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Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories

From: an105831@anon.penet.fi (The Archivist)

X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories

Organization: Anonymous contact service

Reply-To: an105831@anon.penet.fi

Date: Mon, 14 Nov 1994 20:45:40 UTC

Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Alice"

Lines: 233

I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I

am simply providing a service to the alt.sex.stories newsgroup (and

therefore the entire 'Net) by continually reposting these stories. I

am working on the assumption that any document posted to the 'Net becomes

public domain. However, if you are the original author of one of these

stories, and you wish for me to remove from my archive, let me know.

These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization,

and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff,


All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored.

It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again.

If you have stories that you would like to add to this archive, PLEASE

SEND ME AN INDEX -FIRST- so I can figure out what exactly I need.

-- The Archivist




by BryanDoug


"Alice, you come right down here immediately!, Your friend

Millie is here to see you"

Alice trembled at the thought. Millie was the last person on

earth he wanted to see, especially like THIS. But the poor child knew

full well what would be the consequences of disobedience. That sort

of thing had gotten him into this fix in the first place. There was no

putting off complying with his mother's command, of that he had no


He looked into the full length mirror in the upstairs hall

while passing. Even after three weeks he still was not used to his

reflection. A pretty little 9 year old girl in a pink party dress

looked back....and yet he knew, or thought that he knew, that he was

really a 15 year old boy. A bit small for his age, perhaps, but a boy,

none the less.

For the last three weeks the women of the house had been

determined to make him forget that. It was becoming ever clearer to

him that this was not just a short punishment, but a concerted plan to

change his status permanently. OK, so he had been a bit of a brat,

but...this? He tried to smooth the full skirt down before descending

the stairs. The damn frock was too short. what with all those

petticoats, the lace on his panties was in view if he bent over in the

slightest....and that exposure resulted in an instant swat on his

nylon covered bottom. What with all that spanking and those

humiliating injections, his bottom seemed always tender of late. Those

short dresses gave the women of the house easy access to his ever more

girlish rear.

Alice really tried to descend the stairs like a lady. He felt

that he might as well try his best not to look too ridiculous before

Millie. With every step he took his petticoats and skirt ballooned up,

so he had to resort to keeping his wrists close to his side to keep

his skirts down. Millie could not help but notice his futile attempts

to conceal the expanse of lacy petticoats and smiled.

"Hi ALICE" She could hardly keep the delight out of her voice.

"Your new dress is very pretty. You look just lovely. I can see why

your mother thought that you would be better in skirts. They

definitely suit you"

Each word was like a new assault on his every diminishing

masculinity. "You never were much of a boy anyway, I like you ever so

much more as a girl"

And with that she took him by the hand and led him out to the

garden. There was no point in trying to resist. Millie, at 15 was

already 5'8" tall and 130 pounds and had a ripe figure in contrast

with his childish one. She outweighed him by an easy 30 pounds and in

her heels was at least 10 inches taller than he was. In her slim

skirt, heels and crisp cotton blouse she looked very mature for her

age in stark contrast to his puerile outfit. As he was reluctantly

pulled along he had an opportunity to get a good look at his full

rounded curves and caught himself wondering what it felt like to have

such full breasts and a rounded bottom.

It was well for him that he did not know that he would find

out, first hand, soon enough.

Millie led him to the swings and fussed with his dress till she

was satisfied that he was properly ensconced on his swing. She took

the next one, casually revealing a good deal of thigh and lace trimmed

panty in the process. The message was not lost on Alice. Why should

she care? There were obviously no boys around.

"Sweetie, your mother told me ALL about you." She gushed in

obvious delight. "You are going to just love being a girl, and I am

going to have such fun teaching you....in fact, I bet that Harriet,

Robin, and Lillian will hardly be able to wait to see you once I tell

them ALL about you"

"ALL about me?"

"Why Alice...oh I do love your new name...it's just perfect!,

you are going to make a lovely girl. Besides, I understand that you

have had a visit to the doctor....." She giggled.

"But she said that she would not tell" he whimpered. "Oh

Millie, how could she have let them do this to me?"

"Sweetie, it really is for the best, you know. Besides, it is

far too late to change back again, from what she told me." At least she

sounded sympathetic and was not making fun of him.

"Look" she said, jumping off her swing and taking hold of his

hands in hers.

"We are going to be the best of friends. You will love the

pajama parties and the shopping....oh that's the most fun....and wait

till you discover boys...or when they discover you" she teased.

