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I'm such a sweet person. At least that's what I have been told on many

occasions. How I was able to write such an inherently evil story is beyond

my comprehension. I had just finished another story, Revenge, for another

inter-net site, when I started this one. This story just flowed into my

keyboard as it appears here. You are forewarned.


Evil Step Daughter


Carol Collins

Eighteen year old Michelle Lowmax sat in a window seat of the

passenger jet as it lifted off from the runway. In the seat beside her sat

Sam Smith, a middle aged pharmaceutical salesman, on his way home from a

successful business trip. He had not been able to take his eyes off the

ravishing blonde since he had seen her sitting in the airport-waiting

lounge. It had only been luck that he had ended up sitting next to the

young beauty. He took advantage of the fact that she was preoccupied with

watching the ground fall away from under the rising airplane to get a close

examination of her voluptuous body. Her naturally blonde hair was permed to

give it body and was cut to shoulder length. She had a pretty face with an

up turned nose, big blue eyes, a wide mouth, full lips, straight white

teeth and a very pretty smile. Her white scooped neckline blouse was made

of a shiny material that, with the sunshine streaming through the window,

was too thin to wear without a brassiere. He could almost make out the pink

color of Missy's nipples crowning the large globes of her breasts in the

direct sunlight. Sam had noticed that they had jiggled slightly as she had

sat down in her seat when she had boarded the plane. He forced his eyes to

move down from Missy's ample breasts to the short red skirt that she

wore. Her skirt only reached half way to her knees, and, since her legs

were crossed, he could see just the hint of the dark tops of her black

thigh high stockings that she wore on her shapely legs. On her small feet,

were red high heel shoes.

Sam glanced around to see if anyone else was watching before he put

his hand in his lap and rearranged the position of his stiffening

penis. Missy had just turned her head from the window and, out of the

corner of her eye, had glimpsed the middle aged business suited man with

his hand on his pecker. Missy had learned to love the power she had over

males. Even an older man such as this could provide her with amusement for

the rest of the plane ride. She looked directly into the older man's eyes

and smiled. She knew what kind of effect her smile had on most men. It had

even proven effective on many women. She could feel her nipples becoming

erect as she thought of having some fun before the plane landed. The flight

attendant had said that this was a direct flight and would take over an

hour. Missy knew that she would have to work fast if she wanted to relieve

some of the nervous tension that she had because of this being the first

time she had ridden in an airplane.

"I've never flown before," Missy shared with the older

gentleman. "I'm very nervous. Would you mind if I held your hand?" She did

not wait for a reply, her hand reached into his lap, brushing against his

erection, as her small hand, with her long red fingernails, gripped his

larger hand. She managed to keep their clasped hands in his lap even when

he had tried to move them away from his now fully hard penis as it strained

against the front of his trousers. The back of Missy's hand moved along the

ridge of man meat that pushed against the restraining fabric as she

squirmed in her seat. Her skirt rode up her thighs, exposing the elastic

lace tops of her thigh highs and an inch of soft white thigh. Sam was

speechless as his eyes widened and his heart pounded in his chest.

The "Fasten Seat Belts" sign went off as Missy leaned over and

whispered in the businessman's ear, "Would you please do me a favor?" She

waited for his eyes to rise from her thighs before she continued. "I need

to go to the little girl's room and I don't know how to work it. Would you

go along and show me?" Her big blue eyes were so innocent looking, as her

hand was slowly moving up and down on his throbbing hard penis. She waited

for his answer with her lips slightly parted. Sam didn't trust himself to

say anything. He had a wife and three children at home and had avoided all

the other opportunities he had in the past to cheat on his wife, but none

of the others had been as pretty as this young blonde, nor had they played

with his hard cock. Even with his mind saying, "No!" Sam's head nodded,


They unbuckled their seat belts, stood up and walked down the aisle

toward the restrooms. Some of the other passengers stared at the sexy

blonde as she passed by. A few people tried to decide if Sam was Missy's

father or lover. All of the male passengers felt envious if he were her

lover. If they had known what was to take place in the restroom, there

would have been a long line waiting their turn to sample Missy's

talents. As it was, two men and a woman saw the odd couple go into the same

restroom and heard the click of the door locking mechanism.

Airplane restrooms are always small. Sam had his back against the

wall as Missy pressed her over sized breasts into his chest. Her high heels

made her only a few inches shorter than him as her big blue eyes looked

into his brown eyes. Her belly was in contact with his stiff throbbing

penis as her lips came closer. "Well, are you going to kiss me?" She

whispered. Sam leaned down and tentatively kissed her soft full lips as his

hands went around her small waist. Her lips opened for him almost

immediately and their kiss lasted several minutes. His tongue penetrated

her mouth as his hands slowly moved down to cup her round bottom. Sam's

pulse was pounding in his ears. His fingers gathered her skirt until his

fingers felt the bare skin of her buttocks. It was then that he discovered

that Missy wasn't wearing panties. His penis became harder than he had ever

felt it as he realized that this blonde beauty was flying from one end of

the country to the other without any panties.

Missy reached between them and unzipped the fly of his dress

slacks. Her small hand found his hard cock and pulled it out. She sat down

on the seat of the john and stroked his hard on in her hand as she smiled

up into the stranger's eyes. She was the most beautiful thing that Sam had

ever seen as she wrapped her warm red lips around the head of his penis and

began to lick. Missy licked the sides of his meat before she stood up on

the commode seat and pulled him into position in front of her. With her

legs spread and her short skirt pulled up out of the way, Missy slowly sank

down on the long hard cock. She was smiling as she felt it spreading her

vagina open as it slowly forced its way deeper into her belly. When her

clitoris finally made contact with his pubic hair and trousers, she was eye

to eye with the salesman.

Sam's hands had moved to grip Missy's bottom as she rose and fell

on his hard cock. He knew that he would not be able to hold out very long

as she worked her buttery soft vagina up and down on his sensitive erect

penis. Missy had perfected her ability to have quick orgasms, and was able

to reach a climax in only a couple of minutes. Her climax triggered

Sam's. He jerked around as his semen rocketed up into the pink depths of

the young blonde's quivering belly.

Sam and Missy clung to one another as their breathing and pulse

rates returned to normal. Finally, Missy pulled back a little so that Sam's

softening penis would slip out of her wet vagina. When it had fallen out,

she purposely smeared their combined juices across the front of his

expensive slacks. Then she asked if he could leave her alone to clean

up. She smiled at him as he stuffed his slimy penis in his pants and went

out the door. She knew that he would still have a vaginal odor on him when

he greeted his wife. She wiped up some of the sperm from her vaginal lips

as it leaked out with toilet tissue. When she felt she had gotten most of

it, she left the restroom and returned to her seat.

There were a lot of interested faces watching her as she sat down

beside the elderly businessman. Most of the passengers had noticed that the

mismatched couple had both gone to the restroom together and some had

detected the odor of sex on them as they had passed down the aisle. Several

penises had risen while their owners thought envious thoughts. There were

even a couple of moistening vaginas.

Missy asked Sam a few questions about his name, where he worked and

what he did for a living. She even found out a few details of his company's

product lines and family life. She filed those facts away in her memory for

future use as she turned her attention to the window and the panoramic

vista that stretched before her.

Michelle Lowmax's memory went back to her earliest

recollections. She almost remembered her mother and father's divorce, which

had happened when she was two years old. Her father, Jerry Lowmax, had

hired a temporary secretary, an eighteen year old redhead just out of high

school, to fill in for a secretary on maternity leave, at his construction

firm. One night, after working late to secure a contract, he had taken the

young redhead out to eat at a restaurant. A good meal and a few drinks

later, they had ended up in bed together. She was not on birth control. Her

father and the home wrecker became even more involved until the redhead

became pregnant. Eventually, Jerry Lowmax had left her mother and her to

marry Donna, the young redhead. That was almost sixteen years ago.

Missy's mother had remarried, but had not chosen well. He drank and

abused her mother and her. Her mother had to work to help support them

since he seemed to never be able to hold onto a steady job. The child

support check mostly went to pay the rent and help buy whiskey for her

stepfather. When she was six and her mother was at work, he had pulled her

onto his lap and had held her close to him. She had already become

accustomed to his whiskey breath, but he had never wormed his fingers under

the leg band of her panties before. He held her on his lap and played with

her young hairless vagina. He told her to keep what they had done a secret

or else something bad would happen to her and her mother. From that night

onward, he played with her after her mother went to work. By the time she

was eight, she was coerced into giving him a blowjob. By the time she was

eleven, he was screwing her. A year later, he had taken her anally as

well. At least he did give Missy an excellent education on how to please a


Missy began to let the boys in the neighborhood and at school screw

her, too. Soon, the other girls looked down on her and the boys were only

interested in her as a means of getting their rocks off. Missy became known

as the town slut by the time that she was fourteen. When she was in high

school, she did get revenge on the girls that called her names; she screwed

their boyfriends. Then she told the girls about it. It made the girls even

madder, but it did give her a sense of satisfaction as she learned to

practice the art of revenge.

Missy believed that her mother suspected that her stepfather was

having sex with her, she had put Missy on the birth control pill at an

early age, but she never really admitted it. Her mother had started to

drink excessively during the last few years. Missy's stepfather always

wanted some form of sex from her almost every night. Even when she had a

date with another high school boy, she had to suck his cock or let him

screw her before she left to go on the date. If her mother had not started

her on birth control when she reached puberty, she would have had several

babies by her stepfather.

It was a dark and rainy night a few weeks ago when her

stepfather's car had crossed the centerline and hit a tractor-trailer truck

head on. Her mother was with him. Both had been drinking and both were

killed instantly. They had no insurance and there were many bills to be

paid. She was left alone in the trailer park that they lived in until the

mobile home was repossessed. Her father had heard about what had happened

and had called to invite her to move in with him and his new family.

