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Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 18:46:34 -0700 (PDT)

From: G.L.S. <drsir@yahoo.com>

Subject: Grandmother's House of Incest

This story involves inter-generational incest, discipline, urination,

female to male dominance, female to female dominance, all involving a teen

age boy. This story is a work of fiction inspired by some true events.

For example, I once lived at a farm house and I once had a grandmother.

Mostly the story is for entertainment purposes only so entertain your self

in a safe and friendly manner. Grandma would have wanted it that way.

I had just become a teenager when my mom and I went to live with my

maternal grandmother and two aunts. Being the only boy around my

neighborhood and in my family did not make for the most rewarding summer

that year, especially when my grandmother would have me do chores

endlessly. It seemed that her list of tasks for me never ended. Being in

a dominantly female family was only made worse by the iron will that my

grandmother exerted towards my mother, my two aunts and as I was soon to

find out even me.

One of the chores that I found incredibly embarrassing to help with was

laundry day. My stuff would be mixed in with everyone else's when it came

out of the dryer and I was expected to stand there with my grandmother and

quietly fold the bras and panties of all four women in the house as well as

my own shirts, pants and underwear. My grandmother seemed to delight in

seeing my cheeks turn red and often would make off-hand comments that only

served to torment me more. I was as insecure as any kid could be at that

time but more so since puberty began to surge through my body. I was tall

and gangly so any erection was quite noticeable and it never seemed to fail

that when I had to fold the women's under things I would get so hard my

balls ached. I was to learn later that besides being tall like my father I

had also apparently inherited his endowment as I was hung rather large for

a 13yo boy. I had been circumcised; something my mother insisted on and

already had heavy and low hanging balls that always seemed to get in the

way at the worse times. On more than one occasion I had the misfortune of

sitting the wrong way and crushing my balls under my own weight.

My grandmother who was in her late fifties or early sixties was a powerful

woman both in demeanor and action. I don't think the woman ever accepted

no as an answer because she would simply disregard it and act as if the

person in her path had fully agreed to whatever request or I should say

demand that she was making. She was not above reminding everyone whose

house they were living in if she felt challenged in any way. I had made

the mistake on this day of complaining about having to fold the clothes

precisely like my grandmother insisted. I did not see the point in her

demand for perfection and was actually taking a stand by letting her know I

thought it was silly, especially considering the fact they were all going

back on someone's butt or elsewhere.

I had realized I was about to say the word tits when I came to my senses as

my grandmother's face turned a shade of red that let me know she was

furious with my insolence. As I began to cower from her anticipated wrath

she began to speak in a very determined voice through clenched teeth and

locked jaw. Grabbing me by the arm she began to drag me toward her bedroom

but not before telling me she knew how to handle a little snot like me and

that if I knew what was good for me I would learn to get along with all the

other people of this house and pull my own weight instead of complaining

all the time. Then she called out for my mother and aunts to come quickly.

They did come quickly and most peculiarly was the fact they never said

anything as my grandmother began ordering them about telling one to strip

back the bed so her coverlet did not get messed up and then telling my

other aunt that she was to get her paddle as she was going to teach this

little snot to mind his manners.

I was mortified already but especially when she directed my own mother to

"get his clothes off, this is going to be a bare ass naked spanking; one he

won't soon forget." My mom moved toward me with our eyes locking for just

a moment. Her eyes seemed to plead to me to just go along with the

situation and make the best of it, whatever that meant. Without asking she

reached out and pulled my shirt up over my shoulders and off; quickly she

reached for the front of my jeans and had them off with my boxers in just a

flash. I was so shocked I did not know how to respond but my cock sure

did. I heard my grandmother let out a sigh and say "oh Lord, I had no

idea, why didn't you tell me Ethel? My mom told her mother it was because

she didn't know herself. Before that day my mom and I had never so much as

saw one another naked since I began bathing on my own as a small child.

