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Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 07:58:28 -0700 (PDT)

From: Brian Houlihan <brian_houlihan2002@yahoo.com>

Subject: Alone With Helen TG/Control


By Brian Houlihan

Copyright 1999 by Brian Houlihan

All Rights Reserved


"It's okay. He won't bite."

"What's his name?"

"Butchy. Did you just move in here?"

"Yeah," my Mom said.

The dog was a frisky little toy beagle. He was jumping all over me. I was

sitting on the front steps of the house my Mom and I had just moved into in


"Well, I'm Helen, your neighbor. I live in that blue house over there."

She pointed to a house on the next block.

"I'm Grace and this is my son John."

"Very nice to meet you. Butchy seems to really like you John."

"He's cute."

Butchy was cute but Helen was so beautiful it was intimidating. She looked

like a movie star, all decked out in high heels and Capri pants and a tight

sweater showing off her formidable bosom. I was glad I had the dog to play

with, so that I wouldn't show how nervous I was around her. I remember we

made small talk for a few minutes and I stole a few glances at her. She

gave me a big, warm smile.

"You can come and visit Butchy some time. He loves attention."

"Okay. Thanks."

I liked watching her walk away. Great ass and long, long legs, a confident


"She's really pretty."

"I'll say. Bet she's popular," my Mom said.

At fourteen years old, I was a shy kid and really didn't know anybody in

the neighborhood. Mom and I had just moved here from California. So when

somebody was that friendly to me it meant a lot. It seemed like Helen and

Mom became fast friends almost immediately. I remember her being around

the house a lot. She always looked great and smelled great. She asked if

I'd walk Butchy for her now and then, and of course I readily agreed. I

would have done anything for her.

The first time I walked Butchy I rang her doorbell and she just called the

dog, put the leash on him and handed me the leash. After a fun walk for

several blocks I returned to her house with the dog. Helen invited me in.

Her house seemed so much cooler than ours, interesting prints on the walls,

snapshots of Helen at parties with friends, attractive people. She fixed

me a Coke and attempted to draw me out in conversation. We made small talk

about my school and California but I was very shy around her.

She attempted to give me some money for walking the dog but I refused it.

"What a nice young man you are!"

Helen ruffled my hair and I swooned inside.

She encouraged me to walk the dog whenever I wanted, so I started going

over to her house to walk Butchy a few times a week.

One day I went over and noticed a strange car in her driveway. She didn't

answer her bell. I rang it a few times and left. The next time I came

over to walk Butchy, she came to the door and gave me the dog on a leash.

"Sorry about the other day, John. I had some special company."

Here she rubbed her crotch area and smiled at me. I felt strange.

"A man friend."

"Oh, I understand," I said, even though I didn't. Had she touched her

genital area on purpose? To convey some sex thing?

The more I walked her dog, and saw her visiting Mom, the more relaxed I

became around her. But I still found her enthralling. I confess I jerked

off a few times remembering her rubbing her crotch area and looking at me

and saying, "A man friend," and smiling at me.

As she invited me in more, after walking Butchy, she seemed to become more

familiar with me. Touching me a lot, my hair, my shoulders, my face.

Several times she told me "You're so pretty," which seemed like an odd

thing to tell a boy.

I also noted she seemed to be in skirts a lot more when I visited. I began

to note her panties on display. I would stare at them, then she would pull

her skirt down, as if she had forgotten she was flashing her panties at me.

Could she be doing it on purpose? I was fascinated by her panties and her

cunt area.

She would frequently model some new outfit for me while I was in her house.

"Your opinion is very important to me, Johnny."

One day she asked me if I liked to play cards? Sure. So we started gin

rummy together. It was fun, not too exciting. She treated me like an

adult and I loved that. During one of these card games I went to the

bathroom in her place and noticed a pair of her panties lying on the

bathroom sink. Curious, I picked them up and smelled them. Cunt. Helen's

cunt smell was in there! I threw a rod immediately. Then I worried about

her seeing it. Had she put the panties here on purpose? Probably not.

But still, it got me going. Thoughts of stealing them flashed through my

mind but I was afraid she would miss them.

I returned to the card game. I still had a hard on. She smiled and said

nothing. I don't think she noticed it. It was a short time later that I

noted her scratching her cunt for a long time and then she looked right at

me. I must have blushed.

