-- Leo's gemini proxy

-- Connecting to rawtext.club:1965...

-- Connected

-- Sending request

-- Meta line: 20 text/gemini

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~ The slow social network ~


Before applying for an RTC account, please mentally step through this checklist to make sure you understand what you're requesting. Users who don't pay attention to these points will not have fun here and will likely be at risk of account termination due to a clash with community culture or violation of rules.

RTC is resource minimal - no big CPU, no big disk, not much RAM.*

RTC is focused on learning, doing and teaching - no egos involved.

Spam email, harrassment, or hosting of illegal or highly-offensive content will result in account termination - immediately.

No hosting of externally accessible services without approval, e.g. no ZNC and Eggdrop.

RTC is focused on interaction and collaboration among users, and accounts should not be requested purely for file storage, network transfer, etc.*

To JOIN, send an email to admin AT rawtext.club with:

your choice of username

your ssh key

an explanation of why you want to join and why you think you will be a good addition to the command line community here.


If you are looking for a pubnix with bigger resources, there are many to choose from. Try:



-- Response ended

-- Page fetched on Tue Apr 23 08:34:14 2024