A gust of August wind suddenly blew up the child's skirt and

petticoat. Millie's inspection of his pretty pink panties was obvious.

You could not blame her curiosity. Alice blushed from his toes to his


Millie covered her mouth with her hand trying to conceal her

laughter. She knew that he was terribly embarrassed. In spite of that

she could not stifle the involuntary exclamation "It really is true!!"

Alice fixed his gaze on an ant traversing the sand in front of

his swing. There was no denying the obvious. He would not even be out

of place in a bikini at a pool party. The doctor had seen to that!

Suddenly the tears began to flow. For a month he had tried to

be brave, but now, the full significance of the changes that had taken

place hit him.

Millie took him in her arms like a baby and brought him over

to a garden bench. She held him on her lap like a child as his sobs

continued. "There, there, sweet, things will be fine, I know you will

soon get used to it, and then you will love being a girl, You'll see."

She stroked his hair which was longish for a boy and so looked quite

in place for a young girl. It was so soft.....wasted on a boy.

"Do you really think that I will get to like it?" he


"Sweetie, you will be a lovely girl, we all will help you."

The last, rather than comforting him, only increased his

sobbing. Finally, in exasperation, Millie remembered her mother's way

of stopping such petulant crying.

"If you don't stop crying this very moment, I will give you

something to cry about"

And so it was that, as his mother came out into the garden,

she found him lying on Millie's lap with his skirts and petticoats up

exposing his cute bottom with its unmistakable signs of a recent

spanking. Even more amazing was the beatific smile on his face as

Millie gently massaged his tender posterior.

"Yes, the die is cast now. Alice is with us to stay," she

thought. "I suppose we ought to be making arrangements to transfer him

to St Mary's for the fall term"

It was almost as if she had prearranged it. As she walked

closer she could hear Millie saying "Now Alice, you really should be

in St Mary's with me in the fall. I could walk you to school every

day. Won't you like that?" His reply was so soft that his mother could

not make it out, but apparently Millie was satisfied because she

continued. "You are still a bit too little to go to class with me in

the 10th grade. If I were your mother I would enroll you in the

middle school. You are about the size of the other girls in the 7th


"Makes good sense" his mother thought, "and considering his

awful academic high school record it would not hurt to have him repeat

those subjects. Besides, he has a lot of time to make up in learning

how to be a girl."

"Millie, what a wonderful idea! How would you like to come

with me to the mall. Alice is going to need a new fall wardrobe for

school. I know that SHE will love having you help pick it out"

Alice began to whimper again. He remembered the last shopping

trip, only two days ago when they bought him the dress he was now

wearing. He knew that the next one would be a repeat of the last. Not

only had his mother made the clerks aware of his status, but he was

treated like a not too bright pre-teen miss who had to have all her

decisions made for her. They talked about him as if he wasn't even

there. It was all he could do to keep from crying when his mother

casually told the pretty young salesgirl ALL about him before the girl

propelled him into the changing rooms to try on the dress. If the

try-ons were embarrassing, having to stand quietly while the

salesgirl buttoned up the back of his dress and adjusted his

petticoats, if anything, modeling it had been worse. It seemed that

every one of the store staff just had to "help" in the sale.

He would never forget her saying "He looks just darling, don't

you think? He will wear it home."

And so he did, though not without the further embarrassment of

stopping for tea at a local restaurant frequented by his mother, where

he was introduced to the mysteries of the powder room. He had been

sitting at the table with growing discomfort. The three glasses of

water his mother had him drink did not diminish it either. In

retrospect he realized that she had intended this all along. He had

begged her to go home, but she merely acted surprised. "Darling, we

can take care of that little problem easily." She had motioned to the

waitress, a trim young woman in her early twenties, "Could you take

little Alice to "freshen up"?"

The waitress had taken him by the hand and led him nearly the

whole length of the restaurant, his short petticoats rustling and

giving amused matrons a view of his new undies. The waitress had left

him in front of a door with a stylized silouette picture of a woman in

a wide skirt. He could not deny that this was the right place for him

now. The worst part was that it was so ordinary. No one gave him a

second glance as he entered the booth and relieved himself. Since his

visit to the doctor he no longer could stand to void. The mass of

petticoats presented a bit of a problem, but that too was solved. He

remembered being concerned that he might not get them to hang properly

after and being ashamed at the thought. As he returned to the table he

saw his mother's satisfied expression and knew that things would never

be the same again for him.



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