Standing there naked I watched waiting for the next thing that was sure to


Then grandmother told my mom and aunts that the three of them might as well

get naked too because they needed to be spanked just as well for all their

shenanigans too. Without hesitation the three women began to strip. I

could not believe my eyes when they were down to their bra and panties, the

same bra and panties I had folded carefully before, even then I had a

raging hard on but now it was all I could do to keep breathing as my cock

seemed to be taking all the blood supply from my body. I was dizzy with

excitement and fear. Then grandmother ordered me to help them too. This

is how I came to unfasten my first bra, to see my first set of tits, to see

my first bush covered pussy and to shoot my first load ever in front of my

mother; in fact me coming happened unexpectedly when mom reached out and

handled my cock for the first time. I don't know who was more surprised,

her or me, but hot cum was everywhere, all over her hand and wrist, some on

her thigh, some even on the floor which made grandmother even more mad.

She grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pushed my face towards my

mother's thigh and demanded that I clean it up, every bit of it. I had no

idea she meant I was to lick my own cum from my mother's thigh with my face

so close to her pussy I could smell something that smelled hot and musty

and a little like pee but wonderful in some way. The hairs of my mom's

pussy were so close it tickled my face as I was forcefully brushed against

it by grandmother's death grip on my neck. All she said was "lick boy,

lick it up; show Grandmother you want to atone for being such a precocious

boy." When I hesitated she told me "boy you better lick that cum up now."

Finally, I understood what she wanted and stuck my tongue out to do what I

was told and atone as she called it. She held my face to my mother's thigh

and told me to open my mouth which I did. At this point I was so turned on

and scared I was afraid not to do what she said and was afraid I would miss

out on something good if she changed her mind and sent me out of the room.

I opened my mouth wide and she pushed my face forward; directing me to lick

it all clean.

Once I had tasted it I realized it was not such bad punishment after all;

especially when one considered I was getting to see the first pussy of my

life. As I licked I turned my eyes to one side so I could take in the

nakedness of my mother's pussy. It was covered by dark, thick and

luxurious hair patch that seemed soft as a pillow. As I was licking the

cum up my mom ran her fingers through her muff fluff and before my very

eyes it seemed her pelt of fur began to grow even more.

Her smell seemed to get stronger as I was now willingly using my tongue to

mop up my own cum on my mother's thigh. I heard a little whimper but

thought I had imagined it but my grandmother brought me back to reality

when she said "you little wench, you want your own son to lick your pussy

don't you?" I about came again when I heard my mom say in a very soft

voice "yes, that is what I want mom and I want his wonderful cock in me

too." This seemed to please my grandmother as her tone of voice changed.

Grandmother told my mom she could have it her way this time but that "it

did not mean for a minute" that my mother "was in control of anything

around here." "In fact, grandmother said, I am only allowing this because

I don't want this boy not knowing how to please a woman; he sure doesn't

know his place around here or how to fold clothes so he might as well be

worth pussy eating if nothing else."

With that it was now my mom that seemed to change as her demeanor became

aggressive immediately. She grabbed me by the hair of my head and said

"just keep your mouth open and suck boy." With that she forced me to my

knees as she stood over me and lowered her pussy so she could fill it with

my mouth and face. More or less she used my face, lips, tongue and nose to

masturbate herself. I sure as heck did not know what I was doing and was

gasping for breath, her only instruction for me was to make sure I kept my

mouth open and continued to suck. Almost immediately after saying this I

felt my mouth fill with her hot piss; I started choking and swallowing as

fast as I could as she let out one continuous stream of pee with such force

it was filling my mouth faster than I could swallow, it was gushing out

over my cheeks, down my neck and onto my chest, even reaching my pubic hair

down below. Some of it got in my eyes which burned but not for long. As I

was trying to keep from drowning I heard my mother gasp in what I now know

to be orgasmic bliss. She started muttering real filthy language telling

me to "suck her pee filled cunt" and that "I was her boy to use as she

wanted and what she wanted most was for me to make her cum again."