Donna, the redheaded home wrecker, had given birth to a baby girl when

Missy was two. A boy, Jerry Lowmax, Junior, was born two years later. Missy

had met Beth and little Jerry twice over the years. Both were redheaded and

looked like their mother. Missy's mother had always blamed her divorce on

Donna, so Missy had blamed everything that had gone wrong in her childhood

on Donna as well. She hated Donna with every cell of her body, and, now,

she would be living under the same roof with her and her children.

Missy said, "Goodbye," to Sam Smith as they disembarked from the

plane. He had given her his business card and had asked her to call him

sometime. She had put it in her purse as they left their seats. She was

looking for her father as she entered the terminal. When she saw him, she

recognized Donna, Beth and Jerry, Junior, standing next to him. Missy put a

convincing smile on her face as she approached her new family.

Donna Lowmax had brushed her short red hair and put on her make up

as the rest of her family had gotten ready to leave to pick up Michelle at

the airport. She had been the one to suggest to Jerry that they bring Missy

back to live with them until she could make it on her own. She felt it was

the Christian thing to do. The lord only knew what grief the poor child had

suffered as she had grown up with a drunken stepfather and mother in a

trailer park. Maybe, Donna and Jerry could make the years up to Missy by

teaching her the Righteous Way of Life. Donna had had a talk with Beth and

Little Jerry about being nice to Missy until she accepted them as her

family. Beth had said that Missy could attend her Bible study classes at

church. Donna was so proud of her two children. Both were on the honor roll

at school and both participated in extra curricular activities. Beth was a

cheerleader. Little Jerry was to small to play football or other sports,

but he played the clarinet in the band.

Donna was nervous, as they had waited at the airport for the plane

to arrive. It had been many years since she had last seen Missy. She

certainly hoped that the girl's attitude had improved since then. When she

recognized Michelle, she was shocked. Missy dressed like a slut! A thin

white low neckline blouse, bobbling breasts that meant that she was not

wearing a brassiere, a short red skirt that was absolutely indecent, black

nylon stockings and red high heel shoes completed the slutty ensemble. She

decided that she would have to teach Missy how to dress in public. Donna

put a convincing smile on her face as she greeted the new member of her


Jerry hugged his oldest daughter. He had not seen her in over four

years and was surprised by the way she looked. He had never missed a child

support check payment. He had sent presents every Christmas and birthday,

and he had called to talk to her on the phone several times a year. The bad

relationship with his ex-wife, his hectic schedule of being a company

owner, and the fact that she had moved across the country, had prevented

him from being closer to Missy. As she pressed her body against him to give

him a hug, he was amazed at the size of her breasts. He remembered that her

mother had a large pair of melons. Missy obviously took after her mother,

and then some.

Beth was dressed in a cute dress that reached just below her

knees. Underneath, she wore a plain white brassiere and panties, pantyhose

and flat-heeled shoes. At fifteen, she was developing into a very pretty

girl. Her red hair was cut in a Pixie cut style. She had a cute turned up

nose, blue eyes from her father, a few freckles from her mother, red lips

and a nice friendly smile which she turned on as she hugged her half

sister. Beth's B cup sized breasts were no match for Missy's unfettered D

cups but her body was very pretty. Beth was amazed and shocked that Missy

would go out in public when she was obviously not wearing a brassiere. She

hid her shock. After all, Missy was a relative and she was determined to

accept her and to love her unconditionally.

Little Jerry was very impressed with the way his half sister

looked. She was a hot babe! At the age of thirteen, he had just started to

notice girls as his hormones were just starting to kick in. And there was

one thing that he noticed about Missy; she was most certainly a Girl. When

Missy hugged her younger half brother, she felt a stiff penis pressing into

her belly. She looked into his green eyes and smiled her most dazzling

smile. His freckled face turned red as he blushed. Missy noticed that his

hair was longer than his sister's was as she kissed him on the cheek. She

had kissed him because she had wanted to be sure that his penis was

hard. It felt rather small, but it was definitely erect.

Donna greeted Missy next. Missy wanted to scratch her eyes out, but

smiled instead. Donna hugged her stepdaughter and welcomed her to her

family. Donna had green eyes, upturned nose, a nice smile, full red lips,

firm B cup breasts and a very nice body for a thirty-five-year-old. She

went to the gym twice a week to keep her figure in such good shape. She

smiled at Missy and welcomed her to their family. If poor Donna had only

known how Missy was to affect her family, she would have sent her evil

stepdaughter back on the next available flight.

The trip from the airport to the Lowmax home took thirty

minutes. Missy sat in the back seat of her father's new Mercedes. Beth sat

on the left, Little Jerry in the middle and Missy on the right. The

thirteen year old boy couldn't take his eyes off of her creamy thighs as

they were exposed to him as her short red skirt rode up over the lace tops

of her black thigh high stockings. Beth sat on the other side of Little

Jerry and did not see the leg show that her little brother was privileged

to see. Missy, having noticed that Little Jerry was staring, wanted to pull

her skirt up to her waist and let the little twerp see her blonde pubic

hair as it protected her pink slit, but was playing it slowly. She smiled

at her redheaded half brother, knowing that it would only make his stiff

little dingy even harder. He, his sister and his mother represented

everything that had gone wrong in her life and she was going to find a way

to make them suffer.

The next few days were strained as Missy adjusted to her new

family. Donna took her shopping and bought her an entire new

wardrobe. Missy had kept her old clothing, but she now wore more

conventional dresses, which hid her feminine charms from neighbors and

members of her new family's church. Missy had never gone to church while

she was growing up and found it to be as big of a bore as school. She had

never owned a pair of pantyhose before; her stepfather had hated them. She

had worn only thigh highs with no panties so he could take advantage of

every opportunity to feel her up or have sex with her. Now, Donna expected

her to wear pantyhose almost every waking moment of the day.

Missy had been making some headway in her conquest of Little

Jerry. She had timed it so that he had gotten glimpses of her as she was

changing clothes on several occasions. She would sit in such a way so that

he would be able to see up her dress when she sat down. She had even been

playing touchy-feelly games with him whenever no one else was watching. He

was such a shy young boy. She knew it would not be long until he was

completely in her power. Her stepmother and Beth were going to be harder to


A week after she had arrived, Missy pretended to have a headache

one Wednesday evening when Donna was taking Beth to prayer meeting. They

had left her at home to take a nap and had left. Her father had gone out of

town for a few days to visit the site of a construction project. Half an

hour later, Little Jerry arrived home from band practice. Missy had changed

into her old clothing to wait for her half brother. He walked in the door

to find Missy decked out in a bright red mini dress that was so tight, he

could plainly see her prominent nipples sitting on her large bra less

breasts. The hem of the short dress ended an inch above the tops of her

thigh high nylon stockings, exposing the lace elastic bands. She was

wearing bright red lipstick on her large soft lips as she smiled her most

dazzling smile at him. His hormonal levels shot through the roof as he

froze in the hallway to watch her descend the stairs. His little penis had

never been so hard as he thought lewd and lucivious thoughts about his own


Missy knew she had control of the situation as she asked Little

Jerry to come up to her room to move a piece of furniture. She told him,

"You're so strong for your age, I bet you can move this table all by

yourself." Of course, she had chosen a table that would be too heavy for

the young boy to move. "Don't worry about it," she had said, "I'll get some

of the big boys to help me move it later. Why don't you sit here on the

side of my bed and let me ask you a few questions." He did not have to be

asked twice. He sat down and she sat next to him with her nyloned thigh

touching his.

Missy looked into Little Jerry's eyes and smiled as she said, "You

are a good looking boy. In fact, you are so good looking, I bet you would

even have been a pretty girl." Missy ran her fingers through his long red

hair as she leaned closer to him and whispered, "You are so pretty." Her

lips touched his before he could protest being referred to as "pretty." He

was to timid to take an aggressive role and meekly let Missy push him until

he was laying on his back and she was laying on top of him. Missy was

kissing her half brother's lips as her hands slowly massaged his

chest. When she forced her tongue into his mouth, he almost felt as if he

was going to pass out. Jerry was filled with conflicting emotions. He knew

that what they were doing was wrong, but he could not bring himself to stop

his half sister from doing the things she was doing to him.

When Missy pulled her lips away from his mouth, she pulled his tee

shirt up and began to kiss on Little Jerry's chest. He had never felt

anything as good as her soft red lips as they slowly kissed every square

inch of his young undeveloped chest. When she spent several minutes licking

and sucking on his small nipples, he thought he had gone to heaven. Missy

moved from one excited nipple to the other as she worked on the

thirteen-year-old boy. When her hand began to unbuckle his belt and unzip

his jeans, he was completely under her control.

Missy pulled Little Jerry's jeans and cotton underwear off his

almost hairless legs. She noticed that he was still thin and that his male

hormones had not caused his body to change to a masculine shape. This was

going to make her plan for her half brother easier. She straddled his waist

and said as she rubbed her panty-less vagina on his stiff little member,

"You are so beautiful. You remind me of a girlfriend that I had back

home. She had red hair and was very pretty. Her name was Jenny." She leaned

over and kissed his lips for a moment before continuing, "Every time I look

at you, I am reminded of Jenny." This time, she leaned down to lick and

suck his small nipples for a couple of minutes before she said, "I miss her

so much. Would you pretend to be Jenny for me?" Little Jerry was incapable

of speech as his half sister wiggled until his small, but very stiff, penis

was in the wet groove of her vagina. "Would you please be Jenny for me?"

She had asked as she sat down all the way on his diminutive tool. "Pretty

please?" She could just see his head nod. He squirmed, out of control,

beneath her as his penis fired salvo after salvo of boy cream into her

already wet vagina. She felt that she now owned the redheaded youngster as

his body convulsed beneath her.

Missy leaned forward and gently kissed Little Jerry's panting

lips. He had just had his first climax induced by a female. He had been

playing with himself in his room late at night, with his door locked, after

he thought that everyone else was asleep for the last six months, but he

had never even felt up a girl. He was fairly short, a little skinny, had

red hair and was extremely bashful around girls. His experience level with

girls was, until a few minutes ago, zero. He felt wonderful! He had found

the most enjoyable sensations of his young life and would do what ever was

necessary to repeat the experience. Missy knew this and was smiling as her

plan formulated in her evil mind.