"Johnny, I hope I'm not embarrassing you?"

"Oh no!"

"I feel so relaxed with you, Honey. You don't mind me scratching my pussy,

do you?"

I must have turned beet red. No woman had ever said `pussy' to me before.

Her face lit up.

"Oh, Precious! You're blushing! I'm sorry!"

Here she got up from the card table and hugged me. I loved being in her

arms and smelling her feminine perfume, her soft hands caressing me. She

held me tight, playing with my hair.

"Does it upset you if I say `pussy', Johnny?"

"Nnnoo Helen. Of course not."

:"What made you blush, Precious?"

"Uh.. I guess I'm not used to an adult talking that way to me. Sorry."

"It's okay, Babe." (She hugged me tighter, rubbing my head and my ass.

Her hand seemed to linger on my ass. I got hard.)

"I would never want to make you uncomfortable. If I ever do, please let me


"Okay, Helen."

She let me go and we resumed playing cards, as if nothing had happened. Of

course I jacked off about three times that night, thinking about her

hugging me and rubbing my ass.

We seemed to get into a pattern after that. Walking Butchy for her, then

playing cards for a while before I had to go home to dinner. And every time

I went into the bathroom at her place I would see another pair of her

soiled panties lying on the sink counter. I would always sniff them and

get hard, then jack off thinking about it at home that night. Finally I

stole a pair. That night alone in bed with them pressed against my nose I

had the most powerful orgasm of my young life.

Not long after that Mom had a big date and Helen offered to baby sit me,

overnight, at her place. I was thrilled. It was a Saturday night. The

weird thing was, she was kind of dressed up. Like I was her date or

something. Nice pressed blouse displaying her ample cleavage, a flared

skirt and high heels. I was in jeans.

We started off playing gin rummy. Helen let me drink wine and made me

promise not to tell Mom. Of course. Since I had never had any alcohol to

speak of, I got pretty buzzed right away. I was having a ball. The idea

of actually staying overnight at her place was quite exciting.

I had had a few glasses of wine and was in a great mood. I noted her

scratching her cunt a lot. Then she would leave her skirt up high on her

legs and not pull it down. For several minutes. Of course I couldn't help

staring at her pretty panty covered pussy area.

"Do you like looking at my panties, Johnny?"

I started blushing.

"Tell the truth, Precious."

"Yes, Helen. I do."

She smiled.

"Good. That's only natural. To be curious about females."

"You're so beautiful!"

"Why thank you, Sexy. You're pretty hot yourself. Tonight I want to do

something wild. But you've got to promise not to tell your Mom. Okay?"

"Sure, Helen. I won't tell."

"Good, Babe. Let's play Strip Poker! Do you know how to play?"

This was very intimidating to me. Plus, I was wearing the panties that I

stole from her house! I had discovered that I loved the silky fem feeling

on my dick and balls.

"Um..I've heard about it."

"It's real easy. Every time one of us loses a hand, we have to remove an

article of clothing. Okay?"


"Good girl!"

Did she just call me a girl?"

We had some more wine. She was touching me more as we played cards. My

legs, my hair.

"I'll bet you're hoping I lose," she said.

"You said it!"

We both laughed.

"And I'm hoping you lose. Can't wait to see what your little dick looks


I must have turned bright red.

"Ha. Ha. It worked. Love to make you blush, Honey."

Here she reached over and touched my dick through my pants. I was already

hard. Her touch was electric to me. I nearly went through the floor I was

so shocked.

"Is it in here, Johnny? Ooh. Feels a little hard, Honey. Are you

excited? Such a pretty girl."

My young dick was rock hard. She was the first person to ever touch it,

except me. I was so excited. Why was she calling me a girl?

"You know, I think someone took a pair of my dirty underpants out of my

bathroom. Isn't that weird?"

"..yeah, I guess."

"It wasn't you, was it?"

She was staring right at me. Then she was touching my hard dick again.

She kept holding it.

"Well, was it?"

"Yes, Helen. I took them. I'm sorry. Please don't tell my Mom!"