I didn't know what I had done in the first place to make her cum so I sure

as hell didn't know how to make her do it again. She did not wait for my

explanation or questions but simply turned around and while spreading her

ass cheeks apart she told me to lick her hairy asshole. I was so

en-captured by everything that was happening to me I just fell forward face

first into my mother's ass. I knew this was not going to be pleasant but I

no longer had the will to rebel against anything or anybody so when she

said "that's a good boy, lick your momma's ass" I did as I was told. After

I got over the taste of what seemed to be a copper penny in my mouth I

began to lick her asshole in earnest. As I was doing this I looked up to

see grandmother moving in towards my mom like a vulture. She reached out

to my mother's nipples and grabbed them with force before twisting them

painfully. As she lifted my mother's breast by her nipples she continued

to twist the nipples in an almost violent manner. With a hiss in her voice

I heard her tell my mom she "better cum and she better cum now." I kept

licking and looking when my mother let out a scream before she said in a

gasping voice "oh yes, pinch my tits mom, your making me cum you fucking

whore, make me cum you fucking bitch." I had never heard my mother cuss so

I was shocked by her language but I did not have time to ponder it as

through my mother's thighs her pussy began leaking girl cum, I could

literally see her cum leak out of her body into her pussy hair, some made

it's way back by my mother's ass cheeks while most just dribbled on the


My grandmother was soon her old self again when she said "damn it Ethel,

use that boy's mouth for that, you're making a mess all over my floor."

When my mom stopped shaking over me my grandmother told her she needed to

get back to work as she had her fun now and she needed to let her sisters

have their turn. Mom clutched her clothes together and left immediately

without saying a word to me or anyone else leaving me quite bewildered. I

suppose now looking back I expected some reassurance from her that I had

done a good job, maybe not at laundry but at sucking her pussy and ass,

afterall I seemed to be a natural born talent.

I began to come to my senses having totally forgotten more or less that

anyone else was in the room but my mom and grandmother. My two aunts were

twins, almost identical in that most people could not tell them apart but I

could. They had different personalities; one being very flirtatious with

anyone who caught her eye while the other one was painfully shy. Both had

near identical bodies. They were older than my mom and heavier breasted;

both complained that anything they ate seemed to make their asses get

bigger by the day. They both were pretty with dark eyes and hair, thick

lips, and nice soft skin. I loved it when they would hug me when

grandmother wasn't around. They both smelled so good, it was their panties

that turned me on the most when folding clothes as they seemed way too

small for their fat asses and I would visualize them trying to pull their

skimpy panties on considering all that ample ass flesh. Grandmother told

them both they could have their fun but were responsible for making sure

the room was nice and tidy when she came back for her turn. With that

grandmother left the room but not before announcing to my aunts that they

had 30 minutes to do their dirty little deed.

It was Beth who told Bernice to "get the lube"; Bernice was too shy and

insecure like me to tell anyone to do anything. Beth said to her sister as

a matter of fact that I was going to fuck her big fat ass and that Bernice

was going to suck my ass covered cock and swallow my cum. I could not

believe what I was hearing, my aunt Beth was actually saying she wanted me

to fuck her ass which I knew nothing about but I liked the sound of Bernice

doing something to and for me. I liked her the most, we both seemed to

understand each other's insecurities though I was not as shy as her.

Quickly, Beth grabbed the lube from her sister's hand and said "boy get

over here, time's awaisting and your grandmother will be back before you

know it." I wondered to myself what had happened to the idea of a spanking

as I spied the paddle lying on the bed." The threat of a spanking seemed

so far away now that I dismissed the whole idea. Beth took the K-Y and

greased my once again hard cock.

Though I never actually measured it I knew my cock was as long as a big

coke bottle and as big around as the thick part of the bottle. I knew this

because one day when I was worried about if I was developing or not I

compared my cock to the 16oz bottle I found on the back porch. Satisfied I

was making good progress I stopped worrying about size when I began to

sprout pubic hair myself. I had no idea how Beth was planning on putting

my cock in her ass or why. It just seemed like an impossible fit when I

saw her asshole the first time. Her ass may have been extra big but it was

quite the opposite concerning her asshole. It was so tightly puckered I

doubted if I could get my finger in there let alone a coke bottle sized

cock. It didn't seem to faze Beth as she told her sister that she wanted

me to "rip her ass wide open."

Bernice only blushed as she took my arm gently and guided me up to her

sister's upturned ass. She smiled at me making me feel wonderful as she

whispered for me to just allow it to happen and with her help it would all

soon be over. I didn't know what she meant as I was kind of enjoying all

the attention but I did wonder where my mom had gone. Bernice followed her

sister's directions as she rubbed just a bit of K-Y on her sister's

rosebud. Beth told her to use just a little bit on the outside only and

that she wished she could take me dry but that I was too big, even for her.

