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Do not let MinuzSopht making free-software illegal


I promised myself to not write anything about "Copilot" but when you are not a developer or a person involved into coding and licensing, it easier — or at least I find it easy — to have a different approach about such topics and to be concerned about all the possible incoming scenarios, especially the ones you think are going to affect your daily relationship with these technologies.

The point is the following one: end-users, without coding skills, can just observing the evolution of the opensource and freesoftware landscape but anything else; We can only decide which tools to use but we can't influence which tools will be available for us.

I think this is the main reason why, many of us, are sincerely concerned when Tech Corporations use their weight to alter the balance, and start dragging resources and development toward them rather than toward us.

In the prosperous coincidence when: Corps, devs and end-users needs overlap, we are all together happy; but when those don't the weaker part, the end-users, is in pain. As a matter of fact the "opensource" is giving to us for free (as in beer), whatever thing would happen we would not have anything to complain as long as the licensing terms are respected.

We, end-users, are every day more left unheeded. We can only express our concerning and letting know to the others end-users that aren't alone in their frustration. Fortunately we haven't been completely removed from the paint:project like Gemini are here to help us, to empower us, and to give new tools to be self-sufficient! Without Gemini stories like this won't be ever happened!


> This is an attempt to create a short sci-fi drama story that drafts a distopian future using real facts from the contemporary chronicles. Is an artistic piece of creativity anything written here is a true fact!

Could you tell me more?

I tried to write a short sci-fi drama, it was complicated in many ways: lacking of time; written in my second language; too long and too short; consistencies issues.

Am I satisfied? Yes and not; the style can be improved; I decided I wouldn't go over a decent draft; the "core" of the story is clear and realistic; the final part shows I was already tired to finish this work; it was funny and engaging use the simplicity of Gemini/Gemtext to unleash the imagination!

CC BY-SA 4.0

This draft is released as:

4.0 International Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

> The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

I sincerely invite everyone who might find it interesting to: expand, improve, reinvent my vision in any shape and art!

Please respect the license — which is very permissive — and be inspired!

I am tired, can I read it now?

Yes sure! However I need to explain some information more… I changed the style several times: at beginning was a blog; than a pseudo-article; and eventually a short story. Anyway is too long for a blog and to short as a story; it is an experiment in every meaning, besides being still a draft.

The composition was interested cause I tried to overcome the limitation of Gemini, improving the layout numerating all the paragraphs with a third level indentation, this allows you to stop reading at your convenience and to pick-up the paragraph you left anytime later.

Do not let MinuzSopht making free-software illegal — by freezr

"Do not let MinuzSopht making free-software illegal" [00-28]

"Do not let MinuzSopht making free-software illegal" [29-58]

Special Thanks

My special thanks go in order to Cage:

Cage's capsule

it helped me to exit from my stales with its — ultra polite — comments.

and to OP:

OP's capsule

Not only it is author of the server — GMID — that runs this capsule, but it always helps anytime I have issue with OpenBSD, many of them where related on how improving my productivity to finish this work. Eventually it had time to skim it helped fixing a couple of paragraphs.

Wrapping this up

This was totally different by the usual documentation — which, by the way I like make — not sure when something similar will be attempted again.

The (incomplete) Webography who inspired this story is right below:




































For comments or suggestion write me at:

freezr AT disroot DOT org

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