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Miscellaneous updates

It would seem that I haven't written anything here for a while.

Stuff has been happening, but not necessarily worth dedicating time to write about. Or perhaps nothing I think anyone would be interested. Really that last point shouldn't bother me unless I'm looking for an audience. Am I, or do I want to write for the sake of writing? I certainly would like to be able to write better and to do that, practice is surely necessary. So here we go.


I've been slowly working through my reading list. While I often have several books on the go at any one time, the one that is taking most of my attention is Louis Theroux's "Theroux the Keyhole". Rather than one of his usual exposés of some outlandish margin of society, it's largely his diary of life in lockdown. It's a very human account and there's a lot to empathise with and he increasingly feels the strain of being homebound with his family; I hope he figures things out as the book progresses!


Work life has been up and down. After 4 or 5 years in my current role I've been offered a new position taking me back into the technical side (which is what I want), but then was been told to wait a few weeks while a new CTO comes on board. So maybe nothing will happen, in which case I'll have to broaden the scope of my search to other shores.


On the whole all is well, except that either myself or someone else in the household has come down with one illness or another; fortunately not COVID. The downer is that I've not been able to do any serious running for a few weeks and that always bothers me. I'm hoping to start up again this week in order to train for a local 10k race that I've taken part in every year since its inauguration 5/6 years ago.


I took the plunge and swapped out my previous Gemini server for the one I wrote myself. While the traffic is low, the server has been rock solid.

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-- Page fetched on Tue Jun 18 20:17:44 2024