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The previous couple weeks I have been finally on vacation. This time we are not planning to leave the city and go outside that much. Yeah, we went to the movies and I talked about it on my previous post, but that is something that we would have done even if we weren't on vacation.

For some reason I have been offline from some communities I used to visit more frequently, when it comes to game development or web design. If I do it, I only say hi, exchange a couple messages and then leave and go do something else.

I also started to wake up a little later. I am not really that lazy, I wake up at 7 am or 8 at most, but thats quite a difference from how I used to wake up at 5:30 am a few months ago. I think that I just wanted to completely rest and start over with my routines. Almost like how I used to factory reset my phone every now and then. I hope next semester I manage to stay on a good schedule, avoid procrastination and I keep giving proper attention to my classes, instead of losing time on the web.

All of this was kinda normal, I have been through similar phases before, however, something else happened.

I lost two dogs in a matter of days, the first one was a puppy we adopted, but we found out she had a contagious disease and was starting to suffer convultions and vomit, and we had to put her to rest. Her name was Navi, like the fairy from Ocarina of Time, only a couple months old. She was pretty playful and it never really looked that sick most of the time, I did not really managed to train her or built a strong attachment to her, but its still sad to think she is not here now.

The second dog is Chicharito (Little Pea in English, which sounds kinda fun). He is a little Chihuahua, around 9 years old, and he got scared during a storm while he was in our front yard, where we usually let him go from time to time, altough he stays inside for most of the time. This happened a day later after Navi died, which made it even worse for us.

I was busy getting ready for going out with some friends, and I forgot he was not in, and when I realized, I took an umbrella and went out to look for him. The whole family started looking for him, and we actually got stuck outside because nobody took the keys. I had to get myself dirty climbing to the roof and then jumping to a patio behind our house, where the backdoor was still open.

Back to the search for the dog. Some kids were looking for him too, they told me that my dog was inside their house looking for shelter, but runned away after a while. We looked for him a couple hours with no luck.

We placed some posters in the streets and the colony's Whatsapp group. I walked at least an couple hours every day looking for him, many times a day. One night I had difficulty to sleep, I got really sentimental thinking about how scared he was and how lost he must be. I am not really the expressive even in times like this, I find it kinda ridiculous to be losing my mind when I could be looking for him. But well, this happened during the night, so it gets a pass.

In the morning of the next day I received a phone call, a neighbour saw him in front of his house, me and my dad went running there, three blocks from our place. Sadly, we were unable to locate him, and I started to lose hope.

Thankfully, after just two days. That same neighbour called again. I was already in my bed about to sleep, and my sisters asked me if I knew where our parents where. I woke up from bed and waited for them, since I had a good feeling about this. Minutes later, they returned, and, as I thought, they bringed Chicharito back!, it looks like he was inside the neighbourg's house hidden under a chair. I got really happy, and slept pretty nicely that night.

I think this is not the most exciting story ever, but well, its part of life. This is day 50 of #100DaysToOffload[1]

1: https://100DaysToOffload.com

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