She stood up and hugged me. Tight. "Good girl. I always want you to tell

the truth. And don't worry. I'll never tell your Mom anything about our

special visits. That's our secret. Now tell me what you did with them."

I was silent. It seemed so embarrassing. But I was so hot from her

touching my dick.

"It's alright, Honey. Males are fascinated by females. And vice versa.

What did you do with them? Was this little guy involved?"

She was pulling on my dick in my pants.

"Yes Helen.."


More pulling my dick. Squeezing it.

"I smelled them in my bed. And then I jacked off thinking about your..your


"Did you like that smell?"

"Oh yes."

"Did you cum hard?"

"Ohhh yesss."

She was sort of rubbing my dick now. In my pants.

"Good. I'm flattered. I like you jacking off to my pussy panties. And I

love you for sharing that with me, Precious. I'll be right back."

I just sat there with the biggest hard on of my life in my jeans. I felt

numb with excitement. She quickly returned from her bedroom with something

in her hand. Then she thrust it under my nose.

"Smell. I wore these the other day."

I sniffed the powerful odor of her cunty panties. Like she had worn them

for more than one day.

"Put them in your pocket and you can jack off to them in your room

tomorrow. And think of me. When the smell wears off, just bring them back

and I'll give you another pair. Okay, Hon?"

"Thanks Helen."

I put her stinky panties in my pocket. A treasure.

This seemed so adult and personal. I began to lose at the card game. Soon

I had to remove my jeans. She saw that I was wearing her stolen panties

and let out a whoop of laughter. She insisted that I model them for her.

I walked around her living room in her panties. Felt weird. But so

exciting. My dick was like cast iron hard. The panties felt so good with

a big hard on in front of her.

"Walk like a woman, Johnny. Like my girl."

I tried to make my walk more feminine. "Good girl!"

My hard on stuck out in may panties. It looked funny.

"You make a very pretty girl. With a hard dickie in her sexy panties."

She swatted my dick with her hand and I doubled over. It stung a little.

She giggled. Soon Helen was down to her bra and panties. I loved looking

at her. An I was so happy that she wasn't angry at me for stealing her


"Johnny, we need a new name for you. You're so pretty in your stinky,

cunty panties. Joanna. That will be your secret name. When you're here.

Okay, Joanna?"

"Yes Helen. Thank you."

I love secrets and this was a very special one.

"Ooh, Joanna's baby dick looks so hard in her panties."

I lost the game and had to remove them. They were a bit sticky with my

precum. I stood naked in front of her. She seemed fascinated by my

nakedness. Touching my dick and balls a lot. I felt like I could cum at

any minute.

"What's this, Honey? What's this little hard thing? It looks like a

penis. But it's too small. Why is it so hard? You must be excited around

Helen's pussy, huh? Huh, Babe?"

I could hardly talk.

"Yy..yes Helen."

"Oh you have such a beautiful little prickie. And such cute balls too.

And such a nice asshole. Do you like me touching you, Hon? Ha. Ha. Of

course you do. Oh, look! You're dribbling."

Precum was streaming out of my piss slit and she was spreading it around my

cock head. Felt so good. "Such a pretty clittie on such a pretty girl."

Here she took a pink ribbon she must have had set up just for this purpose

and tied it around my excited dick and balls. It seemed to make my dick

much harder, if that was possible.

"Your little dick and balls look like a present. Well, Joanna, I won the

game but I'm a good sport. Do you want to see my cunt now?"

"Oh do I!"

"Kneel down, Honey."

I kneeled down in front of her. She was sitting on the couch. First she

removed her bra and displayed her massive tits to me. Then she pulled my

head into her chest. "Lick `em up good!"

I followed her instructions, slowly licking up and down her big tits. This

was Heaven.

"Yeah, you like licking Helen's titties, don't you? You're a cute little


I was in a frenzy. Now and then she would kick my dick. And pull my hair.

It just got me hotter.

"Would you like to smell my pussy in my panties, Joanna? A real woman's

pussy, up close?"


"First, go let Butchy out of the basement. He likes this too."

I went and let the dog out and he made a bee line for Helen's cunt.

Sniffing and lapping away at her cunty panties. Like they had played this

game hundreds of times before. Butchy looked crazed. She talked to the

dog while he sniffed her excited pussy, whimpering loudly.