"You know, Jerry, if you want a girl to keep coming back for more,

you have to go down on her and make her cum, too." Missy licked his little

nipples as she was talking. She rose up over her half brother and moved up

until she was directly over his face. She pulled her short skirt up to

watch as she settled her blonde hair fringed vagina onto the redheaded

boy's nose and mouth. Her gash was already wet, plus, it was full of his

own semen. Little Jerry had barely even heard of cunnilingus. Now, all of a

sudden, he was expected to perform it. The situation was complicated for

him because the vagina was full of his own cum. Missy did not give him time

to back out as her thighs imprisoned his head and she sat on his face. Like

it or not, he was in the position of eating pussy.

Missy gave Little Jerry instructions on how to eat her as she

wiggled around on his face. She dropped her skirt, letting it settle over

his head, almost hiding him from view, as her hands moved to her over sized

breasts and played with her stiffening nipples. She twisted her nipples

through her red dress as she thought about her half brother eating his own

slimy juice from her wet pussy. When she thought that this was most

certainly not the last sperm Little Jerry would eat, she came on his face.

Missy fell over and lay beside her redheaded sibling. His face was

shiny with the mixture of their combined juices. He had never imagined that

he would be able to do such a thing with a girl. Especially when the girl

was a babe such as his blonde stepsister. He had some feelings of guilt in

the back of his mind. This was incest. However, the sexual sensations, and

the smile that Missy was giving him, made him ignore those feelings of

guilt. She took him into her arms and kissed his forehead, which was the

only portion of his face that was not smeared with their fluids, and

whispered, "You were great. That was just like what Jenny did for me."

Little Jerry looked up into her big blue eyes. Was she serious? Had she

done these same acts with another girl? He was lost in thought as Missy

used her fingertips to lightly caress Jerry's small pink nipples.

Missy got up off the bed and went to her chest of drawers. She

pulled out a new pink pair of silky panties. She had not worn panties

before she had arrived here, but Donna had insisted on buying them for

her. These were so small; they would have been a little snug on her. She

figured that they would fit the thirteen-year old boy just fine. When she

asked him if he would put them on for her, he balked. But, when Missy

begged him to do it for her, Jerry slowly let Missy slip the silky pink

panties up his legs and pull them up until they were covering his small

genitalia and rounded little buttocks. Missy told him how cute he looked as

she kissed and hugged him and pressed her large firm breasts against his

bare chest. Poor Little Jerry was virtually inundated with sensations as he

enjoyed the after glow of his first female induced orgasm, the caress of

the thin silk on his pubic region and Missy's big breasts and feminine form

pressed against his nearly nude body. The only thing registering on his

mind was that this felt better than anything he had experienced in his

short life and he wanted more.

Missy knew that she and Jerry would be alone for at least another

two hours and wanted to take advantage of every minute of time. "Jerry, I

can't get over how much you remind me of Jenny. You are almost as pretty as

she was." Actually, there never was a Jenny, but Missy had plans and the

deception was part of them. Missy got off the bed and went to her vanity

table. She found just the right combination of cosmetics and returned to

the bed. At first, Little Jerry balked when she attempted to put eye make

up on him, but when she pleaded with him, he was so infatuated with her, he

consented to let her used mascara, eye color, eye liner, and lipstick to

make his face feminine. She picked up her hair brush and back brushed his

hair to give it body, then brushed it into a style like some of the girls

wore to school.

Jerry was very embarrassed. He knew he should not be letting his

stepsister do these things to him, but he was currently under her spell. He

only mumbled an objection when she went to her closet and retrieved one of

her short tight blue satin dresses that she had brought with her when she

had moved in and held it for him to step into. Missy surveyed her work and

was very pleased. Most people would look at Little Jerry and thing he was a

flat chested girl. She took Jerry's hand and said, "Come. I want you to

meet Jenny." Little Jerry allowed his stepsister to pull him up from where

he had sat on the side of her bed for the last twenty minutes. He was

reluctant to even look at his reflection in the full-length mirror when

Missy had moved behind him so that she could look over his shoulder and see

his facial expression. "Look at yourself and meet my beautiful new

girlfriend, Jenny." She whispered in his ear. Jerry slowly raised his eyes

to see his reflection. He had expected to see clown make up on his

face. Instead, he saw his stepsister peering over the shoulder of a young

redheaded girl that reminded him of his sister, Beth. Shock and amazement

swept through him as he realized that the girl was actually a boy in girl's

clothing. He began to examine the reflection closer. A feminine hairstyle

atop a slightly rounded face with eye make up of a shade of color that

complimented her large green eyes. Long dark eyelashes that were so sexy

when she batted her eyes. Full red lips of a shade just darker than the

hair on her head gave her mouth the shape of cupid's bow. The blue satin

dress was just a little loose on the pretty girl. The lack of breasts

seemed to the only flaw in what otherwise appeared to be a very pretty

redheaded girl. Jerry could scarcely believe that the girl he was looking

at was really he.

Missy was smiling as she observed her stepbrother's reactions to

his reflection. Her plan was beginning to be implemented as she whispered

in his ear, "You make a beautiful girl, Jenny. I've missed you so much."

Jerry turned around to say that he was not Jenny. He was going to say that

he was a boy as he removed the dress, panties and make up. Missy's lips on

his prevented him from saying any of those things. Before he could pull

away, his penis began to get hard. Missy's tongue invaded his mouth and he

lost interest in everything except the sensations that came flooding

through his young body.

Missy walked Jerry backwards until the edge of her bed was pressed

against the backs of his legs. Their lips lost contact as she pushed him

onto his back. His dress had ridden up his smooth thighs as he lay on the

bed. Missy was actually getting turned on as she saw her thirteen-year-old

brother sprawled on her bed with his blue satin dress so high up on his

legs that she could see his pink silk panties. Missy lay on top of Jerry as

she kissed his lips again. He didn't object this time when she called him,

"Jenny", as she lay on top of him.

Missy pulled her lips from Jerry's and slid downward along his

body. She nibbled on his nipples through the satin material of his dress as

she paused at his chest. When both nipples were hard and standing up, she

moved downward. Her saliva had soaked the cloth of her dress and as it

evaporated, it cooled his nipples and kept them hard.

Missy kept calling Jerry, "Jenny," as she moved to his bare thighs

and she rained kisses along the inside of one thigh, then, the other. The

silk panty material was caressing Jerry's little penis and was driving him

out of his mind as his blonde stepsister continued the seduction

process. She demanded, "Tell me that you'll be Jenny for me anytime I want

you." She removed her lips for a moment. He squirmed towards her lips as he

said he would be Jenny for her. Missy's lips finally moved to the silk

encased penis and she wrapped her lips around the erect penis. She felt it

pulse and knew that it was about to shoot his little boy cum. Missy

immediately pulled down the waistband of Jerry's panties and wrapped her

lips around his bare penis. He jerked around on the bed as he pumped out

his cream into her sucking mouth. Even after he had stopped ejaculating,

her tongue licked the head of his cock, making him writhe on the bed. She

wanted to make sure that he would do anything she told him to do in order

to experience these pleasures again. She made him squirm until he squealed

like a young girl and nearly passed out.

Missy slowly pulled her lips from Jerry's sensitive penis and moved

back up on the bed. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he

recovered from his delicious orgasm. He was hardly even aware of the fact

that as she kissed his lips, she was feeding him his cum juice. Missy used

her tongue to force the mouth full of weak semen into her half brother's

mouth. If things went as she had planned, getting him accustomed to the

taste of sperm would be necessary. Little Jerry was still high on the after

effects of his climax as he swallowed the cum juice down his throat.

By the time that Donna and Beth returned home from their prayer

meeting, both Missy and Little Jerry had changed into normal

clothing. Jerry was more quiet than usual, but Donna and Beth were so

excited about cheerleader practice the next night and the high school game

scheduled for Friday night, they never noticed. Jerry felt guilty about

what he and his half sister had done. Jerry knew that if the chance arose

to do it again, he would. Missy had said that when they were alone in the

house the next night, they could play some more. He was anxiously waiting

for kinky new sexual sensations.

The next afternoon, Missy had called Sam Smith, the pharmaceutical

salesman that she had sex with on the airplane. She had asked if he would

be free that evening. When he said that he could be, she had invited him to

come to her new home. He had agreed to be there at seven o'clock. Donna and

Missy would leave at five o'clock, giving Missy two hours to work on Little

Jerry before Sam got there. If everything went as planned, tonight would be

an important step in her conversion of her stepmother's only son.

As soon as Donna and Beth left for cheerleading practice, Missy led

her thirteen-year-old half brother upstairs to her bedroom. She had given

him a soda with vodka mixed into it to drink. Since Jerry had never even

tasted hard liquor, he did not know that his drink was spiked. She then

refused to even kiss him until he was dressed as a girl. Jerry had to admit

to himself that the pretty red silk panties that she handed him felt very

sensual as they slid up his bare thighs and covered his genitalia and round

buttocks. Missy had found a brassiere that Beth had outgrown and had put in

a box of clothing to be donated to charity. It was a white A cup bra with

just a hint of lace trim. Missy adjusted it until it fit Little Jerry's

chest. The cups were a little loose, so Missy stuffed them with folded silk

panties to fill them out. Missy then gave him a pair of tan nylon thigh

high stockings to wear. Jerry drew the semi-transparent nylon up to almost

the tops of his thighs. The elastic lace edging around the tops were only

an inch from his red panties. The sensations of having nylon caressing his

legs were making his little penis tent the front of his red silk panties.

