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Midnight Pub

Back $HOME


So, yes, I'm back. However, things didn't turn out as smoothly as I would have liked.

I did not make the connecting flight on the way westward, had to be rerouted. That cost me maybe 4 hours extra.

I made it 3 days at customers site, with some success.

Then big bad C got me for the rest of the time. Sigh!

The flight eastward went very smooth.

I'm back at work since yesterday, however, I'm still not anywhere near "as good as before". And I'm expecting this to take a while. Oh well.

~bartender? A hot chocolate with spices, and another of those Whiskys from the North of Scotland. Thanks.

So please excuse me, while I somewhat unmotivated just stare out of the window.

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~mouse wrote (thread):

Take your time ~ew to rest, always longer than you think.

Think of it as "between motivations."

Be well!

~mouse wrote:

Take your time ~ew to rest, always longer than you think.

Think of it as "between motivations."

Be well!

~tetris wrote:

I took 5 flights over 2 days earlier this year for the first time. It put me off the idea of flying or taking holidays forever. You must be exhausted and travel weary

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