"Why, Joanna! You look like you would like Butchy's job. Of licking my


"Yeah. I'd love his job."

"Get down and join him."

I did. It was so weird licking her panties with the dog doing it right

next to me. Competing for her cunt. She petted us both.

"Now I've got two doggies. With two hard dickies."

I glanced over and noted that Butchy's red dick was hard and out. It all

seemed so animal.

Her cunt looked really hairy in her panties, with lots of tendrils spilling

over the edges. It smelled so funky and exciting. She made me put the dog

back in the basement. He howled in anger. I couldn't blame him.

Then she stood up and removed her panties. Then she put them under my

nose. They smelled great. Cunty. She sat back down on the couch.

"Here we go. Get a good look, Joanna."

I was on my knees on the carpet, mesmerized by her hairy, black haired, wet

cunt. It fascinated me. After about a minute I felt her slender hand on

the back of my neck.

"Suck it. Suck Helen's cunt."

She was mashing my face into her wet cunt and I was loving it. I just lost

myself in that wet, stinky universe. I sucked as much as I could. I could

hear her ragged breathing. After a few minutes of this she started cuming,

moaning and squeezing my head between her legs. It went on for a long

time. My face was soaking wet with pussy cum. After she came about ten

times, we took a break and had some wine. She slapped my dick a few times

It never went down. Then she had me eat her again for about an hour. I

was on Mars.

We took another break. The she had me sit on the couch with her. She

untied the pink ribbon and slowly jacked me off into a pair of her panties.

I came in about three strokes. Then she was stuffing the soiled panties in

my mouth.

"Suck it clean, Joanna. Suck your jizz out of them."

Of course I followed her instructions to the letter. She was petting my

head like a dog while I sucked her jazzy panties.

"That's a good girl. Get all that boycream out of my panties. Suck it

clean, Honey."

Soon after that we went to bed. I remember being so thrilled to be next to

her, naked, in her bed. Sucking her big tits and her sucking my dick.

When I woke up in the morning she was sucking my prick again. I hadn't

dreamed it. I was afraid of cuming in her mouth but she wouldn't take her

mouth off of my dick. Then I shot my load for a long time. She was

moaning loudly and whimpering with pleasure. After she finally released my

dick from her mouth she gave me this happy smile.

"Ohhh. What a nice breakfast. Thank you Joanna. I love to eat you,


"Thank you Helen."

After a few minutes she had me accompany her to the bathroom. "Sit down

here, Honey. Right in front of the toilet."

This is weird. I sat down cross legged in front of the toilet.

"Now I want you to watch me piss. See how a woman pisses."

I watched her piss and it was fascinating.

"Okay, Sugar. Now lick me clean."

She pulled my head into her cunt and I licked all the piss off of her pussy

and thighs. It seemed so personal and secret. I loved this!!

"Very, very good, Joanna. You're going to be Helen's special toilet


Then she was pulling my hair. Hard. And mashing my face into her cunt


"Eat me you little slut. Make me cum. Do it!"

Of course I sucked her cunt and made her cum about five times, as she

squeezed my head with her legs and pulled my hair.

It made me feel wanted. That I had this valuable talent, to make her cum

and give her pleasure.

After that she made me a real breakfast, then insisted I go take a good

shower and "get that pussy juice off your face so your mama won't know our

secret..." For the rest of the week I felt like I was flying. Every

thought of that visit with her produced a cast iron boner which I had to

stop for and beat off. She occupied my every thought. In the back of my

mind were some questions about her turning me into a girl but the good

feeling in my little dick overrode everything. I wanted more. Much, much


Looking back on it, I think that Helen was just as turned on as I was. She

loved corrupting me and introducing me to new sex things. It was glorious.

We soon developed a pattern. I would come over to walk Butchy and she

would tell me if we were going to "play some games" later on, when I

returned from my walk. I'd have a semi hard on the time I was walking

Butchy. Then I'd knock on her back door and she'd let me in, usually

putting Butchy in the basement.

"Whenever you are in my house, I want you stripped down to panties. Just

panties Joanna. You're a woman here. Understand?"

"Yes Maam."

"Good girl. Now I want to teach you your positions."