Missy ignored Jerry's stiff little weenie as she led him to her

vanity table. He sat on the chair as she applied his make up, giving him

instructions on how to apply them. She intended to have him do it the next

time. She encouraged him to take big sips from his mixed drink as she

worked applying cosmetics. When the mascara, eye color, eyeliner and bright

red lipstick was applied to Little Jerry's face, he once again looked like

a she. Missy kept telling him how pretty he was and how much he looked like

her ficticious friend, Jenny. She slipped a pair of Beth's pink shoes on

his feet. Poor Little Jerry was so confused by the many different

sensations that his body was experiencing, he was just putty in his evil

half sister's hands.

Missy stood behind Jerry as she brushed his hair into a feminine

style. She had him turn away from the mirror as she picked up a pair of

scissors from her vanity and quickly trimmed his bangs even with his

eyebrows. She figured that he would still be able to comb his hair the way

it had always been, but the bangs made him look even more like a girl. She

also picked up a pair of tweezers and plucked five or six hairs from each

of his eyebrows. Jerry called a halt because he was worried that people

would notice his arched eyebrows if he let her continue. Missy figured that

she had pushed everything as far as she could for this phase of the

conversion process, so she relented.

Little Jerry was shocked when he turned to look in the

mirror. There was a very pretty girl looking back at him. Missy placed a

gold necklace around his neck and hooked the clasp in back. It had a gold

crucifix pendant and had been a Christmas present from her father last

year. Missy thought that it would be appropriate for Little Jenny to wear

it tonight. She pulled Jerry away from the mirror and showed him the pretty

pink dress that she had found along with the brassiere. Jerry was almost

eager to step into it and let Missy pull up the zipper.

When Jerry went over to the full-length mirror, he saw a redheaded

girl that looked far more sophisticated than his thirteen years. Missy was

taller than he was as they stood side by side. Missy moved behind him and

put her arms around his waist as she hugged him to the front of her

body. The press of two huge breasts against his back while the cool silk

feminine undies caressed his body was too much for his young mind to

comprehend. Her hands cupped his padded bra and he wished he actually had

breasts for her to fondle. He had always felt that girls had it better than

boys do and had been envious. People had always bragged on how pretty his

sister was. Now, he was just as pretty as Beth.

Missy left Jerry standing in front of the mirror as she peeled out

of her dress, plain white brassiere, pantyhose and white granny

panties. She picked out a pair of black nylon thigh high stockings and drew

them up her shapely legs until they were only a couple of inches from her

blonde muff. Jerry had finally torn his eyes from his reflection in the

mirror and noticed that Missy was practically naked. If he didn't cum soon,

he felt he was going to die. He was actually afraid that he was going to

shoot off in his red silk panties as she put on a black button front short

skirt and a white see through pull over top. The high heel shoes Missy

selected from her closet made her several inches taller than he was.

Missy held out her hand and said, "Jenny, sit with me on the bed. I

have a favor to ask you." When Jerry moved to the bed and sat beside Missy,

he was unconsciously taking on the roll of Jenny. Missy smiled, as she

looked him in the eyes. "Jenny, I really appreciate your co-operation."

They held hands as Missy leaned forward and softly kissed Jerry's red

lips. There was still an hour before Sam Smith was supposed to

arrive. Missy pushed Jerry back on the bed and kissed his lips some more

before saying, "Tell me you wish you really were Jenny and I'll make you

feel very good."

The vodka and the situation over powered any shyness that the young

boy had as he said that he wished he could be a girl like Jenny. Missy

rewarded him with a deep French kiss and a fondling of his silken covered

parts. He felt her hand on his nylons as her hand moved up his leg under

the hem of his dress. Her hand slid from the nylon stocking across the inch

of bare thigh to his red silk panty material. Jerry's penis was very hard

as she lightly pinched it through the silk panties. He moaned even as her

tongue worked in and out of his mouth.

Missy told Jerry to keep telling her that he wanted to be a girl so

that he could wear silky undies all the time as she moved down between his

nyloned legs and kissed the front of his panties. At the moment, he would

have been willing to say anything to keep her happy. He told her he wished

he were a real girl. He told her that he wished he could be Jenny. He told

her that he wished he could wear silk panties and brassieres all the

time. He would have told her that the sun was green if he thought that was

what she wanted to hear. When she told him to tell her that he wished he

were a girl so he could have a boyfriend, he hesitated. Missy pulled down

the front of his panties and licked the underside of his little cock. She

told him again to say that he wished he were a girl so he could have a

boyfriend. This time, he did not hesitate.

Missy licked the underside of Jerry's little penis as she got him

to say that if he was a girl he could have boyfriends and learn to suck

cocks, too. When he had said this, Missy wrapped her lips around his penis

and made him shoot his drops of cum within a few seconds. When he had

softened a little, she bent his penis down between his legs and pulled his

panties up to trap it between his legs. Missy moved up to lie on top of her

little half brother and kissed him again. She had not swallowed his

semen. She had saved it for him. Missy kissed Jerry and pushed her tongue

into his mouth and forced him to drink his cum. When she had transferred

all of the boy juice to him she said, "Think of the day when you can suck

your boy friend's cock until he fills your mouth with his potent

sperm. Think how good it will taste as you swallow the cum that I shared

with you." Little Jerry was embarrassed to admit that the images flashed

through his mind and they did not sicken him as he swallowed.

Missy got up off the bed and pulled Jerry to his feet. She

straightened their hair, looked at the clock and told Jerry, "We have

almost three hours before your mother and sister get home, Let's go to the

kitchen and get a snack to nibble on." Jerry was reluctant to leave the

sanctity of the bedroom but Missy was insistent. She reminded him that he

looked like a very pretty girl and that no one would see him if they stayed

in the house. 'Besides," she added, "Jenny and I used to just play around

when the family was gone. Let me show you how much fun two girls can have

while the family is away." She had him convinced as she timidly followed

her, hand in hand, down the stairs to the kitchen.

As Missy and "Jenny" entered the kitchen, Missy looked at the clock

on the wall. Sam Smith was supposed to arrive in about fifteen

minutes. Missy took care of the drinks as "Jenny" got the carrot sticks and

dip. Missy managed to pour a liberal amount of vodka into Jerry's drink

with out him noticing. When Missy sat the vodka bottle and some extra cold

sodas on the serving tray, she told Jerry that the vodka was for her as she

carried the tray to the family room. She poured some vodka into her glass

and asked if Jerry wanted some. He said no, but changed his mind when she

told him to loosen up. She gave him and extra shot in his drink as she sat

beside him on the sofa.

Earlier in the afternoon, Missy had set up the camcorder in the

corner of the family room behind a potted plant. It had a clear view of the

sofa, but was hidden from sight. She picked up the remote control from the

end table and pressed the record button before setting it back down. Jerry

was too busy trying not to choke on the very strong drink that Missy had

mixed for him and did not see what she had done. He could feel the vodka

causing a warm glow in his stomach as he tried to return Missy's broad

smile. "Jenny, I want to thank you for being such a sweetheart." Missy said

as she leaned toward him and kissed his soft red lips. He was so infatuated

with the beautiful blonde; he would do anything to please her.

Jerry could feel the alcohol coursing through his system as he

listened to Missy telling him how pretty he looked and how every one who

saw him would think that he was really a beautiful girl. As the alcohol

made his thinking become fuzzy, he even visualized what it would be like as

she described if he, as a girl, and Missy were on a double date. She

described how the boys would think that they had dates with the best

looking sisters in town. About how they would be so nice to them. They

would open doors and are happy just to be with them. She told Jerry about

how they would hold them close in their arms. About how they would want to

kiss their lips. Jerry blushed as he thought of some tall handsome older

boy trying to kiss him. Missy went on describing how "Jenny's" boyfriend

would want more than just a kiss. She described, in intimate detail, the

art of sucking a boy's cock. Little Jerry's face was truly red by the time

she had finished. He didn't know if it was her description or the vodka

that had made the room seem so hot. He gulped down another swallow of the

potent mixed drink.

The ringing of the front door bell interrupted his

embarrassment. Jerry went into a moment of panic. Missy held him on the

sofa as she said, "Just sit here and I'll see who it is. Maybe I can get

rid of them." She had no intention of getting rid of Sam Smith as she

walked to the front door with a fresh drink in her hand. She was all smiles

as she leapt into his arms and kissed him on the lips. Sam had been

reluctant to come to meet the sexy blonde that he had met, and screwed, on

the airliner. He was a married man with children at home. He might end up

jeopardizing his relationship with his wife and his job at the

pharmaceutical corporation if it got out that he was screwing a teenage

girl young enough to be his daughter. The saying that a man with a hard on

thinks with two heads held true in this case. He could not stay away when

she had telephoned and begged him to come and see her in her sweet sexy


Missy whispered to him, "I wasn't able to get rid of my whole

family tonight." Sam looked as if he was going to turn around and

leave. "Don't worry. The only other person here is my little sister,

Jenny. She is shy and bashful. I think you'll like her. She loves sex as

much as I do once she gets over her shyness. She's a virgin, but I know she

wants to learn how to give blowjobs. Maybe you can help me teach her how

it's done tonight. We'll tell her that I forgot my sunglasses on the

airplane and that you are returning them to me. Here's a mixed drink to

keep you occupied while I talk to her for a couple of minutes." Well, it

certainly sounded interesting to Sam, as his cock did his thinking for

him. Missy was the sexiest girl that Sam had ever known. He took a sip of

the vodka drink as he wondered what type of a fox Jenny must be.

Missy entered the family room to find a frightened Jerry sitting

nervously on the sofa. Jerry's fingers had wrinkled the hem of his pink

dress where he had been worriedly twisting the fabric between his

fingers. Missy smiled at him as she smacked his fingers and straightened

out his dress. "There is nothing to worry about. I forgot my sunglasses on

the airplane and the nice older man sitting next to me has returned them. I

told him that I was all-alone, except for my little sister, Jenny. He's

waiting in the hallway. I'm going to invite him into the family room to sit

down for a few minutes. Just act like a girl and he'll be completely


Jerry tried to talk his half sister out of letting the strange man

see him dressed in girl's clothing. Missy assured the thirteen-year-old boy

that Sam Smith would only think of him as a very cute girl. It took almost

five minutes for Missy to convince Little Jerry to go along with her

plan. The vodka that Jerry had consumed helped in the decision making

process. Missy left for a moment, returning with a man who appeared to be

very old to young Jerry's eyes. Missy introduced them, "Mr. Smith, I want

you to meet my beautiful sister, Jenny Lowmax. And Jenny, may I present a

very sweet man, Mr. Sam Smith." Missy enjoyed making the formal

introductions considering the circumstances.

