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Indie Web

published 2015-01-04

It is not a secret that I don't like Web technology. I prefer XHTML to HTML5, I think JavaScript is a terrible language, and don't get me started on microformats (let's just say that SoC > DRY...). I'd rather see this mess replaced by something much simpler that only deals with linked documents and feeds, and maybe a separate platform for portable applications.

However, the Web is here to last, and given its importance, its centralization is concerning. This is why I am interested in the Indie Web [1] movement, which I see as part of the larger effort to decentralize Internet. By the way, if you are into this and live in Paris, check out this meetup [2] which is held every six weeks at Mozilla's office. I have been there every time since its inception and it is well worth it.

Anyway, I have seen today via my feed reader that some people had made commitments for 2015-01-01 [3]. I am a bit late, but I decided to follow suit by adding Web sign-in [4] and a h-card [5] to my home page [6]. I will probably add h-entry [7] markup to this blog later this week, too.

If you want to do the same, you can use this handy tool [8] to check everything is working.

1: http://indiewebcamp.com/

2: http://www.meetup.com/Paris-Meetup-pour-la-decentralisation-dInternet/

3: http://tantek.com/2014/357/b1/2015-indieweb-site-launch-commitment

4: http://indiewebcamp.com/Why_web_sign-in

5: http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card

6: http://catwell.info

7: http://indiewebcamp.com/h-entry

8: http://indiewebify.me/

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