She informed me that I would have three positions that she would just say

and that I would be expected to conform to immediately. The First Position

was on my knees in front of her, as she sat on the couch, with my nose

resting on her panties. She would frequently leave me there for long

periods, testing me. She would talk to me, pet my hair, my body, touch my

hard clitty or ignore me. Whatever she wanted. Sometimes she would even

watch TV with me like that, nose on her cunty panties, touching my hair now

and then.

"Have you been jacking off, Joanna?"

"Yes Maam."

"When was the last time?"

"Last night."

"Were my panties involved?"

"Yes Helen."

The Second Position was standing was standing up in front of her, with my

eyes face down, on the rug. The Third Position was weird. The Dirty Whore

position she called it. I was to get down on all fours, facing away from

her. Then reach back, pull down my panties, then pull my ass cheeks apart

with both hands, then look at her. She would usually play with my ass when

in this position.

She introduced me to the enema and its erotic aspects. I was a little

afraid the first time. She loved that. I had never really noticed the

massage table in her bedroom before . The water filled enema bag looked

very ominous to me.

"Now I'm going to fuck your pussy, Joanna."

The long nozzle felt weird going into my asshole. But of course she was

simultaneously playing with my little dick and I lived for that.

"It hurts, Helen. I can't take any more."

"Of course you can, Honey. For me. For Helen. I want you to take the whole


The bag looked huge. But with her rubbing lotion into my hard prick

anything was possible. The first time I shot with that nozzle way up my

ass I felt like I came for ten minutes straight. My overworked dick just

kept pumping out pent up jizz.

"Good girl! What a pretty girl! That's right, Precious. Shoot it out for

Helen. You are so sweet. Look at all that cream!

Then, when I was finished cuming, she scooped it up and made me lick it out

of her hands. Then she watched me relieve my bowels in the bathroom.

I was mortified and excited at the same time. It really smelled bad. But

Helen loved it. She was standing in the bathroom doorway looking at me and

masturbating. When I started to shit I could tell she was climaxing. Her

mouth hung open and this glazed look came over her, frigging her clit a

mile a minute.

And that was only the beginning!

She always let me drink at her house, another taboo I savored. Dressed in

panties with a little dick making a tiny dent, and three glasses of wine

under my belt, I was flying.

Helen began to add little accessories to my panty outfit. The first were

two small barrettes for my hair, which was fairly short. It really gave me

a few look. Then she added little pink ankle socks with frilly tops. Then

a matching bra. I loved the bra. Now I was really getting into the

woman's role.

"Do you like your new brassiere, Joanna?"

"Oh yes, Helen. Thank you.."

Here she sat down and pulled her panties to one side, revealing her wet,

hairy black bush.

"You know how to thank me, Slut."

I knelt down and ate her for about an hour and a half that day. She kicked

my dick a lot and pulled my hair hard. I screamed a few times `cause she

was pulling my hair so hard. She slapped me hard in the face. It hurt.


"Don't scream, Slut. I don't want you screaming."

"Yes, Helen. I'm sorry."

She didn't say anything, but the slaps became part of our sex play. It

just solidified her dominant role and my submissive nature. My panties

were usually very wet from precum whenever I was in her company. Sometimes

she would take my panties off of me and make me suck the cum out.

"Suck it clean, Slutty Girl. Eat you cum."

At this point the routine usually went like this. I would walk the dog.

When I returned to her house she would inform me whether or not she "had

time to play." If so, she'd say, "Your outfit is on my bed. Get dressed

and into Position One in the living room."

I'd go into her bedroom and there would be a pair of her dirty panties and

the training bra on the bed, along with the ankle socks and the barrettes.

I would quickly get undressed and then dressed. After a while there was

usually a glass of red wine waiting for me in her bedroom. I could sip it

as I dressed. It made me feel like an actress, just before going on stage.

Then I would walk into the living room. Kneel in front of sitting on the

couch and place my nose on her panties on her crotch. Sometimes she'd

still have her skirt on and I would have to lift it up and put my head

under it. Usually her panties would be damp and funky. My little prick

would be throbbing in my ps.

It seemed like my dick was hard 90% of the time now. Either in her company

or with my thoughts of what we did together. I would be rock hard a half

hour before I walked the dog.