Sam's eyes took in the image of "Jenny" as he was introduced. What

he saw was a very cute redhead of about fifteen to seventeen years of age,

rather petite, bangs that framed a pretty face, red kissable lips and

little boobs that made the front of the top of her dress just barely stick

out. "Missy, you are being modest when you say she is beautiful. Jenny, you

are truly gorgeous! Only your sister can compare to your beauty." He saw

the face of the young redheaded girl turn a bright red as she blushed and

smiled. He hoped he would get a chance to sample the delights of both

sisters before the evening was over.

Missy had Sam sit on the sofa beside "Jenny." Then she sat beside

him. Jerry was nervously gulping his drink. He was already feeling the

effects of the vodka and would be even higher in only minutes. Sam had

already drunk most of his drink, too. Missy freshened everyone's glass,

keeping her drink weaker than the other two. After all, she wanted to

ensure that the camcorder in the corner of the room would capture Sam and

Jerry in a very compromising situation, and to do that, she needed to be


Missy placed her hand on Sam's thigh as she said, "Mr. Smith, I

want to show you how grateful I am to you for returning my sunglasses."

She leaned over and kissed him on his lips. She made it a short and sweet

kiss. She looked over to see what reaction her half brother had to her

kissing the elderly man. Little Jerry's big green eyes were wide open as he

watched his half sister kiss the man again, this time letting her lips

linger on his for a longer time. "Jenny, " Missy said as her lips left

Sam's, "why don't you give Mr. Smith a little kiss, too?" Jerry's face

turned a bright red again as he refused to kiss the older man. Sam just

thought that the innocent young girl was shy as he sat next to her and

hoped Jenny would actually kiss him.

Missy put her arms around Sam's neck and locked her lips to

his. Jerry watched with great interest as he could see that their mouths

were open and that they were actually French kissing. He wondered how Missy

could kiss such an old man even as the sexual nature of the situation began

to cause a heightening of sexual feelings in the young boy. His penis,

which was tucked down between his legs, began to stiffen as he saw the

older man's hand move to cup one of Missy's large breasts. He could even

see the man's thumb and forefinger gently pinching her prominent nipple

through her pull over top.

Missy stood up in front of Sam and smiled her brightest smile. Both

Jerry and Sam were watching as she pulled her skirt up almost around her

waist, showing off her blonde muff, before she knelt between his legs and

began to pull down his zipper. Missy looked at Jerry as she dug into Sam's

shorts to retrieve his swollen penis, "Jenny, I'm going to give you your

first lesson on how to give a good blowjob. Pay attention and Mr. Smith

might let you give him head after I get through." Little Jerry shook his

head "No" but watched with uncontrollable fascination as Missy pulled out

an erect penis that was about double the size of his own.

Little Jerry's eyes grew big and round as he watched Missy lick

around the bulbous head of Mr. Smith's penis as if it were an ice cream

cone. Missy alternated between looking at Sam's face and Jerry's face. Her

clitoris was very hard as she thought about the effects she was having on

the two males sitting on the sofa in the Lowmax family home. Her plans to

control both were moving as she had planned.

Missy worked her hand up and down on Sam's shaft as she told Jerry,

"Jenny, you really should try this. It tastes so good to have a big hard

cock in your mouth. I know that when you try it, you'll love the taste."

Little Jerry's eyes got as big as green saucers as he slowly shook his head

"No." "Well, at least come down here so you can see better," she said as

she pulled Jerry down on his knees beside her. Jerry found himself only

inches from a grown man's erect penis as Missy pulled him even closer.

Sam Smith was actually very turned on by the young redhead. He

thought that Jenny was a very pretty teenage girl who was about to suck his

cock. As sexy as Missy was, the innocence and shyness displayed by the

young redhead was the biggest turn on that Sam had experienced in a long

time. When the blonde forced her younger sister's lips to make contact with

his bloated penis, he was eager for the shy virgin to take it in her mouth

and give him a blowjob, little realizing that the redhead was actually

another male.

Sam watched as Missy held his erect cock in one hand and the back

of her sister's neck in the other as she pushed the young girl's red lips

to the head of his excited penis. A drop of fluid was on the head of his

penis and was painted on the sweet lips of the teenage girl's pouting

mouth. He could hear Missy giving Jenny instructions on how to take his

cock in her sweet mouth and suck on the head. He could feel his penis swell

even larger as he saw the scared look in the big green eyes of the innocent

redhead. When her mouth finally opened and Missy fed his cock into her

sister's mouth, Sam used all his will power to keep from cuming right away.

Missy whispered in Jerry's ear, "Wrap your lips around the head of

his big cock. Taste it. Isn't it yummy? Use your tongue to lick around the

head of his cock a few times. Look up into his face as you do it again. See

Sam's reaction to what you are doing? He loves having his cock

sucked. That's it, keep swirling your tongue around the head and watch his

eyes roll back. Now just bob your head up and down on his prick a few times

as you suck on it. Oh, you are good! Alternate between swirling your tongue

around the sensitive head of his cock and bobbing your head up and down on

his shaft. Wow! You are a natural cock sucker!" Missy used her hand on the

back of Jerry's neck to make sure that he bobbed his head up and down on

the man-sized penis.

Jerry was very confused. He really didn't want to be doing this,

but he wanted to please his half sister. He felt Missy's hand moving under

his skirt and up his nylon-covered leg, above the smooth flesh above the

stocking tops, to his panties. When it settled on the crotch of his red

silk panties and began massaging his penis, he lost himself in the

multitude of sensations. His penis was turned down between his legs but was

very stiff. The motion of her fingers on the silk covering his penis was

more than he could stand. When she whispered more instructions to him on

the correct way to suck cock, he followed them implicitly. The large cock

was now reaching nearly half way down his throat as he bobbed his head up

and down on it. He was lost in the moment.

Sam felt his penis swelling even more as his balls tightened up in

preparation to shoot cum down the cute teenage girl's throat. He entwined

his fingers in her red hair as he came even closer to his climax. Sam

shoved his cock entirely down the innocent throat as he pumped his scalding

sperm from his pulsating penis. Jenny's throat muscles convulsed on his

spasming cock, causing even more cum to shoot out. It was an orgasm that

was even better than the one he had on the airplane with Missy. Sam was in

love with Missy's teenage sister!

When Sam's fingers grasped the back of Jerry's head and started to

force even more of his erect penis down his throat, Jerry tried to pull

back. Missy held one hand on the back of his neck as she whispered

encouragement to him. Missy's other hand began to rub his silk encased

penis harder at the same time. Jerry spread his legs to give his sister

more room to massage his hard little penis. Missy managed to time

everything just right, as Sam pumped his sperm down her little brother's

throat; Jerry was cuming in his panties. From now on, she knew that Little

Jerry would associate swallowing sperm with the sensations of having his

own orgasm. Her plan was that much nearer to completion.

Sam finally recovered enough from his orgasm to open his eyes and

look down at the two beautiful girls kneeling between his legs. The blonde

was still whispering instructions in the redhead's ear on how to lick his

cock clean. He watched as Jenny's pink tongue came out of her red painted

lips to lick up each side of his softening penis. He thought that he had

never seen such a beautiful sight as his cock began to re-inflate. Soon,

his cock was standing straight as a flagpole.

Missy stood up and pushed Little Jerry's head out of the way as she

straddled Sam Smith's lap and lowered herself onto his hard cock. Sam

smiled up at her as he felt the wet folds of her vagina engulf the head of

his erect penis. When Missy dropped down on him, his penis soared up into

her young belly, sending shutters up and down both of their spines. Jerry

continued to sit on the floor between Sam's legs as he watched, close in,

as the large cock disappeared from view. He could feel his own penis

beginning to stiffen in his cum soaked panties as Missy rode up and down on

the cock of the man who was old enough to be her father.

It had been a very long time since Sam had been able to cum two

times in a row. The effect of having two luscious teenage girls working on

him was simply to exciting to him. He figured that if he did not have a

heart attack, he would remember this evening for the rest of his life. If

he only knew how true he was!

Jerry could see the long penis appear and disappear as Missy rose

and fell on it. He was so close he could smell their odors. His own penis

swelled until it threatened to rip his panties as he watched Missy's pink

pussy lips being pulled out around the retreating penis, only to be shoved

back inside as she dropped down on it once again. He saw the hair covered

ball sack begin to tighten as Sam approached another climax. The balls

seemed to bounce and pulsate as they pumped a load of sperm into the

blonde's belly. Missy screamed as she, too, came before she collapsed on

top of the elderly salesman.

When Missy finally rose up and slid over to one side, Jerry saw the

softening penis slide out of Missy's slimy slit. Jerry's cock was stiff as

he licked his ruby red lips. Missy placed a hand behind his head and guided

his lips to the slime coated cock. He did not object as the cream coating

on the large penis was rubbed off onto his lips. His tongue came out and

tasted of the sticky coating. He had been eating Missy's sweet pussy. She

had been feeding him his own sperm to eat. And, he had just given Mr. Smith

a blowjob where he had swallowed the older man's sperm. It did not require

much effort to force the juice-covered cock into his mouth. He found the

taste to be pleasant as he cleaned the cock in his mouth.

Missy smiled as she saw how co-operative her little brother was as

he sucked cock for the second time in his young life. He seemed to be eager

to slurp down the combined juices from the large soft penis. And Sam, he

was grinning like a cat that had just swallowed a canary as he watched his

penis being cleaned by what he thought was a beautiful teenage girl giving

her first blowjob. She knew he thought that he was one very lucky man. She

also knew that the video camera had recorded all the action and would

enable her to blackmail both Little Jerry and Sam Smith. She smiled even

bigger as Sam winked at her.