Bernice rubbed her asshole with the lube and pulled me by the cock to her

sister's ass. She brought the head of my cock to the opening of Beth's

hole and told me that I was to press against her with my cock. She further

instructed that by pressure my cock alone would spread Aunt Beth's asshole

and once the head of my cock slipped in that I was to keep pressing but

harder until my whole cock was inside her. She further instructed that no

matter what, I was supposed to enter my aunt in one forceful stroke and

that I was not to pay attention to Aunt Bernice saying anything to the

contrary. I was to ignore her screams if any or anything she might say

during the whole time I was entering her ass and while I was fucking it.

Bernice then told me "oh, one more thing, your to be quiet the whole time,

do you understand."

I nodded my head and Bernice asked Aunt Beth if she were ready. Aunt Beth

answered in a vulgar way by saying "your damn right I'm ready. I'm ready

for that boy's cock to tear me a new asshole like never before, now let's

get to it." Then Aunt Bernice nodded to me as she put her finger up to her

lips silently commanding me to be quiet. I did what Aunt Bernice told me

to do but it wasn't working at first. The head of my cock was smashed up

against her asshole but it was not going in no matter how hard I pushed or

how much Aunt Beth cussed. Finally I leaned all my weight into my cock and

I heard a popping or tearing sound just before Aunt Beth let out a blood

curdling scream. My weight carried me forward as I was so startled by Aunt

Beth's scream that I lost my balance and fell forward causing my aunt to

fall flat onto the bed instead of being on all fours. The result was I

felt my cock enter into a hot cavern of butt muscle and flesh; my cock in

fact did rip past Aunt Beth's asshole and plunged into her so deeply my

pubic hair was pressed up against her. For some reason what I remember

most was Aunt Beth saying "son of a bitch" over and over through clenched

teeth while she slammed her hand into the mattress again and again. I was

afraid to move so I just lay still as she began rocking her ass back and

forth. Me entering her ass was a violent intrusion and it had caused tears

in her eyes but even so she didn't seem to mind as she began a steady

rhythm of rocking her ass almost immediately. Aunt Bernice came to the

side of the bed and said "boy, now you are to fuck her ass like she has

never had it before, I want you to pull your cock out all the way and then

ram it back in as fast and hard as you can; do you understand?" I nodded

that I did and she said "show me." I pulled my weight and cock up and out

of Aunt Beth's ass before allowing myself to fall again thus plunging my

hard cock back in all the way. Her ass was so hot that my cock felt like

someone had rubbed it with the horse liniment that Grandmother sometimes

used for sore muscles. It was so hot and tight that every time I pulled

out I heard a sucking sound of my aunt's asshole releasing after being

invaded. But then when I plunged back in all I heard was Aunt Beth

screaming "mother fucker, son of a bitch, your killing me, don't you stop

you little bastard, you son of a bitch fuck my ass like you mean it." At

some point what she was saying made me angry and I began to fuck her as

hard as I could just to make her ass hurt even more. It became like a

contest between me and her, me fucking her so hard she would cuss more and

her cussing more so I would fuck more.

I looked around the room for Aunt Bernice. She had quietly retired to the

corner of the room wilting to the floor with a hair brush in her hand. At

first she was using the back of the hair brush to spank her pussy over and

over again talking in a way that sounded like gibberish. To this day I

have no idea what she was saying until she turned the hair brush over and

began raking her pussy and clit over and over again with the bristles of

the brush. Her pussy was looking like a raw and red gash in the midst of

her black thatch of pussy hair. She was using both hands on the handle to

rake the brush across herself causing her to tremble in what looked like a

mix of pleasure and pain. This went on for about ten or so minutes before

Aunt Beth said "he's ready for you." Aunt Bernice called out "now boy,

come here now." I pulled my cock out and moved as quickly as I could over

to Aunt Bernice thinking she had hurt herself. As I walked up to her

sitting in the corner she opened her mouth and lowered it all the way over

my cock. She started choking and gagging immediately but her hands didn't

stop doing the damage her pussy craved. Aunt Beth told her "go ahead, it's

your turn to cum you filthy cock sucking pervert." With this Aunt Bernice

seemed to lose her mind completely, her eyes rolled backwards with her face

almost turning blue from her trying to force my cock deep in her throat.