One day I came over to walk Butchy and Helen seemed in an unusually buoyant

mood. Like she had had a few extra drinks or something. When I returned

from the walk with the dog, she told me to put him away in the basement and

then to quickly change and get into Position One. And hurry!

I did as directed and just figured she was extra horny that day, for some

reason. I quickly followed her instructions and was soon kneeling with my

nose on her wet, smelly panties while she sat on the couch in her panties,

bra and heels. I was wearing my training bra, barrettes, ankle socks and

low heels.

Then I heard a different, new voice.

"Oh, she's adorable! You are so fucking lucky!"

Fear. I got scared. But felt Helen's hands on my head, stroking my hair,

reassuring me, calming me down.

"Isn't she yummy? Wait till she's eating your cunt. Then you'll see how

lucky I really am."

This was so unexpected and strange. While she chatted with her unknown

friend, another female, about me, she casually pulled down my panties and

tied the pink ribbon around my cock and balls. Tight.

"Lemme see it!"

The other woman was coming over to me, to get a better look at my little

hard on.

"Oh she's dripping. She must be excited."

"Of course she's excited. Joanna is very excitable."

The other woman was rubbing my legs and touching my balls. They were

talking about me like I was a little pet or something. And you know what?

It turned me on even more.

"How long will she stay like that?"

"Long as I want her to. Watch this. Joanna, Position Two."

I stood up in front of her, my eyes facing down. I could see part of the

other woman's legs. They were thicker than Helen's. This woman's hands

were all over me now. I could feel her nose literally in my ass crack,

loudly sniffing my ass smell. Then she was spreading my ass cheeks and

licking out my young asshole. It felt divine! Another first.

"Mmm. Her asshole is luscious. Mmmmm so fuckin good."

Then she slowly started to insert her finger into my asshole.

"Whoa, Doris! Let's slow down a bit. There's no rush. You can take a

break, Joanna. This is my friend Doris. Doris, Joanna."

I looked up and saw a short, chubby woman with dancing blue eyes. She

looked a bit like an overweight Linda Rondstat. She was obviously very


"Hi Doris. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Joanna. Nice to lick out your asshole too."

Here I must have blushed because they both whooped with laughter.

"See! I told you she blushed easily."

"She is adorable."

As she said this, Doris was stroking my dick in my ps. I felt like I could

blow at any second.

Helen stressed to Doris that they pace themselves.

"Once she shoots, it's not as intense."

I was in awe of both of them. Doris made me feel like a celebrity. And

Helen was obviously proud of her possession. We had a few glasses of wine

and Doris quickly stripped down to her bra and panties. She had a very

hairy pussy, as I noted a lot of the pussy hair spilling over the edges of

the panties. I was so excited I was shaking.

Doris was very uninhibited. At one point in the conversation she just

turned me over on the couch and resumed licking out my ass.

"Go in my room, Joanna. Let's give you your douche."

I had to literally tear myself away from Doris and go lay down on the

massage table in Helen's bedroom. Soon they were both surrounding me.

Helen removed my panties and Doris bent down and began French kissing me

while she jacked my hard dick. Then I could Helen lubricating my asshole

with the Vaseline.

"This is so fucking hot," Doris exclaimed, coming up for air.

"Watch this. Now I'm gonna fuck Joanna's boy pussy. Here it comes Honey."

Helen smiled widely and slowly shoved the greased nozzle up my tender


"How much can she take?"

"She'll take it all. The whole bag. `Cause she's my Good Girl, aren't you


"Y..yes Helen."

Actually by this time I was accustomed to taking the entire enema bag. But

with Helen stroking my thighs and Doris jacking and kissing and sucking my

little clittie, the real test was holding myself off from cuming. When the

bag was empty I looked like I was nine months pregnant. They were both

openly masturbating. They helped me up off the table and onto the toilet

seat. Helen stood in the doorway while Doris stood right next to me, her

bushy panty covered cunt right in my face. When I began to grunt and shit

they both went into overdrive, frigging their clits like crazy. The whole

room smelled like cunt and shit. Doris was very vocal in her orgasm.