When Jenny had licked him clean, Sam had entwined his fingers in

her red hair and pulled her cute little face up as he bent forward and

kissed her lips. He felt her trying to struggle to free herself from his

hold, but easily overpowered the young girl. His tongue penetrated the

sweet red sperm coated lips as he kissed her for several minutes. The

redhead surrendered to his kisses and he placed his hands around her thin

waist and he pulled her up to sit on his lap. She had made him cum; now, it

was his turn to make her cum. He held the young girl in his arms as his

lips sealed her mouth, preventing her from protesting as his hand slid up

her nylon covered thigh until it moved across the inch or two of bare skin

to settle on the red silk panties. Sam's penis was on the rise for the

third time tonight as his hand cupped the crotch of the young girl's

panties. It was then that he made the discovery. He found a small hard

penis turned down and clamped between the young girl's legs. This was no

girl! He panicked as he dumped Jerry onto the floor and jumped to his feet.

Sam looked at the young boy and could barely believe that the

convincing looking girl was not what she seemed. He glanced over at Missy

and saw that she was smiling at him. Sam stuffed his penis back into his

pants and headed for the door. He left the house, slamming the front door,

jumped into his car and sped away. He had never been so embarrassed in his

life. The very idea that he had let a boy suck his cock! And, he had kissed

him! He vowed to never return to this house the rest of his life. It was a

promise that he would not be able to keep.

Missy helped Jerry to his feet. Jerry was beginning to feel

guilty about what he had done. Missy didn't want him to feel that way. At

least, she did not want him to feel guilty yet. She pushed her half brother

onto the sofa, flipped his short skirt up and pulled his panties down and

off. She stroked his penis a few times to make it as hard as it could

get. Making sure that it would show up on the videotape before she leaned

down and took it between her soft lips. Between strokes, she told him how

proud she was of him and how turned on she had gotten as she had watched

him giving Sam Smith such a great blowjob. She wanted to make certain that

Jerry was thinking of sucking another man's cock as he reached his own

orgasm. She was successful. Little Jerry pumped his weak semen into her

mouth as he remembered the way Sam's larger cock had shot cum down his

pulsating throat.

Little Jerry had gone to remove his sexy feminine clothing and take

a shower as Missy unloaded the video tape and made a copy of it before she

went to do the same. By the time that Donna and Beth returned home, all the

signs of the evenings activities had been put away. Donna didn't even know

that Missy had convinced her only son to sleep in a pair of silky pink

panties to help him remember what he had done while entertaining Sam

Smith. He had dreams of large cocks shooting cum down his suctioning


The next morning, Missy took the copy of the videotape and went to

visit Sam Smith where he worked. He was so upset about the previous night,

that he had refused to see her. He had changed his mind when she had sent

the tape into his office via his secretary. His secretary became very

suspicious when, fifteen minutes later; Sam called her and asked if Missy

was still in the waiting room. Missy was told to go on into his private

office. Missy threatened to send copies to Sam's wife and his boss if he

didn't co-operate. He slumped into his chair and mumbled, "You have me over

a barrel. What do you want?" Missy gave him a list of the types of drugs

she wanted. At first, he balked. When she told him that the young boy was

only thirteen years old, he realized that not only would his wife leave him

and that he would loose his job, but that he would probably go to prison as

well. He spent the rest of the morning collecting the listed drugs from the


Missy stopped at a porno shop on the way home. She had raided the

cookie jar in the kitchen and had stolen all the spare cash that was kept

there. She knew that after tonight, Donna would never again be able to tell

her what to do. Several men carried on a conversation with her as she

selected the items she wanted to buy. One of the men, a handsome black man

over six feet tall, gave her his telephone number. She put it in her purse

as she gave the clerk the money for the items she bought. She loaded the

purchased items into the trunk next to the bag of drugs and drove back

home. Tonight was the night to begin everyone's training.

When she arrived at home, Missy found that Beth was going straight

to the game and then to another cheerleader's home for an after game

party. She was told by Donna to be home by eleven o'clock. Little Jerry had

not returned home from school yet. Additionally, her father had called and

said that the construction project was having problems and he would not be

home for at least another week. Missy looked at Donna, the attractive

redheaded witch that had broken up her happy home when she was a little

girl, and decided that there was no time like the present to put her plan

in action. She slipped a few drops of liquid into Donna's iced tea when her

was not looking.

Donna was wearing a conservative blue dress and low heel shoes. Her

hair was attractively styled, but she wore no make up except for some pink

lipstick. Missy got up and turned off the cook stove after Donna passed out

and slumped over the kitchen table. Little Jerry walked in as Missy was

struggling to drag her stepmother up the stairs to the master

bedroom. Jerry wanted to call an ambulance, but Missy talked him out of

it. She told him that it was just a case of the flu and that his mother

would be fine tomorrow. Jerry helped carry his mother up to her room, put

her in her bed and stood by while Missy striped his mother's dress, shoes

and pantyhose of her shapely body. He felt guilty because his penis became

erect when he saw his own mother in her white brassiere and panties.

Missy led Little Jerry from Donna's room. She felt of the front of

his pants and confirmed what she had suspected; his little pecker was hard

from seeing his mother. Missy pulled her young half brother into her room

where she had him remove all of his clothing and don a pair of her white

silk panties. He didn't question her when she gave him a glass of soda and

told him to sit on her bed and drink it. When he became drowsy, she gave

him several pills to swallow. He passed out within ten minutes. The drug

she had given him in his drink was similar to the one she had slipped into

Donna's drink. It was a combination of knock out drops and hypnotic mind

control drugs. Missy got the two audio tape players from her closet. She

had used the types of tapes used in telephone answering machines. They were

loops of tape in a cartridge that would play continuously. The message she

had recorded for Jerry was, "Your name is Jenny. You are so happy to be a

girl! You love it when men and boys look at you. You will wear make up,

have your hair looking very feminine and dress in short skirts. You will be

so pretty. You will flirt with every guy that you see. You will want all

men to kiss you. You will want to suck their cocks! You will smile and tell

them how much you love their cum as you give them the best blowjobs that

they will ever experience! You will love to swallow long hard cocks down

your throat and feel them shudder and shake as they pump sperm down into

your tummy! You will even let guys screw you in the ass! A big long thick

cock spreading your bottom will make you so happy. All girls love to be

screwed and you will be a girl from now on! You will be such a sexy slut as

you flirt with every guy you meet! You will obey Missy no matter what she

tells you to do." Missy loaded the tape in the player and placed the

headphones on her half brother's ears.

The other audio tape recorder and tape was carried to the master

bedroom. Missy placed the headphones over Donna's ears and started the

tape. In the quiet room, she could just barely hear her recorded voice as

it repeated into her stepmother's semi-conscious ear, "You are so pretty

and desirable. Men want to make love to you. You love to let them. From now

on, you will dress in sexy clothes. You will never wear a brassiere again,

they are to constricting. You will never wear panties, either. You will

wear short skirts, thin tops, thigh high stockings and high heel shoes. You

will love to flirt with everyone. You will flirt with women as much as you

do with men. A woman's body is so soft and smooth. You will love to caress

women's bodies, to kiss their lips, to lick their luscious nipples, to

slowly move between their sensuous thighs and to run your tongue between

the moist lips of their vaginas! You will love to eat pussy as much as you

love sucking a stranger's cock or letting him screw you in your sweet

pussy. You will especially love to eat Missy and Beth's sweet pussies. From

now on, Little Jerry is to be treated as a girl. Her name is Jenny, and you

will love to see her suck cocks and take them up her cute little

bottom. You will flirt with all men, but the only cocks you will let screw

you from now on will be black! Only black men will be allowed to make love

to you. Even your husband will not be allowed to screw you! You will seek

out black men that will treat you like a slut because that is what you want

more than anything else in the world! You will love to eat pussy, suck

black cocks, and let black cocks screw your in your pussy or ass! From now

on, you and Beth will be sluts! And, neither of you will use any form of

birth control. You will obey Missy no matter what she tells you to do."

Sam Smith had made some statements about how strong the mind

control drug was. It was actually a military secret that was developed for

the Central Intelligence Agency. It was supposed to be so strong that it

could convert foreign officials into spys for our government. Sam was

reluctant to let her have some of the drug until Missy reminded him of the

videotape. Missy was not sure if the drug would do everything Sam had said

that it could, but was willing to give it a try.

As the audiotapes played over and over again, programming her

stepmother's and half brother's minds, Missy striped Donna's bra and panty

set from her unconscious body and took a pair of padded leather cuffs from

her bag and fastened them around Donna's wrists. Next a pair of cuffs went

around her ankles. Donna's evil stepdaughter chained her cuffs to the posts

of her antique bed before getting out the other toys that she had bought at

the porno shop. A pair of nipple clamps was attached to Donna's large

nipples. A butterfly device was attached around her waist and positioned

with its finger like projection on her clitoris. A six-inch butt plug was

oiled and inserted into Donna's rectum. A black vibrator nearly a foot long

was lubricated and slowly forced up into Donna's previously tight

vagina. She made moaning sounds even though she was under the spell of the

mind control drug. Missy had a smile on her face as she turned on the three


Missy decided that it was now time to revisit her redheaded

brother. She placed padded cuffs on him and tied him down on her bed. Missy

had to suck on his little nipples for a few minutes before they would stand

up enough to attach the nipple clamps. Next, she pulled down his panties to

slip the greased butt plug into his rectum. He groaned as it penetrated his

tight little anus. Her blue eyes shone brightly as she thought about the

additional pills that she had him take. One was a chemical that would cause

his testes to shrivel up and never produce sperm again. It had been

developed to give to sex offenders to lessen their sexual drive. Another

pill was a new super female hormone designed to give a woman, after having

a hysterectomy, her complete monthly hormones in just one pill. Missy had

decided to give him one a day for at least the first week. The last pills

given to Jerry was an untested drug designed to take the place of breast

augmentation surgery. It was supposed to cause a woman's breast size to

increase by at least two cup sizes. Missy was giving Jerry a double dose.

