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Distro-hopping itch

I've been running void linux with musl for the past couple of months.

I've enjoyed trying something new, but I can't help but feel like running musl has far more costs than it does benefits. Void with musl compared to void with GLibc certainly feels snappier, but more so in the fact that void with glibc felt sluggish. Fortunately I've not run into too many errors with compiling things that relied on c code, rust had a mysterious compilation error but I don't know rust so maybe the project I was compiling had something wrong.

The primary annoyance with musl is that any web page that used DRM of some sort (including my bank's website) refused to run. This made movie night with my friends extra frustrating. Fortunately flatpaks, being universal, used glibc so I just installed the Firefox flatpak to watch any DRM content.

One of the main reasons I switched from artix to void is that it felt like artix was a hacked together arch install with the init system crudely swapped out compared to void which was designed to use runit. No need to install the service package along with the service-(init system) package. In reality though, there are still bugs resulting from void being a relatively niche distro. NetworkManager just randomly stops working. Waking from sleep locks the screen, but it lags so you can still get a full view of whatever I was doing before it locks. I had to switch away from dzen to lemonbar because dzen was a broken mess on void. Package availability is good, but you can't compare it to the AUR.

So I've determined I want to use glibc and the standard gnu utils (no alpine), I don't want to run systemd, I want good package availability, and it shouldn't be too buggy. I think pigs will fly before this distro ever exists.

Devuan is buggy; used to be rock solid, but when I installed it a few months ago It only displayed 640x480 no matter how many things I tried. I thought AMD just worked on linux.

I think I'm just going to go back to artix. It mostly was fine. CUPS was broken but I've learned how to print from my phone so I'll probably just stick with that.

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