"Ooooohhhhh fffffuuUUUUUUKKKKK. FUCK. FUCK. FUUUUUKKKKKK!! Oh fucking


I shot my dick off all over the place. Cum all over my legs and all over

Doris. Then she pulled my face into her wet cunt. Heaven. My face

soaking in her sopping, hairy, jazzy pussy.

Later on, after we cleaned up, we met again in the living room. Helen was

so proud of me and Doris was just glowing with excitement and satisfaction.

She liked to make out with me a lot. She also loved to fingerfuck my pussy

a lot. Helen hadn't done that much and this was a big turn one. Made me

feel more feminine, to be fingerfucked like that. Like I was Doris's


She had her finger up my ass the rest of the afternoon. "You are such a

good girl. You made Doris cum really, really hard. Here. Smell."

She dipped her finger into her wet cunt and then put it under my nose.

"Smells good, Doris."

Then she shoved the finger in my mouth and I eagerly sucked on it.

"Good Girl. Good Slutty Girl."

Doris became a regular at our "special parties" as Helen called them.

Almost as soon as I arrived she would have her mouth glued to my asshole.

Made me feel like a goddess. She loved to administer the enema to me.

"Oh, look. Joanna likes the big nozzle going into her pussyhole. Doesn't

she? Why is your little clitty so hard, Joanna? Does this feel like a

dick going up your poop chute? Would you like a dick up there, Precious?"

I'd be nodding my head while Helen jacked my dick.

We soon got into a routine. They would administer an enema and we would

all have our first cum during this time. Then we would take a break and

relax, have some wine and slowly gravitate to the next sex play. This

always involved me eating both of their pussies for long periods. And

Doris always managed to finger fuck my asshole quite a bit. In no time she

had me worked up to three of her stubby fingers deep in my ass. I loved


"We've got a surprise for you today, Joanna."

Little chills of fear ran through me.


"Doris is going to get your present. Let's go back to the bedroom," Helen


I walked into the bedroom with trepidation. I knew how much they both

enjoyed scaring me.

"Hi Baby. You're gonna get fucked today."

Doris was standing in front of me with a strap-on dildo harness on. She

had this crazed smile on her face. Helen was rubbing my back.

"Don't be scared, Cupcake. This is good for you. You need some dick."

They both placed me on my back on the bed. Doris was lubricating my ass

with Vaseline while Helen was giving me deep soul kisses with her sexy

mouth. She was pinching my nipples too.

I noted that the dick on the hardness was not that big. In fact, not much

bigger than my own little pee pee. And that was very much appreciated.

Suddenly Doris was between my legs and then I felt it land on my asshole

and slowly start to push.

"Take it, Bitch. Take it all!"

I was so turned on. It really didn't hurt that much, probably from all the

finger work Doris had performed on my ass up until now.

"Yeah, Joanna likes a nice dick in her pussy. Feels good, huh cunt?"

I just moaned with pleasure. Helen was still frenching me. I loved being

a woman, being taken like a woman. Doris began to go faster and faster in

my asshole.

"Yeah. You love getting dick in your cunt, huh, Babe? Huh? You been

wanting this dick for a long time."

Suddenly I shot my load like crazy. Doris kept pumping away into me.

"That's right. That's right. Take that dick, Bitch. Eat it up. Shoot

that cream, you Dirty Whore! You love this dick, you Cunt!"

I came so fucking hard and long. I wanted more of this.

Soon that became part of our "special parties." I got very turned on just

seeing Doris or Helen wearing the dildo harness. It seemed so masculine on

them and emasculating for me to receive.

Then one day I came over and walked the dog and, again, Helen seemed in an

extra "up" mood. When I returned with Butchy, Helen said, "Get changed and

into Position One, Joanna. Hurry up!"

I quickly obeyed her and was soon kneeling in front of her on the couch,

with my nose resting on her damp panties, savoring her strong, excited

woman odor. I was wearing my usual outfit of dirty Helen panties, bra,

ankle socks and low heels. Plus two barrettes in my hair. I felt like

such a slut. There was another person on the couch. I sensed that it was

Doris and I loved that.

"We've got a special surprise for you today, Cunty."

"Position Two, Joanna."

I stood up and stared down at the carpet. My dick was hard and wet in my


"Isn't she cute?" Doris asked.

"Yeah, very," said a deep, masculine voice. Now I was scared. But more

excited than ever.

