-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to tilde.cafe:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

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So as I stated before in the page about me[1] I am a bit of an android power user.

Last month I was using MSM Extended, with minimal Gapps and stuff like that. However, today a new update for a different ROM happened. And I could not contain myself, so I decided to give ArrowOS a try.

LineageOS is known for being the main custom ROM out there, but besides privacy and such, I also want to have a nice level of customization, so most of the time Lineage its not enough for my needs.

Now, the ROM is not really that important if you are still using Google services, so I have decided to go almost googleless this time, and I decided to share with you the main applications I am going to be using this time.

I was quite happy to see that Simple Gallery and DuckDuckGo were preinstalled, two great open source apps, Although I have a different browser choice.

Migrate is the tool of choice to do backups of contacts, SMS messages and app data. So I fired it up to get a few of my previously installed apps back. Most of the times I backup absolutely every app I have installed, but honestly, I wanted to go for something not only googleless, but less distracting and more minimal.

Apps I wont install

In my previous ROM a lot of apps were installed that I really wanted to get rid of and survive without them. These is a list with some of them.


Youtube Vanced

Google Apps and Services

Solid Explorer

Apps I am keeping

These are a few apps that are not really open source, but I am keeping for the sake of entertainment, or are actually necessary, or are simply trustworthy for me:

Nova Launcher

Twisty Timer


School is coming, Google is approaching...

In my country, we will be back to University classes in a few days (Yes I have been on vacation up until now, kinda cool at first, but not really anymore, this blog is one of the few things keeping me sane). This means that I will have to use applications such as Google Classroom and Meet, and their Calendar too, but I am going to try and keep all of those Google programs away from my device, and in their own Firefox container (what a great add-on to be honest) from my laptop, since sadly they are unavoidable.

So yeah!, this has been day 12 of #100DaysToOffload[2], please let me know if you are using any FOSS applications to stay away from Google and such, thanks for reading!

1: /about

2: https://100daystooffload.com

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