She gagged again and again causing my cock and balls to be wet with her

saliva, she was even blowing snot out her nose or maybe it was saliva I

don't know. But with all her convulsive gagging and swallowing I could

feel myself about to cum. When I began spewing my cum my aunt just gurgled

down as much cum as she could sucking my cock until it became too sensitive

to take anymore. Her sister, Aunt Beth seemed to have composed herself and

walked over to Aunt Beth telling her "you're disgusting, sucking your own

nephew's cock after it's been up my ass, and you're a fucking perverted

little twat not worthy of getting to cum." If Aunt Beth really meant her

words it seemed to be having an opposite effect as Aunt Bernice cried out

"ohhh fuck, I'm cumming, I'm fucking cumming again you filthy mouth bitch."

At that time we all heard grandmother when she entered the front door.

Aunt Beth said "oh shit, we've taken too long, she's back already, come on

Bernice, leave the boy here and let's get the hell out of here now." Then

Aunt Beth turned to me and said "boy you stay here until we come back after

you, you hear me?" I nodded in understanding but not realizing I had just

been set up to take the fall for them not tidying up the room as

Grandmother told them to do. Beth and Bernice raced out of the room

leaving me to ponder what the hell had happened, what the hell was going on

and what the hell was going to happen. I was soon to find out.

Grandmother burst in the room, me standing there naked, my cock shriveling

back to normal size, I was nearly exhausted and at the point of not caring

what the fuck grandmother had to say about anything. In the course of one

day I had already had my cock up my aunt's ass, had my cock sucked, sucked

and licked my first pussy, got to watch a woman masturbate, drank my

mother's piss and cum and got to blow two loads of hot cum. What an elixir

this day had been so grandmother could kiss my ass as far as I was

concerned. She though had other things in mind when she demanded why the

room was not repaired to its original state as it should have been upon her

return. I pointed out that her two daughters were left with that chore and

that she should go talk to them. With that she retorted "that it was

obvious that they had left me in charge, else-wise wouldn't they be here

themselves to explain." I saw where she was going with this and tried to

cut her off at the pass by saying "hey, I was the one already in trouble,

remember, why would they leave me in charge?" This went nowhere quick, in

fact I am sure now it would not have mattered what I told her because she

asked "what do you mean was in trouble, you still are." As she said this

she reached across in front of me to pick up the paddle that I thought had

been forgotten and told me "boy, your trouble is just about to start, I'm

the head cock in this house I don't care if your hung like a horse, I rule

the roost here and your going to find that out once and for all, now get

your ass up on that bed and your ass better be up in the air for all the

world to see." Suddenly, the tables had been turned once again and I had

no choice but to submit. She didn't allow me to even get settled before

the first swat struck with a crack. I cried out in pain, tears filling my

eyes instantly, my ass felt like it was on fire and she was just getting

started, the whole time she's swinging that paddle she's telling me "boy,

I'm going to spank you till I get tired, you understand?" "You understand,

damn it, answer me boy?" I quickly thought that it would not matter what I

said. I was in for an ass whipping for real's this time. Finally she

forced it out of me and I acknowledged I understood her intentions. In

case I didn't she reiterated "until I'm tired boy, until I'm tired." The

spanking continued until I collapsed, no longer able to hold myself up on

all fours. My ass was smarting like no tomorrow and I was sobbing unlike

ever before. My grandmother leaned over and whispered into my ear "you can

have your rest now boy but remember I wasn't tired but that's ok, you stay

here and rest while Grandmother goes and gets ready, I have something

special planned for you." I must have cried myself to sleep because it was

already dark when I woke up. I knew I had not slept through the night, it

wasn't dark enough for that but I must have been asleep for several hours.

It seemed like I had never moved as I woke up in the same position as I had

collapsed into earlier. The room was dark except for light coming into the

room from the hallway light. I pushed myself up by extending my arms and

yawned before becoming distinctly aware of two things almost

simultaneously, my ass was on fire absolutely and someone was in the room.

It was grandmother who broke the silence as she began to say "she had been

waiting for me." I was afraid to turn my face towards her but she insisted

I look at her. I turned in the darkness towards her almost whimpering and

expecting mercy. Grandmother began to explain in her twisted logic that

"she would be remiss if she allowed me to continue to upset the hen house

by running around here like some obstinate cock in the barnyard."

