the skin surrounding her clit slides back and forth, poking her little

stiffy into my mouth swelling it up until the head of it is so fat and hard

that it sticks permanently out its hood.

As I suckle she lifts off her dress. I look up from my kneeling position,

my face buried in her cunt. Except for the missing panties, she is dressed

in lacy black lingerie and the high spiked heels. With her black textured

hose and corset, she has a severe sexy look. Her big puffy nipples swell

out over her corset. And I never want to stop sucking her honey pot rod.

She pushes me off and onto my back on the floor. Then rubs her fat sopping

wet pussy on my chest as she straddles me and teases.

"You are a little faggot, aren't you?"

I stare into her eyes as her engorged labia and hard clitoris grind

slippery and wet around on my nipple.

"You're my slut whore aren't you, queer boy?"

She rises up onto her knees lifting her wet snatch up from my chest.

Slowly her hips grind it around in the air, poised above my face so I can

see her glistening hairy mound split by those ripe fleshy cunt petals as

pussy juice drips freely on my chin.

"But you think you must not be a fairy because you don't fuck boys, right?


She mashes her fat cunny down on my face and fucks my mouth furiously with

her 'girl dick'.

"You love dick and that's all there is to it, isn't it, girlie? And I'm

just the woman to give it to you, a nice big dick for you to suck. Show me

how much you love it."

My penis is hard now and I am dying to grab it and make it squirt, but

instead I grab her ass and use my mouth to love her gash and rod like

crazy. And then I feel warm pee come flooding over my face. This is

something of a shock. I have never even imagined getting off on a golden

shower. Not that I have any opinion of folks who were into that, it just

wasn't a turn on for me. But, something about it being her, or me being so

insane for her pussy and clit, or her casual but unwavering domination over

me, made me almost cum from the experience. I welcome it because I love

her sex so much that I was grateful to have another way to express my

passion. When it finally dies down, I almost doze off sucking on her.

I stir when I feel her get up off me and go over to the bed. When she

turns around she is adjusting a strap-on dildo. One side fills her pussy

and the other sticks out stiffly, pressing up against her fat clit so it

will be stimulated when the dick shaft is rubbed. Very realistic testicles

hang from her shaft. One of her hands stroks the monster with lube and the

other fondles her scrotum, then she gives her balls a little practice

squeeze and a little white cream oozed out of the tip of the dildo. I got

the picture. Horny bitch.

"You can give me my blow job now, missy."

Sinking to my knees before her and I kissed and licked her member. It

almost didn't matter that it was fake. In my erotic state I honestly

didn't think about that part of it, it was musky and meaty to me and I am

just too happy to have her push it down my throat. I rub my own balls like

a pussy until they get almost sore, but it is a soreness that swells them

and they feel less like balls and more like pussy lips. Like the pussy

lips of certain girls that, when you stimulate them just right, feel like

they have little testicles in them. My swollen pussy lips hurt so good

while I suck on her prick.

She guides my head in the rhythm she wants almost making me gag. Then it

jams in and out of my throat like she is jerking off her clit by doing this

and by her facial expressions, perspiration and breathing I can tell she is

enjoying fucking my face. Her dick jabs into my throat painfully and she

squeezes her balls and hot cream shoots out. My eyes water and I choke and

swallow as I look up at her. Suddenly, she starts jerking hard and

moaning. She grabs my head into her crotch and floods my mouth as she

comes. I have to suck her softly for a long time afterwards as she strokes

me and tells me how good I am, for a beginner.

"Get that sweet pussy up on the bed, little bitch."

I lay on my back anticipating. Her hands spread my knees apart and she

pulls her breasts out of her corset so they hang free. The nipples are

thick and puffy. She kneads them with one hand while her other hand

strokes her big rubber cock -- which serves the double purpose of

stimulating her clit up on the front side, and working out her g-spot on

the inside of her cunt on the other. I tilt up my ass so she can rub K-Y

all over and then slide the tip of her dream cock around on my slippery ass

lips. I catch my breath as she pushes the glans penis of it right into my

wet hole. At first it stretches me open, hurting. But then it narrows

quickly and my sphincter chokes it tight so that no more can get in -- all

the while gripping the delicious fat head of her rubber meat rod right

where I like it. Pressing against the itch I have just inside my sphincter

right behind my tightened balls. I hold my breath.

"You're gonna love this," she whispers, and I almost cry out as she pokes

it in deeper.

The shaft is so big. And long. But, she strokes it slow. Nice and smooth.

I hike my knees up to my chest to make penetration easier. She leans her

elbows on either side of my head and her breasts hang down full in my face.

I raise up to lick them. One of her nipples gets into my mouth and I suck

on it while she fucks me. She's working up a sweat, panting, thrusting,

and I am just relaxing more and more so her big rod doesn't hurt me as it

stretches me apart. She bucks me harder and my ass gets juicier and

hornier. I wrap my legs around her back and hold on tight, jerking up to

meet her. The head of her dick reaches up to that magic spot inside me,

poking it and tickling it, and I push out for all I'm worth as she fucks me

blind. I completely let myself go and she jams and jams into me. She

pauses a second and shifts her weight up, pulling my legs with her until

they are bent over her shoulders. My ass couldn't be any higher. I'm

doubled over so that my dick is hanging right in my face. I try to lick

it, but I can't quite reach it. Her breath quickens and she grunts jerking

into me, eyes glazed over. My ass starts pushing out, all of its own

accord. I'm almost just a bystander as deep inside my 'pussy' I begin to

s-p-a-s-m wetly and my swollen cock releases liquid precome down onto my

lips. I lick and part them so the stuff can drip into my mouth. It tastes

so good! Her skin is dripping sweat as she wastes herself on top of me

stiffening repeatedly and finally resting with quiet moans. We lay like

that for a minute, but I can't keep still. I move my ass up encouragingly,

but to no avail, then pull out from under to lay facing her. She smiles.

"You have the sweetest pussy."

I get up on top and sit on her hips, my wet swollen hole rubbing on her

hairy mound of Venus, right above her sweet dick. I look at her


"Fuck me, baby, fuck me with your big dick. Shoot your jism in me."

I lift my bottom and slide that big juicy stick into it and wiggle. No

problem with tightness now. I could take a horse's dick. The rod is nice

and lubed. I move up and down and fuck myself, rubbing my nipples, then

feeling her breasts. I can't stand it, I'm on my knees riding her cock

like crazy and with that thing sticking all the way up inside me I rub my

fuck hole lips all over her pubic bone. My penis swells into a monster

hard-on sticking out from me straight and high. I just have to squeeze it

in my oily fist and jerk it good and hard, first with one hand and then the

next, without ever missing a beat. My ass is so loose from the great

fucking it's getting that I can't even tighten up my sphincter to stiffen

my prick, it just stays bone hard and swollen purple as I masturbate

it. I'm in a trance, finally just pulling outward with each fist, hand over

hand, faster and faster.

"Do you love your little slut? Do you love my big fat juicy pussy?

Ohh... fuck me!"

Without a specific spasm my cum juice sprays out of my meat as I whip it,

spewing wetly all over her chest... again and again. My orgasm is long and

steady. Like a garden hose. Finally, my dick is swollen, but soft in my

hand as she smiles and rubs the cum all over her tits. I fall on top of

her and lick up the juice, sucking her nipples, and finally doze off.

I still think about that night almost every time I masturbate. And hope

she will do me again. I dream of being her 'boy pussy' whore just one more


Copyright 2001 Jaymes Ryan


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