Sam Smith had said that the mind control drug would knock out a

person for between one and two hours. Beth would be home in about four more

hours. Missy couldn't wait to get her hands on Little Miss Goodie Two

Shoes! The fifteen-year-old redheaded half sister was so prim and proper!

Her father had a special relationship with "his little Princess" and Missy

wanted to corrupt her as much as she wanted to punish her stepmother. Missy

giggled to herself as she went over her plans for her family.

Missy changed into a black mini skirt, red top, black nylon thigh

highs, and black high heel shoes. She went down stairs to mix a vodka drink

and relax as she waited for the drugs and audiotapes to work their magic on

her stepmother and half brother. She picked up the telephone and called the

number the black man in the porno shop had given her. She recognized his

deep toned voice as he answered. "Hello," she had said in her sexiest

voice. She found out that his name was Roscoe as talked to him for half an

hour before she invited him over. She told him to show up at about

midnight. She also asked if he had any friends. She explained that there

would be four girls here and that more help might be needed. His deep voice

chuckled over the phone as he said that she was such a bad girl and that he

loved bad girls. He told Missy not to worry, there would be enough guys to

go around, said bye and hung up.

Missy mixed another drink and went upstairs to check on the two

brain washing subjects. Donna's eyes were open and had a glassy look to

them as she moaned and wiggled on the bed. The three vibrators were humming

as her hips rose and fell. Her arms and legs strained at her bonds as she

pleaded, "Missy what have you done to me? Please let me go." Then, she

looked her pretty blonde stepdaughter up and down, let a smile come to her

lips and added, "I'll make you feel good if you let me go." Missy wanted

her stepmother to get the full benefit of the brain washing drugs and

tape. She left Donna writhing on the bed.

An hour later, Missy returned. Missy shifted the black vibrator in

Donna's stretched vagina, causing Donna to moan even louder. Missy felt her

stepmother's tethered hand on her stocking covered leg. Donna's eyes were

closed as she concentrated on the sensations of the vibrators on and in her

belly. She was not even aware that her hand was slowly rubbing Missy's

nyloned thigh. Missy unhooked the cuff holding Donna's hand to give it more

freedom to rub her thigh.

Missy removed the nipple clamps from Donna's swollen nipples. The

blood came rushing back into her nipples, causing the pretty middle aged

redhead to moan with excitement. Donna's eyes flew open as she felt Missy's

lips wrap around one of her nipples and begin sucking. She moaned even

louder when Missy switched to her other nipple. Donna's fingers moved up

Missy's thigh as if by their own violition as they moved past the tops of

her hose and onto the moist pubic hair that they encountered there. Missy

could feel the long thin fingers of her stepmother moving through the soft

blonde pubic hair on their way to her slit. Her own fingers began to shove

the black vibrator in and out of Donna's pussy as she spread her legs.

Missy moved up onto Donna's bed and straddled the redhead's

face. Missy settled down on Donna's face and felt satisfaction when Donna's

lips and tongue began to work on her wet slit. Missy now knew for sure that

she had control of her hated stepmother as she sat on her face. Missy

reached down and griped the foot long vibrator and started stroking it

forcefully in and out of Donna's overstuffed quim. Missy smiled as she felt

a nose moving up into her vagina and lips and tongue on her clit. Donna may

have split up her mother and father, but she sure understood how to eat


The headphones were still on Donna's ears as her pretty blonde

stepdaughter rode up and down on her pussy juice coated face. She had to

catch gasps of air as Missy moved back and forth. Missy was really enjoying

the act of corrupting Donna. The thought that she now controlled two

members of her hated stepfamily hurried her orgasm. Missy was forcing the

entire foot long vibrator inside Donna's expanded vagina as both of them

reached a simultaneous climax.

Missy re-hooked the cuff on Donna's hand and left Donna lying on

her bed, with the vibrators continuing to buzz as the tape played in her

ears. Missy went down the hall and found that "Jenny" had also

awakened. When Missy removed the nipple clamps from Jerry's nipples, there

was a noticeable swelling around them. Sam had said that the breast

augmentation drug should act quickly, but, even though Jerry was given a

double dose of the drug, this was faster than Missy had imagined. She bent

down and began to suck on the prominent nipples as Jerry moaned and wiggled

on the bed with his penis tenting the front of his white silk

panties. Missy looked at the clock and saw that they only had half an hour

before Beth was due home from the after game party.

An hour later, a car pulled up in front of the Lowmax home. Rodney,

the handsome captain of the football team, slid closer to the pretty

redheaded cheerleader as he put his arm around her shoulders. Beth's boy

friend tried to move his hand onto her left breast as she allowed him to

kiss her goodnight. "Honestly," she thought to herself, "you can't trust

even the nicest boys to behave themselves." She pulled his hand away and

opened the car door. They had said bye to each other as she got out of his

car and went in the front door of her house. The sound of a car driving off

was interrupted by her mother's voice calling to her from the family

room. Beth went to see what her mother wanted.

Beth thought that there must be a costume party. Missy and her

mother both wore the type of clothing that streetwalkers normally

wore. Missy had on a red tank top that left her midriff bare, and quite

obviously she was not wearing a bra, along with a short black mini

skirt. Black nylons, whose lace tops ended an inch before her short skirt

began and a pair of red high heel shoes were the only thing that her blonde

stepsister wore except for jewelry. Her mother was dressed even more

obscenely! She wore a skimpy blue satin halter-top over her unsupported

breasts. A blue satin skirt that was actually a skating skirt covered her

loins. A pair of golden hued nylon and silk blend thigh top stockings

covered most of her legs and a pair of white high heel shoes were strapped

to her tiny feet. Beth had no way of knowing that her mother was not

wearing panties, either.

What Beth found to be even more shocking than the way her mother

was dressed was the way she was cuddled up to Missy. They had not been

friendly toward one another, but they now sat on the sofa with their arms

around one another and her mother's head was lying on Missy's

shoulder. Beth obeyed her mother when she was told to come over to the sofa

and sit with them. Donna and Missy slid apart to make room for the confused

Beth to sit between them. Donna and Beth snuggled close to Beth as soon as

she had sat down. She tried to jump up, but was held firmly by her mother

and her stepsister. When she felt Missy's lips touch the side of her cheek,

Beth looked to her mother for help. What she got was a kiss on the lips!

Beth was in shock as she felt her own mother's tongue insinuate

itself into her soft lips. She thought that she was in some bad horror show

that they showed on cable television as four hands began to roam over her

sexy little fifteen-year-old body. When Beth managed to tear her lips from

her mothers to protest, Missy's lips locked onto her mouth. Just when she

thought that she was able to break free from Missy and her mother, Beth

felt another pair of hands on her body. When she looked down, she saw that

there was another girl trying to pull her cheerleading skirt up around her

waist. The girl had red hair with cute bangs and was dressed the same

slutty way that her mother and Missy were dressed.

Beth's mother's hand had found its way under her cheerleading

sweater and was unhooking her virginal white brassiere. Beth tried to

struggle free but the redheaded girl between her legs had just pulled her

cheerleading panties and pantyhose down to her knees, making it even more

difficult for her to escape. Poor little Beth was bewildered by the actions

of her mother, stepsister and the unknown girl between her legs. Beth's

sweater was pulled up over her bare tits as her pink nipples were fondled

and pinched. Beth did notice that her mother was a better kisser than her

inexperienced boyfriend was as her mother drove her tongue as deeply as

possible into her daughter's mouth.

Missy had moved so that she could suckle Beth's pink nipples as

Donna French kissed her daughter. Everyone heard the gasping sound come

from Beth as Little Jerry finally was able to get his mouth on his sister's

red haired little pussy. Missy had taught Jerry well. He was already an

expert in the art of eating pussy! Young Beth never had a chance of

withstanding the onslaught of Jerry's tongue and lips as he licked and

sucked her sweet clitoris. Every few minutes, Missy and Donna would trade

places as they kissed Beth's lips and sucked her sensitive pink nipples. It

only took about ten more minutes for Beth to experience her first orgasm of

her young life. She was not given a chance to rest; Donna took Little

Jerry's place between Beth's legs and began to eat her daughter's pussy.

For the next hour, Missy, Donna and "Jenny" took turns making Beth

cum time after time. She did not resist too much as Missy moved to hover

over her face and gave her instructions on how to eat her blonde haired

pussy. Missy screamed out that she was cuming just as Donna made her

daughter reach another orgasm. Her mother was next to sit on her face. When

Donna climaxed on her daughter's face, she slumped to the sofa. When the

other redhead exchanged places with her mother and moved over her, she

finally figured out who she was. Beth was almost in shock when she

recognized her brother. Donna's talented tongue worked it's magic on her

daughter's clitoris. Beth was experiencing yet another climax as Jerry

pushed his semi stiff penis between his older sister's red lips. Missy had

to give her instructions on how to suck cock. Beth was so disoriented she

followed every instruction. Little Jerry produced a weak bitter tasting

fluid when he came in his sister's mouth. Missy told her to swallow it, and

she did.

The ringing of the doorbell caused Missy to leave the seduction of

the beautiful cheerleader to her mother and brother as she walked to the

front door. Roscoe had brought five friends with him. All were black and

horny. She gave each of them a quick welcoming kiss before she led them to

the family room. The six black men stood in astonishment as they saw the

three seminude redheads on the sofa playing with one another. From the

bulges in their pants, they were eager to join in the fun. Missy whispered

to them to remove their clothes. She was delighted to see the size of some

of the dark tools carried by their party guests. Three out of six were

almost a foot long! Tonight would be interesting for everyone!