While looking down at the rug I suddenly felt a male hand rubbing my dick

and balls through my panties. Then he pulled down my ps and was rubbing my

dick and balls with his big hand.

"God, she's really tiny. But cute."

"Very cute," Helen offered.

I could smell him. A man. A real man.

He started to jack my dick. Precum was leaking out of my piss slit. He

slowly spread it around with his thumb.

"Like that, Honey?"

"Oh yesss."

"You can take a break, Joanna. This is Ricardo. Ricardo, Joanna."

I lifted my head and saw a very good looking Latin man smiling at me.

Looked sort of like Ricardo Montalban. He was methodically jacking my hard

dick while he chatted with me and the ladies.

Like this was the most natural, every day thing in the world.

"Lots of precum. Very nice."

"Oh, she's very, very excitable."


They were talking about me like I was some sort of racehorse or something.

And I adored it. Then he pulled me to him and was kissing me passionately

on the mouth, shoving his take charge tongue in and still manhandling my

little hard on. His tongue sucked on mine and I swooned inside. I could

smell his cologne mixed with his strong male smell.

"You are a hot number, Joanna!"

"Thank you."

"Calm down, Ricardo. We've got all afternoon."

Thankfully we took a break and I got to sit on the couch next to him. He

was so good looking. He kept rubbing my back and my legs. I just felt so

girlish with him. While he chatted with Doris and Helen he would casually

squeeze my dick and put his hand in my ps and fondle my dick and balls,

spreading my cum all over my prickhead. I was in such a state of

heightened sexuality.

"Look what I've got, Joanna!"

I looked over to Doris's voice and saw her standing in the middle of the

living room in her bra and panties. She was wearing the strap-on. I knew

she was going to fuck me. In front of him. Helen was pinching my nipples

under my bra.

"Tell Ricardo what Doris is wearing, Honey," Helen said.

"She's wearing her dick. That she fucks my pussy with."

"Tell him how much you like to get dicked."

"I love to get dicked, Ricardo. I love a good dick in my pussy ass."

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me on the mouth again. Then Doris was

standing in front of me, the fake dick right in front of my mouth.

"Are you a cocksucker, Joanna?"

"Yes Doris."

"Kiss it, Bitch. Show Ricardo what you do with a nice, hard prick."

I began licking the fake dick and then sucking it into my slut mouth.

When I had it almost all the way into my mouth, I leered at Ricardo like

the cock hungry slut I am. My whore training was paying off.

Doris moved the fake dick from my mouth. "Joanna, help Ricardo off with

his clothes. We want him to be comfortable at our special parties."

My hands were shaking so badly I couldn't believe it. But I slowly removed

all of this handsome man's clothes, including his Calvin Klein jockey

briefs. His semi hard soft penis looked enormous when I finally go this

briefs down. His dick was beautiful, about nine inches long and very

thick, with a big mushroom head. And it smelled funky and wonderful. I

couldn't take my eyes off of it. Ricardo put his hand in my hair, pulled

my hair and then took his hardening prick and slapped my face with it.

Several times. I loved it. Then he pulled my face into his ball sack.

"Smell me, Bitch."

I did. I inhaled and sniffed his funky, man smell. It was wonderful.

Anyway that was a very hot afternoon. An after school special I'll never

forget. Ricardo made me suck his dick for a long time. Then he and Helen

watched while Doris fucked me in the ass. I shot a big load of cum. Helen

scooped it up and fed it to me.

"Suck it up you Cunt. Lick that jizz off my hand."

Later, we took a break, had some drinks in the living room. Then everybody

watched while I sucked Ricardo's dick for him. He pulled out at the last

minute and shot his massive cum load all over my slut face. Then he rubbed

and wiped his prick all over my face. I was ecstatic.. In, I did not

realize it until later that I shot my own load off when he climaxed on my

face. Then he had me clean him up with some tissues.

After that he took me to the bathroom. Had me lay on the bathtub floor and

pissed all over my face and body.

"You're my bitch, now. Comprende?"


Anyway that will give you an idea of how being alone with Helen changed my

life. That happened ten years ago. Ricardo is my common law husband. He

fucks other women but I'm the one he comes home to. I love it.

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