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Leaving Inch

published 2023-03-11

In two weeks, I will no longer be an Inch [1] employee. I joined the company [2] a bit over three years ago, but it feels like much longer. Back then I had no child, and the first thing the word "Pandemic" brought to mind was a good board game.

Three years later, Inch is not so different from the company I joined, and yet much better in many ways. As for me, I did what I came for initially, and then more. Now I have an opportunity I could not pass. It is too early to talk about it except in cryptic form [3], but when I do you will understand.

So I close this chapter of my professional life, leaving Inch and its team. Which is the hardest part, because they're a fun and endearing bunch, and we've been through those not-so-great years together, and we've made so many memories. And now we're friends [4]. But well, I am not leaving Paris, so it's not like we won't see each other again. :)

And by the way, Inch is hiring a software engineer! It is a French-speaking, semi-remote position. Get in touch if you are interested.

1: https://inch.fr

2: https://blog.separateconcerns.com/2020-12-16-personal-news.html#joining-inch

3: https://framapiaf.org/@catwell/109904487542868111

4: https://blog.separateconcerns.com/2023-03-02-thoughts-5.html#using-the-word-we

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