"I don't know who you think you are coming here to my house and then

challenging my authority, why boy if I hadn't of taken you and that

perverted mother of yours in the two of you would be in the streets as I

speak. You're an ungrateful little son of a bitch, that is what you are

and I intend to see that you're a grateful little bitch from here on in;

but make no mistake about it, your going to be grandma's bitch." It was

about this time that my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I began to grasp

the gravity of her words. The first thing I noticed was her sagging

breasts, they seemed to fall to her waist with nipples as big as my thumbs,

big and purple looking things. As my gaze followed her breasts I got the

shock of my life. There in the middle of a patch of grey pubic hair was

the biggest cock I ever saw in my life; meaning it was bigger than mine.

She had one hand around it and was stroking it like I did when I had a

chance to be alone. It was so big around her hand could not wrap around

it. The head was as big as a major league baseball and the shaft seemed as

big as a Louisville Slugger. She was casually dripping a shiny liquid all

over it as she stroked it and told me "it was time I learned to be her good

little bitch" like her own daughters were. I still had not grasped what

the hell she was talking about but I knew it couldn't bode well for me

because she had stood up and was walking with that cock in hand towards me.

"Boy, you might as well make this easy on both of us and just turn over

again because I am most positively going to fuck your ass like the little

bitch I want you to be." I did not have the energy to fight the old woman

off and even if I did I knew I was not going to win with her anyway; she

had too much will for me to cope with as a 13yo boy. I just buried my face

in my hands and cried out "just do it, you always get what you want anyway

so go ahead and get it over with." Grandma told me I would 'soon be

changing my tune and would be begging for cock like the little bitch I was

destined to become." I had no opinion about incest as I didn't know that

word nor did I know what was going on in that farm house that summer was

out of line but I had enough sense to know that not any of the boys I knew

were taking it up the ass from their own grandma. What was I to do? I

decided to take her advice and make it easy on both of us so I just turned

over and lay limp as she began pulling my hips and ass towards her massive

cock. She told me, "Boy, just stay like you are and you will be fine; it

takes me awhile to cum when I have to piss so you're in for a ride." With

that she began to violate my virgin ass with a "damn the torpedoes, full

speed ahead" attitude. Later she explained that she had used a special

lube for breaking me in and said that the paddling had beat my ass into a

relaxed state and that with the special lube she was able to enter me

rather easily. As she slid the depth of her cock in it got wider and wider

and I could feel my ass being stretched to the limits. Suddenly grandma's

cock hit something inside me that made my cock spring into instant hard on.

She noticed right away and told me that now I was all full of myself she

was going to fuck me until I came all over myself like her girls used to

when they were little. Thus began a new world of sexuality that seemed so

remote from the perversions of earlier. Grandma took her time, only

sliding the cock two or three inches in any direction at any given time.

She was fucking me much more gently than I had my aunt. Still it seemed

like a red hot poker was being stabbed up my ass causing me to nearly pass

out. "Relax boy, keep breathing, your doing fine." She acted like I had a

choice as I could not relax at all. Eventually she tired of the niceties

and began to fuck me in earnest. It was not long before I felt my cock

twitch in climax spewing forth copious amounts of thick white cum. It was

as if I had cum from a whole new place because it was unlike ever before.

It just seeped out of my cock every time she pressed that cock up my ass.

As I whimpered like the little bitch I was to become that year Grandma told

me what a good boy I was. She became almost apologetic in explaining that

it was only for my own good that she was teaching me a fact of life. When

I asked what fact was she trying to teach me she said, "He who has the

biggest cock rules the roost." At the time I had no idea what the hell she

was talking about but I do now. That day was the introduction to my

sexuality. To this day I have a thing for taken it up the ass from a big

cocked woman. Eventually grandma made herself cum by pressing her pubic

mound into the artificial cock as she fucked my ass. When she finally

pulled her barn animal sized cock out of my rectum she stood up and

released the clasp that held her strap-on letting it fall to the floor. I

was lying on my back in no time with my head at the edge when grandma

lowered her Sasquatch like pussy over my mouth and told me to 'drink it

boy, drink your grannies piss." I did as fast as I could for as long as I

could before being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of her piss. I just let

it wash over me as grandma rode my face to another orgasm. That is the way

the day ended and I fell into a fitful sleep. Images of my mom and all

that I saw kept dancing their way into my dreams. I wondered what would

happen tomorrow.

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