Donna was enthusiastic when she was pulled to one side and two

large black men began to kiss her lips and rub their large black cocks

against her smooth white body. One of the men pulled Jenny to one side and

held his black dick to the cute redhead's lips. Little Jerry did as he had

been programmed to do; he sucked the big black cock into his mouth and gave

the guy the best blowjob of his life. Beth squealed, leapt to her feet and

tried to run from the room. Two of the black men grabbed her before she

could move more than a few feet. Her small body was lifted up in the air

and was sat down on a hard black dick that was over eight inches long. He

held her suspended over his dark pole until he was sure of the

alignment. Then, he let Beth down until her splayed vagina lips were

positioned over his upturned uncircumcised cock. Beth let out a cry as she

was dropped onto the black pole and it ruptured her hymen as it entered her

young belly. Beth's pussy was very wet or else the taking of her virginity

would have been more painful.

Roscoe sat on a padded chair and Missy sat in his lap. Straddling

his legs and sliding down on his foot long cock. She sat facing away from

him so that she could watch as the large black men debauched her

stepfamily. She had found out that her father had a vasectomy several years

ago and that Donna did not use birth control. Beth until a few moments ago,

had been a virgin and had never used birth control. If Missy were lucky,

both her stepmother and stepsister would become pregnant tonight. She saw

that Jenny had just sucked the sperm from a black cock and that another was

waiting to sample the talents of the young redheaded cocksucker. Missy

climaxed as she saw Donna taking a load of cum in her mouth at the same

time as another huge cock was filling her cunt with black baby making


The orgy lasted most of the night. A couple of the guys got upset

when they found out that Jenny was really a boy. The rest took it in stride

and let him suck their big cocks so that they could fuck the other two

redheaded women over and over again. One of the guys even gave Little Jenny

her first her first anal screwing. The cute little redhead came for her man

as he spurted his cum into her intestines. Little Jerry was left with a

contented smile on his cute feminine face.

Donna was screwed repeatedly by practically every guy there. And,

she was screwed in every orifice in her body capable of accepting a large

cock. Her body was dripping thick sperm on the carpet by the end of the

night. Her daughter, Beth, was practically in a state of shock by the

middle of the night. Missy had to slip her some of the knock out/

brainwashing drug and get Roscoe to carry the former virgin to her bedroom

where she placed the audiotape for Beth in the player and placed the

headphones over the fifteen-year-old's ears. Roscoe watched as Missy cuffed

Beth's wrists and ankles before fastening the young redhead on the bed. He

found the sight to be so exciting, he got hard and Missy let him climb on

top of the teenage girl and screw her one last time before they returned

downstairs to join the others. He could feel the head of his cock bumping

the cervix in the small white body beneath him as his black cock pumped her

belly full of semen. As she lay on the bed, some of the sperm traveled up

into her womb and found one of her eggs.

When Beth was released from her restraints the next morning, the

brainwashing drug, and her experiences from the previous night, had turned

the previously innocent virgin into a full-fledged slut. She now joined her

mother and feminized brother in a quest for a supply of black cock. Roscoe

brought over another group of large heavily endowed black men for their

mutual enjoyment. They stayed all weekend. Some of Donna's fellow church

goers, when the Lowmax family had not shown up for church services, called

on Sunday afternoon to see if she was sick. Donna told them that she had

found another hobby. Just then, Beth cried out, "someone stick your big

black cock in my mouth and fill it full of cum!" Donna figured that the

woman that had called had heard her daughter when the phone line went

dead. She hung up the phone and went to suck a big cock until it was hard

enough for her to sit on.

Roscoe and Missy officiated over the entertainment for the next few

days. When Jerry Lowmax, Senior, returned home the following week, the

house had been cleaned up and everything looked normal as he pulled his car

into the garage. He retrieved his bags from the trunk of his car and went

into the dark house. When he reached the top of the stairs, hands grabbed

him and he was forcibly picked up and carried into the master bedroom. He

was set down in a heavy chair and cuffs were placed on his wrists and

ankles. When he was secured to the chair, the lights were turned on. He

felt panic when he saw that he was surrounded by several very large and

muscular black men. "What have you done with my family?" He cried. In

answer to his question, Donna, Missy, Beth and another redheaded girl

entered the room. Except for thigh high stockings and high heel shoes, they

were nude. Then he noticed that Donna and Beth's breasts were at least two

sizes bigger than they were when he had left. Thanks to the breast

augmentation pills, they both had D cup titties. The drug had also had the

side effect of increasing the size of the nipples to an inch in diameter

and two inches long. The other redhead required a few minutes for him to

recognize. Her tits were about a C cup and her nipples were not quite as

big as the Donna and Beth's, but she did have a small cock sticking out in

front. Big Jerry stared in horror as he realized that his son was now more

female than male.

Missy had moved to stand beside her father. He tore his eyes away

from the strange shape of his son to look at his first born. She was

smiling as she told him that she had helped Donna, Beth and "Jenny" become

what they were today. He sat in shock as she described all that had

happened this last week. As she spoke, the black men had removed their

clothing. They had been selected for the size of their equipment. Big Jerry

Lowmax sat in awe as all eight cocks were displayed for him to see. Every

one of them was over twelve inches long.

First, Donna laid down on her back on the bed just a couple of feet

in front of her husband. The man with the largest cock climbed between her

legs and lined his fourteen inch long, four inch thick black pole up with

the swollen lips of her vagina and began to feed the enormous penis to his

wife's belly. The ease with which Donna accepted him meant that this was

not the first time he had screwed his wife. Donna looked up into her

husband's eyes as she told him how good it felt to have a "real man" inside

her. Despite the sick feeling in the pit of Big Jerry's stomach, his own

penis was starting to rise as he watched the wetly glistening black penis

as it stroked in and out of his wife's formerly tight vagina.

Jerry's penis was tenting his trousers as Donna continued to tell

everyone just how good it felt to be a slut to big black cocks. He was tied

to the chair and could do nothing to prevent the scene taking place in

front of him as his redheaded wife was made to cum several times by the

huge tool that was able to disappear completely inside her belly. Missy

reached into his lap, squeezed his penis and unzipped him. Her hand reached

inside and fished out his stiff dick. She left his cock standing in the air

for everyone to see as the huge black cock inside his wife hosed her

insides with black baby making cream. It required all of his control to

keep from spraying his cum into the air as he heard Donna's cries of


When the large black man climbed off from Donna, she turned to let

her husband see the gaping hole between her legs. He could see the black

man's sperm puddled inside of her expanded vagina before she was helped off

the bed.

Next was Beth, his little princess. She started out on all fours by

sucking a large cock while another moved in from behind. Her cunt had no

problem swallowing an over sized black cock as another was shoved half way

down her throat. Jerry's cock was still hard as he watched what he though

was his virginal daughter take on two gigantic sized tools. His vision was

momentarily blocked as Missy swung across his lap and sat down facing him

as her legs straddled him. She dropped down onto her father's swollen

penis, as she looked him in the eye. "Daddy," she whispered to him, "I

always wanted to fuck you."

She whispered about the way her stepfather had abused her. Told her

father about the many times she had sucked her stepfather's cock as she had

grown up. She described the first time he had screwed her undeveloped

pussy. She described all the other types of sex she had had as she had

grown up in the trailer park. Jerry's penis never softened as his older

daughter described her sexual education to him. If anything, it got even

harder as she bounced up and down on his lap with his cock reaching as far

inside her as it would reach. "Daddy, you'd better enjoy screwing me

because Donna is addicted to black cock and will never let you screw her

again. Beth feels the same way, too."

Jerry found that he could no longer for stall his climax as he shot

his cum into his daughter's bouncing belly. Missy lifted herself off her

father's slowly shrinking tool and stood up. Little Jenny immediately took

Missy's place between Big Jerry's legs. Jerry saw his son drop to his knees

and reach to fondle his slime coated penis. Little Jerry's hair was teased

in a very feminine style. His lips were swollen looking and were bright

red. His long fingernails were painted a matching shade of bright

red. Earrings dangled from each earlobe. And, "Jenny" had a nice set of

melons on her chest. Big Jerry tried to look away so that he would not see

the big green eyes of the seductively feminine figure of his son on his

knees as he played with his father's erecting penis.

On the bed, just a few feet from him, were Donna and Beth. Both had

a big black cock in their mouths, pussies and asses. Each was being triple

teamed! Jerry's cock sprang to attention as he watched the way his wife and

younger daughter were being used by the well-endowed black

strangers. That's when he felt the mouth of Jerry Lowmax, Junior, engulf

the head of his stiffening cock. He tensed up, but with in a minute or two,

he had to admit that "Jenny", as the others referred to Little Jerry,

certainly knew how to suck cock better than any woman he had ever

encountered. As he watched the interracial fucking taking place on the bed,

his cock received the best blowjob he had ever gotten. He tried not to, but

he emptied his balls into Jenny's throat as he saw the black men filling

the orifices of his wife and daughter with potent black sperm.

Missy gave her father something to drink. The knock out

drops/brainwashing drug was mixed in it. Four of the men lifted her father,

chair and all, and carried him to her room where she placed the headphones

over his ears, started the tape, turned out the light and left the

room. The tape said, "You will never make love to Donna again. She and Beth

belong to the Men of the Black Race and you are to encourage them to please

their men in any way possible. It will give you a hard on to know that they

are being screwed by black men. You will love to eat their cum filled

pussies after they have been screwed by their lovers. It will make you

happy when they have black babies. You will take care of their children as

they go out on dates to get pregnant again. The only way you will get

satisfaction from now on is when Jenny, formerly Little Jerry, gives you a

blowjob. You will shave your body hair and always wear women's panties to

show Jenny that you are proud of what he has become. It will keep you

excited to walk around construction sites with a pair of sexy panties under

your work clothes. Around the house, you will wear panties, thigh high

stockings, women's high heel shoes and nothing else as you serve food and

drinks to your houseguests. You will obey Missy in everything she orders

you to do."

Missy returned to the master bedroom as the tape played over and

over in her father's ears. She smiled as she watched Donna, Beth and Jenny

in action. Missy may be an evil stepdaughter, but she had gotten her


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